The structure of patriotic consciousness. Development of patriotic consciousness and formation of civic values ​​among students in extracurricular activities. Holding public events

Vorobyova Tatyana Aleksandrovna MCOU "Secondary School No. 2" Revda

Development of patriotic consciousness and formation of civic values ​​among students in extracurricular activities.

Patriotism, no matter who it is,

is proven not by word, but by deed.

Vissarion Belinsky

The changes that have occurred in our country in recent years have affected moral values, attitudes towards the events of our history and towards individuals.There is a social order -the formation and development of a personality with the qualities of a citizen - but in reality we see a double morality, the predominance of material values ​​over spiritual ones, and the teacher in this situation must determine the right path to forming a patriotic consciousness.

The priority directions in modern education with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard are: the development of patriotic consciousness and the formation of civic values ​​among students. This is due to many factors. The main pedagogical task of patriotic education is the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of Russia; education of citizenship and patriotism among young people, the formation of a sense of belonging to the fate of the Fatherland, one’s people, the city. In this regard, a special role belongs to civic education, which has ample opportunities in shaping the civic position and civic values ​​of students.

The formation of civic values ​​and the development of patriotic consciousness among students is difficult and lengthy work for a teacher. A student cannot be forced to be a patriotic citizen; it is impossible to forcibly instill patriotism. That is why the teacher himself, by his example, must prove to students the sincerity of his feelings - to be a convinced patriot.

Implementing the state program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation,” the school staff developed a target program for patriotic education, and in 2009, in our school, history and social studies teachers T.A. and Knyazkina L.V. The historical and patriotic association “We are the Urals” was created.

The main directions of work of the historical and patriotic association “We are Urals”: ​​research, propaganda, assistance to war veterans, participation in events, civil patriotism, local history.

Over the five years of activity, students from the historical and patriotic association “We are Urals” took part in: city local history competitions “People about the People’s Marshal”, “People’s Feat of the Urals”, “This is this street, this is this house”, “Oh my native land, region, dear to the heart! Research works “The War in the History of My Family”, “Streets of My Hometown”, the research project “Children of War”, etc. were written and presented at city conferences.

Realizing their involvement in everything that happens at school, students are engaged in sociological research: “The influence of television on youth”, “Who can be called a hero?”, “My world”, “Why do they lose interest in studying?”, “What is the Komsomol? ", "What is terrorism?" and etc.

Our guys actively participate in promotions. For example: in the city campaign “St. George’s Ribbon”, “Congratulate the Soldier”, “Congratulate the Veteran”. In actions dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, the Day of the Elderly, and in the “Mother Teresa” action - assistance to the Veterans’ Home and the Orphanage. During the summer holidays, the historical and patriotic detachment “We are Urals” works on the school site, where the following events are held annually: “Letter to the Unknown Soldier”, “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow”. Materials about these and other actions were repeatedly published in city newspapers. School and city patriotic events were held: “Land of people, why do you need war?” (to the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of the Russian army from Afghanistan), “Siege of Leningrad” (to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War), etc.

The school has a lecture group of students and conductsmini-lectures dedicated to Constitution Day, National Unity Day, International Women's Day on March 8.

The children participate in a set of school events dedicated to Victory Day: in meetings with war veterans, in the game “Salute, Victory”, etc.

The system of patriotic education developed in our school is designed to ensure the purposeful formation of an active position and civic values ​​in students; it prepares our students for a type of active activity in which knowledge and life experience are combined with a position of civic duty and involvement in the fate of the Motherland, personal interests - with public.The effectiveness of patriotic education in our school is determined by the presence of this system, as well as by the purposeful and natural process of constantly introducing students to the spiritual and moral values ​​of society.



Historical features of Russian patriotism 3

Fluctuations of patriotic consciousness and behavior

in post-Soviet times 8

Theoretical and methodological problems of studying patriotic consciousness 13 Specifics of the formation of patriotic consciousness 19 RESULTS:

Research methodology 24 Specifics and state of patriotic consciousness 26 Patriotism and nationalism Social well-being Functions of patriotism Value orientations of youth Factors influencing the formation of patriotic consciousness Efficiency of forms of patriotic education of youth Components of consciousness. Types of personal patriotism CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS APPENDICES




Patriotism in general, and Russian patriotism in particular, is one of the key phenomena of human existence and consciousness, the fundamental basis on which individual pictures of the world and public ideological doctrines are built. The centuries-old history of patriotism clearly demonstrates: faith in one’s Motherland, the desire to protect it, and increase its well-being were decisive factors both during periods of prosperous growth and at turning points in the development of various countries and peoples. This means that the education, development and maintenance of patriotic consciousness at the proper level is one of the main tasks of the state and relevant state institutions.

Historical features of Russian patriotism Patriotism, as an organically inherent awareness of one’s unity with the entire space and time of the Fatherland’s existence, is a product of centuries-old self-development of the ancient Russian-Russian-Russian civilization in the external natural and social conditions given by history.

Slavic tribes who came in the 6th century. AD to the East European Plain, which became the system-forming spatial core of the future Russia, they initially perceived this territory and everything connected with it in the categories of a large patriarchal family. Therefore, the initial forms of patriotism were of a family-tribal nature, when “our land” was understood as the land on which the tribal community lives and works. The inheritance of this land as a space of tribal existence (“from grandfather to fatherland”) gave rise to a feeling of inseparable connection and personal responsibility for this land to ancestors and descendants.

“Mother is the damp earth” for modern consciousness can be perceived as nothing more than a poetic image or metaphor. In the agrarian society of the early and mature Russian Middle Ages, the land in all its diversity - soil, plants, forests, reservoirs, birds and animals - was perceived as something integral in its pristine state. As integral and inseparable from man, as a world, bound by a chain of mutual obligations, in which man was “the key that connected all worlds,” but, at the same time, both the creator and protector of all these worlds.



As they moved from a tribal community to a neighboring one, with the emergence of tribal and allied-tribal associations, and then state associations, the Eastern Slavs’ idea of ​​the space of their existence, now identified with “our Russian land,” also changed.

This meant a new level of patriotism - the patriotism of the “fatherland”, when the “fatherland”, which later evolved into the category “Fatherland”, was already understood as the entire space of the “Russian land”, and the owner of this land, passed from generation to generation as a collective inheritance, became the people themselves.

The territory of the East European Plain on three sides of the world - west, south and east - had no natural barriers that protected from invasions of other tribes and peoples, but above all from nomads. Therefore, to be in unity with the land meant to be responsible for it not only in everyday work, but also almost in the everyday battle for the preservation of this ancestral inheritance.

The Old Russian state arose through successive transformations: patriarchal family - neighboring community - tribe - union of tribes. These were steps along which the individual’s primary responsibility only for those who are of “the same blood” with him rose to the awareness of the highest responsibility - for “compatriots,” all those who belonged to the “fatherland of the same land.”

Already in Ancient Rus' X-XIII centuries. the word “fatherhood” becomes the designation of the entire “native” land and the people living on it. The introduction of the Orthodox religion into Rus' only gave a higher, transpersonal-cosmic meaning to the understanding of the primordial kinship of people living and working on a common land that already existed latently in the consciousness and subconscious of the Slavic tribes. Earth, which can only be protected by a single – transpersonal – kinship of destinies, thoughts and actions.

The peculiarities of the natural-geographical environment of the East European Plain (relatively infertile soils and climatic instability, which created natural limits to the surplus product produced) formed in Russian patriotism a particularly careful attitude towards the land as a mother. Innate love for her was combined with an understanding of her worries and troubles, and, therefore, with increased responsibility for her life, her well-being, her happiness.

The great monuments of ancient Russian literature, as well as the deeds of the great rulers of Ancient Rus' (from the pagan Svyatoslav to the savior of the Orthodox faith Alexander Nevsky) testify: the physical, sensually tangible patriotism of mother earth was combined with the patriotism of the soul, creating that unique synthesis of firmness of spirit (faith) and body (strength), which in times of trial showed the people.

Returning to the roots is not a whim of the mind, but its objective need. Turning to the origins of Russian patriotism, one cannot help but see the full significance of the initial combination in it of the concepts of “land” and “soul”. Only awareness PROMOTION CENTER


The union of their spiritual unity with the body of their native land was capable of inspiring the Russian people to the rapid victorious rise of the Kulikovo Field, overcoming the catastrophe of the Time of Troubles of the 17th century, collective resistance to the European invasion under Napoleonic banners and the fascist plague of the 20th century.

The Old Russian state was formed on the border of forest and steppe, and this gave Russian people a rare ability to embrace in consciousness and feelings the unity of the great Eurasian space, a unique natural meeting place of civilizational worlds. The natural expansion of the boundaries of the original land (“people’s colonization,” in the words of V. O. Klyuchevsky) gave rise to an equally organic expansion of responsibility both for the new lands and for those who lived on them.

Long before the invasion of the Mongol invaders, the Russian people found the opportunity not just to live in the steppe, but to accept and appropriate the world of the steppe, to fit it into the space of their own life, worldview, and value synthesis.

The Mongol conquest, when the Russian people had to face people of the steppe who professed other values ​​- the values ​​of conquest and violence - only temporarily slowed down, but did not stop the process of natural awareness by Russian people of the entire Eurasian space as their own land, the existence of which is a divine given and chosenness .

The revival of Russian identity in the post-Mongol period was a time of crystallization - on the previous physical and spiritual basis - of patriotism, based on the awareness of the majesty of the fate that befell Rus': to be the Kingdom of God on earth (the Orthodox concept of “Moscow is the third Rome”). Natural love for one’s land and those who work on it and protect it is combined with the idea that this earthly love is a reflection of the heavenly love of the Lord himself for the Russian land.

From now on, Russian patriotism becomes characterized by a transcendental content that goes beyond the existence of a specific resident of the country; it acquires the features of messianic patriotism, love for the Fatherland as an earthly world fulfilling a divine mission to save all humanity.

The loneliness of the Orthodox Moscow state could not have any other way to overcome the lack of understanding of its great mission by the external European world, closed in its pride, except by recognizing as its own, vitally necessary space the entire Eurasian infinity, sandwiched between the ice of the North and the mountains of the South. The Russian development of the Urals and Siberia, natural from the point of view of geography, was the result of the self-development of ancient Russian patriotism.

The Urals and Volga region became key centers of this process. It was here that Russian patriotism symbolically realized its Russian dimension.



The Ural Mountains, connecting the worlds of forest and steppe with their underground wealth, turned out to be the necessary link that completed the formation of the natural environment of not only Russian, but also Russian patriotism.

Therefore, while expanding spatially, the Russian world maintained its identity, not destroying, but drawing new ethnic groups and cultures into its orbit. At the same time, they retained their ethnocultural identity, and, therefore, their understanding of patriotism, limited by the space of their earthly existence. And, at the same time, they became familiar with a higher level of patriotism - Russian, covering the entire space of first the Moscow State, and then the Russian Empire.

The patriotism of the Russian people, exploring the vast spaces beyond their natural-geographical core, was based on a sense of personal responsibility for what is left behind and what is destined to meet ahead. Even the schismatics who fled from Peter’s “kingdom of the Antichrist” left behind them not a desert, the return to which is like the death of body and soul, but a world that was in their minds theirs, abandoned only for a while, but not rejected by the spirit and not cast out from the heart.

The emergence of the Russian Empire gave rise to the phenomenon of imperial patriotism, which became the basis of state ideology, most clearly manifested in the first half of the 19th century. The messianic patriotism of the Moscow kingdom, which had previously consolidated society, was transformed into the patriotism of state greatness, understood as patriotism not so much of the spirit as of the body, its physical (military) strength.

The cultural split - an inevitable consequence of the forced transformations of Peter I, among other things, painfully affected Russian patriotism.

If among the bulk of the country's peasant population there was a re-actualization of the long-standing, but never out of the memory of the people, “patrimonial patriotism”, then among the nobility and, especially, among the ruling elite, a rationalistic view of patriotism began to spread, as one of the tools for mobilizing the masses to fulfill any higher state interests.

Only in moments when a threat to the existence of the entire country arose, as happened in the Patriotic War of 1812, the government was forced to rely on a new wave of the rise of paternal patriotism, but then again gave priority to imperial patriotism (Russia as the arbiter of the destinies of the world at the Congress of Vienna or under Nicholas I).

Despite all the successes of the country’s economic development as a result of the reforms of the 1860-70s, in Russia, until the beginning of the First World War, a civil nation had not yet formed, encompassing, if not the entire population of the empire, then at least its main – Russian – part. The conflict between imperial and paternal patriotism, which became acutely felt during the years of this war, became one of the main factors that influenced both the collapse of a single state and the rise to power



the Bolshevik Party, and the subsequent reproduction of this conflict, albeit in other forms, in the Soviet era.

Official Soviet patriotism as class patriotism, essentially breaking with the ancestral tradition, but reviving the messianic principle (“world socialist revolution”) was able to temporarily consolidate society during the industrial breakthrough of the 1930s, but revealed all its weaknesses in the first period Great Patriotic War. It was precisely the natural patrimonial patriotism that rose in the face of the loss of the people of their Motherland, on which the communist government was forced to rely, that played a crucial role in the victory in this war.

And one cannot help but see its pattern in the fact that the Urals, which during the Great Patriotic War turned into a key center of the military-economic power of the state, had previously been the place where Russian paternal patriotism acquired its Russian dimension.



Fluctuations of patriotic consciousness and behavior in post-Soviet times In modern Russia, the topic of patriotism, its role and necessity in the development of Russian statehood is one of the most controversial topics widely discussed in society. The range of judgments about patriotism is quite large: from its discrediting as a source of destructiveness and conflict potential with a fascist and racist bias to its assessment as the main factor in the unity of the Russian people based on its integration potential and the need to adopt appropriate state programs for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation1.

The current state of Russian society requires a search for internal sources of development, ways to realize its spiritual powers. As the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin emphasized, it is possible to effectively counter the serious threats hanging over modern Russia (weak economic foundation, insufficient development of the political system, poverty of the majority of citizens, the complexity of the international situation, terrorist danger, etc.) based on the consolidation of all layers of society, at least around basic national values”2.

Patriotism is considered by the head of state as the unifying ideology of Russia. However, modern interpretations of patriotism are amorphous, unstable and uncertain. The need for it as the core of national development is due to serious problems of modern social practice.

Firstly, over the past two decades, the socio-economic state of our country has been changing at an extremely rapid pace. The consciousness of the majority of Russians was unable to adequately perceive these drastic changes. The spiritual principles on which the majority of Russian citizens grew up make it difficult for them to successfully adapt to new conditions. This led to the fact that the concept of the Motherland was either devalued or lost its essential content. Naturally, no society can exist for long in such a state. A situation has arisen where enormous efforts are required to find a real understanding of the phenomenon of the Motherland and the corresponding concept of “patriotism”. Work in this direction requires the creation of a system of patriotic The fate of civil society in Russia: in 2 volumes - Vol. 2: Modern aspects of conceptual understanding of the problems of civil society / A. A. Aivazyan, S. E. Vershinin, A. M. Vorobyov, etc. Uro RAS, Ekaterinburg, 2004. – P. 59.

Speech by V.V. Putin at a meeting with representatives of the public. Krasnodar. September 2012



education on the one hand, and targeted scientific study of this problem on the other3.

Secondly, Russia is rapidly becoming involved in the process of globalization.

This process ambiguously affects the spheres of spiritual life of society, including patriotism. There is a tendency to replace real feelings with global, universal priorities. However, this trend is often manipulative in nature, since the interests of other countries and peoples are not taken into account and often run counter to them. The process of globalization is objectively determined, but it also presupposes taking into account the interests of all subjects of international relations. Moreover, only with a harmonious combination of the interests and values ​​of all subjects of the world community will humanity be able to solve the complex problems facing it.

Thirdly, nationalist movements have become widespread in modern Russia. Most of them widely use patriotic terminology and, thus, attract a socially immature part of citizens into their ranks. Nationalism can become an ideology not only of marginal groups, but also of representatives of the political elites of Russian regions. Under these conditions, the problem of clarifying the general and special in the ideological components of national self-identification and the correspondence of this process to the state understanding of patriotism acquires special significance.

Today the words “citizen” and “patriot”, “citizenship” and “patriotism” have become common nouns and even, to some extent, abusive. These concepts are viewed not as a symbol of courage, valor, heroism and strength of the Russian people, not as the unity of the greatness and power of the Russian state, but as the ability and ability to survive (namely, survive!) in the current situation in our country. Society “is increasingly aware of the detrimental nature of moral degradation and the loss of a sense of patriotism for the future of Russia. The words “patriotism” and “love for the Motherland” are regaining their high meaning.”4

Russia is a multinational and multi-religious country. The consolidation of people of all nations and nationalities, all faiths to strengthen the power and security of the country is a common civil and patriotic task. It is citizenship and patriotism that act as factors in the development of society and the state, attributes of their life. The patriotic idea is the most powerful motive for uniting the most diverse - social, national, religious, gender, age, regional and other communities, a source of consolidation of society and strengthening of the state. This is especially evident in the context of the need to overcome difficulties and trials during periods of exacerbation of external dangers and threats. Patriotic ideas and slogans are the most important factor in mobilizing the broad masses to achieve socially significant goals. Potential, character, spiritual and social direction Based on materials from



The essence of active patriotism is manifested primarily in active involvement in problems that concern society, in responsibility for the historical destinies of one’s Motherland, in a readiness to share and overcome with it, with one’s people, all difficulties and adversities. In critical epochs, when a reassessment of values ​​occurs, the social status, guidelines and interests of all layers and groups change, patriotism becomes the core around which the best forces of society unite. It is he who fills the lives and activities of people with meaning, helps them unite in the name of serving the Fatherland5.

Of course, there have always been and still are people who cannot and do not want to put up with the destructive processes in the spiritual life of the country. As a rule, these are those who value Russia, its age-old traditions, integrity and security. Therefore, relatively recently, in the mid-90s of the last century, the question of “resurrecting” the spiritual and moral ideas of Russians, of civic and patriotic education began to be raised. Without this, it is simply impossible to organize people to actively participate in democratic processes in Russia and in the construction of civil society. Taking into account the centuries-old history of the Fatherland and the current situation in the country, the Government of the Russian Federation already in the early 90s of the 20th century. raised the question of the need to develop a program of patriotic education.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2001 No. 122, the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005” was adopted, which was subsequently continued. The adoption of this program was a landmark event. At the same time, a beginning was made for assessing the role of citizenship and patriotism and their place in ensuring the national security of Russia, new prospects and opportunities opened up in the organization and content of civic and patriotic education in new historical conditions. The adopted state program, of course, was not comprehensive. Therefore, both its goal and objectives for the period 2001-2005. had a very specific content and corresponding time frame. The federal target programs “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation” for 2006-2010 and 2011-2015 were a logical and necessary continuation of the previous program.

Speaking about the problems of modern patriotism, one cannot ignore the position of one of the leading experts on this issue - V.I. Lutovinova:

“The main paradox, the main contradiction of so many studies, developments, even official documents is that the dialectical unity and inseparability of the main components of civic-patriotic education are ignored, which are considered on their own, in isolation from each other, and often to the detriment and opposition of each other to a friend. Moreover, these components themselves, especially the first of them - civic education, have not yet acquired not only a certain integrity, but also the proper meaning. Therefore, Filonov G. Citizenship in the structure of a person’s self-awareness / G. Filonov // Education of schoolchildren. – 2004. No. 6. – P. 2-6.



they need a higher degree of scientific development, further development, especially in the context of understanding new phenomena and processes occurring in the social sciences and humanities, in Russian society as a whole”6.

It should be emphasized that work on civic and patriotic education is always carried out in organic unity with other types and areas of education, that is, comprehensively. The upbringing of a person’s personality is multifaceted, and one type of upbringing of a human personality cannot be separated from another, either in the time of upbringing or in the age of the person being educated; It is impossible to cultivate citizenship today, patriotism tomorrow, morality the day after tomorrow, and then hard work.

The peculiarities of civic and patriotic education of youth in modern conditions are related to the fact that today young people under the age of 30 make up a third of the population of Russia, 48% of the economically active population7. Youth is the future of the Russian economy, its economic and military power, its political stability. The solution to demographic problems depends on youth. After all, there are now 17% of families in Russia in which one of the spouses is under 30 years old; by the age of 29, 71% of women get married. Three quarters of all children in the country are born into young families.

Many states would still like to weaken Russia both in domestic positions and in international issues. 52% of Russians surveyed think so; 47% believe that these states want to get rid of a potentially strong military adversary, a rival in world politics8. Different groups of youth - workers, specialists, intellectuals, peasants or farmers, students, schoolchildren - have their own characteristics; you need to be able to work with each of these groups. Modern youth were born, raised and educated in the new political, economic and social conditions of Russia's development, which poses new tasks for the education of youth, including civic and patriotic education. Russia today is going through a difficult historical period. The socio-political system changed, there was a sharp drop in production and stratification of the population. The crisis of the family, the crisis of the demographic state of society, the decline of morality - all this taken together has affected young people: they are not confident in their future, cannot find a job, or have a decent salary. Hence depression, drugs, alcohol, deviant behavior, apoliticality. The activity of young people in the social and political life of the country is low.

However, in the 21st century, Russia is being reborn. The role of youth in creative work is increasing. The reviving industry and agriculture need the talents of youth, qualified young workers (the country currently lacks turners, mechanics, welders, crane operators, railway workers, and machine operators). Therefore, it is necessary to actively involve moSm.: Lutovinov V.I. Civic-patriotic education today // Pedagogy. – 2006. No. 5. – P. 53.

Russian statistical yearbook. M., 2011. – pp. 81–88.



young people into the system of vocational secondary education, to involve them in the labor process, using their energy. Young people need the experience and traditions of older generations; they should be passed on skillfully, taking into account the new times, using new forms and methods of work. Youth are receptive to innovative ideas and practices. It is important to give her the opportunity to find herself in democratic reforms, in the construction of civil society, using her characteristic work enthusiasm and emotional attitude. In modern conditions, the role and responsibility of political parties and movements for the education of youth is increasing.

Nowadays, the influence of formal and informal youth organizations on young people is also increasing. It is important that young people do not become dependent on alien extremist or nationalist organizations. It is necessary to unite young people on a patriotic, civil basis in the name of growing the power of Russia, developing democracy and building a civil society.

Russian President V.V. Putin, in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in April 2007, emphasized: “... while solving the problems facing us and using all the most modern, we must at the same time rely on the basic moral values ​​​​developed by the people of Russia over the past more than a thousand years of history. Only in this case will we be able to correctly determine the guidelines for the country’s development. And only in this case will success await us.”9 The president’s words are in tune with the mood of the majority of the country’s population: an all-Russian survey by the Levada Center, conducted in early October 2012, showed that 65% of respondents are confident that the country’s position in the world can be strengthened with the help of strong patriotic sentiments in Russia.

The next section will discuss theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of patriotic consciousness.



Theoretical and methodological problems of studying patriotic consciousness Patriotic consciousness is the main semantic core that determines the strategy for the modernization of Russian statehood.

The most important is the formation of patriotism among the younger generation of Russians, especially students who have not mastered forms of life activity during the period of reform of the economic and socio-political foundations of society. There is also the problem of spiritual and moral education of young people. In the current situation, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of the spiritual and moral development of the new generation and creating conditions for educating young people with socially significant ideals and values ​​is obvious. One of the fundamental components of consciousness that contributes to the full and comprehensive development of the individual is patriotism.

In this regard, from the position of sociological science, consideration of the formation of patriotic consciousness and the mechanisms of patriotic education is quite relevant and is one of the most important tasks of the transforming Russian society.

Thus, the relevance of the research topic is due to the following reasons: firstly, the unacceptably low coverage in the domestic sociological literature of the process of formation of the personality of a patriot in modern conditions; secondly, the insufficiency of sociological studies of patriotic education; thirdly, the need to clearly formulate practical conclusions and recommendations on the process of forming patriotism among young people.

In this regard, the opinion of O. E. Chuikov should be recognized as correct, who believes that the problem of the study lies in the contradiction between society’s need for the patriotic education of youth and the lack of a holistic understanding of the system of formation of the personality of a patriot and its effectiveness10.

In addition, as T. V. Bespalova points out, the problem of the formation of patriotic consciousness “is associated with the stratification of national self-awareness (“Russians” and “Russians”, “new Russians” and “old Russians”) and the disintegration of identity into a number of gradations (ethnic, racial , religious, linguistic, mythological, etc.). Hence the strengthening of the positions of multicultural ideology and practices. O. E. Chuikov. Formation in the conditions of youth public organizations: sociocultural aspect. Abstract for the academic degree of candidate of sociological sciences.



naturalism, various forms of ethno-national separatism and aggravation of social contradictions”11.

And here again a wide field opens up for the old discussion of “Westerners” and “Slavophiles” about the ways of development of Russian statehood and the nature of Russian patriotism.

According to the “Slavophiles”, Russia represents a special world that is opposed to the West due to the peculiarities of Russian history, religiosity, and the Russian stereotype of behavior12.

According to “Westernizers,” Russian identity appears to be a consequence of the country’s lagging development. They saw the most important task in the liberation of the individual and the creation of a state that would ensure this freedom according to the European analogue13. This raises the problem of the forms and foundations of patriotism.

When considering the concept of patriotism proposed by D. Muretov, it becomes obvious that he offers two criteria that explain the presence of different forms of patriotism: the nature of the emergence of patriotism (natural or obligatory) and its orientation (general or particular), in connection with which he distinguishes patriotism ( nationalism) moral (obligatory) and aesthetic (personal, intimate)14. The advantage of this approach is the consideration of patriotism as a component of individual consciousness. However, this approach does not consider the specifics of patriotic behavior.

According to N.V. Ustryalov, when defining patriotism, the key concept is “Motherland” as an aesthetic category, and he believes that “national eros” has both destructive and creative power at the same time - this is its contradiction and beauty. According to the concept he created, patriotic behavior is not always a consequence of the attitude of patriotic consciousness. According to the author, it is necessary to understand the possible change in time of the national face of one’s own state, but if its strength and sovereignty do not disappear, then true patriotism consists, first of all, in supporting the political authority of the authorities15.

The position of Christian patriotism is most fully represented in the works of E. N. Trubetskoy. The author criticizes the very possibility of using the concept of “eros,” which demeans the deeply moral and sublime feeling of love for the Motherland, and warns about the unreasonable, blind spontaneity of national eros, which can lead to victims and violence. Orthodoxy, which contains Bespalova T.V. Patriotism as a form of sociocultural identification in the conflict conditions of Russian transitional society. Abstract of doctoral dissertation in philosophy. // Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen, St. Petersburg, 2011. – P. 3.

Berdyaev N. A. Universality and confessionalism. URL: – P. 14.

Chaadaev P. A. Philosophical letters. URL: Muretov D. Sketches about nationalism. // Nationalism. Polemics 1909-1917. Collection of articles.

– M., 2000. – P. 34.

Ustryalov N.V. On the question of the essence of “nationalism”. // Nationalism. Controversy 1909-1917

Digest of articles. – M., 2000. – P. 164.



the highest moral law is the main characteristic of Christian patriotism16. One cannot but agree with E.N. Trubetskoy that patriotism lies in love for the Motherland. However, consideration of patriotism through the prism of Christian culture within the framework of this study seems insufficient in modern conditions, since Russia is a multinational and multireligious association.

Patriotism in the conceptual version of P. Ya. Chaadaev is a product of individual consciousness, which is based on its (patriotism) dual interpretations, and is divided into instinctive and conscious (level of intelligence), preferring the latter. The basis of such patriotism is the lack of identification of the subject of knowledge of the Motherland with the object of love, and this is its initial spiritual impasse17. The value of P. Ya. Chaadaev’s approach for this study is presented in the consideration of models and types of patriotic consciousness and behavior.

The cultural-civilizational version of N. Ya. Danilevsky’s patriotism has two forms: folk (natural feeling) and political (“... I love my Fatherland, but I must admit that there is no use in it”).18 External political patriotism identifies itself through comprehension European civilization as the final cultural and historical result, and in this regard, this theory is difficult to classify as “Western” or “Slavophile”. The concept of patriotism by N. Ya. Danilevsky reflects some modern trends in patriotic behavior, but does not affect the essential characteristics of patriotism.

G.V. Florovsky distinguishes between righteous and sinful patriotism. The main sign of righteous patriotism is humility. Sinful patriotism is a violent overcoming of the tragedy of the 1917 revolution in Russia and an attempt to fit this tragedy into the framework of necessity. Florovsky determines his own unacceptability of the emerging political power and can only accept it from the position of an Orthodox worldview. He found a way out of understanding the tragic in history - through Orthodox truth and wisdom, in the perception of which “Revolution is the judgment of God.” Patriotism for G.V. Florovsky is a spiritual and religious act of creative elevation of the individual19.

Thus, in the pre-revolutionary period, patriotism was considered as a spiritual category, a component of individual consciousness, which was divided depending on the forms of its expression in patriotic behavior.

During the Soviet period, patriotism showed its vitality and strength during the Great Patriotic War. However, the patriotism of the Land of Soviets is represented by E. N. Trubetskoy. New paganism and its fiery words. // Russian thought. Book 6. – M., 2000. – S.

Chaadaev P. A. Philosophical letters. URL: Danilevsky N. Ya. Russia and Europe. A look at cultural and political relations. – St. Petersburg:

Printing house brother. Panteleev, 1895. – P. 31.

Florovsky G.V. Paths of Russian theology. Part 1. – Paris: YMKA-PRESS, 1983. – P. 78.



as an ideological component necessary for the existence of the state. During this period, institutional forms of patriotic education (pioneers, Komsomol, patriotic clubs, etc.) received active development. During this period, the greatest attention is paid to the consideration of patriotism as love for the Motherland and the willingness to sacrifice one’s goods for it, and, if necessary, one’s life. According to A.I. Redel, ideological patriotism comes into crisis along with the transformation of Russian society at the end of the 20th century20.

Scientific research literature from the late 80s of the 20th century to the present is of great interest for understanding the problem of Russian patriotism. This period is associated with the beginning and development of fundamental changes in all areas of our lives. Not only the foundations of our immediate existence, but also the highest values, among which patriotism occupies a special place, have undergone profound changes. It was he who found himself in the epicenter of the struggle of the most diverse, often opposing views, opinions, beliefs, positions, discussions, etc. In the course of this controversy, the severity of which has only somewhat weakened in recent years, along with scandalous, opportunistic and speculative publications, many works have appeared that are characterized by a creative, research approach to understanding patriotism and the problems of its formation in our society21.

The fruitfulness of the activities carried out in this direction is due to the fact that the authors of these works are increasingly turning to the rich heritage of Russian thought, striving for a more balanced, objective analysis of noteworthy works of the Soviet period and, most importantly, considering the problem in close connection with the changes events in Russian society recently.

In the post-Soviet space, according to the “Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation” dated May 23, 2003, patriotism is defined as “love for the Motherland, devotion to one’s Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, even to the point of self-sacrifice, to defend it.” Thus, it is clear that the key role in the analysis of the phenomenon of patriotism is played by the category of patriotic consciousness of the individual, the formation of which is aimed at the development of a set of measures for patriotic education. According to V.I. Lutovinov, when analyzing patriotic consciousness it is necessary to consider it through cognitive, axiological, motivational and activity components22.

Redel A.I. Spirituality is the basis of the Russian mentality: on the issue of sociocultural prerequisites for the modernization of Russian society. – M., 2005. – P. 146.

State ideology and national idea. – M.: Realists. 1997. No. 32;

Zyuganov G. A. Russia is my Motherland. The ideology of state patriotism. – M., 1996;

Zorkin V. Patriotism, true and false. // Dialogue. 1994. No. 9, 10;

Platonov O. A. Russian civilization. – M., 1995;

Troitsky E. S. About the Russian idea. Essay on the theory of national revival. – M., 1994.

Vyrshchikov A. N., Kusmartsev M. B. Strategy for scientific research of the phenomenon of patriotism and patriotic education of youth. URL:



T. V. Bespalova considers patriotism as “a way of self-determination of an individual within the framework of spiritual experience and national-cultural unity of the people, mastering the original forms of their life activity within the boundaries of a single state.” However, this approach does not reveal all manifestations of patriotic behavior and patriotic activity as a continuous process in the life of a citizen of the country23.

Within the framework of this study, the most acceptable and operational definition of patriotism given by O. E. Chuikov. He considers patriotism as a sociocultural phenomenon, which is a qualitative characteristic of a social subject, indicating his acceptance of the values ​​of the national state, the cultural values ​​of his people and country as the leading elements of his value-normative system, determining the direction and intensity of his activities24.

Thus, patriotism is a component of consciousness that is present in every individual, but its substantive characteristics may vary. Basic patriotic feelings arise in a child at the very beginning of life: love for mother, for home, for the playground. In the process of life, patriotism develops, manifesting itself in various spheres of life and ways of cognition. Patriotism regulates even the most seemingly unrelated and unconscious actions (throwing away or not throwing away an empty chocolate box on the street of your hometown, smoking or thinking about the gene pool of the nation for a girl of reproductive age, learning the history of your native land or skipping class, etc.).

Patriotism cannot be considered outside of subject and object. The subject of patriotism is all social entities: the individual, social group, stratum, class, nation and other communities. The object of patriotism is the Motherland as a set of elements of the natural and social environment of a given society, which form, due to the uniqueness and originality of geographical, historical, spiritual, cultural, socio-economic, political and other spheres, conditions for the unity of citizens, social groups and so on, components the structure of this society. Being a subject of patriotic action, a person has every right to use the benefits that were created in the process of patriotic activity.

Patriotism is not only a feeling of love for the Motherland, but is also a social phenomenon that promotes integration, the unification of various social groups, segments of the population around one goal - development and Bespalov T.V. Patriotism as a form of sociocultural identification in the conflict conditions of Russian transitional society. Abstract of doctoral dissertation in philosophy. // Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen. St. Petersburg, 2011.

Chuikov O. E. Formation in the conditions of youth public organizations: sociocultural aspect. Abstract for the academic degree of candidate of sociological sciences.



defense of your state. Patriotism has a culturally determined nature, associated with the historical traditions and characteristics of a given society or state.

The next section will examine the specifics of the formation of patriotic consciousness.



Specifics of the formation of patriotic consciousness During the period of radical socio-economic transformations in society at the end of the 20th century, the breakdown of old values ​​and the search for new moral guidelines began. This led to the emergence of new democratic ideals that came into conflict with the Soviet social and class content of education and upbringing. The subsequent change in the psychological and pedagogical attitude to humanistic theories of personality development has actualized the problem of determining the content of moral education of youth in general and patriotic education in particular in line with the restructuring of the ideals of domestic science, the leading role of spiritual values ​​in the formation of a person and his connections with society.

The issue of instilling patriotic feelings is of particular importance for the youth segment of society. Patriotism as a component of human consciousness begins to form in childhood, as we indicated in the previous section. The formation of patriotism is directly related to the emotional component of the personality – feelings.

Feelings can be interpreted as one of the main forms of a person’s experience of his relationship to objects and phenomena of reality, as a relatively stable mental state, a personality trait.

By patriotic feelings we understand an emotionally charged attitude towards one’s Fatherland, which has a practical orientation and acts as an internal stimulator of human activity, relating to the highest spiritual values. In the classification of feelings as a component of the emotional sphere of a person, one can distinguish a special kind of feelings - patriotic feelings, which at the same time act as the highest spiritual values ​​of a person.

Patriotic feelings:

express the subjective significance of a person’s identification with a certain country, people, culture, nature based on origin and similarity;

include emotionally charged ideas (images of political, ethnocultural, landscape phenomena and objects, one’s own actions in relation to the Fatherland);

manifest themselves in experiences that orient the subject to actions that bring benefit to the Fatherland, to the defense of his Motherland; act as regulators of specific actions in the life of an individual25.

Smirnov S. Pedagogical conditions for the use of symbols in the education of patriotic



Feelings form the value-motivational structure of the individual, who is ready to act for the benefit of the Motherland and its people. In the general structure of an individual’s values, love for the Motherland begins to be present, on par with or even higher than such values ​​as health, family, personal well-being, etc.

In modern Russian society, as data from many studies show, there are different assessments of attitudes towards patriotism. Today's Russian youth also have their own position on the definition of patriotism as a universal human value.

In studies of the late 90s. (B. A. Ruchkin, Yu. R. Vishnevsky, R. G. Gurova, A. V. Zubarayev) it is concluded that among young people such concepts as hero, heroism, patriotism are not fundamental. Modern young people can hardly name specific heroes of modern Russia26. It should be noted that young people are more focused on such personal values ​​as individualism, autonomy, entrepreneurship, and independence. The so-called “conciliarity” and “community” lost their attractiveness after Russians were introduced to Western values ​​and the rethinking of old traditions and worldviews.

The process of forming patriotic feelings of young people consists of studying the current spiritual and moral state of young people, studying and systematizing old methods, mechanisms and approaches to patriotic personality development and developing fundamentally new approaches to patriotic education. Modern Russian scientists agree on one thing: patriotism among young people today is perceived ambiguously. Confidence in the future and material well-being is more important for today's young people. But, at the same time, in comparison with the nineties of the twentieth century, today there is a positive trend associated with the formation of patriotic feelings and beliefs among young people, both with the help of state institutions and public ones. Thus, patriotism is included in the value system of the modern younger generation, but at the same time, it is not a significant and defining value for the majority of young people.

However, according to the nature of actions, it is necessary to separate patriotism from nationalism. By identifying the relationship between such phenomena as patriotism and nationalism, it can be pointed out that in modern Russian science nationalism is assessed ambiguously. Patriotism is a state phenomenon aimed at consolidating nations, social strata and groups in the face of an external threat or as a result of world achievements of society. Nationalism is limited by national boundaries, which include national self-identification, self-determination, national interests, and national superiority. Therefore, in Russian conditions, nationalism will not be able to unite a multinational state, nor will it become the feelings of the students of the cadet corps. URL: Ivanov V. G. Education of state patriotism among cadets of a military physical education university. Abstract of the dissertation for the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. St. Petersburg, Military Institute of Physical Culture, 2004.



ideology. Patriotic activity is aimed, first of all, at maintaining the interests of the Motherland, and nationalism can sometimes come into direct conflict with them.

If there is a value of patriotism, the individual begins to show interest in learning about the specifics of his homeland, its uniqueness, which forms a cognitive element of the individual’s consciousness.

Thus, within the framework of constructing a theoretical research model, three main elements of patriotic consciousness can be distinguished:

1) emotional-sensual - expressing a sensual, emotional attitude towards one’s country, people, compatriots, culture (“I love my country no matter what”, “I have a feeling of pride that I live in Russia”, “I’m always very sick and I worry about Russian representatives in sports competitions");

2) value-motivational - awareness of the value of one’s Motherland, people, nature, native land along with other basic values: health, personal success, family, etc.;

3) strong-willed - the desire to support the Motherland with one’s activities: live and work in the country, serve in the army, support domestic producers, and also contribute to the development of the country (“I work for my country”, “I am ready to defend my country”, etc.).

Based on the above, it should be noted that patriotism as a sociocultural phenomenon contributes to:

awareness of the place and role of one’s state in world culture;

strengthening “historical memory”, that is, a person’s connection with the past, present and future of the spiritual life of his Fatherland;

development of the spiritual powers of people, their mind, feelings and will, as it encourages them to solve new, more important and more difficult tasks that go beyond personal gain;

consolidation of society and the state in order to carry out socially oriented activities that contribute to the development of the Culture of Personal Patriotism Functions - in this case, those manifestations of a person that realize his experience of serving the Fatherland and constitute a system of certain components or characterological qualities. Based on the concept of patriotic-oriented education, the following functions can be identified:

Surzhko G. Patriotic education in Russia: just the facts. // Public education. – 2005. No. 4. – P. 34-36.



a developmental function that influences the formation of a future patriot of the Motherland, since the content of educational subjects reflects the most important moral, spiritual values ​​and cultural traditions of our people;

ideological and value-based, which, contributing to patriotic education, consists in forming in students the ideals of serving the Fatherland and the ideological positions corresponding to them;

the emotionally activating function of learning, since beliefs are always a unity of knowledge and experience. It is possible to form the necessary beliefs and awaken love for the Motherland in conditions of emotional uplift, when boredom and indifference are excluded in the lesson, when the teacher creates situations of emotional experience, assessment of spiritual values;

The active-practical function is to develop the skills necessary to carry out the experience of serving the Fatherland. It should be taken into account that the skills developed in the educational process, as a rule, are general in nature and can be implemented in many areas of activity. However, it is important that a person can transfer them to situations of solving problems of patriotic activity28.

Since patriotism as a component of consciousness is formed in specific historical conditions, a number of factors influence the formation process.

Macro factors:

political and economic situation in the world;

political and economic situation in the country;

religion, history, national values;

information coming from the media (Internet, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines).


patriotic education in the family, the opinion of friends, classmates, relatives, acquaintances;

patriotic education in educational institutions;

a person's own beliefs.

Within the framework of our research, the study of methods for forming patriotic consciousness and standards of patriotic behavior among students is of particular importance. An essential area of ​​activity of the scientific research community at present is the creation of a technological basis and enrichment of the methodological basis for educating a person as a cultural worker. A. V. Education of patriotism among students of military higher educational institutions: a dissertation for the academic degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences. Orenburg, 2002.



tours, citizen, patriot, used in the educational space of educational institutions of various levels, types and types.

This section examined the elements of patriotic consciousness, the functions of patriotic consciousness and education, factors influencing the formation of an individual’s patriotic consciousness. The next section will present data from a specific sociological study of the patriotic consciousness of student youth in the Sverdlovsk region.




Research methodology In October 2010, the Government of the 11th Sverdlovsk Region No. 1471-PP “On approval of the Regional Target Program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015”” was adopted. As part of the implementation of this document, the Sverdlovsk regional organization “Center for Promotion of National-Cultural Associations at the Ural State Mining University” (TsSNKO) conducted a specific sociological study of student youth from September 1 to November 15, 2012, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of methods formation of patriotic consciousness and standards of patriotic behavior.

Object of study: students of the Sverdlovsk region (senior classes of general education institutions and university students).

Subject of research: the state of patriotic consciousness of student youth in the Sverdlovsk region in modern conditions.

Purpose of the study: the effectiveness of methods for developing patriotic consciousness and standards of patriotic behavior among students in the Sverdlovsk region in modern conditions.

Research objectives:

1) analyze theoretical and methodological approaches to considering the concept of “patriotism”;

2) identify the specifics of the formation of patriotic consciousness;

3) determining the level of development of patriotic consciousness (value and motivational orientations) of student youth;

4) identify objective and subjective factors influencing the formation of patriotic consciousness and attitudes of patriotic behavior;

5) identify standards (positive and negative) of patriotic behavior that are popular among students;



6) develop recommendations for the development of a research approach to considering the problems of patriotism and guidelines for improving the patriotic education of students in the Sverdlovsk region.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of Russian scientists of the 19th and 20th centuries, the works of modern sociologists, historians and philosophers devoted to issues of patriotism and Russian national identity.

The methodological basis of the work is the principles of axiological, structural-functional, comparative-historical, systematic approaches to analyzing the specifics of patriotic consciousness.

The empirical basis of the study was made up of materials from a sociological study conducted by TsSNKO in September-November 2012 in schools, secondary specialized educational institutions and universities of the Sverdlovsk region. The methods of collecting primary information were: questionnaire survey and focus groups.

500 pupils and students were surveyed based on quota sampling by gender and type of educational institution. The quota distribution of respondents is presented below.

Distribution of respondents by age



Distribution of respondents by educational institutions The sociological research data was supplemented by qualitative data from two focus groups conducted with members of ethnic youth associations from October 16 to October 19, 2012.

The use of quantitative and qualitative research data made it possible to comprehensively consider the problem of the formation of the patriotic consciousness of youth in the Sverdlovsk region, obtain both statistical information and reveal the essential features of the phenomenon under study in modern conditions.

The specifics and state of patriotic consciousness The specifics and state of patriotism in the Sverdlovsk region are largely determined by its economic and cultural characteristics. On the one hand, the Sverdlovsk region is multinational and multicultural, therefore, when analyzing the results of the study, it is necessary to clearly separate the concept of “nationalism” from the concept of “patriotism”. On the other hand, the transformation of Russian society at the end of the 20th century, the departure from the ideology of communism, provoked a systemic crisis in the consciousness of Russians and a change in orientation in favor of the individualization of consciousness, oriented - as opposed to communist collectivism - towards economic survival and prosperity. Being a component of individual consciousness, patriotism also undergoes metamorphoses associated with the departure from communist ideology.

According to the results of the study, 86.8% of respondents define patriotism for themselves as “a feeling of love for their Motherland and a willingness to act in the interests of its well-being and prosperity.” At the same time, 67.0% of student youth in the Sverdlovsk region consider themselves patriots of Russia. When analyzing the results



Qualitative research also included the following additions: “readiness to defend the Motherland,” “caring for the Motherland,” “live and work for the good of the country,” “protection of the interests of the state.”

When analyzing the ways of developing an individual’s patriotic consciousness, it can be noted that “unconscious” formation prevails among student youth: 60.2% of respondents chose the answer “I was born in Russia and I consider it the best place in the world.” For 32.2% of respondents, the formation of patriotic consciousness was influenced by family. The ways of organizational forms of formation of patriotic consciousness are secondary: for example, 22.4% of respondents were instilled with patriotism by teachers and lecturers, 19.8% became patriots under the influence of the media.

However, when considering students from cadet corps who participated in the survey as a control group, the situation looks different: 68.9% of respondents became patriots under the influence of teachers. The least pronounced influence on the formation of a sense of patriotism is from friends (17.3%), under the influence of books, films and other works of art (9.5%), following the example of famous people (7.1%, their example is V. V. Putin, N.S.

Mikhalkov, Peter I, G.K. Zhukov).

Despite the fact that the family is the leading factor in the formation of patriotism, 14.4% note a general decline in the role of the family in patriotic education. The responses of higher education students show particular concern about this issue. It is with the low role of the family in nurturing patriotic consciousness that respondents associate the low level of readiness to act in the interests of the Motherland, including disrespectful attitude towards serving in the armed forces (37.6%). According to respondents, school, as an institution of socialization, is also an important factor. Respondents assign a significant place to the role of teachers (whether at school (62.8%) or university (33.4%)) in shaping their personal life position. The youth of the Sverdlovsk region believe that strengthening the family and raising children is the key to true patriotism. In addition, patriotism can and should be manifested, according to young people, in participation in the activities of patriotic associations and organizations (36.2%), readiness to act in the interests of the Motherland (34.8%).

When assessing patriotic sentiments among their immediate circle, 51.2% of respondents agree that most of their immediate circle are patriots, 42.4% believe that there are few patriots in their circle, and 6.4% of respondents found it difficult to answer. If we convert these indicators into points (from 1 to 5), then the subjective assessment of the spread of patriotism among the youth of the Sverdlovsk region is 2.8.

When analyzing patriotic sentiments in Russia as a whole, almost 10.0% of respondents are inclined to believe that patriotism in Russia is strongly or very strongly developed, 49.0% believe that patriotism is moderately developed, and 41.0% of young people believe that patriotism is either not developed at all or poorly developed.



The most “patriotic” groups of the population Politicians (deputies, governors, etc.) Civil servants (officials) Specialists (doctors, teachers, engineers, Managers (directors of enterprises, An interesting fact is that when ranking population groups according to the development of feelings in them patriotism, it turns out that the leading positions are occupied by politicians (46.8%), pensioners (34.5%) and the military (31.4%).It is these categories of the population that are associated as bearers and transmitters of the value of Russian patriotism.

However, the low self-assessment of the prevalence of feelings of patriotism among young people (10.7%) seems depressing.

Patriotism and nationalism An interesting analysis of Russian patriotism from a national position is interesting.

Thus, 67.0% of respondents believe that patriotism is more developed in territories where the predominantly Russian population lives. 33.0% of young people believe that patriotism is more developed in national republics and districts. At the same time, 9% of respondents noted that “it would be good if representatives of the same nationality lived in Russia” (while all 9% of respondents live in the regional centers of the Sverdlovsk region). The inconsistency in respondents' assessment of the influence of nationality on the development of a sense of patriotism is not equal to 100%, since the respondent could choose more than one answer option.



may be determined by the ethnicity of the respondents. It was possible to verify this hypothesis only by analyzing qualitative information, since the nationality of the respondents was not recorded in the quantitative study.

Thus, conducting a focus group with representatives of youth from national associations in the Urals shows us that there is a connection between the concepts of “nationalism” and “patriotism”. Thus, representatives of national associations often view the national culture of the country through the prism of nationality (“Bashkirs are a peace-loving people who love their Motherland”, “Tatars have always been attached to their family in a broad sense and to their small Motherland”, “I came from Uzbekistan, but Yekaterinburg has become hometown for me and for others too”). Thus, nationalism as a mechanism of self-identification in a multicultural space is inherent in the population of the Urals; it gives a positive assessment of patriotism and love for the small Motherland. At the same time, the national climate of the Sverdlovsk region can be called quite calm and tolerant. During the focus groups, there were never any manifestations of chauvinism or xenophobia; none of the representatives of national associations stated the superiority of their cultural-national system over others. Thus, we can conclude that patriotism in the Sverdlovsk region is developing in conditions where, in its formation, it is necessary to take into account the multinational and multicultural characteristics of the region.

Social well-being Diagram 1 shows the distribution of respondents’ opinions about Russia’s position in the world.

Russia plays a role in solving major world problems; other countries matter



From Diagram 1 it is clear that 32.0% of respondents consider Russia as one of the leading countries in the world, 40.2% see that Russia plays a certain role, but not a decisive one; 14.8% of respondents believe that Russia has virtually no influence on the solution of major world problems. The respondents' rather low assessment of Russia's position in the world is due to the fact that 47.0% believe that Russia is going through times of crisis.

Subjective assessment of the causes of the crisis state Lack of leaders capable of identifying Low spirituality and religiosity As can be seen from Table 5, young people see the reasons for the crisis state of Russian society in: corruption (51.7%), economic backwardness (41.3%), low standard of living ( 26.1%). Respondents considered the least pressing reasons for Russia's crisis to be the large gap in income between rich and poor (7.5%), lack of patriotism (6.8%), and low spirituality and religiosity (5.6%). Thus, the data indicate a fairly positive assessment of the national culture of Russians and patriotism, perceived as a constant, and the causes of unfavorable events are associated with the negative influence of economic and political factors.

The total exceeds 100% because the respondent could select more than one answer option.



At the same time, futuristic forecasts for the development of Russia look like this:

29.7% of students believe that Russia will overcome all difficulties and will prosper;

49.1% of respondents believe that Russia will exist the same way, and 15.4% are pessimistic about Russia’s path, choosing the answer “Russia is on the path to collapse”;

6% of young people found it difficult to answer.

Half of the young people surveyed (almost 53%) positively assess the fact that they were born and raised in their locality and are proud of their country and their citizenship of the Russian Federation. But at the same time, the percentage of those proud of their small homeland is higher among residents of regional centers than among young Yekaterinburg residents.

Functions of patriotism Within the framework of the study, it was possible to establish the relationship between the functions of patriotism.

active-practical emotional-activating



As Chart 2 shows:

the developmental function, which influences the formation of a future patriot of the Motherland, since the content of educational subjects reflects the most important moral, spiritual values ​​and cultural traditions of our people, is implemented to a greater extent (67.8%);

the emotionally activating function of learning (beliefs are always the unity of knowledge and experience) is realized in 56.4% of respondents;

ideological and value-based, promoting patriotic education, consisting in the formation in students of the ideals of service to the Fatherland and the ideological positions corresponding to them, is expressed in 34.8%;

The active-practical function, which consists in the formation of skills necessary for the implementation of the experience of serving the Fatherland, is implemented by 4.5% of respondents.

Thus, young patriots are formed mainly under the influence of various information flows. At the same time, they love their Motherland, are somewhat aware of historical processes, symbols and culture, but their readiness for patriotic activities is extremely poorly developed.

Value orientations of youth The influence of educational institutions on the formation of life



When analyzing the life values ​​of young people in the Sverdlovsk region, an adapted method by M. Rokeach was used, based on a direct ranking of the list of values. Table 6 indicates that love for the Motherland does not come to the fore in the scale of life values ​​of young people, with the exception of students of cadet corps (3rd place). The values ​​of personal safety and family well-being occupy first place. This is obviously connected with the individualization of the consciousness of young people. In modern conditions of commercialization of relations and a decrease in the role of collectivism, a selfish direction of human activity is characteristic. From the perspective of our problems, this is expressed in the fact that there is a feeling of patriotism, it is formed among young people in a microgroup (family, group of peers), but it also spreads locally. Local patriotism is expressed in love and willingness to act in the interests of a microgroup, but it practically does not extend to the country as a whole and is not associated with state interests.

A special place is occupied by cadet corps, in which comprehensive programs for the formation of patriotic consciousness are implemented. The Table shows that “love for the Motherland” comes in third place, and “world peace” comes in fourth. As a control group for analyzing the effectiveness of patriotic education among young people, the cadets demonstrated that patriotism among them is indeed much more developed than among students of other educational institutions. Thus, in order to form a “mature patriot” who loves his Motherland and is ready to defend its interests, a comprehensive program for instilling patriotism is really necessary. Here we see that patriotism is least developed among student youth, which is most likely due to their greatest ideological heterogeneity. Pluralism of ideological currents, entry into subcultures, chaotic organization of leisure activities introduce new values ​​into the structure of the individual’s consciousness. At the same time, it is not the personal beliefs of young people that begin to prevail, but the beliefs accepted in the reference group of peers.

It should also be noted that when asked whether there was a choice to stay in one’s locality or move to another city or country, the largest number of people wishing to emigrate from Russia were among students (13.4% of 22.8%, wishing to emigrate). For comparison: only 3.6% of cadets would move to live in another country.

In general, Diagram 3 (see below) shows the rather pessimistic sentiments of young people in the Sverdlovsk region. According to the results of our research, it turns out that the majority of respondents would prefer to change their locality. The desire to migrate across Russia is most developed among young people in regional cities (18.9% of 32.3%), while 13.4% (of 22.8% of those who want to emigrate) of students want to leave the country. Thus, despite the value of the small Motherland and the not so low level of patriotic consciousness of student youth, it turns out that loyalty to the Motherland has not been formed.



Readiness for migration of youth of the Sverdlovsk region Factors influencing the formation of patriotic consciousness The formation and development of patriotic consciousness in Russia is influenced by a number of factors, which we divide into objective and subjective.



We included the following among the objective (macro) factors that determine the level of patriotic consciousness: the political and economic situation in the world; political and economic situation in the country; religion, history, national values; information coming from the media.

We consider a person’s own beliefs to be subjective (micro) factors; patriotic education in the family and the opinion of closest referents.

These studies have shown that subjective factors are currently the most relevant. It is they, according to respondents, who lead in the formation of patriotic consciousness.

However, a number of studies of the Soviet period31 indicate that objective factors in the formation of an individual’s patriotic consciousness during the Soviet period prevailed over subjective factors. On the one hand, this was associated with the development of institutional forms of patriotic education of the individual (Octobers, pioneers, Komsomol members, etc.), on the other hand, the role of the Soviet state in world history was updated. Of course, the Soviet period demonstrates the development of pro-state ideological patriotism, which cannot be assessed unambiguously. But the experience of modern times (including Western countries and the United States) demonstrates the need to develop institutionalized forms of patriotic education as an important link in the consolidation of the people.

Currently, patriotic consciousness develops spontaneously and indirectly through the family, the closest referents of the individual, and scraps of information coming from the media. Accordingly, despite the relatively average level of development of patriotic consciousness of the population of the Sverdlovsk region (index = 2.9), there is no stability in the development of the system for the formation of personal patriotism.

Therefore, a comprehensive solution to the problem of developing patriotic consciousness among the youth of the Sverdlovsk region is necessary. In particular, the creation of public associations at schools, secondary specialized institutions and universities with methodically developed programs for the formation of patriotism among young people, focused on the development of citizenship, love for the Motherland, and readiness to defend its interests. It is necessary to ensure the involvement of the maximum number of students in the activities of public associations. The goal of working with students should be to improve the culture of the individual (including, among other things, the fight against deviant behavior), to develop a civic position, to strengthen a sense of respect for oneself, for one’s compatriots and for the Motherland as a whole.

Kulikova O. Yu. The patriotic consciousness of the Soviet people is the main factor in victory in the Great Patriotic War. URL:



Index of development of patriotic consciousness General index for student youth Secondary specialized institutions Efficiency of forms of patriotic education of youth It was important for the study to identify among the respondents in what way exactly the patriotism of youth is manifested today. The largest number of respondents agreed with the opinion that there is a need to create a system for the development of patriotism in every Russian citizen from childhood (68.8%). Also, 67.8% of respondents noted that they were given lessons or lectures on patriotism. In general, respondents rate the benefits of these activities quite highly. Average rating: 4.2 out of 5. However, only students in the cadet corps were 87.2% satisfied with the regularity of these classes. The remaining respondents believe that classes devoted to patriotic education are held quite rarely or are unsystematic.

Considering patriotic events held at various levels, we can state the fact that awareness of the events being held is directly proportional to their scale. Thus, 76.4% of students are aware of federal level events; about events held in the Sverdlovsk region - 38.2%, in the locality - 34.2%. Data



Research shows that events held at the regional level receive little media coverage or are not sufficiently popularized.

In general, when assessing subjective patriotic activity, respondents write that:

12.6% of respondents quite often or regularly participate in patriotic events (separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that 100% of students in cadet corps regularly and often take part in patriotic events), 51.0% of students took part more than once, 27.6 % – very rarely took part in patriotic events.

At the same time, the average assessment of the effectiveness of the measures is 2.8. The rather low rating is explained by the low involvement of young people in patriotic education activities. These results confirm the need to support and develop the patriotic direction in the education of youth.

Actions to develop the patriotic consciousness of student youth in the Sverdlovsk region Participants in the study identify assistance to youth public organizations (46.0%) as the main sources for the development of patriotism (46.0%), carried out by the CENTER FOR PROMOTION


work on the development of patriotism in educational institutions (40.2%) (see Diagram 5).

One of the reasons for the decline in the popularity of patriotism in Russian society is the change in the attitude of citizens towards their state. The growth of social differentiation and social disintegration in society has a significant impact on the life of young people. Many young people feel socially unprotected and worry about their future, about the future of their country.

The problem of forming patriotism among young people is also associated with the lack of clear mechanisms for attracting young people to patriotic activities. The problem of developing patriotic feelings and beliefs should be solved through the intensification of the activities of youth public organizations: both through their own efforts and with the help of the state.

Components of consciousness.

Types of personal patriotism As part of the study, the stages of development of patriotism among young people in the Sverdlovsk region were analyzed.

According to the elements of patriotic consciousness of the individual identified in the theoretical part of the work (emotional-sensual, value-motivational, volitional), it is possible to distribute respondents according to types of personal patriotism according to cluster analysis of quantitative data.


Among young students who consider themselves patriots of Russia, the emotional and sensual element is most developed (76.2%). He expresses a sensual, emotional attitude towards his country, people, compatriots, culture (“I love my country no matter what,” “I have a feeling of pride that I live in Russia...”, “I’m always very sick and worried for representatives of Russia in sports competitions").


The value-motivational element is present in the minds of 15.4% of respondents. It lies in realizing the value of one’s Motherland, people, nature, native land, along with other basic values: health, personal success, family, etc. (“I am a patriot; if the need arises, I am ready to take action. SUPPORT CENTER


to act in the interests of the Motherland”, “my native land is very important to me, and I will not spoil the place where I live”).


The least developed is the strong-willed element (8.4%) - the desire to support the Motherland with one’s activities: live and work in the country, serve in the army, support domestic producers, and also contribute to the development of the country (“I work for my country”, “I am ready to defend my country” etc.").

Analysis of qualitative information obtained from the results of focus groups reveals the mechanisms of formation of elements of an individual’s patriotic consciousness. Thus, the underdevelopment of the volitional component is associated, first of all, with the ignorance of student youth about what exactly needs to be done for the benefit of their Motherland. (Oksana, 15 years old, OU student: “We love our Motherland because we were born in it, and maybe there are countries where life is better, but we don’t know about it. We are young, and we would like to do the best for Russia, to bring it to the forefront, but no one knows how and what to do”).

The development of the emotional-sensual component is associated with the formation of personality by its closest referents (family, friends, relatives) and is expressed primarily in love for the small Motherland (native nature, locality). This component defines “rudimentary” patriotism, which is capable of development, but targeted patriotic education is necessary for the formation of value-motivational and volitional elements. (Alexey, 17 years old, SSU student: “So almost every person loves something:

some for their home, some for their family, some for their city, but not everyone understands that this is patriotism, and not everyone does it for the good of the Motherland. Someone litters in their hometown, although they seem to love it; someone is a patriot, and then one day you find out that he has left for America").

Thus, the analysis of data from a specific sociological study made it possible to characterize patriotic consciousness, determine the development index of patriotic consciousness, consider love for the Motherland in the system of life values ​​of respondents, measure the effectiveness of patriotic education and draw up a typology of personal patriotism.




Theoretical and methodological analysis of patriotic consciousness and analysis of data obtained in the course of empirical research allow us to formulate the following theoretical and practical conclusions.

In the pre-revolutionary period, patriotism was considered as a spiritual category, a component of individual consciousness, which was divided depending on the forms of its expression in patriotic behavior.

Patriotism in the Soviet state was one of the key components of the ideology that ensured its existence and development. During this period, the greatest attention is paid to the consideration of patriotism as love for the Motherland and the willingness to sacrifice one’s goods and, if necessary, one’s life for it. Without exaggeration, we can say that the outstanding achievement of the Soviet government was the creation of a state-oriented structure of patriotic education. It was built into the broader ideological system of socialist society and covered all segments of the country's population without exception. Throughout his life, almost every Soviet person was included in several institutional forms of patriotic activity.

This directly contributed to the fact that patriotism in its state-oriented form was a mass phenomenon of Soviet social and individual consciousness.

In the post-Soviet period, institutional forms of patriotic education were practically destroyed, along with the ideological system, which, of course, became one of the compelling reasons for the current amorphous state of public consciousness and the emergence of many pseudo-patriotic, nationalist, etc. phenomena. Therefore, today, as the President of the Russian Federation has repeatedly emphasized in his speeches, the formation of healthy constructive patriotism among the broad masses is one of the top priorities for the further strengthening and development of our country. For patriotism is the most important factor in the mobilization and unity of the people.

Fulfilling this task is possible only if a system of patriotic education is purposefully and methodically created that meets the requirements of the modern socio-political situation. And, of course, this system must incorporate all effective methods and technologies from Russian, Soviet and world practice.

It is obvious that such a system should be developed and implemented with the help of special research designed to provide a sufficiently complete information.


characteristics of the current state of patriotic consciousness (value-motivational sphere) and regulators of patriotic behavior. Our work can be considered as one of the pilot studies of such a plan. Pilot - because it had a fairly limited object (high school students of the educational institution and students), a short period of time (three months) and a small amount of funding.

The results of the study are presented in the previous sections, and the main conclusion can be briefly formulated as follows.

Patriotism has been and remains one of the main components of the individual and group consciousness of young people. As, indeed, other age categories.

This is one of the components of social life and public consciousness, which has a centuries-old tradition of cultivation. Patriotic ideas and slogans are close and understandable to the broadest masses. When used skillfully, they can quickly and effectively unite and motivate people to both constructive and destructive actions.

The results of our research allow us to say that the patriotic consciousness of student youth is in a kind of “chaotic” state: “I love my homeland, I want its good, but what this good consists of, and what needs to be done for this, I don’t know.” As a result, the patriotic behavior of this group is less predictable, situational and leader-oriented.

According to the results of the study, 86.8% of respondents define patriotism for themselves as “a feeling of love for their Motherland and a willingness to act in the interests of its well-being and prosperity.” At the same time, 67.0% of student youth in the Sverdlovsk region consider themselves patriots of Russia. When analyzing the ways of developing a person’s patriotic consciousness, it can be noted that the “unconscious”

formation prevails among student youth: 60.2% of respondents chose the answer: “I was born in Russia and I consider it the best place in the world.” For 32.2% of respondents, the formation of patriotic consciousness was influenced by family.

Considering the national component of patriotic consciousness, we can conclude that nationalism as a mechanism of self-identification in a multicultural space is inherent in the population of the Urals, it gives a positive assessment of patriotism, love for the small Motherland; At the same time, the national climate of the Sverdlovsk region can be called quite calm and tolerant. Thus, 67.0% of respondents believe that patriotism is more developed in territories where the predominantly Russian population lives. 33.0% of young people believe that patriotism is more developed in national republics and districts. At the same time, 9% of respondents noted that “it would be good if representatives of the same nationality lived in Russia,” while all 9% of respondents live in the regional centers of the Sverdlovsk region. During the focus groups, there were never any manifestations of chauvinism or xenophobia; none of the representatives of national associations stated the superiority of their cultural and national community.


stems over others. Thus, we can conclude that patriotism in the Sverdlovsk region is developing in a multinational environment, where in its formation it is necessary to take into account the multinational and multicultural characteristics of the region.

Consideration of Russia as one of the leading countries in the world is inherent in 32.0% of respondents; 40.2% see that Russia plays a certain role, but not a decisive one; 14.8% of respondents believe that Russia has virtually no influence on the solution of major world problems. The respondents' rather low assessment of Russia's position in the world is due to the fact that 47.0% believe that Russia is going through times of crisis.

Consideration of the causes of the crisis in Russia indicates a fairly positive assessment of the national culture of Russians and patriotism, perceived as a constant, and the causes of unfavorable events are associated with the negative influence of economic and political factors.

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Key words: social experience, . The problem of patriotic education of children and youth today worries both the state, society, and the education system.

The socio-economic development of Russia at the turn of the century was associated with crisis phenomena in the life of society. There is a revaluation of values; general and spiritual decreases; when focusing on the ideas of globalization, the originality of civilizational processes in a multinational and multi-religious country is not taken into account.

All this complicates the process of socialization of younger generations and requires special attention to overcoming barriers to socialization. Under these conditions, the importance of education as the leading cultural institution of society, the sphere of providing culture, the civic identity of students, the formation of their worldview, life attitudes, value orientations, and patriotic consciousness is updated. D.I. Feldshtein drew attention to the fact that now is the time not for ordinary changes, but for global transformations of historical significance.

“The problem of man as a real subject of the historical process, capable of sustainability, active effectiveness, and solving complex, objectively confronted non-standard tasks with a huge number of uncertainties, and at the same time capable of preserving the best human qualities, human potential,” acquires special significance.” Among all the changes that Russian society is experiencing today, the most dangerous for the formation of moral values ​​of a growing person is the transformation into a consumer society.

At the same time, the values ​​of the individual are deformed: an egoistic attitude, the desire to get rich at any cost, assessing a person not by his personal merits, but by what he has. Expressed at one time by L.S. Rubinstein’s fair idea that “values ​​are not what we pay for, but what we live for” is transformed in the understanding of citizens of a consumer society, because they begin to live for the sake of enrichment, their own pleasure, enjoyment. The establishment of such values ​​in society cannot but affect the personal orientation of new generations.

According to research conducted by the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Education, if in 1993 58% of adolescent children were characterized by an altruistic orientation, then in 2011 this type of orientation was noted in only 16%. Today children come to school who are completely different from the first-graders of five or ten years ago. They perceive the world differently and relate to their peers differently. Referring to research by psychologists, D.I. Feldstein gives the following indicators of the manifestation of an emotional attitude: boys can only sympathize with other children up to 8 years old, girls up to 9-10 years old; Boys can rejoice until they are 7 years old, but girls cannot rejoice at all.

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general, basic general, and higher education focus on “the formation of Russian identity,... the creation of a social situation for the development of students, ensuring their social identification through personally significant activities.” When characterizing the personality of a graduate, the standard puts first place - “who loves his land and his Fatherland, knows Russian and his native language, respects his people, their culture and spiritual traditions” [ibid.]. How to solve these difficult problems? What can become the source of the formation of civic identity and patriotic consciousness of growing generations?

Do teachers and educators understand the essential meaning of the concept of “civic identity”? Turning to the etymology of this word, we are convinced that in the Russian language there is an adequate analysis - “involvement”! And it becomes clear that civic identity is involvement in the affairs of the class, school, university, the concerns of one’s family, city, village, one’s small Motherland. This is participation in real, socially and personally significant activities to study and preserve the cultural traditions of the native land, improve and protect the environment, and volunteer activities aimed at supporting those who find themselves in difficult life situations. Co-involvement, co-participation is the source of the individual’s social experience, contributing to the awareness of one’s place and role in a particular community.

Two principles of education allow us to ensure involvement: the principle of relying on the personal, subjective experience of children and youth (i.e. the principle of personification) and the principle of ensuring emotional experience: the experience of interest and surprise, empathy and compassion, pride of involvement in an ongoing event, the ability to rejoice in the successes of others . One of the significant events that evokes a feeling of belonging and pride in the country is the celebration of Victory Day. The country is preparing to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Usually on these days, military registration and enlistment offices send veterans of the Patriotic War to educational institutions so that students and students can meet them and honor them.

It is a pity that sometimes these meetings are of an official nature, because they do not evoke an emotional response from younger generations. It so happened that the military registration and enlistment office did not send anyone to the municipal gymnasium of Balashikha, and they offered the students: let those who can come to the holiday with their grandparents - participants in the Great Patriotic War. They solemnly walked hand in hand or arm in arm with their relatives, and many came with their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. After a short ceremonial part, schoolchildren, teachers and guests all sang songs of the war years together. This created an atmosphere of belonging; many had tears on their faces.

But the most gratifying thing was to learn from the parents of many students how the children’s attitude toward the older generation had changed in the family. What happened? The schoolchildren met with the heroic past of their people, communicating not with distant, honored but unfamiliar participants in the war, but with close people who were now perceived differently, and gained respect for those honored veterans who live next to them. Knowledge and recognition of the greatness of the country's history through one's family is a personalized way of preserving historical memory.

It would be good if, on these solemn days of the national holiday dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, every educational organization remembers that WWII veterans work or have previously worked in their own team, that they are among the relatives of students. I remember the dialogue from Chingiz Aitmatov’s story “The White Steamship”: “Weren’t you taught to remember the names of seven ancestors? - They didn’t teach. What is it for? I don’t know, and that’s okay - I live normally. - Grandfather says that if people do not remember their fathers, they will become spoiled. -Who will spoil, people? - Yes. - And why? - Grandfather says that then no one will be ashamed of bad deeds, because children’s children will not remember them. And no one will do good deeds, because the children won’t know about it anyway.”

This episode draws our attention to the power of family traditions in preserving historical memory and transmitting the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation. But today we are experiencing the consequences of the crisis of the family as a social institution and, as a consequence, the problem of family education. The more important the task of educational organizations is to compensate for children and youth the lack of family warmth, to enrich the social experience of humane, trusting relationships between generations. Without which it is difficult to form a civic identity.

Social experience that influences the development of patriotic consciousness is associated with all aspects of a person’s life: with his attitude to the present and past of the Motherland, with respect for nature, with the affirmation of the value of knowledge, with the acceptance and understanding of the other: another nationality, ethnic group, another culture .

Patriotic consciousness is also associated with a careful attitude towards the purity of the Russian language. When we think about the connection between linguistic culture and the peculiarities of social relations, we recall the wise words of K. Paustovsky: “By the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value.” Caring for the Russian language is of particular importance in multinational Russia, because it serves as a means of unity in a multiethnic environment, a condition for social adaptation in the space of migration processes.

Today the words of I. Bunin ring true: “And we have no other asset! Know how to protect, at least to the best of your ability, in days of anger and suffering, our priceless gift - speech! The principle of relying on the subjective experience of the individual actualizes the regional approach to the process of patriotic education. One of its tasks is to instill respect for the events of Russian history. And this task is solved the more successfully the closer the historical material is to the history of the republic, region, hometown. An example of this is the experience of history teacher of the Kamchatka Territory L.V. Timofeeva. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2011, the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was awarded the honorary title “City of Military Glory” in commemoration of the military feat of the townspeople during the Russian-Turkish War of 1853-1854. L.I. Timofeeva developed an educational manual “Peter and Paul Defense - August 1854”.

Thanks to the educational material of the manual, schoolchildren, getting acquainted with the events of the Crimean War, perceive not only the bitterness of Russia’s defeat in this war, but also the pride of being involved in the military glory of their city. In the introductory article to the manual by L.V. Timofeeva writes: “The feeling of the Motherland, most likely, cannot be learned, but one cannot help but instill it. We all understand that it is impossible to teach patriotism, as they teach algebra and geography... A teacher may not know whether his student has turned out to be a patriot, a citizen. But to encourage him to worship his father’s land, to think about its fate, to instill a craving for national memory and study. Spiritual and historical values ​​of Russia - maybe.” And it should, we add, based on social experience formed in active socially valuable activities.


1. Federal state educational standard of basic general education, [Text] M., “Prosveshchenie”, 2011.

2. Timofeeva L.V., Petropavlovsk defense - August 1854/educational manual of the series “Days of Military Glory of Russia”, part 3, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 2012 3. Feldshtein D.I. Problems of psychological and pedagogical sciences in the spatio-temporal situation of the 21st century / report at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Education, November 2012. (accessed March 5, 2015) 4. ( access date 03.03.2015) - In defense of the Russian language.

Zaretskaya I.I. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers" Moscow


The formation of state-patriotic consciousness is the most important moral and state task of customs authorities


The ongoing reform in the field of education of customs specialists requires further improvement of work with personnel, training of personnel of a new formation, capable of providing activities at a qualitatively new level.

Patriotism as an idea and driving force of society and the state was considered by thinkers in ancient times. Various aspects of this sociocultural phenomenon are revealed in the works of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and others.

The emergence of the “Russian national idea” is associated with the names of V.S. Solovyova, N.F. Fedorova, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.A. Berdyaev and many other Russian philosophers, writers and public figures. The works of these authors focus on the worldview position as a sociocultural model of the “Patriotic Idea”.

Based on the conclusions of domestic thinkers, it can be stated that the patriotic idea is considered as a cultural phenomenon, as an ideological concept that reflects the national originality of knowledge of social reality, the essence and purpose of man and citizen. The idea of ​​patriotism has at all times occupied a special place not only in the spiritual life of society, but also in all the most important spheres of its activity - in ideology, politics, culture, economics, etc.

Patriotism is a deep and sublime feeling of love for the Motherland, one of the fundamental moral values ​​that customs officers must constantly adhere to.

Education is creative work. It does not know universal remedies for all occasions; it requires constant searching and the ability to keep up with life. The inner world of young people is psychologically extremely complex and equally mobile and changeable. This requires active assistance from experienced mentors. Ensuring that such help arrives in a timely manner, and most importantly, is received with interest and gratitude, can be quite difficult and quite delicate. Indeed, in order to instill such qualities as patriotic consciousness, loyalty to constitutional duty, responsibility for the performance of official duties and constant readiness to protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation, certain skills are required. These qualities are simply necessary for modern representatives of customs authorities.

The purpose of this work is to study the principles of development in Russian society of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality, the formation of citizens with positive values ​​and qualities, capable of demonstrating them in the creative process in the interests of the Fatherland, strengthening the state, ensuring its vital interests and sustainable development.

· establishment in society, in the minds and feelings of citizens, of socially significant patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for traditions,

· creating and ensuring the implementation of opportunities for more active involvement of citizens in solving socio-economic, cultural, legal, environmental and other problems;

· educating citizens in the spirit of respect for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rule of law, the norms of public and collective life, creating conditions to ensure the implementation of constitutional human rights and his duties, civil, professional and official duty;

· instilling in citizens a sense of pride, deep respect and veneration for the symbols of the Russian Federation - the Coat of Arms, Flag, Anthem, other Russian symbols and historical shrines of the Fatherland;

· attracting religious denominations traditional for Russia to develop among citizens the need to serve the Motherland and protect it as the highest spiritual duty;

· the formation of racial, national, religious tolerance, the development of friendly relations between peoples.

1. The concept of patriotic consciousness

.1 Patriotism as the most important ethical principle

ethical patriotic education spiritual

Patriotic consciousness is an important component of the spiritual life of modern Russian society. In scientific research in recent years, sufficient attention has been paid to the problems of the manifestation of Russian patriotism and the formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens in the conditions of the new socio-economic situation. However, the presentation of the nature of patriotism, the analysis of new elements of its content, taking into account modern changes taking place in Russian society, requires further development. Patriotic consciousness and patriotic ideas are important components of any social system at various historical periods of time. With their help, you can assess social qualities and personality traits. As a result, it is necessary to recognize that the development of a scientifically based approach to the formation of patriotic consciousness is one of the tasks of domestic science during the period of evolution of the Russian state and society as a whole.

The following features can be distinguished in the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens:

.showing love for your homeland;

.attitude to the history of the Fatherland, historical memory;

.attitude towards the cultural traditions and customs of your people;

.readiness for self-sacrifice to protect one's Fatherland.

The patriotic consciousness of young Russians as an integral part of Russian citizens has recently been subjected to significant tests, which is associated, first of all, with the modification of the very concept of the Motherland. Many more young people consider themselves patriots and simply love their Motherland than realize that this love must be supported by concrete deeds, which is confirmed by sociological research.

According to the results of a survey conducted among Moscow students in 2013 in Moscow, 57% of respondents consider themselves patriots, 22% do not, and 21% found it difficult to answer. When compared with the results of the 2009 survey (69% of young Muscovites considered themselves patriots, while a total of 31% did not consider themselves such and found it difficult to answer), there is a tendency towards a decrease in the level of patriotic consciousness of the younger generation of Russians, the feeling of the Motherland is belittled and undermined, and the very concept of the Motherland fades into the background.

Table 1.1. Indicators of a survey among Moscow students for 2009 and 2013.

YearStudents who consider themselves patriotsStudents who do not consider themselves patriotsStudents who found it difficult to answer200969%31%201357%22%21%

The feeling of love for the Motherland is always based on knowledge of its history, without which it is impossible to understand modernity, to understand the role and place of one’s country in the world. Historical memory is a conscious appeal to the past, with all its pros and cons, negative and positive content. It is the historical memory of the people that transfers the social and spiritual impulse of the past into the present, imprinting in the public consciousness, in the feelings and attitudes of millions of people the ideals of selfless service and devotion to their Fatherland, shaping their spirituality and patriotism, life meaning and values. The famous Russian philosopher I. Ilyin emphasized that “patriotism can and will live only in that soul for which there is something sacred on earth, which has experienced through living experience the objectivity and unconditional dignity of this sacred - recognized it in the shrines of its people.”

Patriotic education allows:

a) citizen:

· gain spirituality as a motivational and value-based core of life; to cultivate higher, socially mediated feelings;

· to form the experience of behavior as a duty to serve the Fatherland; determine the vector of values ​​in the system “individual - collective - society - state”, life-meaning positions in relation to serving the Fatherland;

· develop positive personal qualities.

b) to the team:

· unite on goals, motives and results of activities;

· find common interests in the life support system;

· develop mechanisms of mutual assistance and cooperation.

c) to the state:

· preserve and ensure the reproduction of culture and political

· stability; strengthen moral and legal foundations

· social harmony and justice; connect complementarities

· national tolerance;

· strengthen national security;

· preserve the integrity of the state, its sovereignty, principles

· statehood, constitutional system;

· ensure the protection of Russian state interests.

The structure of patriotic consciousness can be divided into two levels - sensual and rational.

The rational level of patriotic consciousness is associated with a person’s knowledge of the history of his country, the culture of his people, its customs and traditions, in understanding reality, in a reliable generalization of historical facts. The rational level is a complex of views, ideas, ideas aimed at interpreting and explaining such high moral concepts as feelings of duty, honor, courage, heroism, which underlie the phenomenon of patriotism.

The sensory level of patriotic consciousness is based on a person’s emotional attitude towards the Fatherland, its history, and the cultural traditions of his people. The attitude towards the Fatherland, while always remaining a universal value, retains individuality in its specific manifestations. It is in relation to the fatherland that a person is identified as a citizen. At the same time, the idea of ​​the Fatherland transforms all the diversity of historical events into the continuity of national culture.
The rational and sensual levels of patriotic consciousness are closely related to the emotional sphere of a person and are the basis for the manifestation of such specific human qualities as duty, honor, courage, and heroism at various critical moments in life.
To analyze the structure and specifics of patriotic consciousness, it is necessary to consider these moral feelings in more detail.

The concept of duty belongs to the category of morality, and denotes the moral duties of an individual (a group of persons, a people), performed in accordance with the requirements of conscience. The category of duty is closely related to other concepts that characterize the moral activity of an individual, such as responsibility, self-awareness, conscience, and motive.

The concept of honor belongs to the category of ethics, expresses moral self-esteem and public recognition of an individual’s activities, his social and moral values ​​in accordance with noble deeds and actions. The concept of honor expresses the public assessment of a person, recognition of his dignity.

Courage is a moral and psychological quality of a person, the manifestation of which is characterized by steadfastness, bravery, boldness and self-control, primarily in extreme and conflict situations. Courage is not only an individual psychological quality, but also a socio-psychological state of the team.

Heroism is the performance of actions outstanding in their social significance, meeting the interests of society and the state, requiring from a person personal courage, perseverance, and readiness for self-sacrifice. Thus, moral feelings such as duty, honor, courage, heroism have always been highly valued in Russian society. The historical memory of the people forever imprinted the names of their heroes, their actions, which in difficult moments for the Fatherland become an example and role model, forming a high level of patriotic consciousness of citizens. And although many young Russians today do not fully understand that love for the Motherland must be supported by specific deeds and actions, an increasing number of them consider themselves patriots, which indicates the beginning of a rise in the level of patriotic consciousness of modern Russian youth.

1.2 Constitutional duty of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Patriotism always finds its expression in a sense of duty to the Motherland. Depending on the specific living conditions of people and the nature of their activities, debt takes various forms.

Responsibilities towards the Fatherland are expressed by patriotic, civic duty; to the armed defense of the country - military duty, to comrades - comradely duty. Whatever form duty appears in, it is always connected with public interests, with moral values ​​and actions. A high sense of duty helps each of us to resist temptations, from taking the wrong step, and to preserve our conscience and dignity. “We all have it,” noted the prominent Russian writer I.S. Turgenev, “there is one anchor that, if you don’t want to, you will never break: a sense of duty.”

Fulfilling a duty shows the true face of a person, reveals the moral qualities of an individual, and characterizes his civic position. No wonder people say: “Try to fulfill your duty, and you will find out what is in you.”

To be faithful to constitutional duty means to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation with all your deeds and actions, to fulfill official duties assigned from above.

According to Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

A citizen of the Russian Federation performs military service in accordance with federal law.

As mentioned above, defending the fatherland is the duty and responsibility of every person. As for the sphere of professional activity of customs authorities, their duty and responsibility is to protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation. Employees in this field of activity must have the qualities necessary to perform the functions and tasks assigned to them. Customs officers play a very important role in protecting the economic interests of the country, this becomes clear if you look at the tasks they perform:

ensuring compliance with customs legislation, protecting the interests and rights of the state, individuals and legal entities during customs control and clearance;

exercising control over the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

physical inspection of goods and vehicles of persons crossing the state border of the Russian Federation;

the fight against smuggling and illegal trafficking of drugs, weapons or ammunition, weapons of mass destruction, cultural property, for which special rules have been established for movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation (Articles 188, 189, 190 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

fight against evasion of customs duties (Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

implementation of IDB warnings to combat violations of customs rules and offenses committed by participants in foreign economic activity;

checking the correctness of the provision of customs preferences - transit and tax benefits;

control functions at business facilities and transport;

organization and conduct of operational investigative activities;

organization of customs protection service.

2. Nurturing patriotic qualities in practice

.1 General information about the patriotic education program

The most effective and high-quality work on patriotic education in 2013 was organized in the Far Eastern, Volga, North-Western, North Caucasian, Siberian, Central, Ural, Southern customs departments, Domodedovo and Central base customs.

In 2013, the qualitative implementation of the plan for the implementation of the State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” in the Federal Customs Service was facilitated by:

· a set of organizational and methodological measures designed to ensure the solution of the main tasks in the field of patriotic education;

· organization of mass patriotic work with the active participation of the media, veteran organizations, work with the younger generation and patronage assistance to children left without parental care;

· increasing the interest of young people in physical culture, the development of physical and volitional qualities, readiness to defend the Fatherland;

· activating the creative potential of customs officers, aimed at increasing the cultural level of officials and members of their families.

The progress of the implementation plan of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” in the Federal Customs Service (hereinafter referred to as the implementation plan) testifies to the great multifaceted work done by the management, personnel departments, veteran organizations of customs authorities, to improve the current system of patriotic education of Russian customs officers, increasing the number of patriotic events held and the number of their participants.

.2 Information support in the field of patriotic education

One of the social goals of outreach work carried out by customs authorities through their own publications and through interaction with the media is to strengthen public confidence in government policy in the field of customs. Positive public opinion is a significant factor in the successful implementation of public administration in the customs sector.

In order to carry out a direct dialogue between customs authorities and the public, the leadership of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and structural divisions of the central apparatus of the Federal Customs Service of Russia are provided with appearances in the media on a regular basis. They held 42 press conferences and approaches to the press, gave 46 television and 29 radio interviews. Employees of the press service of the Federal Customs Service of Russia prepared and sent 693 press releases to the media on topical issues of the activities of customs authorities, made 58 television and 653 radio comments, and gave 356 responses to requests for information from media editorial offices. Similar work is carried out by regional customs authorities.

When the Federal Customs Service of Russia carried out outreach work in cooperation with the media in 2013, special attention was paid to covering such issues as improving customs administration, introducing information customs technologies, preparing for the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi, and the participation of customs authorities in the organization of the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan, ensuring the payment of customs duties during customs transit, international customs cooperation, the activities of canine units, anti-corruption, the introduction of criminal liability for violation of currency legislation, the activities of law enforcement units of customs authorities.

In 2013, according to the results of the competition “Customs Olympus - 2013” ​​in the nomination “Best media covering customs issues”, the winners were Interfax news agency and RIA Novosti, as well as the Southern Region media group, Volga TC, Baikal IP 24", radio "Road Radio", OJSC "Publishing Company "Zolotoy Rog".

Employees of the Public Relations Department, in collaboration with the video studio of the Central Base Customs, prepared 3 videos, which were shown at the ceremony of presenting the All-Russian public award “Shield and Rose” in the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” on February 28, 2013 and at the XIV International Exhibition “Customs Service” - 2013" October 23-24, 2013.

Much attention is paid to the promotion of the customs service, coverage of the everyday life of customs authorities, and the publication of historical materials related to the formation and development of the customs service in the regions.

Information about the activities of customs authorities aimed at ensuring the economic security of the state, the successful implementation of customs legislation and increasing the prestige of the customs service is covered in local media and on official websites.

So, in 2013 it was prepared and released on the TV channels “Russia”, “NTV”, “Channel Five”, “100-TV”, “REN-TV”, “Telecom”, “Cascade” and others, radio channels “Radio Baltika” , “Radio Russia”, “Avtoradio”, “Road Radio”, “Radio Mayak” and other radio stations 134 television stories and 733 radio stories about the activities of the customs authorities of the North-West Customs Administration. 110 materials were prepared and published in regional print media.

In order to provide citizens and organizations with access to information about the activities of the customs authorities of the Far Eastern Federal District, including information about the ongoing work on patriotic education, the official website of the Far Eastern Customs Administration ( contains a section “Cultural and Social life" with subsections: Competition "Patriot of Russia" and "Creativity".

When preparing materials posted on official websites and sent for publication to local media, information about ongoing events to celebrate public holidays, memorable dates and days of military glory of Russia, and anniversaries of the formation of customs authorities in the Far Eastern region was widely used.

In November 2013, the Den TV and Radio Broadcasting Company released a film dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Samara Customs. For this purpose, DLSO carried out extensive work on preparing materials and organizing filming.

Central Base Customs within the framework of the project “For the Glory of the Fathers. For the benefit of the Fatherland” based on the order of the head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia A.Yu. Belyaninov created a 50-minute video film for the 85th anniversary of V.K. Boyarova “Who are you? Our general..." In a short period of time, the personal photo archive of V.K. was disassembled and studied. Boyarov, interviews were filmed with his colleagues and associates, with N.I. Ryzhkov and E.M. Primakov, which reflect the stages of formation of the customs service, its role and place in the economic space of the Russian state. According to veterans of the customs service, veterans of special services and personally Vitaly Konstantinovich Boyarov, this video film is a unique documentary material that should be in demand in the patriotic and moral education of officials of the customs system.

Thus, the ongoing work on information support in the field of patriotic education helps to increase the prestige of the customs profession and improve the image of the Russian customs service.

2.3 Work to improve the cultural level and spiritual potential of customs officials and members of their families

The results of the implementation plan confirm the increased participation of customs officials in cultural events held in all regions of the country.

The Federal Customs Service has developed a coherent system for organizing and holding amateur artistic creativity shows and competitions.

In 2013, the Federal Customs Service held the 18th review-competition of amateur artistic creativity from May 25 to November 30.

The final gala concert of the 18th review-competition was held on November 29, 2013 at the North-West Customs Administration in St. Petersburg. Its participants included 230 laureates of the competition, 18 creative teams from 39 customs authorities of the country.

It is symbolic that the gala concert dedicated to the 360th anniversary of the signing by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich of the Decree approving the Customs Charter - the basis for the creation of a unified state system for collecting customs duties - took place in the Northern capital of Russia. The Alexandrinsky Theater, created in 1756, was chosen as the venue for the concert, an architectural creation of the great architect Carlo Rossi.

Opening the gala concert, First Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Colonel General of the Customs Service V.M. Malinin. Noting the historical significance of the moment, he said that customs officers are multi-talented people: they not only know how to work, but also have amazing talents. This was once again demonstrated by the 18th review competition of amateur artistic creativity, at which 40 numbers were presented in various nominations: choral singing, solo vocals, folk ensembles, dance groups, instrumental and original genres, artistic reading.

At the same time, the customs authorities continued to search for new forms of increasing the cultural level and spiritual potential of customs officials.

Customs officials took an active part in the VIII All-Russian festival of folk art of soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other law enforcement agencies, war and military service veterans, members of their families “Katyusha” (hereinafter referred to as the Festival). The festival is held in accordance with the State Program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” and with the support of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The final of the Festival took place on October 31, 2013 at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army. The winners of the Festival were Nikolay Samuleenkov (Smolensk Customs), who took 1st place, the folk amateur group, Cossack song ensemble “Slavichs” (Kursk Customs) - 1st place, Irina Sharko (Millerovskaya Customs) - 2nd place.

Customs officials take an active part in events held in the regions.

The amateur folk ensemble folk song ensemble “VRADOST” (Yaroslavl Customs), along with professional artists, participated in the “Broad Maslenitsa” holiday on Red Square in Yaroslavl, the main city of the All-Russian Maslenitsa.

The Siberian Customs Administration and the Head of the Novosibirsk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church signed an Action Plan for the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Federal Customs Service. For the purpose of spiritual education, the personnel of the customs authorities of the Administration periodically meet with pastors and participate in joint events with the Russian Orthodox Church. For example, representatives of the Chita customs took part in the Transbaikal Christmas educational readings “Holy Rus': history, modernity, future” and “The role of the media in the formation of spiritual values ​​of modern society.”

In 2013, the amateur folk group of the Samara Customs, the vocal ensemble “Samarochka”, carried out active creative activities both at concert venues in Samara and beyond, and in April became a laureate of the VI City Festival “Samara Cherry 2013”.

On November 19, 2013, officials of the Vyborg customs, as part of the vocal ensemble “Guard” of the city veteran organization of military and labor veterans, took part in citywide events dedicated to the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery, held in the administration building of the city of Vyborg, where veterans of the Great Patriotic War were honored, rocket men and artillerymen.

An entertainment program was prepared at the Kaliningrad Regional Customs for Customs Service Veteran's Day. The festival featured sports competitions, including air pistol shooting and basketball, a competition for the title “Best Housewife”, and a humorous “Summer Skiing” competition. The winners were awarded commemorative medals and diplomas from the Veterans Council.

April 2013, children of Karelian customs officials took part in the All-Russian festival-competition “Crystal Stars”, organized by the Federal Bailiff Service. The children of customs officers performed with dignity, winning 1st place among 56 participants in the “Dance” nomination for an enchantingly performed dance “jaif”, as well as 1st place for a professionally performed “Prelude” on the accordion in the “Instrumentalists” nomination and 2nd place in the same nomination for playing on the folk instrument kantele. Customs officers brought their sponsored children from boarding school No. 23 in Petrozavodsk to the competition, who took part in the “Dance” and “Instrumentalists” nominations.

In July, Mineralovodsk customs officials and members of their families traveled to the historical places of the Karachay-Cherkess Nature Reserve, Alan settlements - ancient historical settlements of Alans (Karachay-Cherkess Republic).

Officials of the North Ossetian customs, within the framework of an agreement between the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Orthodox Church in 2013, organized and held a meeting with Father Timothy, and also carried out a pilgrimage to the relics of Theodosius of the Caucasus in the city of Mineralnye Vody (Stavropol Territory).

Thus, the Russian customs authorities pay great attention to cultural events, their preparation, patriotic intensity, and the involvement of officials of all categories from an ordinary inspector to the head of the regional customs department.


The basis of patriotic education of officials and employees of customs authorities of the Federal Customs Service is the formation of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to one’s state, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the economic interests of the Fatherland, aimed at developing an individual with the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland.

Patriotic education should be based on an in-depth study of the spiritual life of citizens, determining the “reference points” of their inner world (life plans, needs, interests), analysis of existing experience, their value orientations, selection of information of a patriotic nature, problems, tasks, identification of a group of emotional and value stimuli (evaluations, feelings, ideals, beliefs, emotionally significant matters, episodes in a person’s life, etc.) and forms of behavior that are adequate to these values.

Like any purposeful activity, work on patriotic education should be periodically analyzed in order to answer the questions: have the expected results been achieved, have the directions and priorities been correctly defined, to what extent have the efforts of educational leaders and educational bodies been justified, what has changed in behavior, actions of employees, in their attitude to official duty; what measures turned out to be ineffective, what opinions and sentiments prevail among employees, how they affect performance, discipline and compliance with the law.

Thus, the events carried out contribute to the development of service-applied sports in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. The spirit of sports and the desire for new victories create a favorable atmosphere in customs teams, making them more friendly and united.

The results of the work on the implementation of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” in 2013 indicate that in the Federal Customs Service patriotic education has a sustainable and systemic, developing character.

Most customs authorities treat the issues of improving the system of patriotic education with due responsibility. The scale, forms and methods of events are expanding, and youth and veteran organizations are being more actively involved in this work.

List of sources used

1.Paderin A.A. The role of modern historical science about the Great Patriotic War in the spiritual education of youth. // War and Peace: the role of spiritual culture in the education of patriotic consciousness. Materials of the scientific and practical conference. - Moscow, 20013. - pp. 29-39.

2.Yanovsky R.G. Patriotism: About the meaning of creative service to Man, the Peoples of Russia and the Fatherland / Int. soc. watered research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - M.: Book and business, 2012. - P. 423.

.See Sergeev V.V. The role of culture in the formation of international, civil, patriotic consciousness // “SEARCH” Vol. XI. - M.: RIC ISPI RAS, 2012. - P. 100-115.

.See Ksenofontov V.N., Ksenofontov V.V., Sergeev V.V. Artistic creativity and moral values ​​of the individual in the spiritual life of Muscovites (in the context of spiritual security). - M.: Silver threads, 2011. - P. 46.

.Report of the Federal Customs Service on the progress of implementation of the plan for the implementation of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” in 2013 (Website of the Federal Customs Service #"justify">6. Kuznetsova A.V., Kublitskaya E.A. Civil patriotism is the basis for the formation of a new Russian identity. - M.: RIC ISPI RAS, 2009. - P. 58.

7.Constitution of the Russian Federation

8.Pilipenko V.F. Security: theory, paradigm, concept, culture. Dictionary-reference book. - M.: PERSE-Press, 2010.

Formation of patriotic consciousness of students in a modern school

The problems of forming the patriotic consciousness of students in a modern school deserve the closest attention, since, in essence, we are talking about the future of Russia, the value guidelines of our society, and, by and large, about the national security of the country, the roots of which lie in the upbringing and civic development of the growing up generation, the formation of his readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland. Unfortunately, in the formation of the scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations of patriotic education in modern pedagogical science, not all possibilities are used. Conducted research, including scientific, methodological and applied research, devoted to this problem, has not yet led to an understanding of it at the conceptual level as a qualitatively new phenomenon in pedagogical science and practice. Most scientific research is focused on the study of individual, and not the most important, aspects of patriotic education, while consideration of them in a holistic form is extremely rare, as a result of which there are still no theoretical foundations for this problem. Accordingly, one cannot count on the effectiveness and efficiency of patriotic education, which acts as one of the tools for solving complex and long-term socio-pedagogical and other positively oriented tasks in relation to various categories of Russian citizens. In this regard, it should be noted that Resolution No. 000 of October 5, 2010, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, “On the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years”” involves increasing efforts to create a qualitatively new system of patriotic education of youth.

The concept of patriotism is quite capacious. It includes feelings that develop in a person spiritual and moral qualities in relation to the historical past and present of his country, native language and culture. Patriotism is manifested in a feeling of pride in the achievements of one’s native country, in bitterness for its failures and troubles, in respect for the historical past of one’s people, in a careful attitude towards people’s memory and national and cultural traditions. The feeling of patriotism is expressed, first of all, in attachment to one’s native places, the so-called “small homeland”, to the usual way of life.

Philosophical and pedagogical research shows that patriotism is associated, first of all, with the values ​​and value orientations of young people. The problem of value orientation in the education of patriotism among the younger generation has become acute in connection with socio-economic transformations in Russia and the loss of guidelines in this rapidly changing world. In conditions of high availability of information and materials distributed through the press, television, radio, and the Internet, young people are bombarded with a stream of low-quality products.

Historical sciences are a powerful factor in the formation and development of patriotic consciousness. The educational function inherent in historical science is determined by its subject itself. Russian history of the 20th century in the last decade and a half has been rewritten very often in the spirit of slander and bias. This, of course, caused irreparable harm to the educational function of our history and seriously complicated the education of student youth in general and, in particular, patriotic education. In Russia, historical experience still plays a clearly insufficient role in instilling high civic-patriotic qualities in young people. In order to correctly assess the present with all its achievements and problems, it is necessary to know the past in all its complexity and contradictions, realizing the price that was paid for every step on the way to the present day.

Today's interest in the theory and practice of patriotic education is due to its most important functions in the spiritual development of the individual and the preservation of the cultural continuity of generations.

The socio-pedagogical meaning of the phenomenon of patriotism lies in the ability to influence the formation of personality through a sense of the deep connection of the common destinies of a person and his people, which determines the way of worldview, way of life and behavior, giving meaning to human existence. The feeling of patriotism contains a kind of protective mechanism that provides psychological comfort and personal improvement, guaranteeing the reproduction of the form of human existence, conscious selection, processing and creation of new spiritual and material values.

Love for the Motherland and patriotism are brought up from the moment of birth, formed in the younger generation under the influence of the environment, society, and the state. The decisive factor in the formation of patriotic feelings at an early age is the family, in which the foundations of a worldview and attitude are laid, and civic responsibility is formed in children. But educational institutions remain the main institution that ensures the educational process and real integration of the most diverse subjects of education. The Institute of Education is the main link in the system of patriotic education of various categories of youth, primarily students, and is designed to significantly increase the effectiveness of this activity in the process of interaction with relevant structures, bodies, organizations and associations.

At the first stage of general education (primary school), basic moral values ​​and norms of human behavior are laid down. At this stage, children develop ideas about the importance of human dignity, understand the values ​​of their own personality and the values ​​of other people, and instill love for the Motherland and respect for the history of the Fatherland.

The second stage of general education (primary school) forms a system of values ​​and attitudes of human behavior; adolescents acquire knowledge and skills for future independent life in society.

At the third stage of general education (complete secondary school), knowledge about the processes occurring in various spheres of society, about people’s rights is deepened, knowledge of philosophical, cultural, political-legal and socio-economic foundations occurs, the civil-patriotic position of a person is determined, his socio-political orientations. The task of this stage is that in the process of social activity, students improve their readiness and ability to protect, and be able to build individual and collective activities, based on the necessity and needs of the current modern Russian reality.

In this regard, very specific conditions emerge under which the process of developing patriotism in modern schoolchildren will be more effective. To do this, in my opinion, it is necessary:

1. Restore the balance of the two main functions of education - teaching and upbringing. Reorganize school life in order to increase time for education, a variety of activities based on interests, and for children to gain experience in social interaction while studying the past of our country.

2. In the educational process, education should become the main form of formation of a patriot, especially when teaching humanitarian subjects that give students the knowledge to comprehend and emotionally perceive the past and present of Russia. To instill in students a respectful attitude towards historical heritage.

3. Teach children how to use state symbols.

4. Implement the idea of ​​a Small Motherland as the first step in the formation of a patriotic attitude, its “root system,” and familiarization with the history of ancestors.

5. Restore and develop the infrastructure of childhood: clubs, centers, children's rooms, playgrounds, camps, cinemas, tourist stations, studios, children's and youth public organizations.

6. Prepare personnel to work with youth. For these purposes, it is necessary to create a coordination center for advanced patriotic education, a creative laboratory for leaders of youth creative groups, since teachers are often faced with an information vacuum that does not allow them to more fully use pedagogical innovations in the process of education and training.

7. Organize more diverse children’s and youth competitions, festivals, promotions, forums, etc., providing opportunities for the implementation and support of student youth initiatives.

8. A special role in the system of patriotic education of youth is played by subjects of historical, philological, social, economic, and cultural profile. In order for these subjects studied in schools to contribute to patriotic education, it is necessary to publish domestic textbooks that reveal to students the meaning of cultural and socio-economic transformations, reforms carried out in modern Russia, the role of the state and statehood in the destinies of the Russian people. Considering that among teachers of humanitarian and socio-economic subjects there is a significant contingent of teachers who in the past were accustomed to declaring communist and Soviet patriotism, it is necessary to conduct special courses and seminars on educational methods as the main means of patriotic education.

As evidenced by the conducted research and advanced pedagogical practice, the implementation of the task of educating citizenship and patriotism using the potential of history, literature and social studies courses is ensured by the content of the main educational material studied by schoolchildren in these disciplines. It transforms the historical and sociocultural experience of Russian society, examples of true morality, spirituality, citizenship, and service to the Fatherland. Only if one has mastered the theoretical foundations of the humanities can one speak of instilling in a student basic socially active positive qualities: a modern scientific worldview, patriotic beliefs, citizenship, moral consciousness, and readiness to serve the Fatherland with dignity. It is when studying the humanities that students achieve important qualitative changes in their social, moral and patriotic development, and master the basics of content and methods of self-development.