Synopsis of GCD cognitive development in the middle group “We are friends of nature! Synopsis of continuous educational activities for pupils of the middle group in the field of fgos up to “cognitive development” topic: “how to maintain health? cognitive development

Class type: cognitive.

Lesson type: combined.

Target: develop the habit of using polite words in speech.


1. Teach children to analyze positive and negative actions.

- repetition with the help of a teacher;

- analyze positive and negative actions with the help of leading questions;

The children analyze on their own.

2. Continue to develop logical thinking and imagination.

3. Cultivate friendly relations with each other, the ability to be attentive when performing a task.

4. Create conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of children

Methodical methods:

Verbal: questions, explanations, encouragement, reminder.

Visual: showing a presentation.

Practical: didactic game; picking a magic flower; doing a physical exercise.

Vocabulary work: Welcome, I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry, please.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading fiction: S.Ya. Marshak "Lesson of politeness"; I.G. Semerenko "Merry school of polite sciences"; "Zayushkina's hut" Russian folk tale; V. Oseeva "The Magic Word".
  • Conversation with children about good and bad deeds, playing out various situations from life, reading poems about polite words.

Material for the lesson: Didactic game "What is good, what is bad"; Word game "Petals of polite words"; Pouch for bad deeds; Two envelopes with games; Record player; Audio recording; Multimedia projector; Computer.

Lesson progress

Surprise moment.

(The teacher with the children enter the group, there is a beautiful box on the table, there is an audio cassette in it).

Educator: Guys, what do you think has changed in the group?

Children's answer...

Educator: Think about what can be in the box?

Children's answer...

Educator: Let's go, let's see what lies in it.

(The teacher opens the box, takes out an audio cassette).

Educator: This box contains an audio cassette. What do you think is written here?

Children answer: (fairy tales, children's songs, etc.)

Educator: Interesting reasoning, but rather turn on the tape recorder and listen to the recording. And I suggest you sit on the chairs.

(Children sit on chairs, the teacher turns on the recording. Sound letter sounds).

Voice of the Dwarfs: Everyone, everyone, everyone who hears us. We are forest gnomes living in a magical forest. Trouble came to us, we stopped being friends, we began to quarrel and fight often, we forgot all the polite words. If they don't help us, the magical forest will perish. Help us who can!

Educator: Guys, do you think we can help the gnomes?

Children's answer...

Teacher: How can we help?

Children's answer...

Educator: I suggest you go to the magical forest. In order for us to find ourselves in a magical forest, we will say magic words: One-two-three circle and find yourself in a magical forest.

(Children repeat the words and circle around themselves. Gnomes appear on the screen with a sad expression on their faces (using computer technology)).

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the gnomes.

Children greet.

Gnomes: Hello guys! (Audio is playing)

Educator: Look how sad the gnomes are. Let's try to help them.

Interesting, gnomes, what kind of envelope do you have?

Didactic game "Good - bad."

Gnomes: We have mixed up pictures with good and bad deeds in this envelope. Help us sort them out.

(The teacher takes the envelope and opens it).

Educator: Yes, everything is confused here, we need to correctly assemble the puzzles with good and bad deeds. Come to the table.

(Children, standing at the table, collect puzzles).

Didactic game "What is good, what is bad."

Purpose: To learn to distinguish between positive and negative actions.

Conversation "Actions".

Educator: Guys, tell me, who has what actions?

Children's answer...

Teacher: Why do you think so?

Children's answer...

Educator: Guys, let's put puzzles with bad deeds in this bag, and after our trip we will throw it away so that our forest gnomes will never confuse bad and good deeds again.

Gnomes: Thank you guys for your help. Now we will never quarrel, and fight, and we will not offend each other. (Audio is playing)

Educator: Do you think we are friendly guys?

Children's answer...

Educator: We can be friends with you!

Children's answer...

Teacher: Now we will play with you.


We are all friendly guys - hands on each other's shoulders

We are preschoolers.

We don’t offend anyone - shake your finger

How to take care, we know. - hug yourself

We will not leave anyone in trouble - turning your head to the right, to the left

We will not take away, but we will ask. - give me please

May everyone be well - holding hands

It will be joyful, light. - shaking hands.

Didactic game "Magic petals".

Educator: Guys, there is something else in the envelope (takes out the petals and shows it to the children).

Educator: Gnomes, what is it?

Gnomes: These are colorful petals from a magical flower. We were unable to collect the flower. In order to collect this flower, polite words are needed, but we have forgotten them. Help us collect the magic flower.

Educator: Guys, I will start, and you will continue. Welcome (puts the middle of the flower on the table, naming the word).

(Children take the petals and, naming a polite word, apply them to the middle of the flower).

Educator: This is what a wonderful magic flower turned out. I think that forest gnomes will always remember good deeds and polite words.

(the expression on the face of the gnomes changes on the screen)

The final part of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, how has the mood of the gnomes changed?

Children's answer: (they became cheerful, joyful)

Teacher: Why do you think?

Children's answers: (taught gnomes to distinguish good from bad and helped to remember polite words)

Gnomes: We are grateful to you guys for your help. Our forest will become even more beautiful and greener. For this, we want to give you small souvenirs, suns.

(The teacher puts suns on the children).

Children: Thank you gnomes.

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the gnomes.

The children say goodbye.

Educator: It's time for us guys to return to the kindergarten "Crane". Let's remember the magic words:

One-two-three - spin around

And in the kindergarten "Crane" find yourself.

So we returned from a trip to kindergarten. Let's summarize.

Who can be called a polite person?

Children's answer: (who follows the rules of cultural behavior, who does not quarrel, is not greedy, speaks polite words)

Educator: Guys, what do you think, is it good or bad to do bad deeds?

Children's answer...

Educator: Why?

Children's answer...

Teacher: What did you like most about the lesson?

Children's answer...

Teacher: What did you learn in class today?

Children's answer...

Teacher: Thank you for the interesting lesson.

Natalya Asanova
Synopsis of GCD cognitive development in the middle group "We are friends of nature!"

Asanova Natalya Demyanovna, teacher of MKDOU "Volchikhinsky Kindergarten No. 2".

Synopsis of GCD cognitive development

V middle group

"We - friends of nature


Cultivate respect for nature.



Summarize children's knowledge about wild animals, about their habitat, about birds, about trees.

Activate adjectives in children's speech that characterize the seasons, features of trees, wild animals and birds.

To reveal the quality and property of a tree with the help of experimental - experimental activities.


-Develop mental operations: compare, classify, analyze, generalize.

-Develop attention, memory, thinking.


Cultivate love, respect for nature and show care and attention to all living things.

Methodological techniques Keywords: artistic word, riddles, game motivation, conversation, explanation, display, physical education, musical accompaniment using ICT.

Material: multimedia display of trees, animals, birds. Rays of paper, sun, record "Voices of the Forest".

preliminary work:

A set of classes on familiarization with the outside world on the topic "Forest"; Memorizing poems, proverbs about autumn;

Design for didactic game "Who lives where".

Reading and discussion of the poem by M. Usachev "Trash Fantasy".

Labor activity for collecting garbage on the site for a walk.

Talk about trash: where does it come from, what types of garbage are there, why is garbage harmful, etc.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

The guys came to visit us today. Let's greet them.

hello blue sky (pull hands up)

hello golden sun (draw circle with hands)

hello light breeze (shake arms above head)

hello little flower

hello morning, hello afternoon

We are not too lazy to say hello.

2.- Guys, this morning, the postman brought me a letter, do you want to know who writes to us?

- Then listen.: Slide 2. (Lesovichok)

“Dear guys, I, the Forester-owner of the forest. lived with friends in the forest. But there was a problem! People who came to rest left garbage cans, plastic bottles, packages. All plants died, animals, birds, insects disappeared, the sun does not shine. How I want to see clean streams, walk through a clean, unlittered forest, see my friends. Only you can help me. If you are friendly and brave, resourceful and cheerful, go to the aid of the forest! ”

Well guys, let's help Lesovichka?

Are you friendly? Are you brave?

We will go to the forest by train. Take your seats in the wagons. Be careful, the doors are closing. (Walking in a circle. Building "train".) Bend outstretched arms. So we're on our way!

Children. Sh-sh-sh-sh (lips wheel).

-Rattled wheels: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes... (tempo changes, voice strength, pitch changes). Our train rushes through fields, meadows, and now the green forest rises in front.

Let's get out of the wagons! Guys, here we are in the forest!

Slide 3. (Polyanka)

Oh, how sad, oh how boring, dark and dirty. You can't hear the birds singing. We need to help the forest. Can we help? The guys with each completed task in the forest will become cleaner and brighter.

1 task.

Listen to the first task. slide 4. (Autumn)

Guys! What season is it now? (Autumn)

Guys, name the periods of autumn (Early, golden, late).

What period is now? (Late).

Well done! Completed 1 task.

The first ray appears in the forest.

2 task.

In the forest, there are many trees. What is a tree? (A tree is the largest plant.)

Name its parts. (Roots, trunk, branches and leaves.)

Do you think the tree is alive? (Yes.)

Why? (It grows, breathes, eats.)

Guys, it happens that trees get sick, then Lesovichok cuts them down.

Consider a tree cut. Feel the saw cut of the tree. (Rough.)

Describe the properties of a tree. (Wood is hard.)

Guys, how can you determine how old a tree is? (That's right, on a cut of a tree, we see rings, each ring is one year of the tree's life.)

A long time ago, trees determined what the weather would be like. Here and now you guys introduce with signs with the help of trees.

Birch turns yellow from below - winter will be late. slide 5 (Birch)- Nastya

There are a lot of berries on the mountain ash - to frost. slide 6 (Rowan)-Anisiya

If in autumn the willow is covered with frost, we must wait for a long winter.

Slide 7 (Willow)-Ksyusha

A lot of cones on pines - for a cold winter. Slide 8 (Pine)- Masha

What is the rule for trees? (Do not climb trees, do not break branches, do not make a fire in the forest). slide 10. (Rule)

We have completed the second task. A second light appears.

3 task.

Guys, who else lives in the forest? (Wild animals).

slide 13. (Animals)

Why are they called wild?

There are many animals in the forest, but it is not easy to see them, because they have learned very well to hide from people.

slide 14. (Bear)

“He is big, shaggy, clumsy. In winter, he sleeps in a den. In the summer he walks through the forest, looking for honey and raspberries. (Bear.)- Ilya

Slide 15. (Squirrel)

“She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through the trees, lives in a hollow. Nibbles cones and nuts. (Squirrel.)-Anna

slide 16. (Hedgehog)

“He is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms". - Pauline

slide 17. (Wolf)

“He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a lair. (Wolf.)- Dima

slide 18. (Hare)

This animal has a gray coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hiding for a year in a bush. Likes to gnaw on carrots and cabbage. - Egor

slide 19. (Fox)

“She is red and sly. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a hole. Catches mice and hares. (Fox.)- Veronica

Well done, you did a great job! And now I suggest you take a break.

Guys, what rules should be observed in relation to wild animals? slide 20. (Rule)

3 rays appear.


4 task.

What is the name of the birds that fly south in autumn? (migratory). Slide 21. (Migratory birds)

What are the main reasons why birds fly away? (lack of food and cold).

But there are birds that do not care about the cold. They stay at home all year round and do not fly. What are these birds called? (wintering).

In a gray feather coat,

And in the cold he is a hero.

Name him soon!

Who is jumping there? (sparrow). slide 22. (Sparrow)

She's all grey,

baggy gait,

An important person is her name. (crow). slide 23. (Crow)

black cap

And a strip of scarf

At the yellow-breasted bird

By name. (titmouse). slide 24. (Titmouse)

This bird is so talkative

Thievish, fussy,

Chirping, white-sided,

And her name is. (magpie). slide 25. (Magpie)

Snow fell, blizzards are sweeping,

And the guests arrived.

Look at the rowan

Sit down there. (bullfinches). Slide 26. (Bullfinch)

Guys, what rule should you follow when you see birds in the forest?

Guys, how can we help those birds that winter in our village? (to feed)

I suggest we prepare bird food. Come to the table. You see that each of you has two plates. Dough in one, grains in the other. Guys, take a lump of dough in your hands. And with circular movements of the hands we crush the edges of the dough. We try to flatten all over the plates. Then, the dough must be put in a plate. And sprinkle grains on one side. Try to distribute the grains evenly over the dough. Pressing the grains into the dough. Then turn the dough over to the other side and again pour the grains on the dough and press the grains so that they do not fall out.

slide 27. (Rule)

Well done!

4 rays appear.

5 task.

slide 28. (Rules)

Oh, guys, we completed all the tasks, but the garbage remained in our clearing. Let's collect the garbage in a bag so that we have a clean place.

We put the clearing in order and coped with all the tasks. Look how bright and clean the forest has become. The birds sang.

5 rays and the sun appeared

Well done boys! All assignments were completed correctly.


We are young defenders nature, we will be attentive to all life on our planet and will protect all life.

You were active today, everyone answered, and that's why we coped with all the tasks so quickly. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We turned around, circled, and we found ourselves in the garden.

Did you enjoy our trip? Where were we? What were we doing in the forest? Helped Lesovik clear the forest. We helped Lesovik, for which he treated us with sweets. Thank you!

Lesson on cognitive development in the middle group "Club of inquisitive "Why"

The material can be used as an educational leisure activity in joint activities with children, as well as a continuation of the parent meeting in the middle group "Grow inquisitive".

Target: stimulate the cognitive interest of preschoolers.

Equipment and materials:

  • "house",
  • "forest",
  • animal costumes,
  • elements of the game "Flashlights" (red and green circles),
  • laces,
  • flags of the game "Ship Plyukh - Plyukh",
  • presentation with illustrations.

Children dressed in animal costumes come out.

Teacher: We are glad to welcome children and parents to our club of inquisitive "Why". Today we will face interesting questions, tests await us. I wish you all good luck!

It is necessary to divide into two teams: wild and domestic animals. A team of wild animals sit down at the "forest", domestic ones - at the "house".

A jury is selected from among the parents, which will evaluate the correctness of the tasks.

1 task. "Does it happen or not?"

The teacher asks the children a question. If the answer to the question is yes, then the children raise the green circle, if the answer to the question is negative, then the children raise the red circle. The team whose members gave the most correct answers gets a point.


  1. Does a bear store honey, fish, berries for the winter? (No)
  2. Does the wolf get warmer fur for the winter? (Yes)
  3. Do bullfinches fly to warmer climes in summer? (No)
  4. Does a hare store mushrooms, nuts, seeds for the winter and put them in a hollow? (No)
  5. The squirrel hides its supplies: acorns, cones, nuts, seeds throughout the forest, in hollows, under old stumps, and very often forgets where it hid. And in the spring, new trees sprout from forgotten seeds? (Yes)
  6. Are foxes' main food in winter mice? (Yes)

2 task. Rules of conduct in nature

Signs appear on the screen in front of the children, indicating the rules of behavior in nature (slides 2-5). It is necessary to comment on them. Tasks are given to teams in turn. Teams that correctly commented on the sign receive a point.


  1. pick up your trash!
  2. Don't destroy bird nests!
  3. Do not talk loudly!
  4. don't light the fire!

3 task. "Did you know?" (slide 6)

How do animals in the forest move through the snow and not get stuck?

First, the snow does not fall all at once. Some animals make their own paths and move along already found paths, some animals can move along other people's paths. If a lot of snow has fallen, then the animals can walk in a group: the first in the group paves the path, the following animals follow the trail. It is much more difficult for the one in front to walk, so sometimes the animals change places.

Secondly, some animals have special adaptations for walking in the snow. The paws of animals, as well as the whole body, are covered with fluffy fur for the winter, they become wide, which makes it easier to move through the snow. Some animals, such as moose, deer, have wide hooves.

4 task. Relay "Following"

The first team members put foam footprints on their feet, run to the landmark in them, return to the team, and pass the footprints to the next participants. The team that completes the task faster gets a point.

5 task. "Say one word"

Before the children of the illustration (slides 7-12). The team that quickly named the generalization word gets a point.

  1. swallow, crow, bullfinch, rook - these are (birds)
  2. goat, cow, sheep, dog - these are (pets)
  3. birch, maple, oak, pine - these are (trees)
  4. blueberries, strawberries, mountain ash, currants - these are (berries)
  5. fox, elk, hedgehog, hare - these are (wild animals)
  6. catfish, crucian carp, pike, perch - these are (fish)

6 task. "Find the Extra"

Before the children of the illustration (slides 13-16). It is necessary to determine which is superfluous and explain why. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly receives a point.

  • wild boar, deer, camel, squirrel (camel is a domestic animal, the rest are wild),
  • dragonfly, butterfly, titmouse, mosquito (titmouse is a bird, the rest are insects),
  • pine, viburnum, oak, spruce (rowan - a bush, the rest - trees),
  • bear, hedgehog, squirrel, snake (squirrel - hibernates in the forest, the rest - sleep).

7 task. "Squirrel Supplies"

The squirrel stores mushrooms, nuts, acorns, cones for the winter, hanging them on tree branches. Let's help the squirrel stock up by hanging them on a string. The children are given strings and flags of the ship "Plyukh - Plyukh". Children string flags on strings in a certain sequence given by the teacher. Correctly completed tasks are evaluated.

Teacher: so the meeting of the club of inquisitive "Why" came to an end. We ask the jury to sum up the results of the meeting.

The jury sums up. All participants are given souvenirs.


  • to consolidate previously obtained information about the sense organs, to teach how to use them in everyday life;
  • arouse in children a sense of compassion, a desire to help, bring joy;
  • to develop in children observation, attention, a sense of research;
  • cultivate love for your body, maintain a sense of surprise at its capabilities.


  • map,
  • glass with a straw
  • medicinal herbs,
  • ribbed board,
  • layout,
  • hot countries animals
  • lemon,
  • orange,
  • thermos,
  • tea-set,
  • cotton swabs.

Lesson progress

- I found a letter this morning that they write to us here. The letter came from Africa, they ask to help the animals, why the letter came to us, and not to Dr. Aibolit.

- The teacher opens the letter and reads it: “Dear guys, animals from Africa write a letter to you. Now Dr. Aibolit is busy and we ask you to help us. He said about you that you are kind, sensitive and sympathetic guys. We look forward to seeing you."

- The nurse brings a first aid kit with medicine to the group.

- And here is Svetlana Ivanovna, are you also with us to Africa?
- I would love to, but I can’t leave the d / s, here are your medicines.

“Then the guys can only help us. Well, what can we do?
- "Yes" - the children answer.

What do you think we need to take with us on the road? (children's answers)

- Guys, pay attention to the table on which there are some items that may be useful to you and me. What do you think that we can use for such a difficult journey (Children, together with the teacher, come to the table and choose what they need to take with them to treat sick animals. Each choice children need to justify why they want to take this or that item with them ).

We will put all the items in a backpack and take it with us.

- Africa is quite far away, we need to fly by plane. Therefore, we now sit down in our seats and go flying.

The sound of an airplane taking off.

A flight attendant appears on the plane, who tells the flight course and wishes us a pleasant flight. After a while the plane starts to land and the flight attendant announces the landing.

on - So we landed in Africa, how beautiful it is here, I see palm trees, but what do you see? (children's answers).

The stewardess passes the letter to the children.

“Let's see, here is a map, it will help us get to the place. There are clues on the map. So, first we get to the cave.

There are two roads, a short one and a long one. Which one shall we go? (answers children).

- In short, the children answer.

— Guys, this short road is not easy. There is a hint ahead of the road. What is this hint? (image of the foot "Biomag"). Why is she here? How do you think? (children's answers) On the foot are collected all the points that are responsible for the functioning of the body. Look at the road we have to go. What did you notice? (children's answers).

- What will happen if we go on a ribbed board. (children's answers).

- Let's remember how many points are on the foot, we knead each point so that the organs work well. And now our organs will be massaged by a ribbed board (children walk along a ribbed board).

- That's the cave. What hint do we see now? What do you think she is telling us? (children's answers) There is little oxygen in the cave. What do you think we need to do in order to pass through the cave successfully and not harm ourselves. (Children's answers) Let's do exercises to train the lungs. The first exercise "King of the Winds" Purpose: training of correct nasal breathing, training of the lungs. The second exercise "Bul-Bul" Purpose: restoration of breathing, the formation of a rhythmic exhalation and its deepening.

Now the map is desert.

What is the clue before this obstacle? What can she warn us about, do you think? (children's answers)

Why is the desert yellow?
Guys often in the desert there are wind storms. What can happen if you get into such a storm?

  1. If sand gets into your eyes is it dangerous? (children's answers).
  2. What protection do our eyes have? (eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes).
  3. And how can we protect our eyes from what we took with us? (children's answers)
  4. We can also rinse our eyes just in case (movements from the temple to the nose).

You can also do eye exercises.

Let's look at the tip of the nose.

Let's look into the distance.

- Let's look at the bridge

Let's look into the distance.

And now the guys we got to the waterfall (carefully look at the map).

What is shown on the tip to the waterfall?

— You hear the waterfall making noise. Oh, how loud, but we know that hearing must be protected.
What will happen to us if we stop hearing? (children's answers).

Mudras help us to be healthy.

- What is mudra? (exercises for the fingers).
- Children make mudra "Sink".

How can you protect your hearing from noise? (ear plugs).

- We have cotton balls in the first-aid kit, we will cover the ears. Children cover their ears, walk past the waterfall, the first aid kit falls into the water.

- Well, here is the place where they are waiting for us. (Africa layout).

“Now let’s help the sick. (Children measure the temperature, check the throat).

We will treat. Oh, did the pills get wet? What to do, how to help the animals (children's answers).

We have medicinal herbs.

Talk about the benefits of herbs.

- Let's make some tea.

Children grind grass, fill it with hot water, give water to animals.

- And we will treat the sick with vitamins. Tell me how animals can tell a lemon from an orange (children's answers).

Podmareva Liliya Khaydarovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 34 "Teremok"
Locality: city ​​of Dimitrovgrad
Material name: long term plan
Subject:"Perspective plan for the educational field of cognitive development in the middle group. Acquaintance with the environment"
Publication date: 11.07.2018
Chapter: preschool education

A long-term plan for the educational field of cognitive development. Acquaintance with the environment.





Methodical literature



Games, toys

Topic: What do I like to play?

To form children's ideas about toys, their purpose, essential features, about

the materials from which they are made. Show the history of the ball. Introduce

rules for handling metal toys, small toys and parts.

Cultivate respect for toys.

O.F. Gorbatenko


activities with children cf. WHO."

I myself

The theme is "My friends".

Form the concept of "friend", "friendship", cultivate positive relationships

between children, encouraging them to do good deeds.

Learn to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to each other.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina




Topic: “About kindergarten workers»

To expand and clarify children's ideas about kindergarten, the work of kindergarten employees.

Develop logical thinking, promote the development of imagination

respect for the work of kindergarten staff

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina


autumn world


Theme "Golden Autumn"

Target: to expand children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.

Continue to form elementary ecological ideas in children, expand

knowledge about autumn changes in nature. Develop curiosity,

observation, attention, thinking, (the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions),

musical creativity. Cultivate love and respect for the native

nature, to be able to see its beauty, the desire to preserve all living things.

Acquaintance with nature



their animals


Form children's ideas about home

animals. Develop the ability to recognize and name domestic animals (cow, horse,

sheep, pig, etc.) Develop the mental operation "generalization", dialogic speech.

Learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions, guess riddles. Nurture love

to animals.


“Well done. V



Subject: Fruits on store shelves. Expand children's understanding of fruits,

to form the ability to distinguish them in appearance, to teach to establish causal -

investigative connections on the example of fetal formation.


“Well done. V



Theme "What did autumn bring us?"

To acquaint with the name of vegetables, with the place of their cultivation; To form the ability of children

listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions;

simple offer; to acquaint with the stages of growing vegetables;

Develop the ability to describe vegetables;

Consolidate knowledge about color, shape, size; Develop children's speech, thinking, attention,

imagination and perception;

Acquaintance with nature



my fatherland


Subject: The country in which we live. The nature of Russia Consolidate children's knowledge of the name

country, its nature. To acquaint with a geographical map, to teach to "read" it. give to children

knowledge about the wealth of Russia, to educate the desire to preserve and increase them.

To instill in children a sense of pride in their country.

N.V. Aleshina


preschoolers with



their animals


Topic: Pet Talk

To form children's ideas about pets. Develop the ability to recognize and

name domestic animals (cow, horse, sheep, pig, etc.) Develop mental

operation "generalization", dialogical speech. Learn to participate in conversation

questions, riddles. Cultivate love for animals.


“Well done. V



animals, their


Theme: "Wild animals and their cubs."

R expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants, clarify children's knowledge about the life of wild

animals, their appearance and lifestyle;

to consolidate in the speech of children the general concept of wild animals; to expand ideas about

features of adaptation of animals to the environment; develop fine motor skills

hands and fingers; develop visual attention, mental and mental

processes. educate love and respect for the native nature.

Acquaintance with nature


O.A. p.41

Mothers Day


Theme: "My Dear Mom"





offers); Systematize children's ideas about the family, learn to name members



family. introduce




to express

(joy, tenderness);

Engage children in conversation; develop a dialogic form of speech;





enrichment basis







To educate children in a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards their mother, affection

child to the family, love and caring attitude towards family members.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina



Theme: "Winter"

To expand and concretize the idea of ​​winter, the phenomena of living and inanimate nature.

Refine vocabulary by topic (ice, snow, frost, go, blow, fall, white, cold, cold).

Improve the grammatical structure of speech. To consolidate the ability to draw a winter landscape,

using a cotton swab.

To develop children's speech activity, speech hearing, visual perception, attention,

general and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina



Topic: "Poultry"

Activation and consolidation of children's knowledge about poultry and their habitat.

Learn the names of poultry, what parts the body consists of, where they live, what they eat,

to deepen knowledge about the benefits of birds for people. - Enrichment of the verb and adjective

vocabulary. Development of attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Educate

the ability to treat birds humanely, to care for them.

Acquaintance with nature


O.A. p.43



Theme "Wintering Birds".

Introduce children to wintering birds (titmouse, bullfinch, sparrow, crow) explain

why these birds are called wintering. consolidate the general concept in the dictionary

"winter birds". To intensify the use of nouns, names in the speech of children

adjectives, verbs; develop thinking, coherent speech, auditory and visual

attention, fine motor skills, cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends,

lay the foundations for environmental education.


“Well done. V


New Year

Theme "Why did the Snow Maiden melt?"

Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow, ice. Learn to install

elementary cause-and-effect relationships: snow melts in the heat, water freezes in the cold.

Acquaintance with nature


O.A. page 45



The theme is "Know all about yourself, balloon."

Learn to distinguish the general characteristics of rubber based on surface structure, strength,

conductivity of air and water, elasticity, compare rubber with fabric.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina

Clothes, shoes



Theme "Journey into the past of clothing."

To acquaint children with the meaning and functions of clothing items necessary for life

person. Learn to establish a connection between the material and the way objects are used

clothes; lead to the understanding that a person creates garments to facilitate

vital activity. Develop the ability to navigate the past clothes.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina

fur coats


Theme "Fur coats for animals»

Summarize children's ideas about wild animals. Give children an idea of ​​"clothes"

animals, which helps to endure the cold winter, protects and disguises from enemies.

Introduce the characteristic features of animals. Develop speech, memory, thinking.

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher.

To form an interest in animals, a friendly attitude and a desire to help them.

Cultivate responsiveness, curiosity, evoke positive emotions.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina




Theme "Culture and traditions of the Russian people"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the name of the country in which they live, about its nature.

some historical events and culture. Introduce children to

the concept of "tradition", with the traditions of the Russian people.

To cultivate love for the Motherland, for the Russian people, respect for its traditions.


Geographic map, illustrations depicting the nature of Russia, books "Russian

folk tales", illustrations for fairy tales, products of folk arts and crafts,

bread, vegetables, cereals.

Acquaintance with nature


O.A. page 50



Theme "Winter and winter fun."

To consolidate children's knowledge about winter, winter phenomena; expand and activate vocabulary

stock on the topic "Winter, winter fun" through looking at pictures on the topic.

Improve coherent speech skills; learn to coordinate speech with movements; develop

expressiveness of speech and expressiveness of movements; develop logical thinking

attention, memory, imagination, to cultivate a tolerant attitude to the answers of children;



Theme "Professions of people"

Consolidate children's knowledge about professions; expand the horizons and cognitive interest of children

to professions: to form respect for the work of adults of different professions, to determine

the importance of these professions.

expand cognitive interest in professions, activate the verb in speech

dictionary; develop logical thinking, cognitive interest of children, their attention and

memory; to cultivate respect for the work of adults of various professions.

Materials and equipment: Pictures with images of professions; riddles pictures.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina



Strengthen children's knowledge of how to take care of their health. Contribute

expansion and deepening of children's competence about the importance of physical culture in

human life, to develop an understanding that physical education and sport are part of a healthy

lifestyle. To consolidate knowledge about safety rules when performing basic types

movements - do not touch, do not overtake, be able to keep a distance.

Develop the ability to listen to an adult, reason, draw conclusions.

interest in a healthy lifestyle, purposefulness

Acquaintance with nature


O.A. page 53



The theme is "Our army".

continue to shape the idea of ​​the army; about representatives of different branches of the military

(pilots, tankers, missilemen, infantrymen, sailors); about the features of service in peacetime

time; develop observation; instill a sense of pride in soldiers and a desire to be

similar to them.

Material: Illustrations depicting different types of troops, pictures depicting

military equipment, slides, presentation, music. records.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina



Theme "Dangerous objects".

the formation of ideas about potentially dangerous objects, to consolidate in children

an idea of ​​the objects with which they meet in everyday life, of their purpose;

Learn to classify objects: into dangerous and safe; according to the type of wounds that can

apply objects in case of careless handling of them;

expand and activate vocabulary;

Develop communication skills: the ability to participate in a dialogue;

To cultivate a caring attitude towards one's health, to the observance of safety rules;

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina




Theme "MOM'S day"

each person;

to cultivate a respectful and benevolent attitude towards mother, the ability to show about her

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina



The theme is "Journey to visit armchairs".

To acquaint children with the appointment of household items (stool, chair, armchair).

Develop a retrospective view of objects. Learn to identify certain features

objects (parts, form).

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina

fire department


Theme "Fire safety" Introduce children to fire hazards

create a sense of the danger of fire; bring to mind the idea that

that there are items that are strictly prohibited to use

(matches, gas stove, sockets, included appliances). Consolidate knowledge

children about the benefits and dangers of fire, what to do in case of fire. Cultivate careful

attitude towards your life.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina




Theme "Journey through the streets of the city"

Goal: Prevention of child road traffic injuries by increasing

level of knowledge on the rules of the road. To improve the idea of

safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city; Consolidate children's knowledge of the rules

traffic and the appointment of some road signs: "Pedestrian crossing",

"Underpass", "Elevated Passage", "Caution Children", "Bus Stop",

"Food point", "Hospital", "No entry"; Consolidate children's knowledge of the meaning

traffic signals; To fix the rules of behavior for pedestrians; develop attention,

thinking, imagination; Teaching children to find a way out of a problem

situations; To instill in children a sense of responsibility for personal safety,

respectful attitude to the Rules of the road and the desire to follow them.






Theme: "Spring"

To expand children's knowledge about the main signs of spring, to acquaint them with the first

primroses, show the impact of spring changes in nature on the life of forest animals

and plants, aim children at the follow-up observation of natural phenomena in spring,

continue to acquaint with the poems of Russian poets about the seasons.

Dictionary: thawed patches, primroses, drops, stream.

To develop aesthetic perception in children when they get acquainted with objects and phenomena

nature, to bring children to the understanding that the images of nature are reflected by writers,

poets, musicians, as well as in works of folk art.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina

Earth is our home,


Theme: Cosmonautics Day. To give children an idea about space and astronauts. Learn

answer questions using different types of simple and complex sentences,

improving the dialogical monologue speech of children. Cultivate respect for heroes

space, the desire to be like them, to develop cognitive interests in children.

N.V. Aleshina


preschoolers with



fairy tales

To consolidate children's knowledge about fiction, about Russian folk tales;

to form the ability to recognize familiar Russian folk tales and their heroes;

figurative speech of children, replenish their vocabulary. Develop memory, attention,

observation, logical thinking, imagination, fantasy; develop sound

culture of speech. To cultivate a culture of behavior, the ability to hear another; to educate

love for the book, respect for it.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina


Theme "Transport"

To expand the knowledge of children about modes of transport.

Activate vocabulary: passenger, freight, passenger, ground transport,

water, air.

Develop the ability to classify modes of transport according to the place of its movement -

ground, air, water; - Ability to reason and draw conclusions. Bring up

respect for others;

friendly relations;

desire to support friends, take care of them.

Acquaintance with nature


O.A. page 66

My motherland!

Theme "Our Motherland - Russia" Continue to form in children an idea of ​​​​Russia,

as a native country, respect for state symbols, civil

patriotic feelings. Learn to answer questions from an adult, build simple

common sentences, expand vocabulary with nouns

(parents, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, house, country, city, homeland) and names

adjectives (native, native, large, small) Develop attention and memory - recognize on

pictures of the flag and coat of arms, endurance, quick wit, resourcefulness, ability to comply

rules of the game. To educate in children: love for the Motherland; love for nature and careful

attitude towards her.

N.V. Aleshina


preschoolers with



Formation in children of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfish as living

creatures that live in the water. Formation of knowledge in children about the characteristic structure of fish -

body shape, fins, gills, etc.

Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Activation and

enriching children's vocabulary

Arouse a desire to take care of the riches of nature, to understand that only then in

there will be a lot of fish in reservoirs when the water in them becomes clear and each fish will have

opportunity to leave offspring

Cultivate an interest in nature.

, vegetable garden.Spring




Theme "The work of people in the spring

Clarify children's knowledge about the work of people in the spring in the garden. Expand ideas about

labor tools. Systematize knowledge about the landing process. Form practical

planting skills. Develop mental activity as a result of

assignments, riddles. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work, interest in

agricultural labor activity.

Material: tools used when working in the garden and in other activities (play

"What is superfluous?"); illustrations depicting tools, counting sticks; picture with

superimposed contour images of tools; plot illustrations "What

first, what then"; boxes with earth, onion seeds (onion sets), aprons for each child,

sticks, small watering cans.

Familiarization with

the outside world

O. V. Dybina

summer, flowers

The theme is "Summer".

To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, in the summer, about insects, their

structure, habitats, about wild berries and mushrooms; to consolidate the ability to guess riddles,

classify clothes according to the season, form adjectives from nouns,

self-evaluate their knowledge; develop communication skills; improve

general motor skills and coordination of movements; develop emotional responsiveness and

environmental education;

cultivate respect and love for nature.

Acquaintance with nature


O.A. page 59


O. V. Dybina "Introduction to the outside world", Solomennikova O.A. "Introduction to nature"

N.V. Aleshina “Introduction of preschoolers to the environment”, O.A. Voronkevich “Welcome. To ecology"