Palpitations in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Is pulsation dangerous? Why does the baby hiccup in the stomach

Literally from the moment a woman becomes registered in antenatal clinic your gynecologist will look closely and even listen to everything that happens, or rather to your tummy, and this will happen literally at every scheduled or unscheduled examination. And even more so, you yourself will begin to direct absolutely all your attention to your stomach. Agree, probably, each of the pregnant women is looking forward to a noticeable rounding of her belly, often evaluates its changed shape or size, and, of course, tries to constantly analyze their new sensations.

Many women are somewhat alarmed by the occurrence of pulsation in the lower abdomen, which usually occurs during pregnancy. Moreover, women can feel such a pulsation on the most different terms her pregnancy. But at the same time, it’s impossible to say at least something for sure, explaining what kind of sensations these are. And it's easy to explain. Firstly, real reasons there may be several such pulsations, and secondly, pregnant women can call truly very different and dissimilar sensations a certain pulsation. So for some, pulsation is when something taps, for others it moves, or moves, and for others, something contracts, and they are all convinced that this is how they pulsate. Actually, that is why with questions about what in reality the pulsation in the lower abdomen that you feel specifically during pregnancy can mean, it would be best to immediately contact your gynecologist specifically leading the pregnancy. We will now consider only the probable causes of such a strange and even in some specific cases warning signs of pregnancy.

Hello mom from baby

Probably, the vast majority of all “experienced” mothers, having only heard about the issues of pulsation in the abdomen, will immediately assure you that such a pulsation felt in the lower abdomen by a pregnant woman can be nothing more than a simple hiccup of your fetus. Doctors, perhaps, will confirm this: after all, babies can actually hiccup quite often right in the womb. And, as a rule, this happens as a result of a small ingestion of a certain amount by your baby. amniotic fluid. After all, already from the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to make quite full-fledged swallowing movements, this is necessary so that after birth the baby is able to eat completely independently and, of course, breathe. Directly in the process of such ingestion, the muscles of the crumbs are really strengthened, its digestive system is improved, as well as the entire gastrointestinal tract of the baby. So remember, this can be a kind of baby workout.

And, of course, it can usually be accompanied by some rhythmic twitching of the female tummy, while the woman always feels some contraction of the abdominal muscles. At different women such hiccups can be completely different in their duration - moreover, from a few seconds to up to an hour, and sometimes more. At the same time, in women, as a rule, almost the entire abdomen can tremble, although the woman herself can feel the main “source” of such movements only in the lower part of the tummy. Hiccups in the fetus can often cause real discomfort in the expectant mother herself, especially if the hiccups are often repeated and, moreover, do not stop for a long time. We hasten to reassure you, some women may not feel any hiccups at all during the entire pregnancy: this can be explained, first of all, by a lower threshold of female sensitivity.

The next and most likely of the available causes of sensations of pulsation in the lower abdomen that occurs during pregnancy does not look as touching as the first reason. Doctors are inclined precisely to the fact that such sensations can be transmitted by a pulsating vena cava, which runs on the right along the entire spine. And depending on the most frequent position of the body of the mother herself and her baby, this very vena cava can sometimes be completely or partially pinched, which the doctors themselves call so rosy more precisely “inferior vena cava pressure syndrome”. It should be noted that such a syndrome begins to manifest itself in full approximately from the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy, although sometimes it can even earlier.

And, as we already know, women's is constantly growing, naturally increasing both in weight and size. The baby also does not lag behind her, and together they are able to exert a certain pressure directly on the lower abdomen. In addition, at the same time, the same inferior vena cava, usually through which normal transportation of venous blood should occur, may well be infringed. And, of course, with such pressure, a woman will feel a certain pulsation right in the lower abdomen, but with strong or complete squeezing, a woman may even feel severe dizziness, and sometimes even lose consciousness. It must be recalled that special pressure on this vena cava occurs, just when future mommy lies constantly on her back, which is why many doctors urge pregnant women to abandon such a position for their sleep or rest, and this should be done already from the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy.

First fetal movements

As we said earlier, the very word pulsation in the understanding of different women can vary dramatically, and pulsation for different women can not always be the same pleasant or not very sensations. There are mothers who claim that it was with such pulsating sensations that they were able to hear their little baby for the first time. Thus, it is completely possible that in your particular case, some pulsation felt in the lower abdomen during pregnancy may turn out to be simple. However, of course, a lot here will depend on what stage of pregnancy you are at now.

Can such a pulsation be dangerous?

We note right away that the vast majority of pregnant women are able to perfectly distinguish the movement of the baby, from the hiccups of the child and, of course, from the pulsation of the veins, and simply similar sensations from each other. And many women claim that some pulsation felt in the lower abdomen specifically in their case is certainly not some hiccups of the crumbs. And in this case, most likely, it is, of course, a vein that pulsates, or rather, in which only your own blood pulsates, or rather, the rhythms can simply coincide.

And even if you don’t really know why you feel a certain pulsation in your stomach, definitely don’t make any unnecessary guesses. Most often, such a pulsation cannot pose any danger or threat at all. By the way, it may turn out that your body is so sensitive that you feel the movement of the blood itself through the vessels (you will agree, because the total volume of blood constantly pumped through them really increases greatly during this difficult time for the body). But as for the hiccups of the fetus, on this occasion, some doctors confidently argue that such hiccups can be considered as a kind of indicator of the absolutely normal development of the crumbs. And let's say that the pulsation of a vein can be completely stopped by simply changing your usual body position.

And, nevertheless, in this issue there are also several small “buts”. Try to always avoid even a slight squeezing of that very inferior vena cava (just do not go to bed on your back). And if the baby’s hiccups (well, of course, in your opinion, hiccups) are repeated too often and for some reason do not stop for too long, and even more so in cases where, from time to time, the intensity or duration of such hiccups increase, then you will definitely need to undergo some additional examinations. This is necessary, first of all, in order to completely exclude the probable (this is a condition when the baby experiences an acute lack of oxygen). And remember that only a qualified doctor can dispel any of your fears or simple doubts. Definitely do not be shy and, doubting your feelings, visit him before the time for a scheduled inspection comes, especially if something really worries you. And in cases where such a pulsation, felt in the lower abdomen, is also accompanied by pain, then you should just immediately contact your doctor.

Let you never worry about anything again! And be happy with your healthy baby!

From the moment a pregnant woman is registered, at each examination, the doctor carefully examines and listens to the tummy. The expectant mother also constantly monitors the feelings and sensations in her stomach, monitors its growth and acquired forms. Most women are faced with such an innovation for themselves as a pulsation in the abdomen. This question will certainly start to worry them. But there is no unambiguous question on this question, since there may be several reasons.

We must also take into account the fact that each woman in her own way can describe certain sensations. Therefore, for a "decoding" it is necessary to contact your doctor.

We, in turn, will tell you about the most common options, why this happens and how you can help yourself.

As a rule, such a pulsation does not cause any tangible pain, and does not cause discomfort. In the event that this happens with enviable regularity, it is worth paying due attention to this.
But in most cases, if the ripple is on early dates painless, this can be caused by a number of reasons:
Intestinal spasms.
Tone of the uterus.
The child begins to move actively.
If these are spasms, then the pain may throb around the navel, and if it is uterine tone, then it is felt in the lower abdomen. In the event that the pulsation is clearly expressed, causes pain and spotting appears, a gynecologist's consultation is urgently needed. This is extremely dangerous, as it can mean an ectopic pregnancy, and contribute to the rupture of the tube.
It happens when the pulsation occurs in the area of ​​the womb - in this case the doctor also needs to be notified, as this may indicate a high tone of the uterus, which in turn subsequently leads to premature birth.

If, according to the doctor, the pulsation in the abdomen is caused by gastrointestinal colic, then it is necessary to adhere to special diet(delete harmful products and add more vegetables and fruits to the diet, as well as fermented milk products and various cereals).

Constipation and irregular stools also harm pregnancy. So, during constipation, harmful substances absorbed into the body through the intestines, and when too frequent stool, the child does not have time to receive all the substances he needs. Cereals contain fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines. It is worth excluding foods that cause gas formation in the intestines, as in connection with this, the stomach will pulsate regardless of the period.

Pulsation rhythm variable

In most cases, pulsation in the abdomen is associated with fetal mobility. This mobility causes increased blood flow to the abdominal organs, promoting intestinal metabolism. In this case, pain occurs with varying degrees of intensity, and after about twenty minutes, a pulsation begins to be felt.

There are also babies who actively want to move while still in the womb - they show their activity for a long time and perform various movements.

Dangerous ripple

If the pain throbs and radiates to the lower back, contractions are likely to begin. If the term of childbirth is not soon, then it is very, very dangerous. In this case, most of the muscles of the abdomen and back tense, there is an irresistible desire to go to the toilet in a big way. As soon as the muscles relax, the throbbing pain recedes, but as soon as they tense up, it reappears. If your pregnancy is less than thirty-six weeks, call your doctor immediately. With a successful outcome, these will turn out to be false contractions.

If the pain pulsates in the lower abdomen on the right, this is a pinching of the abdominal aorta (it delivers blood to the uterus, and if it does not function properly, it causes oxygen deficiency in the fetus). The pressure can also rise or fall sharply, nausea and even vomiting begin, dizziness occurs and it darkens in the eyes. In this case, you need to rest, change the position of the body during sleep and everything will go away by itself. To avoid pinching the abdominal aorta, it is forbidden to sleep on your back, make sharp oblique movements. It is urgent to consult a doctor if, with the above recommendation, the throbbing pain has not gone away, and in some cases it has even worsened.
Also, pulsation can be caused by hypoxia - when oxygen is supplied to the child in a limited amount.

Pregnancy is a very important, difficult and crucial moment, therefore, as soon as any unpleasant, painful, pulsating sensations arise, a consultation with your gynecologist is urgently needed.

The health of the unborn child should come first, so it is better to play it safe in order to avoid unwanted consequences. With the help of a conventional ultrasonic examination, the condition of the fetus can be easily checked.

Hiccups in a child causes pulsation of the abdomen

If the period is more than twenty-seven weeks, there is a pulsation, and pain No. What could this mean? Exactly on this period the child begins to make attempts to learn to swallow, for the further development of the digestive system.
And since the baby is in the water, he involuntarily swallows amniotic fluid, which contributes to the fact that he starts hiccups. Average this process does not last more than an hour. When the fetus hiccups, the abdomen begins to twitch, which causes a sensation of pulsation.

Infringement of the vena cava, as the cause of pulsation

Most often, the cause of the pulsation in the abdomen is not as safe as the hiccups of the child. The gynecologist can also establish that there is a pulsation of the vena cava, which runs along the spine on the right. This vein may be occluded due to right position mother or future fetus. This symptom may appear at the twenty-fifth week or a little earlier, all this is associated with the weight gain of the unborn child and the growth of the uterus.

When this vein is clamped, the blood flow in the uterus is disturbed, in connection with this, a pulsation occurs, and with a critical clamping of the vein, a woman can become very sick and dizzy, up to loss of consciousness.

We repeat once again that it is categorically not recommended to sleep on your back!

What to do with pulsation

Without consulting a specialist, it is difficult to determine what is causing the pulsation.
If the sensation of pulsation causes discomfort, there are several options for how you can help yourself. The first option is to change your position if you are lying down. The second option is to sit down to rest, then walk, and the pulsation should pass. This will help if you have a pinched vena cava.
If a baby hiccups inside you, then you only need to endure it, you can’t help yourself in this case. If given state appears quite often and lasts quite a long time, you need to contact a specialist for advice and recommendations to determine oxygen starvation the child and avoid unwanted consequences.

It also happens that a woman begins to feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen already in the first days of pregnancy, as the embryo begins to feed intensively from the woman's uterus.

Most importantly, during pregnancy, register and be under the supervision of a doctor during pregnancy in order to avoid unwanted consequences. Be healthy!

As soon as you register with the antenatal clinic for pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist will carefully listen to your tummy during each visit. You, too, will pay all your attention to the growing tummy. Looking forward to when others begin to notice your interesting position, you constantly listen to the sensations in the lower abdomen. Women are often concerned pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. No one can say for sure what this is, since there may be more than one reason for this phenomenon. Also, future mothers call various sensations pulsation: some feel contractions, tapping, stirring, while others feel pulsation. As a rule, these symptoms are observed in most women with a normal pregnancy. However, to alleviate anxiety and expectant mother it does not hurt to tell the doctor observing her about her condition, especially if accompanied by pain. In this article, we will only give the most common causes of this phenomenon in a normal pregnancy.

The main causes of pulsation in the lower abdomen in pregnant women

  1. 1. baby stirring

On short term During pregnancy, fetal movements are still felt indistinctly, so some expectant mothers take the first ones for pulsation.

  1. 2. fetal hiccups

Obstetrician-gynecologists confirm that indeed very often babies hiccup in the uterus. This is due to the ingestion of amniotic fluid by the fetus. Starting at 28 weeks future baby begins to make swallowing movements. Thus, he trains his muscles, improves the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. The hiccuping of a child is a physiological state in normal development pregnancy. Hiccups are usually accompanied by rhythmic fluctuations of the abdomen, while the entire abdomen shudders, but the center of the hiccups is localized in the lower abdomen. By time twitching in the lower abdomen during pregnancy due to fetal hiccups, it can last from a couple of minutes to an hour. Sometimes the expectant mother may feel discomfort, especially if the fetal hiccups do not go away for a long time and are often repeated. At the same time, some pregnant women do not feel hiccups at all due to individual low sensitivity. If the child's hiccups occur too often and for a long time, it is worth undergoing an additional examination to identify possible cause. In this case, fetal hypoxia may occur due to a lack of oxygen supplied with cord blood.

  1. 3. Pulsation of the inferior vena cava

The inferior vena cava is located on the right along the spine. From the third trimester of pregnancy during a long-term stay of a pregnant woman in awkward posture, for example, in a supine position, this vein can be squeezed under the weight of an enlarged uterus. From squeezing the vein, the blood flow in it is disturbed and the syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava develops. In addition to the rhythmic twitching of the abdomen, nausea, dizziness, a feeling of lack of air, and even loss of consciousness can be observed. The likelihood of compression of the vena cava is higher with increasing gestational age, as well as in women bearing large babies, and in multiple pregnancies.

Rarely pulsation during pregnancy may be accompanied by increasing pain, localized in the middle of the abdomen. This may be a symptom of a serious dangerous state- Aortic aneurysms. In this case, urgent medical attention is required.

Prevention of possible complications with pulsation

To prevent any complications, expectant mothers are prescribed the intake of complex vitamins that you need to drink until the moment of delivery. It is also necessary to avoid overwork and high physical activity. To monitor weight gain, for convenience, it is advised to put a special pillow or roller between the legs. These simple measures can help avoid compression of large blood vessels and minimize the risk of fetal hypoxia.

With regular visits to the antenatal clinic, following all the doctor's recommendations and confirming that your baby is developing well, you will have nothing to worry about! After the birth of the long-awaited crumbs, you will forget about all the worries that concern you now.

Rhythmic pulsation in the abdomen during pregnancy alarms women, especially primiparas. Agree, a girl does not get pregnant every day, and the slightest changes, innovations in the body make you think about whether everything is fine with the child, whether the stomach should pulsate during pregnancy.

Why does the lower abdomen pulsate during pregnancy

Girls in a position with special interest watch the course of pregnancy. Analyze new manifestations, feelings, changes in the body during all nine months. With special interest increased attention monitor the development of the tummy: its shape, size, tone, control their weight, motor activity baby. And of course, they cannot fail to notice and respond to the pulsating sensations in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, which manifest themselves on various stages bearing a child.

The pulsating movements of the abdomen are explained by many reasons related both to the pregnancy itself and to the physiological characteristics of a person. Consider a few important reasons, causing impulses in the pregnant tummy:

  • baby movements;
  • intrauterine hiccups crumbs;
  • pulsating vena cava.
It should be noted: if there is a pulsation in the lower abdomen, an ectopic pregnancy is possible. Then the sensation of a pulse is explained by internal bleeding. This pathology is also associated sharp pains lower abdomen, nausea, loss of consciousness. These symptoms suggest immediate referral to a doctor.

Why does the stomach pulsate in the early and late stages

Pulsation in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy can signal directly the very beginning of fertilization and be one of the first harbingers of a "piquant" position. That is, having "obtained" a fertilized egg, the uterus begins to grow, change, initiating cramping rhythms - to contract. Often pregnant women take these signals for pulsating signs.

Hormonal changes in the body due to pregnancy change the functioning of all organs, including the functional abilities of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, previously unknown bloating, indigestion, diarrhea and constipation occur already in the first couple of conceptions, accompanied by rumbling, sometimes pulsating movements in the belly.

Naturally, "experienced" mothers can easily distinguish physiological features organism from the very nature of pregnancy, but these “urges” can alert primiparous girls.

The lion's share of pregnant women will assure that the pulsation of the abdomen during pregnancy is later dates It is explained precisely by the intrauterine hiccups of the baby. In fact, starting from the middle of pregnancy (from about 26-28 weeks), the baby trains the swallowing reflex so that when it is born, it will be able to suck / swallow food (milk), be able to breathe independently. Therefore, intrauterine hiccups are not a pathology, but are primarily due to the fact that the baby, being greedy, overate amniotic fluid, or picked it up very briskly.

Intrauterine hiccups are characterized by rhythmic twitching of the abdomen and last from several minutes to an hour and a half. If such a pulsation creates discomfort, doctors recommend that mothers change their position: stand - lie down, or roll over to the other side. Help stop hiccups breathing exercises, leisurely walks on fresh air.

Pulsating tremors during pregnancy are perceived by many mothers as the first movements of the baby. famous thing, there is a percentage of girls who claim that these are not any movements, but ordinary indigestion. But, if you are so pleased to think, and such sensations began in the period of 18-20 weeks, they are permanent, then yes, this is exactly the first fiery hello from your little one. Enjoy communication!

One of probable causes pulsations in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, according to experts, indicates the functioning of the vena cava, which runs along the spine on the right. This vein pumps blood from the lower body. Therefore, due to the increase in the size of the uterus, the weight of the baby, it is squeezed and the mother clearly feels pulsations in the abdomen on the right. Doctors strongly do not recommend pregnant women to sleep lying on their backs, but to accustom, discipline themselves to rest on their left, right sides. Squeezing the vena cava is fraught with unstable blood circulation in the lower body, which leads to the "overlap" of oxygen to the baby. And this is a manifestation of hypoxia.

The movement of the baby, his touching hiccups, even the movement of venous blood are considered the norm of pregnancy, should not lead future mothers to a stupor. Naturally, increased pulsation, rhythmic contractions, pain in the belly should not be ignored. Therefore, at the slightest hint of a “malfunction”, it is necessary to inform the doctor for additional research and to identify the true cause of discomfort.

Pregnancy for a woman is a crucial stage. The expectant mother constantly listens to the ongoing changes in her body. Some processes delight, others excite and frighten. One of the factors alarming, is a pulsation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.

Each pregnant woman has her own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpulsation. Women describe it in different ways: as contractions, knocks or wiggling. The process can appear at different times, be constant or periodic, painful or asymptomatic. In any case, it is necessary to inform the attending gynecologist about this.

The first movement of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy can be mistaken for a pulsation.

physiological phenomenon

Basically, in the absence pain pulsation is a natural phenomenon. The whole point is that female body have to work hard, supplying oxygen and the necessary nutrients two organisms. As a result, the blood volume increases by 30%, the heart rate increases with the growth of the fetus. A pregnant woman can feel her stomach pulsing throughout the entire gestation period.

Increasing throbbing pain in the middle of the abdomen in rare cases indicates an aortic aneurysm. This serious pathology requiring immediate medical attention.


Pulsation in the abdomen during a normal pregnancy can be caused by fetal hiccups. The duration is from several minutes to an hour and does not require intervention from the expectant mother.

Why does the baby start to hiccup:

  1. There is an intensive development of the digestive and respiratory organs.
  2. The fetus makes swallowing movements, sometimes swallowing amniotic fluid.
  3. Anatomy fluid causes hiccups.

There is nothing wrong with that. The baby is preparing for birth: learning to eat and breathe.

Such pulsations can occur from the 28th week several times a day, and their localization is observed mainly in the lower abdomen. Some women do not feel this at all, others feel that the whole stomach is twitching. It all depends on the individual sensitivity threshold of the pregnant woman.

Frequent and prolonged hiccups- this is a sign of hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the fetus. Prompt medical attention and proper treatment help avoid complications.


Modern medicine is constantly making new discoveries, but the birth of a new life continues to be the most big mystery Universe. Therefore, it is necessary for the expectant mother to be attentive to her health - a timely visit to the doctor will save at least one life.

Today, several causes of pulsation are known. In some situations, there is no cause for concern, but in other cases, it is a sign of pathology. Let's take a closer look at what can cause pulsation, why it is dangerous and how to deal with it.

Pathology of the early term

Pulsation in the abdomen in the early stages can be dangerous. Sometimes it is caused by intestinal spasms, provoked by the adaptation of the body to the ongoing changes. It is felt in the navel or to the right and left of it. Associated effects: constipation, liquid stool, colic, increased gas formation.

This phenomenon is harmful to the development of the fetus, since attempts during constipation can lead to miscarriage, and diarrhea will take a lot of nutrients from the body.

Prevent disorders gastrointestinal tract will help proper nutrition during the entire period of pregnancy. It is necessary to exclude legumes, carbonated drinks, smoked meats from the menu. But a moderate amount of raw vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals, will quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Pulsating pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, accompanied by pain and spotting, may indicate a rupture of the pipe when ectopic pregnancy. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary, because the possibility of death is not excluded.

Periodic pain pulsation in the lower abdomen in the early stages may indicate uterine hypertonicity. In the future, this will lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo a course of treatment.

You can not self-medicate - many medical drugs and pharmacy herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy. They can provoke rejection or severe pathology in the fetus.

Pulsation of a vein

IN abdominal cavity there is a large vessel that collects blood from the lower body - the inferior vena cava. It can noticeably pulsate if it is in a compressed state. This occurs after the 30th week of pregnancy with an increase in the gestational age of the fetus.

Partial or complete squeezing occurs when pregnant for a long time is in an unfavorable (for a vein) position, for example, lying on his back. The uterus presses on it with its weight and disrupts the blood flow of venous blood. At the same time, in some cases, accompanying phenomena are observed:

  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Lack of air.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Nausea.

Such conditions are dangerous not only for women, because they can cause the development cardiovascular disease and hemorrhoids, but also for the baby. In the fetus, when squeezing the mother's vein, a decrease in pulse is observed, the supply of blood with oxygen is disturbed.

To prevent similar condition during sleep, the pregnant woman should lie on her left side, placing a pillow between her legs and under her back.

For mothers who are carrying multiple pregnancy or big baby, the vein manifests itself from the 25th week. Also, compression increases with the growth of the fetus and manifests itself earlier in multiparous women.

Relief of symptoms

Attentive attitude to your health will help to maintain pregnancy and endure healthy baby. It is also necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

What should a future mother do:

  • From the first days of contacting the consultation, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin intake for the expectant mother, which should not be neglected.
  • Until the moment of birth, the organisms of mother and baby must be fully provided with all the necessary trace elements. This will be facilitated by the right fractional nutrition throughout the entire period. The menu should always include meat, seafood, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, cereals, herbs, vegetable fats.
  • Physical activity should be limited and discussed with your doctor. Lifting weights and working at night will not do any good, but physical education for pregnant women, walking in the fresh air and good sleep are useful for both the woman and the fetus.
  • During sleep, try not to sleep on your back and stomach. The position "on the side" is the most acceptable during pregnancy. Application special pillows and rollers will relieve the appearance of swelling, pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Especially if it pulsates in the abdomen due to compression of the vena cava.

Pulsation in the abdomen should not confuse you. However, even if not blood secretions and others abnormal symptoms, but anxiety increases - it is better to once again go for an ultrasound and make sure that everything is in order with the baby.