Games for the spring holiday in kindergarten. Spring. Spring holidays, entertainment scenarios. Riddles about birds

SPRING HOLIDAY (junior group)

Music entrance "Spring drops"(music by Vakhrushev),, line up in pairs freely around the hall.

Presenter: Why does the sun shine brightly and cleanly from heaven?

Why does the green leaf go up here and there?

Why do birds sing songs on the branches?

Why are the animals in the forest now not up to sleep?

Because Spring has come to visit us guys again!

Comes to the music of Spring.

Spring: Hello guys, here I am Spring.

She walked with warm steps on the ground.

I brought the sun hot, radiant

And it walks in the clear sky.

Sun: I will walk in the sky, I will warm the earth,

I will give warmth to everyone.

Spring: In the meantime, get up, meet Spring and the sun.

Spring round dance(at the choice of music director)

Presenter: We glorify spring, we read poetry to it.

Children: Again the sun began to warm the earth.

And Spring-beauty came to us again.

Birds fly, songs sing

And the icicles are melting, they won't let us sleep.

Song about spring (at the choice of music director)

Spring: The forest and the meadow are turning green, everything around is so beautiful.

And all the time we will play, we will make the sun shine.

Game "Make the sun"

Rays are scattered on the floor, circles - “sun” - lie separately. It is necessary to collect the rays and decorate the sun (you can use 2 colors: red rays and yellow)

Presenter: In addition to the sun, Spring, whom did you bring with you?

Spring: Invited a brook, a young boy.

He murmurs, he murmurs, with himself. Byat.

A stream runs along the chairs where the children sit, touching the children with their hands, they extend their hand with a “boat”

Everyone got drunk and washed, everyone immediately freshened up,

And then they cheered, the brook sang the loudest of all.

Brook: I am a cheerful brook, I run, I run, I sing my song.

Presenter: We will play with you, walk through the stream.

The game "Step over or jump over the stream"

Blue canvases lie on the floor, at a distance from each other, you need to step over or jump over them.

Presenter: The brook runs, hurries.

And knocks on the stones.

He fell off the hill abruptly

And he ran faster.

I'll take my boat

I run to the stream.

My boat is sailing

The stream leads him.

You sail my boat

I will run after you.

The wind is catching up with the waves

My boat is pushing.

And my boat is sailing

He will not return home.

I will wave my hand

Easy way! - I will say. (Akimova G.V.)

Boat exercise.

The boats are in the hands of the children, they come to the stream, put the boat and wave their hand, everything is performed to the music of the waltz.

Spring: With spring messengers, with cheerful singers, I came.

They sing songs, peck worms in the field.

Bird children: We are forest singers, different ones.

We eat all day, we don't get tired at all.

Dance "Sparrow"

(disc "Dance baby" No. 2, edited by T.I. Suvorova)

Spring: I woke up little animals, pop-eyed, green frogs.

They open their big mouths and start croaking loudly.

Frogs: We are funny friends, we are green frogs.

Frog dance. (at the choice of the music director)

Presenter: You are Spring, Spring is red, who did you wake up from sleep?

Spring: Spring blew in the forest, the snow receded from the paths

Along a narrow forest path. Walks, waking up hedgehog.

Presenter: Hedgehog play with us, catch up with us soon.

Hedgehog game.

Presenter: Hedgehog, hedgehog along the path, top-top-top.

His legs are tired, top-top-top

Hedgehog sit down and rest, look at the guys.

(hedgehog sits down, children dance)

You look at the guys, and then catch up!

(hedgehog catches up with children)

Presenter: You are Spring, Spring is red, who did you wake up from sleep?

Spring: Our Mishka was sleeping under a snag, I woke Toptyzhka.

Bear come out to the children, dance with the children.

Bear: I would stretch the bones, dance with you, kids.

Dance of the cubs ("Rhythmic Mosaic" by T.I. Burenina)

Presenter: You are Spring, Spring is red, whom did you bring with you?

Spring: With spring rain I came to visit you.

You sing a song about rain for me.

Song "Rain"

(at the choice of the music director with bells and bells)

Spring: Rather, the rain come out and the guys cheered.

The game "Sun and rain"

Presenter: You are Spring, Spring is red, what did you bring with you?

Spring: I brought for the meadows, a blanket of flowers.

(scatters flowers to the music)

Help me soon and sort out the flowers,

It is necessary to decorate flower beds and invite butterflies.

Game "Decorate the flower bed and collect the butterfly"

There are flowers on the floor, they need to be collected in a hoop - this is a flower bed. This task is performed by one group of children. Another group of children assemble a butterfly from 3 parts (2 wings and a body).

Presenter: Thank you, Spring-Red, for coming to visit us.

Spring: You welcomed me kindly, noticed me with song, dance.

I will give everyone a gift, I will not deprive anyone!

Irina Aleksandrovna Makarova

Scenario of the spring holiday for children of the younger group

Subject: "Meeting of Spring"

Name: « Spring fun» .

GBOU School No. 967 of preschool s / p No. 4 in Moscow.

Target: Bring joy to children and guests holiday. educate at children sense of musical rhythm, correctly convey simple dance movements.


Cultivate friendships;

Expand words knowledge children;

Develop creative activity children;

Expand knowledge children about the spring season.

preliminary work: conversations, looking at illustrations, memorizing poems, guessing riddles, songs and games.


Children enter the hall to the music, rebuild in a semicircle.

Leading. Guys, look how warm and light it is around!

Arriving birds sing.

The fervent guest Spring came to us,

Nature has woken up from its winter sleep.

1 child.

Spring! Spring on the street:

Both in the field and in the forest!

Eyes squint from the sun

Freckles on the nose!

Dance "My Girlfriend's Freckles"

Children after the dance remain in a circle.

We will holiday continue,

Meet the Red Spring.

Come to us, Spring, with joy,

with the sun - a bell.

Spring comes to the music.

Hello guys.

I am spring red!

I awaken nature from sleep,

Came to visit you.

We will fun to play.

The sun is warm to meet.

Guys, I invite you to go on a journey. We will ride on a magic train and see a lot of interesting things.

Children after Spring move by train to the song "Steam locomotive Bukashka".

They stop at chairs.

Spring. Here is our first stop. We came to the village to the poultry yard.

Children sit on chairs.

A duck with a basket comes out to the music.

Spring. Hello duck.

Duck. Hello dear guests.

Spring. Duck, where did you go?

Duck. To the hostess.

Spring. And for what?

Duck. Behind the grass-ant.

Spring. Duck, why a grass-ant?

Duck. Feed the ducklings. Where are my ducks?

Spring. Duck, don't be upset. They must have gone for a walk. And now I I will turn children into ducklings and they will dance with you.

A dance is being performed "Dance of little ducks".

Duck. Thanks you me cheered. And now I'm going to look for my ducklings. Goodbye.

The duck leaves.

Spring. Attention. Take your seats. Our train is moving on.

Children move by train, stop near the stream.

Stop! Creek ahead!

In the meadow on the green

Not wide, shallow

The brook gurgles.

Doesn't let you pass.

Don't get your feet wet

Jump over bumps!

A game "Jump over the stream". (hoops lie on the floor with a snake)

Spring: Well done guys! Grab your seats, let's move on.

Children move around in circles.

Spring. We arrived at a forest clearing. Let's get some rest, let's warm our legs in the sun (children sit on the floor, stretching their legs, leaning on their hands) Let's try to solve some riddles.

Children sit on the floor.

1. The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.

The day is coming. When does it happen? (Spring)

2. Loose snow

melting in the sun,

The wind plays in the branches

Came to us... (Spring)

3. Not high, not low,

Not far, not close.

Floats in the sky Shar-

Hot like a fire. (Sun)

4. A yellow ball is walking in the sky.

Turns water into steam.

It will hide in a cloud,

We are getting dark.

Looks in every window

Amazing… (Sun)

Spring. Guys, look around, the sun warmed up, and the first flowers bloomed in the clearing, and butterflies flew to them. Now we will play with you. To the music you you will walk in the meadow, and when the music ends, the girls will stand around the butterflies, and the boys around the flowers.

The game is being played "Butterflies-flowers".

The children stay around the flowers.

The sound of rain is heard.

Spring. Guys, look. The first one starts Spring rain. Do not be afraid of him, he is very warm, wants to water the first flowers, and invites everyone to play.

The children disperse. A game "Sun and Rain"

Spring. The rain is over. And now it's time cheerful song

call the sun

Performing "Song of the Sun"- music by A. Filippenko.

After the song, the sun comes out.


I, the Sun - the Bell,

I get up early in the morning.

I wake up the children in the kindergarten.

I have a hundred worries:

Warm up your garden

Dissolve all the flowers

Stay on the veranda

After the rain, on the run

Make a rainbow arc.

And Natasha - laughter

Throw hemp on the nose.

The sun floats across the sky, carries a treat.

Spring. Our holiday has come to an end but the journey continues. I invite you for a walk where you are you will watch the warm spring nature. And the Sun will guide you now to group and treat you to something delicious.

After Spring, the children leave the hall.

Related publications:

Scenario of a folklore holiday for children of the preparatory group "Spring Name Day" Scenario of a spring folklore holiday for children of the preparatory group (Children stand behind the curtain, two buffoons come out) Yerema: Hello.

"Spring has come to visit us." Scenario of a spring holiday for children of the second younger group Children enter the hall to the music. Leading: So the sky brightened, the sun warmed the Earth. Because of the mountains, because of the seas Flocks of cranes are rushing Brooks.

Leisure for children and parents of the middle group "Meeting the spring" Magpies. Software content. Getting to know the environment. To improve the comprehensive upbringing and development of children through familiarization with folk.

Already the red sun has risen over the field, On the mountain has gathered everyone in the game: People are waiting for the larks, That they are bringing spring to Rus' .. Program tasks - to acquaint.

Spring Festival for older children. Scenario

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: the scenario of an extracurricular event is intended for educators and primary school teachers to organize leisure, expands the horizons of children about the season - spring.
Target: organization of leisure activities for younger schoolchildren and preschoolers.
- expand the horizons of children about spring;
- to cultivate a careful attitude to nature, to spring signs;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities.

Music sounds. A boy and a girl come out.

Boy: If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream is ringing,
If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
So spring has come to us.

Girl: Spring has a happy start
March is on the doorstep.
Fun ringing drops -
April is already upon us.
May quickly catches up with them,
He greets everyone with flowers.
Light, full of joy,
All three months of spring.
Music sounds, the rest of the children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle and sing a song.


Look how blue the sky is

Why do the birds sing so cheerfully.

The queen is coming to us - the red maiden,

Everyone affectionately calls her spring.


And in the song there is a flute,

Cheerful drops.

Spring comes red and sings a song,

And in the song there is a flute,

Cheerful drops.

The sun is shining, the rays are playing,

In transparent puddles they dance and sing.

The queen is coming to us - the red maiden,

Everyone affectionately calls her spring.


Spring enters.

Spring: How beautiful in your hall,

And in your song you invited me to visit.

We will sing and dance

And play games.

Educator: Oh spring is so beautiful

She brought a lot of sun and light with her.

And then we'll play.

Child: The sun looks out the window
Spring has come to visit us.
We clap our hands
We were looking forward to the heat.

Child: Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.
black thawed patches,
visible in the fields.
You can see very warm feet in spring.

Child: Noisy on the river ice drift,

The gardener is busy in the garden,

Funny lapwings scream

The crow feeds the crows.

A warm breeze blows

The first moth woke up

And the song of the finch is heard -

Spring came! Spring came!

Spring: I liked your poetry. But I brought you the sun and it's time to play. And what games can you play in the spring?

Children answer.

Spring: Let's play:GAME "COLLECT RAYS". Children are divided into two teams of 4-5 people. Before the game, two hoops are placed on the floor (for the sun). Two eyes, sponges (mouth) and seven or eight rays of colored cardboard are placed next to each hoop. One team has yellow rays, the other has orange. To the music, each team collects its own sun: eyes and lips in the center of the hoop, and the rays around. The game is not a relay race, the children participate at once with the whole team.

Spring: I suggest you play. Divide into two teams, you need to throw the ball to each other. The ball must be caught and not dropped.

Spring: Grasses, trees, flowers wake up,

Birds from distant lands come back

Butterflies, bees, bugs fly out,

Welcome spring together.

What is spring without songs

Well, all together, stand up,

You start singing the song.

The song "Spring has come"

Spring: Look at the windowsills are bright, beautiful balls. You take a ball and go out to dance.

Educator: They danced and bowed

Sit down, friends.

We'll get some rest

And we will read poems to the guests.

Child: Whatever the day, for a minute,

The day is longer, the night is shorter

Slowly, slowly

Let's drive the winter away.

Child: The grass is green

The sun is shining.

Swallow with spring

It flies to us in the canopy.

Child: The sun is melting, the snow is shining,

drops are falling,

To us in the birdhouse two starlings

They arrived in the morning.

Spring: Guys, in the spring, it's beautiful outside, everything blooms and smells. Flowers in the meadows shimmer with multi-colored paints.

Child: The cold winter will pass

Spring days will come

The sun will melt with warmth,

Like wax, the snows are fluffy.

emerald leaves,

The forests will turn green

And together with velvet grass,

Fragrant flowers will sprout.

Spring: And let me tell you riddles, these will be riddles about flowers.

white peas,
On a green leg.
In May every year
The people are happy. (Lily of the valley)
- Yellow, fluffy,
The balls are fragrant.
I will give my mother
See for yourself. (Mimosa)
- Appeared from under the snow,
Reaches for a piece of the sky.
The very first, most tender, -

Such a small one ... (Snowdrop)

On a green fragile leg,
The ball has grown by the track.
The wind suddenly rustled
Instantly dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)
You will find them in Holland
They are always respected there.
Like bright glasses
Everyone pleases the eye ... (Tulips)
- Curly blossomed in the garden,
She has a white shirt on.
And the golden middle
What kind of beauty is this? (Chamomile)
- He is a flower prince-poet,
Wearing a yellow hat.
An encore sonnet about spring
Will read to us ... (Narcissus)
- Long thin stem
Crowned with a scarlet light.
And stands like a beacon
Important, bright red ... (Poppy)

Spring: Well done, all riddles have been solved.

Child: Another week will fly by

And March will ring a drop.

April will come for him in flowers,

And the sun will flood the earth.

Through the groves, nightingale parks

Concerts will start again.

Educator: We continue the holiday, we dedicate the next concert number to Spring.

Conversation with spring

Well, Spring, how are you?

I have cleaning.

What do you need a broom for?

Snow revenge from a hillock.

Why do you need streams?

Clean up the trash from the tracks!

What are the rays for?

For cleaning too.

I'll wash everything, dry it -

I will invite you to the party!

Spring: Here is the clearing and removed, Come out to play Show your prowess. We are funny guys...

Game progress . Children stand on one side of the playground or against the wall of the room. A line is drawn in front of them, or we stretch the cord. A line or cord is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, there is a trap assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children.

Children in chorus pronounce the text:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us:

One, two, three - catch!

After the word "catch!" the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with them. The one who was touched by the trap before the player crossed the line is considered to be caught and sits near the trap.

After 2-3 runs, the number of those caught is counted and a new trap is chosen.

Instructions for the game . A new trap is chosen even if the previous one does not catch anyone.

Spring: You are great fellows

They ran heartily.

It's obvious that you love sports.

I want to finish our holiday, give you small medals (I'll tell you a secret), they are edible.

I say goodbye to you, I suggest you listen to songs about spring.

The scenario of spring entertainment for children was compiled by Safronova Lyudmila Ivanovna and Smirnova Svetlana Vladimirovna, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 33" Zaichik "", Mezhdurechensk. The holiday is held for children of the 2nd junior group.

Scenario of spring entertainment for children

The hall is festively decorated with balloons, flowers, drawings. Children enter the hall under the "Spring drops" T. Morozova.

Leading: “Look, kids, how beautiful it has become in our hall. Why do you think?

Why green leaf
Up tends here and there?
Why are there birds on the branches
Do they sing songs loudly?
Why are there animals in the forest
Is it not up to sleep now?
Because to us guys
Came back to visit...

Children: - Spring!

Children perform "Spring Dance" by M. Kartushina.

Spring has come again
And we want to dance.
Leg - top! Leg - top!
More fun with a leg - top!


The sun looks out the window.
We clapped our hands.
Hands - clap! Hands - clap!
All hands clap yes clap!


Drops are ringing outside the window,
We laugh all day.
We are very happy with the spring
All the kids turned around.


At the last verse of the song, Spring enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. The song "Hello, Freckles-Spring" by E. Gomonova is performed.


- Children's laughter here and there,
How glad I am to all the guests!
I see you are happy for me too!
I came to you with flowers.
I give you my flowers,
I call you to the round dance!
You circle with flowers,
Have fun with me!

"Dance with Flowers"

Spring:- Oh, what a beautiful bouquet we got!

Children sit on chairs

Spring: - And I also have a flower. It is not simple, but magical!

tear off the petal,
Songs and dances!
I tear off the petal
What is there, now I know.

Petal says: Someone is in a hurry to visit you!

Mishka enters the hall to the music.


- I sleep in a den in winter,
Slowly I snore
And wake up, and well, roar,
What is my name? — …

Children: - Bear

Bear: — Hello, kids!

Spring: - Hello, Mishka!


- I would like to knead the bones,
Play with you kids.


- Waiting for your kid's games,
Come play with us, Mishka!

A game is being played with Mishka “Hey, you, Mishka-couch potato” S. Bodrachenko.

Hey you, couch potato,
You slept long and deep
To wake up the bear
We will clap our hands.


- We will not let the bear sleep,
Let's kick our feet.
Nothing works -
Our bear does not wake up!
Let's stomp
And clap your hands together.


- Who is disturbing the bear's sleep here?
Who is dancing here, who is playing? Rrr…


- Bear, bear, don't be angry,
Better have fun with us.

Spring: - We played with you and forgot about our flower. Bear, tear off a petal.

The bear tears off the petal, there is a riddle.

Lies under the trees
Pillow with needles.
Lies, lies
Let him run.

The children call the Hedgehog, to the music he enters the hall.


- Did you guys call me?
How beautiful in your hall,


- Hello, hedgehog.
We have fun with you
We'll sing you a song
You sing along with us!

The song "Hedgehog" by M. Kartushina is performed.

Little hedgehog,
four legs,
Walking through the forest
Sings a song.

Chorus. Fuft, fuft, fuft, fu! I bring sweet apple.

Fuft, fuft, fuft, fu!
I'll feed the kids!
Little hedgehog,
four legs,
Ran to the kids
And danced with them.


Spring: -Since you came to visit us, please tear off the petal. What will the flower tell us?


- We do not stand still,
We love to have fun.
We love to sing and dance
And play with a handkerchief.

A game is played with a scarf: they take the edges of the scarf together with the Host, raise the scarf up and say:
“The handkerchief is rising, the children are gathering ...” (Children run up.)

Come on, "Russian" let's,
Start more fun! (They dance.)
The scarf falls
The kids run away.

The game is played 3 times in different corners of the hall. Children stand freely.

A clown with a beautiful box runs in to cheerful music, the children stand still.

Clown (runs around the hall, sends greetings to everyone): - Hello! Hello! I am a cheerful clown, my name is Borya.

- I ran past the garden,
I heard music.
Come on, I think I'll go -
Who's having fun, let's see!

Presenter: - We are very glad to see you.

Borya: — What are you doing here?


We welcome spring
We dance and play.

Borya: - I can’t dance, I can jump (jump) and jump.

Spring: - We'll fix it. Tear off the petal, see what's there.

Borya tears off the last petal, gives it to the Leader.


- To dance beautifully,
We need to get up in pairs.
Soon, soon our meadow
Everything will turn green!
Go for a walk, my friend
Come out soon!

The dance “Here we are walking with a friend” by A. Chugaikin is performed.

- And you, Boris, get up with us, the guys will teach you to dance!

Children get up in pairs, and Borya invites Spring to dance.

Borya: - I liked it, I still want to tear off the petal. Give me please!

Spring: “Unfortunately, there are no more petals. Only one middle left. Take it, Borya!

Gives the middle of the flower. Borya accepts it, reads "Treat".

Borya: - Of course, a treat, I completely forgot! I am a cheerful clown Borya ... (Opens the box from the side where the candy wrappers lie.) Ahh!

Presenter: - What happened to you?

Borya: - Woe! I hurried to you, carried sweets ...

Presenter: — Where are they now?

Borya: - They don't have them!

- Slowly, little by little
Ate sweets on the way..
Only the candy wrappers are left... (Scatters the candy wrappers on the floor.)

Presenter: - Here are those times! What are we to do now?


- What to do - I do not know ...
Where can I get candy?
I suggest guys
You have a little to conjure!


- Before you conjure like that -
We need to clean up everything around.
Bring the wrappers soon
And put it in a box!

Children collect candy wrappers.


- One two three four five!
Let's start tinkering!
Together we clap our hands,
Let's stomp our feet,
Let's knock on the box ... (Knock).
What is in the box? Let's see!

Open the box on the other side, where the sweets lie.

- Oh! Take a look, kids
Instead of wrappers - sweets!


- Well, Borya, do not yawn,
Feed the kids!

Matryoshka and Borya treat children with sweets, all adults help.


- I treat! Treat!
And congratulations on spring!


- And now it's time
We're sorry, kids.
Stay, don't be bored
And remember us more often!


- Goodbye, goodbye!
Looking forward to your holiday.

Children are free to leave the room.


  1. Kartushina M.Yu. Entertainment for the little ones. Leisure scenarios for children of the first junior group. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008. - 96s.
  2. Molodova S.V. Festive flower. Magazine Musical palette №8 2009 – Publisher: Editorial Board of the Musical Palette magazine.

Leader (children):

If the river is blue If the sun turns red

Awakened from a dream Our cheeks are red,

And runs in the fields, sparkling, - It will become even more pleasant for us -

So spring has come to us. So, spring has come to us!

To the music, children enter the hall, ringing bells.

Children sing a song"Spring":

1. Spring has come to us again, 2. Brooks rang,

It brought light and joy. The moths flew

The sun has warmed, the buds have blossomed,
It got warmer right away. Leaves have appeared.


On a holiday of sun and heat

All nature comes alive

Waking up from sleep:

Spring has come to visit us!

Spring enters.


I know they are waiting for me everywhere.

Everyone in the world needs me.

I bring joy to people

And my name is Spring.

And with me

Came to visit you

round and clear

With red rays.

What is this?

Children. Sun!

Children dance and sing song "Vesnyanka".

They read poetry.

The sun rose in the morning

So it's time for us to get up.

The bright sun looks out the window

It gives sunbeams.(A.Berlov)

Why do girls and boys laugh?

Sunbeams ran into the room.

Everyone is trying to catch the bunnies as soon as possible.

But there is no way to catch up with nimble bunnies.

Now they are on the wall, then on the ceiling,

Now on the TV, then on the sleeve.

But the sun sets, the night comes.

Mix with the sun the bunnies ran away.(Z.Kachaeva)

Perform the song "Sunny Bunnies":

Sunny bunnies jump, frolic.

Sunny bunnies are not afraid of wolves.


Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies slide along the wall.

Bunnies, bunnies, bunnies, you can't be caught!

Children jump on their toes to lose.

Everywhere there were sunbeams.

The sun rose early in the morning
The sun began to bake
And cheerful drops

They drip loudly again.

Sing "Drips" (with triangles):

Icicle on the porch - drip-drip-drip!

Crying bitterly, bitterly - drip-drip-drip!

The sun is shining bright - drip-drip-drip!

I'm hot in the sun - drip-drip-drip!

I'm melting now - drip-drip-drip!

I will become a stream - drip-drip-drip!

They sit down.

The bear enters to the music.

Bear: Who is making noise in my forest?

Doesn't it let you sleep in a lair?


Wake up, bear, spring has already come - winter is over.

"Game with a bear" (music by G. Finarovsky, lyrics by V. Antonova):

bear clumsy

Beckons children with a paw,

Invites everyone to walk

Play catch-up.

To win back, the children run away from the bear.

The soundtrack of thunder and rain sounds.


Suddenly it got dark

There was a lot of noise in the sky.

He stomped along the path -

Wet palms.

Children. Rain!

Spring rain jumped in the garden,
sprinkled the leaves, counted the flowers.

Rain cheerful, funny, mischievous

In the puddles he jumped in the springtime.

The game is being played "My painted umbrella"music and lyrics by G. Vikhareva:

1. Sun shining bright in the sky

We are going for a walk.

If it suddenly rains

We carry umbrellas with us.

Chorus: Look, here's what

Painted umbrella - 2 times

2. In a circle one after another

Together with an umbrella run.

Let's have fun and dance

And let's talk about umbrellas...

Chorus (Aunt Cloud appears):

I, guys - Aunt Cloud

And I decided to joke.

Run away quickly

I will pour rain!

Children: (threaten finger)

Cloud, cloud, run away

And don't scare the kids! - 2 times


Spring is coming, spring is coming!

Everything blooms and sings.

On the green in the meadow

Everyone danced in a circle.

We all dance and sing

And we beat loudly with our hands.

Children perform "Magic meadow".They sit down.

Spring. Together with the sun and a drop, a spring fairy tale about a hen ripples came to us.

The curtain opens. Grandfather and woman come out to the music, sit on a bench.

Spring: Once upon a time there were grandfather and Baba -grandfather beats with a hammer, woman embroiders

They had a chicken ryaba -chicken ryaba comes out to the music

The hen laid an egg

the egg is not simple, but golden -hen carries an easter egg in her hands

Grandfather beat, beat - did not break -grandfather hitting an egg with a hammer

Baba beat, beat - did not break -the woman hits the ball with her fist

The mouse ran, tail -a mouse runs out, touches an egg,

Waved, the testicle fell and broke - it falls

Crying grandfather, crying woman -grandpa and grandma are crying

And the chicken cackles

Hen (sings):
Do not cry, grandfather, ko-ko-ko,

Don't cry, woman, ko-ko-ko,

I will lay an egg that is not golden,

And simple - gives a simple egg

The host offers the children a large egg with a surprise, in which there are little chickens).

Leading. Guys, guess the riddle:

Yellow lumps under the wing of the quoit.

"Pee-pee-pee" - they scream,

Do you see the beaks sticking out?
What are the guys there?
Who are they? (chickens)(A.Berlov)

The chickens dance with the hen.

Spring gives gifts to everyone.


The time has come to say goodbye to you. They are waiting for me everywhere in the world,

And hurry to distant lands. Let everyone hear the music of the stream!

Spring is leaving.


  1. Prologue.
  1. "Spring came" (music and lyrics by Z. Kachaeva)
  1. "Vesnyankao" (M. Kartushina)
  1. "Sun Bunnies"(Z.Kachaeva)
  1. "Drops" (M. Kartushina)
  1. "Game with a bear" (music by G. Finarovsky, lyrics by V. Antonova)
  1. "My painted umbrella"(G. Vikhareva)
  1. "Magic meadow"(M. Sidorova)
  1. Dramatization according to r.s.c. "Ryaba Hen":

Song dramatization

chick dance (phonogram "In the yard in the sun» L. Razdobarina)

  1. Conclusion.




SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL № 2092 named after I.N. Kozhedub

Preschool division "Generation"



Head of structural unit

A.A. Abdulova

"____" __________2014


Spring Fun Scenario

for children of the younger group No. 3.6

Compiled by -

music director

Sapolnova E.V.

Conducted by educators Karpukhina M.S., Pomazkova E.S., Baladze H.R.