How to Build a Family Tree Online at FamilySpace. FamilySpace - a reliable helper in finding relatives How to build a family tree online on FamilySpace


family space
Commercial Yes
Site type genealogical social network
Registration free
Languages) Russian
Attendance 1 million per month
Server location Russia Russia
Owner Russia Russia: Family Internet LLC
Author Alexey Zharkov
Beginning of work 2008
Current status Active


The site became available to users in 2008 and, at that time, provided both the usual functions for genealogical sites: building a family tree, family diary and calendar, uploading photos, and some innovations: the portal had a section "Library", where in a convenient user format were presented directories, address-calendars of the late XIX - early XX century. Then the authors of the project planned to collect 1.5 million users in a year.

Statistical data


Here you can order both genealogically useful services and just nice things for the family. For example, consultations on genealogy are available here (specialists will give recommendations on where and how to look for your ancestors), DNA research (FamilySpace is the first Russian genealogical portal that provides such a service), access to 533 of the rarest archives, making a family tree / books, etc..

Opinion of the Internet Society

The majority of Russian amateur genealogists highly appreciated the portal and the information and archives presented on it. However, during the development process, there were massive complaints about several things: the GEDCOM loader (the tree from the file was loaded incorrectly or not loaded at all), the function of mass removal of tree members (an error message appeared when this button was pressed

Pedigree audit- this is, first of all, assistance to a researcher who begins to independently compile a family tree. With the help of this service, you can understand where to start and determine the further algorithm of actions, based on the special knowledge of professional historians. After all, this kind of research is a real scientific work, at each stage of which unforeseen difficulties may occur. It is much easier for a specialist who knows the technology of genealogical research to put together a lot of inconspicuous details, to structure them competently.

Audit Capabilities

Using the Pedigree Audit service, anyone who applies will receive detailed advice from our specialists on the prospects for searching and the possibilities of obtaining information. This is especially true if the necessary information is maintained by a closed archive. Here the help of a knowledgeable person can be indispensable. Our specialists will help you decide which tasks of the upcoming search should be left to professionals, and which ones you can handle on your own, while saving additional funds. During the audit, the specialist will ask in detail about all known family ties, give advice on the correct execution of search queries in the archives and carefully study the documents provided by the customer.

How to Prepare for a Pedigree Audit

Pedigree research will be effective in close cooperation between the customer and consultants. In order to make the first meeting as effective as possible, it is better to prepare for it in advance:

Firstly, to clarify the main facts from the biography of the parents (where they are from, when they were born, etc.);

Secondly, describe in detail the life path of grandparents, great-grandparents, paying attention to even the most seemingly insignificant details;

Thirdly, prepare copies of existing documents, extracts, certificates, etc. Everything can be useful here, from a copy of a work book to an accidentally preserved piece of paper from a grandmother's notebook;

Well, it will not be superfluous to recall various family traditions that can shed light on family history.

The more data provided, the more detailed and accurate the pedigree analysis, the faster the new family tree will branch.

Registration of a pedigree

The end result of all the above procedures, of course, should be the structured design of the customer's pedigree. In addition to the usual scheme with names and surnames, we offer the most interesting options for individual design: various materials, colors and textures, decoration, engraving and scrapbooking. You can make a family album or a real family history book with a natural wood hardcover. Such a thing will become a worthy heritage that will be passed down from generation to generation, collecting family history on its pages.

Creation of a family tree and family social network Familyspace

Creating a family tree is a question that sooner or later confronts many families. It is understandable that in Russian conditions a very small number of families have survived that can really get to the bottom of their genealogy further than the fifth or seventh generation: Russia experienced painfully difficult times in the 20th century, so many were not up to the relevant research, and indeed very few people have preserved photos and documents. However, even a shallow look into the history of the family, at least up to the fifth or sixth generation, is often simply necessary, and for several reasons. First of all, I want to make a family tree for myself and my grandchildren. No, of course, when a child, looking at a family photo album, points his finger at an unfamiliar photo and asks: "Who is this?" - there is no problem explaining that this is his great-grandfather, his name was so-and-so, he was so-and-so, and so on. But it happens that you yourself can’t immediately name your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers and tell who they were, especially if you have never seen them, but the child still wants to show the whole structure of family relationships, and for this, nothing is better than a family tree not invented. The second important point in compiling a family tree is the participation of relatives, each of which can fill in some branches where you do not have enough information. The third point is the storage of a family photo album. It is very convenient to tie such things to a family tree and store it all together. The fourth point is the storage along with the tree of various family documents: birth certificates, diplomas, certificates, certificates, and so on and so forth. Another important circumstance is that with the help of maintaining a family tree, you can communicate with distant relatives, with whom it is very rare to communicate in ordinary life. For some, this is not a very significant argument, but for others, it is very significant. Of course, compiling a family tree "on the knee" is both a tedious and rather unpromising task. But thanks to the Internet, we got rid of the "knees" a long time ago, because there is more than one service on the Web that allows you to compile a family tree in a convenient (more or less) form and develop it together with relatives. My task of compiling a tree arose a long time ago - my parents and relatives really asked me to do it - and I studied several similar services. FamilySpace seemed to me the most convenient of them: it is not just a tool for creating and maintaining a family tree, but a whole social network, which also provides for the possibility of storing family photo albums and documents, searching for ancestors in archives of various documents, and so on. It seemed to me that this is a really useful service, so let's see how it works.

Familyspace Home Page

Disclaimer. I think it’s clear that in this article I cannot use photographs and documents related to my real relatives, and it would be too frivolous to use photos of Venusian pufferfish or cat-dogs to demonstrate, so for example I will take photos of famous and not very movie characters. And now - let's go. To start working with the service, you need to register. The surname and name are entered there (if possible - real ones) and the existing address, to which a link with confirmation of registration will be sent.

After registration, an email will be sent to the specified e-mail, in which you will need to click on the link to confirm the address. Next, you will be prompted to fill in the primary data.

After that, you will be taken to your personal account.

Go to edit profile. There, among other things, you can specify your various pages in other social networks, as well as various phone numbers for communication, which, at your request, can be seen by relatives and friends registered on this project.

By the way, information for communication - it can be very useful in the future for contacts with relatives who will join the project. We add a photo to the profile (the item "Change photo") - well, that's it, the draft is ready.

Now let's get right down to business - add relatives and start compiling a tree. (By the way, in general, it is most convenient to add relatives directly from the tree, but here it is also possible - especially when creating the list for the first time.) Go to the "Family" tab.

Add a new relative - for example, dad.

If an email address is provided, clicking the "Add to my family" button will send an email that looks like the following to that address.

Now add dad's photo. To do this, you just need to click the icon with a cross and select a photo on your computer.

Now, something is gradually emerging.

For each family member, you can fill out a profile with the same data as yours: contact methods, pages on social networks, and so on. You can also edit relationships at any time.

Please note that as soon as at least one person is added to your profile as a family member, the "View family tree" link immediately appears there - both in your profile and in the profiles of all added family members. This tree looks like this.

Let's add more relatives for clarity: we will introduce grandfather, grandmother, brother, son.

Please note that in the family list, you can sort those present by age, name, or date of registration on the service. A quick search by first or last name also works. Well, now the tree already looks solid, it’s not a shame to show it.

I must say that the tree here is built very flexibly and clearly - in fact, that's why I liked this service the most. The tree can be scaled, saved, printed. At any time, you can select one of the family members, get information on it and edit the links right in the tree and add some more relatives.

You can also rebuild the tree, starting from any member of the family - here, for example, the tree from Nigel Powers.

In the profile, you can create your own and family photo albums. The album has a title, a short description, and an access type.

Create an album

Photos in the album are entered in the same way as in the profile.

For each added photo, members allowed to view can add comments, reply to them, vote for comments.

Any photo can be used as an album cover, rotated, marked with the faces of relatives and friends.

After that, photos tagged to a specific person appear on their profile in the "Photos with" section.

Here you can also create groups for communication, where participants gather according to some common principle, can publish and discuss articles, and make their own albums. Each group has its own moderator.

Created group

Published article

Group discussion

The last tab of the profile is "Biography". It can be completed using the wizard.

The completed biography is then laid out in this tab. By the way, a very convenient thing - you can ask relatives to fill in information about themselves, including a biography.

As you enter, your profile page is updated - all sorts of new data appear there.

Main profile page

Also, at the bottom of the main profile page, you can make some notes (something like a blog), which you can comment on, and respond to comments there.

Now let's see what features are available in the top menu above "My Page" (which we just covered in detail). Here is the top menu.

Top Menu

My family- a list of relatives entered as a family. There are many interesting subsections.
Subsection Family on the map- The current location of your family members is marked on the map.

Statistics- any related statistics and statistics related directly to the service.
family ties- this is one of the most interesting and useful sections. Here you can clearly track the level of relationships of all relatives. On branched family trees, this is very important. Requests- by the way, also a very interesting opportunity. This may receive requests from users you do not know who claim to be in some kind of family relationship with you, and can somehow prove this. If you accept the request, then this person is added to your relatives. Basket- people who were removed from relatives are placed here - perhaps erroneously. Only the person who deleted it can restore a deleted relative. Messages- exchange of private messages with other registered users. Calendar- a regular calendar with public holidays and all sorts of professional holidays, as well as personal events (one-time and periodic) that can be added there.

Invite- similar to adding a new relative, to whose specified e-mail a corresponding invitation will be sent. All groups- a list of all groups created on the site (and there are under 4000 of them), which you can join.

Search- announcements about the search for certain lost relatives.
Diary- something like a general blog without the possibility of comments, access to which can be given to family members, friends, everyone. Familyspace Library The project has a large subsection, with which you can search for your relatives among a large number of various archival materials. These are the archives of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, state archives, and so on. With the help of this service, you can find relatives, the details of which were completely unknown to you before. And the site has detailed instructions on how you can really effectively find information about your relatives. Other services are also available on the site, some of which are just playful, like checking the DNA code online, while others are advanced paid services like real DNA research, retouching old photos, compiling a family photo album, genealogy consultations, compiling a family book, making hand-drawn family tree, pedigree audit and more. Settings and security Many users are reluctant to trust information about their family ties to an Internet service for fear that this information will fall into the wrong hands. To be honest, I'm having the same issue. However, whatever one may say, but we, willy-nilly, disclose information about ourselves to completely strangers - for example, remember how many times and for what reason you told the devil knows who your passport data is, and how much we tell about ourselves on the Internet - and do not count! In such cases, the creators of the service are usually primarily concerned with ensuring that user data is stored reliably and securely, otherwise, after the first scandal, they simply will not have users. Well, here in the profile settings you yourself can specify for each item who and what data can be seen. In principle, it makes a lot of sense immediately after creating your page to go there and edit the access types. conclusions The service is really very convenient and advanced. As I said, I had to test several similar services (at the request of my relatives, I took care of the problem of creating a family tree more than a year ago), and so from everything that I saw, this service is the most suitable both in terms of ease of development and opportunity point of view. In addition, it should be noted that the functionality is very well thought out here: despite the fact that Familyspace is positioned as a social network, they do not try to climb into the area occupied by the same Facebook, but provide opportunities that are no longer available in any other social network. And at the same time, the service is not oversaturated with various things that would be simply superfluous there. Well thought out, in short, and well executed. And what happiness for relatives to take part in the general compilation of the genealogical tree of our family - and not to convey. Some of them - so easily acquired a new hobby, which is to be welcomed. It's one thing to collect matchbox labels. Another is to spend time on the family tree, which in any case is very necessary for the current members of the family, and will be needed by numerous descendants.

On you can:

FamilySpace is the place where you can easily build your family tree.

feature compiling a family tree on our site is the opportunity to build a tree together with close and distant relatives. After registering in the system, you and your relatives get access to a single tree, which each of you can supplement with the information known to him. This method of building a family tree saves a lot of time and simplifies the work.

The privacy settings will let you decide who to show the tree to. Go to your friends pages and see what trees they have created!
The created family tree will become invaluable information for your descendants, the pride of the family, it will help instill in your children a love for history, their roots and family values.

People lose each other for various reasons. Previously, it was very problematic to find your relative: the imperfection and slowness of the means of communication affected, and there were no special services where people could find their relatives, friends, loved ones and loved ones. Nowadays, there are many ways to find a lost relative or friend - these are Internet search engines, and specialized services, programs, services and sites. In general, finding your relatives has become much easier and FamilySpace will help you with this.

FamilySpace is a place where you can find relatives and friends with whom you have lost contact. The search is conducted among all users of the site and their relatives, among the mentions of the surname in hundreds of constantly updated archival directories and search announcements. Search classmates and beloved teachers also become easier. If you are searching for relatives, use all available search services, for example, the “Wait for me” project, which, in addition to broadcasting, has a people search site where you can also search and leave search requests. However, try to critically assess people search sites, because recently there have been many cases of fraud.

To provide significant assistance in information about the family will help, in addition to wait for me archive genealogical information. FamilySpace stores historical documents, many of which are unique and presented on the Internet for the first time. These include materials from population censuses, parish registers, memorial books and many other materials. By searching among namesakes, you can easily find relatives, and when searching in archives, you will immediately see in which directories your surname is mentioned and, perhaps, you will find out in the people in question are their ancestors. FamilySpace search makes it easy and quick to find relatives.

If you can't find a relative, you can always post a search ad. If a person with the required surname is found, the system will automatically inform you about this. Visit your family group and find not just namesakes, but also like-minded people.

Almost every family has its own family archive. We all keep things dear to our hearts, postcards, letters, old family photos and documents. The things that make up the family archive are really valuable little things that become more valuable and more interesting over the years. However, any thing has its own shelf life, and in a couple of years you may not be able to read the lines of a letter from your grandfather who wrote to your grandmother from the front. We are lucky that now we can, without leaving our homes and completely free of charge, save valuable data for centuries and pass it on to descendants in absolute integrity. Create a family archive by storing photos, video and audio recordings, documents, archives, letters, texts, autobiographies in it. This data will not be lost, you will not need to monitor their safety and you will be able to access them from anywhere and from any device. You can choose who you are ready to show this data to.

How often do you post photos of your childhood or old family photos of your grandparents on social networks? But it is these shots that make the family history visual and vivid. Create a photo archive illustrating the history of your family.

We are expanding the boundaries of family communication. Create a family photo album together with close and distant relatives. In FamilySpace, all family photos added by relatives make up a single photo archive of your large family.

Write your own family history with your family! FamilySpace offers the possibility of keeping a diary with personal and family records. Mark events, facts in it, communicate with loved ones, look together for answers to questions about your common history, creating a new historical document: it will always be interesting to look at it for you and your descendants. If you wish, leave personal notes, notes and thoughts accessible only to you.

Was there a moment in your life when you forgot about your grandmother's birthday? Do you always remember the date of your parents' wedding anniversary? It is not easy to remember all the dates of family celebrations and just memorable days! Start a family calendar, marking important days for you in it: birthdays of relatives and friends, name days, wedding anniversaries, reminders of annual family traditions, personal memorable days ... All these dates are another way to make something pleasant for your loved ones, give a smile and receive her in response, another opportunity to keep family relations good, because great happiness consists of daily pleasant little things.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our webinars on genealogy, which discuss in detail: the method of creating a family tree, the process of searching for ancestors (the right choice of queries to the archives, and how and what sources to use when collecting information).

How to Build a Family Tree Online at FamilySpace

To add new family members, you need to select the “Next” arrow with the mouse and enter data about the new relative. If you need to edit the entered information, you need to click on the "Menu" button and go to the required action. You can edit information about relatives by going to the person's profile.

How to print a family tree layout?

Download family tree and print, possibly by selecting the printer icon. You can also use our paid design service family tree, by choosing one of the presented types of design, the service is available in the "Pleasant" section. By default, on family tree, the template is set in a classic FamilySpace design. If you wish, you can order a painting with the image of a tree, the function is available in the "Our Services" section.

Who sees my family tree?

You can set your own privacy settings and decide who to grant access to. The information may be available only to you, all your family members, friends, or all FamilySpace users. It is possible to limit the ability to view in the "Settings" section.

Also, you can limit the editing ability to your relatives, in this case they will have all the information, but they will not be able to make changes and accidentally erase something.

Is it possible to merge family trees?

If you add a FamilySpace-registered relative to your family and some of the data in your family trees overlaps, the system will automatically reconcile and offer to merge the trees. In the case of duplicates (repeated profiles) in the family tree, you can independently choose the principle by which they are combined - save data from family tree, from the tree of the relative being joined, or to save as much information as possible by combining data from both trees.

I'm using another program, how do I transfer my family tree to FamilySpace?

If you use other programs (for example, Tree of Life) or are registered in social networks (for example, MyHeritage), it is possible to import family tree on FamilySpace. First, you need to keep your family tree in GEDCOM format (usually available in the menu items "Save As" or "Export"). Next, you need to enter FamilySpace, go to the "Family" section and select the GEDCOM item, then import the resulting file to FamilySpace. Not every program allows you to export a family tree, in case of questions, we recommend that you look at the "Help" section.

How is creating a family tree on FamilySpace different from other projects?

FamilySpace is by far the largest project in Runet in the segment of family social networks. Build Tool family tree takes into account a lot of nuances associated with the peculiarity of information (for example, support for patronymics, names of cities and towns in Russia, taking into account multiple name changes, and many other factors). The tree supports complex situations, for example, when family members divorced several times and there are children from different marriages.

The FamilySpace team also independently scans archival materials, on the site you have the opportunity to find references to your ancestors in various materials, such as population censuses, address calendars, city directories.