About the methods and types of cleansing the face. Clear skin is trendy! Aesthetic cosmetology

Under the influence of environmental pollution, improper diet, insufficient care and age-related changes, toxins and toxins accumulate in the skin, which clog pores, cause inflammation, lead to early aging of the skin and loss of its elasticity. It is for a number of these reasons facial skin needs regular cleansing. Home methods do not always allow you to solve such problems, so it is best to contact a professional. In many beauty salons and cosmetology centers, you will find such qualified assistance in the face of a beautician who will identify your skin problems and offer cleaning options to eliminate them.

What is the essence of the procedure

The essence of the facial cleansing procedure at the beautician is as follows:

1. You come for an initial consultation, during which the beautician determines your skin type and existing problems. Based on these data, the cosmetologist chooses the optimal type of skin cleansing, taking into account all possible contraindications.

2. After the initial consultation, the cosmetologist may prescribe preparatory procedures:

  • the use of special creams;
  • preliminary superficial peeling.

3. The facial cleansing procedure, as a rule, appointed on the eve of the weekend, as the skin needs a rehabilitation period to recover. This period can last from 4 to 7 days.

4. Cleaning procedure always performed on thoroughly cleansed skin treated with an antibacterial agent. A cleaning session takes from 10 to 45 minutes, depending on the method chosen.

In 5-7 days after this procedure, you will notice how fresh, clean and healthy your cat looks. The duration of the effect depends on the method chosen for cleaning the skin. Typically, this period is from one to six months.

What are the types of facial cleansing at the cosmetologist

Cosmetology constantly develops and offers more and more new methods for cleansing the skin of the face, but does not reject the old proven methods.

Facial cleaning by mechanical method

This facial cleansing is usually performed manually or using a special tool, working through all the problem areas of the skin. This is the most traumatic way, but it is very effective. To include:

  • manual (manual) cleaning;
  • cleaning with Uno spoon.

Chemical facial cleansing

Such skin cleansing carried out by applying chemicals to the skin which contain various types of acids. Acids soften the surface layer, dissolving old impurities, and, getting deep into the skin, activate all cellular processes.

There are many types of chemical peels, and each one has a specific effect. on the skin:

  • carbon peeling;
  • almond peeling;
  • glycolic peeling;
  • enzymatic peeling;
  • Jessner peeling;
  • salicylic peel.

Hardware method of facial cleansing

Modern technologies allows you to clean the skin without damaging the skin, while launching renewal processes in such a way that within a few days of peeling, the skin is completely renewed. Skin cleansing includes:

  • laser cleaning;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • vacuum cleaning;
  • gas-liquid peeling.

Atraumatic facial cleansing

This the only gentle type of facial cleansing Suitable for very sensitive and delicate skin. The absence of a recovery period and good results make this procedure an excellent express method for skin care. It can be attributed to:

  • superficial chemical peeling;
  • peeling with ultrasound;
  • vacuum peeling.

Folk methods do not always lead to the expected result. They are unable to deal with some problems. Therefore, it is important for every woman to visit a professional beautician. For example, facial cleansing is a rather complicated technique; it is almost impossible to do it yourself. But in beauty salons you will be offered a whole list of procedures to choose from.

Effective cosmetic cleaning should be carried out regularly. The frequency depends on the type and condition of the skin. The same parameters determine the type of cleaning. Modern cosmetology has an extensive list of professional techniques for the face. You can get acquainted with them both in practice and in theory by watching a video or reading interesting information on a specialized website. We will talk about the most common and effective procedures in this article.

Manual skin cleansing

It is truly classic, but not outdated. New types of cosmetic procedures could not overshadow the popularity of this method, so it is actively used to this day. But it cannot be considered optimal for the face due to the presence of significant drawbacks:

  • manual cleaning of the epidermis of the face is the most traumatic procedure;
  • manual cleaning is accompanied by a long recovery period;
  • there is a risk of penetration of infections into the epidermis;
  • during the procedure, pain and other unpleasant sensations occur;
  • after cleaning, hard-to-remove scars and scars may remain.

Contraindications to such cleaning are foci of infections on the skin of the face, severe or chronic dermatological diseases, arterial hypertension, rosacea and demodicosis. A low threshold for pain sensitivity can also be a factor influencing the refusal of the procedure.

Manual facial cleansing is carried out for the purpose of deep sanitation of the skin. Mechanically remove blackheads, blackheads and sebaceous plugs. The process consists of several stages.

  1. Cosmetics and all impurities are removed from the skin of the face.
  2. The surface of the epidermis is steamed and a special gel is applied.
  3. The master removes dead cells and fatty deposits.
  4. The most painful stage of cleansing is squeezing the secret out of the pores.
  5. The procedure should end with disinfection of the epidermis of the face.

After manual cleaning, special care is required. Every day, apply cream on the skin of the face, wipe it with lotion and make a variety of masks. In the first 2-3 days after the procedure, refrain from visiting the beach and solarium.

ultrasonic cleaning

refers to hardware methods. The procedure is carried out with a special scrubber that directs waves deep into the skin. Penetrating into the epidermis, microimpulses carry out tissue massage. Such cleaning is necessary in the following cases:

  • clogging of pores;
  • acne;
  • increased greasiness.

With the help of special means, the surface of the face is cleaned of contaminants. Then a gel or tonic is applied, which helps to exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis under the influence of ultrasound. As a result, all impurities come out of the pores, which the beautician immediately removes.

If you have contraindications to the procedure, choose another method. In some cases, it is impossible to treat the skin with an ultrasonic scrubber:

  • in the second half of pregnancy;
  • after operations on the face;
  • with cardiovascular diseases, tumors and infections;
  • after tightening the skin with gold threads.

Ultrasonic cleaning of the skin also activates metabolic processes. After the procedure, the epidermis acquires freshness, becomes more elastic and even.

laser resurfacing

Laser facial cleaning has long been considered an outlandish procedure. Due to its clear advantages over many similar techniques, it is becoming increasingly popular. Exposure to the skin of the face during the session is carried out by an infrared beam of light. It penetrates into the upper layers, destroying dead cells and stimulating the formation of new ones. Thus, there is an instant renewal of the skin.

2-3 days before the cleaning session, you should refuse to visit the beach and solarium. No need to steam the skin and undergo other potent procedures. The most suitable time for laser cleaning is autumn. During this period, solar activity is weak, and ultraviolet cannot harm the deeply cleansed epidermis. The duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes. During this time, the specialist performs the following manipulations.

  1. The skin of the face is treated with antiseptics.
  2. For high sensitivity, local anesthesia is used.
  3. The device is tuned to a specific frequency.
  4. The master runs the device over the surface of the epidermis, removing impurities, age spots and bacteria.

Laser cleaning is carried out to eliminate many defects in the skin. The most common of them:

  • wrinkles;
  • enlarged pores;
  • uneven relief;
  • scars.

It is impossible to cure acne with a laser, since it only affects the upper layers of tissues. Before you go for a session, visit a beautician. Laser cleaning is an effective procedure, however, it is not without drawbacks:

  • the procedure is recommended for persons over 25 years of age;
  • it can not be carried out at any stage of pregnancy;
  • contraindications are also oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, severe skin diseases and infections.

If you are denied this form of facial cleansing, do not despair. There are other equally effective cosmetic types of effects on the epidermis.

vacuum procedure

Painless and atraumatic types of cleansing are especially valuable. They give excellent results, while eliminating the long recovery period and discomfort. This category includes vacuum cleaning of the skin.

This is a hardware technique for influencing the surface of the face. It is carried out using a nozzle with a tube connected to it, in which negative pressure is created. Thanks to this effect, all the contents are pulled out of the pores. The skin of the face must be prepared before the procedure. To do this, it is steamed or warming creams are applied. After cleansing, a soothing mask is applied to the epidermis.

Many mature women do not know which face cleanse is best for rejuvenation. Modern cosmetology has many ways to make the epidermis fresher. Having tried the vacuum method, it will be difficult to refuse it in the future. Such cleaning allows you to solve a lot of cosmetic problems due to its unique properties, including:

  • improvement of lymphatic drainage and blood supply;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • removal of free radicals;
  • elimination of sebaceous plugs;
  • smoothing of the skin relief.

Contraindicated in dry and sensitive skin, as well as during exacerbation of acne inflammation. Those who suffer from rosacea, vascular and dermatological diseases should also visit a cosmetologist to select a different method of exposure.

Chemical peel

Chemical cleaning of the skin is preparative and enzymatic. In the first case, fruit acids are used, in the second - bromelain and papain. The principle of operation of the chemical type of cleaning is the penetration of components into the pores and the dissolution of existing contaminants.

Chemical cleaning of the face by a cosmetologist is a unique and effective procedure and has practically no contraindications. It helps any type of skin, performing very important functions:

  • restoration of regeneration processes;
  • improved blood supply;
  • lifting the oval of the face;
  • elimination of pollution;
  • even skin tone.

Acid cleaning is a salon technique. Various videos on the Internet show how it is carried out. But this does not mean that such a procedure can be carried out independently. If you choose a good beautician, the results of chemical cleansing can be observed almost immediately.

At the present stage of development of cosmetology, it is difficult to assess which cleansing procedure is the best. The effectiveness of the technique depends on skin type, health status and even lifestyle.. Qualitatively choose the type of cleansing, taking into account the individual characteristics of the epidermis, a qualified master will help you. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video with a review of the charming Irina about skin cleansing in the beautician's office.

In order for the skin to be healthy, look young and fresh, it must be carefully and properly looked after. This is especially important for residents of large cities, where the environment is poor, the environment is polluted, dust, soot. All this negatively affects human health, including the condition of our skin.

To quickly and effectively remove all impurities from the pores, look beautiful and young, cosmetic facial cleansing is designed. The fact is that ordinary washing and home peeling are not enough for high-quality cleansing of pores, since pollution is usually very deep in the epidermis. Therefore, a professional cosmetic cleaning procedure creates a real miracle.

This method is currently one of the most common and in high demand. Of course, you can do a deep cleaning yourself at home, but it’s still better to entrust this to a professional beautician to avoid inflammation and irritation.

The procedure for cleaning from external and internal contaminants is carried out manually, as well as by hardware.

For the treatment of acne, acne.

In order to prevent such diseases.

In order to regularly care for the skin of the face, preserving youth and beauty

Manual cleaning

This classic procedure is considered one of the most effective ways to eliminate blackheads, pimples, comedones. But since the procedure is traumatic, it is indicated only for owners of oily and mixed facial skin.

It is recommended to carry out no more than 1 procedure in 14 days. The total number of cleaning sessions depends on the degree of contamination of the pores and the reaction of the epidermis to cleaning. For effective cleansing, 2-4 sessions with a two-week interval are usually sufficient.

How is the manual procedure performed?

Before deep cleaning, a mandatory surface cleansing is carried out. In this case, the beautician uses a large magnifying glass, which allows you to examine and eliminate all impurities.

Next, the specialist conducts steaming. To do this, use a vaporizer (a device that turns liquid into vapor), or warming masks. They are needed to open pores, soften the skin, soften sebaceous plugs. However, in case of increased facial hair, they cannot be used.

Next, the beautician proceeds to the deep cleaning procedure. To do this, use special sterile instruments, which are spoons with holes and special, non-traumatic needles. If the comedones are located close to the surface, they are squeezed out with fingers, which are wrapped in sterile napkins.

After cleaning, the face is treated with an antiseptic liquid, and a soothing, cooling mask is applied, and then an antibacterial cream.

It must be remembered that during the day after the session you can not use cosmetics, go to the bath, sauna, swimming pool, solarium. Sports should be postponed, since during physical stress the blood flow, lymph flow increases and the activity of the sebaceous glands increases. You need to take care of the skin only with those preparations and means that the cosmetologist recommended.

Hardware cosmetic cleaning

Hardware cleaning is a more modern procedure. In cosmetology salons, the following procedures are most often used:

This is one of the most gentle and delicate methods. It is used for thin, delicate facial skin. Moreover, in addition to the cleansing itself, under the influence of ultrasound, the oval is tightened, cell regeneration is enhanced, and elasticity is increased. With the help of the procedure, scars, scars are eliminated, irritation disappears.


It is also a gentle, delicate cleaning. Under the influence of microcurrents, the muscle that surrounds the sebaceous duct relaxes. Pollution of their pores, as it were, is drawn to the surface. There they are mixed with a special gel, turning into soap suds. In addition, the epidermis is healed, metabolic processes are normalized, and stagnant tissue fluid is drained.


Usually it is made in combination with another variety. For its implementation, a special vacuum device is used, literally pulling impurities out of the pores. But with the help of this device it is impossible to remove very deep pollution. Therefore, it is supplemented by some other method. It is impossible to carry out the procedure with vessels close to the surface of the skin.

laser resurfacing

The laser beam “blurs”, splits dirt, sebaceous plugs located close and in the deep layers of the pores. But due to the risk of injury, the laser is rarely used for this purpose. It is usually used to rejuvenate the face, since during the session the natural mechanism of cell regeneration is launched, which lasts for several more months after the procedure. Therefore, laser resurfacing is carried out with aging skin, the presence of scars, scars.

Hardware cleaning is carried out according to the same scheme as manual cleaning. First, the surface of the skin is cleansed. The field of this is lubricated with a pore-expanding agent, and then acted upon with a special apparatus. The session ends with a regenerating, cooling cosmetic mask that normalizes the condition of the face.

Under the influence of an aggressive environment, the elasticity of the cover is lost, the pores are clogged, pigmentation appears. At the same time, cell division slows down with age. If up to 25 years the epidermis is renewed in 3 weeks, closer to 30 years the period stretches to a month, after 35 to 40 days, with menopause - up to 3 months. Hardware technologies will help to activate the fading processes. Salon treatments will restore smoothness and freshness to the skin. Deep facial cleansing by a beautician is a sure way to deal with black dots and eliminate the effects of acne.

The manual procedure in the salon is not much different from the manual method of squeezing acne at home. After in the welss steam sauna, the specialist removes blackheads with fingers protected with sterile wipes or with the help of tools - a strainer, a spoon with a loop.

Minuses: traumatic for the dermis. Despite the soothing masks, after the session, irritation is noted on the face for a day. Manual cleansing is not recommended for dry, delicate skin.

Pros: The best way to deep cleansing for problematic skin. Subcutaneous comedones, sebaceous plugs, black dots are effectively removed. Allowed to do during pregnancy.


  • allergy;
  • herpes;
  • blood diseases.

Facial cleansing is much more comfortable. Which view is better will become clear from a brief overview.

Brushing (brossage)

Mechanical exfoliation of the surface layer with a device with a variety of nozzles stimulates cell division. The procedure should be done for those who have a period of self-renewal of the epidermis for more than a month. Technology: after the welss steam sauna, a scrub is applied to the face. Rotating brushes remove dead skin particles. It remains only to wet the cover with sterile wipes.

  1. pros: peeling is done often and at any time. After the sessions, no special care is required. Not forbidden for pregnant women.
  2. Minus: if the tool copes with cleaning the upper layer of the dermis, it is worth looking for an alternative to get rid of subcutaneous comedones, blackheads, wrinkles. Serious problems should be dealt with more aggressively.

Contraindications: herpes, dermatitis, inflammation. The method is irrelevant for flabby skin with pronounced spider veins.

A vacuum cleaning session can be done in the cabin using a special device with a nozzle that pumps air under pressure. Unlike the manual view, deep layers are not affected, which allows you to repeat sessions often. According to ladies, this is one of the most effective types of peeling that solves the problem of acne and blackheads for a long time. The principle is similar to that of a vacuum cleaner. Through the tube of the drainage device, microparticles of keratinized cells are pulled out of the pores, which makes the face fresh.

The algorithm for working with the tool is as follows:

  • before a session with black dots, sebum is removed from the surface;
  • for better penetration of active substances, the cover is treated with a Welss steam sauna;
  • after vaporization, a nozzle is driven over the face for 20 minutes;
  • to remove traces of stress, the beautician makes a series of masks.

Together with the accompanying cosmetic procedures, the process takes 1.5 hours. Hardware cleaning of the face is not limited to working with the face. In salons, they often offer to take a course of vacuum massage with various types of devices.

pros: under pressure, blood supply and lymph flow increase, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, texture is evened out, cellular metabolism is activated. A side effect is a delicate massage + lifting.

Minuses: after superficial peeling, fragments of dry keratin cells often remain on the epidermis.


  • rosacea;
  • rosacea;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • superficial location of the capillary network.

Ultrasonic peeling

The high-frequency action of impulses emanating from the metal plates of the device is effective for pigmentation, blackheads, loss of tone, blackheads. Principle: under the pressure of ultrasonic waves on a liquid medium, microjets are formed, delicately removing old cells.

Hardware ultrasonic cleaning of the face by vibration does not imply the operation of the welss vaporizer. At the preparatory stage, cold hydrogenation is carried out. The use of applications with gel from succulents (aloe, cacti) allows you to conduct a session on a dry sensitive cover. After intense moisturizing, the beautician moves an ultrasonic spatula over the face, ridding the pores of old keratin cells. At the end of the session of hardware cleaning of the face, the surface is dried with ozone (darsonvalization), then masks are made to narrow the pores, and a protective cream is applied.

pros: oscillatory ultrasonic movements activate cellular metabolism, heat the intercellular matrix. This increases the immunity of the skin, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, and prevents the appearance of rashes.


  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • not possible during pregnancy;
  • tumors.

No deficiencies noted. The method is relevant for sensitive dermis. For those who have active sebaceous glands, it is better to choose a different type of peeling.

You can also use the Welss WS 7050 Ultrasonic Facial Cleanser. Hardware facial cleansing will get rid of blackheads, comedones and acne.

Laser cleaning

The principle is based on the use of laser beams generated by the apparatus. When the cover is heated with a beam, the clogged orifices of the ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleared, their size is reduced, and the relief is leveled. Indications: crow's feet, pigmentation, uneven texture.

Advantages– stimulation of the intercellular matrix, tissue regeneration makes the skin supple and elastic. The laser acts on black spots, normalizes the production of sebum. Non-contact technology eliminates infection. According to patients, with regular cleansing, the face looks younger.


  • herpes;
  • not possible during pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • abscesses.

Atraumatic type of cleansing

A popular practice should be done in order to accelerate cell division, saturate the dermis with oxygen. The absence of mechanical impact allows it to be classified as gentle procedures. Before the process, a foam gel is applied to the surface. After washing, a hydrating composition is distributed over the face, revealing the mouths of the sebaceous glands. At the next stage, peeling with fruit acids is done to soften the epidermis, evacuate fat from the pores.

Advantage: the method is effective for any type. Indicated for severe rosacea. Often prescribed for sensitive, dermatitis-prone skin. However, it is better to avoid with a large number of blackheads, acute inflammation, existing pustules, black spots. High risk of allergies.

Cleaning should be chosen depending on the type of skin. The thinner it is, the more delicate the external influence. Today, the best option is considered to be a complex procedure that combines different types of peeling.

Facial cleansing occupies a leading place among the ongoing cosmetic procedures. What explains such popularity?
The fact is that deep cleansing of the skin helps to activate internal processes to accelerate regeneration. It is able to “push” the metabolic function, as well as put the sebaceous glands in order.


Beauty centers provide several types of procedures, combined under the general name "facial cleansing". They differ in the method of exposure, as well as the use and absence of third-party devices.

There are the following types of cleansing:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • vacuum;
  • laser;
  • disincrustation.

Photos before and after procedures

mechanical cleaning

This is a painful but effective procedure. It consists in manually pushing out the unpleasant contents of the pores. Mechanical cleaning is simply necessary if you have deep-seated comedones. Some say that it is gradually fading into the past. But, nevertheless, its popularity does not decrease.

Chemical cleaning

This procedure will not give you pain and discomfort. The very process of cleansing the pores occurs due to the large amount of fruit acids in the applied composition. They do all the work.

ultrasonic cleaning

When carrying out, a device called a “scrubber” is used. When exposed to them on the skin, the dirt is literally pushed out of the pores. Cleansing occurs due to high-frequency vibrations of sound.

vacuum cleaning

Vacuum cleaning uses a device that can be described as a mini-vacuum cleaner. It is brought to the problem area, and it draws out, in the literal sense, pollution. This method is more suitable for local cleansing.

Laser cleaning

The principle of operation of this cleaning method is based on the principle of electrophoresis. With the help of direct current, substances-disincrustants are introduced into the skin. They break down the contents of the pores and bring it out.


mechanical cleaning

The first step is to cleanse the face of dirt and makeup. This must be done using products that are appropriate for the type of skin. If the ideal state could not be achieved, the beautician can make an additional cleansing mask.

The next step is vaporization. It is carried out using a steam bath or a warming gel. This helps to soften the stratum corneum, which is important for the effectiveness of the cleaning process itself.

Chemical cleaning

Dry cleaning is inherently classified as peeling. Before this procedure, it is not recommended to sunbathe and use strong exfoliating products and creams. Before cleaning, the skin is cleaned of makeup, if any, and impurities.

ultrasonic cleaning

The standard procedure before any kind of cleaning is make-up removal. It is produced by conventional means suitable for the skin. The next step is to apply the composition, which is a cold steaming.

vacuum cleaning

Cleansing is carried out with a device that draws impurities from the pores. Therefore, the preparatory part is the maximum cleansing and opening of the pores. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on this. Make-up removal and steaming with steam or gel is carried out.

Laser cleaning

This type of cleaning is an exception, in the sense that it is forbidden to steam at least 3 days before the procedure. Also, when preparing, it should be taken into account that it is impossible to carry out any manipulations with the skin containing chemicals (applying aggressive creams, peelings). Before starting, you need to remove the remnants of makeup and dust.

Before deicrustation, it is necessary to carry out a make-up removal of the skin. It is not necessary to steam the skin, because, reacting, the sebum melts, and the impurities change their structure and composition.

Basic Procedure

mechanical cleaning

The preparatory procedures are over, the most painful stage begins. The cosmetologist with the help of napkins (sterile), as well as Unna spoons, proceeds to cleanse the pores. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes. In order for the work to be effective, it is necessary to keep within this segment, since after the skin cools down and the pores narrow again. The procedure after that will be even more unpleasant and painful.

If the skin of the face is problematic, the specialist may not fit into one procedure. You will have to carry out cleaning in several stages. Sometimes a magnifying device is used to examine areas whose contamination is not very visible from the outside. If it is a pimple, then the beautician pierces it so as not to cause a rupture and outpouring of pus in the tissue. Comedones are removed from the skin by pressure.

Chemical cleaning

Chemical cleaning of the face

A solution of acids is applied to the cleansed skin with a brush. The main thing to consider is to avoid areas with severely inflamed, irritated and thin skin. In these places, the opposite effect may occur - instead of renewing and smoothing the skin, there may be a severe burn.

The composition is left for a certain time, and then washed off with special means. Depending on age, sparing or, conversely, deep peeling is used. It depends on the concentration of the substances included in it.

ultrasonic cleaning

She will not cope with deep problems, but will refresh the skin and tone it. After cleansing and applying the gel, the beautician will drive the scrubber over the face. This will renew the top layer of the skin and bring the contents of the pores to the surface. The remains are immediately removed by a beautician.

vacuum cleaning

After completion of the preparatory procedures, it is the turn to use the vacuum apparatus. When you hold it on the skin, it creates a negative pressure. It is thanks to its effect that impurities are pulled out of the pores. The beautician in the process drives the device in circular motions over the face. This device replaces manual cleaning, but not in the case of heavily embedded dirt.

Laser cleaning

After an antibacterial solution has been applied to the skin, a laser is started to drive over it. Its effect affects only the upper layers of the epidermis, so you do not have to worry about destruction at the cellular level. The beam from the laser creates microscopic damage on the surface, due to which dead cells exfoliate faster.

Disincrustation (galvanic cleaning)

Galvanic facial cleansing

A special apparatus with nozzles is used. The doctor runs them over the surface in a circular motion. Under the action of currents, the applied composition reacts to pollution and sebum. The latter dissolves, and the contents change their composition and are pushed to the surface.

Cleaning, incomparably, gives visible results. But in order to keep them for as long as possible, you need to take care of them at home. It must be an integrated approach. You must cleanse the skin, as well as nourish and moisturize. Masks for cleansing will not be superfluous. Let's describe the care, which is carried out in the salon immediately after the main procedure.

mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning is stressful for the skin, it needs to be calmed down. Clay masks and darsonvalization will help with this. Perhaps the use of cryomassage, which narrows the pores.

Chemical cleaning

After dry cleaning, especially with the use of strong acids, additional care is needed with a dermatological cream. It should be selected by a beautician. In small areas, Bepanthen and Panthenol can help.

ultrasonic cleaning

If only ultrasonic cleaning was used without the use of mechanical cleaning, then no additional procedures are required. Otherwise, the skin needs to be disinfected and soothed.

vacuum cleaning

After the procedure, you need to bring the pores to their original position. For this, cryomassage, darsonvalization and masks are used.

Laser cleaning

After laser cleaning, the skin is very susceptible to external influences. After the procedure, the cosmetologist applies a protective composition to the skin. At home, it is also recommended to use creams that repel the sun's rays.

Calming procedures are not required. It is only necessary to cleanse the face of the remnants of the removed impurities.

Mesopeeling - intensive treatment of scars and acne,.

General contraindications related to all types of cleanings include

  • herpes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • exacerbated diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • intolerance to the substances used;
  • overly sensitive skin.

All types of cleanings must be carried out in a complex that consists of several procedures. Even mechanical cleaning with strong "pollution" will not give results after only one procedure. The complex is necessary, first of all, to consolidate the result. After one cleansing, you will already see an improvement in the condition of the skin, after completion - a radiant, healthy face.

Cleaning produces the following results:

  • fresh look;
  • cleansed and narrowed pores;
  • elimination of inflammatory elements;
  • well-groomed skin;
  • lightening age spots (except for mechanical cleaning);
  • alignment of the tone of the face.

Issue price

Place Procedure price, rub.
Beauty salon "Tulip" Complex cleaning 2000
ultrasonic cleaning 1700
Beauty salon "Bagdasarini" Ultrasonic cleaning Maria Galland 1500
Beauty Studio "Silk" ultrasonic cleaning 600
Beauty salon "Avina" ultrasonic cleaning 1000
Beryl Center mechanical cleaning 1900
The first clinic of injection cosmetology mechanical cleaning 3000
ultrasonic cleaning 1500
Medea IP Tikhonova A.P. Ultrasonic cleaning (complex) 2400
Beauty salon of Peter Khnykin "Henna" Holy Land Atraumatic Skin Cleansing 3100
Hairdressing salon "Your Style" Mechanical face cleaning 2700
Beauty salon "100 services" Combined facial cleansing 2200
mechanical cleaning 1200
ultrasonic cleaning 800
Beauty Studio "Doll" Combined cleaning 2300
mechanical cleaning 1800
ultrasonic cleaning 700
Facial cleansing studios "City of Beauty" mechanical cleaning 1500
ultrasonic cleaning 1100

Cleaning faces a great way to deal with skin imperfections. Choose the type depending on your goals and financial capabilities. But do not forget to support the result of cleansing and everyday care procedures!