My face has suddenly started to age, what should I do? To keep your skin young. Deformation type of skin aging, how it manifests itself

We do not reveal the universal secret: sooner or later the skin begins to age. Have you noticed that many girls, having discovered barely noticeable facial wrinkles on their faces, begin to panic and begin to study the anti-age cosmetics market and sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist? At the same time, they completely forget that along with their face, their body begins to age. In different areas, signs of aging manifest themselves in their own way: stretch marks appear here and there, barely noticeable pigmentation appears, and in general there is a decrease in skin turgor.

There are suspicions that even those celebrities who claim that they are ready to boldly face age are still disingenuous: it is difficult to imagine a woman who would be ready to meekly accept wrinkles on her face. But on the body... For some reason, many are not so upset when they discover that the skin of the body has lost a fair amount of elasticity. And some completely ignore the telltale lines on the neck, arms or, for example, on the hips. But they are the ones who will reveal your age red-handed while you show others your well-groomed face without a single wrinkle. “The reasons for skin aging can be different: poor ecology, slow vital processes, heredity, poor lifestyle - all this affects the condition of the skin,” says L"Occitane expert Maria Shikhova. “Due to the fact that the skin does not have additional resources, "In order to retain moisture, it becomes dehydrated and dry. These factors provoke the appearance of wrinkles."


We won’t tire of repeating: you need to moisturize your skin every day. And not just on the face. Moreover, you need to do this after every shower. The skin's natural ability to retain moisture becomes weaker with age. This means that every time you use cleansers - gel and especially scrub - the active ingredients of the creams are washed off from the skin. By the way, it is best to apply products to the skin while it is still damp - this way all the beneficial components will be better absorbed.

“Basic care should be strengthening and toning. Products containing essential oils, for example, mint, immortelle, palmarosa, are excellent - they stimulate blood circulation very well. To keep the skin surface smooth and velvety, products with plant proteins, such as almond proteins, are suitable,” advises L “Occitane expert Lyudmila Borisova.


After a good peeling, moisturizers penetrate deeper into the skin and therefore work more effectively. Do not neglect such an important stage of body skin care as exfoliation. It is necessary to use scrubs, rough washcloths and brushes once a week: they will help remove dead skin particles and make its surface smooth and soft. Plus, these beauty manipulations will prevent the appearance of cellulite.

It is no coincidence that Victoria's Secret models rub dry skin with coarse bristles every other day - this way they improve blood circulation, dispersing lymph congestion in problem areas.

It turns out that taking hot showers too often and for a long time, using a large amount of cleansers, is harmful. Even this simple procedure should be carried out according to the rules, otherwise the skin may become too dry and lose its tenderness and smoothness. Get used to the contrast shower - it will improve blood circulation, and, therefore, the condition of the skin.

Drink water

Why do you think experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of water a day? Reason #1: to avoid general dehydration. Reason No. 2 (cosmetological): so that the skin receives the necessary moisture from the inside. Can't bring yourself to do it? Keep a bottle of water on your desk or install a motivational app on your smartphone that will remind you that it's time to walk to the cooler for another glass of water.

Experts distinguish 4 types of facial skin aging - each type of aging requires its own skin care and its own cosmetic procedures.

Aging dry skin

Do you remember how in our school years we envied smooth-faced beauties with porcelain skin without a single enlarged pore, without a nasty shine and without a single pimple? Most likely, they were the owners of dry skin, and the only trouble that could happen to their faces before the age of 23 was just a slight peeling (from frost or bad cream). But then, without special care, the following begins to happen to dry skin - at first it becomes covered with a thin, barely noticeable mesh, which becomes more pronounced after applying foundation and powder. Then facial wrinkles form: first the traditional “crow’s feet” around the eyes, then nasolabial folds, longitudinal wrinkles above the upper lip and transverse wrinkles on the forehead. Alas, if you “miss” the moment of the onset of age-related changes, then in the future no procedures will be able to return the face to a youthful appearance.

What to do? If age-related changes have just begun to appear, start actively using creams: moisturizing during the day, nourishing at night. Your goal is to provide the deep layers of the skin with a constant supply of moisture. Don't forget that frost and sun are your biggest enemies. And if wrinkles are already very noticeable, you should think about a course of hyaluronic acid injections - a more reliable moisture storage device in the skin has not yet been invented.

What to read . For anyone with dry skin, we additionally recommend the following materials:how to properly care for dry skin - step-by-step tips on how to care for your skin throughout the day and how to keep it in good condition and prevent premature aging, andhomemade masks for dry skin - numerous recipes that allow you to properly nourish and moisturize facial skin that is prone to aging and dryness.

Aging skin results in sagging

The second type of facial skin aging is called gravitational, because it is directly related to the force of gravity. In other words, some faces visually age because they sag. This is often due to problems with the kidneys and liver, when the face swells from time to time: under the eyes, around the cheekbones and in the lower part of the cheeks. This leads to the formation of fluid-congested areas that pull the skin down in the form of pouches. Characteristic signs of this type of facial aging are pastiness, pronounced nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the mouth. Another characteristic feature: a person looks youngest in the middle of the day, but when asleep and in the evening, the face looks rather rumpled.

What to do. First, try to eliminate the main problem: to cure, if possible, the internal organs, due to the disease of which swelling occurs. Give up bad habits: for example, excessive consumption of salt, beer, just tea or coffee (especially at night). Try drinking diuretic herbal teas from time to time. Sleep at least 7 and no more than 9 hours a day, and preferably in a cool room (hot air in the bedroom can cause swelling). Among cosmetic procedures, it is worth paying attention to masks with seaweed and classic facial massage, as well as hardware lymphatic drainage.

What to read . For additional information, we recommend the following materials:Home facial massage - all the secrets, as well as facial massage techniques with step-by-step video.Firming face masks - we share the most effective recipes for homemade masks that will help correct the oval of the face, smooth out wrinkles, and add tone and elasticity to sagging skin. The home honey massage, which is described in detail in the article, generated numerous positive responses.Honey face masks . Here is a collection of honey-based masks for different skin types.

Skin aging in children's faces

The most insidious age-related changes await the owners of the so-called baby-faces - children's faces: plump cuties with childish facial features. Such faces do not seem like adults for a long time, which is why they age sharply and suddenly. This is due to the fact that plump faces have a fairly large (anatomically justified) reserve of subcutaneous fat, which at some point the skin becomes unable to maintain in a taut state. The collagen framework, which ensures the tension of facial tissues, sags under the weight of fat, and the “baby baby” first has sagging cheeks, then the eyebrows and upper eyelids, and soon appearsdouble chin . The impression of “aging” appears after the oval of the “baby’s” face is deformed.

What to do. Firstly, strictly monitor weight fluctuations - in almost 70% of cases, sudden aging of this type of face occurs after rapid weight loss. Secondly, watch your facial expressions and be prepared for botulinum toxin injections. Well, as in the previous case, beware of swelling. Ultrasound-based procedures help strengthen facial tissues well.

Skin aging in mobile individuals

Moving faces with large features age according to their own scenario. The fact is that they have a developed muscular frame - this, on the one hand, is good. But on the other hand, working muscles, “dragging” the skin along with them, stretch it much faster, which leads to the rapid formation of muscles. First, the “chewing area” stands out with steep folds (remember the cartoon about Homer Simpson? Then this area is not difficult to imagine). Then - the folds on the forehead. Well, and then everything else.

What to do. For people of this type, the main thing is a decrease in muscle tone - that is, “Botox” is, as doctors say, the drug of choice. The second point is the restoration of collagen reserves: this can be achieved by taking cosmeceuticals based on provitamin A and enzyme preparations that improve cellular metabolism. Among salon procedures, it is worth choosing a course of electrophoresis with mild muscle relaxants (drugs that help muscles relax).

What to read . In addition to all the tips, the section will be an excellent helpFacial skin rejuvenation - this is a whole blog about caring for aging facial skin, where you will find expert advice and reviews from our readers, where they share their stories and useful tips on how to keep your skin in excellent condition and always be young and beautiful.

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It is not only central heating and poor ventilation in apartments and offices that dry it out. In winter, people consume more proteins, fats, bread and generally eat more, move less, which pollutes the body from the inside and immediately affects the skin. On the other hand, cold stimulates and rejuvenates cells, so the onset of winter is generally beneficial for our skin, but we must take some measures to avoid the harmful effects of other factors.

SPA at your home

FIND a couple of hours a week to really focus on your beauty. Let's start with the simplest procedure.

Facial cleansing. Take cosmetic clay and, kneading it until thick with rich sour cream, apply the solution to your face. Keep the mask on for 30–40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and immediately rinse your face with cold water. The deepest cleansing is done with black clay, which is also beneficial for the body, as it helps fight ohm.

Exfoliation of the upper skin. Mix 1 tablespoon oat flour with 1 teaspoon brown rice flour (grind the rice in a coffee grinder) and 2-3 drops lavender oil. Add some warm water and 1 teaspoon of honey. Massage your face and neck with this mixture with light movements. Then wash your face with warm water.

Facial bath. This is a wonderful procedure for normalizing the acid-base balance and detoxifying the skin. However, keep in mind that those who have very sensitive skin or face should not do it. Pour boiling water into a large pot with dried herbs or oils that suit your skin type. For example, for dry and sensitive skin it is very good to use chamomile. Peppermint and rosemary are beneficial for normal to combination skin, as well as acne-prone skin. Lavender is a wonderful remedy for all skin types.

Tilt your head over the pan at a distance of about 8-10 cm and cover your head and pan with a towel. Hold your face over the steam for about 5 minutes. After the procedure, apply moisturizer to your face.

Face massage. It can be done with a moisturizer or a special therapeutic oil. Choose a humidifier that does not contain petroleum (petroleum), mineral oil, or propylene glycol. Light massage of the face and neck (all upward movements from the neck to the forehead and temples).

If you take care of your face like this every week, it will never let you down and old age will not knock on your door for a long time.

It is very useful for maintaining skin tone to wash your face in water with pieces of ice or simply in cold water. But don’t forget about your body, it will also thank you for a cool shower.

Dry skin is not a problem

MAKE the following face lotion: 300 ml of heated water, 100 ml of cream, mix and boil. Cool, carefully drain the clear part of the liquid into a glass container. Discard the sediment. Wipe your face with this lotion in the morning and at night.

Nourishing mask with egg yolk. Whisk a mixture of half a chicken yolk (or 3 quail egg yolks), 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 15 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face and keep for no longer than 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Flax nourishing mask. Place 1 tablespoon of flaxseed in 150 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5–10 minutes. After cooling, apply to face. Keep for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Honey mask. Grind 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and one beaten yolk until smooth. Apply on face for 20 minutes.

Rinse off with warm water.

Sour cream and honey mask. Mix equal parts of honey and thick fat sour cream. Apply to face and wash off after 20 minutes.

Oily skin - can be dried

GRADE orange and grapefruit peels. Squeeze the juice from the fruits and pour into the paste from the peels. Add 100 grams of brandy or vodka. Place in a warm place and leave for 7 days. Strain. DO NOT DRINK ALTHOUGH IT IS DELICIOUS, leave something for your face as by rubbing your face with this lotion you will get excellent results in treating oily skin. Wipe your face 2 times a day - morning and night.

Honey mask. Mix 100 grams of honey, 25 grams of vodka and 25 grams of water. Apply on your face for 25 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Yolk mask. Whisk 1 yolk and 20 drops of lemon juice. Lubricate your face with olive oil. Apply a mask over it, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

No mask will require more than 20-25 minutes of your time. However, if you do them regularly,

it turns out that in a week you will devote about 140 minutes to your face, i.e. almost 2.5 hours. In a month this will already be 10 hours! And in a year - 120. You can imagine how your appearance will change for the better with such care, but it all starts with just 20 minutes every day!

In winter, to prevent your skin from drying out, you need to drink more water, and drink it in small sips. This helps hydrate your cells from the inside out. There is an ancient method of externally moisturizing the skin. Place a small wide vessel of water next to your bed. It is very useful not to keep the windows tightly closed even in winter. Now let's talk about the skin on the body. The fact is that poorly ventilated skin due to clothing loses its elasticity. So try some simple but effective methods. Once you've scrubbed every inch of your body, you can shower. The skin will become soft, silky, and the body will begin to breathe.

These products will help moisturize and protect your skin from wrinkles..

1. Olive oil best softens the skin. American cosmetologist Dr. Perricone states: “Even the ancient Romans used olive oil for massage. The result was invariably beautiful, smooth, elastic skin.” A powerful idea is to apply olive oil to your lips to moisturize them when they are chapped due to dryness. It is also definitely worth applying to rough areas of the skin - elbows and soles.

2. Green tea- not only a way to relax, it is also a wonderful source of powerful antioxidants. What's more interesting is that research conducted by the University of Alabama has shown that drinking a cup of green tea daily can reduce the risk of developing skin cancer. The antioxidants found in green tea keep you energized longer than, for example, citrus juice due to its high caffeine content. To cleanse the body, you should take at least two cups of tea a day. Leave the wet tea bags in the refrigerator and hold them on your eyes for ten minutes to relieve fatigue.

3. Another product that keeps the skin toned is pumpkin. "Pumpkin is rich in vitamins C, E and A, as well as beneficial, strong enzymes that help clear skin," explains dermatologist Kenneth Beer, author of Perfect Palm Beach Skin. Pumpkin also has moisturizing properties. Blend 2 cans of canned or boiled pumpkin, 4 tablespoons of low-calorie yogurt and 4 tablespoons of honey in a blender. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 10 minutes. This will perfectly moisturize and soften the skin.

4. Pomegranate - one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits, second only to green tea. A scrub mask made from pomegranate seeds should be applied to the face twice a week to remove dead skin cells, according to dermatologists.

5. And among summer foods, berries will bring the most benefits to the skin (unless, of course, you have enough allergies) . Strawberries (of course, not the “rubber” ones from the supermarket, but real ones from the garden) contain more anti-aging vitamins than an orange or grapefruit. Recent studies have shown that people who eat foods rich in vitamin C every day have fewer wrinkles and less dry skin. For smooth, hydrated skin, apply a strawberry mask at least twice a week and add vitamin C-rich foods to your daily diet. Blend a cup of frozen or fresh strawberries, add yogurt and half a tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture can be applied to the face and left for eight minutes, and then rinsed off thoroughly.

All anti-aging products are divided into 4 types. From this we can conclude: there are 4 conventional stages of skin aging, and each of them requires specific procedures.

1. First wrinkles and lines

The first wrinkles can appear at very different ages: some are horrified to discover that they have begun to age at the age of 18, while others do not think about wrinkle correction until they are 35. Why? It's a matter of both external and internal factors.

External factors include uncontrolled ecology, a diet subject to volitional correction, and lifestyle - those who smoke and drink will wrinkle before others. Internal factors are genetics (some unfortunate ladies have thin and dry skin, which easily becomes wrinkled, inherited from their parents), diseases of internal organs and other troubles.

What to do? If your wrinkles are just beginning to appear, everything can be corrected with the help of dermatocosmetics aimed at preventing aging. It should be present in the epidermis and also stimulate skin tone. As a rule, such cosmetics are labeled “25 years+”.

2. Expression wrinkles

The next stage in the development of “wrinkling” is the acquisition of mimic “crow’s feet” around the eyes, wrinkles outlining the nasolabial triangle, and other joys. As the name suggests, the formation of these wrinkles depends on both the quality of the skin and the emotionality of its owner.

The more you tend to grimace, wrinkle your forehead, laugh - the more pronounced the wrinkles.

And if “cheerful” wrinkles around the eyes can add charm, then mournful nasolabial folds will certainly not please anyone.

What to do? Expression wrinkles can be called a borderline problem - it all depends on you how much you want to get rid of them.

If your intentions are serious and radical, then you will have to contact a cosmetologist - and he will select the necessary fillers (wrinkle fillers) for you.

The most common fillers are . They are administered by injection. Such drugs do not affect the muscles, facial expressions do not change, but the skin begins to glow with health.

If you are not ready for injections, then with the help of a cosmetologist you can choose the most effective anti-aging dermatocosmetics that will improve the condition of your skin.

But you should know that such therapy will not remove wrinkles 100%.

3. The face floats

The next stage of skin aging is characterized by a decrease in its turgor, when the oval of the face floats. In this case, the cosmetologist’s task is to tighten the skin and return the oval “to its historical homeland.”

At this stage, the procedures described above for filling wrinkles should become regular - injections of hyaluronic acid give an effect within 4-6 months, and then must be repeated. In addition, if skin turgor decreases, you can seek correction with Botox. No matter what they say about it, this drug has been on the market for a long time, has passed all possible tests and has proven its safety. The main contraindications to Botox injections are any inflammatory process in the body or on the skin, any disorders of neuromuscular conduction, taking antibiotics and anticoagulants, pregnancy and breastfeeding. In other cases, the procedure is safe.

As for the choice of cosmetics, it must have a smoothing effect and thus maintain and prolong the results of aesthetic procedures.

4. Global aging

The stage of global skin aging is characterized by deep wrinkles, dry skin and the appearance of age spots.

In this case, it is necessary to maintain courses of the previously described aesthetic procedures (as prescribed by a cosmetologist) in combination with anti-aging cosmetics and, if there is an active desire to maintain a youthful appearance, visits to a plastic surgeon who will skillfully correct facial features.