How to glue a urinal for a girl. How to collect urine from a baby girl: little tricks and useful tips for parents. Features of the use of urinals

The birth of a baby in a family poses tasks for parents that they, being childless, did not even think about. One of the significant problems is the collection of the child's urine for analysis, because it is necessary to collect the morning urine without fail. But it turns out that there is such a convenient device as a urinal for babies. For young mothers and fathers, information on how to use a children's urinal will be very useful.

A children's urinal will help you easily collect material for delivery to the laboratory for examination. The device is made of absolutely safe, sterile thin polyethylene, contact with which does not cause irritation on children's skin. The composition of the adhesive on a disposable urinal purchased at a pharmacy includes substances that do not cause an allergic reaction and are easily removed from the skin with warm water. It is especially convenient to use a urinal for newborns if the child has a disease, due to which it is necessary to give urine for analysis regularly.

The device of urinals for girls and boys has some features, but in general, the device is a small plastic bag with a total volume of 100 ml, with markings. It is equipped with a hole with an adhesive layer, the presence of which allows you to attach the urinal to the perineum. Velcro is securely held on the body, while there is no leakage of urine.

How to properly put on a baby urinal?

Immediately after the baby wakes up, he is put on a urinal. For this child, wash with warm running water, blotting the genitals with a dry towel. Powders and various creams should not be used before urine collection, since due to foreign substances that have entered the urinal, the results of the urine test may be unreliable. In order to put on the device, first remove the protective layer from the Velcro.

How to use a urinal for girls?

The baby is laid on the back, a urinal is attached to the labia. The urine bag should be placed between the legs. A diaper or diaper is put on top. The baby does not feel any inconvenience!

How to use a urinal for boys?

The child is placed on a flat surface, the baby's penis and scrotum are brought inside the device through a special hole, the adhesive base is tightly attached directly to the skin. You can position the urine tank in any direction. Putting a diaper or panties on top of the boy will fix the device, preventing it from peeling off. In order for the process of urination to go faster, it is recommended to give the baby water to drink or breastfeed him.

After use, the urinal quickly and painlessly peels off, in no way injuring the delicate baby skin. Upon reaching the result, the baby is washed again, the skin is dried and smeared with cream. The corner of the urinal is cut, the contents of the reservoir are poured into a sterile container small volume (special children's containers for urine are sold in the pharmacy) and submitted for analysis to the laboratory.

Attention! When purchasing a urinal, take several of them, since not all parents manage to put on the device correctly the first time and collect urine. Despite the fact that the urine collection device is absolutely safe for the health of the newborn, pediatricians do not recommend that the child be in the same urinal for more than one hour. If the first time it was not possible to collect urine, and the time spent in the device expires, it is better to replace the urinal with a new one.

With the advent of a newborn, the habitual life of parents also changes dramatically. There are a lot of problems that did not exist before. Immediately after the birth of the baby, medical workers begin to monitor his well-being and health. And for this purpose, it is required from time to time to take tests of blood, urine and feces. An experienced nurse will take blood for analysis in the laboratory, it is not very difficult to collect feces from a small child, but to pass a urine test, it is best to use a urinal, which is purchased at a pharmacy. In this article, we will try to figure out how to put on a urinal for a boy to collect urine for analysis.

What is a baby urinal?

This is a cellophane (or other synthetic material) sterile container with divisions applied. It has a hole, the edges of which contain a special Velcro for attaching to the skin of the baby in the crotch area. The volume of the reservoir is 100 ml.

The urinal is designed to collect urine from infants for analysis. The device does not contain substances that cause an allergic reaction. It is easy to stick and remove. After use, the adhesive residue is well washed off with warm water. You can learn how to put on a urinal for a boy by carefully reading the instructions.

Types of urinals that are used for children

On sale there are urinals for boys and girls, which take into account the physiological characteristics of the child, and universal, suitable for both sexes. Differences in products are in the shape of the nozzle. She happens:

  • oval - universal for boys and girls;
  • ovoid, narrowing down - used for boys;
  • extended, rounded at the top, having two branches at the bottom - adapted to the physiological characteristics of the girl.

It is best to use urinals that are made taking into account the sexual characteristics of the child. How to put on a urinal for a boy is described in detail below, using it for a girl does not differ significantly.

Carrying out personal hygiene before collecting the analysis

The results of the analysis depend on how well the hygiene of the genital organs is carried out. For this you need:

  1. Mom wash her hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Remove the remnants of powder and cream from the baby.
  3. Wash the boy's genitals with soap.
  4. Pat them dry gently with a clean towel.

Hygiene should not be neglected. It allows you to keep the purity and sterility of the collected urine.

How to collect urine from a little boy under one year old?

To collect biological material, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Open the package and take out the urinal.
  2. Remove the backing paper from the sticky surface.
  3. How to put on a urinal for a baby boy? To do this, you need to put the child on his back and spread his legs. The bottom of the adhesive rim should be between the anus and the penis. Put the penis and scrotum inside the hole, and press the adhesive layer, starting from the bottom, against the skin of the perineum. You can put only the penis into the hole, and stick the bottom adhesive layer to the scrotum.
  4. It remains to wait for the result. To speed up the process of urination, the child is given water to drink or is breastfed, the lower abdomen is massaged, or a water tap is opened. After filling the reservoir, carefully unfasten it.
  5. Next, you need to cut off one of the corners of the urinal and pour the volume of contents, which is determined by the available scale, into a sterile plastic jar purchased at a pharmacy.
  6. Wash the child to remove any adhesive residue.

The collected urine must be taken to the laboratory for research within 2-3 hours. It is not difficult to use the device - you can see in the photo how to properly put on a urinal for a boy.

Advantages of a children's urinal

The use of a pharmacy urine collection device has the following advantages:

  1. Tight fastening - minimizes fluid leakage and prevents the ingress of feces.
  2. Sterility - when the urinal is properly attached, feces do not enter the urine reservoir when the child urinates and poops at the same time.
  3. Convenience - it remains for parents to observe the process and make sure that the child does not violate the fastening of the device with the movements of the legs. In addition, it is non-allergenic and does not cause skin irritation.
  4. Cheapness - it is possible to purchase several urinals in case of the first unsuccessful attempt to collect an analysis.

Disadvantages of a urinal

The disadvantages of this unpretentious device are practically absent if the tank is not damaged and securely fastened. The most important thing is to learn how to properly put on a urinal for a boy, and you will learn how to do this from this article. It is better to keep the child in your arms during the procedure to prevent accidental displacement of the urinal.

In addition, with a strong pressing of the sticky layer of the contour to the testicles and perineum of the boy, difficulties arise when removing the reservoir. In this case, damage to the skin of the child is possible. Following the recommendations for using a urinal will help prevent these troubles. The use of this device requires a certain skill and skill from parents.

Features of collecting and passing urine tests in newborns

When passing a urine test, the following points should be considered:

  • only the morning portion is used for research;
  • you can not use urine collected in a pot or squeezed from a diaper;
  • it is necessary to transport the collected biomaterial in a sterile, hermetically sealed container purchased at a pharmacy;
  • for delivery to the laboratory from the moment of urine collection, no more than three hours should pass.

To facilitate the procedure for collecting urine, it is best to use a urinal purchased from a pharmacy network. Buy at least a couple of products at once in case one of them fails. Remember that the urinal can only be used once; repeated use will violate sterility, and the results of the analysis will be distorted. And how to put on a children's urinal for a boy - you already know.

What time of day to collect urine?

Most of the laboratories involved in the study of urine receive biological material in the early morning hours. It will take about 40 minutes for all preparations and analysis to be collected. If the child is capricious, then it will take about the same amount of time to calm him down. Therefore, the mother needs to take into account all these points and get up early on the day of the test in order to be in time. Some parents ask if it is possible to collect a urine sample from the evening. It is better not to do this, because the results will not correspond to reality and subsequently you will still have to retake. It is better to prepare in advance for this procedure: carefully watch a video or photo of how to put on a urinal for a boy.

The use of this medical device greatly facilitates the procedure for taking biological material for analysis.


The pharmaceutical industry produces different types of urinals depending on the gender of the child. Simple devices that minimize fluid leakage, ensure sterility, and make urine collection easy and convenient. They are happy to be used by parents of babies. And how to put on a urinal for a boy or a girl is not difficult to learn.

Conducting laboratory tests of blood, feces and urine is a mandatory regular procedure for all, without exception, children. And if the collection of blood and feces usually does not cause any particular difficulties, then collecting the necessary portion of morning urine before going to the children's clinic can be a very difficult task for mothers. The list of actions and tricks used for this is impressive, surprising and funny: someone collects urine in a plastic bag, someone “catches” it with a basin, jar, pot, someone stimulates urination in children with the sound of pouring water, and some they even freeze their feet or use cold oilcloth... parental imagination is almost limitless. Meanwhile, special medical disposable urinals for babies have been on the market for children for a long time. In this article, we will look at this useful device and tell you how to use a children's urinal.

What does a baby urinal look like?

A children's urinal is a sterile container (usually made of cellophane or other transparent synthetic material) with a hole around which a special adhesive layer is applied (for attaching to the skin). Of course, urinals for girls and boys differ somewhat in structure, but they have a common goal - to ensure the collection of urine for subsequent laboratory tests.

How to use a urinal for girls and boys?

Consider how to put on a children's urinal:

Before you start collecting urine, wash your baby thoroughly, prepare everything you need (a urinal, a jar for collecting tests, etc.), wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Ensuring sterility is a prerequisite for collecting urine for analysis. After all, this is what helps to ensure the most accurate research results.

Open the package, remove and straighten the urinal.
Remove the protective coating (usually special waxed paper) from the sticky layer near the receiving hole.

Attach the urinal so that the child's urethra is directly in front of the urinal opening. In girls, it is attached to the labia, in boys, the penis is put inside the urinal, and the adhesive layer is fixed on the testicles.

We are waiting for the result. Some parents put on a diaper on top so that the child does not accidentally tear off the urinal by moving the legs. But at the same time, you should be careful not to accidentally peel off and move the urinal with a diaper;

When the required amount of urine has been collected, remove the urinal (for this you just need to peel it off). Do not worry that the child will be hurt - the adhesive composition is specially designed for babies and does not damage their delicate skin. Cut the corner of the urinal and pour the liquid into a sterile jar. Close the jar with a lid. Urine for analysis is ready.

To control the required amount of urine, a special marking is applied to the walls of the urinal, showing the volume of the collected "material" in milliliters. Don't worry if you can't collect a full urinal, a minimal amount of urine will suffice for most tests. Of course, it is best to find out from the pediatrician the minimum amount of urine required for analysis.

As you can see, such a simple and unpretentious item as a urinal for newborns can greatly facilitate the life of young parents and save them from the need to use various, sometimes even somewhat cruel, folk methods for collecting children's urine.

Grow healthy!

In addition to happiness, the appearance of crumbs in many parents is associated with a huge amount of trouble. So, for example, young mothers are horrified by the planned delivery of tests. And if professional laboratory assistants take blood from a finger, then you need to collect urine yourself. And despite the fact that today you can buy a urinal for newborns, many mothers continue to do this, following their grandmother's recommendations. Near the boys, they wait for the “opportune moment” with a sterile jar, the girls put home-made sterile ducks from dishes and painfully wait for the result. Such a process can not only exhaust the mother, but also infuriate the whole family, including the child. And it's a shame that such a troublesome and difficult task in half the cases ends in failure.

What is a newborn urinal? How to use it?

This "miracle", created by the developers of medical devices, is a 100 ml polyethylene container with a hole. For convenience, it has a division scale that allows you to estimate the amount of collected material. Such a urinal for newborns is attached with an adhesive tape made of hypoallergenic material. It is applied to the oval ring of the hole. To use, it is necessary to remove the protective layer from the adhesive tape and fix the device on the baby's skin around the genitals.

Important: if the baby has not urinated within an hour, the urinal should be removed and replaced with a new one in order to maintain sterile conditions. Otherwise, it is impossible to rely on the reliability of the results of the analysis. When the goal is reached and the reservoir is filled with urine, it is carefully removed and the contents are poured into a sterile test vessel purchased in advance from a pharmacy.

Types of urinals

Additional convenience in using this medical device is that today you can buy a urinal both universal and separately for girls and boys. A distinctive characteristic for all types is the shape of the hole. So, for example, for boys, the hole has the shape of an irregular oval, the upper part of which is much smaller, and for girls, a droplet shape with a forked narrow side is used.

Using a urinal is very convenient. But many parents refuse it after the first unsuccessful use, explaining this by the fact that the device is peeling off. Of course, a urinal for boys, as well as for girls, can peel off from children's skin, but more often this is the result of improper fastening. And in order to avoid such discomfort, the child should first be washed and blotted with a soft towel. Only after there is no water left on the body, you can attach a urinal. If the baby does not like this procedure, panties or a diaper can be worn over the device.

The comfort and ease of use of urinals make life much easier for mothers, this is especially noticeable during inpatient treatment of crumbs, when a urine test needs to be taken almost every day. And if at home you can catch a good moment with a jar or oilcloth, then in the hospital it is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, you should not refuse such a medical device as a urinal for newborns, because it not only simplifies the process of taking tests, but also helps prevent a stressful situation for mother and baby.

In this article:

The need to pass a urine test often occurs even in infants. The study allows you to monitor the condition of the child during the illness, and is also included in the preventive examination. But, since the baby has not yet asked for a potty, collecting the analysis can be a tedious task for parents. A urinal for newborns allows you to cope with the task without any extra effort and any discomfort for the child.

For inexperienced parents, the use of this device can be difficult. Let's try to figure out how to use a urinal for newborn girls and boys.

Why do you need a urinal?

The urinal, which is a plastic bag with an anatomically adapted for the newborn hole for collecting urine, simplifies the procedure for taking the analysis. A special Velcro located around the perimeter of the hole, under the conditions of use, prevents the reservoir from slipping and leaking liquid.

By attaching the urinal to the baby's skin in the perineal area, you can collect the analysis as soon as the baby pees. The capacity of the reservoir is 100 ml.

A urinal for newborn girls and boys not only eliminates the need to “seize the moment”, but also prevents various microorganisms contained in non-sterile containers from entering the urine (disposable bag, pot, glassware, etc.). This guarantees the reliability of the analysis result.

How to use it?

For newborns, there are universal urinals (with an oval hole), as well as those adapted to the physiological characteristics of girls and boys. For ease of use, it is better to choose the second option.

They differ only in the shape of the hole. For girls, it is oval, with two branches at the bottom, and for boys, it is egg-shaped, pointed towards the bottom.

Although fixing the tank does not cause any particular difficulties, it is worth purchasing several urinals at once, in case the analysis fails to collect the first time.

For girls

The gender of the child practically does not affect the process of using the urinal, but there are still some differences. Consider the technique of collecting analysis from girls in stages:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water and dry your child.
  2. Lay the baby on her back and spread her legs.
  3. Remove the protective covering covering the velcro of the urinal.
  4. Position the opening of the reservoir so that it is opposite the urethra. Before you collect urine from a newborn girl with a urinal, make sure it is attached correctly. The sticky contour should be in contact with the labia majora, and the anus should be outside the urine collection area.
  5. Once in the correct position, lightly press down on the sticky contour to secure the reservoir. It is more convenient to first press the urinal from the side of the anus, and then go higher.
  6. Carefully put a diaper on the child or fix the urinal with a diaper so that it does not slip when moving.
  7. Once enough urine has been collected, carefully unfasten the reservoir. In different laboratories, the volume required for analysis may differ, so it is better to clarify this issue in advance. Thanks to the markings on the tank, it will not be difficult to control the amount of liquid.
  8. Cut off one of the corners of the urinal and pour the test into a sterile container. Usually, special plastic jars sold in pharmacies are used for this.

For boys

How to collect urine from a newborn boy in a urinal? All of the above points are relevant in this case as well, only the tank mounting technique differs.

To put on a urinal for a boy, you need to place the scrotum and penis inside the hole, and then press the sticky contour to the skin of the perineum. You can insert only the penis into the tank, then the lower part of the retainer will be attached to the scrotum.

The only thing that can complicate the collection of analysis is the baby’s lack of desire to pee. Breastfeeding or bottle feeding can help encourage your baby to urinate. You can also turn on the tap in the bathroom and let the baby listen to the sound of water. Another way to speed up the collection of urine is to lightly massage the child's lower abdomen.

If all these methods did not help, you need to wait a bit. But remember, for the analysis to be reliable, after an hour of use, the urinal must be replaced with a new one, even if the baby has not peed. After collecting the required amount of urine, it should be immediately delivered to the laboratory.

The maximum shelf life of the analysis is 2-3 hours. If it is not possible to get there quickly, in hot weather it should be transported in a cooler bag.

Advantages and disadvantages of the urinal

The use of a urinal, in comparison with the collection of analysis by improvised methods, has many advantages. The most obvious of these is ease of use. In addition, a urinal for newborns, the instructions for which clearly illustrate the process of putting it on, minimizes the risk of fluid leakage.

There are other important advantages:

  1. Sterility. Any household container may not be clean enough, which will distort the results of the analysis. In addition, babies often pee and poop at the same time. In this case, the use of a urinal (if it is attached correctly) will help to avoid the entry of feces into the analysis, which is not guaranteed by other methods of urine collection.
  2. The convenience of such a tank for a child. The materials from which the urinal is made do not cause allergies in the baby and do not irritate the skin.
  3. The cheapness of products, which allows them to be purchased with a margin, in case the analysis fails on the first attempt.

The disadvantages of urinals are practically absent. But the reviews of parents contain information about the possibility of product leakage. If the tank is not damaged and securely fastened, this is unlikely.

Also, if it is not put on correctly (pressing the adhesive contour too hard against the perineum of the newborn), it may be difficult to remove the reservoir. More effort will be required, which will increase the risk of damage to the baby's skin. Compliance with the recommendations for use can prevent this.

A urinal for newborns is a modern product that makes life easier for young parents. With its help, collecting urine from a baby will be much easier, and the result of the analysis will be more reliable. Using a urinal requires some skill, but its low cost allows you to make as many attempts as needed.

Useful video: instructions for using the Apexmed children's urinal