Motor activity of preschoolers. Health and physical activity of a preschooler


The influence of the organization of the motor mode in kindergarten on the health of children.


1. Theoretical and methodological features of the impact of physical activity in preschool educational institutions on the development of children 6

1.1. Influence of motor activity and motor regimen on the mental and physical health of children 6

1.2. The role and place of physical education in the organization of physical culture and health-improving work and the development of the personality of preschool children 10

2. Methodology for organizing the motor regime and physical culture and health work in preschool educational institution 15

2.1. Healthy lifestyle in the system of physical education of preschool children 15

2.2. Types of motor activity used in preschool educational institution 18

2.3. Model of the motor regime of preschool children 21




Relevance of the topic. Health is an invaluable gift and non-renewable asset not only for each individual, but also for society as a whole. Meeting and parting with loved ones, people very often wish each other good health, since it is health that is the main condition and guarantee of an active and eventful life. Health helps people to realize their plans, effectively solve the most important life tasks, achieve goals, overcome obstacles, and in some cases endure significant overloads.

Saving one's own health is the direct responsibility of every person, he has no moral right to shift it to others. In the modern world, one can observe how some people imprudently ruin their own health with an incorrect hypodynamic lifestyle, bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, and at a relatively young age accumulate a whole “bouquet” of serious and often already incurable diseases. From an early age, you need to learn how to lead an active lifestyle, accustom yourself to hardening, physical education and sports, personal hygiene, in other words, strive for a healthy lifestyle for true harmony and personal development.

The formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, and in particular the organization of the motor regime of children, remains a hot topic today. In recent years, there has been a trend towards physical inactivity and a deterioration in national health throughout the world. In particular, there is an increase in the incidence rate for all major groups of diseases, high mortality, a decrease in the birth rate, etc. It is impossible to reverse this negative trend relying only on medicine, since in most cases doctors are not dealing with preventive work, but with treatment already advanced diseases. Thus, it is much easier to achieve a high level of all types of health (mental, physical and others) if the habits of a healthy lifestyle and high physical activity are laid down in childhood.

For this reason, the issue of competent organization of the motor regimen in children remains relevant. It is physical education and sports that provide the needs of a growing body for physical activity. Therefore, physical education is an integral part of the educational process as a whole. But it should also be remembered that unsystematic physical education training or the teacher's desire to unreasonably increase the load may not help, but, on the contrary, harm students. We must not forget that only physical education, which is based on a consistent and understandable system, brings benefits. The motor activity of preschool children should be focused on physical and personal development, as well as be in interaction with the accumulated experience, cognitive interests, aspirations and functional capabilities of the body. Proper organization of the motor regime contributes to the formation of one of the important needs of the child in a healthy lifestyle. It represents the attitude of a person to his own activities that support and strengthen his health.

The purpose of this work is to study the influence of the organization of the motor regime in a preschool educational institution on the health of children.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

    To analyze the impact of motor activity and motor mode on the mental and physical health of children;

    Consider the role and place of physical education in the organization of physical culture and health work and the development of the personality of preschool children;

    To analyze the role and place of a healthy lifestyle in the system of physical education of preschool children;

    Consider the types of motor activity used in the preschool educational institution;

    Consider a model of the motor regime of preschool children.

The object of the study is the motor mode of preschool children.

The subject of the study is the organization of the motor regime of preschool children as part of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions.

To solve the tasks set, such methods as the analysis of theoretical and methodological literature, the practical experience of teachers, and pedagogical observations were used.

Work structure. This work consists of an introduction, two chapters, five paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Theoretical and methodological features of the impact of physical activity in preschool educational institutions on the development of children

1.1. The influence of motor activity and motor mode on the mental and physical health of children

Motor activity has a major impact on the state of human health, movement plays a special role in the process of growth and development of the child's body. The intensity of muscular work during physical exercises causes a high level of requirements for vital functional systems and has a strengthening and developing effect on them. Under the influence of such intensive work, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, and the activity of the nervous system and some other physiological processes are regulated.

When performing various physical exercises, especially cyclic, breathing becomes deeper, thereby improving the pulmonary ventilation of the child. Physical activity strengthens children's immunity, the development of various physiological and other systems of the body, the acceleration of metabolic processes. Conversely, physical inactivity and insufficient motor activity cause negative changes in the activity of the central nervous system of the child, which ultimately lead to emotional overstrain and instability, metabolic disorders in the body, as well as to a decrease in the functionality of such systems as: cardiovascular, respiratory and bone and, accordingly, , reduces the performance of the child's body as a whole.

A properly organized motor mode in a preschool educational institution contributes not only to the physical development of children and the strengthening of their health, but also develops perception, thinking, attention, spatial and temporal representations. During the performance of physical exercises, moral and volitional qualities are formed in children, namely: purposefulness, perseverance, endurance, endurance.

Performing physical exercises or participating in sports games also observed the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers. They feel joy, emotional uplift from the manifested energy when performing various exercises, from the freedom to perform them. Children have the flexibility of thinking and therefore are easily included in team play activities.

Properly organized motor mode is an extremely important process for the physical, psychological and other development of preschool children. Working muscles transmit impulses to the brain, stimulating the activity of the central nervous system and thereby developing it and activating metabolic processes. 1

In addition, a harmoniously organized motor mode in the preschool educational institution contributes both to an increase in muscle strength and to the accumulation of the body's energy reserves. Preschool children restore the expended energy with some excess, thus, a certain excess of it is formed. That is why as a result of motor activity, the development of muscle mass occurs, which ensures the growth of the body. But this is not just a weight gain, it is a prerequisite for increasing the intensity of physical activity. 2

There is a direct relationship between the level of physical activity of children and the level of their vocabulary, development of speech, thinking. Under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body, the synthesis of biologically active compounds increases, which improve sleep, positively affect the mood of children, increase their mental and physical performance.

The organization of the motor mode in the preschool educational institution is a pedagogical process that is aimed at preserving the health, physical and motor development of preschoolers. In the process of motor activity, the tasks of versatile development (intellectual, moral, aesthetic, labor) are simultaneously solved. Thus, this concept is considered in the classical sense, however, it should be noted that at present there is no single approach to the organization of the motor regime.

Some teachers assume that the essence of motor activity is at the biological level, others consider it in a broader aspect, assuming that it reflects all the main types of physical education; others think that physical activity is the process of managing physical development; the fourth consider it as a form of physical education, the specificity of which lies in teaching movements and educating physical qualities. In this regard, it is advisable to approach the analysis of the organization of the motor mode in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, the organization of the motor mode in the preschool educational institution is an educational process, which is characterized by all the common features characteristic of the pedagogical process, focused on the comprehensive physical development of students, their preparation for social responsibility in society. In a narrow sense, it is a type of education, a pedagogical process that is carried out according to the laws of activity, supports the consistent formation and development of motor skills and abilities, simultaneously with the optimization of the development of a person’s physical qualities, the totality of which determines his physical capacity. .

The Law on Physical Culture and Sports in Russian Federation physical culture is an integral part of social culture, and physical education is the most important direction of state social policy. Acting as an integral part of the general culture and professional training of a student, physical culture is an obligatory section of the humanitarian part of education, the significance of which is reflected in the harmonization of spiritual and physical forces, the formation of such universal values ​​as health, physical and mental well-being, physical perfection. 3

The requirements that apply to the organization of the motor mode in the preschool educational institution are focused on the development of a harmonious personality of the child. Practice shows that the link of preschool educational institutions has all the possibilities for preparing children who are physically prepared for schooling with moral-volitional, spiritual, moral and psychological qualities appropriate for their age.

Motor activity of preschool children stimulates the development of mental activity, promotes faster assimilation of educational material, increases the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.

Methodological approaches to the organization of the motor regime are a set of ideas and conceptual provisions for the use of pedagogical technologies, views that provide not only the physical and mental development of children, but also have a health-saving value and prepare them for schooling. The substantive basis for their implementation lies in the planning, training of physical education teachers, the quality of their training sessions, the material, technical, financial and medical support of the pedagogical process, control, verification and evaluation of the effectiveness of educational activities.

1.2. The role and place of physical education in the organization of physical culture and health-improving work and the development of the personality of preschool children

Education is an extremely complex, multilateral and complex process. In the process of physical education, it is necessary to observe the didactic principle - from the less complex to the more complex. A different approach is unacceptable, since the process of education involves a complex process of simultaneous development of the mental, physical, moral and aesthetic qualities of an individual's personality, as well as the formation of his worldview, solving the problems of labor and patriotic education. Physical culture, achieving its specific goals, at the same time, to one degree or another, has an active influence on all aspects of the student's personal education, and, above all, on moral education. Preservation of health, development of one's physical and moral-volitional qualities, formation of the need for physical exercises is the moral duty of every person. 4

Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at preserving the health, physical and motor development of the child. In the process of physical education, the tasks of versatile development (intellectual, moral, aesthetic, labor) are simultaneously solved. Thus, this concept is interpreted in the classical sense, however, it should be noted that at present there is no common understanding of the essence of physical education.

Some scientists suggest that the essence of physical education is at the biological level, others consider physical education in a broader aspect, assuming that it reflects all the main types of education; others believe that physical education is a process of managing physical development; the fourth consider it as a type of education, the specificity of which lies in teaching movements and educating physical qualities. In this regard, physical education should be considered in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, physical education is an educational process, which is characterized by all the common features characteristic of the pedagogical process, focused on the comprehensive physical development of children, their preparation for social responsibility in society. Physical education in the narrow sense is a type of education, a pedagogical process that is carried out according to the laws of activity, supports the consistent formation and development of motor skills and abilities, simultaneously with the optimization of the development of a person’s physical qualities, the totality of which determines his physical capacity. .

Physical education has a controlled effect on the physical development of the child, including the development of certain physical and special qualities, the expansion of the functional capabilities of various organs and systems. In the complex of social factors that determine to some extent the development of the individual, physical education is endowed with a special role, as a type of education, specifically focused on improving physical development.

In the Law on Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation, physical culture is an integral part of public culture, and physical education is the most important direction of state social policy. Acting as an integral part of the general culture and professional training of a student, physical culture is an obligatory section of the humanitarian part of education, the significance of which is reflected in the harmonization of spiritual and physical forces, the formation of such universal values ​​as health, physical and mental well-being, physical perfection.

The main goal of physical culture and sports is to form the physical culture of the student, prepare for social and labor activities, preserve and strengthen the health of the individual. In the program of secondary educational institutions, the achievement of this goal is realized through the upbringing of the physical culture of the individual.

The requirements that apply to the system of physical culture and sports education are focused on the development of a harmonious personality. Practice shows that the link of secondary educational institutions has all the possibilities for training physically strong people with high moral-volitional, spiritual, moral and psychological qualities.

A high level of physical fitness indicates the ability to accurately perform their training and social functions, cope with physical and psychological stress, overcome neuropsychic stress, recover in short periods of rest. Physically prepared students do not feel tired so quickly, they learn educational material more easily, as a rule, they study well and have a desire to engage in extracurricular activities.

Training and competition are associated with high physical and psychological overload. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the use of pedagogical, psychological, medical and biological means of recovery; differentiation of training loads based on recovery; recommendations on the nutrition of athletes in accordance with the specifics of the sport; the effective use of such forms of sports support as a sauna or massage, the intake of vitamins and other restorative agents.

In the process of physical culture and sports education, visual and teaching aids, photo, television, video films, and records of competitions provide significant assistance.

The physical culture of a person is associated with the desire, need and ability of a person to preserve and improve his bodily "I". To do this, students must have knowledge about the morphofunctional features of various organs and systems of the body, the impact of physical work and exercise on their development, as well as on the development of strength and endurance.

Another necessary condition for the formation of a person's physical culture is the desire to master a system of certain skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, psychological well-being, and the development of abilities. The main requirement is the practical application of knowledge and skills in your life.

Methodological approaches to the organization of physical culture and sports education are a set of ideas and conceptual provisions for the use of pedagogical technologies, views that provide training in the future of highly professional specialists who are able to successfully train and educate the younger generation. The substantive basis for their implementation lies in the planning, training of teachers, the quality of their training sessions, the material, technical, financial and medical support of the pedagogical process, monitoring, testing and evaluating the effectiveness of educational and research activities. In physical culture and sports activities, natural, moral, ethical, mathematical methods of modeling and implementing socio-pedagogical tasks are used. 5

The theory of physical culture and sports as a scientific discipline is aimed at solving the problems of the student's integral personal development, representing an integral part of the system for the development of general culture and preparation for work. The educational process is focused on the rational development of spiritual and physical strength, life and human values, health, physical, psychological and social well-being of students.

Thus, the functions of physical culture and sports are in a purposeful pedagogical process and act as factors of sociocultural significance that provide the psychological and biological potential of students' life. The physical condition of students is influenced by many factors, among which a healthy lifestyle is important. The main elements are daily learning activities, systematic physical exercises and rational organization of the daily routine.

2. Methodology for the organization of the motor regime and physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution

2.1. Healthy lifestyle in the system of physical education of preschool children

Education of a healthy lifestyle increase in physical activity in the preschool educational institution is carried out during the entire period of study and is carried out in various forms that are interconnected, complement each other and represent a single process of physical education of preschoolers.

Physical culture and sports are the main form of physical education. They are planned for curricula for all groups, and their implementation is carried out by physical education teachers of the preschool educational institution.

Mass health-improving, physical culture and sports events are aimed at attracting children to regular physical education and sports, at health preservation, and improving the physical and sports training of preschoolers. Such activities are implemented on the basis of the initiative and initiative of the families of preschool children, with the methodological guidance of the teaching staff. 6

Work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and increasing physical activity in the system of physical education can be carried out as follows:

    development of motor mode of children;

    participation of preschoolers in the quarterly events “For a healthy lifestyle!”;

    development of a plan for sports events and holidays with the involvement of families of preschoolers, etc.

In addition to the above activities in the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the process of physical education, the work of a socio-psychological service is organized:

    development of the program "Education and Health" in the following areas (diagnostic, corrective and preventive, advisory, educational and methodological);

    conducting trainings with parents of preschool children.

Sports can also be held in preschool mass work within the framework of physical education:

    participation in the All-Russian Day of Running;

    holding a sports contest among preschoolers in team games or running;

    carrying out sports and recreational activities within the framework of the action "Merry ski track";

    holding dance competitions among preschoolers.

An important role in a healthy lifestyle is played by patriotic education;

    design of the stand "Our memory";

    participation of preschoolers in autumn and spring environmental clean-up days;

    organization of excursions to places of military glory;

    organization of meetings of students with participants of the Great Patriotic War;

    organization of participation in the poster competition "Salute of Victory", etc.

A well-thought-out system of educating a healthy image within the framework of the physical education of preschoolers contributes to both health improvement and an integrated approach to the implementation of ideological, moral, labor and aesthetic education.

Modern pedagogical science calls on preschool educational institutions to solve the problem of preserving the health of children by organizing a health-saving pedagogical process, where health-saving pedagogical technologies play the main role.

When organizing a health-saving educational process, it is necessary to pay great attention to the child's motor activity, as a natural need for movement. Motor activity affects the health and performance of a growing organism, is essential condition all-round development and upbringing of the child. After all, the more actively the child is involved in the world of movements, the richer and more interesting his physical and mental development, the stronger his health. 7

The need to optimize the physical preparation of children for school is due to the increase in the volume of educational loads and the intensification of the educational process in modern primary school and can be achieved by improving the motor modes of children in kindergarten with purposeful development and training school significant physical qualities. In the general system of comprehensive and harmonious development of a person, the physical education of a child of preschool age occupies a special place. At preschool age, the foundations of good health, proper physical development, and high performance are laid. During these years, the formation of motor activity takes place, as well as the initial education of physical qualities. Movement is a means of knowing the world around us, meeting the biological needs of the body.

At preschool age, during the period of intensive growth and development of children, it is especially important to provide an optimal mode of motor activity that contributes to the timely development of motor skills, the correct formation the most important organs and systems.

2.2. Types of motor activity used in preschool educational institution

The children's organism at preschool age is characterized by rapid development, which leads to the improvement of motor abilities and mechanisms. The development of conditioned reflexes in children occurs quickly, but they are not fixed immediately, so the skills of children are characterized by some flexibility and instability. Since the processes of excitation and inhibition quite easily replace each other, preschoolers quickly get tired and lose interest in the game or activity. Moreover, in preschool children, the processes of excitation are predominant over the processes of inhibition. Accordingly, for the development of motor activity and the consolidation of skills as a motor stereotype, a certain cyclicity and regularity of exposure to stimuli is necessary. 8

Providing conditions for free motor activity of children in the organization of the motor mode contributes to the harmonious and consistent development of the central nervous system, and, accordingly, the rapid development of the psyche and fine motor skills of children. It is known that at the age of six or seven years, conditioned connections are fixed and develop also in the learning process. With an increase in muscle load and improvement in physical fitness, a more intensive development of the child occurs.

In accordance with the studies of T.P. Yurko and V.G. Frolov, children at the age of six to seven years increase their height and body weight twice as compared with the initial indicators, the volume of the chest increases by fifteen centimeters. This is due to the physiological development and level of physical fitness. The skeletal system in children is more saturated with protein tissue than in adults. Therefore, in children, the bones are characterized by flexibility and softness, they do not yet have sufficient strength, therefore they quickly give in to external influences and acquire irregular shape. Knowing this, it is necessary to organize the motor mode in accordance with the functional and age capabilities of children.

The need for physical activity in many children is so high that doctors consider the age of four to seven years as a period of motor extravagance. The tasks of the teacher in the process of organizing the motor regime are to control the physical activity of children, taking into account their personal physical and psychological characteristics, as well as taking into account the temperament of those children who prefer sedentary games.

A correct and balanced motor regime is of great health-saving importance in the process of upbringing and development of preschool children, the following priorities can be identified in the organization of a motor regime.

In the first place in the motor mode of children should be training sessions in physical culture. Classes are the main form of development of motor skills and increasing the motor activity of preschoolers. Classes must be held three times a week in the morning, and one of the classes must be held on outdoors. If the preschool educational institution has the opportunity to conduct classes in the pool, then it is advisable to teach preschoolers to swim at least twice a week.

In second place in the motor mode of children should be sports and recreational activities, which consist of morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, as well as physical education sessions in classes with mental stress.

In order to organize a motor regime and harden children of preschool age, it is necessary to carry out additional types of physical culture and recreation activities that are interconnected with a complex of health-saving activities, such activities may include jogging in the fresh air, jogging along massage paths in combination with taking air baths; gymnastics after daytime sleep; motor warm-up in between classes with mental load with open windows; walks, hikes in the forest; corrective gymnastics in combination with dry massage, etc.

In the third place in the process of organizing the motor regime should be individual motor activity, which occurs at the initiative of children. Individual motor activity is an important source of play activity and an integral part of a child's self-development.

When organizing a motor regime, it is important to give active rest, including it is advisable to hold such events as: a week of sports, healthy leisure, physical culture and sports holidays in the fresh air and water, games - competitions and children's olympiads. It is also necessary to include additional types of classes in general physical training, team games and sports dancing in the motor mode.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain a connection between the kindergarten and the family, including the need to involve children in physical activity and families, setting feasible tasks at home, organizing sports activities for children together with families, encouraging families to participate in sports and recreation mass events of remote control.

Accordingly, the above types of motor activity, being in the process of supplementing and enriching each other, in a complex support an acceptable level of motor activity of each child throughout the entire time of his stay in a preschool educational institution.

One of the priority directions in the field of physical culture and sports is the improvement of the system of physical education of children and students. The level of the state of health of children and youth remains alarming, which is expressed in the growth in the number of students exempted from physical education lessons and the decrease in the level of physical fitness of conscripts. For a fundamental change in the existing situation, it is necessary to increase the number and quality of training sessions and extracurricular work in physical education.

Thus, in the public mind, the opinion has been firmly formed that a healthy lifestyle of society as a whole and of each person individually is basic condition formation and maintenance of health, which is the basis wellness and active mood, which as a result leads to the improvement of the nation, to the solution of many social problems of modern Russia.

The development of a healthy lifestyle in the system of physical education is an important national task. Teachers should make every effort to solve it, since the improvement of the nation is the duty of all people and each inhabitant of our country individually.

2.3. Model of motor mode of preschool children

The motor mode in a preschool institution includes all the dynamic activities of children, both organized and independent. When organizing an optimal motor regimen, a physical education teacher should ensure the physical needs of children in physical activity, as well as provide for the effective content of physical and sports events, which should be based on the optimal proportion of various types of physical activity, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. The motor activity of preschool children should be focused on the cognitive interests, aspirations and functional capabilities of the child's body.

When organizing the optimal motor mode of a preschooler using non-traditional approaches, a rational ratio of different types of activities is ensured, selected taking into account age and individual characteristics, the content side of the motor mode is taken into account, which is aimed at physical development and satisfaction of the biological need of children for physical activity, at the development of intellectual and creative child's abilities.

Low level physical activity can cause disruption of the cardiovascular system, obesity, vegetative dystonia, atherosclerosis. The lack of impulses that come from the muscles to the central nervous system causes a sharp weakening of the entire life system. The norms of physical activity are given in table 1.

Table 1

Norms of physical activity

Number of steps, thousand per day

12-13 thousand

14-15 thousand

15-16 thousand

17-18 thousand

It should be noted that if a child suffers from hyperactivity, then the optimization of his motor activity should be carried out by offering various game exercises and games to increase attentiveness, improve coordination, that is, those games that require accuracy of movements, help reduce chaotic (extra) movements interfere with concentration.

Accordingly, in order to optimize motor activity, it is necessary to distribute children into subgroups, depending on the level of mobility, while analyzing such indicators as the randomness of movements, their pace; restraint, aggressiveness; desire for additional movements; fast falling asleep, fast fatigue and restoration of working capacity; ability to communicate with children, emotional state.

To optimize motor activity, it is necessary to create some conditions in a preschool educational institution and at home, which include: a flexible daily routine, independent motor activity of children with various aids and simulators, activation of motor activity, individual approach to children, in conducting physical culture and recreation classes in the gym and in the fresh air, individual work on the development of movements, conducting music classes, conducting physical education sessions and logo-rhythmic gymnastics. When organizing a motor regime, it is necessary to carry out sports leisure activities with outdoor games.

All organized activities to optimize the motor mode of preschoolers must meet the following requirements:

    use of the latest achievements of science and practice;

    implementation in the optimal ratio of all didactic principles;

    providing conditions for the development of cognitive activity;

    establishment of integrative links;

    motivation and activation of the cognitive activity of the child;

    emotional component (elements of creativity and novelty, game and imaginary situations, humor and jokes, etc.).

In a preschool educational institution, it is advisable to use the following methods to optimize the motor activity of children: 9

    creating a file of visual aids for self-study;

    renovation (additional equipment) of the gym, sports corners in the group with power simulators;

    equipment of sports corners with new, modern games;

    creation (equipment) of relaxation corners with visual images of relaxation exercises and pictures for self-massage.

Optimization of the motor activity of older preschool children in a preschool institution made it possible to present a model of the motor regime, which presents a list of different types of physical education classes, and also reflects the features of their organization.

A rational combination of different types of physical culture classes represents a whole range of health-improving, educational and educational activities. The content of the classes is different, each of them in one way or another has its own specific purpose.

Morning gymnastics, gymnastics after a daytime sleep, walks - hiking in the forest, outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk perform organizational and recreational tasks. Physical education, motor warm-up relieve fatigue in children and increase their mental performance. In the classroom, children learn, acquire the necessary skills, abilities, knowledge. Weeks of health, sports leisure, sports holidays - this is an active holiday. Interest circles develop children's motor skills and creativity. Individual and differentiated work is designed to correct physical and motor development. Corrective gymnastics (prescribed by a doctor) solves therapeutic and prophylactic problems and is intended for children with poor health. Logo-rhythmic gymnastics is necessary for the prevention of speech disorders in children and the development of motor skills.

Depending on the purpose, all of the above types of classes, their nature can change and be repeated at different intervals during the day, week, month, year, making up the so-called health-improving motor regimen for preschool children.


By organizing the correct motor mode for preschoolers, teachers ensure their normal and harmonious mental, intellectual and physical development. Physical activity acceptable in terms of volume and form has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the brain, central nervous system, skeletal and other systems, improves efficiency and activates the cognitive interests of children, etc.

Obtaining the necessary knowledge on the development of physical movement skills, and getting acquainted with the basics of a healthy lifestyle, preschoolers get the opportunity for individual physical education and sports not only in an educational institution, but also at home. Thus, sport becomes the norm for children.

The motor mode of preschool children should be saturated with various types and forms of motor activity, and it is also necessary to alternate physical exercises and games of varying intensity, the basis may be the formation of various variable motor modes.

In each preschool educational institution, a physical education teacher must show creativity to the process of organizing an effective motor mode and choose your own option, taking into account the characteristics of the preschool institution in which he carries out professional activities.

In conclusion, it should be noted that a healthy lifestyle is an important component of an active and successful life in a rapidly changing world. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life that is based on moral and psychological principles, is rationally organized, active, labor, protecting from adverse environmental influences, allowing to maintain physical and mental health until old age.

The main task of society and the state is to introduce into educational standards a large number of aspects that are associated with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. First of all, it is necessary to actively work with families in order to eradicate bad habits, in particular, smoking and alcoholism. From childhood, a child must take care of his own, thanks to a healthy lifestyle, each person has great opportunities to save and strengthen their health, to maintain capacity and physical activity.


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1 Vydrin V. M. Methodical problems of the theory of physical culture // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2010. - No. 6. - S. 10-12.

2 Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 368 p.

3 Vydrin V. M. Methodical problems of the theory of physical culture // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2010. - No. 6. - S. 10-12.

4 Vydrin V. M. Methodical problems of the theory of physical culture // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2010. - No. 6. - S. 10-12.

5 Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 368 p.

6 Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 368 p.

7 Vydrin V. M. Methodical problems of the theory of physical culture // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2010. - No. 6. - S. 10-12.

8 Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 368 p.

9 Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 368 p.

Organization of the motor regime of preschoolers during the day

One of the main factors in the improvement of children is physical activity. The first seven years are the years of rapid mental and physical development of the child, whose body and its functions are far from perfect and are easily exposed to various influences. That is why it is so important that during this period of development of children we provide them with a pedagogically appropriate environment. From the state of health of the child, the ability to control his movements, his dexterity, orientation, speed of motor reaction, his mood, the nature and content of the game, and further achievements in educational and labor activities largely depend.

Proper organization of physical education of children in Everyday life ensures the implementation of the motor regime necessary for a healthy physical condition the child and his psyche during the day.

Health-improving and upbringing-educational tasks of the program of physical education of children are carried out in various forms: outdoor games, walks, individual work with individual children and small groups, self-study of children with various types of physical exercises and sports holidays. The child receives the basis for the successful mastery of motor skills in systematic physical education classes. However, the improvement, stability of acquired skills and their independent acquisition by a child in various conditions of life cannot be carried out only through classes alone. To give children the opportunity to exercise and independently apply skills in their activities, the teacher uses various forms of work in the established daily routine.

In addition to daily morning gymnastics and a certain number of physical education classes per week, the teacher during the day must provide time for a variety of outdoor games, individual lessons and provides an opportunity for children to unite and play or exercise on their own.

Outdoor games as the main motor activity of preschool children are planned by the teacher in different times days according to the regimen of each age group. In the morning, before breakfast, there are always games on the interests of children. Among them there are also independent outdoor games of small children's groups. Outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk are a form of daily work of a preschool institution for physical education. On a walk, the duration of games and exercises is 10-12 minutes, if a physical education lesson is planned that day, 30-40 minutes on other days. In the evening, outdoor games and physical exercises should be given 10-15 minutes. This form of work opens up wide opportunities for the physical improvement of children, strengthening their health and tempering. It is important that children have game material, physical education aids and equipment that stimulates physical activity. Therefore, it is extremely important to search for new forms and content of role-playing games ("Rocket launch", "Firefighters in training", "Sports competitions", etc.).

The driving environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment that contribute to the development of the game. To stimulate motor activity in the group, it is necessary to create obstacle courses on the site so that children can perform various motor tasks (walk along the paths, jump from bump to bump, climb into the tunnel, climb the ladder-"mast", etc.). You can strengthen the "Hit the Ring" simulator, make markings on the floor for playing "Classics". It is desirable to organize the space in such a way that there is an opportunity for multi-variant games. In addition, it is good to have a card file of various games, movements, exercises in the group, consisting of cards on which general developmental exercises are schematically depicted, the main types of movements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics, fragments of relay races and other outdoor games. Working with cards helps children to use the accumulated motor experience in independent activities, teaches them to organize competitions with their peers, and obey the rules. It is necessary to take out toys (reins, turntables, wheelchairs, etc.) and small physical education aids (sticks, hoops, balls, ropes, etc.) to the sites.

Thus, a variety of outdoor games contribute to comprehensive development children, contribute to the improvement of the body, enrich the life of children with new content, educate their feelings, behavior, orientation in the environment, independence and creative initiative.

Individual work with children in physical education must be built on the basis of knowledge of age and a thorough study of the individual typological characteristics of children. Individual work begins at an early age. It is planned throughout the day during the hours of games, walks, it should be a natural and organic part of the overall pedagogical process. Achieving success in teaching motor actions, the educator not only offers the child to perform the exercise correctly, for example, according to his model, but also tries to arouse interest in the task. In the process of individual communication with the teacher at a pace convenient for the child, he, consciously perceiving the task and relying on the guidelines indicated to him, performs it. In these cases, individual training not only contributes to the development of this motor action, but also develops the child, activates it. mental activity. Combining children into small groups is also advisable when conducting outdoor games with rules, in order to clarify these rules, and to learn the obligation of these performances. The allocation of shy children as leaders, the involvement of sedentary children in motor activities, etc. Thus, the complex tasks of individual work and work with small groups of children require the educator to have fine skills, a sensitive attitude towards children, and a strict comparative accounting of the results of work that shows progress mental and physical development of children.

Physical education (short-term physical exercises) are held in the middle, senior and preparatory groups in between classes, as well as in the process of the lesson itself. The value of physical education is to change the nature of the activity and posture of the child through motor activity, relieving fatigue, restoring the emotionally positive state of the psyche. Physical education in the process of the lesson itself can be held sitting or standing at the table at which the children are engaged. It consists of 2-3 trunk extension exercises, arm movements that activate the muscles and expand the chest, and step in place. All this is done within 1-2 minutes. Physical education between two classes can be carried out in the form of an outdoor game and exercises. A prerequisite for physical education is fresh air (open transoms, windows). At the end of the exercise, and if an outdoor game was held, a short walk, the teacher reminds the children what else they will do and offers to calmly take their seats.

No less important is independent motor activity during the day. Being engaged independently, the child focuses on actions leading to the achievement of the goal that captivates him. Achieving its successful implementation, he changes the methods of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate. The incentive for independent motor activity of children of all age groups is, first of all, the presence in the group or on the site of various toys, small and large physical education aids. In the group of children of the third year of life, toys that stimulate independent initial actions are advisable: various wheelchairs, strollers, cars, balls, balls that are convenient for throwing, tossing, rolling into gates, etc. Of the major benefits that encourage children to move, slides are needed, ladders, benches, boxes and other devices on which children practice climbing, crawling, crawling, etc. under the guidance of a teacher.

For independent motor activity of children of the fourth year of life, the teacher selects motor toys, small physical education aids and games in accordance with the instructions of the Kindergarten Education Program. For throwing and throwing balls various sizes, bags, rings, various interesting in design and shape: ring throws, throwing shields, hoops, short and long ropes. For children of older groups, especially preparatory, it is advisable to play games with elements of sports games - volleyball, basketball, towns, badminton, table tennis, preparing children to familiarize themselves with the rules of these games and to master some of the simplest elements in order to prepare for school and playing sports.

A large place in the independent activity of children should be occupied by outdoor games with rules: they develop creative initiative, organizational skills, develop criteria for assessing the behavior of participants and the implementation of the rules, bring children together.

All the specified variety of independent motor activity of children is provided for in the plan of the educator. All the diverse motor activities of children during the day take place under the guidance of an educator. The creation of a calm environment, the maintenance of a cheerful mood of children, the expedient employment of each child, a change in activity, its dosage, and observance of the entire motor regimen depend on it. The teacher should be ready in any case to help the children and at the same time not to rush and not deprive them of initiative, the opportunity to think, to show effort in mastering physical exercises, performing various game tasks, etc.

The life of children during the day should proceed within the established regime, without haste and constant haste, contrary to the basics of hygiene of the child's nervous system. Physical education in all its components alternates with other activities and activities of children. If this alternation is systematically observed, the daily routine causes positive reaction children.

The tasks of the educator are to ensure that the children are able to learn something new every day, improve what is already familiar, enrich their knowledge and feelings, and, leaving home, have an interesting prospect for tomorrow - to play the promised interesting game go for a long walk. Each educator can create such an interesting full-fledged life.

« Motor activity of preschoolers»

Physical education instructor

Vasilyeva E.Yu.

In the general system of comprehensive and harmonious development of a person, the physical education of a child of preschool age occupies a special place. At preschool age, the foundations of good health, proper physical development, and high performance are laid. During these years, the formation of motor activity takes place, as well as the initial education of physical qualities.

Movement is a means of knowing the world around us, meeting the biological needs of the body. It is difficult to overestimate the role of motor activity in expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism, in improving motor activity. But the lack of movement can lead to pathological changes in the body. According to the legal documents regulating the sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms for preschool educational institutions, the maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is 5.5-6 hours.

Under motor activity is understood as the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process of everyday life. In the theory and methodology of physical education, there are: regulated, partially - regulating and unregulated motor activity.

The regulated motor activity is the total volume of physical exercises and motor actions specially chosen and directed on the body of preschoolers.

Partially regulated motor activity is the volume of motor actions that occur in the course of solving motor tasks (for example, during outdoor games).

Unregulated motor activity includes the volume of spontaneously performed motor actions (for example, in everyday life).

Motor activity is a biological need of the body, the satisfaction of which depends on the health of children, their physical and general development. Motor activity is a derivative not only of the individual characteristics of children, but also of the motor regime, which is established in a children's institution and at home.

The need of preschool children for physical activity is quite high, but it is not always realized at the proper level. Currently, children spend more and more time playing computer games, designing, watching TV shows. The independent physical activity of children, both in the family and in kindergarten, is increasingly limited. the duration of educational sessions with a predominance of static postures increases.

Motor activity is a natural need of children to move, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the harmonious development of the child, the state of his health. Therefore, an increase in motor activity during the day helps to satisfy his needs for movement. This condition requires the teacher to have detailed thoughtfulness, a clear organization of the children's regimen:

Alternation of active and passive activity;

Increase in general and motor density of all forms of physical education;

The use of organized, individual, independent physical education classes.

Such thoughtfulness should underlie the motor activity of children not only during the day, but also during the week, month, and entire school year. During the child's stay in a preschool educational institution, the use of various forms of physical education should provide motor activity in the range from 9,000 to 15,000 movements, which corresponds to the physiological needs of the preschooler's body. The duration of physical activity of children during the period of wakefulness should be at least

50-60% of the time, while 90 - medium and low intensity, 10-15% - high. The fulfillment of these requirements will ensure the prevention of the child's fatigue throughout the day, and will create conditions for proper physical development.

The teacher should be aware of possible deviations in the motor development of children and the tasks of education related to this. Experts highlight:

Low mobility and frequent periods of inactivity in children;

Great mobility with a high intensity of movements, monotony or stereotyped movements, their aimlessness;

Lack of creativity in motor activity.

The educator, taking into account the listed deviations, activates interest in movement or teaches to control movements and perform them accurately, enriches the composition of movements and the content of the activity in general, or develops motor creativity.

In order to ensure sufficient motor activity of children, it is recommended to fix a special time for this (morning, afternoon, evening walk, physical culture pauses between classes, etc.), as well as the multifunctional use of the premises of the preschool educational institution to increase the motor component in the daily routine.

An important role in the motor mode is played by the independent motor activity of children, organized without the explicit intervention of the teacher. At the same time, it is necessary that children have at their disposal benefits that stimulate a variety of motor activities. A sports corner with a set of sports equipment (balls, hoops, bags, cords, ropes, ribbons, scarves, ribbed boards, etc.), hats for outdoor games, mats for the prevention of flat feet, a health path.

Games for active motor activity of children in conditionsyah group.

Mat games

Equipment: textile rugs different colors 25 x 25 cm with multicolored geometric shapes in the center (options for the design of the front side of the rugs may be different). The underside of the mats must be made of non-slip material.

Game "Classics"


Organization: rugs are laid out on the floor in alternation: 1st row - two rugs side by side, 2nd row - one rug, 3rd row - two rugs side by side, etc.

Game progress:

Children take turns jumping on the rugs as in the classics.

1st option: two legs apart, two legs together, two legs apart;

2nd option; two legs apart, on one leg, two legs apart;

3rd option: legs with a cross, legs together, legs with a cross.

Game "Giant Steps"

Target: development of spatial imagination and perception, gross motor skills, coordination; formation of cross movements.

Organization: mats are laid out in a circle, at a distance of a large step of the child.

Game progress:

Children take turns stepping from mat to mat in various ways (straight, side steps, on toes, on heels, back to front).

Game "Vesyo" barking path”

Target: development of spatial imagination and perception, large motor skills, coordination, attention; formation of cross movements; fixing spatial relations in speech; consolidation of knowledge of color, shape, exercise in jumping and running.

Organization: rugs are located on the floor randomly, at a distance of a small jump.

Game progress:

The leader is chosen, who is the first to jump from rug to rug, the children follow him, trying not to make a mistake and jump on the same rugs.

Game "Take your place"

Target: development of spatial imagination and perception, large motor skills; coordination, attention; formation of cross movements; fixing spatial relations in speech; consolidation of knowledge of color, shape.

Organization: rugs are arranged in a large circle.

Game progress:

The teacher gives a verbal instruction to any playing child which rug he should take (for example: “Stand on a red rug with a green oval in the middle”). After the preschooler takes his place, he himself instructs the next player; he, in turn, continues the game, and

until all the players have taken their seats. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter or run in a circle; at the next signal, the children occupy:

Option 1 - own rugs;

Option 2 - any rug.

After that, each of the players must say which rug he was on (for example: “I am standing on a blue rug, in the middle of which there is a red triangle”).

Silent Trainer Games

Equipment:“Quiet Trainer” - silhouettes of children's hands pasted on the wall in various variations from the floor to 1.5 m, silhouettes of legs from the floor to 70 cm; multi-colored strips (5-10 pieces) 1.0-1.50 m long for bouncing.

Game "Get the berry"

Target: development of coordination, spatial imagination and perception, understanding of spatial relationships (right - left); training of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

Organization: on the wall, above the silhouettes of the palms, an image of berries is pasted.

Game progress:

On command, a pair of children should rise along their palms from the floor to the berry. You can only take one hand off the wall. Hands are placed on the silhouettes, respecting the right - left. The one who picks the berry first wins.

The game "Walk on the wall"

Target: development of coordination, training of muscles of the back and legs, relaxation. Organization: a soft rug is spread near the wall.

Game progress:

Children take turns lying down on the floor and trying to “walk” along the path on the wall. They start from the floor, gradually raising their legs higher and higher, moving to the “Birch” position.

Game "Jump to the shelf"

Target: development of coordination, spatial relations (right - left), exercise in high jumps, foot training.

Organization: Children line up one at a time. Multi-colored strips are glued to the wall at a height from the outstretched arm of the shortest child to the jump height of the tallest.

Game progress:

Children take turns jumping up against the wall, trying to reach as high as possible to the multi-colored stripes.

Game "Confusion"

Target: development of coordination, spatial imagination and perception, understanding of spatial relationships (right - left), training the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.

Organization: silhouettes of palms are pasted on the wall in random order. Children can play alone or in pairs.

Game progress:

Children pass their palms along the silhouettes from top to bottom, hands can only be placed on paired silhouettes (right - left), while the hands have to be turned in different sides.

Option 1 - the child plays alone and simply “walks” with his hands along the wall;

Option 2 - children play in a pair “Who will get to the conditional mark faster?”. At the same time, hands can be crossed, children can change places, but do not take their hands off the wall;

3rd option - one child is leading, he gives commands to the other child where to go (for example, the right one is red, the left one is green, etc.).

Such activity stimulates the motor creativity of children, contributes to the mastery of new types of movements. This is ensured by the search for new forms and content of role-playing games.

It is necessary to expediently equip group areas with equipment and remote equipment (rope ropes, football and basketball balls, scooters, bags for throwing at a distance). Its placement should contribute to the motor activity of children, and its selection should maintain children's interest in different types of movements. In everyday life, children should be given more independence, not to hamper the initiative, the desire for motor creativity. The participation of the educator in games is desirable: the personal example of an adult increases children's interest in motor activity, allows the teacher to unobtrusively monitor the entire group of children and direct the activities of each child.

A rational combination of different types of physical culture classes represents a whole range of health-improving, educational and educational activities. The content and construction of classes is different, each of them to some extent has its own specific purpose.

Morning gymnastics, gymnastics after daytime sleep, walks, trips to the park, outdoor games and physical exercises during a walk perform organizational and recreational tasks.

Physical education, motor warm-up relieve fatigue in children and increase their mental performance.

Finger gymnastics develops fine motor skills in children, which contributes to the formation of speech and writing.

In the classroom, children learn, acquire the necessary skills, abilities, knowledge.

Weeks of health, sports leisure, sports holidays - this is an active holiday.

Interest circles develop children's motor skills and creativity.

Individual and differentiated work is designed to correct physical and motor development.

Corrective gymnastics (prescribed by a doctor) solves therapeutic and prophylactic problems and is intended for children with poor health.

Logo-rhythmic gymnastics is necessary for the prevention of speech disorders in children and the development of motor skills.

Depending on the purpose, all of the above types of classes, their nature can change and be repeated at different intervals during the day, week, month, year, making up the so-called health-improving motor regimen for preschoolers.

Giving particular importance to the role of physical activity in improving the health of preschoolers, it is necessary to prioritize the daily routine.

The first place in the motor mode of children belongs to sports and recreational activities. These include well-known types of motor activities: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical education sessions in classes with mental stress, motor warm-ups between classes, etc.

In order to optimize the motor activity and hardening of children in the practice of preschool institutions, it is necessary to introduce additional types of motor activities, interconnected with a complex of hardening measures, as well as to introduce non-traditional forms and methods of their implementation. These activities include:

Health running in the air;

Jogging along massage paths in combination with air baths;

Gymnastics after a daytime sleep;

Motor warm-up during a break between classes;

Individual work with children on the development of movements and regulation YES children on an evening walk;

Walking trips to the park;

Corrective gymnastics combined with hydromassage and dry body massage;

Use of the sauna with contrast body dousing and dry massage followed by games in the pool.

The second place in the motor mode of children is occupied by physical education classes - as the main form of teaching motor skills and developing optimal YES children. Conduct physical education classes at least three times a week in the morning (one in the air). The formation of subgroups should be carried out taking into account three main criteria: health status, level YES and physical fitness.

If there is a swimming pool, it is necessary to conduct swimming lessons for children at least twice a week (preferably in the afternoon, in subgroups of 10-12 people).

The third place is given to independent motor activity that occurs on the initiative of children. It gives a wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor abilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of the child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity, and therefore the pedagogical guidance of children's independent activities should be built taking into account the level YES.

Along with the listed types of physical education classes, active recreation, sports and mass events, in which parents and children of the neighboring preschool educational institution can take part, are of no small importance. Such activities include a week of health, sports leisure, physical culture and sports holidays in the air and water, games, competitions, sports days.

Walking is the most auspicious time for outdoor games and physical exercises. Their duration is 10-15 minutes. So, on the days of physical education classes, include games, physical and drill exercises of medium and low intensity at the end of the walk. On other days - 1-2 outdoor games and 1-2 physical exercises with a more intense load, which were studied in a physical education lesson. The forms of organizing outdoor games and exercises during a walk can be different, depending on the nature of past and upcoming classes, the time of year, and the individual characteristics of children.

The teachers are running all over the room. At the teacher's signal, they quickly stop in place and take some kind of sports pose in pairs: squat, raise their arms to the sides, etc. The teacher notes whose figure is more interesting.

Thus, the motor mode of a preschooler with a health-improving orientation, which includes the most priority forms of physical education, allows you to form the necessary volume and control the motor activity of children in a preschool institution.

YES - physical activity.


1. Avchenko N. Honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation, physical education teacher, child development center - kindergarten No. 2347, Moscow.

Journal "Health of a preschooler" No. 5, 2009, p. 18.

"How physical education affects the mental development of the child."

2. Kirsanova N.V., Lecturer, Penza Pedagogical Institute, Penza.

Journal "Management of a Preschool Educational Institution" No. 5, 2007. "Motor activity on a walk in winter", p. 76.

3. Makarova L.I., Ph.D. honey. Sciences, Senior Lecturer; Pogorelova I.G., Associate Professor, Department of Communal Hygiene and Hygiene of Children and Adolescents, Irkutsk State medical University, Irkutsk. Journal "Physical Instructor" No. 2, 2010, p.12.

"Motor activity in the full development of the child's body."

4. Osokina T.I. Physical culture in kindergarten. - 3rd ed., revised. - M .: Education, 1986. "Methodological recommendations for outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk", pp. 35, 79, 127, 194, 257.

5. Runova M.A. Motor activity of the child: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges. - M .: Mozaika - Sintez, 2000, p. 10.

"Characteristics of motor activity of older preschoolers".

6. Tarasova T.A., Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Head of the Department of Health Protection ChGPK No. 2, Chelyabinsk.

Journal "Management of a Preschool Educational Institution" No. 2, 2005. “From the experience of the examination of the direction “Physical development and health of children” in a preschool institution”, p. 32.

7. Khabarova T.V. Journal "Preschool Pedagogy" № 3, 2010

"Model of the motor regime that contributes to the development of motor abilities of children aged 5-7 years in a preschool educational institution", p. 30.

8.Yarigo L.A. Journal "Preschool Pedagogy" № 4, 2010

"Forming the foundations ecological culture in the process of physical education of children of senior preschool age”, p. 32.

Movement is one of the universal manifestations of human activity. Movement is the main function small child; through movement, he cognizes the world, improves the motor apparatus, regulates the metabolic processes, on the mutual harmony of which growth and its physical development depend.

Doctors' observations suggest that mobility is characteristic of healthy children, and inactivity, as a rule, is characteristic of those suffering from some kind of illness. Unfortunately, not knowing this, children are often forced to behave calmly, to sit in one place for a long time, which delays their physical and mental development. “Function creates an organ” is a biological law that everyone should know.

Skeletal muscle exercise provides the energy needed to maintain body temperature and a high metabolic rate. The higher the activity of skeletal muscles, the more harmonious the exchange, the more complete the function of organs and systems. Moderate but systematic muscular activity hardens the body, increases its resistance to harmful factors, infections, favorably affects the regulation of physicochemical processes in tissues.

Movement is a means of harmonious development of personality. This is not only the path to health, but also to the development of intelligence. Movement, especially of the fingers, stimulates the development and activity of the brain, its various departments. Properly organized physical education contributes to the development of children logical thinking, memory, initiative, imagination, independence. Children become more attentive and observant, more disciplined. Their will is strengthened and character is developed.

The development of motor skills and their quality have a significant range and depend not only on the individual typological characteristics of the child (genetic properties), but also on the conditions of education, on correct mode sleep, wakefulness, nutrition, gymnastics.

A young child is characterized by a tendency to intensify the processes of excitation and inhibition. The optimal excitability of the brain, which contributes to the normal course of physiological processes, largely depends on the development of the motor analyzer, on its perfection, and on motor activity. A special role in maintaining optimal excitability of the cerebral cortex is played by a positive emotional tone (joyful state), which is best implemented in the game.

Game activity in combination with contrast air baths, additional physical activity on the playground are the basis of the health-improving methods offered by N.D. Gorelik, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, B.S. Godun and others. The authors note a good health effect such activities, manifested in a decrease in the incidence of children, improvement of their neuropsychic state, physical development, physical fitness. Research data show that improving the conditions of physical education in preschool educational institutions can reduce the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections by 2 times, facilitate its course in patients, and reduce the number of disorders of the musculoskeletal system by 1.5 times.

At the heart of traditional methods of physical education in preschool institutions lies the scheme for the formation of motor skills, laid down in the first third of the 20th century (the teachings of I.P. Pavlov). An adult demonstrates movement - children reproduce it many times, a dynamic stereotype (skill) is formed with the transfer of the learned pattern to new situations and its final consolidation. A positive result is a well-learned motor skill. Culture as an element of "physical culture" is nominally present in the traditional theory and practice of physical education of children. The value orientation of traditional physical education in the preschool educational institution has been and remains the normative ways of organizing physical activity adopted in it. Pedagogical work in fact, it is replaced by coaching, which is carried out more or less successfully by a physical education instructor, although the qualification of an educator-instructor is more necessary. As an alternative to such sports education, outdoor games have been proposed and entered into the practice of preschool education, but they often turn into a way of motor coaching of children.

Concentrating its efforts on motor training, traditional practice, in essence, removes the task of animating movements, developing motor imagination, which is a project of future movements that the child will have to implement in new, non-standard situations.

Useful in such cases role-playing game, which periodically interrupts the motor activity of children. In it, children are faced with the need to quickly rebuild images or create new ones. The image carries a specific code of that holistic psychosomatic state, which should accompany the construction and creative execution of any movement. The free construction of a motor image by a child contributes to the development of his motor skills. The task of the teacher is to pick up these images in the proposed game.

On the days of planned physical education, movement determines about 10% of the child's active state; 22–25% of the time is occupied by outdoor games during walks, another 10–15% is given by active movements, morning hygienic exercises, labor processes, etc., determining, together with the above regime moments, about 45–50% of the time spent in kindergarten . Without active movement children spend more than 50% of the time, while the optimal reference density of movements for them is 70–75%. In the structure of sedentary moments, about 25% is daytime sleep, about 10–12% is nutrition, 6–8% is forced waiting in preparation for meals, 15–17% is table work.

The unfavorable picture of hypokinesia among pupils of the preschool educational institution is even more aggravated with hidden timing, when the teacher does not know what is the object of the study. In 7 cases out of 10 there is an unreasonable refusal to take a second walk (observations were carried out in November-December), in 4 cases out of 10 there is a conscious restriction of mobility: the teacher seats the children on chairs in a square and makes them sit still while absent for some reason. affairs, leaving one of the children to the eldest, who then reports who and how behaved. For a child, immobilization is the worst punishment. It can last from 10 to 30 minutes and adversely affects not only the physical, but also the neuropsychic state of children.

The conducted timing also showed a decrease by almost a third of the children's motor activity due to the absence of those regime moments that should be motor-saturated. This applies to walks without organizing mobile collective games while educators from adjacent groups in the area share the latest news. At the same time, some children refuse active recreation, preferring passive walks.

It is necessary to additionally look for ways to prevent hypokinesia in children in kindergartens. The fight against physical inactivity in childhood is an important link in the primary prevention of obesity, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, coronary heart disease and other chronic nonspecific diseases in adults. It has been proven that their formation begins in childhood. The sooner measures are taken to preserve and promote health, the more effective they will be.

In addition to the organizational improvement of the planned routine activities (morning hygienic gymnastics, physical education lessons, walks, etc.), we advise you to pay attention to the possibility of using the period from daytime sleep to an enhanced afternoon snack for purposeful gaming activities, postponed according to the regime by 1 hour. This one and a half hour period of time naturally fits into the daily regimen as a health-improving game hour, which allows you to carry out mandatory hardening procedures, increase the motor activity of children through organized play activities, and also cause a child’s appetite by the time of taking an enhanced afternoon snack due to active energy consumption.

General requirements for the health-improving game hour

The health-improving game hour is conducted by the teacher of the group daily after nap directly in the bedroom and group room in the cold season and on the site - in the warm season. Group lessons, somewhat longer than a physical education lesson, in duration (up to 25–30 minutes for younger children and up to 35–40 minutes for older preschoolers). In younger children, exercises and movements should be associated with the game, display, in older children - the word prevails or the word is combined with the display. The recommended structure of the health-improving game hour for preschool children is presented in tab. 20.

Table 20

The structure of the health-improving game hour

The most universal and effective is the form of a training session. It does not always look like a traditional lesson, but the main components of the lesson (preparatory, main and final parts) must be present in any form of organizing a lesson.

The purpose of the warm-up is to ensure the gradual preparation of the child's functional systems for more intense loads. During the warm-up period, it is necessary to carefully prepare those muscle groups that will be most involved in the main part of the lesson. Typically, the warm-up uses multi-tempo walking, running, imitation jumps, etc. Warm-up exercises involving various groups muscles (1–2 min), breathing exercises (2–3 min).

The main part of the lesson is devoted to the development of physical qualities or learning to move by performing gymnastic exercises with various objects in a game or relay mode (12–15 minutes) and a mobile role-playing game (12–15 minutes). The most complex movements are learned at the beginning of the main part of the lesson, and it is better to develop and improve physical qualities in next sequence: exercises for coordination, speed, strength, endurance. Duration of the main part from 20-2 5 min. younger preschoolers, up to 25-30 minutes - for the elders.

In the final part of the lesson - calm walking, relaxation exercises, light jogging, breathing exercises (2-3 minutes). The lesson is held with children dressed in lightweight sportswear (first in a T-shirt and shorts, then only in shorts), barefoot, in a well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 16 to 20 °, with a gradual decrease depending on the physical activity of children to 12 °. Temperature regime health-improving game hour, when combined with a pulsating microclimate, is described in detail in the methodological manual for hardening children.

On the days of the health-improving game hour, a physical education lesson is not excluded. They somewhat reduce the motor game load and pay special attention to special hardening procedures (wet rubdowns, contrast foot baths, etc.).

The modern concept of the organization of physical culture in kindergarten involves the use of outdoor games as the main component of planned physical education classes, which are part of the "Kindergarten Education Program". Children learn by playing. It is in games that they enter into different, sometimes complex relationships with their peers, showing dexterity, courage, and ingenuity. For children, everything around is a fun, joyful and exciting game. If they like it, they are ready to play the same game many times in a row. For preschoolers, all the activities that the teacher conducts in physical education come down to the game.

The gameplay in the DOW should be focused on compliance with the requirements, in which games should:

Influence the psychophysiological development of children;

Develop motor skills;

Organize children for collective action;

Easy to digest by children;

To the extent possible, be carried out in the fresh air;

Easy to digest by teachers for working with children;

Do not require special devices and benefits. Yu.F. Zmanovsky. In addition to the 10-15-minute game, he introduced a warm-up, a physical education part (gymnastic exercises of various directions) and a final part, in which he attached great importance to breathing exercises.

Then it was proposed to combine air baths with games: the children played games half-naked - at first in open T-shirts, panties, socks and slippers, and later only in panties and slippers. The dosage of air baths ranged from 7 to 28 minutes and was in close connection with the temperature conditions and the intensity of physical stress. So they began to combine the use of physical exercises in the form of outdoor games and tempering procedures, their main provisions were developed:

Outdoor games and exercises should simultaneously involve a large group of muscles. This corresponds to such movements as walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing. Less acceptable are movements involving a limited number of muscles: head turns, lateral torso tilts, shoulder movements, etc .;

Exercises are desirable in which all children are involved at once, and not in turn;

Exercises should be accessible and simple, do not require long preparation and heavy load for attention. Such tasks should be given that children can immediately complete after being shown by the teacher or that they are already familiar with;

It is important to arouse interest in these activities in children, to arouse a desire to temper;

During classes, those tasks that the child performs with joy are valued, unaware that he obeys the wishes of adults;

Tempering activities associated with movement can be used in kindergarten throughout the year in various types of classes.

We are convinced that games are preferable to ordinary gymnastic exercises. Organized outdoor games develop strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity in children. They are the basis for the harmonious development of the child. The value of collective games lies in the fact that they represent the first step in the collective communication of children, help develop the child's independence, his creative imagination and fantasy. The advantage of the game is also that children can participate in it, for health reasons assigned to different (according to permitted physical activity) groups. In the game, individual dosing of the load is possible.

Outdoor games are one of the best methods of air hardening, the conditions for which are created in indoor classes, if the elementary requirements for the preparation and maintenance of physical education and gaming classes are observed.

The longer the game, the longer the same set of exercises is worked out, the more children are included in them with great pleasure. Frequent change of games is impractical, it is better to complicate the already familiar ones, increasing the distance to be overcome, changing the rules of the game, requiring greater clarity in the execution of tasks.

Children for whom the movements used in the game are not difficult are usually active and cheerful. If during the game the child fails to pass, run or throw an object, his emotional tone decreases, he ceases to rejoice, becomes passive. The educator should pay attention to such children, try to ensure that they make feasible movements and become active.

One should not praise some children and emphasize the awkwardness, sluggishness of others. We must remember about individual typological features: children lagging behind their peers feel their inferiority, gradually refuse to study, become inactive.

Games with children should be played daily. Not a single day should pass without a game and gymnastic exercises, in which special hardening procedures should be woven into a natural element.

Topic: Motor mode in kindergarten

The role of movements in the development of a preschool child with intact development and health disorders 5

Features of the manifestation of motor activity in preschool children with safe development and health deviations 7

General characteristics of the motor mode, its main components. eleven

Methodology for a comprehensive assessment of motor activity, motor mode. 13

The role of the teacher in the organization of the motor mode, ways to improve the motor mode. 19

General assessment of the general and motor regime of one group with deviations in health 22

Planning of motor activity within 1 week 27

Conclusion 29

Literature: 30


Everyone knows how important movement is in human life. It is also known that people who train their muscular system, even if it is very small, but always with daily activity, are much less prone to accidents.
Statistical data from the practice of children's doctors, medical commissions and insurance companies testify to the extreme importance of the motor regimen in the lives of children.
The correct organization of the motor mode is carried out through the purposeful and systematic use of the entire system of educational influences that affect the sphere of life, activity and relationships of children.
Children, as you know, are a product of their environment - it forms their consciousness, habits. Nature provides that young beings learn the world primarily through the experience and behavior of their environment.
The human brain, especially the unconscious mind, is saturated with impressions. In the future, 80 percent of our activities are guided by this unconscious experience. Therefore, it is extremely important to educate children about the needs healthy body, training, training both in kindergarten and in the family. Children need to explain the significance of not only certain actions and habits, but - and this is the main thing - to set their own example.

It is important to note that in order to create a holistic system of health protection for children, it is very important to organize a motor development environment in a preschool institution. An analysis of the created conditions should show whether there are necessary conditions for increasing the motor activity of children, as well as for their relaxation and rest.

A sports hall with a sports complex, a slide is equipped, where a variety of physical culture equipment is presented, as well as manuals made by oneself, which increase interest in physical culture, develop vital qualities, and increase the effectiveness of classes. Much attention is paid to the organization of physical culture and health-improving work in the fresh air. On the site of the preschool educational institution there should be a sports ground: a mini-stadium, a running track, an obstacle course, sports and play equipment, a sand pit for jumping.

The main components of a healthy start - rest and movement - must be combined correctly in the preschool regimen. For this reason, it was important, in our opinion, to create corners of solitude in groups. After all, the mental health of children is no less important than the physical. To solve this problem, a psychological relief room operates in the kindergarten, where a psychologist conducts various relaxation and training sessions with children, helping preschoolers learn to manage their emotions.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, it can be said that the health-improving environment of the preschool educational institution is a natural comfortable environment, rationally organized and saturated with a variety of equipment and materials.

The role of movements in the development of a preschool child with safe development and health disorders

It is difficult to overestimate the role of movements that they play in the daily life of a person and especially in the development of children. It is through movements that a child from a very early age begins to cognize the world around him, interacts with it, expresses his attitude towards it. Movement is an integral part of different kinds human activity, are an external expression and characteristic of human behavior. Motor abilities can reach a high level of perfection: such subtle and precise movements (motor actions) as writing, drawing, playing on musical instruments and much more.

A lot in a person’s life depends on the state of the motor sphere and, accordingly, the possibilities in mastering certain movements, motor acts, motor activity in general: on the development of vital modes of movement (climbing, walking, running, etc.) and the formation of elementary self-service skills in early and preschool childhood to mastering educational and labor activities at school age and, finally, the choice in the future of the desired profession, which requires a high level of coordination of movements.

The motor functional system has a beneficial effect on the entire body and especially on the activity of the brain. It has been proven that motor activity contributes to an increase in mental performance, speech development, the full formation of voluntary movements and actions that underlie human motor behavior. As evidenced by special studies in this area, it is the progress in the development of movements (motor analyzer) that to a large extent determines the progress in the development of the functions of the human brain.

There are many statements of various specialists about the importance of motor activity in human life: physiologists, doctors, psychologists, teachers, etc.

Physiologists consider movement to be an innate vital human need. Being engaged in the study of the development of the brain and its functions, they objectively proved that with any motor training, not the hands are exercised, but the brain. Full satisfaction of the need for movements, in their opinion, is especially important at early and preschool age, when all the main systems and functions of the body are formed. Therefore, they recommend that teachers use movement as the most important means of mental development children.

Doctors say that without movement, a child cannot grow up healthy. Movement, by their definition, can act as a prophylactic, when an active motor mode helps to prevent various diseases, especially those associated with the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems. In addition, the movement is widely used as an effective therapeutic and corrective tool.

According to psychologists, personality development is carried out in activity. The leading activity of the child is the game. And his play activity It is expressed primarily in movements: in the manipulation of toys, in interaction with adults, children, and with surrounding objects. The first ideas about the world, its objects and phenomena come to the child through the movements of his eyes, tongue, hands, through movements in space. The more diverse the movements, the more information enters his brain, the more intense the mental development. Cognition of the environment through movements most of all characterizes the psychological and age characteristics of children in the first three years of life. That is why children of this age especially need motor activity. Correspondence of indicators of development of basic movements age norms- one of the evidence of the correct neuropsychic development of the child at an early age.

Thus, movements, motor activity, as it is clear from the statements of specialists in various fields, are not only the foundation of the present and future health and physical development of the child, but also represent a condition and means of his general and mental development, the formation of him as a person.

A sufficient level of motor activity of the child, satisfaction of his need for movements can be ensured by the correct organization of the motor regime in kindergarten, at home. In children's institutions, such a regimen is provided by a special daily routine, which provides for time for various types of classes to develop the motor sphere of children. Unfortunately, not always, especially in school conditions, children have the opportunity to get a sufficient level of motor (motor) load. This does not allow them to fully satisfy their physiological needs in movement. Consequently, doctors, teachers and other specialists should go hand in hand in improving the health of children, and of course parents play a huge role in this process. The health of a growing person is not only a social problem, but also a moral one.

Features of the manifestation of motor activity in children of preschool age with safe development and health deviations

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, when health is formed and personality develops. Preschool education is currently faced with the acute issue of ways to improve the work on health promotion, development of movements and physical development of children. One of the many factors affecting the health and performance of a growing organism is motor activity. Motor activity is a natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the comprehensive development and upbringing of the child.

In addition to organized forms of work on the development of movements in the motor mode of children of five to seven years old, independent activity occupies a large place. Being engaged independently, the child focuses on actions leading to the achievement of the goal that captivates him. Achieving its successful implementation, he changes the methods of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate.

The child has the opportunity to play, to move at his own will. Here, his actions largely depend on the conditions created by adults. With proper guidance of children's motor activity, it is possible to significantly influence the variety of their games, movements, without suppressing initiative. From the state of health of the child, the ability to control his movements, from his dexterity, orientation, speed of motor reaction, his mood, character and content of the game largely depend. And further achievements in educational and labor activity.

We use various forms of work on physical education (morning gymnastics, physical education classes, physical education minutes, dynamic pause, sports holidays). In the independent activity of children, a variety of outdoor games are used that contribute to the comprehensive development of children, contribute to the improvement of the body, enrich the life of children with new content, educate their feelings, behavior, orientation in the environment, independence and creative initiative.

Giving special importance to the role of motor activity in improving the health of preschool children, it is necessary to determine the priorities in the daily routine.

First place in the motor mode of children belongs to sports and recreational activities. These include well-known types of motor activity: morning exercises, outdoor games and physical exercises during walks, physical education sessions in classes with mental stress, etc.

In order to optimize the motor activity and hardening of children, additional types of motor activities are introduced into the practice of our preschool institution, interconnected with a complex of hardening measures, as well as non-traditional forms and methods of their implementation. These activities include: jogging in the air, jogging along massage paths in combination with air baths, gymnastics after a daytime sleep, motor warm-up during a break between classes with open transoms, individual work with children to develop movements and regulate the YES of children on an evening walk , walking-hiking in the forest, corrective gymnastics.

Second place in the motor mode, children are occupied with physical education classes - as the main form of teaching motor skills and developing the optimal DA of children. I recommend conducting physical education classes at least three times a week in the morning (one in the air).

Third place independent motor activity arising at the initiative of children is assigned. It gives a wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor abilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of the child. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity.

Physical culture and health technologies used in the system of preschool education reflect three lines of work:

Introducing children to physical culture

Use of developing forms

Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle

Carry out the following tasks:

Satisfying the natural biological need for movement

Formation of skills in different types of movements

Stimulation of the functional capabilities of each child and activation of children's independence

Creation of optimal conditions for the versatile development of children, activation of mental activity, the search for adequate forms of behavior, the formation of positive emotional and moral-volitional manifestations of children.

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the family and kindergarten

In order to preserve and strengthen the health of children in regime moments, the technique of self-massage and breathing exercises is used. Which contributes to the normalization of muscle tone, stimulation of tactile sensations. The correct organization of the physical education of children in everyday life ensures the implementation of the motor regime necessary for the healthy physical condition of the child and his psyche during the day.

The decisive role in the formation of personal potential and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle belongs to the family. Parents are involved in various events held in our kindergarten to convince them of the need for family physical activities. This form of interaction is effective for understanding and raising a healthy child. The better health and good physical data we equip our children in childhood, the easier it will be for them to adapt to new social conditions.

Raising children is a great joy and a great responsibility, a lot of work. It is not enough to provide material well-being. It is necessary that every child grows up in conditions of spiritual comfort and integrity.

Being healthy is a natural human desire. Health means not only the absence of disease, but also mental and social well-being!

General characteristics of the motor mode, its main components.

Motor activity is understood as the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process of everyday life. Allocate regulated, partially regulated and unregulated motor activity. Regulated motor activity is the total volume of motor actions specially selected and directed on the body of schoolchildren (for example, in a physical education lesson). Partially regulated motor activity is the volume of motor actions that occur in the course of solving motor problems (for example, during a hiking trip). Unregulated motor activity includes the volume of spontaneously performed motor actions (for example, in everyday life). The average rate of physical activity, including all its varieties, for younger students should be at least 12-18 thousand movements per day with the mandatory inclusion of 1-1.5 hours organized classes physical culture.

The amount of time of regulated physical activity of younger schoolchildren includes physical education lessons (twice a week for 45 minutes), physical education minutes (5 minutes), outdoor breaks (20–30 minutes), sports hour in the extended day group (50–60 min) and doing homework in physical education (15–25 min). This volume can be increased through extracurricular sports activities (clubs, sports clubs, competitions, etc.).

Considering the issues of physical activity of children of primary school age, it is necessary to take into account the nature of their daily activities associated with schooling. Special attention should be given to first grade students. For a child, the beginning of learning is a critical period when he turns from "playing" into "sitting". Evidence of this is the decrease in physical activity in first-graders by an average of 50% compared with preschoolers. At primary school age, there are significant differences between boys and girls in terms of motor activity parameters: boys have these indicators on average 16-30% higher.

Methodology for a comprehensive assessment of motor activity, motor mode.

The main physical qualities of a person are considered to be dexterity, speed, flexibility, balance, eye, strength, endurance. When performing any exercise, all physical qualities are manifested to one degree or another, but any one of them takes precedence. At preschool age, priority attention should be paid to the development of dexterity, speed, eye, flexibility, balance, but one should not forget about the commensurate development of strength and endurance. Agility- this is the ability of a person to quickly master new movements, as well as rebuild them in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing environment. The development of dexterity leads to the systematic learning of new exercises with children. Training increases the plasticity of the nervous system, improves coordination of movements and develops the ability to master new, more complex exercises. The development of dexterity is facilitated by the performance of exercises in changing conditions (when performing exercises carried out in complicated conditions that require a sudden change in movement technique (running between objects, skiing up and down a hill, etc.), using various objects, physical education equipment, equipment; with additional tasks, in the collective performance of exercises with one object (hoop, cord).

Rapidity- the ability of a person to perform movements in the shortest possible time. The high plasticity of nervous processes, the relative ease of formation and restructuring of conditioned reflex connections in children create favorable conditions for the development of speed in them. Quickness develops in exercises performed with acceleration (walking, running with gradually increasing speed), for speed (run to the finish line as quickly as possible), with a change in pace (slow, medium, fast and very fast), as well as in outdoor games when children are forced to perform exercises at the highest speed (run away from the driver). Flexibility- the ability to achieve the greatest magnitude of the range (amplitude) of movements of individual parts of the body in a certain direction. Flexibility depends on the condition of the spine, joints, ligaments, as well as the elasticity of the muscles. Flexibility develops when performing physical exercises with a large amplitude, in particular general developmental ones. It is advisable to first perform flexibility exercises with an incomplete swing, for example, do 2-3 semi-tilts, and then a full tilt, 2-3 semi-squats, then deep squats.

Equilibrium- the ability of a person to maintain a stable position while performing various movements and postures on a reduced and elevated support area above ground (floor) level. This quality is necessary for a person in order to move indoors and outdoors without touching objects, each other, to successfully cope with the duties necessary for various jobs (mountain climber, etc.). The balance depends on the state of the vestibular apparatus, all body systems, as well as on the location of the common center of gravity of the body (BCG). Balance develops to a greater extent in exercises performed on a reduced and elevated support area (skating, cycling, walking, running on a bench), as well as in exercises that require significant effort to maintain a stable body position (distance throwing, long jump from a place and from a running start, etc.). Force- the degree of muscle tension during their contraction. The development of muscle strength can be achieved by increasing the weight of the objects used in the exercises (medicated ball, sandbags, etc.); the use of exercises, including raising one's own mass (jumps), overcoming the resistance of a partner (in paired exercises). Endurance- the ability of a person to perform physical exercises of acceptable intensity for as long as possible. The development of endurance requires a large number of repetitions of the same exercise. The monotonous load leads to fatigue, and children lose interest in this exercise. Therefore, it is best to use a variety of dynamic exercises, especially in the fresh air: walking, running, skiing, skating, sledding, cycling, swimming, etc. Walks (hiking, skiing) are also recommended, during which exercises alternate with rest . The dosage of exercises and the duration of classes increase from group to group. And it also promotes development.

The assessment of the motor mode is carried out on the basis of a set of indicators:

1. The time of motor activity of children with a reflection of the content and quality at various regime moments, determined using the method of individual timing.

2. The volume of motor activity using the shagometry method for quantitative assessment of motor activity.

3. The intensity of motor activity by the method of pulsometry (calculation of heart rate in beats / min) when performing various types of muscle activity.

Satisfaction of the age-related needs of children in movement in the time allotted by the regime can be carried out only with a very clear organization of their activities, strict compliance with the requirements for the content of this activity in each regime segment. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure not only the implementation of the regime in time, but also in terms of the volume of movements; the number of daily stays in a preschool institution - by pedometer: 3 years - 9000-9500 movements, 4 years - 10000-10500, 5 years - 11000-12000, 6 years - 13000-13500, 7 years - 14000-15000.

To achieve this level of motor activity, more than 70% of it should be implemented using organized forms of motor activity of children (physical education, morning exercises, outdoor games, physical exercises, sports exercises, walks, physical exercises in combination with tempering activities, music classes, labor activity and etc.).

Physical education classes are the main form of organized, systematic training of children in physical exercises. At the same time, interrelated tasks are solved - health-improving, educational and educational. Physical education classes consist of 3 parts: introductory, main and final. The objectives of the introductory part: to increase the emotional mood of children, to activate their attention, to gradually prepare the body for the upcoming increased physical activity.

The tasks of the main part: teaching basic motor skills and their consolidation, developing physical qualities, training various muscle groups, training and improving the physiological functions of the body. The main part begins with general developmental exercises. Exercises are performed from various starting positions - standing, sitting, lying down. Exercises are used to strengthen and develop various muscle groups - the shoulder girdle and arms, the muscles of the trunk (back and abdomen), the mobility of the spine, legs, running, exercises for the formation of correct posture, the development and formation of the arch of the foot, exercises for deep breathing, rebuilding, etc. .d. This is followed by exercises in basic movements - learning new movements or improving and consolidating known ones. As a rule, in one lesson there is a combination of training and consolidation of 2-3 movements. The main part ends with an outdoor game, which also includes one or more basic movements (running, jumping, climbing, etc.).

The objectives of the final part: to ensure a gradual transition from increased muscle activity to calm, to reduce motor excitation, while maintaining cheerful mood children. In this part, various types of walking, walking with movements that train breathing, etc., games of low mobility with motor tasks are carried out.

With the help of timing, the total duration of the lesson and its individual parts is determined. The total duration of physical education classes depending on age: 3-4 years old - 15-20 minutes, 4-5 years old - 20-25 minutes, 5-6 years old - 25-30 minutes, 6-7 years old - 30-35 minutes. Each of the parts takes respectively: introductory - 2-6 minutes, main - 15-25 minutes, final - 2-4 minutes. In the main part of the physical education lesson, 3-7 minutes are allotted for general developmental exercises, 8-12 minutes for the main types of movements and 4-5 minutes for an outdoor game.

Assessment of the motor activity of children in the classroom is carried out by calculating the general and motor density.

When determining the overall density, the time spent on performing movements, showing and explaining the educator, rebuilding and placing, cleaning sports equipment is taken into account ( useful time), minus the time spent on simple children through the fault of the educator, unjustified expectations, restoration of violations of discipline.

The overall density is the ratio of useful time to the total duration of the entire session, expressed as a percentage:

Total density = useful time x 100 / session duration

The total density of the lesson should be at least 80-90%.

Motor density is characterized by the ratio of the time directly spent by the child to perform movements to the entire time of the lesson, expressed as a percentage. With sufficient motor activity, it should be at least 70-85%.

Motor density \u003d time spent on movement x 100 / total time of the session.

The intensity of muscle load depends on the selection of physical exercises, their complexity and combination, frequency of repetitions. When selecting and using physical exercises for normalization physical activity should be guided by shifts in heart rate during their implementation. To determine the intensity of muscle load, the correct construction of the lesson and the distribution of physical load, the heart rate is measured in 10-second segments before the lesson, after the introductory part, general developmental exercises, the main movements of the outdoor game, the final part and in the recovery period for 3-5 minutes. Based on changes in heart rate, a physiological curve of the lesson is built - a graphical representation of the heart rate.

The maximum heart rate is usually reached during outdoor play, which is explained by both the increase in the load and the greater emotional arousal of children. Usually, in the introductory part of the lesson, the heart rate increases by 15-20%, in the main part - by 50-60% in relation to the initial value, and during the outdoor game, its increase reaches 70-90% (up to 100%).

In the final part, the heart rate decreases and exceeds the initial data by 5-10%, after classes (after 2-3 minutes) it returns to its original level.

To ensure the training effect in physical education classes, the average level of heart rate for children aged 5-7 years is 140-150 beats / min; 3-4 years - 130-140 beats / min. The average level of heart rate for the entire time of the lesson is determined by summing the heart rate after: 1) the introductory part, 2) general developmental exercises, 3) the main types of movements, 4) the outdoor game, 5) the final part and dividing by 5.

Depending on the intensity of the muscle load, there are also energy expenditures of the body. The greatest energy expenditures are noted during running (in comparison with rest, they increase by 3-4 times) and during outdoor play (by 5 times). After classes for 2-3 minutes, energy consumption remains 20-15% higher than the initial level.

Importance when assessing the motor mode, it acquires the definition external signs fatigue (flushing of the face, sweating, breathing, general well-being). If all children have pronounced signs of fatigue, the teacher should think about the compliance of the proposed load with the level of physical fitness of children in this group and, accordingly, reduce it and restructure the lesson.

The role of the teacher in the organization of the motor mode, ways to improve the motor mode.

In my opinion, it is obvious that the required amount of physical activity cannot be carried out only at the expense of the curriculum. The optimization of the motor activity of preschoolers in the daily routine of a kindergarten can be achieved through a combination of various forms and methods of conducting classes by a teacher, the use of various methods of performing physical exercises in combination with other means of recovery.

The tasks of the teacher in the organization of the motor mode are:

Analysis and evaluation of motor activity of children during the day, week, month using modern measuring instruments,

Identification of the causes of motor or immobility in children, taking into account a possible hereditary factor,

Assistance in equipping mini-stadiums for independent motor activity of children, taking into account their specific psychological characteristics,

Revealing common interests, inclinations and drives of sedentary and motor children, creating situations that stimulate them friendly relations.

Morning exercises (carrying it out systematically under the guidance of an adult gradually instills in children the habit of physical exercises associated with pleasant muscle sensations, positive emotions, increased vitality) - independent motor activity (the teacher should alternate different types of independent motor activity during the day, giving children the opportunity to choose activities to their liking);

Physical education minutes (if necessary, they are held in the middle of the lesson, when fatigue sets in, the attention of children weakens, they begin to be distracted, carelessly perform tasks);

Usage game techniques in the classroom;

Teaching games and exercises for a walk (sports, folk games, walks outside the site are encouraged);


Exercises on simulators;

Gymnastics "awakening";

Physical education classes (starting from the second junior group, three classes per week are supposed, one of which is held outdoors for children 5-7 years old);

Physical culture leisure, holidays (leisure time 1 time per month, holidays 2 times a year: the content includes exercises familiar to children, relay races, fun games, attractions, competitions);

Cultural events (according to the annual plan of the preschool educational institution);

Music lessons;

Circle classes, sections.

In the literature of recent years on this issue, a lot of publications have appeared, offering various ways to increase motor activity.

Usage non-standard equipment plays an important role in physical education, especially if the child has any physical developmental disabilities, for example, a violation of the ODA: the teacher creates a subject-developing environment for the physical development of preschoolers. The equipment made by educators is intended for organized and independent activities of children aged 2-7 indoors and outdoors, in the family and kindergarten. It is effective for the development of motor activity, the prevention of flat feet, the formation of correct posture.

Group educators systematically use “psycho-gymnastics” exercises in their work with children, which contributes to the activation of children.

Thus, we conclude: each preschool educational institution accepts a motor mode that only corresponds to the specifics of this institution and the peculiarities of teaching employees, and is also built taking into account the individual characteristics of the students.

General assessment of the general and motor regime of one group with deviations in health

Speech disorders to one degree or another negatively affect the mental and physical development of the child, affect his activities and behavior.

As the annual speech therapy diagnostics shows, in children with TNR, along with the violation of the verbal side of speech, there are violations of non-verbal processes, one of which is general motor insufficiency expressed to varying degrees: children find it difficult to perform tests for static and dynamic coordination. there is a weak development of a sense of rhythm, a violation of the simultaneity of movement, fatigue of movement, insufficient clarity and organization are observed. Children cannot catch and throw a ball, jump on one leg, etc. There are deviations in the development of finger movements: children cannot simultaneously clench two fists, bend their fingers alternately, it is difficult for them to hold a brush, a pencil, they do not know how to use scissors. Therefore, it is important to pay great attention to the correction of general and fine motor skills.

In addition to TNR, some children show certain neurotic manifestations: capriciousness, fears, hesitation, moods, impressionability, anxiety.

The experience of working in correctional groups in overcoming THP shows that the greatest effect is achieved by using integrated approach where physical education is an obligatory element.

The higher the motor activity of the child, the better his speech develops. Therefore, a lot of work in correctional groups is directed to the physical development and strengthening of the health of children, to the development of physical qualities and motor activity, to a targeted impact on the respiratory and voice-forming functional systems of the body.

In the group preparatory to school, the correction of the characteristics of the motor development of children with TNR is carried out by special exercises and generally accepted methods of physical education. We design the motor mode of children taking into account the psychophysical characteristics and capabilities of children, rationally combining organized forms and types of motor activity, and independent motor actions.

Morning exercises:


    Based on outdoor games (including folk)

    Using the obstacle course.

    With elements of rhythm

    With the inclusion of riddles, counting rhymes, sayings (contribute to the development of interest in imitative exercises, develop creative imagination and memory.)

Morning gymnastics complexes are usually composed of 7 - 8 gymnastic exercises according to the scheme:

    Stretching, breathing exercises

    To improve cerebral circulation

    For the muscles of the shoulder girdle

    For the muscles of the trunk and spine

    For leg muscles

    For accuracy and coordination of movements


At the end of the gymnastics, we sing songs, chants. For children with TND, in particular with stuttering, singing is very useful, especially in a choir. It develops breathing, voice, forms a sense of rhythm and tempo, improves diction, coordinates hearing and voice. In addition, singing improves mood, develops artistic taste and creative abilities. Singing and moving to music has a psychotherapeutic effect on children with speech pathology.

Exercise after nap:

(taken after nap)

Imitation exercises in combination with corrective exercises (for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal, respiratory and nervous systems of the child's body)

Physical education during classes (we carry out in order to prevent the appearance of fatigue in children)

Exercises for unloading certain organs of the systems of the child's body

Corrective exercises for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal systems of the child's body. With a correctional and developmental goal in the classroom, we use games to coordinate speech with movement, where the main thing is to coordinate the rhythm of movements with the poetic rhythm.

Dynamic pause between classes (we spend daily between classes)

Outdoor games of medium, low mobility.

Round dance games, game exercises

Corrective exercises for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal, respiratory and nervous systems of the child's body

Exercises for the prevention of the state of the nervous system of the body

(psycho-corrective exercises, exercises for emotional unloading)

Physical exercises and outdoor games, elements of sports games.

On the walk and during joint activities with a teacher

We learn new outdoor games (including folk ones) during the joint activities of children and the teacher, we select them taking into account the interests of children, their motor abilities. Games in nature leave an indelible impression, favorably affect the health of children.

Physical education classes for teaching motor skills



Plot classes allow you to maintain a steady interest, focus their attention, strength and will on completing tasks. We widely use game motivation, elements of psycho-gymnastics, imitative movements, kinesiology gymnastics.

Physical education classes to improve motor skills

Game (based on outdoor games, relay races, games with elements of sports)

In these classes, we select games with a certain verbal content that allow you to effectively achieve the introduction of the sounds set by the speech therapist into speech communication.


on the interests of children (on the free choice of children)

rhythmic gymnastics

In the classroom, we take into account the state of health and gender of children, the level of physical fitness, at the end of the lesson we perform breathing and relaxation exercises.

Active recreation for children

health days

Competition games

Physical culture leisure

Independent motor activity of children

Joint activities of parents and children

For the independent development of motor activity in the group, a corner was created where there are balls, jump ropes (long and short), hoops, skittles, bilbock, darts, ribbons (long and short), flags, etc. We have prepared non-traditional manuals, there are recordings of rhythmic music, songs of a sports nature. Children preparatory group attend city sports clubs and sections.

The development of motor activity is of great importance in the correctional and developmental work with children with SPD.

Planning of motor activity within 1 week

in the preparatory school group with handicapped health. (TNR)

Days of the week

regime segments

Game morning exercises (15min)

Game morning exercises

General developmental morning exercises

Game morning exercises

Game morning exercises

A set of simulation exercises with a conversation, according to the fairy tale: "Teremok" by A.N. Tolstoy (Development of speech). 25-30 min.

Musical lesson With elements of logorhythmics.

A set of simulation exercises for FEMP

"All the numbers are mixed up."

Route movement. "Don't yawn, answer questions quickly!" 1st task: game situation "Numbers are mixed up" 2nd task: game situation "Natives quarreled" of "Mathematical Physical Minute".

Physical education minutes with elements of football and basketball.

"Handed - sit down"- throwing and catching the ball.

Physical minutes: Days of the week, Charging: right-left.


Outdoor games and physical exercises on the walk "Rules of the road"

Differentiated games and exercises taking into account individual abilities

"Talking with a Rope", "Second Extra", "Wolf in the Ditch". etc.

"Summer Olympics" Outdoor games. 1. "Nimble guys."

2. "Penguins".

3. "Catch up with your couple."

4. “Who will most likely roll the hoop to the flag?”, 5. “Catching monkeys”, etc. 35min

Outdoor games with basketball elements, football elements. Mobile games taking into account ind. Sp. Children.

Physical education in the air

Exercise children in uniform running and running with acceleration; to acquaint with rolling hoops, developing dexterity and eye, accuracy of movements; repeat jumping on two legs moving forward. 30 min

Evening and walk

Game gymnastics after daytime sleep. 7-10 min. Observations of flower beds “Changing carpet of colors. Independent dvig.deyat.

Games in the sandbox, Spr. Inventory. At the request of the children.

Exercise after sleep. 7-10 min. Observation of the sun, Conversations. Engine walking activity. Games: "The mother hen and chickens", "Sparrows and the cat", etc. games with building materials in the sandbox at the request of the children.

Gymnastics for vivacity and Have a good mood. 7-10 min. Observation on a walk for the sun. Compare the time of the year ... how it shines and where to be. Outdoor games at the request of children, Independent activity.

Game gymnastics after sleep. 7-10 min. We continue Observations on a walk of the sky and clouds. Games for children with sports equipment, "Badminton", "Balls", "Rope"


Exercise after sleep. 7-10min.

observation on a walk of the sky, are there any clouds, What are they and why do they float. Motor activity of children, Games: “Catch a mosquito”, “Guess who is screaming”, Games with building material in the sand at the request of the children.


Motor activity is defined as the sum of all movements made by a person in the course of his life. This effective remedy preservation and promotion of health, harmonious development of personality, disease prevention. An indispensable component of motor activity is regular physical education and sports.

Motor mode is a part of the general mode of a preschooler that regulates active muscular activity, including physical exercises, walks, etc.

As the child ages, exercise should take an increasing place in the daily routine. They are a factor contributing to an increase in adaptation not only to muscle activity, but also to cold and hypoxia. Physical activity contributes to the normal development of the central nervous system, improving memory, learning processes, normalizing the emotional and motivational sphere, improving sleep, increasing opportunities not only in physical, but also in mental activity.

Creating a safe developing environment for independent motor activity of children, adequate to their age and needs, will help to improve health, expand motor experience, form a strong interest in physical exercises, self-organization skills and communication with peers.


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