Multifunctional methodological manual “Flower-semitsvetik. Didactic manual “Flower-seven-flower” of the game “What subject Didactic game we will collect a flower of seven-flower goal

FLOWER-SEMI-FLOWER. Didactic game for the development of memory and musical ear.

Target: development of musical ear and musical memory of children.

game material

A large flower consisting of seven petals of different colors, which are inserted into a slot in the middle of the flower. On the reverse side of the petal there are drawings for the plots of the works that the children got acquainted with in the class.

"Cavalry". "Clowns". "Doll Disease". "Procession of the Dwarves" E. Grieg. "Santa Claus" R. Schumann, etc.

Children sit in a semicircle.

A gardener (teacher) comes and brings an unusual flower to the children. The called child takes out any petal from the middle, turns it and guesses which work this illustration is for. If the work is known to him, then the child must name it and the name of the composer. The teacher performs the piece or turns on the recording.

All children are actively involved in determining the nature, pace, genre of the work.

THREE FLOWERS. Didactic game to determine the nature of music

Target: consolidation of the concept of the nature of music; development of emotional responsiveness.

game material

Three cardboard flowers (in the middle of the flower a "face" is drawn - sleeping, crying, or cheerful), depicting three types of music character:

    kind, affectionate, lulling (lullaby); sad, plaintive; cheerful, joyful, dancing, perky.

You can make not flowers, but three suns, three clouds, three stars, etc.

1 option. The teacher performs the piece. The called child takes a flower corresponding to the nature of the music and shows it. All children are actively involved in determining the nature of the music. If the work is known to children, then the called child says its name and the name of the composer.

Option 2. In front of each child lies one of the three flowers. The teacher performs the piece, and the children, whose flowers match the nature of the music, pick them up.

THREE BEARS. Didactic game to develop a sense of rhythm.

Target: the formation of a sense of rhythm in children.

Game material:

Figures of bears made of cardboard, painted in the Russian style - Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.

Teacher: Do you guys remember the fairy tale "Three Bears"? In the last room Mashenka lay down for a minute in her bed and fell asleep. And at this time the bears returned home. Do you remember what they were called? (Children answer) Listen, who first went into the hut?

He taps out a rhythmic pattern on an instrument on one or two sounds. Children name who came.

Teacher: How is the bear going? (pulls out the figurine) Slowly, heavily. Let's clap the rhythm as it goes. Which of the three bears came? (Children answer, the game continues).

MUSICAL WINDOW. Didactic game to determine the pitch of the voice and recognize the musical instrument.

Target: development of pitch and timbre hearing in children.

game material

Tabletop theater house (cardboard or wooden) mounted on a table. Animal figurines.


The cat was sitting on the window

And meowed a little.

And then jump on the track

And there was no cat in the house.

Well, who stayed at home

And knocking on the window now?

The called child goes behind the house, chooses one of the toys lying there and, with the help of onomatopoeia, "voices" his character. Children guess who it is, and a character is shown in the window.

The game can be varied: animals - mother-bird, chick; mother cat, kitten, etc. In this case, the children determine the pitch of the character's voice.

Children can also voice their character using musical instruments: a bear - a tambourine, a hare - a metallophone, a cockerel - a pipe, a mouse - a bell, etc.

MUSICAL GLADE. Didactic game to consolidate knowledge about the duration of sounds.

Target: familiarity with musical durations; development of children's sense of rhythm.

game material

Flannelgraph. Make up a playing field: attach the sun to the upper corner, and small flowers below, the figure of a girl. Three large cornflowers and five small ones for the flannelgraph.

Teacher: What a fun summer! We walked on the soft grass, sunbathed, swam. Look at the meadow: the girl picks flowers and sings.

Cornflower, cornflower,

My favorite flower.

The called child lays out a chant with flowers on a flannelograph.

All the children slap it and sing it. You can make cards and large and small flowers for all children, so that in the game

TEREMOK. Didactic game to consolidate children's knowledge about the progressive movement of the melody up and down.

Target: development of melodic hearing in children.

game material

Playing field depicting a house with a porch of seven steps. Animal figures: hare, frog, fox, mouse, cockerel, cat, dog, bird.


There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.

How beautiful he is and tall and tall.

We go up the stairs, we all go.

We sing our song, yes we sing.

Three children are selected, each takes any figure for himself. The character goes up the stairs and sings the first phrase: “I’m going up the stairs ...”, then, standing at the entrance to the house, sings the second phrase: “I’m going into a wonderful house!”, Coming up with his own motive, and “enters” the house. Each child, inventing the motive of the second phrase, should not repeat someone else's motive. When all the characters "enter" the house, the downward movement begins, in the reverse order. The character goes down the stairs and sings: “I’m going down the stairs ...”, then, standing at the first step, sings the second phrase: “I’ll leave along the path”, also inventing his own motive for this phrase, and leaves.

Anna Ievleva

Hello dear colleagues!

I would like to present you a game for children preschool speech age development

"Flower - seven-flower".

This guide is designed for children ages 3 and up. Can be used in the classroom as well as in sensitive moments.

The purpose of this game: First of all developing the speech of preschoolers,enrich and activate the vocabulary of words,expand horizons, ingenuity,logical thinking, the ability to identify verbs and nouns.

This manual consists of 5 colored round cards, which describes the symbols of various action:

jumping (bunny, ball, frog, person, etc.)

flies (balloon, kite, bird, etc.)

floats (man, boat, fish, etc.)

walks (animal, person, watch, etc.)

shines (sun, star, lighthouse, etc.)

Rules of the game: children independently choose from these 5 actions, the presenter shows a card with a depicted object, each child must explain why he chose this particular petal. First, we play the game together with the teacher, then we offer play on your own.

Children with pleasure play, take on the role of a leader, expand their knowledge base!

Related publications:

Flower-seven-flower (scenario of a theatrical performance based on the story by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower") Purpose: development of artistic abilities.

Three boxes of the same size with low sides in different colors: yellow, red, green. The boxes contain three strips of the same color, glued.

Didactic game for the development of speech "What did Dunno mix up?" Purpose: To form the ability to distinguish objects similar in meaning, development.

The quest is a set of competitions united by a common plot. It combines intellectual and creative competitions. Represented.

Game for fingers "Flower-seven-flower" C Purpose of the game: The development of fine motor skills of the fingers for the successful development of the speech of children of primary preschool.

Synopsis of directly educational activities for the development of speech in the senior group "Flower-Semitsvetik" Objectives: Educational: Consolidate the pupils' knowledge of sounds; exercise in the ability to clearly and correctly pronounce them; build skill.

I want to present a multifunctional didactic game "Flower-seven-flower". It is easy to make, very colorful and your kids will love it.

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1. Explanatory note.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a developing subject-spatial environment is a part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (rooms, plot, etc.), materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening them health, taking into account the features and correcting the shortcomings of their development.

GEF DO provides for the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education, including the developing subject-spatial environment, according to which it must be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

BLO DO, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, presupposes a comprehensive approach, ensuring the development of pupils in all complementary educational areas. The principle of integration allows to realize these requirements. The essence of the integrated approach lies in the combination of knowledge from different areas of development, the interpenetration of various sections of the upbringing and education of children.

The leading activity in preschool age is play. Both the education of preschoolers and the correction of their developmental deficiencies are based on it. Therefore, a special place in the construction of a developing subject-spatial educational environment in a preschool educational institution is given to visual-game aids and didactic toys.

Such a benefit is m multifunctional methodical allowance "Flower-semitsvetik" designed for individual and group work with preschool children.

The guide is based on the following principles :

The principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of each child;

On the complex-thematic principle of building educational activities;

On the principle of the complexity of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils of the group.

The manual ensures the unity of the educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives of education in a preschool educational institution. The manual can be used on a magnetic board and as a board game. When a child performs tasks that are diverse in content and methods of solution, several pedagogical tasks can be achieved at once. The implementation of tasks is solved taking into account the principle from simple to complex.

Benefits of the allowance :

This is a universal material for the intellectual development of preschool children in various activities;

The manual educates the child's memory, attention, creative imagination, observation, consolidates the knowledge of primary colors, the ability to correlate an object and color, teaches to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, correctly name them, know their habitat, etc .;

Using this manual, you can give children tasks of varying complexity;

The manual forms logical and mathematical thinking in children;

The manual develops fine motor skills of the hands, stimulates the development of the most important mental processes;

The manual helps to develop the ability to independently compose and analyze answers;

The manual allows you to implement different forms of interaction: teacher - child, child - child;

The manual can be used in a group by a teacher, in a speech therapist's office and independently - by children of older preschool age, as well as by interested parents.

Benefit value that it can be used as algorithm . Here is a pedagogical algorithm that was derived when working with preschool children during OOD and during free play activities of children. To implement this task, an integrated approach was used - the relationship of various areas, means and methods of education.

The effectiveness of the multifunctional methodological manual is confirmed by the increased interest of children in OOD.

The design of the didactic manual "Flower-Semitsvetik" comprises:

The playing field, decorated in the form of a flower with seven petals;

- each petal represents an educational area from OOP TO:

  • "Social and communicative development" (2 petals: social and communicative development + safety, traffic rules),
  • "Cognitive development" (2 petals: cognitive development + environmental education, experiments, experiments),
  • "Speech Development"
  • “Artistic and aesthetic development” (2 petals: artistic and aesthetic development + musical and theatrical activity),
  • "Physical development";

- each petal has its own individual color (seven colors of the rainbow);

- each petal has its own individual envelope with tasks on the studied topics of educational areas (file cabinet);

On the reverse side of the playing field, children's hands are depicted, indicating the sensory development of the child. Here are jars for the development of fine motor skills of the hands;

Toy "Yula" for choosing a specific color for solving further problems exactly in one specific block.

The manual "Flower-Semitsvetik" is aimed at systematizing knowledge in children in blocks:

1. RED - Cognitive development.

2. ORANGE - Safety, traffic rules.

3. YELLOW - Artistic and aesthetic development.

4. GREEN - Ecological development, experiments, experiments.

5. BLUE - Physical development.

6. BLUE - Speech development.

7. PURPLE - Musical-theatrical activity + Sensory development.

Each of the 7 blocks has its own envelope with tasks, games and illustrations. The teacher uses games and tasks during the OOD or in the free activities of children, spins the top himself (or the children spin), taking out the necessary material from the envelope as needed. At the discretion of teachers, parents, petals, themes, tasks, games, illustrations, etc. can be changed, supplemented.

1 BLOCK "Cognitive development"

Purpose: to develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; to form cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; develop imagination and creativity; to form primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world; to form primary ideas about the small motherland and the Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home for people, about the features of nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Topics: Russian heraldry; continents, countries; the peoples inhabiting Russia; my rights; behavior rules; good deeds; professions, tools; space; school; my house; clothing, shoes, hats; FEMP (number and count, size, shape, orientation in space, time).

Didactic games: "Do the right thing", "Good - bad", "If one is at home ...", etc.

BLOCK 2 "Safety, rules of the road"

Target: form the basis of life safety.

Themes: I know; I can; DD signs; security at home, in the yard, on the street; transport; matches are not toys for children; professions.

Didactic games:"If one is at home ...", etc.

BLOCK 3 "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about color and the use of quality adjectives in children's speech.

Themes: seven colors of the rainbow; decorative and applied art of Russia; illustrators of children's books; kinds of art; unconventional drawing methods; Russian artists, Russian; foreign artists.

Didactic games:"Learn colors", "7 colors of the rainbow", "Multi-colored pencils", "Pick by color", etc.

4 BLOCK "Environmental development, experiments, experiments"

Target: systematize children's knowledge about animals, be able to classify them, consolidate children's knowledge about the habitat of living beings, about the adaptability of animals to their environment, instill interest in the natural world. Clarify and expand children's ideas about the change of seasons, about the main features of each season, natural phenomena characteristic of it. To consolidate the knowledge of children of the days of the week, classify them into working and weekend days, consolidate knowledge of numbers from 1 to 10, develop speech, memory, attention.

Themes:"Belochkin calendar" (weather, natural phenomena); Seasons; days of the week; parts of the day; natural and climatic zones of the Earth; animals of the Red Book; animals of the Belgorod region; animals of the North; animals of hot countries; Pets; poultry; birds; plants; insects; amphibians; experiences, experiments.

Didactic games: “Signs of the seasons”, “When does this happen?”, “Find the mistake”, “Days of the week”, “Determine the day of the week”, etc.

5 BLOCK "Physical development"

Themes: body parts; emotions; ABC of actions (who does what?); winter sports; summer sports; Olympic Games.

6 BLOCK "Development of speech"

Target: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds, to teach to differentiate sounds: to distinguish in words, to highlight words with a given sound, to exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of words, to develop phonemic hearing. To form the ability to compose a fairy tale according to a series of pictures, to consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales. To teach children to consistently and logically retell a fairy tale, trying to build a sentence correctly. Develop speech, intonation, correct pronunciation.

Themes: Russian folk tales; folklore; types of speech creativity; learning sounds; literacy training; Russian children's poets; Russian children's writers; children's poets, foreign writers; consideration of plot and subject pictures by topic.

Didactic games:“Name the words with the sound M”, “Find the sound with which the word begins”, “Make a word according to the scheme”, “Articulation gymnastics”, “Arrange the pictures in the correct order”, “Retell the tale”, “Find a picture from another tale” and etc.

7 BLOCK "Musical and theatrical activities"

Topics: musical instruments; notes, musical staff; Russian musical composers; foreign musical composers; types of theaters; Russian folk national costume.

"Sensory Development"

Games with natural material

(plant seeds, leaves, various flowers, pebbles, shells)

We use when conducting such didactic games as “Whose children are these?”, “What tree is the leaf from?”, “Who is more likely to lay out a pattern from different leaves?”, “Who is more likely to make a pattern of pebbles?”, “Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves", "Spread the leaves in descending order", etc.

We also organize them during a walk, directly in contact with nature: trees, shrubs, flowers, seeds, leaves. In such games, children's knowledge of the natural environment around them is consolidated, thought processes are formed (analysis, synthesis, classification), and love for nature is brought up, respect for it.

We develop fine motor skills of hands

Hand massage.

Didactic games:"Cinderella", "Pigtails", "Beads", "Draw with sticks", etc.

  1. Veraksa N.E. Child development in preschool childhood: A guide for teachers of preschool institutions [Text] / N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Verax. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 523 p.
  2. From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014. - 304 p.
  3. Rozhkov O.P., Dvorova I.P. Exercises and classes on sensory-motor education of children 2-4 years of age: Method. recommendations. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012. - 226 p.
  4. Federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 // URL:

Lesson summary

Organizing time.

Hello everyone today
We are glad to meet you.
And it is no coincidence that in this room
Everyone was invited today.

Guys, today guests have come to us, let's give them our smiles, greet them. In class, we will try to be attentive and answer questions with full detailed answers.

Guys, I know that you love to travel. Today I invite you to take a trip. My name is Maria Maksimovna and I will be your guide. Do you agree? Ahead of us is a difficult road and interesting trials. Are you ready for difficulties and trials? ( children's answers)

Look - we have some stone. What could it be? (come, I'm trying to move it - heavy, Children, help me! (under it paper- we read:

Go left - you will go straight to the frogs in the swamp ( a sheet of blue paper with a frog sitting on it)

Who wants to get into the frogs in the swamp?

Go right - please immediately to Baba Yaga (picture with Baba Yaga and a hut on chicken legs)

Here, at the end of the path, Babka-Yozhka is waiting for us in the mortar.

Go straight - you will get to the City of Knowledge ( display on the screen - on it the City of Knowledge)

Which road will you choose? ( children's answers) If you can't choose one, then you have to negotiate among yourself and decide which road to take. Think. Why so decided? ( children reason, give answers - because ....)

If they say - to the City of Knowledge, then I say:

Fine. Then tell me, what event will soon come in your life? (Graduation, September 1) School is a new land of knowledge. You agree with me? ( children's answers)

What kind of children go to school? ( children's answers)

Very soon you too will become first-graders. Which kids are easy to learn? ( children's answers: smart, ...)

Are you like that?

Do you want to make sure? ( children's answers)

How can we check this? ( children's answers)

On the screen - a picture of the City of Knowledge. I turn to the screen, raise my hand to my eyes: Daaaaaaaaaaa, this City of Knowledge is far away - already far away, we can’t walk on foot. And how can you go to the City of Knowledge? ( children's answers: bus, car, plane…) But we don't have any of that. Can we build our own transport? ( children's answers) Which one then? ( children's answers)

I suggest you fly by plane, because it is very far to get to the City of Knowledge.

Look - in front of you on the table are squares of different sizes and colors. You can make your own plane. (Children choose the blank they need, make an airplane, and next ready-made planes are in the box- just in case).

So, are you all ready to fly? ( children's answers) We start the engines! Planes take off! Let's fly!

We'll build an airplane
Put on a helmet and fly.
Through the wavy mists
Let's fly to other countries
Over seas and forests
Over mountains and fields
Let's fly around the globe,
And then back home.

(we make a circle around the hall, I bring the children to the table where lies seven-flower)

And here is the airport of the City of Knowledge. Landing. (we put planes around the flower)

(on the screen - seven-flower flower)

Guys, do you know what this flower is? ( children's answers)

Yes, this is a semi-flower, but why is it called that? (children's answers - because it has seven petals and they are all different).

And in life there are such flowers? (children's answers - no, only in fairy tales).

So what is this flower? (Magic). This flower will help us walk around the City of Knowledge, show the way so that we don't get lost.
In various fairy tales, who helps the main characters or what? ( children's answers - a hedgehog, a ball of thread, a flying carpet, walking boots, a magic wand) (spinning top display, show how to twist them on the table) That's who will help us today - a spinning top.

Here we are with you and arrived in the City of Knowledge. (pointing around)

Guys, what is in any city? ( children's answers: houses, streets, residents …)

Each petal of our semi-flower is a street, some kind of mystery, something interesting, entertaining, fascinating.

Seryozha, I suggest you spin the top first.


(safety, traffic rules)

On the screen - a street with houses, on the street there are a lot of vehicles of various types and road signs.

Here is our first street. Who do you think lives here? ( children's answers) How would you name the street? (children's answers) Do you want to know what it is actually called?

This is Transport Street. Cars and road signs live on it. But there was a confusion, as in a real fairy tale "Confusion" - and ships, and planes, and cars forgot what they were intended for. Can we help you sort things out? ( children's answers)

What types of transport do you know? ( children's answers) Look at on the table are pictures depicting transport. How can we help? ( answers children - you need to sort them by type: water, air, passenger, cargo) Proceed.

Children's work.

Let's see if you have correctly laid out all the transport for its intended purpose? Well done!

Apply to an empty orange petal petal with a picture of transport.

Are we spinning the wolf? Light, cool!


(physical development)

On the screen - a street with houses, on a table nearby - hoop, jump rope, skis, ball, dumbbells, and etc.

What do you see on the table here? ( children's answers - sports equipment)

Name the sports where this equipment can be used ( children's answers)

What time of year is this inventory? (( children's answers - winter sports, summer)

Do you have such equipment at home? ( children's answers)

What sports do you still know? ( children's answers)

How many of you attend sports clubs? Why do you need to play sports? For what? ( children's answers)

I suggest you play game.

So what is the name of this street? ( children's answers) - Sports.

Apply to an empty blue petal petal with a picture of an athlete.

Olya, spin the top!


(musical and theatrical activity)

On the screen - at home in the form of musical instruments and notes.

What interesting houses! What does it look like? ( children's answers - to instruments and notes)

What are notes for?

To whom can they be useful? ( children's answers - musicians, composers)

What notes do you know? ( children's answers)

And I know the game about notes. Do you want to play? ( children's answers)

Game (Sensory development)

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -
The cat is in a taxi.
And the kittens clung -
And ride for free.

What musical instruments do you know?

What does it sound like? ( turn on the sounds of the drum, bell, violin, piano) (children's answers)

What composers do you know?

Can you all sing me a song together? At least 1 couplet. ( children sing)

Thank you, me and the guests liked your song.

What is the name of this street? ( children's answers) - Musical.

Apply to an empty purple petal petal with notes and musical instrument.

Vanya, spin the top!


(environmental development, experiments, experiments)

On the screen - houses with the image of a bird, fish, animals.

I want to offer you ball game“Birds-Fish-Animals” (Rules of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. At a fast pace, the teacher, throwing the ball to the child, says, for example: “bird”, the child catches the ball and, throwing it back to the teacher, calls any bird , for example: "owl"; the teacher throws the ball to the next child with a word, for example: "animal", the child returns the ball, naming any animal, etc.)

What's the name of this street? ( children's answers) – Ecological.

Apply to an empty green petal petal depicting a bird, fish, animal.

Spin the top, Tanya!


(cognitive development)

On the screen - houses with a picture

Apply to an empty red petal petal

Spin the top, Misha!


(artistic and aesthetic development)

On the screen - houses with a picture

Apply to an empty yellow petal petal

Spin the top, Natasha!


(speech development)

On the screen - photo by K.I. Chukovsky.

Guys. Look, this is a photo-mystery. Who is this? ( children's answers - K.I. Chukovsky)

If they do not answer: In March, this person would have turned 135 years old from the date of birth. All the children of our country and in other countries know him. Who is this? Let's ask the audience for help - Dear guests, help us, please. ( guest responses)

What did he write? ( children's answers)

For whom? ( children's answers)

Name the works of K.I. Chukovsky. ( children's answers)

There are a lot of books on my table. Help me select books by K.I. Chukovsky for children of the younger group, so that educators can also introduce the kids to his works. (the work of children - to the left are books by K.I. Chukovsky, to the right - others)

What other children's poets and writers do you know? ( children's answers)

Imagine that you and I are beginning children's poets, writing poems for children. To try yourself in poetry, you need to be able to select a rhyme for words. I offer you game"Choose a rhyme." Here are the words:

cucumber - ( children's answers) starling,
well done - daring, end, businessman,
tooth - oak,
friend - beetle,
poppy - cancer.

Apply to an empty blue petal petal with the image of Mukha-Tsokotukha.

So our journey to the city of Knowledge ended. It's time for us to go to kindergarten.

For our planes to take off, we need a countdown. There are numbers from 0 to 10 on the table in front of you. What should we do, what should we do to get a countdown? ( children's answers - expand the numbers from 10 to 0 in descending order; children's work)
Let's start the countdown (all together): 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 start.

To get where you want
And don't waste weeks
We boarded the plane
And they took flight!

Where did we go today and what did we do? What did you like? What was difficult?

Were we able to prove that we are inquisitive? ... And how did we manage to do this? What knowledge do we need? We succeeded because we did everything together, did not quarrel.

You were great today - you showed your knowledge and skills that you received in kindergarten and which will be useful to you at school.
And I want to give you flowers as a keepsake. If you are satisfied with your progress today and evaluate the work on "Great"- take a red flower as a gift for your work, and if you think that something did not work out for you and you could do something better - take a blue flower (Children evaluate their work). Thank you for your help and work. Goodbye!

Nomination "Know the world"

Educator, MBDOU "Lyambir kindergarten No. 3 of the combined type"

Name of the game: "Flower - seven-color"

Age of participants: from 4 to 6 years old.

Target: Develop color perception in children; observation, logical thinking; ability to compare and analyze; focus, connected speech, self-control.


  1. To form elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers.
  2. Develop mental abilities, visual perception, ingenuity and resourcefulness.
  3. To form children's ideas about geometric shapes.
  4. Cultivate perseverance, patience, the desire to successfully complete the task.

Equipment: A plate on which a seven-flower flower is glued from colored cardboard with slots, circles from colored cardboard a.

Game description: On the table, in front of the child, there are circles of colored cardboard and a plate on which a flower is depicted - a seven-flower with slots. The teacher asks the child to quickly put the circles into the slots by color. The child must explain why he chose this particular circle and not another. Invite the child to complete the task on their own.

Expected result:The didactic game makes it possible to solve various pedagogical tasks in a playful way, the most accessible for preschoolers. In the process of play, an intellectually passive child is able to complete a volume of educational work that is completely inaccessible to him in a normal lesson.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic manual for the development of speech in preschoolers "Flower - seven-color"

Benefit "Flower-Semitsvetik". Directed to solve pedagogical problems in seven blocks: “7 colors of the rainbow”; “7 days of the week”; “Learn sounds”; “Know fairy tales”; “Seasons”; “Good deeds”; “We know ...

Didactic manual for preschoolers "Flower-Semitsvetik"

For the development of tactile sensations, coordination of movements, attention, memory and imagination, I have developed a methodological manual "Flower-Semitsvetik", which I bring to the attention of colleagues....

2. Didactic game "Collect "Flower-Semitsvetik" and insert utensils (clothes, toys, vegetables, etc.)"

For children 4 years old. You need to collect the "Flower-Semitsvetik", and then put pictures in the pockets, which show:
- items of utensils (or clothes);
-animals (or birds);
- toys (or vegetables);
fruits (or flowers), etc.
Children name the depicted objects and the word that generalizes them, for example, vegetables.
This game can be used as the final part of the lesson or as individual work with children.

3. Didactic game “What? which? Which?"

A game for older children from 5 to 7 years old. Before the start of the game, children (7 people) are given pictures. "Flower-semitsvetik" assembled. Each child sits opposite a petal. The teacher puts the silhouette of a jar for compote (for jam, a tureen) in the middle of the "Flower"


- Who has a compote? Name and insert the picture into the pocket! (children's answers depend on which pictures the teacher distributed: cherry, apple, pineapple, etc.)
Who likes jam? (children call: raspberry, strawberry, cranberry, etc. and each insert their own picture into the pocket)
What soup did mom make? (mushroom, pea, vegetable, etc., children insert the corresponding picture into the pockets)

4. Didactic game "Seasons"

For children 5-7 years old. In the middle of the “Flower”, the teacher puts a picture of winter (spring, summer, autumn). Children are given picture cards (subject and plot) related to a particular season. Children should insert into the pockets such pictures that relate to the one that the teacher put in the middle of the "Flower-Semitsvetik"