Monthly baby threw up a fountain. Features of pathological vomiting. Prevention of vomiting in newborns

Symptoms of vomiting in infants is a common occurrence, which can be harmless secretion food, and hide in yourself serious illness. It is especially important to pay attention to the child when vomiting is accompanied by such phenomena as diarrhea and fever. This is what needs to be looked into in more detail.

The main causes of vomiting in infants

Parents of babies are obliged to distinguish the usual regurgitation of the child from vomiting. The usual regurgitation after feeding in a newborn is not particularly dangerous, and can only indicate that the baby simply overate. Vomiting, which is accompanied by diarrhea and fever, often indicates the presence of a serious illness. The main causes of vomiting in infants are:

  • overfeeding the baby, but in this case, regurgitation is observed;
  • non-compliance with the rules of hygiene by the mother who feeds the baby breast milk;
  • wrong mix selection artificial feeding;
  • improper diet of a nursing mother, in which breast milk becomes bitter and has a specific taste;
  • food poisoning caused by poor-quality or stale food;
  • the wrong way to introduce complementary foods;
  • exacerbation of appendicitis, but this happens in such early age very rarely;
  • intestinal infections;
  • brain concussion.

The cause of vomiting may be an attempt by the body to get rid of pathogenic substances that have entered the digestive system. Such signs can be distinguished by the single nature of the manifestation, after which the child does not experience any discomfort. These substances can be medications, which the body rejects due to an unpleasant taste or smell.

A serious danger is vomiting, which is accompanied by copious excretion of food, and is repeated more than 2-3 times during the day. The danger is vomiting in infants, which is accompanied by fever and diarrhea. It is extremely dangerous to self-medicate such a manifestation, so you should definitely contact a hospital or call a doctor.

Vomiting with diarrhea and fever

Vomiting without diarrhea and fever is not as serious as when these symptoms are present. Vomiting and fever baby may indicate that infectious diseases are transmitted from the mother along with breast milk.

It is important to know! A nursing mother should understand that non-compliance with hygiene affects not only her health, but also the health of the baby.

In order to eliminate the factor infection baby through breast milk, it is required to wash the breast before each feeding of the crumbs warm water. After each feeding, the mother also needs to wipe her breasts with warm water, which will eliminate the maximum amount of bacteria that accumulate on the breasts. A factor such as the wrong milk of a nursing mother can provoke a gag reflex in a baby. Breast milk is formed from the foods that the mother eats. If she uses products from the category of prohibited, then provocation is not ruled out as allergic reactions, and diseases of the digestive system of an inflammatory nature.

Diarrhea along with high fever may indicate food poisoning. Poisoning of the body occurs through the use of poor-quality or spoiled food, for example, if the mother decided to feed the crumbs with sour porridge or mashed potatoes. In such a situation, it is urgent to take measures to eliminate such food from the body, for which you can not do without the help of health workers.

It is important to note that vomiting with a high temperature may indicate dehydration. This dangerous phenomenon which requires immediate action to be taken to remedy the situation. What to do when the crumbs are diagnosed with vomiting along with fever and diarrhea? You need to immediately call an ambulance or take the baby to the hospital yourself. Waiting or self-medication is strictly prohibited.

It is important to know! While the ambulance is on the way, it is necessary to give the child water to drink, as well as dilute a bag of Smecta or an activated charcoal tablet.

If the reason that the child vomits and his temperature rises is intestinal infections, then treatment in such a situation should be carried out in a hospital. Any attempt to self-medicate can lead to the fact that the baby will have serious complications.

Vomiting fountain: what does it mean?

Vomiting in an infant is normal only if there is no fever and diarrhea. This phenomenon due to the physiological structure of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of ordinary regurgitation are short-term release of food from the mouth in small quantities. Often symptoms of regurgitation can be observed after feeding the baby, and also if it is accidentally turned upside down.

What to do in this situation, when the baby spits up a fountain? Spitting up with a fountain indicates that a failure has occurred in the digestive system, the causes of which were discussed above. Determine the exact cause and prescribe necessary treatment only a doctor can. Newborns can spit up a fountain for one simple reason, that the nursing mother does not properly attach the baby to the breast. If during the sucking of the breast there is a capture of air, which fills the stomach, then the result of this phenomenon will be the appearance of profuse vomiting. Causes of air entrapment are also manifested in the form of colic and bloating, but it should be noted that given state is not hazardous to health, and requires adjustment from the nursing mother of the position when feeding. You can check with your friends or pediatrician how to properly apply the baby to the chest.

Vomiting after feeding

IN frequent cases parents simply cannot distinguish vomiting from spitting up. Manifestations of regurgitation occurs among newborns and infants in fairly frequent cases. Regurgitation suggests that the gastrointestinal tract is trying to get rid of excess food, which is redundant. Vomiting during overfeeding occurs naturally, as a result of which the remnants of food are brought out of the oral cavity.

You can avoid the appearance of regurgitation after feeding with the help of such manipulations as, for example, keeping the baby in vertical position. After feeding, you can not bathe the baby, it is necessary to provide him with complete rest and limit his movements. After feeding, you can not turn the baby upside down, and also put pressure on his tummy. Common causes of vomiting after and during feeding are:

  1. Mixture change. If the baby's body is accustomed to one type of mixture, then replacing it with another can lead to a gag reflex. This phenomenon can be eliminated by gradually introducing new mixture into the diet.
  2. Incorrect introduction of complementary foods. With the introduction of complementary foods in infants, such a response of the body as vomiting is also often observed. In this case, you should not worry, you need to gradually introduce new food in the diet of a toddler.

First aid for vomiting

If a child long time vomits, then the consequence of such a phenomenon may be dehydration of the body. Dehydration is a dangerous process in which serious problems occur in the body. pathological changes. How to be in this situation, when the baby has frequent signs excretion of food from the mouth.

If the baby has this process, then parents need to protect it from the penetration of vomit into Airways. For this baby, you need to raise and hold your head at an angle of 30 degrees. If the child is sick or vomiting, then feeding should be postponed until these symptoms are eliminated.

With periodic symptoms of vomiting, give the baby 1-2 teaspoons of water every 3-5 minutes. If the child more than a year, then the amount of water can be increased to 2-3 tablespoons. Together with water, you can give a solution of Regidron, or alternate.

The contraction of the muscles of the peritoneum, causing the rejection of food that is in the human stomach - this is vomiting. Let's start with the fact that vomiting in infants is both a threatening condition that requires urgent contact with a pediatrician, and common cause overeating.

Often the phenomenon of vomiting in a newborn occurs at the very beginning of his life, when a small organism is just beginning its development, the systems have not yet learned how to work as it should by nature.

It is important to study the cause of vomiting in infants:

  • overeating (difficulty digesting individual particles of complementary foods)
  • air infiltration during feeding (food is expelled by air)
  • improper feeding
  • overexcitation
  • disease symptom
  • the appearance of the first teeth (not developed vestibular apparatus)

A fairly common phenomenon is overfeeding a baby, which provokes the release of food eaten through oral cavity. Quite often, babies spit up both air and milk.

So how do you tell vomiting from spitting up?

Regurgitation is quite safe and has to do with the physiological structure digestive system, occurs without effort, is manifested by heavy breaths and tension in the tummy. Perhaps a simple illiterate introduction of food during feeding, since the child is constantly in lying position. Overeating also contributes to regurgitation, do not overfeed the child.

Taking readings of weight before and after feedings will help control the total amount of food per meal. After feeding, it is recommended to hold the baby in an upright position, which is called a “soldier” among experienced mothers, so that excess air swallowed with milk comes out of the stomach.

Vomiting is a serious symptom that is caused by spasms of the intestinal muscles, which primarily helps to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation.

- Accompanying symptoms.

Diarrhea and vomiting in infants can be very dangerous infections internal organs requiring an urgent visit to the doctor for further treatment. It is absolutely impossible to ignore and wait for them to pass by themselves! Severe dehydration associated with diarrhea leads to a lack of fluid in the body, presenting serious threat his life.

Start assisting your baby immediately, offering breasts or formula if formula-fed to replenish the fluid balance in the small body.

Almost every baby three years at least once endures the so-called "intestinal flu", which causes profuse vomiting and diarrhea. A high body temperature (usually rising at night) is accompanied by nausea during sleep. With this outcome, it is also reasonable to temporarily stop complementary foods in children for breastfeeding and arrange for the patient abundantly - frequent drinking.

Diarrhea is also recommended to stop antiviral drugs which, of course, will be prescribed by a qualified pediatrician. You do not need to include antibiotics in the treatment, they further develop diarrhea and irritate the stomach.

You should immediately consult a pediatric specialist when, immediately after feeding, vomiting begins with a fountain in the baby. The reasons for this are different: overfeeding or the most complex pathologies.
Vomiting in a baby without fever and diarrhea is not yet a diagnosis, but a symptom caused by the possible presence of a disease of various internal organs:

- CNS pathology

  1. Intracranial hypertension, accompanied by swelling of the open fontanel of the baby.
  2. Concussion of the brain when receiving a craniocerebral injury.
  3. Acquired birth trauma.
  4. Neoplasm (brain tumor).

More on the topic: Vomiting for no reason in adults: no diarrhea

- Endocrine diseases

  1. Increased growth hormone.
  2. Conn's syndrome (benign tumor of the adrenal gland).
  3. Brain disease.
  4. Hypopituitarism (tumor, syphilis, meningitis ...).
  5. Congenital obesity and much more ...

- Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Acute appendicitis. It can be either congenital (associated with the shape of the process), extremely rare, or acquired (more often in premature babies).
  2. Gastritis or ulcer of the stomach or pancreas. The mucous membrane of the stomach is irritated by systematic overeating or not digesting food.
  3. Intestinal obstruction (there are two forms - partial and complete). In the event that vomiting in infants after feeding occurs due to the fault of intestinal obstruction, then it begins in the first days of life.

The cause of frequent vomiting is often the presence of foreign body in the esophagus of a curious baby. Seeing crying, restless behavior, difficulty in eating, refusing to eat at all - you should immediately contact an ambulance!

It is important that foreign object did not linger in the body - this is dangerous with complications and may well lead to an irreparable outcome.

Often there may be vomiting without fever and diarrhea. For timely first aid, you need to know exactly what to do, it is important to find out the reason for this.

Often this phenomenon occurs in the summer (during the hot season), when bacteria actively multiply, which can easily get into the baby’s food, provoking intestinal infection. To prevent such unpleasant situation, it is necessary to disinfect the feeding equipment and clean the room in which the baby spends time as often as possible.

Sometimes in such cases, the symptoms described are the result of taking certain drugs, such as by-effect. The drug used should be immediately discontinued and consult a doctor.
Vomiting also occurs as a result of nervous excitement. But it usually happens in older children and there are no manifestations of abdominal pain and stool changes.

Often fever and vomiting occur during force-feeding, or prolonged hysteria, due to overexcitation nervous system.

- Opinion of professionals

Dr. Komarovsky recognizes regurgitation and vomiting as practically the same phenomenon. Of course, if the behavior of the child does not look unhealthy, and he has a stable weight gain, and this does not happen regularly.

- The appearance of the first teeth.

During teething, the baby may vomit, but in this situation, this phenomenon, fortunately, is not too frequent. Only not a large number children, this process is completely calm and painless. With the advent of teeth (especially several at once), most people experience crying, inflammation of the gums, a decrease in appetite, even refusal to eat, fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

No direct relationship was found between tooth growth and vomiting. Concomitant factors (fever, force-feeding, screaming and tears) provoke urges.

More on the topic: Remedies for vomiting and diarrhea: which pills to take?

Any manifestation of pain fatigue parents should urgently show the child to an experienced pediatrician or gastroenterologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, study the nature of the vomit, make a connection with the food taken, compare the symptoms and the time when they began to appear.

A child in a hospital must undergo a mandatory examination and take the main part of the tests:

Perhaps these results will not be enough, then the baby should be additionally consulted with an infectious disease specialist.
IN last resort, if the baby has no food retention in the esophagus at all, then this physiological problem should be studied immediately. In particular severe consequences likely to require surgery.
No one knows a child better than his parents!

While the baby is in infancy, create a calm, peaceful environment for him, let the baby adapt to a new, unfamiliar environment. Crying is not necessarily a manifestation of any disease. Most importantly, you need to follow simple rules for care. These are the usual procedures: feeding, bathing, sleeping, waking, mandatory walks on fresh air, hygiene, massage.

How healthy and happy your baby will be is up to you! Parents, in no case, should panic, even if the baby vomits after feeding, in any extremely unpleasant situation, know what to do, contact a medical facility in a timely manner.

The most rare case of vomiting is a concussion. If the baby suddenly fell off the sofa, or from any other height, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance. Vomiting after a fall is the main symptom of a concussion. This should not be left unattended, because in the future it can lead to serious violations and complications.

Other causes of vomiting may be due to inflammation of the appendix, strangulated hernia, meningitis, pneumonia, or abnormalities in the nervous system, among others. serious violations. Constant regurgitation is possible due to heredity.

Example: Mom periodically hiccups all day once a month. The baby also hiccups all day every month. This is a matter of heredity. If any deviations are suspected, one should without fail consult a doctor, because the main thing is the health of your crumbs, for which you are responsible.

Constant regurgitation and vomiting in newborns can be explained by the structural features of their gastrointestinal tract:

  • short esophagus;
  • the shape of the esophagus, like a funnel;
  • narrowing of the esophagus on a physiological basis;
  • the muscular sphincter is underdeveloped;
  • the mucous membrane is very sensitive.

The danger of vomiting in a newborn also lies in the fact that dehydration occurs. After all, often the child himself refuses even to take water.

The loss of 20% of the body's fluid can be fatal. Therefore, it is worth taking serious measures if parents are faced with a similar phenomenon. It is best to find a good specialist who will advise the parents of the newborn on a particular issue.

The digestive system of a newborn baby is not yet adapted to "adult" food. Its main and most healthy food is mother's breast milk. All other substances will only Negative influence on the body little man, resulting in a violation of the digestive process and vomiting in an infant. For this reason, it is possible to start complementary foods or formula feeding only with the permission of the pediatrician and under his supervision.

Quite often, vomiting in an infant can occur due to an intestinal infection, with which the baby's immunity is not yet able to fight. There are times when a mother, forgetting about the rules of personal hygiene, is the cause of infection of the baby. In no case should mothers take a baby's pacifier and nipple into their mouths, taste the mixture, pick up a child without first washing their hands with soap and water.

In addition to an intestinal infection, there are a number of other reasons that may cause vomiting in an infant:

Nutritional errors in the diet of a nursing mother;

Abrupt changes temperature;

Organ Development Disorder digestive tract;

Improperly vaccinated;

Binge eating. If the child ate more milk than his stomach allows, then the body will get rid of excess fluid through vomiting. It's kind of defensive reflex;

Feeding improperly prepared milk formula or formula from a powder that has been stored for a long time;

Feeding foods that are not intended for this age, which may result in gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) or gastroenteritis (inflammation of the organs located below).

If vomiting small child doesn't disappear enough long time, causes lethargy and apathy in the baby, is accompanied by fever, convulsions, causes dryness, leads to a decrease in body weight, then this condition requires an immediate call to an ambulance emergency care. With a single vomiting, you can limit yourself to calling a doctor at home for a consultation.

Often found in the practice of pediatricians severe vomiting in a child with a high fever. This disease occurs as a result of taking medications. The thing is that the baby’s body is not ready to take pharmacological drugs, for this reason the baby has a vomiting process, thanks to which the child’s body gets rid of the drug, antibiotic or antipyretic. Also, vomiting can occur as a reaction of the baby's body to high temperature.

If you see your child showing signs of vomiting and elevated temperature then call an ambulance immediately. At this time, provide the baby with plenty of fluids, create conditions for the vertical position of the body, preventing the head from tilting back, do not feed the child or give him any medicines, periodically clean the nasal passages of the baby and in no case prevent the release of vomit.

If vomiting in an infant appears at the moment when complementary foods began to be introduced into the baby's diet, this indicates that the stomach is not ready to assimilate new food. In this case, postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a few days, start giving New Product in a smaller volume, carefully monitor the quality of the food consumed by the baby, and be sure to consult your doctor.

If a baby has vomiting for up to a year (with the introduction of complementary foods), then medication may be needed. It will allow you to properly form the intestinal microflora and create conditions for the normal functioning of the pancreas.

The gag reflex is called that because it manifests itself reflexively, as a reaction to intoxication. Vomiting relieves the condition of the child with an intestinal infection or poisoning. It is not recommended to suppress it with antiemetics. However, if the baby vomits for no reason, and there is no fever and diarrhea, it may indicate some other disease (colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis). The gag reflex also accompanies such diseases as the pathology of the digestive organs, neurological disorders.

Regurgitation in infants is a problem that affects many families. The main thing for mom is to make sure that this process is not associated with vomiting.

How to distinguish between regurgitation and vomiting?

It is easy to mistake regurgitation for vomiting in a newborn if you do not know precise definition these two reflections. Regurgitation for the baby is frequent occurrence, but how to understand that 5 month old baby vomited, but not poisoned? It would be correct to find out the reasons leading to regurgitation. In addition, you should understand the mechanism of both reflexes in order to know how they differ and how to correctly respond to what is happening.

What is regurgitation?

- this is the involuntary throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus, and then into the pharynx and mouth. It is provoked in infants by unformed digestive sphincters. It appears 10-15 (sometimes 30-40) minutes after the child has drunk milk or formula. Refers to a natural physiological process. Regurgitation occurs when air enters with food, overeating, strong arousal after feeding, and sometimes as a result of any pathology. The condition of the child from regurgitation does not worsen, the baby does not react to it in any way.

Regurgitation occurs mainly in the first months after birth. Everything gets better as the child grows.

What is vomiting?

Vomiting is the release of food into the esophagus, followed by a transition to the pharynx and mouth, occurring at a reflex level. The reflex is controlled by the vomiting center of the brain. Caused by contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. The harbingers of vomiting are: blanching of the child, a feeling of nausea, copious excretion saliva, rapid breathing. Characterized by restless behavior of the baby. The amount of vomit, as a rule, exceeds the amount of food consumed by the child. This is due to the fact that swallowed food comes out with gastric juice.

How is vomiting different from spitting up?

The question is serious, because the baby cannot complain about nausea and warn his mother that he will vomit now. Special signs help to distinguish it from regurgitation:

  • obvious urge to vomit;
  • repetition of urges;
  • a lot of vomit;
  • the outgoing liquid becomes yellow, there are impurities of bile;
  • a sharp jump in temperature;
  • anxiety of the child before the attack.

Vomiting in infants is accompanied by anxiety, possibly fever

When to call a doctor?

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Regardless of whether the child vomited at 9 months or at 6 month old baby, parents are obliged to monitor his condition. It is important to understand why it arose. Seeing a doctor is a necessity dictated by dangerous signs:

  • the liquid comes out in a fountain, with short interruptions (two or three times per hour);
  • the child is not emptied by large (no diarrhea);
  • the baby is tormented by pain and cramps in the abdomen, he cries a lot;
  • malaise arose after a head injury, a fall from a height;
  • severe dehydration;
  • fever, the baby constantly sleepy, general weakening;
  • bloody inclusions in the vomit, dark color.

While waiting for the doctor to arrive, try to calm down. Stay close to your son or daughter. Hold the child upright, but do not move with him. Postpone feedings, do not give antiemetics, do not resort to gastric lavage. Gently rinse the vomit from the baby's face so that it does not irritate the skin. If a child aged 10 months or older is vomiting, ask them to rinse their mouth.

Safe causes of vomiting

Pediatricians divide the causes of vomiting into safe and requiring medical intervention. Safe factors can be eliminated at home without resorting to other methods of treatment. Dangerous require observation and consultation with a doctor. Let us first consider the reasons why dangerous for the health of the baby.

Vomiting can be triggered by teething in a child. This reason poses no particular danger

We have compiled a table with such reasons and their features:

Cause of vomitingWhy is it happeningHow to eliminate
If teeth are cut, many children will vomit (we recommend reading:). The process is not cyclical. Teeth are falling painfully.
  • Crying or screaming in pain, the baby is gaining a lot of air.
  • Attempt to force feed pain syndrome in the gums.
  • Gently massage your gums with your finger or massager.
  • Apply a cutter.
  • To anoint the gums, swollen from erupting teeth,.
  • Teeth hurt - feed the baby at his request, and not by force.
Vomiting at the age of 3 to 7-8 months is associated with the intake of other foods, it is called functional. Occurs after eating, passes once, is not accompanied by deterioration.
  • Underdevelopment of the enzymatic system of the baby, not ready to receive a new product.
  • The body does not accept any element of nutrition.
  • Exclude from the diet is not accepted product.
  • When giving a new complementary food, do not introduce a product that provokes vomiting into it for several weeks.
Vomiting of a psychogenic nature (in a child older than 3 years). Associated with certain action or event, is repeated when that event or action occurs.
  • Forced feeding.
  • Stresses of a positive and negative nature.
  • Emotional tension before an important event.
  • Eliminate situations that traumatize the psyche of the baby.
  • Contact a psychotherapist.

Dangerous causes of vomiting

Having considered safe cases vomiting, it would not be superfluous to find out about her dangerous reasons caused by much more serious ailments than food poisoning or teething. The dangerous nature of vomiting is rare, but this is no reason not to know its causes. Armed with knowledge, the parent is ready to assess the situation in time and properly help the baby. We decided to take a closer look at these reasons and tell you about them.

Appendicitis in newborns is difficult to notice, since the child cannot complain of abdominal pain, which in most cases leads to sad consequences.

Acute appendicitis

Appendicitis in newborns is extremely rare, since children of this age eat milk. Sometimes in response to acute appendicitis vomiting becomes, diarrhea, severe paroxysmal pain, lethargy, swollen tummy are added to it. The baby is restless, crying for a long time, trying to pull his legs up to his tummy. Palpation of the abdomen is painful. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult, an x-ray of the abdominal cavity is necessary. The lethal outcome of the disease, unfortunately, in infants is 80%, in babies up to a year - 10 percent.

Foreign body in the esophagus

The likelihood that the baby, especially with the growth of teeth, will swallow some small object, always exists, no matter how you follow it. Getting into the esophagus, the object causes its reflex compression, a gag reflex occurs.

See if the swallowed object came out along with the vomit. It is bad if particles of blood and mucus appear in the liquid, the baby begins to choke, there is a strong salivation - without wasting time, call an ambulance.

The disease is classified as congenital or acquired as a result of severe infections intestines. Consider two forms: complete and partial obstruction. Seen in infants. The main symptoms: the presence of meconium (original feces) and bile in the emetic fluid, a strongly swollen tummy. The situation is dangerous, the child must be immediately taken to a medical facility. Oral feeding is canceled, the crumbs are fed through a dropper.

Intestinal obstruction in an infant requires immediate medical attention

Dilated cardiac sphincter of the stomach

The cardiac sphincter is an anatomical opening located between the esophagus and stomach. Expanded from birth, it provokes the leakage of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Sudden splashing of food occurs if the child is placed on a side or back, tears the baby even when he rolls over on his tummy. If the diagnosis is confirmed, baby have to feed in an upright position, giving milk or formula in small portions.

Most of the children with such a diagnosis outgrow it, and the work of the cardiac opening is normalized. If the child continues to suffer, gains weight poorly, you should be examined by a doctor (more in the article:). Pediatricians recommend changing the diet and giving the baby anti-reflux mixtures. They are used as a temporary replacement, in the hope that the functions of the sphincter will be restored. Medicines are prescribed that reduce the tone of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach. Severe cases require surgical intervention.

Neurological Disorders

Violations prenatal development lead to neurological deficits. Hypoxia ( oxygen starvation), suffocation of the newborn during childbirth or after them become the cause of the disease. The gag reflex is permanent, accompanied by chin tremor, convulsions, severe excitability or lethargy. A large percentage of problems are noted in children with low weight and premature babies. Long-term inpatient treatment and constant monitoring by a neurologist are necessary.

Violations of the neurological order require constant monitoring of the child by a neurologist

pyloric stenosis

The disease belongs to congenital pathology and arises from a narrowed passage located between the duodenum and the stomach. Food cannot flow freely from the stomach to the intestines, which causes the child to gag. It appears in the first month of a newborn's life. The discharge is profuse, frequent, similar in consistency to liquid cottage cheese. The kid is experiencing constant feeling hunger, hardly gaining weight, dehydrated. The disease is corrected surgically.


There is a pylorus in the human body, it stands between the stomach and the duodenum. It is a hole, with narrowing of the muscles of which the disease pylorospasm is diagnosed. Experts tend to attribute it to a functional failure. Children under 4 months of age often suffer from this disorder because the newborn body contains a large amount of the hormone gastrin. The hormone increases the tone of the pyloric muscles, they are constantly compressed, provoking rapid, but not profuse vomiting. Incessant attacks are stopped by the transition to antireflux nutrition.

Head injury

The baby can vomit due to a severe bruise on the head or a fall from a high place. Such vomiting is called cerebral. It also opens against the background of diseases such as meningitis, brain tumor, encephalitis. The gag reflex does not follow the intake of the mixture, it occurs suddenly. The child turns pale, the pulse becomes weak, drowsiness appears. Obviously, the baby should be shown to a specialist.

Sudden vomiting in a child may be the result of a head injury

Symptoms associated with vomiting

Having found out that vomiting in a 5-9 month old baby is caused not only by poisoning, but also by the growth of teeth and head bruises, it is reasonable to assume that there is additional symptoms pointing to some other disease. Most often, diarrhea is added to it. Some ailments triple the number of symptoms, adding a high temperature to the gag reflex and diarrhea (we recommend reading:). Let's figure out what diseases can cause the above symptoms:

  • and vomiting are considered signs of food poisoning. Newborns are poisoned less often than one-year-old children who eat adult food. Both symptoms indicate an obvious intestinal infection. We add to it the syndrome of intolerance to milk or an element of complementary foods. Possible cause May be inflammatory process, pathology of the digestive organs, and food allergies are much less common. Often they are accompanied by a high temperature.
  • Vomiting with temperature acts in two ways: there was a general intoxication, the child vomited, the temperature rose. It happens differently: the temperature rises, the baby vomits (we recommend reading:). The set of symptoms is characteristic of food poisoning and during the period when the first teeth begin to appear.
  • If the baby vomits, but the other two symptoms are absent, the reason is the unstable work of the immature gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a similar syndrome results from pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, food allergies, intolerance to milk or cow protein by the child. Perhaps the crumbs "go" teeth. Such a reaction is associated with the banal swallowing of a large amount of liquid by the baby, perhaps the baby choked or coughed at the time of feeding, or was too active after feeding.

Throwing up may be the result improper feeding

Three consequences of vomiting that are life-threatening for an infant

Despite the fact that the gag reflex is bestowed on a person by nature itself, its frequent and abundant manifestations in a small child can lead to sad consequences. Having established why they have arisen, it is easier to eliminate them. We note three main negative syndromes:

  1. Dehydration. Excessive release of liquid and mineral salts, pouring out of a fountain from a small organism, disrupts the water-salt balance. The lack of fluid affects all the organs of the crumbs. How to recognize dehydration syndrome? If the baby's diaper does not get wet in 4 hours, if he cries without tears, his fontanel "sunk", weight loss occurs, which means that the baby is dehydrated. It is urgent to show your treasure to the doctor.
  2. Retention of breath. The vomit can clog the baby's airways, which increases the danger to his life. Parents should keep the infant upright when vomiting. Make sure your baby's head is turned to one side while sleeping.
  3. Weight loss. Sudden weight loss, provoked by abundant and frequent vomiting and diarrhea, life-threatening for the newborn. The risk of a negative outcome is doubled for low birth weight and preterm infants.

How to eliminate such consequences? Solder the baby with glucose-salt solution. Give it to the baby through a syringe, injecting it on the cheek, drink an 11-month-old baby from a teaspoon. Pharmacies offer different nutrient solutions: Hydrovit, Regidron, Oralit, Trihydron. Ready-made solutions are sold in the form of powders, which are diluted in cooled boiled water.

If your baby is spitting up after feeding formula, milk or other food, then you have come to the right place. Don't panic! In this article, you will learn why a newborn baby spit up often and whether he loses weight with such vomiting.

Hard to say in simple terms How much joy our children bring us. It is extremely important for each of the parents to provide the newborn with such care that would provide him normal development and health. Especially young mothers have a lot of questions about the process when the baby burped everything he ate. What is it, what are its causes and how to behave in this case?

Why does a newborn spit up a fountain after feeding

Spitting up is a common process in which a small amount of air enters the baby's esophagus along with milk or infant formula. Basically, this process is typical for newborns aged 3 months and older. In children after 10 months, regurgitation is practically not observed.

Why did the baby vomit and why does he suddenly spit up - the reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • the baby's stomach is full of milk and air. That is why regurgitation is predominantly observed immediately after the baby has eaten plentifully;
  • weakened muscles that block the channel between the esophagus and stomach. In a newborn baby, the valve muscles are still poorly developed, and they will get stronger only after the 1st year;
  • an allergic reaction to milk or complementary foods: this is noticeable after a mixture of another type or manufacturer;
  • physiological disorders of the development of the esophagus or stomach.

At normal course development of the child immediately after spitting up, he behaves calmly and continues to play.

What you need to pay attention to! Unfortunately, the cause of regurgitation may be the presence of any disease. To contact a specialist regurgitation may have the following features:

  • when they say that the baby burped a lot, this means that the volume of the vomited mixture is 5 ml or more;
  • regurgitation occurs not only after feeding, but is repeated after a while after that;
  • vomit looks like curdled milk yellow color or cottage cheese and sour smell;
  • the child behaves restlessly, cries, there are frequent cases when he can completely refuse food;
  • regurgitation occurs in a fountain not only through the mouth, but also through the nose.

Dr. Komarovsky in his program drew the attention of young mothers to the fact that if a newborn regurgitation acquires such a character, then we can say that this is vomiting. And this is a clear reason for the presence of any disease of the esophagus or intestines, which requires immediate contact with the pediatrician.

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Vomiting a fountain can be caused by several reasons:

  • small intestines;
  • during breastfeeding, the mother incorrectly applies the baby to the breast;
  • there is not enough milk in the breast or the nipple is irregularly shaped;
  • the child is not suitable for infant formula or complementary foods;
  • sudden change in diet. This must be done gradually and very carefully;
  • constipation, severe flatulence or colic in the baby, which increases pressure on abdominal cavity newborn;
  • a premature baby has underdeveloped digestive organs or a weak sucking-swallowing reflex;
  • newborn baby has suffered intrauterine hypoxia, which caused the development of pyloric spasm;
  • overexcitation or fatigue of the baby.

Is it worth it to panic when the baby vomited a fountain

Often on the forum, young mothers ask the question: “How should one behave when a baby spits up a fountain? How can I help him and what should I do?

According to experts, in no case should you panic and leave the baby alone in the crib or on the couch. It is necessary to take the baby in your arms in an upright position. And keep it like that for about 5 to 10 minutes.
If vomiting does not stop during this time, emergency medical attention should be called.

In order to minimize the possibility of regurgitation, it is necessary, if possible, to try not to overfeed the newborn (feed often, but a little bit).
It is not recommended to start feeding when the baby is overexcited, and even more so when crying.

When breastfeeding, try to give the baby a body position in which his head will be above the level of the tummy.

If the baby is bottle-fed, the hole in the nipple should not be too large (then the newborn may choke on the mixture), but not too small (in this case, the child will swallow a lot of air).

Good results in the fight against regurgitation with a fountain can be achieved as a result of a change in nutrition. For example, to make an artificial mixture thicker or more liquid. If the newborn is breastfed, to thicken mother's milk you can use rice powder. Milk must first be expressed.

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What to do if the baby (baby) spits up a fountain when feeding formula or breast milk

Dr. Komarovsky in one of his TV shows recommends using special medicinal mixtures from regurgitation, which are used in artificial feeding.

Often, pediatricians advise to carry out preventive actions after each feeding, which can prevent or ease the process of spitting up a fountain:

  • before feeding the baby, lay it on the tummy;
  • with light massaging movements, massage the tummy clockwise;
  • after the end of feeding the baby, it is necessary to hold him in his arms in an upright position for 5-10 minutes, gently stroking him on the back;
  • no need to tightly swaddle a newborn, turn him over or play with him immediately after feeding.

How often does the child vomit

If a child vomited a fountain once a month without repetition, there is no cause for concern. But with frequent repetitions of regurgitation with a fountain immediately or an hour after feeding, it is necessary to contact a specialist and be sure to establish a real picture of this process.

Does a child lose weight when vomiting a fountain

If you watch the video below, you will understand that frequent repetition of spitting up as a result can cause the baby to lose weight or become dehydrated.

Often, vomiting with a fountain can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Don't be indifferent to even seemingly minor changes in your child's behavior. His future health depends on it. Love and take care of the kids, they will repay you the same!