Design of a street playground for a kindergarten for kids. Playgrounds for kindergartens and parks

The outdoor playground is the face kindergarten. It is she who attracts the first attention and serves as one of the arguments when parents choose a preschool institution. And how could it be otherwise - - this is a territory that serves not only as a place for recreation and entertainment, but also for the development of the child.

That is why today kindergartens pay more and more attention to the competent and modern arrangement of their playgrounds.

He recalled in his speech that Mario was in charge of the São Paulo Department of Culture and highly valued youth and education. In a time of student learning and rethinking of schools, it seems appropriate to remember that São Paulo already hosted free play venues where learning different languages and culture appreciation were the ordering of the day. In short, an experience that 80 years ago already saw that education, culture and health are inseparable.

The playgrounds were turned towards working children. Invited by the then mayor Fabio Prado, he undertook the creation and running of the Department of Culture, a body similar to the municipal secretariat of education and culture. Mario saw this challenge as an opportunity to turn his research into culture and national folklore into something concrete. And to ensure that in São Paulo, which has grown wildly, places for learning and expression national culture. Thus, she talks about urban landscapes in the construction of parks.

What can and should be today playgrounds for kindergarten?

Firstly, the site for a preschool institution has its own specifics. It is subject to special requirements for the safety and quality of equipment. She must take into account age features development of children, encourage them to play and build up the intellectual, aesthetic, physical and social potential of the child, providing the maximum diversified different games and types of activities.

In this "crazy Paulisea," the novelty was the foreign-born working class who had different customs, mobilized different knowledge, spoke different languages, and demanded their rights. The look is partisan to the various sectors of the São Paulo elite and with fear - after all, among the customs that led the strike, it was included! The Department of Culture coordinated several inquiries to find out who they were, how they lived, what language they spoke, what they ate. Children's parks appealed to working children.

The suggestion was that fathers and mothers could work in peace knowing that their children were being helped with sports, singing, eating, dental care and various types activities. It was not a school space, because it served children from 3 years old. It was a space that complemented formal education, and children were not even separated into age classes. It was a place to play, sunbathe, make a mess in the pool and even "hang out". Mario had a deep appreciation for children's drawing: he ordered to buy good materials for children, gave instructions to teachers, drew pictures with zeal.

For this playgrounds for kindergarten are designed and completed taking into account the specifics of these institutions.

Among the general requirements for sites are the safety of equipment and the location of all elements on the site. The height of any slide, ladder, etc. should be appropriate for the child's age and skills. Slides are equipped with limiters and bumpers, swings are designed at a certain height from the ground and in such a way that the swinging child does not touch the structure. Any designs do not have sharp corners, narrow gaps, raw surfaces, open bolts. Crossbeams and hand-rail are made of nonskid materials. A non-traumatic coating is laid on the territory of the entire site.

In some he saw future artists. If a family wishes, they can register their children to supervise health and dental care activities. Ultimately, the proposal called for the creation of spaces for play, learning and recreation, coupled with the nascent social assistance that time. Free play mixed with art.

We think it matters for poetry, twists, culture, wheels of conversation, games, development. Children are not in the room. Much of the time is on the street or even outside of school, he points out, defending an increasingly "macuna" pedagogy and seeking to decolonize it.

The playgrounds are filled with game elements, also based on the age of the children - it's no secret that the smallest kindergarteners need sandboxes, houses, rocking chairs, and low swings. Very loved by kids and useful for the development of their imagination decorative elements(animals, houses, mushrooms, cars, fairy-tale heroes). Such elements, usually made of moisture-resistant plywood, can be used separately or decorated with them all. play equipment sites. For example, make the roof of a sandbox in the form of a mushroom or a flower, rocking chairs - balancers in the form of animals or vehicles, etc.

This year we also noted that since the founding of the Children's Parks. Teachers and students were able to showcase their projects related to the culture of childhood and the search for knowledge that appreciates the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country in one of the most valuable public spaces in the metropolis.

As educator Mario de Andrade preached, "the past is a lesson in meditation, not to be reproduced," so São Paulo has the task of translating the stories and learning of these Brazilian kindergartens into new paths for education and the city. The contribution of playgrounds by Mario de Andrade to the construction of early education children's education, Ana Lucia Gular de Faria.

As children grow, the playground is more saturated with equipment that allows them to spend energy and develop motor skills: speed, strength, agility, coordination. These are all kinds of manholes, manholes, stairs, labyrinths, ropes, horizontal bars, slides, transitions, etc. in the manufacture and installation of such complexes, the durability of materials and their resistance to active and long-term operation are of particular importance. The equipment must be able to withstand daily play in any weather by groups of 10-25 children. Therefore, all materials, fasteners and coatings must be suitable for year-round use at all temperatures, as well as resistant to abrasion and attempts at "exploration" by children.

Danilo Mekari, from the student portal. In addition to additional urban playground equipment: soft stove, playground control panel, fencing, outdoor furniture for children. To create an original playground, a variety of activities and games is very important. Therefore, we recommend that you set Various types community games in the same area. For example, you can mix different games: swings, simple slides, spring games or turnstile. For richer activities, we have also opted for full games with multiple activities and let the kids have fun together.

In addition, when designing playgrounds for kindergartens, it is necessary to plan a separate sports ground and a place for competitions and general holidays.

The UnicomStroy company offers a full range of services for the creation of playgrounds for kindergartens and other public institutions for children (camps, sanatoriums, schools, etc.)

Another important point For the development of the amusement park in the community, you should offer, if possible, different types of games adapted according to the age of the children, allowing each child to enjoy the playground. As a first step, like any city equipment, make sure the games you choose are approved by the community. In order to ensure the safety of young man, you must also protect the ground and potentially dangerous elements of your community playground, such as turf, sand, or soft soil slabs, so that the child does not get hurt in the event of a fall.

We carry out:

  • production of equipment for children's and sports grounds
  • designing playgrounds, taking into account the profile of the institution, the characteristics and age of children, the budget, and other wishes
  • selection of standard designs and special solutions with individual design and equipment
  • sale individual elements and creation of a site from scratch to the commissioning of a facility ready for operation
  • landscaping of the site, including landscaping, laying asphalt and curbs, installing fences and small architectural forms, etc.
  • service, including preventive maintenance and repair
  • reconstruction of existing sites, including dismantling and removal of old equipment, installation of new rubber and plastic coating, etc.

Our playgrounds meet all the requirements and tasks of playgrounds for children's institutions. They are maximally saturated with functional elements that allow you to create many combinations for children's games. different ages. Slides and swings, sandboxes and hand walkers, horizontal bars and game panels - a wide selection of accessories will not let any kindergartner get bored on a walk.

Finally, a regulatory sign must be installed in the playground that reminds children that children play under the responsibility of their parents, indicates the age range for which games are planned, and a number to report any anomalies or degradation.

This solemn ceremony turned into a real celebration of childhood. For all these years of excellent work with the Kozloduy NPP, we have proved our responsibility. I hope the children of Kozloduy will become strong and strong and create a lot friendly relations on this site, - said Evgeny Salkov. The site selected by the municipality is located in the central part of the city, next to a kindergarten and residential buildings. The goal of the project is to teach children old traditional games and songs and share them with their friends from partner countries.

Additional opportunities for games and development are provided by coverage and special landscaping of the sites. So, modular or rubber flooring is not only ideal for children in its own way. technical specifications, but also allows you to create unique spaces through design. The surface can be multi-colored, with a variety of ornaments, patterns, drawings - thus, games for perception, knowledge of colors, counting, etc. can be included in the program of walks. Moreover, the coating design itself can be developed taking into account educational program your garden. Improvement of the site can also contribute to the development of children and their more comfortable stay on the site. Planted flowers are given to children interesting activity- plant care, shrubs zone the territory, divide it into groups and can shade areas that are especially open to the sun.

This brings generations and nationalities closer together to become part of a large European family. Children will discover common and different in real gaming environment. The end product of the project will be the publication of the book European Games, European Friends. CD with wheels and songs accompanying again open games and the creation of a children's playground in each partner's yard. By implementing this project, children will develop new learning and communication skills, and teachers will learn about innovative methods from partner countries.

International Conference "Promotion of Creativity through Project Activities"

The international conference "Promotion of Creativity through Project Activities" brought together more than 170 preschool teachers from 16 Shumen countries. This event, organized by the Municipality of Shumen, the University of Shumen "Bishop Constantine of Preslav" and day care centers working on projects, gives rise to year-round initiatives of the Municipality of Shumen, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the organized preschool education in the city. Among the official guests of the event were the mayor of the city of Shumen Krasimir Kostov, chairman of the Standing Commission on Education under the Municipal Council prof.

Returning to the topic of security once again, we emphasize that this task is our priority. Territories in which big group children are supervised by one or two adults should be designed and staffed with particular emphasis on protecting children's health.

The safety and quality of our structures is ensured, first of all, by the fact that we manufacture all the equipment ourselves, design and install the sites ourselves, improve them ourselves and provide warranty service.

Rusanka Petrova, Milena Karadzhanova. Head expert of the Human Resources Development Center - Sofia, heads of kindergartens, teachers, representatives of trade unions, students. Toneva thanked the authors who submitted their reports for the collection, which is already a fact. He recalled that Shumen was the city where pre-school education was established in Bulgaria 125 years ago. “I believe that today's conference will be another step that will continue the development of modern preschool education for children,” the mayor said.

Kostov stressed that the conference will allow experts from different countries share experiences and best practices in their activities and wishes that teachers continue to work with their inherent professionalism and enthusiasm for the sake of the younger generation.

All structures and materials comply with the required state standards, withstand heavy loads, precipitation, Sun rays, low temperatures, carefully processed, environmentally friendly. You can read more about how we ensure safety and quality in the sections production, playgrounds, sports grounds

The main report of the forum was presented by Snezhana Vacheva from Shumen University, innovate experience five Shumen gardens operating under the Comenius Sector program from the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission. By experience, representatives of 16 foreign delegations were present, and exhibition tables were organized in front of the conference hall, representing the creativity of children from different corners Europe. You can fulfill your dream this year; but you have some free space in the garden.

If you have enough taste, and if you know how, you can make a children's kit from start to finish completely alone. According to the available photos, think about how he should look and go to work. You will not be deceived if you look at the playground. And if you are hesitant to do such work on your own or are you struggling with lack of time?

UnicomStroy has been creating playgrounds for kindergartens. Our combination of functionality, quality and price has allowed us to build long-term relationships with many preschools and win many government orders.

We will be happy to create such a play space for the children of your garden, which will become part of the happy full-fledged childhood of each child and the pride of the educational team!

The location of the future playground is important

Just choose what type of report you want and buy. In both cases, we will advise you on what and when to start, what products are available, and what to look for when shopping, rather than forgetting. Start with a definition perfect place for construction. The most suitable area is a grassy, ​​flat area that is free of dangerous tree branches or other obstructions. The space around the set must be at least two meters apart.

Space for safe play: so he must look around the play set

The ideal time for the playground is spring. Not only because the person is filled with energy, but above all because the grass or other species growing around are not yet too big. You can find many attractions and combinations: slides, swings, rock climbing, shelters, various rope ladders and bridges, or accessories such as a wheel or a kitchen.

The INTEX-MARKET company offers outdoor play complexes for kindergarten. On compact, but capacious designs, several groups of children can play without interfering with each other with their amusements. It will be easier for educators to look after preschoolers who do not scatter over a large area, but have fun in one place. Our goal is to help adults make sure that children of any cities and villages, from Moscow to Vladivostok, have an equipped playground.

Sets have countless combinable rides

How long will you wait for the van

If you're looking to buy a playground, expect waiting times to vary by season, taking an average of 14 days. Outside of the main spring season, professional companies deliver the feed within one week. This may be extended if parts are ordered from overseas. The delay between delivery and installation should be kept to a minimum.

You can either create a child's dream in the company, or leave yourself alone. Installation takes hours or even days, depending on the size and complexity of the build. "Cute little dad with a small or large helper, the field usually accumulates over the weekend,” said Michal Jauda, ​​who has been building and selling for many years playgrounds on the ground.

Only high quality for the little ones

Children's complexes for kindergarten are needed by institutions in Moscow and the regions, but special requirements are put forward for their designs:

  1. A large number of preschoolers simultaneously climbing, jumping, hanging, increase the load on the structure, so it must be very strong, otherwise its destruction can lead to injury;
  2. So that the child’s habit of tasting everything or extreme heat does not cause intoxication, only safe materials are used to create outdoor play complexes for kindergarten;
  3. The equipment is installed outdoors and must therefore be protected against adverse conditions environment;
  4. The design must have railings to prevent children from falling;
  5. The fasteners should be large enough to avoid situations in which children swallow foreign objects.
  6. The building must pass special check, during which the sharp corners and convex elements in places active movement children.

In the store you can buy inexpensive playgrounds for kindergartens, while all products fully comply with the above requirements, as well as the quality regulations of the Customs Union. It will last for many years and will not harm the kids. INTEX-MARKET cooperates only with trusted manufacturers of kindergarten complexes, such as Rainbow and Play Nation. They care not only about their income, but also about the safety of the kids.

We offer not only outdoor playgrounds for kindergarten. We have a large number of goods for individuals. The equipment can be used in yards, in parks, in any area where you need to equip the child with a space for entertainment. You can find various INTEX-MARKET.

Advantages of our company

The INTEX-MARKET store offers outdoor playgrounds for kindergartens, you can also buy additional modules at a low price. They will help arrange places for kids to play in accordance with the wishes of the management or parents. There are more than 15 items of ready-made structures in the store catalog. These models are usually enough to meet the needs of even the most elite preschool. However, we are ready to supplement any structure at the request of the customer.

Complexes for kindergarten courtyards differ in size, price and number of simulators. You can also buy other entertainment facilities for kids in our preschool institutions, such as, wooden houses and others. All products are made with love and care, and their quality and reliability are time-tested, our first customers have been using the products for more than 7 years. At the same time, we try to make sure that the price of goods fits into the budgetary framework of preschool institutions.

If you need playgrounds for kindergartens, buy inexpensive designs of any size in our store located in Moscow. Our company is trying to do everything so that residents of all regions of the Russian Federation can get high-quality goods for children!