Parent meeting on teaching children traffic rules. Parent meeting on the topic: “Observe the rules of the road





Methodical development

parent meeting for 5th grade

according to the rules traffic

"Teach the child right

behave on the roads"

Performed: Golyanitskaya Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, teacher in English

MBOU "Secondary school No. 79"

Novokuznetsk district, 2012

Parent meeting on the Rules of the road for grade 5:

“Teach your child how to behave properly on the roads”

Target: organization joint activities parents and teachers on the prevention of child road traffic injuries, improving the culture of road users.


1. Encourage parents to think about the fact that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of their children.

2. Familiarize parents with the rules and reminders that contribute to the most effective assimilation of traffic rules.

Preparing for the meeting:

Parents of students a week before the meeting fill out a questionnaire for parents and pass through students class teacher for analysis. (Annex 1)

Making memos for parents "How to teach a child the rules of the road." (Annex 2)

Meeting plan.

    Speech by the propaganda team of the UID detachment.

    Relevance of the chosen topic.

    Survey results.

    Class teacher lecture.

    business game for parents "traps on the roads".

    Notes for parents.


Meeting progress:

    Speech by the propaganda team of the UID detachment.

1st: Dear parents! You are welcomed by the propaganda team of school No. 79 "Alarm" (slide No. 1)

And the road winds like a gray ribbon,

Windshield flooded with rain.

The driver never laughs behind the wheel,

After all, the pedestrian is the most important thing for him.

He is not afraid of rain or sleet,

Sharp turn and slope.

To not have to parents cry,

Let's take a closer look at the traffic lights.

2nd: We live in the age of speed, in the age of scientific and technological progress. High-speed cars rush along the roads, supersonic airliners fly in the air and spaceships, high-speed ships sail on the seas and oceans. Everyone around is in a hurry, in a hurry ...

3rd: One second... Is it a lot or a little? For a pedestrian, one second is a trifle, a step to take a step, but for a driver, one second is a very serious thing.

4th: As sometimes happens: the car is very close, and we cross the road. We are not aware that the driver will not have time to stop in time.

Don't wait for me mom

good son,

Your son will not return like yesterday.

I took to the road

When the car was running

The driver did not have time to apply the brakes ....

6th: Let's all say together today: "NO" (slide number 2)

This undeclared war on the roads: "NO"

2. Relevance of the chosen topic. (slide number 3)

Dear parents! At current vehicle speeds, public transport Most traffic accidents are caused by pedestrians (adults and children). These incidents are accompanied by injuries, and often lead to severe tragic consequences. Accordingly, more attention should be paid to the behavior of children on the road and it should be explained that pedestrians, along with drivers, are obliged to follow the rules of the road.

3. The results of the survey. (slide number 4) (appendix number 1)

Prior to the meeting, parents were given a questionnaire to fill out.

It consisted of 11 questions:


(Not really.)

2. (Not really.)

    From conversations.




    The parents themselves.

    Grandmother grandfather.



    Very rarely.

    We don't talk about this.

Other answers.

    Other measures (specify).

    I always comply.

    Not always.

    I do not comply.


    Sometimes it happens if we are in a hurry.

    Doesn't react at all.

4. Lecture of the class teacher. (slide number 5)

Do you want or don't you want...

But the point, comrades, is

First of all, you are parents,

And everything else - then!

Our task is to do everything necessary so that trouble does not come to your family. Learning the rules of the road requires knowledge from both children and their parents. It is necessary to teach children the ability to navigate in a traffic situation in a timely manner, to educate the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent. And parents - not to make the most common mistake - actions on the principle of "you can with me." If you show your child by example how to run on red, be sure that when left alone, he will try to repeat this trick. Dear parents! Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! Respect for the Rules of the Road, the habit of strictly observing them should be instilled in their children by parents. It is in our power to form the skills of safe behavior on the roads, to educate a conscious and competent pedestrian responsible for the life and health of road users. (slide number 6)

Today at the meeting, together, we must understand how Teach your child how to be safe on the road. (slide number 7)

Let me once again remind you of the main sections of traffic rules that a child should know: (slide number 8)

Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the road, he must be able to:

(slide number 9)

Watch the road. (slide number 10)

1. C early age the personal example of the parents should become the norm of behavior for the child. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents. (slide number 11)

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety.

(slide number 12)

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance.

4. Teach your child to judge the speed and direction of the car. Teach your child to identify which one is going straight and which one is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of inspecting the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk to the carriageway, as well as constantly assessing the traffic situation during a direct transition, should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully you need to inspect the street when on the opposite side is native home acquaintances or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Correctly assess the traffic situation.

One of the dangers is a standing car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to him. A standing car is deceiving: it can cover a moving car, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time. (slide number 13)

Rule number 1.

You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. IN last resort, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child behind the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Pay attention to the fact that the bus standing at the bus stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind! (slide number 14)

A standing bus, no matter how you go around it - in front or behind, closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. You have to wait for the bus to leave, but it would be best to walk to the nearest pedestrian crossing.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger! (slide number 15)

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the parked cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian can leave the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule #4

Always develop a habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule #5

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule #6

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with bright and kind. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that it is dangerous to sound a horn at the sight of a child running across the roadway. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your house.

5. Business game for parents "Traps on the roads".

Group work.

Now we will check how the parents learned what they heard and can teach the child how to behave in order to prevent accidents on the roads. Often traps await us, in which it is necessary to take timely correct solution.

Trap #1


(slide number 16)

Conclusion: Teach your child to be especially careful in this situation.


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Show your child similar situations, explain to him on the street why a slowly approaching car can hide danger!

Trap #3


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: The bus closes a section of the road. It is best to wait for the bus to leave and cross the road at the pedestrian crossing.

Trap number 4.


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: In the first moments, a car that has just passed often covers an oncoming car, under which a child can fall if, having missed the first car, he immediately runs across the road. Show a child on the road how a car that has just passed has obscured another going in the opposite direction, and explain to him how he should behave in such circumstances.

Trap #5


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: In places where there are no stopping platforms, you need to get off the tram only after the child is convinced of complete safety (cars have stopped and let people get off the tram).

Trap number 6.


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Even with a green traffic light, a pedestrian needs to see what is happening on the left and right! In the first seconds after turning on the green signal for pedestrians, late cars may pass. In addition, cars are allowed to turn at a green traffic light, although drivers are required to yield to a pedestrian, it is better to be careful. And, finally, on the street there are both inept and undisciplined drivers. Therefore, even with a green signal, the main thing is to observe and be ready to give way.

Trap number 7.

HURRY ON THE ROAD. (slide number 22)

What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: When a person is in a hurry, he thinks about one thing - how to gain time, manage to save a few seconds and forget about the danger. Before crossing the roadway, you should forget about the rush and remember only about the safety of the crossing.

    Reminder for parents. (Appendix No. 2)
We want you to remember everything that was said in this meeting. To do this, each of the parents will receive a "Reminder on traffic rules." Read it often and discuss different traffic situations with your children.

    Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

    Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how fast you are. Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign “Pedestrian crossing”.

    Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

    Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

    Do not leave the bushes or the car with your child without first examining the road - this typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

    Do not allow to play near the road and on the roadway. (slide number 23)


I am sure that if we continue such active work on this direction, students will visually memorize the rules of behavior on the road. Then we will avoid many dangerous situations and save the lives of our children. (slide №24, 25)

Application No. 1.


1. Does the family have their own transport?(Not really.)

2. Are there professional drivers in the family?(Not really.)

3. Where do you find out about traffic accidents involving children?

    At meetings in kindergarten, school.

    From conversations.

    Television, radio, print.

4. How does your child know the rules of the road?

    I think that he knows "5", "4", "3", "2".

5. How often does your child walk down the street alone?

6. Who taught the child to follow the rules of the road?



    The parents themselves.

    Grandmother grandfather.

7. How often do you tell your child about the need to follow the rules of the road?



    Very rarely.

    We don't talk about this.

Other answers.

8. Your child has become a fifth grader. What did you do to ensure that he crossed the road correctly?

    Shown the shortest and safe way from the school house.

    We walked along this path several times with the child, showing how to cross the road correctly.

    Other measures (specify).

9. Do you follow the Rules of the Road yourself?

    I always comply.

    Not always.

    I do not comply.

10. Do you break the Rules when you go with a child?


    Sometimes it happens if we are in a hurry.

    We do not pay attention to traffic lights or cars.

11. How does the child react to your violation?

    Doesn't react at all.

    Says we're going wrong.

    Requires that we go right.

Parent meeting on the topic:

" Traffic Laws".


    Organize joint activities of parents to prevent child road traffic injuries, improve the culture of road users.


    Encourage parents to think about the fact that compliance with traffic rules is

the most important thing is to save the life and health of their children.

    Draw the attention of parents to psychological aspect Problems.

    To acquaint parents with the methods of teaching traffic rules to children.

Preliminary work:

    Parent survey.

      • The most important sign in the world


      • Pedestrian must remember


    Preparing a report from the traffic police.

    Preparation of memos for parents.

Visual aids and materials:


    Questionnaires for parents

    Reminders for parents

Meeting plan.

    Relevance of the chosen topic

    Playing traffic situations, followed by analysis.

    Memo for parents on traffic rules.


6. Bottom line.

Meeting progress:

"Would you like to, would you like to...

But the point, comrades, is

First of all, you are parents,

And everything else - then!

    Relevance of the chosen topic

Hello dear parents!

Based on the results of the survey, I decided to gather you today for a meeting on the topic: "Rules of the road." The need for a meeting on the rules of the road is dictated by life itself. The terrible statistics of child mortality and health damage as a result of traffic accidents on the roads is simply appalling. This indicates the need to teach children the rules of the road.

More children die from transport injuries than from all other types of injuries. Disability is a common outcome of this type of injury. The largest number traffic injuries are caused by cars.

In our country, as well as throughout the world, the number of road accidents is increasing: according to statistics, every tenth victim of an accident is a child. More often this is due to non-compliance with the rules of the road: it is difficult for a child to understand what a braking distance is, what is the reaction time of the driver, what is the traffic flow. Children often suffer from a lack of understanding of the danger posed by a car.

Therefore, our task is to form the basis for the safe behavior of children on the road and teach them to read and write, the culture of behavior in transport.

It is important that parents be an example for children in observing the rules of the road.

Parents are an example for children in observing the rules of the road.

When you go out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.

Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Get off the bus or taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with a child from behind a car, bushes, without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Do not allow children to play near roads and on the roadway.


When going to school or returning home, your child will cross streets with heavy traffic. And we must not forget that all children tend to allow pranks, arrange games on the carriageway of the street, and this can lead to irreparable misfortune.

You need to instill in your son or daughter the habit of discipline, the ability to walk the streets independently. Without intimidating the child, tell them why it is dangerous to be inattentive, hurried on the street, explain that haste and carelessness often lead to accidents.

It would be very good if we could accompany the children to school and meet them after school. If this is not possible, be sure to find the safest route to school. Walk along it with your child several times and point him to dangerous areas. Explain why and where it is necessary to be especially careful and attentive, how to follow the traffic and give way to it. Practically show him how to cross the street correctly, explain the danger of games and pranks on the roadway.

Always serve as an example for children about the implementation of the Rules of the road!

    Parent survey results.

Recently, a survey was conducted among parents on the rules of the road, with general analysis I will introduce you to each question, and now I suggest that you answer the same questions, but in the form of a Game.

(In order to make the discussion of the issues of preventing child road traffic injuries with parents more meaningful and lively, such an active method of work is used - a game).

Children are the most common cause of road traffic accidents. This leads to ignorance of the elementary foundations of the rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. Left to themselves, children, especially younger age, take little into account real dangers on road. This is explained by the fact that they still do not know how to properly control their behavior. They are not able to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed, and overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out into the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They consider it quite natural to ride a children's bike onto the roadway or start here fun game. These dangers can be avoided only through appropriate upbringing and education of the child. Age features children will undoubtedly influence their behavior on the streets and roads.

Playing traffic situations.

ONLY STARTING from the age of 7

Children can more confidently distinguish right side road from the left.

STARTING from the age of 8

They are already half-experienced walkers;

They can determine where the noise is coming from;

They learn to understand the relationship between the size of an object, its distance and time.

They can refuse the initiated action, that is, having stepped on the roadway, return to the sidewalk again;

But they still fail to recognize dangerous situations.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the roads, he should be able to:

watch the road
correctly assess the traffic situation in all its variability;
see, listen, anticipate, avoid danger.

    Watch the road.

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also to teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents.

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety.

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance.

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to identify which one is going straight and which one is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of looking at the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk into the carriageway should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully it is necessary to examine the street when there is a home on the opposite side, acquaintances, or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

    Accurately assess the traffic situation

Main danger- standing car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to him. A standing car is deceiving: it can cover a moving car, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time.

Rule number 1.

You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child behind the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Pay attention to the fact that the bus standing at the bus stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind!

A standing bus, no matter how you go around it - in front or behind, closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger!

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the parked cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian can leave the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule #4

Always develop a habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule #5

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule #6

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with bright and kind. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that it is dangerous to sound a horn at the sight of a child running across the roadway. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

Rule #7

Pay your child's attention to the seasonal features of the transition of streets and roads - snowfall, rain, fog, ice, leaf fall, and other dangerous weather phenomena. Teach him to be especially careful on the roads on rainy days.

Rule #8

Explain to the child the rules of behavior in public transport, the rules of behavior for a pedestrian.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your house. Take care of your children, their safety in advance!

Reminder for parents.



In conclusion, it should be noted that study of traffic rules just as necessary as the acquisition of knowledge in mathematics, the alphabet. After all, the safety of our children's lives is as important as theirs. intellectual development, and even much more significant.

When teaching a child the Rules of the Road, an adult must himself clearly understand what needs to be taught and how to do it more effectively. He himself must be well versed in traffic situations. Therefore, you should not only analyze your life experience in advance, but also study the necessary literature on the topic “Rules of the road”.

What and, most importantly, how well we will teach the child, what skills of safe behavior on the street we will instill in him, and will protect him all his life.

Parent meeting on the rules of the road

“Teach your child how to behave properly on the roads”

Target: organization of joint activities of parents and teachers to prevent child road traffic injuries, improve the culture of road users.


Encourage parents to think about the fact that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of their children.

To acquaint parents with some rules and memos that contribute to the most effective assimilation of traffic rules.

Preparing for the meeting:

Parents of students a week before the meeting fill out a questionnaire for parents and pass it through the students to the class teacher for analysis. (Annex 1)

Making memos for parents "How to teach a child the rules of the road." (Annex 2)

Preparing a multimedia presentation, preparing props for business games. (Annex 3)

Meeting plan.

    Relevance of the chosen topic.

    Survey results.

    Lecture of teachers.

    Business game for parents "Traps on the roads".

    Notes for parents.


    Task for parents.

Meeting progress:

1. Relevance of the chosen topic.

(Slide number 1) The need for a meeting on the rules of the road is dictated by life itself. The terrible statistics of child mortality and health damage as a result of traffic accidents on the roads is simply appalling. Every year they die on the roads a large number of of people. Some accidents are the fault of motorists, others are the fault of pedestrians. But the result is the same - someone's lost life, tragedy and grief for loved ones. So, for the first half of 2014, 105 children suffered in the Stavropol Territory. (slide No. 2, 3)

2. Survey results.

Prior to the meeting, parents were given a questionnaire to fill out.

It consisted of 5 questions:

The results of the survey (slide number 4):

1. Do you introduce your child to the rules of the road?

9 people out of 9 answered yes.

2. At what age did you introduce him to them:

From 3 years old - 2 people.

From 4 years old - 2 people.

From 5 years old - 2 people.

From 6 years old - 3 people.

3. Have you shown your child a safe route from home to school and back?

9 people out of 9 answered yes.

4 people answered yes.

5 people answered "no"

5. Does it sometimes happen that your child “teaches” you a lesson in road safety?

9 people out of 9 answered yes.

3. Lecture of the teacher.

(slide number 5)

The song sounds.

Do you want or don't you want...

But the point, comrades, is

First of all, you are parents,

And everything else - then!

Our task is to do everything necessary so that trouble does not come to your family. Learning the rules of the road requires knowledge from both children and their parents. It is necessary to teach children the ability to navigate in a traffic situation in a timely manner, to educate the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent. And parents - not to make the most common mistake - actions on the principle of "you can with me." If you show your child by example how to run on red, be sure that when left alone, he will try to repeat this trick. Dear parents! Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same! Respect for the Rules of the Road, the habit of strictly observing them should be instilled in their children by parents. It is in our power to form the skills of safe behavior on the roads, to educate a conscious and competent pedestrian responsible for the life and health of road users. (slide number 6)

Today at the meeting we must convey to you the idea that only through the joint efforts of teachers and parents can Teach your child how to be safe on the road.(slide number 7)

After analyzing quite a lot of traffic accidents in which children were injured, the traffic police found that 80% of the accidents occurred within a radius of one kilometer from the child's place of residence. That is, in those places where the guys should have a good knowledge of the traffic conditions, the places of pedestrian crossings.

Let me once again remind you of the basic rules that a child should know (slide number 8):

1. Basic terms and concepts of the rules.

2. Obligations of pedestrians.

3. Obligations of passengers.

4. Traffic regulation.

5. Traffic lights.

6. Warning signals.

7. Movement through railway tracks.

8. Traffic in residential areas and transportation of people.

9. Features of cycling.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

So that your child does not create a dangerous situation on the roads, he must be able to (slide number 9):

observe behind the road;
correctly assess road conditions in all its variability;
see, listen, anticipate, avoid danger.

Watch the road slide number 10 ).

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also to teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents. (slide number 11)

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety. (slide number 12)

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance. (slide number 13)

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to identify which car is going straight and which is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of looking at the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk into the carriageway should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully it is necessary to examine the street when there is a home on the opposite side, acquaintances, or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Accurately assess the traffic situation

The main danger is a standing car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to him. A standing car is deceiving: it can cover a moving car, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time. (slide number 14)

Rule number 1.

You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child behind the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Pay attention to the fact that the bus standing at the bus stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind! (slide number 15)

A standing bus, no matter how you go around it - in front or behind, closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger! (slide number 16)

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the parked cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian can leave the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule number 4 (slide number 17)

Always develop a habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule number 5 (slide number 18)

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule number 6 (slide number 19)

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with bright and kind. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that it is dangerous to sound a horn at the sight of a child running across the roadway. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your house.

4. Business game for parents "Traps on the roads".

(slide number 20)

Group work.

Now we will check how the parents learned what they heard and can teach the child how to behave in order to prevent accidents on the roads. Often, traps await us, in which it is necessary to make the right decision in a timely manner.

Trap #1


Conclusion: Teach your child to be especially careful in this situation.

Trap #2


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: "The car is moving slowly, I will have time to run across," the child thinks... and gets hit by a car. Show your child similar situations, explain to him on the street why a slowly approaching car can hide danger!

Trap #3


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Where is it most dangerous to cross the street: in the stop zone or at the intersection? Ask this question to your child. Usually children say: "It's more dangerous at the crossroads." This is wrong. Three times more children are hit by a car in a stop zone than at an intersection.

Trap number 4.


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Children get hit by cars in typical road traps. Don't cross the road without making sure you are safe. Wait for the full review.

Trap #5


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: In the first moments, a car that has just passed often covers an oncoming car with itself. A child can get under it if, having missed the first car, he immediately runs across the road. Show a child on the road how a car that has just passed has obscured another going in the opposite direction, and explain to him how he should behave in such circumstances.

5. Memo for parents.(slide number 28, 29)

We want you to remember everything that was said in this meeting. To do this, each of the parents will receive a "Reminder on traffic rules." Read it often and discuss different traffic situations with your children.

6. Reflection.

Business game. (slide number 30)

Continue the phrase: Today I will once again remind my child that ...

7. Task for parents.

Once again show your child the dangerous places on the way home from school. (Slide No. 31, 32)

I am sure that if we carry out such active work in this direction, students will clearly remember the rules of behavior on the road. Then we will avoid many dangerous situations and save the lives of our children. (slide number 33)

Application No. 1.

Questionnaire for parents.

Do you teach your child the rules of the road?

At what age did you introduce him to them?

Have you shown your child a safe route from home to school and back?

Does it sometimes happen that your child “teaches” you a lesson in road safety?

Application number 2.

Reminder for parents.

    Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

    Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how fast you are. Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign “Pedestrian crossing”.

    Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

    Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

    Do not leave the bushes or the car with the child without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

    Do not allow to play near the road and on the carriageway.

Application number 3.

Presentation CD.


1. Derekleeva, N.I. Parent meetings [Text] / N.I. Derekleeva. - M.: VAKO, 2004. - 240 p.

2. Kovalko, V.I. A game modular course on traffic rules or a student went out into the street. Grades 1-4 [Text] / V.I. Kovalko.- M .: VAKO, 2006. - 192 p.

3. Polyakov, V.V. Fundamentals of life safety [Text] /

V.V. Polyakov // Textbook for general education educational institutions. 2-4 classes. Part I. - M.: DROFA, 1997. - 87 p.

Navoeva Irina Ivanovna
Parent meeting on the topic: "Observe the rules of the road!"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Trubchevsky kindergarten combined type "Crane"

Parent meeting on the topic:


Navoeva Irina Ivanovna

2012 – 2013 academic year year

Work with parents for prevention

children's road- transport injury

Not a little important role plays work with parents for the prevention of childhood road- transport injury. Conversations with parents showed that the vast majority parents do not know the rules of the road or do not think about the importance of transferring knowledge about rules behavior in in public places to my children. many parents the psychophysiological features of the behavior of children in road environment, the main causes of accidents and accidents. That's why parents it is necessary to disclose the causes and conditions conducive to road- transport accidents (accident) with the participation of children. Parents must know the dangerous places around the house, child care facilities, where their children walk on their own.

Some parents experience difficulties in raising and teaching children safe behavior on the streets and roads. They need pedagogical councils. Therefore, organizing the educational process with pupils, the teacher additional education should also ensure work with parents for prevention.

This manual offers one of the options for working with parents for the prevention of childhood road- transport injury - Parent meeting:

Abstract parent meeting

« Obey the rules of the road

Target: organize joint activities parents, teachers of additional education on the prevention of child road-transport injuries, improve the culture of participants traffic.


1. Introduce parents With preventive work children's association.

2. Activate knowledge parents about the peculiarities of teaching children traffic rules.

3. Form readiness parents to cooperate with teachers of additional education on the development of safe behavior skills in children.

4. Encourage parents to think about, What compliance Traffic rules are the most important thing for saving lives and their children's health.

5. Familiarize parents and students with some rules and reminders, contributing to the most effective assimilation of traffic rules.

Equipment and materials:

1. Cards with tasks for games with parents.

2. Reminders for parents"How to teach a child traffic rules»

Meeting progress:

Introductory speech of the additional teacher education:

Today's meeting is dedicated to important issue– educating our children in safe behavior skills city ​​roads.

There may be a question: why explain to children features traffic if the baby still passes road by only holding an adult's hand?

But we must always remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long process. It is today that a child walks everywhere hand in hand with his mother, and tomorrow he will become independent.

So the work of educating children rules competent behavior on the street, in nature and at home is the work of more than one day. In order for it to bring results, one lesson or conversation with children is not enough. The work must be systematic. And one more important requirement: children are not satisfied with only theoretical knowledge, they must apply it in practice.

And if we give theoretical knowledge to children in the classroom on the subject "The world", then their practical manifestation falls entirely on your shoulders.

In the children's association "Semitsvetik" work is underway on this issue and is integral part integrated program children's association.

This mainly concerns classes on familiarization with the outside world, familiarization with fiction, speech development.

The work is carried out in several sections, and exactly:

"Lessons of Caution", which explains what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people; that not always pleasant appearance coincides with good intentions and what behavior should be chosen in a difficult situation.

- "Alone at home"– flammable objects, sharp and heavy objects, balcony, open window and other household hazards. Also, the ability to use the phone in emergency situations.

- "Baby in the Street"Traffic Laws, rules behavior in transport, if the child is lost, orientation in the area.

In order to better assimilate the material in our work, we use various didactic aids, footage, games (suggested parents for information) .

Dear parents! At current speeds car traffic, public transport most road-traffic accidents are caused by pedestrians (adults and children). These incidents are accompanied by injuries, and often lead to severe tragic consequences.

To avoid them, more attention should be paid to the behavior of the guys on the street. Explain again to your child that many cars, buses, motorcycles and scooters drive through the streets of our city. Therefore, being on the street, one must always be careful and follow Traffic Laws. On their way, some guys have to cross the streets of our city with intense traffic. So help the kids choose the safest route.

In everyday life, we try to be polite to each other, but when stepping on road When we sit behind the wheel of a car, we become different, as if we are reborn. "Not a tram - go around", - the pedestrian convinces himself by crossing road in front of oncoming traffic. The driver has an opinion about the pedestrian at all other: "Not a pole - it will depart", and as a result statistics harvests traffic accidents related to pedestrian collisions. Pedestrians, as well as drivers, must follow the rules of the road. Both adults and children should be aware of this.

Raising children's safe behavior skills preschool age we carry out on the basis of the desire of the child to learn the world, using his curiosity, activity in matters of knowledge of the environment.

All work is done through:

Organized activities for children - classes, excursions, practical exercises, exhibition of drawings on traffic rules, participation in competitions on traffic rules;

Joint activities of adults and children - observation conversations, artistic work, reading fiction, watching thematic videos;

free independent activity children - plot - role-playing games that help to comprehend behavior rules are taught to accept correct decision in extreme situation, bring up the desire to help another person.

Children's association team "Semitsvetik" repeatedly took part in regional competitions on traffic rules, taking prizes.

Currently, a huge number of books and albums, cartoons, games have appeared on store shelves, but without the help of adults and their personal example, the essence of this knowledge will remain only in the pictures, and will not be deposited in the mind of the child and will not enter into everyday life baby. Therefore, dear parents, I would like to ask you to take the time to look at the book, talk with the child, discuss this or that situation, because the safety of our children is in our hands and how we prepare him to meet with possible difficulties depends, perhaps not only health but also the life of a child.

And now we will introduce you to some of the techniques that we use in working with children. We invite you to participate in an interactive game of traffic rules.

Interactive game.

In our game, you need to go through two levels difficulties: child and adult. So here we go!

The children's level is called "Through the mouth of a baby". The conditions of this game are similar to the TV show of the same name. If the word is guessed on the first try, players get 5 points. Each next clue deprives the participants of one point.

It is multicolored.

It looks like a stick.

They point to someone and he stops.

It alternates between black and white.

The traffic police officer does not part with him. (Wand)

There are many in the city.

He is different.

When you are on it, you cannot yawn.

It often has traffic lights.

Everyone is looking around him. (Crossroad)

You rarely see him, but he is there.

When I grow up, I will be.

He keeps waving, turns to different sides or whistle.

Everyone listens to him.

It stands when the traffic light is not working. (Adjuster).

It's kind of long.

It is multi-colored, and sometimes one color.

Before him, there is still a warning sign that he will be.

If it is, then there is an iron road.

If it is raised, then you can go. (Barrier)

In winter it is not visible, but in summer it is painted.

She is colorful.

Someone walks on it, someone stops in front of it.

Looks like a horse.

Like a vest. (Zebra)

It's something very high.

He is different.

He has three eyes.

Everyone is looking at him.

The eyes light up in turn. (Traffic light)

PDO: Congratulations children's level successfully passed and we are moving to the adult level.

I will ask questions and you will answer. For every correct answer parent gets token.

What brands of Russian cars do you know?

Where should a pedestrian move on a suburban road?

Why is it dangerous to run road in front of oncoming traffic?

What is a traffic light for, what signals does it give?

How to cross the street after exiting the transport?

What is a pedestrian crossing?

How and where should you cross the street?

Who is called a passenger?

What types passenger transport You know?

What traffic signals prohibit pedestrian and vehicle movement?

What does a yellow traffic light mean?

Where is the traffic light installed?

What is an intersection?

What groups are divided into road signs?

In what order are light signals traffic light?

What not to do while riding a bike? (backup question).

Let's sum up. Whoever has more tokens, we invite you to take part in the main roles on our thematic session according to traffic rules.

On this our interactive game ends. Congratulations! You have successfully passed all tests traffic rules.

As mentioned above, Traffic Laws the same for children and adults. Unfortunately, they are written in "adult" language without any consideration for children. That's why the main task educators and parents- easy to explain rules for the child, and when choosing a form of education, convey to children the meaning, danger non-compliance with the rules without distorting their content. Only through the joint efforts of teachers and parents using their knowledge, patience and tact, it is possible to teach our children the skills to safely deal with the complex world of street crossing and roads.

Summarizing meetings

Summing up meetings, I would like to emphasize that the task of adults (us, teachers, and you, parents) is not only to protect and protect the child, but also to prepare him for a meeting with various difficult, and sometimes dangerous life situations.

Request to parents to speak out(write) about how helpful it was for you Parent meeting.

Bibliographic list of literature for teachers

1. Grekhnev V. S. Culture pedagogical communication. - M., 1990.

2. Dontsov AI Psychology of the team. - M., 1984.

3. Zavelsky Yu. V. Education by culture // To educate a person. – M.: Ventana-Graff, 2002. – p. 194-201.

4. Kapterev P. F. Tasks and fundamentals family education. Encyclopedia of family education and training. Issue. 1. - St. Petersburg, 1913

5. Mustakova O. A. Learning to live in safety. - Yekaterinburg, 2004. - 98 p.

6. Sukhomlinsky V. A. On pedagogical culture parents. - M., 1986.

7. Sukhomlinsky, V. A. Wisdom parental love . M., 1988. - S. 37-61.

8. Frolov M. P., Spiridonov V. F. Security on the streets and roads: Textbook for students in grades 5-6. - M.: 1997.- 80 p.

9. Fromm A. ABC for parents. - L., 1991.

10. Furutran A. A. Fathers, mothers, children: Practical Tips parents. - M., 1992.

11. Hämäläinen Y. Education parents: concepts, directions and perspectives: Book. for educators children. garden and parents. – M.: Enlightenment, 1993. – 107 p. ; ill. ; 20 cm - extra. tit. l. - Hels. Ed. - fin. ISBN 5-09-003960-7 Ciphers in RSL: 2 93-12/484-6 and 2 93-12/485-4

12. Shagraeva O. A. The way of life of the family and mental development child. - M., 1995.

13. Shcherbakova S. N. Formation of psychological and pedagogical culture parents: Abstract. Dis. cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / Mosk. Ped. state un-t. M., 1998. - 18 p. Ciphers in RSL: 9 99-1/1545-1 and 9 99-1/1546-X

Bibliographic list of references for parents

1. Astakhov P. A. I and road. -M.:, 2009.- 128 p. - (Children about law)

2. Astakhov P. A. Me and the street. -M.: 2009.- 96 p. - (Children about law)

3. Brooks R., Goldstein S. How to raise a disciplined child. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 320 p.:ill. -(Series "You and your child")

4. Sinitsina E. I. Clever Tales. Series "Through play - to perfection". - M.: "Sheet". 1999 - 168s.

5. Davydov VV Types of generalization in teaching. – M.: Pedagogy, 1972. – 423 p.

6. Davydov VV Problems of developmental education. - M., 1986.

7. Kind childhood road:Newspaper. 2009 - 2011

8. Introducing the bookstore graphics: Great art - small: Proc. - visually. Benefit. Auth. - comp. N. A. Kurochkina. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2001. - 15, p. l. col. Il., 29 cm. - (Program library "Childhood"). – ISBN 5-89814-103-0 Preparing preschool children for school. Cipher in RSL: 3 01-56/97-4

Kline V. How to prepare a child for life. - M. -L., 1991.

9. Lukashkina M. M. There are two on the fence cat: Numbers Masha Lukashkina; Artistic Elizaveta Dvorkina, Muse Sokolov. - M.: Shk. Press, 2001. - 16 p. col. ill., 26 cm. - ( preschool education And education: App. to the journal "Education of schoolchildren" Vol. 13). - (Series "Teaching without torment"). - ISBN 5-9219-0061-3 Development mathematical representations. Cipher in RSL: 3 01-23/160-7

10. Orlova D. Traffic Laws for students and toddlers. - St. Petersburg, 2007.- 16 p., ill.

11. Traffic Laws Russian Federation. - M.: 2011.

12. Svetlova I. E. Attention: A manual for game boards. training provided parents and educators. /Inna Svetlova; Il. Nadezhda Vorobieva. - M.: EKSMO-Press, 2002. - p. col. ill. 14 cm - ISBN 5-04-008896-5 Code in RSL: 10 01-1/1264-1

13. Encyclopedia of trainers riddles: [For children 5-6 years old]: [For preschoolers. age]: [Math. Rus. lang. Reading] [Yu. V. Gurin]. - St. Petersburg: Neva; M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2002. - 381, p. col. ill. 29 cm - On the region: A program for the development and education of a preschooler. - ISBN 5-7654-2484-8 Cipher in RSL: 3 02-51/161-X

Parent meeting on the rules of the road

“Teach your child how to behave properly on the roads”

Target: organization of joint activities of parents and teachers to prevent child road traffic injuries, improve the culture of road users.


Encourage parents to think about the fact that compliance with traffic rules is the most important thing for preserving the life and health of their children.

To acquaint parents with some rules and memos that contribute to the most effective assimilation of traffic rules.

Meeting progress:

1. Relevance of the chosen topic.

(Slide number 1) The need for a meeting on the rules of the road is dictated by life itself. The terrible statistics of child mortality and health damage as a result of traffic accidents on the roads is simply appalling. A large number of people die on the roads every year. Some accidents are the fault of motorists, others are the fault of pedestrians. But the result is the same - someone's lost life, tragedy and grief for loved ones. So, for the first half of 2014, 105 children suffered in the Stavropol Territory. (slide No. 2, 3)

2. Survey results.

Prior to the meeting, parents were given a questionnaire to fill out.

It consisted of 5 questions:


3. Lecture of the teacher.

The song sounds.

Do you want or don't you want...

But the point, comrades, is

First of all, you are parents,

And everything else - then!

Today at the meeting we must convey to you the idea that only through the joint efforts of teachers and parents can Teach your child how to be safe on the road.(slide number 7)

After analyzing quite a lot of traffic accidents in which children were injured, the traffic police found that 80% of the accidents occurred within a radius of one kilometer from the child's place of residence. That is, in those places where the guys should have a good knowledge of the traffic conditions, the places of pedestrian crossings.

Let me once again remind you of the basic rules that a child should know (slide number 8):

1. Basic terms and concepts of the rules.

2. Obligations of pedestrians.

3. Obligations of passengers.

4. Traffic regulation.

5. Traffic lights.

6. Warning signals.

7. Movement through railway tracks.

8. Traffic in residential areas and transportation of people.

9. Features of cycling.

Remember! The child learns the laws of the road, taking an example from family members and other adults. Take the time to teach your children how to behave on the road.

To prevent your child from creating a dangerous situation on the roads, he must be able to:

observe behind the road;
correctly assess road conditions in all its variability;
see, listen, anticipate, avoid danger.

Watch the road slide number 10 ).

1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also to teach them to observe and navigate from a very early age. It should be borne in mind that the main way to form behavioral skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents. (slide number 11)

2. While on the road with your child, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. Otherwise, you will teach to rush where you need to observe and ensure safety. (slide number 12)

3. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes the child does not notice the car from afar. Teach him to look into the distance. (slide number 13)

4. Teach your child to estimate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to identify which car is going straight and which is preparing to turn.

5. Teach your child to look. The habit of looking at the street in both directions before taking the first step from the sidewalk into the carriageway should be brought to automaticity. Especially carefully it is necessary to examine the street when there is a home on the opposite side, acquaintances, or when a child crosses the street with other children - it is in these cases that it is easy not to notice the car.

Accurately assess the traffic situation

The main danger is a standing car.

Why? Yes, because having seen the approaching car in advance, the pedestrian will give way to him. A standing car is deceiving: it can cover a moving car, it prevents you from noticing the danger in time. (slide number 14)

Rule number 1.

You can not go out on the road because of the parked cars. In extreme cases, you need to carefully look out from behind a parked car, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross the street. Watch with your child behind the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and pay attention to the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing car. Pay attention to the fact that the bus standing at the bus stop also makes it difficult to see the car moving behind it.

Rule #2

Do not bypass the standing bus either in front or behind! (slide number 15)

A standing bus, no matter how you go around it - in front or behind, closes a section of the road along which, at the moment when you decide to cross it, a car can pass. In addition, people near the stop are usually in a hurry and forget about safety. We have to wait until the bus leaves.

Rule #3

And at the traffic lights you can meet the danger! (slide number 16)

Children often reason like this: “The cars are still standing, the drivers see me and let me through.” They are wrong. Immediately after turning on the green signal for drivers, a car that was not visible behind the parked cars and whose driver does not see the pedestrian can leave the crossing. If the green traffic light for pedestrians goes out, you need to stop. The child must not only wait for the right light, but also make sure that all the cars have stopped.

Rule number 4 (slide number 17)

Always develop a habit in your child before going out onto the road, even if there are no cars on it, to stop, look around, listen - and only then cross the street.

Rule number 5 (slide number 18)

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.

Rule number 6 (slide number 19)

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with bright and kind. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, that it is dangerous to sound a horn at the sight of a child running across the roadway. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car. Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

So, if you teach your children to follow these basic rules of behavior on the roads, then trouble will not come to your house.

4. Business game for parents "Traps on the roads".

Group work.

Now we will check how the parents learned what they heard and can teach the child how to behave in order to prevent accidents on the roads. Often, traps await us, in which it is necessary to make the right decision in a timely manner.

Trap #1


Trap #2


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Trap #3


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Trap number 4.


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Children get hit by cars in typical road traps. Don't cross the road without making sure you are safe. Wait for the full review.

Trap #5


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Business game.

Continue the phrase: Today I will once again remind my child that ...

I am sure that if we carry out such active work in this direction, students will clearly remember the rules of behavior on the road. Then we will avoid many dangerous situations and save the lives of our children.

Questionnaire for parents.

1. Do you introduce your child to the rules of the road?


2. At what age did you introduce him to them?

3. Have you shown your child a safe way from home to school and back?



5. Does it sometimes happen that your child "teaches" you a lesson in safe behavior on the road?


Reminder for parents.

Do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. When you go out onto the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how fast you are. Cross the road only in places marked with a road sign “Pedestrian crossing”.

Get out of the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him the cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not leave the bushes or the car with the child without first examining the road - this is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Do not allow to play near the road and on the carriageway.

Trap #1


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Teach your child to be especially careful in this situation.

Trap #2


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: "The car is moving slowly, I will have time to run across," the child thinks... and gets hit by a car. Show your child similar situations, explain to him on the street why a slowly approaching car can hide danger!

Trap #3


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: Where is it most dangerous to cross the street: in the stop zone or at the intersection? Ask this question to your child. Usually children say: "It's more dangerous at the crossroads." This is wrong. Three times more children are hit by a car in a stop zone than at an intersection.

Trap number 4.


What should be explained to the child in this situation? Conclusion: Children get hit by cars in typical road traps. Don't cross the road without making sure you are safe. Wait for the full review.

Trap #5


What should be explained to the child in this situation?

Conclusion: In the first moments, a car that has just passed often covers an oncoming car with itself. A child can get under it if, having missed the first car, he immediately runs across the road. Show a child on the road how a car that has just passed has obscured another going in the opposite direction, and explain to him how he should behave in such circumstances.