Congratulations to the kindergarten nanny in your own words. Words of gratitude from parents to kindergarten

We are grateful to our nanny
For cleanliness and comfort,
Her radiant smile
Who meets everyone here.

She's like Pushkin's nanny
And he will tell a fairy tale and sing,
And without additives or compote
No one will leave the nanny.

We want to say thank you
We are our dear nanny.
Health, good wishes,
Let trouble pass by.

Dreams come true more often
Let your salary make you happy.
And life will be brighter and sweeter,
You have plenty of strength and patience!

Our dear! Thank you for your caring hands and sympathetic heart, for your warmth and willingness to help. We wish you to remain the same, so that children and parents always appreciate, love, and thank you. Decent salary, happy holidays, health and female happiness!

Who greets you early in the morning,
On the threshold to kindergarten,
And persistently, stubbornly,
Does it wipe everything?

Who can help me get dressed?
Wash your hands and floors?
If tears are here, in place,
I wiped my nose and tables!

Who will help set the table,
Prepare the beds?
How much can you talk -
Nanny and nothing more!

Leaving kindergarten
It's important not to notice
Nanny - Your work is rich,
Important and noticeable!

Together we will say “Thank you”
We wish you a sea of ​​strength,
Ocean of love, patience,
And health, without a doubt!

We sincerely thank you,
We value you very much.
The success of children is your merit,
You are our favorite nanny!

Always took care of the children
They gave important advice.
You helped without fail
And they understood right away.

For this we wish you happiness,
After all, the kindergarten has become our part.
May your days pass brightly
And every moment will be a gift!

Leaving kindergarten
We want to tell the nanny:
"Goodbye, dear,
We will miss you."

Thank you for your concern,
For love, for kindness,
To our children, without regret,
You gave warmth.

Congratulations on your graduation
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
May all future groups
They will be just as good.

There is no better nanny in the world,
All the children adore you.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Congratulations on your graduation!
I wish you happiness, health, strength,
So that God gives joy.

Who helped us get dressed?
He cleaned up after us everywhere,
I tied the laces in a bow
And did you catch the buttons?

Of course, this is our nanny,
Her smile is the light of the sun.
For us you are the dearest
And there are no kinder hands of yours.

We are leaving kindergarten
Today is our graduation
But we, nanny, will remember
Days spent with you!

Today is an exciting and important day,
After all, the children are leaving the kindergarten,
And we all heartily congratulate you,
You took good care of them.

Thank you for your tenderness and care,
You can't even dream of a better nanny,
We wish prosperity to the home,
We will only remember you with tenderness.

Our kids are graduating now.
Thank you - such a nice nanny!
You helped them discover the new world,
You won’t get tired of games and fun,

Get dressed, put on your shoes and sit on the potty,
When everyone was just an inch tall,
Now the kids are grown up, hurray!
To you, our nanny, love and kindness!

Let's say thank you to the nanny
We are our beloved.
We'll remember at school
We care about you.

We wish you good health
And obedient children.
And more saved
Nervous, strong cells.

Our group is always clean and shiny,
He works like a dear nanny bee.
He is in a hurry to wash everything and put it away for everyone,
Well, how does she manage all this?
We congratulate you on your graduation.
We say thank you for your work,
Be healthy, you are always happy,
May good luck always hover over your home.

What a miracle person our nanny is,
From morning to evening she is like a groovy girl.
He worries about us, he tries everything,
And change the bed, and feed him lunch, everything is managed.
We invite you to the graduation, nanny,
And we present a large bouquet of flowers with all our hearts.
May luck and joy always accompany you,
We wish you a lot of happiness, health and goodness.

Our nanny has golden hands,
Where they touch, everything around shines.
They manage to work hard in a day,
Wipe off the dust, serve lunch, fix the toy.
We congratulate you on your graduation in the garden,
Thank you for your work, of course.
Since childhood, you taught us to be orderly,
May happiness and joy come to you without fail.

Where would we be without a nanny?
If there weren't a nanny, there would be trouble.
She ensures cleanliness and order,
Make sure you put away your toys after yourself, he constantly tells us.
We congratulate you on your graduation, nanny,
We wish you great success in life.
Good health, joy, goodness,
Cozy family warmth.

Our nanny seems to be groovy,
Cleans, washes, vacuums, without knowing how tired he is.
Worried about not having a speck of dust,
So that Sasha, Masha and Marinka feel comfortable.

We wish you well-being with all our hearts.
Good luck, joy, luck and warmth,
Good health, good in everything.

Our nanny is neat,
And the sterility in the group is just, ah!
Doesn't sit still for a minute
All order rests on Nanny’s fragile shoulders.
Today is graduation in the garden, and we congratulate you,
We sincerely wish you happiness.
In honor of gratitude we present flowers,
And we dedicate the song to you on this holiday.

Who teaches us order? Nanny!
Who tirelessly monitors cleanliness? Nanny!
Who brings delicious lunches? Who washes the dishes?
All she is, all one dear nanny!
We congratulate you on your graduation,
And we wish you good luck and goodness.
May God give you a good fate,
May life always be happy.

Congratulations on your kindergarten graduation.

Gratitude words for graduation kindergarten for teachers and nannies.

Kindergarten - first social society outside the family that the child encounters. This is where kids spend the most time. Their development and certain qualities are influenced by the attitude of teachers and the entire teaching staff.

Gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in poetry and prose

Graduation in kindergarten is the first mass celebration of children with the team. It is very pleasant when children were under the close supervision of wise and professional educators. We can say that kindergarten workers are second mothers; their behavior and attitude determine how the child will feel in the future and how quickly he adapts to school.

Poems of thanks to the teacher:

Thank you for your warmth and kindness,
For raising our children,
For giving them love,
What knowledge did you give them!

We wish you health and goodness,
So that you live in prosperity and love,
So that you always smile,
May you never be sad!

Congratulations in prose:

Dear teachers! Today is a wonderful day – today is our children’s graduation. We are sincerely happy about this event, because we have been waiting for it for many years. At this exciting and solemn moment I would like to tell you thanks a lot for your work done. You didn’t just do your job, you did it with soul and desire. The best reward for all of us will be success in the lives of our children and your students.

Gratitude to kindergarten parents at kindergarten graduation

Of course, now kindergartens are insufficiently funded, so almost everything in the groups where children study is purchased with parents’ money. Often parents actively take part in landscaping the area around the garden.

Thanks to parents:

Today is our special day, today is our graduation. So let this graduation become the starting point for your, and ours too, children in adult life. May luck and success always accompany you. Live happy families, raise your children and have grandchildren. And we will gladly accept your offspring into our kindergarten, just as we once accepted your children. Come visit us, don't forget us!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten nannies

A nanny is a worker bee who works all day for the benefit of the kids. She does the most difficult and dirty work. It is the nanny who monitors the cleanliness of the group and controls the kids during meals.

Thanks to the nannies:

Leaving kindergarten
We want to tell the nanny:
"Goodbye, dear,
We will miss you."

For this we wish you happiness,
After all, the kindergarten has become our part.
May your days pass brightly
And every moment will be a gift!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten

Parents are obliged to the kindergarten administration for the properly organized time of their children. It is the kindergarten that turns children into independent children who can dress, eat independently and communicate properly with classmates. In kindergarten, children learn to share toys and demonstrate their first social skills.

Poems of Gratitude kindergarten:

Where to get what and what to get
– It’s always so important for you to know.
You have a lot of children
Try to count them all!
And it is necessary to be
Knowledgeable in all matters.
We value knowledge and experience
We are our manager.

Words of gratitude to children

Children should also participate in the holiday and thank their teachers and nannies for Good work and sincerity.

Words of gratitude for children:

There are crosses and toes on the sidewalk,
The flowers wave “Goodbye”.
We're leaving - we're almost like schoolchildren,
We are leaving - you are staying...
You will raise other children,
Learn letters and math.
We learned the main thing from you -
Respect other people, be friends.
You took care of us like a mother,
We were worried while sitting by the window...
And now we say goodbye to you,
Dear (Name and patronymic of the teacher)

Words of gratitude for the work

Working in a kindergarten is one of the most difficult. In order for all children to behave well and develop, every teacher must find an approach to the child. To do this you need to be a good man and a psychologist. There are very few truly good teachers, so they need to be appreciated.

Gratitude for the work:

Being a teacher is not an easy task,
Love all children, but how could it be otherwise?!
And let me say that there is nothing more beautiful,
He will love you, support you, and always give advice.
And the children are delighted and rush to kindergarten,
They read books to them and pat them on the head.
They will play, teach, sometimes scold,
You are the best teacher! Stay always
Such a sweet and kind and broad soul,
Teacher from God, you are always good.

Gratitude for help in kindergarten

The responsibilities of teachers and nannies include everything that a mother should do. This is not easy work that requires a lot of effort and patience. Children do not always behave exemplarily; accordingly, adults are sometimes forced to punish and scold them. Strangers cannot raise their hands against your baby, so they need to understand the child’s emotions and help him understand the situation.

Poems of gratitude:

Thank you many times for your help,
Thank you for your good deeds,
We are delighted to tell you
Many words of gratitude!
Children's words of gratitude

Children's words of gratitude

The kids also want to take part in the holiday, because this is the last day when they see such a loved one. They forever part with the teachers and nannies who spoon-fed them, taught them to hold pencils and sculpt from plasticine.

Thank you for your efforts,
For warmth and kindness,
For love and understanding,
Hearts sensitivity, breadth.

With our teacher
Calm and warm.
With our teacher
We are very lucky:
There is no kinder character
And there is no more generous soul.
Happiness and joy to you
Kids wish!

Gratitude via SMS

If for some reason you are unable to visit children's party, but you really want to thank the teachers and nannies, you can do this using mobile communications. Just send congratulatory message. The kindergarten worker will be pleased to receive congratulations from you.

Thank you SMS:

Educators, dear ones!
Thank you for raising our children!
You chose a difficult job,
Where it’s simply impossible to keep track of everyone!
But you coped with it with a bang,
And you were always there,
They helped with a kind word,
They were never scolded
Thank you we say
And thank you for everything!

Be sure to thank the kindergarten administration and the entire teaching staff. The music director instilled in the child a love of music, and the speech therapist helped eliminate speech problems. These people deserve good congratulations.

VIDEO: Words of gratitude to teachers at graduation

At graduation in kindergarten, parents and children are given important role- say thank you to the kindergarten staff for the years, full of love and worries. At the same time, you always want to avoid hackneyed phrases and poems. Especially for solemn holiday We have prepared poetic gratitudes that will decorate any occasion. The reading of the poem can also be supplemented with beautiful homemade medals, which children award to teachers, nannies and others at the holiday.

Gratitude to teachers at kindergarten graduation:

Who greets us at the door
It's only eight o'clock.
The teacher got up early
I gathered all the guys in the group.

I taught in class
And he gave us cocoa to drink.
Before bed I read poetry
And he played on the street.

He was our second mother -
Kind, gentle, dear.
Our teacher
There is no one sweeter and more beautiful than you.

We will miss you very much
We will visit often.
We'll get straight A's.

We will never forget you.
Let's grow up a little -
We will bring the children to you.

Once upon a time, about five years ago
The kids came here.
They didn’t sing, they didn’t count
And they didn't read the books.
Put it on the wrong hand
Mittens could be in winter,
Neither fasten nor tie...
How small they were!
And now they can do everything.
Well, or almost everything.
And soon it’s time to go to school
All the kids should go.

Let's remember, friends,
What a family this was!
We had two mothers here,
You can count such mothers on one hand!
They knew everything about the kids,
We weren’t tired at all
Taught them everything, everything -
Habits, skills, intelligence!
Thank you, dear ones!
And not all words can do it,
which we are talking about here,
Say how much we thank you!
We will remember you for a long time.
You taught here for five
Children to think and create.
We will thank you!

Gratitude to the nanny at the kindergarten graduation:

It's good that kindergarten
It became home for all the kids.
It's always warm and clean here,
The sun is shining radiantly.

The nanny here keeps an eye on everything
So that there are no problems.
Waters, feeds, dresses
And he helps us with everything.

You are a hostess - just class,
Children adore you.

You helped children
You, like no one else in the world,
Caring and responsible!
You come first
Kids and work
Both help and care!
Others will come after us...
And we - we are going to first grade!
No one there will help us!
We can do everything - thank you!

Gratitude to the speech therapist for graduation in kindergarten:

We went to a speech therapist
For a fun conversation.
How does our tongue growl?
What is zucchini?
What from the beginning, what then...
The speech therapist will tell you about that.
People began to understand
What do we want to tell them?
Thank you very much,
Why do we say so beautifully?

Gratitude to the music director at kindergarten graduation:

We always wanted to sing
You just have to know how...
There are seven notes - you need to know them
And develop your voice.

Went to classes
There were round dances there.
Brilliantly prepared -
We are real artists.

We'll be performing soon
I invite you to the concert.
You nurtured our talents -
Singing diamonds.

Let not all the children be ours
They sing and dance well,
But everyone enjoys the process!
Loved it here!
Will be able to love music,
You can tell a waltz from a polka!

Author - Natalya Prishchepenok

Gratitude to the physical education teacher at the kindergarten graduation:

Sporty and brave
Dexterous, skillful.
Let's jump and jump
We never cry.

Physical education teacher
About posture and figure
He told us all the time
Taught me how to run fast.

We are now friends with sports -
And we don’t strain one bit.

Left-right, left-right!
Here comes our brave squad!
We can jump, we can run,
We can even make a bridge!
Well, we are not, of course, children,
But you are the best in the world!
You taught us to play sports,
We loved you very much!

Who's in charge of the parade?
Our glorious kindergarten?

Who is in charge here, most important of all,
Who has a million ideas?

It's children's book week!
Here we are sewing a dress for a baby.

Let's ride horses
We prepare sweet pancakes.

We felt good here
It's a shame the year has passed so quickly.

We thank you for everything!
We thank you for your work!
Under your guidance
This is where first-graders are forged
Of the foolish little ones,
Why is there such a rush to get to the group in the morning...
Thank you! You are the best!
May success always await you here!

Author - Natalya Prishchepenok

Gratitude to the nurse at kindergarten graduation:

The nurse has an office
And what’s not there.
Vitamins and pills,
Gauze, bandage and pipettes.

If someone suddenly fell
And he skinned his knee.
Let's quickly run to the nurse -
Zelenka — best friend children.

For the fact that we are all healthy,
We want to say thank you.
For your concern,
For your work,
We will thank you today!
We entrusted you with something dear,
What is most expensive!
They entrusted our children,
And you justified him!
Everyone developed and grew
And so - we went to first grade!
Let new children grow too,
After all, they have you
In our kindergarten - here!
Years have passed...
They brought with them
Lots of bright moments.
Let it continue
Dear kindergarten
Bring comfort to children.
We'll run away
By school and class,
We have grown up, we will leave.
But the kindergarten is dear
In your heart
We'll take it with us!

Gratitude to a psychologist for kindergarten graduation:

The guys went to a psychologist for classes -
There they studied forms and various concepts.

We fought fears and drew tests,
They painted and counted Christmas trees with mushrooms.

And they talked a lot about smart and important things.
What if we grow up to be psychologists one day?

Gratitude to the cooks at the kindergarten graduation:

So that we are all well-fed,
Drinking compotes,
With salads, cutlets,
Healthy sweets.

There is a magic cook -
The food is prepared here.
It was very tasty for us
Eh, it's sad to leave.

We had a great time here!
And without you we will be sad!
We sometimes remember:
The food here is like in a kindergarten...
Let the smells from childhood
Memories awaken sadness:
About compote and cutlets,
What is tastier than anything in the world?
About mashed potatoes and sausages,
And about delicious soup in bowls,
Cottage cheese casserole
And about semolina porridge too!
Thank you, chefs!
And from us to you all Hurray!

Our favorite kindergarten,
You're seeing the guys off.
It's time for us to go to school -
The kids have grown up.

You and I were strong friends -
We listened to a fairy tale about a turnip,
Jumped, galloped,
They memorized the poems.

Let's go to first grade now.
The school door opened.
Sad, don’t be bored without us -
Meet the new babies.

At the end of kindergarten graduation, children read:

We are all so different - blondes and brunettes...
We go sledding, and some people love summer.

We laugh, we get offended, we squint at the ray of sunshine.
We try to grow faster, we frown at comments.

We came to you as babies, we barely knew how to walk.
And before the eyes of those who cared, they grew up so much.

We are so serious, we know how to reason...
We know how to convince adults of our desires.

We learned a lot this way, thanks to the teachers.
They didn't waste their efforts at all.

We firmly promise to grow worthy.
And we will bear the name of first-graders proudly.

You can complete your kindergarten graduation by passing it on to everyone preschool employees as a souvenir poster with portraits of teachers, nannies and others. Portraits must be drawn by children. In the middle of the poster there is a verse:

Every smile for you, our Kindergarten,
You were our second home, you are always welcome to us.
He met us and saw us off, guarded us with a wall.
Covered with snow in winter, leaves in spring.
The farthest corner is known to us.
Kind children's hands are warm with you forever.

In a letter of gratitude, I would like to express all my love and gratitude to the people who were with your children throughout their entire stay in kindergarten. For your convenience, we have compiled a selection of thank you letters to

Letter of thanks from the head of the kindergarten

We, the parents of group No. ________, kindergarten No. _________, sincerely express our gratitude to the head of the kindergarten, ___________, and of course, our beloved and valued music teachers ___________________________ (full name).

Kindergarten is the first social school for children, and you treated our children with special trepidation and warmth during these important days of growing up for them. Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care and attention from others (full name), our children are gradually becoming active participants children's group. Our kindergarten workers teach children to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn the world, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, discover their first personal capabilities.

Thanks to the head, the educational process is structured in such a way that individual psychological characteristics every child. This allowed our children to adapt more smoothly and begin to actively participate in the educational process.

Our group has a comfortable, warm environment, and this is a great value. Thank you for this and low regards.

A low bow to the head of kindergarten No.___ ________________________ (full name), for the organization of work in the kindergarten, the high-quality selection of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory.

With respect and gratitude, parental committee and parents of group No.________ of kindergarten No.___________

* * *

The team of parents expresses their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of Preschool Educational Institution No. ______. All employees of our kindergarten are a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. This is felt immediately as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, is not at all striking in its modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that, despite the obvious modesty of funds, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative principle reigns in the garden, be it a bulletin board or a corridor, which is always decorated with displays of children's drawings and crafts.

We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed on time, looked after, and most importantly, trained and brought up properly. In our garden, issues of education are paid to Special attention and there is no formality whatsoever. Teachers conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these include history issues, personal safety skills, and reading. literary works(chosen with great taste), and just conversations on common topics.

Of course, we cannot ignore additional classes - this includes serious preparation for school, drawing, and rhythm and music classes are simply beyond praise. The musical director, ___________________________ (full name), is selected unique material for every holiday. Children become familiar with the origins of our culture in the most the best examples. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed in concert programs, which look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this apparent ease there is a huge amount of work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism.

The trend of working according to the principle: teacher - student - parent is especially relevant now. But for our garden this is not a new direction at all, but a constant and long-standing component daily work. Just look at the annual exhibitions of family works for every holiday. These exhibitions are always original and you never tire of being amazed at the talents of children and parents.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our kindergarten ___________________________ (full name), under whose wise leadership such bright manifestations of extraordinary talents, both teachers and the parent team, became possible. After all, everyone knows that anyone gem is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only when collected into a single composition do they form a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. In our opinion, ___________________________ (full name) is exactly such a leader.

All, without exception, representatives of our garden team deserve special words of gratitude and attention. The cooks cook wonderfully, the children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse ___________________________ (full name) surprises with her extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as simply with her humanity and charm. Fine arts classes take place at top level, in the office of ___________________________ (full name) there is an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order. And especially nice words I would like to say to the teachers ___________________________ (full name and full name) - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, most importantly, with their parents.

Low bow to all the employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the difficult work of raising the younger generation of children. Our children acquire that valuable basis on which a strong and high-quality superstructure will be built, because in childhood the very foundations of personality are laid that make up the generation that will inherit our country, healthy in every sense. And because the staff of kindergarten No. ____ works for the future of Russia, we can be calm.

Letter of thanks

For almost every child, at a certain point in time, kindergarten essentially becomes a second home, where wise educators teach them the first lessons of life with love and care. And sometimes the future fate of a little person depends on what these lessons are.

On this day, we say to you, dear educators, words of sincere gratitude for your hard work, for the fact that every day you give yourself and your warmth to our children without reserve. Thank you for your energy, selfless love and touching care that you bestow on our children!

Many thanks to the head of the kindergarten (full name), through whose efforts we felt cozy and comfortable in the garden.

I would like to note the impeccable work of our beloved speech therapist (full name). She is a God-gifted teacher and kindest soul Human. Communicating with her was a pleasure for both us parents and our children.

There is also a good and smart honey in our kindergarten. sister, our respected full name.

Wonderful, diligent and creative psychologist Full name.

We, parents and our children are very lucky to have teachers!!! Sincere words gratitude...IO..., ...IO.... and the assistant teacher...IO...... for their warmth, for their understanding, for the care they showed towards our children.

We thank all the d/s staff!!!

Let the reward for your dedicated work be the worthy, intelligent, spiritually rich and spiritually generous citizens of our city, who received their first life lessons under your wise and sensitive leadership.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible warmth and optimism!

May success accompany all of you good deeds and beginnings.

Low bow to you and the warmest words of gratitude for your work!!!

Letter - Gratitude

We, parents of school No. ---, gr. --, we express our deep gratitude to our teachers Last Name and Last Name

First Name Patronymic and First Name Patronymic strive to make our children full-fledged individuals, active participants in the children's team, teach them to be honest, kind, open and caring. They teach kids to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize, to appreciate beauty, to love their family and their Earth. All this is thanks to the professionalism and experience gained over many years of working with children. Knowledge of child psychology and constant self-development in the professional field are simply irreplaceable in the profession of a TEACHER.

Our teachers spend a lot of time with children interesting activities trying to keep them busy various types activities and together provide the child with the necessary variety of personal growth. Our children happily show us their crafts and repeat what they have done at home with interest. Step by step, under the sensitive guidance of these teachers, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, and learn about their personal capabilities. Thanks to them for this.

We, parents, are very grateful to the assistant teachers Full name - “ right hand" She is always calm and reasonable, careful and caring, ready to listen and help. Thanks to her, our group has perfect cleanliness and order, comfort and coziness. The children are well-fed and tidy.

We completely trust our teachers, because leaving our children almost the whole day, it is very important for a parent to know that their child is in good hands. And we are calm for the life and safety of our children. After all, next to them is a real team of three professionals. We are very grateful to them and say: “THANK YOU! WE ARE VERY LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!”

Parents gr. No. N d/u NNN

Letter - Gratitude

We, the parents of the group early development No.--, kindergarten No.---. We sincerely express our gratitude to the head of the nursery, full name, and of course, our beloved and valued full name, full name and nanny.

Kindergarten is the first social school for children, and you treated our children with special trepidation and warmth during these important days of growing up for them. Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care and attention from the IO and IO, our children are gradually becoming active participants in the children's team.

Our teachers teach children to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, and learn about their first personal capabilities. Educational process designed in such a way that the individual psychological characteristics of each child are taken into account. This allowed our children to adapt more smoothly and begin to actively participate in the educational process.

Many of our children are already happily going to kindergarten, because their favorite teachers are waiting for them there, with whom it is easy and interesting. Our group has a comfortable, warm environment, and this is a great value. Thank you for this and low regards.

Also, we are very grateful to our nanny – IO. Thanks to her, our group has perfect cleanliness and order, comfort and coziness. Our children are well-fed and tidy.

Special thanks to the head of preschool educational institution No. --- full name, for organizing work in the kindergarten, high-quality staffing of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory.

With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of early development group No.-- kindergarten No.---.

Letter - Gratitude

The team of parents expresses their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of preschool educational institution No. ---. All employees of our kindergarten are a single creative organism, imbued with love for children. This is felt immediately as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, is not at all striking in its modernity and prosperity. And it is all the more surprising that, despite the obvious modesty of funds, an atmosphere of comfort, kindness and the presence of a bright creative principle reigns in the garden, be it a bulletin board or a corridor, which is always decorated with displays of children's drawings and crafts.

We are always greeted with a smile and we leave our children in the garden with a calm heart, as we are confident that they will be fed on time, looked after, and most importantly, trained and brought up properly. In our garden, special attention is paid to education issues and there is no formality. Educators conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these include issues of history, personal safety skills, reading literary works (chosen with great taste), and just conversations on general topics, so to speak.

Of course, we cannot ignore additional classes - this includes serious preparation for school, drawing, and rhythm and music classes are simply beyond praise. The music director, IO, selects unique material for each holiday. Children get acquainted with the origins of our culture in the best examples. Moreover, these are very serious works of classical music and dance, formed into concert programs that look with ease and pleasure, but it is clear that behind this apparent ease there is a huge amount of work of the entire creative team and the highest professionalism. The trend of working according to the principle: teacher - student - parent is especially relevant now. But for our garden this is not a new direction at all, but a constant and long-standing component of daily work. Just look at the annual exhibitions of family works for every holiday. These exhibitions are always original and you never tire of being amazed by the talents of children and parents.

I would especially like to highlight the work of the head of our kindergarten, Full Name, under whose wise leadership such bright manifestations of extraordinary talents of both teachers and the parent team became possible. After all, everyone knows that any precious stone is beautiful and sparkles in its own way, but only when collected into a single composition do they form a unique ensemble and a real work of art. Also, the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. In our opinion, the IO is precisely such a leader.

All, without exception, representatives of our garden team deserve special words of gratitude and attention. The cooks cook wonderfully, the children remember the aroma of freshly baked buns for a long time, our nurse IO surprises with her extraordinary attention and professionalism, as well as simply with her humanity and charm. Fine arts classes are held at the highest level, and an atmosphere of creativity, beauty and order reigns in the art room. And I would like to say especially warm words to the teachers of educational institutions and educational institutions - these people are endowed with a real talent to love, understand and always be patient with children and, what is especially important, with their parents.

A low bow to all the employees of our kindergarten and wishes for further creative success in the difficult work of raising the younger generation of children. Our children acquire that valuable basis on which a strong and high-quality superstructure will be built, because in childhood the very foundations of personality are laid that make up the generation that will inherit our country, healthy in every sense. And because the staff of kindergarten No. works, we can be calm about the future of Russia.

Parents of the preparatory school group.
May 2010