Facial cosmetology at home will help to achieve perfection. Beautician herself. Basic procedures at home

Facial cosmetology at home is one of the areas of cosmetology in general. It includes cosmetic aesthetic procedures that are aimed at solving many problems with the skin of the face. These procedures are aimed at wide range anti-aging care, correction of imperfections, cleansing and treatment. There are two types - plastic and aesthetic cosmetology. Cosmetic services are provided by many medical centers. The range of services they offer in this area is as wide as possible, but at the same time, many of us are not satisfied with them. high price.

Facial cosmetology at home is not a tribute to fashion trends, but reasonable advice, time-tested, providing positive influence on the condition of our skin. It is quite possible to get Beautiful face at home, while spending minimal amount time and finance. We will understand what is included in such a broad concept as facial cosmetology at home. First of all, at home you can do following procedures skin care: a variety of peels, specific treatments for specific problem areas, as well as daily use of products to cleanse, nourish, moisturize and tone the skin. Facial cosmetology at home will help get rid of small cosmetic imperfections e.g. fine lines, acne, pimples, cleanse clogged pores, remove dark spots spoiling the appearance, etc.

Folk recipes aimed at improving and treating the skin of the face, a lot. But you should be guided by the principle - do no harm, so before you go directly to that, you should determine with your skin type. Depending on how oily or, on the contrary, dry skin, one or another means can be used. That is what is good for oily skin, will not have a favorable effect on a face with a dry skin type. And vice versa.

Define fat type the skin can be outwardly thicker, looks like a porous sponge and is shiny, while acne is often present on it. On dry skin, the pores are almost invisible. Outwardly, it is thinner, while its tension and tightness are often felt. The mixed type of facial skin is characterized by inconspicuous pores, but certain areas are noticeably different, for example, the skin on the forehead, nose and chin is shiny, while the rest of the face fits the description of the dry type. This type of facial skin usually corresponds to dark shade with no pores. If you have any doubts about the correctness of determining your skin type, you can consult a specialist for free at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

Let's look at what and how, taking into account your skin type. For dry skin, cleaning is carried out once a month, and for oily skin, once every 2 weeks. There are many options, but we will consider only those that are simple and affordable. It is important not to clean the face if the skin is inflamed with acne, boils, as well as with eczema and other diseases. Cleaning is carried out on healthy skin face in order to remove the accumulation of fat on the skin, dead cells, blackheads or Before cleansing, the face should be steamed over a steam bath, hot compress or paraffin mask, then it is recommended to wipe the face with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Let's move on to cleaning.

For oily skin: lather 3% with facial soap cream and apply to face, avoiding eye and mouth areas. Then apply salt "Extra" on the foam massage lines in a circular motion and leave to dry. On final stage the dried mixture must be washed off hot water and rinse your skin cold water.

For dry skin: dilute with water green clay to the consistency of sour cream, add a few drops of essential oil to it and mix thoroughly. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with hot water and rinsed with cold water.

For combination skin, you can prepare coffee scrub, mixing the cream for your skin type with natural coffee, preferably medium grinding. Apply to steamed face regular scrubs.

Do not forget that after facial cleansing procedures, the skin needs nutrition and hydration. To do this, apply a cream or a nourishing mask. Thus, making a beautiful face at home is not a problem, you just need to regularly care for it.

So winter has come - it's time for fluffy knitted scarves and mittens, hot tea and warm hugs. But what to do with the unprotected delicate skin of the face, which is so vulnerable to changing weather conditions?

Homemade face masks. Recipes for every skin type

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Skin types. Care for oily, dry, problem skin

For proper skin care, it is necessary to determine its type and characteristics. Cosmetologists distinguish four types of facial skin: normal dry, oily and combination. Each skin type requires separate care.

Natural homemade scrubs: effective recipes

Cleansed skin looks healthy and beautiful, it passes oxygen better and renews itself faster. A soft, fragrant, handmade facial cleansing scrub that will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Facial peeling. Types and methods of peeling

The need for peeling of the skin of the face arises when it has such problems as, for example, acne, acne, age spots. Each lady has the right to choose the type of peeling suitable for herself based on personal preferences, financial capabilities, features and type of skin, age.

Moles. Types of moles and their meaning

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Acne, pimples: effective treatments

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Caring for the skin around the eyes

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Fighting wrinkles

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Rules for a beautiful tan

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Lip care in summer and winter

Well-groomed lips are an adornment of the face. To maintain the beauty of the lips, it is necessary to pay attention to them daily. Moisturizing, nourishing and massage - important procedures to keep lips youthful and fresh for years to come.

Oils for facial skin: useful properties, how to apply

Cosmetic oils perfectly nourish, moisturize dry, sensitive and irritated skin, and also have a rejuvenating effect.

Teeth whitening at home

A snow-white smile will serve as an additional decoration for any girl. To maintain the beauty and health of your teeth, you do not need to turn to professionals for whitening advice. Consider effective recipes.

Ice cubes for the face: recipes for moisturizing and youthful skin

Moisture Cubes may contain plain water. But of course, you can turn on the female “magic” by adding a healing decoction of herbs to the molds, or pieces of juicy fruits or vegetables sparkling with vitamins.

How to increase lips folk remedies

To achieve the effect of folk remedies, you need to be patient and observe the regularity of procedures. The result justifies the hard work!

Any woman wants to be beautiful, well-groomed and young. But not all of the fair sex have financial opportunities and time to visit the beauty salon. But it is possible even without special knowledge and equipment. The site At Home.ru will help women stay beautiful by following simple rules for personal care.

Cosmetology at homewith the help of hand tools

You will be surprised, but for the most part

Cosmetics you should not spend fabulous money. Many useful and very effective products for masks, lotions and creams you already have in your refrigerator. And those that are not available are easy to find in a store or pharmacy.

For example, a simple bath can be turned into a real beauty treatment worthy of a good spa.

  • Sea salt. This product can be found at any pharmacy. Salt is sold in pure form and with a variety of additives. There are flavored salt, salt of various colors, but we recommend taking the most common one. It is also worth noting that the Dead Sea salt is the most useful. For a bath you will need 300-500 gr. salt. Dial not a large number of hot water and dissolve the granules in it. Now add warm water so that the overall temperature in the bathroom is about 37 degrees. The duration of this procedure is not more than 15 minutes. Treat yourself to a salt bath once a week for smooth, soft and beautiful skin.
  • Cosmetology at home using honey. Honey is a miraculous remedy that can have an extremely positive effect on the condition. internal organs and all processes in the body. Dissolve in water 300 gr. honey and take a bath worthy of queens. The water temperature can vary from 40 to 25 degrees. It all depends on your preferences and the expected effect. For example, a hot bath increases arterial pressure, improves blood circulation and performs a relaxing effect. Cold water On the contrary, it tones and gives strength.
  • Bath of Cleopatra. You certainly know that Egyptian queen I liked to take baths with milk. What's stopping you from following her example? Milk baths are one of the most effective procedures used in cosmetology at home. You will need about a liter of milk per bath. To enhance the effect, add a couple of spoons of honey and your favorite essential oils. Milk baths work wonders for the skin. Already after the first procedure, the skin will become incredibly soft, toned and tender to the touch.
  • You can add any essential oils and herbs to the bath, which will also help relieve fatigue, relax, and make the skin soft.

Also try preparing a body scrub that has an anti-cellulite effect. Ordinary ground coffee, which remained at the bottom of the cup after you drank the drink, mix with honey. Mix well with the resulting mixture. problem areas. Such a coffee scrub can be used not only for areas covered with cellulite. You can remove the keratinized layer of skin on the entire body and even the face. The skin after such a procedure becomes like that of a baby.

Facial cosmetologyat home

We spent time on the body, and now let's deal with the face. The basis of facial skin care is cleansing and moisturizing. Cleanse your face daily to remove make-up residue and dirt. Do not use soap for washing, as it dries the skin. Purchase a special foam or gel for washing in the store. But the lotion will help to spend more deep cleaning. You can also buy it at the store or cook it yourself from the most common pharmacy chamomile.

Another popular area of ​​facial cosmetology is peeling. This is the cleansing of the skin from dead particles. You can make wonderful scrubs yourself at home. For example, use oatmeal as an exfoliating ingredient. Can be mixed ground into fine powder cereals with carrots, curdled milk or kefir. The resulting mixture should be applied with massage movements to the skin of the face.

Also, as a scrub, the site At home.ru advises using the already mentioned coffee or rice, also finely ground.

Perform masks from kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cucumbers, strawberries. Almost any product can be used.

Hardware cosmetology

Today, most beauty salons offer procedures using special equipment. Modern devices are able to enhance the effect cosmetics, cleanse the skin of rashes, remove wrinkles and keratinized skin particles.

You can purchase beauty machines that are easy to use at home.

For example, get rid of acne vacuum cleaner. Such a device easily and painlessly cleanses the skin of any purulent inflammation, and also removes impurities from the pores. The cleaning process takes place under pressure, but the skin is not injured.

Hardware cosmetology with the help of darsonval is easy and affordable. Despite the complicated name, this device is very easy to use. Such a device acts on the skin using a small alternating current. Also in the kit there are usually several nozzles. Darsonval improves metabolic processes in the skin, smoothes wrinkles, fights cellulite, and also tightens the skin.

Cosmetology at home does not take a lot of time and effort. You just need to take care of yourself regularly.

Home cosmetology, hardware cosmetology at home to buy

.Indications for procedures -->>

Devices for home cosmetology there is a great many. To begin with, consider devices that use the functions of iontophoresis, muscle toning, skin cleansing devices, for procedures such as mesotherapy. You can read hardware methods of cosmetology for the face below.


Facial cleansing treatments at home - hardware cosmetology

Diamond microdermabrasion
- This is a non-surgical skin resurfacing procedure using diamond-tipped tips. The device is designed for peeling the upper layer of the skin with vacuum removal of dead skin particles, dirt and dead cells. This procedure removes the aging layer of the skin, smoothes unevenness, removes age spots, wrinkles and scars. Moderate application of the diamond microdermabrasion machine using a cream penetrating deep into the dermis layer helps to enrich the skin nutrients, restore cell function and improve skin health. The result of diamond microdermabrasion is health, radiance and beauty of the skin.

Diamond peeling machines for home use : NV-60, NV-108, TM-264, TM-268, TM-272
Gels for the procedure:

Indications for microdermabrasion: uneven skin tone and the presence of age spots; presence of small and deep wrinkles; scars and stretch marks of various origins; loss of skin cells of their functions; the presence of acne and pimples; enlarged pores on the face; rough skin due to the influence of wind, sun and other negative factors. If you are over 25 years old, facial microdermabrasion helps you deal with the first signs of aging , slow down skin aging. It will also be useful for problematic skin.

- During the procedure on the gas-liquid / aqua peeling apparatus, the treated area of ​​the skin is exposed to a specially designed nozzle, with the help of an adjustable vacuum power, the nozzle evenly polishes the skin surface and at the same time, therapeutic serum is supplied under pressure to the micro-resurfacing area. All the results of the work done, namely, impurities removed from the skin, comedones and keratinized scales, fall into a special tank, according to appearance which you can verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the procedure. Thanks to the procedure of gas-liquid aqua peeling, the surface of the skin becomes perfectly smooth as silk, crystal clear and well-groomed. Removal of the stratum corneum of the skin medicines freely penetrate deep into the skin to the level of the dermis, where they exert their healing, tonic, antioxidant effect.

Indications for gas-liquid peeling: flabbiness and aging of the skin; wrinkles are small and deep; acne, acne and post-acne; striae (stretch marks); pigmentation; bumps, pockmarks on the surface of the skin; hair loss, oily seborrhea; fading and dullness skin; cellulite; treatment of burn marks and scars; additional hydration and nutrition; Availability dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Ultrasonic cleaning / peeling
- produced by a scrubber, under the influence of ultrasonic waves delicate cleansing skin from pollution, “black spots” are removed, skin color is evened out, age spots become lighter. The skin becomes smooth, clean, with free, cleansed pores and follicles. The procedure perfectly stimulates the processes of tissue repair, helps to smooth out scars and stretch marks, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Ultrasonic micro-massage in pulse mode in combination with active concentrates provides a lifting effect and reduces swelling. After ultrasonic peeling, access to skin cells is free, so it is easy to introduce moisturizing and nourishing solutions, gels, creams. The procedure of ultrasonic micromassage of the skin and facial muscles favors the penetration of various cosmetic products into the depths of the skin, thereby activating blood circulation and metabolic processes inside the cells and preventing the "habitual muscle spasm" that forms wrinkles.

Indications for ultrasonic polishing: oily, porous skin with wide mouths of the sebaceous ducts; combination skin with comedones; dry thin skin; "tired", gray, dull skin; wrinkled type aging; deformation type aging; photoaging.

Corrective cosmetic procedures facial at home

RF lifting- This is a method of electrotherapy, thermal exposure to high frequency currents. This method passed tests in leading cosmetology clinics. This is a type of lifting that is used to treat age-related changes skin, i.e. for her rejuvenation. The results of electrotherapy are truly impressive. During the procedure, the functional activity of the cells responsible for the elasticity, strength and extensibility of the skin is restored. From a technical point of view, RF radiation is a kind of electromagnetic spectrum. This is a high frequency alternating electromagnetic wave. RF radiation affects the skin fibers, heating them up to 45°C-65°C. Cooling down, collagen fibers contract and tighten loose skin, simultaneously stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen. Thus, RF radiation strengthens the dermis layer and makes it more elastic, while improving skin health and reducing wrinkles.

Thermage-radio wave rejuvenation
- With the help of special equipment for the Thermage procedure, a radio wave with a frequency of 3 to 12 MHz penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis with wave oscillations up to 30,000,000 times per second. This leads to an instant heating of the collagen fibers from 45 to 65 degrees.
With such a temperature effect, collagen fibers partially coagulate, thereby shrinking in volume and shortening. This, in turn, leads to an immediate tightening of the skin. Our body is designed in such a way that it reacts to any changes. Partial coagulation of fibers triggers metabolic processes in the body that multiply the production of new fibers. Within 3-6 months this recovery process takes place, leading to a significant tightening and rejuvenation of the skin. Just one Thermage procedure is enough to stop aging for half a year and get a rejuvenation effect for 5-10 years.

Vacuum facial massage at home - a procedure for which, as in salons, silicone, glass, less often rubber cans are used, as well as convenient compact vacuum devices and massagers for home use. The method consists in creating a negative pressure in a jar or nozzle by manually or automatically (using a device) removing air, after which a static or dynamic effect is exerted.

D "arsonval - Darsonvalization is based on the therapeutic effect on the human body of high voltage alternating current through a glass electrode filled with gas. The impact is carried out by pulsed sinusoidal alternating currents of high frequency (110-400 kHz) and high voltage (about 20 kV), but of rather low power (up to 100-200 mA). Alternating currents of low strength do not lead to ionic shifts in the membranes, do not lead to an increase in temperature and do not force muscle tissue to contract. A positive effect is achieved by improving the outflow of venous blood and lymph, which accelerates metabolic processes in tissues.
The effect of the darsonval device on the skin of the face Using the darsonval device activates biochemical metabolic processes in the skin and subcutaneous layers, normalizes blood circulation, improves tissue trophism and oxygen supply, reduces the threshold of sensitivity to external irritations of pain receptors, providing an analgesic effect. By activating metabolic processes and blood circulation, the device enhances the penetration into the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of medical and cosmetic products, improves muscle tone. General darsonvalization slows down blood clotting, normalizes the tone of cerebral vessels, lowers blood pressure, eliminates headaches, normalizes sleep and increases efficiency.

Desincrustation or galvanic facial cleansing is a method in which, with the help of a constant electric current small force conduct deep cleansing skin. At the same time, comedones are easily removed - formations that are formed due to clogging of pores with plugs consisting of a mixture of sebum, dead cells and microorganisms. There are open and closed comedones. Open ones look like black dots, their contents communicate with environment, and closed - white dots located deep and not communicating with the outside world. Comedones not only have an unaesthetic appearance, but also begin to become inflamed over time, because sebum and dead cells are a wonderful environment for microorganisms to live and multiply. Thus, ugly acne appears, which, depending on the depth of the process, can leave scars behind. In this regard, comedones need to be fought, and deincrustation - great way for such a fight.

- The device for cavitation works on the principle of vacuum with a frequency of ultrasonic radiation - 40 kHz. Under the influence of ultrasonic pulses, a powerful vibrational effect occurs on fat cells, numerous microbubbles form on their membranes and inside the cells themselves, that is, a cavitation effect occurs, leading to damage to the membranes of lipocytes and splitting even the most dense fatty deposits. The impulses penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layers, reducing the size and number of fat cells. The warming effect created by exposure to strong ultrasound waves accelerates the flow of fluid between fat cells and tissues, promotes the breakdown of fatty acids and cleanses the lymphatic system of toxins and toxins. Thus, the use of the device for cavitation leads to getting rid of fat deposits, modeling beautiful figure, tightening the skin and increasing muscle elasticity.

Mesotherapy / electroparation
- directly affects the skin, intensively increasing the permeability of the skin. Under the influence of the electric shock effect, infiltrates are formed in the lipid mobilizers of the cells, and at the same time, hydrophilic molecules that were not absorbed initially can penetrate into the internal structures of the cells. After the formation of infiltrates in a period of a few seconds to a few minutes, they will open according to the length and flexibility of the shock. The principle of operation of electroosmosis is to activate the molecules of a substance that are able to supply a positive current to positively charged molecules.

Microcurrents- the microcurrent therapy method combines the advantages of electrical stimulation and exposure to direct galvanic current, while at the same time avoiding negative effects inherent in these factors. Microcurrent exposure does not irritate the skin and does not cause persistent redness characteristic of direct galvanic current. Microcurrent therapy, unlike electromyostimulation, does not cause obvious muscle contractions, which helps to avoid unpleasant pain under the electrodes characteristic of myostimulation. Exposure to microcurrents occurs due to the stimulation of electrochemical processes on the surface of cell membranes, the activation of metabolism by increasing the biological activity of potassium-dependent enzymes and, as a result, the acceleration of the synthesis of proteins (in particular, collagen and elastin), linides, energy cellular factors and other biologically active substances. That promotes the regeneration of skin cells, improves its function, increases muscle tone.

Ultraphonophoresis / phonophoresis
- This is an ultrasound therapy procedure during which pharmaceuticals are injected into the deep layers of the skin. The introduction of drugs using ultrasound enhances penetration and provides micro-massage at the cellular level. Depending on the drug chosen, phonophoresis is used to address most aesthetic problems skin. Indications for phonophoresis are: oily or mixed skin type, acne, enlarged pores, dull complexion, a large number of comedones, skin laxity, ptosis, hyperpigmentation, etc. Facial phonophoresis is a completely safe and painless procedure that suits owners of any skin type, requiring care. Ultrasonic waves act on cells like a micro-massage, thereby improving blood circulation, increasing metabolism and blood flow, thereby enriching the cells with oxygen, nutrition and active substances of the preparations. Already after the first procedure, pores are significantly narrowed, secretion decreases sebaceous glands, disappears oily sheen skin.

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It is rare for anyone to meet a beautiful and smooth skin without flaws. Of course, there are exceptions, but rarely. Almost all of us need special care behind the face. Women different ages always find flaws in themselves and turn to cosmetologists for help. Most categorically do not like their appearance, and sometimes they are ready for a lot to become even more beautiful and younger. The cause may be wrinkles, a mustache above the lip, skin that has lost elasticity, scars, and much more.

When home care does not give the desired effect on the skin, professional cosmetology comes to the rescue, offering a great variety of procedures: from the simplest, for example, tightening masks, to cutting-edge ones, such as photorejuvenation. But the most effective, according to clients of cosmetologists, are only five procedures.

Facial cleaning in the salon

Facial cleansing methods are different, and each procedure has its own advantages. Regular and proper cleaning required and helpful. Thanks to her, the skin of the face becomes healthier and well-groomed.

Manual or manual facial cleansing is a must for problematic and oily skin. But you will have to be patient a little, since this procedure is very painful, and even after it your face will not look the most pleasant for another day. But, believe me, it's worth the patience: the skin becomes refreshed, clean and you can forget about the rash and polluted pores for three weeks.

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Vacuum cleaning is effective for facial skin that loses elasticity. It has a massaging and lifting effect. Apparatus vacuum cleaning like a vacuum cleaner that pulls blackheads out of the skin and cleans the pores. This procedure is painless, but it does not give good results after one use, as some blackheads and comedones are too deep in the skin and difficult to reach.

Laser treatment for problematic skin. If pimples and blackheads are on the face for a long time, after them there are spots and scars. The laser beam removes the keratinized top layer of the skin, removing these imperfections. The skin is rejuvenated and looks much better. The results after the procedure are stored for a long time.

Ultrasonic cleaning is a very effective and pleasant procedure. However, it is not suitable for very problematic skin. Ultrasound gives a rejuvenating effect, deeply cleans pores and improves blood circulation.. It is not recommended to carry out such cleaning for hypertensive patients and if there are neoplasms on the skin.

Benefits and features of peeling (Video)

Peeling is the removal of the upper stratum corneum of the skin. The most effective are median and superficial-median peels.. The median renews and tightens the skin, cleansing the top layer of the epidermis. Irregularities on the face go away along with fine wrinkles. This procedure can be carried out only in winter and autumn. After such peeling, it is imperative to properly care for the skin and strictly follow all the recommendations of the beautician.

During superficial-median peeling, a mask is applied to the face. fruit acids, then it is removed and already open pores deliver oxygen. At the end it is applied nourishing mask. This procedure helps to cleanse and brighten the skin and solve the problem with. One procedure usually fails to achieve good result. Of course, it all depends on the age of the client and skin problems, but usually several treatments are required to achieve a visible effect.

Non-injection mesotherapy - a new word in cosmetology

What is mesotherapy? These are injections under the skin. With the help of mesotherapy, you can get rid of wrinkles, improve complexion and give the skin a toned look.. For the procedure, special medicinal or vitamin "cocktails" are prepared.

Non-injection mesotherapy is the application of these same "cocktails" directly on the skin of the face in the desired areas. Then the hardware impact is carried out. The skin absorbs all the necessary substances. Various devices are used - laser, ion, magnetic, cryo-apparatus. The procedure is painless, and although sometimes slight redness may appear after it, they disappear quickly.

This therapy is often used hyaluronic acid, which makes the skin more hydrated, elastic, as well as glycolic acid and vitamin C. And the best part is that the result can be seen after the first procedure, and it lasts for quite a long time. long period time.

But this cosmetic procedure also has contraindications. It is not recommended if there is inflammation on the skin, and for lactating women, as well as those suffering from cholelithiasis, since the composition of the "cocktails" includes substances that have a choleretic effect.

Thermolifting - beneficial effects of heat

Thermolifting is a procedure of thermal influence on the skin, in which the temperature of the layers rises.. As a result, fibroblasts are activated in the subcutaneous connective tissue, collagen molecules are renewed and the synthesis of elastane increases. The effect of the procedure gradually increases and ends with an increase in the production and concentration of hyaluronic acid.

Preparation for the procedure:

  • In no case do not do any peeling for 2 weeks of the procedure;
  • Do not visit the sauna;
  • Do not go to the solarium and do not tan naturally.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Skin cleansing;
  • Application of a special gel;
  • Exposure to radiation;
  • Giving impulses.
  • Abstinence from hot baths for two weeks;
  • Direct protection sun rays for the same period;
  • Limitation physical activity for a period of about five days;
  • Refusal of peeling and.

There are several types of this procedure:

Deep laser thermolifting (IPL). The laser beam penetrates to a depth of up to 9 mm. There is a rather powerful thermal effect on the skin. This procedure helps to get rid of such serious defects like a second chin. Suitable not only for the face, but also for the visible correction of the body.

radio wave or radio frequency. It is able to influence even very deep layers of the skin up to 4 cm. This procedure is carried out by fixing the electrodes to the skin, the temperature is heated and a high activation of fibroblasts is produced.

Infrared thermolifting (IR). The procedure for warming the skin with infrared rays. Penetration into the skin is small, about 5 mm. If you just need to improve the circulation of the skin and speed up the process of its renewal, this procedure will help you. It is also suitable for correcting skin relief at a young age.

Modern facial rejuvenation

The technique of photorejuvenation in cosmetology does not consist in only one procedure. The patient must go through all three stages.

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At the first stage, a dermatologist-cosmetologist examines the patient's skin and, depending on age, skin color and defects, selects the type of light exposure to be applied. The level of the procedure is determined - superficial or deep photorejuvenation, session time and interval between procedures.

At the second stage, the skin is prepared for light exposure. You can do soft peeling using glycolic acids.

Photorejuvenation is a painless procedure, only a slight tingling sensation is possible. If your skin is sensitive, you will be given an anesthetic gel.

At the third stage, just before the procedure itself, the patient puts on special tinted glasses to protect the eyes. Since this procedure is non-contact, the device does not touch the skin, and a light pulse is applied to the treatment area, which comes from the glass surface of the nozzle. light rays absorbed by vascular hemoglobin and skin melanin. The entire course of rejuvenation consists of 7 procedures with a break of a month. One session lasts approximately 10 minutes.

A wide range of light is used for the procedure. The wavelength of the radiation varies, and this makes it possible to change the modes of exposure depending on the layers and type of skin. Due to the range of light, collagen begins to be produced in the skin cells, as a result of which the skin becomes more toned, elastic and beautiful.