How to calm a baby when he cries? What to do for parents during children's tantrums

You may not like the idea of ​​being wrapped in a diaper. But for a screaming and restless baby, swaddling makes you feel like you're back in a cramped, familiar, and comforting womb.

Often one of the most important questions when it comes to swaddling is how much to swaddle? The answer is tight enough so that the baby cannot squirm, but the legs and arms should have some freedom.

Swaddling Articles:

  • Change of position

If you're cradling a baby on their back and that doesn't work, try a different position. can pass if you lower the baby's head on the forearm. Pressure on the tummy will help relieve discomfort.

  • appeasement

Babies have a strong sucking instinct. So see if the nipple will soothe your baby. An unexpected bonus is that studies have found an interesting fact - the pacifier can help prevent the sudden death of an infant during sleep.

  • T - s - s - s - s ...

Whispering in close proximity to a child's ear can really calm him down. Don't be too timid. The child should hear you behind his own cry.

  • take a ride

Babies in the womb get used to frequent movement. An imitation of this, or a real walk, can make him fall asleep. Rocking movements in a cradle or rocking chair can create the right sensations. Some parents take their children in a car around the neighborhood. But beware of driving if you are exhausted.

  • Massage

Remember that your touch can calm the child. Many babies love skin contact. There is evidence that children who get massages regularly cry less and sleep better. Simply undress your child and use slow, rhythmic strokes all over the body.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...


  • Carry your child

Our ancestors, as babies, spent most of the day hanging in special loops on the backs or chests of their mothers. When you place your colicky baby in a sling, he may snuggle up very close to you. And this is able to lull him, so he will sleep peacefully while you are moving (going to the store, for a walk, or doing household chores). A sling can also give your tired arms a rest and free them up to make your own sandwich.

  • Belching

A crying baby can swallow a lot of air. This can aggravate gas formation, and make his cry louder.

Try to induce a burp by gently tapping the baby's back. The classic position is with the baby's head on your shoulder. But this way it can stain your back.

Other methods: Place the baby on your lap, or sit on one of your hands and support his chest and head with the other.

  • Take a breather

Comforting a child night after night is a terribly difficult task. It's normal to feel overwhelmed. If nothing seems to be working anymore, take a break. Give your child to your spouse or family member.

When this isn't possible, remember that it's okay to let your baby scream a little in the crib while you pull yourself together.

Most importantly, remember: this is not your fault, and this is not forever. It's just that some babies are just more prone to crying.

On the topic of crying and tantrums:

  • (part 2)

From the very moment of his birth to the development of speech, crying is the only acoustic way in which a child can convey his requests or indignations to adults. For an infant, crying actually replaces a conversation - through it, he reports that something is bothering him. Crying is not needed at all in order to temper character or train the lungs. On the contrary, it strains the children's nervous system, makes the baby doubt the friendliness and safety of the world. And too long crying can even cause direct harm to the child - cause an umbilical hernia.
Babies cry regularly, however, the more parents communicate with them, the less intensity, frequency and duration of crying become. According to statistics, the most “tearful” time of day is the interval from 16 to 20 hours.

What to do if the baby cries a lot?

You should immediately react to the crying of the baby: take it in your arms, put it on your chest and start rocking it, and in general, use any available way to calm it down. The quickest baby calms down in the mother's arms. Then eliminate all possible inconvenience for him. At the same time, the mother herself must demonstrate calmness to the baby, then her confidence will be transferred to him. Gradually, mom will learn to distinguish between different types of crying.
The child, by the way, and the father can and should be trusted more often. Often, boys calm down much faster in the arms of their father than in their mother. Perhaps men react more calmly to children's crying and therefore convey their equanimity to crumbs.
You should not be afraid of getting used to the child's hands. Crying always reflects a real problem. A crying child is experiencing stress, and parents should alleviate his well-being in any way. After a month, the baby is already forming a mode of feeding, sleeping and waking, so the cause of crying can already be associated with the time when it occurs.

How to calm babies up to 3 months?

Harvey Karp Method

What are the causes of crying in very tiny children? Frustration or fear? Parents who are tired of long motion sickness and chronic lack of sleep can try the technique of the American Harvey Karp.
First, according to the old tradition, the baby must be tightly swaddled, pressing his hands to the body so that the fabric slightly squeezes the baby's body. The baby will perceive such a position as a presence in the mother's womb, cramped, but warm and calm. You also need to dim the lights in the room for a more comfortable environment and put the baby next to you. Even if the diaper does not help, then the baby needs to be turned on its side, put the forearm under the head and put the palm on the tummy. The baby will lean forward slightly. In this position, he will calm down faster, since he was almost also located in the womb. The mother's palm, slightly pressing on the intestines of the crumb, relieves him of discomfort and colic.
If the baby continues to whimper, then you can rock him. You need to press it with your back to your body, and support the head with your palm. Then the baby will lie sideways on the arm, and from below it can be supported with the second hand to keep it in this position. Walking slowly around the room or standing still, the child needs to be rocked as if he were in a cradle. The movements should be smooth, with a small amplitude, so that they resemble the fluctuations in the mother's womb when she turns in bed or walks.
While in the uterus, the fetus hears the work of the mother's intestines, and a muffled noise from the outside in the form of an indistinct hiss reaches him. Therefore, even restless and capricious babies calm down when they hear the hiss of their mother rocking them. First, she says “Shhh” loudly to get the attention of the crumbs, and then she turns down the volume as the baby calms down.
Sometimes babies are silent, but they are not going to sleep. Then, in order to avoid repeated tantrums, you need to use the strong sucking reflex that 3-6 month old babies have and offer the child a dummy or breast. The baby is silent for a while, giving the mother the opportunity to rest from his cry. This technique is effective for children no older than 3-4 months. Swaddling with motion sickness is often sufficient. Well, if the baby continues the tantrum, then you can use all of the above methods at once.

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Causal actions

Since young parents are still bad at guessing the needs of the baby, they may miss some details of his “signals”. Creases on the sheet, a too hard mattress, a slipped blanket, irritation unnoticed on the skin can bring the baby to hysteria.
The screaming baby needs to be taken out of the crib and swaddled, check the diaper and let him lie down naked for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, carefully examine the skin of the baby in the buttocks and legs, back and armpits. The areas found with redness should be treated, first with boiled water or chamomile decoction, and then smeared with fortified baby cream or powdered with powder. Irritation of the skin causes the baby to burn and itch, so he cannot sleep. The use of children's cosmetics will calm the child and relieve unpleasant symptoms.
The child can also cry from hunger, pull his hands to his mother, scream insistently and demandingly. Babies grow quickly, and their appetite grows with them, so it is not surprising that, having had a hearty dinner, the baby will ask for supplements in half an hour. One has only to bring him to the chest and feed him, as he immediately calms down and falls asleep.
Since thermoregulation in infants is still weak, at night they can wake up from heat or cold and begin to act up. If the baby has a hot nose and back, and the room is hot, then you need to undress him as much as possible, and use a sheet instead of a blanket. If his tummy and nose are cold, then, on the contrary, he should be changed into something warmer or covered with a warm blanket.

How to calm babies from 4 months to a year?

Like adults, children have nightmares in their dreams. And if at night they start to get hysterical, then perhaps the baby dreams that his parents left him alone and went somewhere. A screaming baby should be immediately picked up, shaken and tried to calm down. You can talk to him or sing a song. The quiet, gentle voice of the mother will distract the baby from terrible visions and gradually put her to sleep.
3-4-month-old babies love to sit and sleep in the "kenguryatnik". Here they can snuggle up to their mother's breasts and hear her heartbeat. In such an elastic cocoon it is safe, cozy, warm and cramped. Mom can put on such a device during the day, put the child in it and go for a walk. Many babies are attracted to the noise of busy streets and passing cars, which displaces the tantrum, and the baby even falls asleep.
A typical picture - a child cries in the middle of the night, but there is simply no strength to rock him. What to do? Most desperate mothers turn on the TV, where they choose a channel with moving characters and bright pictures. The baby can be distracted by what is happening on the screen, calm down and gradually fall asleep. Although such an accustoming from childhood to the TV will not bring anything good, even if mom can sleep. Instead of a TV, it is better to divert the attention of the crumbs with bright wrapping paper or a bag, which can be given to the baby to touch, crush and then hang over his crib.
Dancing can also calm the baby. A mother with a baby in her arms begins to sing and spin around the room, swinging it in different directions, turning it and carefully throwing it up. The kid really likes such a "roller coaster", he will quickly have fun and forget about the reasons for his crying. After he calms down, he can be given a bottle of formula or a pacifier so that he does not think of throwing the next tantrum.
During a tantrum, children open their mouths wide, swallowing air that enters the digestive system and causes colic. If the cry lasts more than 5 minutes, and the baby does not stop, then it should be deployed vertically, making it possible to burp.
Sometimes the baby cries for no apparent reason, for example, due to a lack of parental attention. Mom may be exhausted by that time and only wants to sleep for at least half an hour, but the baby requires constant care and affection. You can lie down with a crying baby and start talking to him about anything. The meaning of the text for the baby is still incomprehensible, but the familiar timbre and intonation are important, which soothe the best.

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How to calm children from 2 to 4 years?

When the kids have colic and finish cutting their teeth, it’s too early for parents to relax. Two-year-olds have their own reasons for tantrums:

  • mother did not give sweetness;
  • hungry or do not want to eat;
  • the baby is tired, but cannot sleep;
  • did not like the clothes;
  • does not want to go for a walk or return from a walk.

A kid with a bad mood will always find a reason to throw a tantrum. Although the mother in such cases is already heated to the limit herself and is ready for a quick reprisal, it is better for her to remain calm:

  • Let's pay later. You need to kneel down, look into the eyes of the baby and ask to calm down - after all, soon the sun will set and it will become dark and scary. Children do not ride on a swing at night, but sleep. You can cry tomorrow if you want. Such logic often convinces a child, he agrees to “wait” until tomorrow, calms down and gradually falls asleep.
  • Sleeping dad. If the baby does not want to calm down for a long time and cries, then you can hug him and say that, of course, he has the right to cry, but it is better to do it quietly, because a tired or sick dad is sleeping nearby, who cannot be woken up. The kid does not want to upset his beloved dad and moderates the cry, and then completely subsides.
  • Fast reaction. Not getting what you want or being offended by something, the little one is already ready to burst into tears. You can stop the emerging hysteria in the bud by offering to turn on your favorite cartoons, see what the pussy is doing, find out who rustles in the closet, count the leaves on the bushes. You need to offer decisively so that the baby does not have time to cry. Children's attention easily switches to more interesting topics, and the drama never has time to unfold.
  • Bad item. If the baby hit something, then the “culprit” needs to be “punished” - let the baby slap him himself, and then rush to his mother so that she kisses the bruised place.

Reasons for concern

  • If the baby cries while feeding, then, perhaps, his ears, nose, mucous membranes of the mouth or throat hurt.
  • If the baby cries while urinating, then you need to show it to the doctor and check the ureter and kidneys.
  • If a child cries when pooping, then again, you need to show it to the pediatrician, who will send him for an examination of the rectum. Otherwise, he may begin to be afraid of the process of defecation - psychological constipation will occur.
  • After sleeping during the day, the child wants to communicate with parents at night and starts screaming. He is afraid of strangers and unfamiliar surroundings.
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Sometimes it is important for adults that the child does not cry. Although it is almost impossible to stop a tantrum, you can prevent it from starting. How to do it?

We have already talked with you, let's look at ways today how to calm a child when he cries and throws tantrums.

Before talking about and fighting whims and tantrums, I want to recall the main thing: a child has the right to cry when he is sad, when he is tired, offended, or just like that. These tears are important and necessary, so in most cases it is worth letting the baby cry.

And yet, sometimes it is important for adults that the child does not cry. Although it is almost impossible to stop a tantrum, you can prevent it from starting.

So here is 1 5 Ways to Calm Your Child:

  1. Remind of an important matter for which you need to postpone crying.(“Let’s cry later, otherwise the sun will set soon, and if you cry for a long time, we won’t have time to take a walk.”) It is important that you do not take away the baby’s right to tears, just ask to wait a bit. And many children agree to such a concession.
  2. Conscious crying. Ask your child to cry in a low voice (for example, so that dad does not wake up) or cry in a low voice (so that mom does not get a headache). If he obeys, there will be no real crying. Rather, it will be vocal exercises that will quickly stop.
  3. Missed whim. Unnoticed, unnoticed by someone else's attention, a bad mood can go away by itself. But remember that it is easy to make a mistake and show indifference where care and participation are needed. Help your child "jump over" the whim. For example, a kid protests against dressing, and you ask him: “What do you think, have leaves already appeared on our birch? Let's go and see"
  4. Try to rush the child with a perky "quick-quick" so that he doesn't have time to come up with an objection. This only works with toddlers though. Older children will have time to figure out what's what.
  5. Conspiracies. Works mainly with kids, but regardless of the condition of the child. Requires a lot of energy. The essence of the method is to speak, speak, speak. And then the baby, who is about to cry, will listen and forget about crying, and the toddler, who is dangling his legs and not wanting to get dressed, will freeze for a few seconds. Well, you can feed porridge this way, and in general you can achieve the desired passive (not requiring your own actions from the child) behavior. It’s just that it’s almost impossible to withstand such a conversational load for a long time (and it’s desirable not to grind nonsense, but to report something smart, useful, developing).
  6. Calming down a naughty child translate into tickling or something funny. Not suitable for the onset of hysteria.
  7. Try to distract your baby. All mothers and, especially, grandmothers know about “Look, the bird has flown”. You can still do it in another way: “Oh, what is it with you, an eyelash on your eye, wait now, I’ll pull it out, otherwise it prevents you from crying.”
  8. A matured and wiser child can be distracted not by a mythical flying bird, but by a completely material surprise. So, tell a crying child who is on the verge of hysterics: “And who is rustling in the kitchen, I think it’s a mouse or a hedgehog, I’ll go and see ...” It is important to come to the kitchen first and leave a cardboard mouse or cork hedgehog on the table.
  9. Sometimes it is enough to voice to the child what he feels so that the reason for crying disappears. For example, say, “You were upset because we couldn’t go out,” and the baby will understand that you are not indifferent to his misfortune.
  10. Offer the child an object for the release of emotions. It can be a sofa cushion, a hammer and a plank or a ball that will help you find an outlet for negative energy.
  11. Come up with a funny ritual. For example, as soon as the baby is about to cry, turn on the hair dryer to dry his tears. Or a vacuum cleaner to clean the child from whims. Do not use the suggested solutions if the child is afraid of the sounds of household appliances.
  12. You can react to a capricious and dissatisfied face like this:“Oh, some monster came scary. Monster, go away! Where is my lovely baby, when will he return? But it is worth remembering that whenever you count on a sense of humor, you need to be very sensitive to the condition and mood of the child.
  13. I recommend using this comforter for children over 3-4 years old. Start repeating to the unfortunate child complaining about life:“You poor, unfortunate one, you don’t have a single toy, no one gives you sweets and they don’t feed you at all. You don’t go for a walk, you sit at home all the time ... "
  14. Pills for bad mood(or laughter vitamins, if you don't like the word "pills") teach an older child to control their emotions. As such tablets, use something tasty, loved by the child, but otherwise inaccessible - marmalade, dragees, raisins in chocolate. The child is naughty - offer him such a medicine. It is important that the baby knows that if the medicine does not work, they will no longer offer it.
  15. Sometimes hugging a child is enough, kiss, tell how you love him. Love even this one - with a tearful muzzle, squelching nose, scandalous and aching. Nothing dries up children's tears so quickly and reliably as the warmth of a look and the kindness of a heart.

Here, . :) And remember - someday you will happen to cry. And it depends on how you act today, whether he will brush it off, whether your grown child will pass by or show participation, help, regret.

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How to calm a small child? This topic worries many young mothers, it is often difficult to understand the reason for crying, whims. There are several approaches to parenting and understanding children. In the article, we will consider how to calm a child, extinguish a tantrum.

The behavior of children depends on age, there are transitional stages, crises. At the same time, children's tears, screams are very annoying to parents, who often do not understand how to react correctly, especially when they are in public places.

So how do you calm a child down? Let's start with an important question.

Consider in the age period.

Newborn babies. How to calm a small child?

Babies often cry and haunt their mothers.

The main causes are physical discomfort:

  • hunger, thirst;
  • wet diaper, diapers;
  • uncomfortable clothing;
  • too hot or cold;
  • digestive problems (gas, colic);
  • the presence of irritation, diaper rash;
  • tooth growth (pain, temperature).

Emotional reasons:

  • fatigue;
  • fear;
  • loneliness;
  • need for affection, attention;
  • need for protection and security.

So how do you calm a crying baby? Of course, babies have a lot of reasons for concern. They have to adapt to the conditions of life outside the mother's body, which requires effort. Often there is not enough comfort, safety, and they also suffer from colic, the head may hurt if there is increased intracranial pressure.

How to be?

First of all, check the basic needs - hunger, dryness - offer to drink, stroke the tummy clockwise, anoint diaper rash if available. Is it hot or cold in the room perhaps? Help the baby with clothes, because he himself cannot yet regulate this process, he says crying. With the growth of teeth - gum massage is useful, a special ointment to reduce pain. It is also useful to hold the baby upright so that the air that is swallowed when crying or with food leaves.

How to quickly calm a child if physical causes are not found? It is very important for children to feel the love and care of their mother - a calm voice, hugs, tactile contact, swaying also soothe. Toddlers may love calm music or songs sung by their beloved mother. It is useful to wear babies in a sling when age already allows - this ensures safety, contact with the mother, the ability to hear her breathing, heart.

If there are no obvious reasons for concern, then perhaps the attention of the mother is needed.

Show a bright toy or object, play, improvisations will help distract the baby from experiences. Often children are calmed by walks - a lot of new experiences, they observe and listen to the world around them with interest, they often fall asleep on the street.

How to calm a small child yet? Water has a calming effect, you can wash the baby, help return to a cheerful state. Distracting maneuvers work great: "What is there on the street? Let's look out the window! And who do we have in the mirror?" Try what suits you best. Someone likes ringing objects, someone responds well to the sound of water, similar to the sounds of the prenatal period of life.

Games with objects can also work, children are very inquisitive, open to learning about the world. Any thing in motion can attract attention, especially the bright one. They also notice the game with intonations, poems, songs. Indoor plants and items on the shelves are also the passion of many children, over time they will be happy to put things in order in the lockers, "read the books of their parents."

Thus, there are so many options for how to calm a small child. It all depends on the imagination, ingenuity of the parents. Sometimes cartoons help, but this is the last method. Why spoil your eyesight from an early age, it is better to use soothing music. It is noticed that Mozart's music calms children, and also contributes to the development of memory and intelligence. Now we can lay the foundation for the perception of music and art. There are many beautiful melodic compositions.

At the same time, we remember that health is above all

It is useful to go to regular check-ups with doctors and consult on important issues. So, frequent awakenings at night, poor sleep or insecure sitting can be manifestations of developmental delays, disorders of the nervous system. To strengthen the muscles, massage is often advised, and for better development, special preparations and courses of treatment are recommended.

Poor sleep may be associated with intracranial pressure, ask your doctor, get tested if necessary. A soothing tea for children may help as a preparation for rest or during times of anxiety. However, for use, it is worth checking with the pediatrician - dosages, names.

How to calm a child before bed?

  1. Relaxing bath - warm water soothes babies.
  2. Calm music - soothing music for children before going to bed will help to relax, get ready for sleep.
  3. Singing, reading - lullabies, reading fairy tales - a means of calm, known to our grandmothers, helped before and is relevant now.
  4. Breastfeeding - The calming reflex during feeding often helps babies fall asleep.
  5. Quiet communication - in the evening we reduce active games, move on to calm, quiet ones.
  6. Dim light - the sun sets, the light dims, evening comes ...

It is important to develop your own ritual so that a reflex arises - night comes, it's time to sleep. Some mothers sing before going to bed, others read books. You can, of course, teach your baby to sleep next to you, but it's better - in your own crib. So it will be easier for parents in the future. It's pretty hard to unlearn.

So how do you calm a newborn baby?

There are many ways, the main thing is to understand the cause of anxiety. American pediatrician Harvey Karp developed his own method of calming children based on reflexes. Try:

  1. Swaddle - swaddling provides security, as in the period before birth, when it was also tight, but secure. It is not necessary to swaddle all the time, it is possible before rest or during periods of anxiety.
  2. Lay on its side - the baby can lie on its side or stomach in the arms of its mother, so a state of peace and a sense of security come.
  3. Provide noise - many babies are soothed by the buzzing of a washing machine or other household appliances, reminiscent of the beating of a mother's heart. You can even try to buzz or hiss on your own.
  4. Rocking is a method that has been known for a long time, the main thing is that you don’t need to shake the baby hard, just small rocking of the head in the mother’s palm is enough. It also reminds of the past period of life, after all, the mother was in motion, the baby felt swaying.
  5. Sucking reflex - breastfeeding, a nipple or bottle before rest helps to calm the baby.

How to calm a small child? The main idea in all approaches is that the baby needs care, love, and safety. Do not be afraid to spoil, because the baby is still very small, needs mother's love. It is better to pick up and speak affectionate words more often, then you will not need to cry to attract attention.

Children's tantrums in a year, how to calm a child?

As they grow older, tantrums and screaming become not a way to solve the problem, but rather a manipulation to attract attention, get toys, sweets. At 1-2 years old, it is necessary to learn how to solve life problems without screaming, otherwise it will be difficult for the child and parents in the future.

Children's hysteria, Komarovsky and pediatricians pay great attention to the study of whims, tantrums of children after a year. It is very difficult to go to the store with a capricious baby, to be in society, realizing that an explosion, disobedience is possible at any moment. How to deal with children's tantrums?

We offer Dr. Komarovsky's advice on how to deal with children's tantrums

  • Try to keep calm- do not go on about, if something requires, let him learn to calmly express his thoughts, accept the opinion of his parents. Parents are the main ones in the family. Controlling adults with tantrums is a popular method for children.
  • Unity of opinion- you can’t allow different reactions, if mom forbids, then dad and grandmother support. In another case, constant difficulties in upbringing cannot be avoided, double standards will not allow the formation of clear rules of behavior, requirements for the child.
  • Renunciation of violence- Punishments, screams do not help in resolving the situation of disobedience. The main thing is understanding, parents come to the rescue when you speak calmly, and do not shout. This reflex is developed within two days. You need to approach the baby after the cry stops, calmly communicate. With strong self-will, it is permissible to leave the baby alone to calm down, however, control, help when he calms down. As a last resort, with a serious fault - put in a corner to think "about the meaning of life", the rules of conduct.
  • Single line of conduct- it is important to adhere to the same behavior. If the baby screams in a store or a public place, you should not follow the lead - buy something unnecessarily, appease. We are waiting for the surge of emotions to pass, we take the tomboy. Children test their parents until they understand - it's useless.
  • Understand the reason for tantrums- To reduce negative behavior, it is important to understand the baby. Perhaps he lacks the attention of parents, communicate more when in a calm state, in a good mood. The instability of the nervous system, the psyche is manifested in unbalanced behavior. The best solution is a personal example. You can endlessly talk about how to behave, but it’s more effective to show a way to solve everything calmly.

Often the reason for a child's tantrums is a lack of understanding, rejection of his interests by his parents.

It is important to love, care, but also give freedom for self-expression, gaining confidence. Excessive pampering, guardianship do not benefit. We need clear rules about what is possible and impossible, what is good and what is bad. If the boundaries are washed away, then children have a desire to bend the scales in their direction.

There are other reasons for tantrums - fatigue, lack of sleep, hunger, emotional overload, a weakened state during illness, imitation, a desire to show independence, get out of care, declare aspirations, get what you need, protest from interrupting an important business.

How to calm a child during a tantrum? Initially, it is worth understanding why the baby is screaming. Calmly explaining is not a way to solve a problem, to help when you calm down. You can console, hug, but not allow to manipulate.

How to calm a small child? It all depends on the cause of the tantrum. If overload, fatigue - help to relax, feed, switch attention. If you want to get the forbidden - do not follow the lead, take a wait-and-see attitude. Calmly explain why you can't buy or do whatever you want. It is useful to coordinate actions in the family, for unity of opinion, approach to education.

Childish whims and stubbornness

The older the child, the more character, stubbornness is manifested. Why is the child not listening? parents often think. We always strive to understand, to meet halfway, we care, but children do not understand our aspirations. What is the reason?

  1. Determine the cause of disobedience- the commanding tone of the parents, ignoring his interests, there are no clear rules for upbringing, they do not understand the instructions of the parents or the desire to get what they want with the help of whims, disobedience.
  2. Engage in education from an early age- at one year old, it is easier to teach a baby to normal behavior than at 5-7 years old, when the peak of disobedience begins. The child grows up, shows self-will.
  3. Trust communication- for obedience it is important to recognize the authority of adults. They have more experience, they are able to help in life. It is useful to share thoughts, ideas, discuss difficult situations together, look for solutions.
  4. special treatment- children are more pleasant when the appeal is targeted, and not a cry. It is better to approach, hug and express a thought, a proposal to the child, so that he feels love, care. Nobody likes rudeness.
  5. Eye contact- when addressing, it is useful to look into the eyes, showing trust, openness. Ready to understand, accept it, discuss any complexity.
  6. Be grateful- if the baby has completed the task, it is useful to thank, emphasize the importance of actions. A simple "thank you" is always nice to hear.
  7. Obedience- safety - sometimes you need a quick reaction, like in a fire. The child needs to know, understand - obedience and compliance with strict safety rules can save a life. This is a necessity, not a whim of the parents.
  8. Consider the opinion of the child It is important for children to feel that their interests are respected. Parents can give the opportunity to choose for the manifestation of independence, offering several possible options for food, clothing. The baby is also a person.
  9. Establish friendly relations- confrontation will not lead to good results, and trust and the ability to negotiate are the way out for the formation of mutual understanding.
  10. Clear rules of education- define uniform requirements in the family, do not violate anyone, so that the baby understands what is possible and what is not.

Childish stubbornness is normal for children over two years old.

The baby is growing, showing independence, rather, the absence of such reactions should be alarming. Children are too obedient, submissive, have a weak nervous system, are not adapted to life in society, adapt with difficulty in a team, cannot be independent, constantly depend on someone else's opinion.

How to calm a small child if he does not obey? Understand the reason for disobedience, establish contact, build trust, give more freedom, emphasize importance, but comply with the requirements. Do not forget to explain the requirements, for older children it is important to understand why it is more correct to do this and not otherwise.

The child does not obey, tantrums are frequent manifestations

The root of the difficulties in upbringing after a year is the reflex of manipulating a cry, it takes a long time to eradicate a bad habit. It is better to stop the desire to arrange a "circus" in time.
A child is a future member of society, and normal communication will allow him to be successful and independent. Hysterical behavior is not welcome in communication, although it is often observed among adults. Cause? Childhood, upbringing.

The article looked at how to calm a small child in infancy, after a year and five years. Every age has its own reasons for crying. The main thing is to understand and love children. There is always a way out and a solution. Many parents go through difficult times in parenting. The advice of teachers and psychologists will help you successfully overcome all crises, raise wonderful children.

Eat little and often;

  • it is quite possible that he has wet diapers and it is time to change them;

  • change its position to turn on the tummy or on the back, side;

  • turn on quiet calm music;

  • offer him his favorite toy;

  • babysit him, pick him up and walk around;

  • say nice words to the baby;

  • And it is best to try to determine the cause of crying or restlessness of a small child or older. In the early years, young children need special and careful care that requires increased attention. And then in the future to minimize children's crying. If, after trying a bunch of different options, you still could not calm the child, do not despair, it is quite possible that you just need to calm down and then your calmness will be transferred to your baby. Do not suppress crying, maybe this is the only way to express your feelings. It is possible that the child himself will indicate the cause of his anxiety. If something hurts him, he himself can indicate where by putting his hands there, or the expression on his face will tell about it.

    If the child is older and has a tantrum, you should not pay any attention to him, the child will get tired of being capricious. Something needs to be done to distract him. Try to occupy him with some interesting business, in which he will go with his head and zeal. Another effective one is taking soothing baths, sets of which are sold in any pharmacies in the city. Sports activities contribute to the release of energy. Ask your child what kind of sport he likes best. Calm, cozy home environment helps to prevent nervous breakdowns.

    Try to protect the child from watching TV before bedtime and from outdoor games.

    All fathers and mothers faced tantrums in a child, but only a few were able to cope. What is the essence of child hysteria? Why does it arise? How can you get rid of it quickly? These and other questions are asked by many parents.

    First of all, hysteria is a violent manifestation of needs and desires. If the baby wants something very much, but they don’t give it to him or ignore his desire, in this case, screams and tears appear. At a young age, a child cannot clearly formulate his thought and express his protest normally. Expressing his opinion, his protest, the baby trains willpower, which will be very useful to him in adulthood. Therefore, it cannot be broken. At this point, you need to learn to negotiate with your child.

    The mistake of many parents is that they consider such a manifestation of emotions to be an ordinary performance and prefer to simply close the child in the room.

    If once again your child threw a tantrum, in no case try to shout it down. Note! The quieter you begin to negotiate with your baby at this moment, the faster he will begin to calm down and listen to your words. Refuse the commanding tone, try to turn to the child with a request.

    You can also offer your baby a deal, you offer something in return for stopping the tantrum. Important! You can not stimulate the child with material values. Values ​​should not be material - a walk in the park, cycling and more.

    If a child has a tantrum in a public place, try to take him somewhere to the side and conduct a conversation in the above ways.

    In addition to all of the above, parents in such a situation must control their emotional state and not succumb to nervous overexcitation. You can not respond to screams with a scream. Most importantly, try to remain calm and let's get as little backlash as possible.