Baby nose care. What is required for proper cleaning of the nose of a newborn. Cleaning with aspirator

In newborn babies, the nasopharynx and hearing organs are still completely unformed - because of this, nasal congestion is very often observed, which, when running forms may cause complications. Improper cleaning of the nose can provoke the further development of the disease and worsen the condition of a small patient. The main thing for parents is to find out the cause of nasal congestion and be able to properly care for the nasal cavity.

Nose humidifiers

Monitor indoor humidity. If the baby is healthy, then a moderate humidity of 50% will be sufficient. A sick child needs a more humid climate - 70%. To understand how humid the air is in your home, a hygrometer will help - a device for measuring the level of humidity. .

The key to the health of the nasal cavity is air humidity, the optimal level of which can be adjusted using special devices.

Baby cleans his nose on his own by sneezing, but excess mucus that accumulates in the nasopharynx can penetrate the ear canal, which threatens with complications. In this case, the parents should come to the aid of the newborn.

Exists a large number of drugs approved for use in newborns, but doctors do not recommend their abuse. Vasoconstrictor drops dry out the nasal mucosa even more or can cause swelling of its walls. Such drops can be addictive in a child. Medications often have side effects in the form of constipation and insomnia in infants. Parents come to the rescue special means created to moisturize sensitive mucous membranes.

We list the means that can be used to regularly wash the nose of a newborn:

  • Saline - you can find it in any pharmacy. The saline contains water and sodium chloride.
  • A saline solution with a similar composition can be prepared independently: dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of boiled water.
  • Sea water in the form of sprays, drops or dropper tubes is sold in pharmacies. There are many options: Aquamaris, Fluimarin, Aqualor, Morenasal, Physiomer and others (we recommend reading:).

The older generation often advises to drip breast milk into the nose of grandchildren and granddaughters. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that it is completely unacceptable to clean the baby's nose. breast milk. Milk is an ideal breeding ground for various microbes and bacteria that enter the body of your baby through the nasopharynx. This will only be a disservice to the child, and not real help.

Nose cleaning options

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There are a lot of ways to clear the nose, so the choice will depend on the nature of nasal congestion. To help get rid of goats:

It is not recommended to suck snot from children by mouth. Baby bacteria only at first glance seem harmless, but in fact they can harm even an adult organism. In mechanical type aspirators, there are special layers for protection.

Cleaning technique

We bring to the attention of mothers step by step instructions how to clean the nose of the baby:

  1. Moisten mucus and existing crusts. The first option involves using saline solution. To do this procedure, lay the child on his back, tilt his head back a little: if the child is a newborn, it is optimal to hold him in his arms. Drop 2-3 drops into each nasal passage. If the child sneezes and part of the remedy comes out, it's okay. Be careful! For newborns, sprays should not be used. The pressure can be so strong that the delicate mucous membranes are damaged, and the ear canal may also suffer. Another way to moisturize your nose is to take a bath before bed. So the boogers will soften on their own and they can be easily removed.
  2. The head of the child should be well fixed. Enlist the help of loved ones if possible. If no one is home, use tightly folded towels. This will protect the baby from injury if he suddenly jerks sharply.
  3. After a few minutes, clean your nose one of the methods given. Attention! The maximum depth of entry into the nasal passage is 2 cm.

A weak saline solution helps soften the crusts in the nose and gently disinfect its cavity.

Cleaning tools

  • Turundochka. Insert a cotton flagellum into the nasal passage and gently twist. Use separate flagella for each nasal passage. Lubricate the formed crusts with baby oil.
  • Cotton stick. Reduce the stick with a lot of cotton wool a little by removing the excess. Insert the wand into the nasal passage and remove the nozzles by gently twisting.
  • Syringe. Pear pre-pour boiling water. Squeeze it to release all the air. Insert the tip of the syringe into the nose and open your hand - the mucus will be sucked into the pear. To start cleaning the second nostril, rinse the pear. Be careful not to squeeze air into the child's nose.
  • Aspirator (see also:). Before use, all parts of the aspirator should be treated with boiling water. First, try the force of air suction on your palm, and only then begin to suck the mucus out of the spout. To improve suction, close one nostril. Slowly begin to inhale, watching the mucus pass through the tube. Hold the aspirator tip towards back wall throat, not up.

For more detailed information about nasal hygiene, watch thematic videos where you will learn how to properly care for the nasopharynx if the baby sniffs or grunts (more in the article:). Daily care guarantees the health of your child (we recommend reading:).

Knowing how to properly clean your baby's nose will help your little one breathe easier and avoid possible complications. Down with snot and sniffle, long live free breathing!

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Newborn babies need constant care. The hygiene of the mucous membranes of the nose requires special attention. The discomfort associated with a runny nose and congestion is more difficult for infants to bear than adults. Respiratory failure negatively affects the mode of activity, feeding and sleep of babies. Constant whims cause parents' fears and a desire to help. This must be done without harm to health and consequences. You can clean the nose of a newborn baby from dry boogers and snot with an aspirator, cotton flagellum or pear at home. These are the most popular and safe ways regain the ability to breathe freely and feel good.

Why clean the nose of a child with a runny nose and congestion

The nasal passages in newborns are very narrow. They often become clogged, making breathing difficult. Discomfort from a runny nose, accompanied by swelling and copious secretions, gives the baby even more inconvenience during wakefulness and sleep. The baby does not yet understand that it is possible to switch to mouth breathing and is not able to blow his nose on his own. When sneezing, the nasal passages are cleared of mucus and foreign particles, but the protective reflex may not be able to cope with large accumulations.

With a runny nose, children experience constant discomfort and often act up. Sniffing with a tiny nose, they, on the contrary, suck up secretions, and this threatens with complications. Otitis media may develop acute bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases dangerous in infancy.

Runny nose and nasal congestion in newborns provoke increased production of mucus or swelling of the nasopharynx. Annoying symptoms are not always signs of a cold and viral infections. The cause of many children's troubles can be low humidity in the room, accumulation of dust, cigarette smoke, perfume fragrance, etc. It is enough to eliminate all negative influences and solve the problems associated with nasal congestion, do not have to. This good prevention, but if signs of difficulty breathing are already observed, and boogers and snot become the cause of moodiness, bad sleep and appetite, it is necessary to clean the nose and help the baby get rid of discomfort.

Parents should deal with elementary hygiene procedures for cleansing mucous membranes with a runny nose. In practice, cleaning the nose of a newborn from snot is not an easy task, especially when a young mother has no experience. All available funds V this case not suitable as babies need special approach. Discard cotton swabs immediately. Any awkward movement can injure the baby's nose. There are safer devices and procedures with which you can easily restore breathing and solve the problem of congestion.

Cleaning the nose of a newborn baby from boogers and mucus is done only when necessary. Do not interfere once again in the narrow nasal passages and excite the baby. Examine your nose and check your breathing several times a day. If you find too much, delete immediately. Accumulations are best avoided, this will complicate the cleansing process.

  • Before cleaning, mucus, boogers and crusts are softened with any washing agent.
  • If the child is sick or restless, postpone the procedure.
  • Be sure to hold the baby's head with your hand while brushing. For children, this is not a very pleasant manipulation. Be prepared for the fact that the newborn may be naughty and resist. Such a reaction should not stop, since accumulated snot and dry boogers can aggravate the situation and harm health.

A variety of devices help to free the nose and return free breathing to the newborn child. Most often, mothers use special aspirators, a syringe (pear), cotton flagella. You can try each of the devices and choose the most convenient for you.

Nasal aspirator for cleaning

Cleansing with an aspirator is considered the most effective way. The device is designed specifically for both newborns and children up to 2 years. It makes it possible to carry out the procedure quickly and hygienically. During cleaning, the baby does not experience discomfort, the sensations are very similar to a slight tickling.

The aspirator is an advanced syringe. The mechanical device consists of a container and two tubes. One is inserted into the baby's nostril, the mother takes the other into her mouth and makes suction movements. All contents are easily and quickly removed into the container. If one procedure is not enough, you can repeat several times. The main thing is to do everything correctly and accurately.

You can use electronic aspirators, equipped with batteries, or vacuum, operating on the principle of a vacuum cleaner.

Releasing the nose using flagella

You can clean the nose of newborn children with a cotton turunda. Homemade flagella are considered the most safe option liberation of the nasal passages. You can make them from a cotton pad. Divide it into several parts and twist a miniature turunda corresponding to the size of the nostril passage.

Thin dense flagella are introduced into the nostril with rotational movements and the contents are slowly removed. This method helps to quickly remove the crusts, but cotton flagella may not be able to cope with the abundance of accumulated mucus.

Removing excess with a pear

You can buy a pear at a pharmacy. For newborns, such devices are made with a soft rubber tip. If you can't find one, a small enema will help.

Before the introduction into the nostril, the balloon is squeezed by hand. This is necessary so that all the air comes out. After inserting the tip into the nose of the newborn, slowly unclench the syringe. Under the influence of vacuum, everything superfluous is drawn inward. Residual mucus can be removed with a cotton pad. The pear procedure is done without sudden movements, but excessive slowness can interfere with cleansing. From such an intervention simply will not have an effect.

If there is too much mucus and a thick, cloudy discharge, see your doctor. Such a runny nose can signal the development of a serious illness.

Nasal cleaning aids

For the treatment of rhinitis in newborns and cleansing the nose of mucous secretions to medicines It's best not to use it unnecessarily. Even drugs approved for infants disrupt the functioning of the mucous membranes, are addictive, allergic, and others. backfire. To avoid overdrying, the nasal passages must be periodically washed and treated with special formulations.

Of the means for processing, pharmacy saline solutions are very popular. Two drops of moisturizing liquid are simply instilled with a pipette into the newborn's nose. Such procedures moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent the penetration of infections into the nasopharynx.

You can make your own solution. The recipe is simple: dissolve table salt (1 tsp) in warm water(1 liter). The composition of saline solutions home cooking identical to the pharmacy and no less effective. They have a disinfecting and drying effect, which is very useful for a cold.

Do not abuse washes. At frequent use solutions, the mucosa is irritated and begins to swell. This may lead to the appearance chronic rhinitis in a newborn.

Often in newborn babies, after abundant mucous secretions, redness appears near the nostrils. You can lubricate them with a special children's ointment and oils. Consider opportunity allergic reactions. If in doubt, consult your pediatrician.

If possible, use a humidifier. In unventilated rooms with dry air infants feel uncomfortable and often get sick. It is very important to monitor the atmosphere of the room and maintain a comfortable microclimate.


Proper care of newborns and proper hygiene can avoid many health problems. Regardless of the cause of a runny nose, when breathing is difficult, young children need to clean their nose. Newborns are helpless and unable to cope with the problem on their own, so the responsibility lies with the parents. At home, you can clean the nasal passages with special tools and antimicrobial solutions. If there is no experience and knowledge, go to the doctor and consult about the safety and acceptability of cleaning methods.

Video "How to clean the nose of newborn children"

  • Hello, dear mom and dad! Every morning, already waking up or still in a sleepy state, we wander into the bathroom to perform the morning ritual of washing. This is how our parents taught us, and we will teach the same to our children. And we will start these procedures already in the first days of the baby's life.

    Why is it necessary to take care of the nose of a newborn?

    The fact is that a newborn baby is just beginning to get used to environment, his mucous membranes are still imperfect, and he does not know how to blow his nose. Here is the mucus in his nose. Under the influence of air, it dries up, forming the so-called crusts. We have to fight with them.

    What may be needed to clean the nose?

    Let's prepare everything in advance necessary items for this procedure:

    • sterile cotton;
    • peach or apricot oil;
    • saline or aquamaris, you can use simple boiled water;
    • gauze or cotton pads.

    Attention! Never leave your baby unattended on the changing table. Even if you need to leave for a second.

    Nose cleaning is the most unpleasant procedure for the baby in morning toilet, the child will turn his head, so do not use cotton swabs or matches with cotton wound around them, so as not to accidentally injure the nose.

    Also, it should be noted that cotton buds with a limiter are more convenient to use for cleaning the ears, and it is better to do newborn nose care with the help of flagella.

    Usually, already in the maternity hospital, the nurse shows young mothers how to clean the nose of newborns. But when they get home, the women are a little lost. The nose of the crumbs is so small that it is scary to hurt it inadvertently. Let's take a detailed look at each point of this "Broat Removal Operation" to give you confidence and courage.

    • First, wash your hands with soap!
    • Prepare 4 cotton flagella. It's pretty simple. Tear off strips about 10 cm long from the entire piece of cotton wool. Do this so that the amount of cotton wool is the same along the entire length. Roll them between your fingers to make elastic strips, then fold them in half and roll them again. Thus, you will get flagella or they are also called turundas.
    • Preferably before how to clean a newborn's nose drip two drops of saline or aquamaris into each nostril. Thus, the crusts will soften and it will be easier for you to remove them.
    • Now take one flagellum, soak it in peach or apricot oil and carefully shove it into the baby's nostril. Scrub your nose with a swirling motion. If the crusts are not removed the first time, use another cotton flagellum.
    • Take a new turunda, and do the same manipulations with the second nostril. Treat each nostril with your own (separate) flagellum.
    • If the crumbs nose is stained with oil or mucus on the outside, wipe it with a gauze pad or cotton pad.

    So you have finished cleaning the nose, now your baby breathes easily and freely.

    Moist air - clean nose

    One more thing to note important point for the nose of a newborn. Pay attention to the humidity in the room where your child is. Dry air only contributes to the appearance of crusts in the nose of the baby.

    Therefore, dear parents, if you have the opportunity, purchase a special humidifier. There is, of course, an economy option: you can increase the humidity of the air by hanging wet diapers in the room. Also, do not forget about daily wet cleaning.

    Dear parents, take care of the newborn's nose with all seriousness. Never clean the nose for the purpose of prevention - this can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane, and such a procedure is very unpleasant for the baby. Take care of your baby's health from the cradle.

    Photo and video: How to clean the nose of a newborn?

    Parents should know how to clean the nose of a newborn, do it quickly and painlessly for the baby. This procedure will allow the baby to breathe during illness, when mucus has accumulated. Yes, for everyday hygiene procedures cleaning the nose will not be superfluous, because it will get rid of crusts, which can quite often appear in babies.

    How to properly clean the nose of a newborn from mucus, crusts, which are often the cause of the baby's moodiness and irritability, sleep problems?

    From this article you will learn

    Why do it

    Most parents from the first days of a toddler's life Special attention give it to hygiene. They may encounter the need to clear the nose of a newborn, as a rule, in two cases:

    • When he is sick.
    • When the air in the room is too dry.

    And if in the first case the baby's nose needs to be cleaned of the mucus that accumulates there, and at the same time buried, then in the second case, you can do just cleaning. Rather, you can refuse it altogether if you adjust the humidity level in the room where the baby is. After all, this is what can cause crusts, a runny nose and shortness of breath in the crumbs. All this can be avoided if the humidity level is kept within 50-70%.

    What can be done with this procedure?

    If newborns have mucus in the nose or goat, it is important that there are devices on hand with which to clean it, and parents know how to use them correctly. To clean the nose of a newborn, you can use:

    • Cotton flagella- This is a small amount of rolled cotton wool. You can also make it from an ordinary cotton pad, which is enough for four flagella, because in order to make one, it is enough to use a quarter of the whole disk.
    • Cotton swabs - it is better to use special children's sticks with a limiter. After all, ordinary ones can hurt the baby and not clear the nose, but push the mucus deeper.
    • A syringe, a pear - always with a soft tip.
    • Aspirator (mechanical, vacuum or electronic).

    Of course, all these devices can be used when cleaning the baby's nose. But the experience of many parents has shown that among them there are two options that are as safe as possible for the child and effective - these are flagella for cleaning the nose with an aspirator. But if it is easy and inexpensive to twist flagella from cotton wool, then in the case of an aspirator, a difficulty may arise - its cost. Based on this, parents choose what suits them.

    How to properly clean

    Before cleaning the nose of a newborn, you should familiarize yourself with the sequence of actions performed:

    • Moisturizing the nose - this procedure will soften the crusts, get rid of boogers and mucus, without applying special efforts. Moisturizing can be done using a purchased saline solution (you can buy AquaMaris in a pharmacy) or home-made (dilute 1 tsp of salt in 1 liter of water).

    2-3 drops of saline should be instilled into each nostril a few minutes before cleaning the spout. You can replace the saline solution with oil, but in this case you need to know which oil to clean the nose of a newborn. For this purpose, boiled sunflower or vaseline is suitable.

    • Preparing for cleaning - it is very important that the baby's head is fixed so that he does not twitch during the procedure. If possible, it should be done together, but if this is not possible, then a roller made of a small towel and a diaper should be placed under the baby's head.
    • The cleaning itself, during which you need to remove crusts, mucus, boogers.
    • Nose instillation - it is carried out in case of illness of the baby, which caused the appearance of a runny nose. With a runny nose, additional drops prescribed by the attending physician can be used.

    This is the standard sequence for cleansing a baby's nose. It can differ only in the device that is used for this. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with how each of them is used in more detail.

    The use of cotton flagella

    How to clean the nose of a newborn with cotton flagella? First you need to take the fourth part of the cotton pad and twist a cone out of it. It is necessary to clean the nasal passage with such a flagellum clockwise. Be sure to ensure that it is not inserted too deeply into the baby's nostril, as this can lead to the fact that the mucus or crusts will be pushed even further, and it will become more difficult to get them. Therefore, when cleaning the nose from snot, the cotton flagellum should be no deeper than 1.5–2 centimeters in the nasal sinus.

    If you properly clean the nose for daily hygiene, then you can get rid of mucus and crusts. But when the baby is sick, and the accumulated mucus in the nose, which needs to be cleaned several times a day, prevents him from breathing, this method is not particularly effective. Yes, and in order to clean one nostril, several flagella may be required.

    Important! When we clean the nose of a baby with cotton flagella, we should remember that it can be used for one nostril only once. If you need to re-clean it, then the used flagellum cannot be used, you need to twist a new one.

    Using a cotton swab

    In order to understand how to clean a child's nose with a cotton swab, you can use the information above. The procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as in the case of flagella. The only thing is that the sticks are already completely ready for use, but if necessary, the amount of cotton on the tip of the stick can be slightly reduced - both for convenience and in order not to cause discomfort to the crumbs.

    The use of sticks can injure the sinuses of the crumbs, so they must be used with extreme caution. During the procedure, both the parent and the child should be as calm as possible, no sudden movements should be allowed.

    Using a douche, pear

    It is very convenient to use a pear or syringe to remove mucus, crusts from the sinuses of babies. This method is very effective, and the likelihood of injuring the baby during the procedure is minimal. How to clean a baby's nose using a syringe or a pear?

    First you need to prepare the device for use - rinse, pour boiling water over and cool to comfortable temperature. Pinch the pear so that air comes out of it, put crumbs to the nostril, and release the squeezed pear. In this way, it will be possible, as if with a vacuum, to take away all the mucus, and what prevents the baby from breathing normally.

    Before repeating the procedure with the second nostril, the pear must be washed. It is necessary to release air from it before the tip is inserted into the spout of the crumbs. Otherwise, a large air flow can cause the mucus to rise higher, and this will complicate the cleaning process.

    Using an aspirator

    The aspirator can be considered the leader in the ranking of devices that help to properly clean the nose of a child and the first year of life, and a little older. Parents who have it in their first aid kit know how to clean the nose of a newborn aspirator, and what benefits it has. All you need is to know how to properly use each of its types.

    In the case of mechanical models, one tube is inserted into the baby's nostril, and the mother draws air into the second. The mucus that was in the nose of the child falls into the container provided for this. In the case of electronic models, everything is much simpler. After inserting the tube into the baby's nose, just press the button and wait until the nose is cleared.

    There is another type of aspirator - this is a vacuum one, it works from a vacuum cleaner, the noise of which the baby can be afraid of. Therefore, the procedure must be approached consciously and carefully.

    Important! In order for the aspirator to bring maximum benefit, you need to know how to properly clean your nose with this device. It is also important to know that by holding the free nostril, cleaning the second one will be as effective as possible.

    Knowing how to properly clean the nose of a newborn and doing it regularly, you can not only alleviate the condition of the baby, but also prevent the development of diseases that will require you to consult a doctor. A cleaned nose, which should be washed with saline before the procedure (how to do it yourself, was described above) will help get rid of the baby's moodiness and sleep problems. The baby will be able to breathe freely, and the mucus and crusts that prevented his nose from breathing will no longer cause inconvenience.

    After birth, the child has various problems One of them is nasal congestion. The inability to fully breathe affects general condition baby. At baby the nasal passages are narrow, the accumulation of mucus prevents the passage of air. After establishing the cause of congestion, it is necessary to properly clean the nose of the newborn.

    Preparation and Precautions

    Starting the cleansing process, read the rules.

    1. Prepare sterile cotton wool, 0.9% saline, flagella from cotton pads, pear, silicone tubes or aspirator.
    2. Fix the baby's head. Place the child's head on a soft towel so that he does not turn. It's better if someone helps.

    What Not to Do

    Do not use the medicine in the form of a spray, as the pressure can harm the mucous membrane. Many parents think effective method cleansing the nose with breast milk. This is a misconception, as it serves as a breeding ground for microorganisms.

    Don't try to clean your nose cotton swabs when the child is restless. Can damage the mucosa and cause nose bleed.

    Causes of snot in newborns and infants

    Congestion appears due to swelling and excess mucus production. During the first days after birth, the baby may snore as he learns to breathe on his own. When a child sneezes, his nose is cleared of excess fluid. After birth, breathing should normalize within the first week.

    If the baby continues to have shortness of breath, this is:

    With dryness of the nasal mucosa, crusts form, and the child becomes defenseless. He stops eating, worries, bleeding is possible. It is urgent to remove mucus from the nasal passages so that it does not interfere with full breathing and does not cause discomfort.

    It is also possible foreign body that got into the nasal passages. If it is not possible to extract, you can drip vasoconstrictor drops and try again. If this does not help, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Instructions for cleaning boogers with different means


    Soften crusts with saline. It is necessary to put the child on his back so that his head is slightly thrown back. Then instill 3 drops into each nostril. May I help warm bath before the evening toilet of the nose. In this case, the crusts and mucus will not be difficult to extract.

    Cotton flagella

    You can make them yourself.

    1. Take cotton pad and break into two halves. Leave one, and break the second into four identical parts.
    2. Twist the flagellum from four parts.
    3. Moisten the flagellum in warm water.
    4. Introduce with rotating movements alternately into each nasal passage and extract the contents (for each nostril a separate flagellum).

    Pear douche

    You can buy a medical pear at a pharmacy. The procedure is done as follows:

    1. Drop saline into your nose.
    2. Boil and cool the pear before use.
    3. Squeeze out the air by squeezing the pear.
    4. Gently insert into the nostril and gradually open your hand.
    5. Do not make sudden movements, but do not hesitate either.
    6. Process the pear after the procedure.


    Buy a device for suctioning unwanted liquids from a pharmacy. The process of cleansing the nose with an aspirator at home has some similarities with the procedure with a pear. The child will not feel discomfort, but will experience a slight tickling.

    1. Drop a saline solution or lubricate your nose with baby oil.
    2. Insert a tube into the nostril connected to the container. Take the second in your mouth and remove the formations with one suction.
    3. Remove the contents from the container.

    Video plot

    Cotton buds

    Cleaning with cotton swabs is prohibited. The danger is that inexperienced parents can insert the wand too deeply and injure the mucous membrane. The stick is larger than a baby's nasal passages.

    silicone tube

    Put one end of the tube into the nasal passage, take the other into your mouth and draw air into yourself. So the contents of the nose will be extracted.

    Other Methods

    In addition to aspirators, pears, tubes, flagella and other methods, there are special drops. Means will easily help soften the crusts and moisturize the nasal mucosa. But it is worth remembering that sprays for newborns are prohibited, it is better to use drops.

    Small children don't know how to blow their nose. They need help with this. Dr. Komarovsky advises using an aspirator. Instillation into the nose of a saline solution (a teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water) or physiological, promotes the movement of mucus from the anterior to distant areas, where the child swallows it. You should not be afraid of this, it is not dangerous.

    Features of physiological rhinitis in infants

    If a runny nose in an infant lasts for several weeks, the child sneezes, coughs, he fever body, these are the first signals to see a doctor. The main task is to establish the cause.

    In newborns, there are two main forms of the common cold:

    • Acute.
    • Chronic.

    The acute form is manifested due to infection. At the beginning of the disease, the nasal mucosa swells. The accumulated mucus gives the baby discomfort, interferes with full breathing, and there is a violation of sucking. To find out the cause and help the child recover, at the first signs of the disease, immediately contact the pediatrician.

    As preventive measures to prevent the formation of crusts and mucus in the nose, it is recommended to monitor the microclimate (air temperature 20-22 degrees, humidity 60%) in the room where the newborn is located. Clean and ventilate daily. Do not use heaters as they dry out the air. Walk in any weather.

    Parents need to know how to properly care for their child. Newborns are defenseless and require constant attention and care. If parents do not want to risk and clean their own nose, it is better to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate. If you have any health problems with your baby, call an ambulance.