How to find out if there is an ectopic pregnancy. What is the danger of abnormal attachment of the fetus. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube, ovary, abdominal cavity or cervix. In this case, it is impossible to bear and give birth to a child, in addition, the pathology poses a danger to the health and life of the woman herself. Therefore, it is important to detect symptoms as early as possible outside uterine pregnancy to diagnose and treat.

The severity of symptoms may vary. Sometimes women already in the early stages determine the manifestations of pathology in themselves. But there are situations when about ectopic fixation gestational sac becomes known after sharp deterioration health and call an ambulance.

But there are several signs that may indicate an ectopic fixation of the embryo:

  • Often the test works later than in a normal pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the concentration of hCG rises slowly. With an ectopic location of the embryo, the timing of diagnosis is shifted by 2-3 days compared to normal.
  • After the first day of delay, the second test strip appears. This is also due to the slow rise in the level of hCG in the urine.

If the specialist suspects the development of an ectopic pregnancy, the following studies are prescribed:

  1. Laboratory blood test for hCG . Human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood increases more dynamically than in the urine. Therefore, pregnancy can be confirmed in this way at an earlier date: 5-6 days after fertilization. To find out if it is ectopic, it is necessary to compare data from several studies. During normal pregnancy hCG level doubles every 2 days pathological change insignificant.
  2. Transvaginal ultrasound . With the help of ultrasound, the position of the embryo can sometimes be determined from the 3rd week of pregnancy, but most often it is detected only by 4-5. If the doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy, but the fetal egg is not visible (its size is extremely small), then a second examination is prescribed or the woman is hospitalized so that she is under constant medical supervision. Transvaginal ultrasound is the most reliable method for diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy, but it also gives an error in 10% of cases: the fetal egg is considered as a blood clot or fluid. Therefore, the examination is always carried out in combination with a blood test for hCG.
  3. . The procedure is carried out as a diagnostic only according to indications: when there is a serious suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy (symptoms, hCG dynamics), but it cannot be confirmed by ultrasound. Laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anesthesia using special tools small punctures are performed, where a tube with a camera and light is inserted, and the doctor examines the organs through the image on the monitor. If an ectopic pregnancy is detected, then therapeutic measures are immediately performed (removal of the fetal egg, etc.).


Since an ectopic pregnancy varies in different ways, specific symptoms may appear gradually, belatedly, or not at all until an emergency develops (with bleeding, rupture of the fallopian tube, etc.). Therefore, it is not worth hoping only for a deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to simultaneously carry out diagnostic procedures: determination of hCG, Ultrasound.

The first symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy coincide with those of a normal one: general weakness, drowsiness appear, the mammary glands swell. Pathological implantation does not manifest itself in the beginning. A woman may also experience: nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

At this stage, an ectopic pregnancy can sometimes be determined using a test for the level of hCG in the urine. As noted above, in this case its results may be several days late, as the hormone is produced more slowly than usual. Therefore, if a woman notes signs of pregnancy in herself, but the test gives negative result, probably, the fetal egg was fixed outside the uterus.

Ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, it has the same symptoms as the usual one, but their nature is somewhat different:

  • . Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy before a missed period are spotting or light bleeding. When the embryo is implanted in the wall of the uterus, they are short-lived, lasting several hours. But if it is fixed outside it, this symptom will be more intense and prolonged.
  • . Often such sensations occur in the lower abdomen. During normal pregnancy, they are pulling, develop due to increased tone uterus. With ectopic accompany the process of implantation and development of the embryo, can be localized in different areas where the fertilized egg is attached. Later, the pain spreads to the entire abdomen. Its intensity is constantly growing - from barely noticeable at first, to sharp, cramping after a few days.
  • General malaise . Normal pregnancy in the early stages may be accompanied by a decrease in performance, increased drowsiness, and fatigue. With an ectopic, all these symptoms are more pronounced, in addition, dizziness and fainting develop.
  • Toxicosis . Nausea and vomiting often accompany normal pregnancy. At pathological condition these manifestations are more pronounced, intensifying every day.

For more later dates symptoms of ectopic pregnancy increase faster, and in a critical situation - rapidly. The woman has a sharp decrease arterial pressure, frequent dizziness, body temperature rises. Sometimes there are signs of anemia due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels.

If a break occurs fallopian tube and internal bleeding develops, this manifests itself very severe pain, shock, loss of consciousness. Urgent medical attention required.

For each type of pathological fixation of the fetal egg, there are characteristic symptoms:

  • Trubnaya ectopic pregnancy is manifested by pain in the left or right side, depending on where the implantation of the fertilized egg occurred. If it is fixed in the wide ampoule part, then the symptom appears at 8 weeks, if in the narrow (in the isthmus) - then at 5-6. The pain intensifies during walking, turning the torso, sudden movements.
  • Ovarian ectopic pregnancy for a long time does not appear in any way pathological symptoms. This is due to the fact that the follicle can stretch to fit the size of the embryo. But when the limit of elasticity is reached, a strong point pain appears in the lower abdomen, gradually it spreads to the lower back and the region of the large intestine. Defecation becomes painful. The attack lasts from several minutes to hours and is accompanied by dizziness, pre-syncope.
  • Cervical and cervical isthmus ectopic pregnancy proceeds without pain. Come to the fore bloody issues- from spotting to abundant, profuse, life-threatening. Due to the increase in the size of the cervix, urination disorders develop (for example, frequent urination).
  • Ectopic pregnancy in the abdomen in the early stages has symptoms that are no different from those in the usual. But as the embryo grows, dysfunctions appear gastrointestinal tract(constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), signs of " acute abdomen(sharp pain, bloating, fainting).

What is an ectopic pregnancy and what are its symptoms? With this pathology, a fertilized egg is fixed outside the uterus: most often in the fallopian tube, less often in the ovary, abdominal cavity, and cervical region.

An ectopic pregnancy can be determined from 4-6 weeks using a blood test for hCG and ultrasound. Symptoms in the early stages are almost the same as with normal pregnancy, but gradually they become more pronounced and specific (localization and intensity of pain, bleeding, disturbances in the work of other organs).

A pregnancy test is the very first way that women resort to to find out about the onset of pregnancy. Despite the fact that the test showed the long-awaited two strips, you should immediately consult a doctor, because, firstly, they still do not give a 100% guarantee of the correct result, and secondly, it is necessary to exclude the onset of an ectopic pregnancy.

Women are increasingly interested in whether the test determines complications and how to determine an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages.

How to identify complications without a doctor?

Can a pregnancy test detect an ectopic pregnancy? Actually, it's a few controversial issue. All pregnancy tests work in the same way - they detect in the urine chorionic gonadotropin human, abbreviated hCG. It is he who indicates the presence of the onset of pregnancy. This means that the test does not care what kind of pregnancy - normal or pathological - it will show it anyway. With the most common homemade test or grandmother's methods it is absolutely impossible to determine what kind of pregnancy has occurred, therefore, for this, you need to contact the antenatal clinic.

True, with the development of an ectopic pregnancy, unlike normal, the level of hCG is much lower. Therefore, not all pregnancy tests give positive result. In this case, when there is, and the test shows a negative result, it is better to go to the gynecologist. A visit to the doctor is obligatory even when positive test spotting is observed. In this case, they are most often referred for a transvaginal ultrasound and an appropriate blood test is done.

On average, pathology can be determined at 5-10 weeks of pregnancy. It is determined by transvaginal ultrasound, as well as by a blood test for hCG. If it is in the blood, but there is no fetal egg in the uterus, then this good reason suspect pathology. Even if the diagnosis is in doubt, then the operation is performed. It is called laparoscopy. After this operation, a woman cannot become pregnant for six months: during this time she undergoes anti-inflammatory therapy, the body rests, after which there are very high chances of conceiving and bearing a child.

Symptoms and causes of ectopic pregnancy

If you feel good, then most likely there is nothing to worry about, however, if you suddenly start to worry about stabbing, quite sharp, then this is a reason to immediately run to the gynecologist, because this is one of the signs of an ectopic pregnancy. To everything else, symptoms such as general malaise and fever, bleeding and low blood pressure, dizziness, and sometimes fainting are added to them. Naturally, all this does not always indicate pathology, however, it is better to play it safe. Might still need surgical intervention to remove the fertilized egg from the fallopian tube.

Why does such a pathology as an ectopic pregnancy occur? Sometimes a fertilized egg, following the fallopian tube, is attached to its wall, where it begins to develop. Since this happens outside the uterus, there is very little room for the embryo here, because the fallopian tubes are not adapted for this - they are narrow for a growing fetus. In this case, there is a risk of rupture of the tube and, as a result, internal bleeding. All this is very dangerous for a woman's life.

If, after seeing 2 strips on a pregnancy test, in addition to happiness, you also have a fear of the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, then this article is for you. How early can an ectopic pregnancy be diagnosed? Can a doctor determine whether a pregnancy is uterine or not with the help of an examination? Can an ectopic pregnancy be detected by ultrasound? Who is at risk for an ectopic pregnancy? We will try to tell you about this and much more in this article.

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

location of the embryo in uterine and ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that, as you might guess, begins its development outside the uterus. How can this happen? And everything is very simple. Fertilization, or rather the meeting of the sperm and the egg, occurs, as a rule, in the fallopian tube. And only after some time, a dense egg descends into the uterine cavity and attaches to its wall.

But sometimes, under the influence different reasons, the fetal egg does not reach the uterus and is fixed in the cavity of the fallopian tube.

But, in addition to attachment in the fallopian tube, there are also options for ectopic pregnancies, but they are extremely rare.

Types of ectopic pregnancy:

  • Trubnaya - fixation occurred in the area of ​​​​the fallopian tube
  • Ovarian - fixed in the ovary
  • Abdominal - fixed in the abdominal region.
  • heteroscopic - most rare view ectopic pregnancy. This is when 2 eggs are fertilized, and one embryo is attached in the uterus, but the second is outside it.

Why is an ectopic pregnancy dangerous?

The cavity of the fallopian tube is not intended for the development of pregnancy. And, having attached, the fetal egg begins to actively develop and grow. If urgent measures are not taken, then the fetal egg, with its growth, is capable of breaking the fallopian tube. And this can even lead to death. In any case, an ectopic pregnancy will require surgical intervention, with which the fetal egg will be removed. Sometimes, if the case is already quite advanced, in case of an ectopic pregnancy, the count goes for days, then you will have to remove the fallopian tube along with the fetal egg.

Should you be concerned about an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is often heard and many women are afraid of it, but, according to statistics, the number of ectopic pregnancies, relative to uterine ones, is quite small. Therefore, if your history is not burdened by surgical interventions, accidents, gynecological inflammations, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), abortions, then you should not worry about an ectopic pregnancy in advance and wind yourself up, you are out of the risk group.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

Today there is a clear list possible causes in which an ectopic pregnancy is possible:

  • Inflammatory process of the genital organs of a woman;
  • Hormonal failure in the body;
  • Underdevelopment of the fallopian tubes or any of their anatomical features, in which the fetal egg can get stuck or "get lost" in them;
  • Previously transferred infectious diseases genital organs and uterus;
  • Abortion;
  • Inflammatory processes of the bladder.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

It is worth noting that in the early stages of pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy is no different from a normal one. It can also be accompanied by positive, lack of menstruation, breast swelling and other classic ones.

If an ectopic pregnancy occurs, to avoid possible consequences it is very important to identify it as soon as possible.

It is impossible to self-diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in yourself; this can only be done with the help of an examination by a gynecologist or with the help of ultrasound. But you should not run to the doctors and ultrasound on the first day of the delay in menstruation, it is best when the delay is at least 4-5 days. Well, this is, of course, in the case when nothing bothers you.

There are several popular opinions, according to which, according to some women, an ectopic pregnancy can be determined:

with an ectopic pregnancy. Very often, seeing a not bright, greasy second line on the test, a woman begins to worry and ascribes various diagnoses to her pregnancy. Among these fears, it is an ectopic pregnancy that can be heard most often. Let's see if this is so and what is the reason for such an opinion?

Fixing in the uterine cavity, the symbiosis of the mother's body and the embryo begins, the mother's body begins to produce hCG hormone. It is on its quantity that pregnancy tests react. So, there is an opinion that, having gained a foothold outside the uterine cavity, this hormone is secreted in a smaller amount, respectively, and the reaction of the second strip on the test to this hormone will be weaker. This is a delusion, because, even developing outside the uterine cavity, the woman’s body produces approximately the same amount of the hormone as during uterine pregnancy. This can also be applied to blood test for hCG , that is, it is impossible to accurately determine a uterine pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy by a blood test.

So, if you see a pale second strip on the test, do not rush to panic, it happens.

No toxicosis many women consider it a bad sign and also think that this means that something is wrong with the pregnancy. This is not true, we are all individuals. And yes. You should not "rejoice" in the absence of toxicosis, because it can overtake you a little later.

Signs that you need to see a doctor immediately:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, in one of the sides for several days. The localization of pain during an ectopic pregnancy depends on where the fetal egg is attached. These pain may increase with a change in position, but the place that hurts does not change;
  • Bloody issues. In addition to a possible ectopic pregnancy, which can develop in the cervix, these discharges may indicate a threat of miscarriage during a normal uterine pregnancy;
  • Pregnancy tests. We have already said that a weak second strip on the test is not a cause for concern. But if the second strip on the test has become significantly paler or completely disappeared, this bad sign need to see a doctor urgently. In addition to an ectopic pregnancy, this can also be a sign of a missed pregnancy;
  • Acute pain, regardless of its location, is a clear reason to visit a doctor.

Emergence obvious signs ectopic pregnancy can occur on different terms, it all depends on the place of attachment of the fetal egg. The fallopian tubes have different diameters along their length, so if the egg is fixed in the narrow part, then the ectopic pregnancy will make itself felt already at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, if in the wider part, then in weeks 8.

How to detect an ectopic pregnancy early

An ectopic pregnancy, with a favorable course for a woman, can be determined even before the appearance of suspicious symptoms. To do this, you need to visit a gynecologist or do an ultrasound examination, for better information, it is better to wait until the delay is about a week. The best is, of course, ultrasonography, it, in addition to determining whether the pregnancy is uterine, will also determine exact date pregnancy, having multiple pregnancy or other related features.

Removal of an ectopic pregnancy

If an ectopic pregnancy has been diagnosed, then the issue of its removal should be resolved as a matter of urgency. short time. The removal option depends on the place of attachment of the fetal egg, gestational age, integrity reproductive organs women. If the egg is located in the fallopian tube and the tube is intact, then the fallopian tubes are cleaned. If the pipe is broken, then it will have to be removed. If the egg is located in the cervix, then if possible, doctors will clean the cervix. In especially advanced cases, doctors will have to remove the uterus.

What to do after an ectopic pregnancy

Many women are afraid to remain infertile after undergoing surgery to remove a uterine pregnancy. But according to statistics, only 5% of women who have had an ectopic pregnancy, some of them more than once, become infertile. You should not give up, even if you have had a fallopian tube removed, you have 1 more, with which you can quite successfully get pregnant on your own, and later endure and give birth to a completely healthy baby.

After an ectopic pregnancy, a woman should be given appropriate restorative therapy. It is also necessary to determine what caused this outcome. It often happens that a woman who has been treated becomes pregnant and gives birth more than once.

Of course, in the subsequent planning of the child, the transferred ectopic pregnancy should be taken into account by both the woman and her doctor.

Pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, depending on its complexity, a woman will be allowed no earlier than 6-8 months. This situation is stress for the body, aggravated by surgical intervention. Of course, if the ectopic pregnancy has not been successfully removed without loss of actual early term.

Therefore, in order to avoid complications with a possible ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to immediately visit a doctor when the above signs appear. You should not take painkillers without his recommendations, this can blur the picture of the course of this pathology and make it difficult to diagnose.

Early ectopic pregnancy symptoms and treatment

On the way to motherhood, there are unexpected, serious obstacles. One of them is an ectopic pregnancy (EP). Almost every woman is at risk. And this diagnosis can lead to death. In 35% of cases, the reason for the development of the embryo in an atypical place cannot be established.

Factors that increase the risk of developing abnormal pregnancy: , use of intrauterine contraception, abortion, .

The most big mistake women - after a delay in menstruation, do a test at home and enjoy the onset of pregnancy. Immediately after this, it is necessary to register and do an ultrasound examination. Because only ultrasound can determine exactly where the fertilized egg was attached.

  • Ectopic pregnancy - what is it
  • Why does an ectopic pregnancy occur: causes
  • Consequences of an ectopic pregnancy
  • Timing of fallopian tube rupture in WB
  • Early signs of an ectopic pregnancy
  • Menstruation during ectopic pregnancy
  • The test will show or not WB
  • How does an ectopic pregnancy occur after a ruptured tube?
  • Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy with preservation of the tube
  • WB treatment
  • What to do to avoid ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is the fixation and subsequent development of a fetal egg - an embryo, not in the place provided by nature - in the uterine cavity, but outside it. . It can develop in the fallopian tube, on the ovary, in the abdominal cavity, in the cervix, on the internal organs.

The rapid test allows you to suspect the ectopic location of the embryo with (INEXSCREEN). This is important for women at risk for pathological pregnancy. It is possible to reliably confirm or refute the test results on ultrasound. In the study, you can see the localization of the fetal egg and the heartbeat of the embryo.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

A sign of an ectopic pregnancy after a rupture of the fallopian tube will be a sharp pain during vaginal examination.

On ultrasound, you can determine the absence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe appendages, you can see signs additional education. Another symptom is the accumulation of fluid in the space of Douglas.

For diagnostic purposes, a puncture of the posterior fornix of the vagina is made - a puncture with a thick needle. In this way, internal bleeding into the abdominal cavity is diagnosed or excluded. The presence of blood during an ectopic pregnancy in the retrouterine space is an indicator that surgery is required. Immediate surgical intervention can be performed with the help of a laparoscope (through punctures in the anterior abdominal wall) or make access to the cavity (incision of the anterior abdominal wall).

The most accurate diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is performed during laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure in which the abdominal cavity is not incised. Holes are made in the abdominal wall. Through them, with the help of a small optical camera, doctors examine the abdominal cavity. And with the help of special tools, an operation is performed to remove the fetal egg and stop the bleeding. Diagnostic laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy (examination of the abdominal organs) can go straight into surgery.

With a progressive ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy allows you to get rid of the fetal egg before the rupture of the fallopian tube and avoid more dangerous complications.

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy

the only possible method treatment of ectopic pregnancy (interrupted) is - operation salpingoectomy - removal of the fallopian tube. A collapsed fallopian tube must be removed for two reasons:

  • to stop bleeding;
  • and because of its functional failure in the future.

The operation method can be laparotomy or laparoscopic. It all depends on the technical support of the medical institution, the qualifications of the doctor and the solvency of patients.

For the treatment of progressive ectopic pregnancy, there are other options for surgical intervention:

  • Medical sclerosis of the fetal egg - introduction chemical into the fetal egg, for the purpose of its resorption. But the patency of the fallopian tube will be in question. This method is used if an ectopic pregnancy is determined in the only remaining tube.
  • Dissection of the tube in order to remove the tissues of the embryo and plastic restoration of the organ. There is no 100% guarantee that the pipe will be passable. Rehab up to repeated pregnancy may take up to 6 months.
  • With early detection and the availability of special equipment, an operation is possible - fimbral evacuation of the fetal egg. Technically, it looks like this: the embryo is evacuated from the uterine tube under vacuum from the side of the ampullar section of the tube (which is adjacent to the ovary).

Prevention of ectopic pregnancy

Most the right approach to prevent ectopic pregnancy - this is a complete preparation for conception: an examination of a woman and a man. This main rule applies to all couples who want to get pregnant.

It is necessary to minimize the appearance of the causes leading to this pathology:

  • Warning and timely complete complex treatment female genital area.
  • Normalization of hormonal disorders.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, including hygiene of sexual life. Barrier contraceptives must be used frequent shift sexual partners.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist - 1-2 times a year.
  • A complete check-up at an early stage of pregnancy.

A repeated ectopic pregnancy can lead to the fact that both tubes in a woman will be removed, and if there are no children, then the only way in these cases, it is possible to become pregnant and give birth only using in vitro fertilization - IVF.

If you have been diagnosed ectopic pregnancy and one pipe was removed - this is not a sentence. get pregnant naturally Can.

I knew about the fact that an ectopic pregnancy happens since childhood. My mom was in nursing school and told me she was in surgery for this. then I also studied the course of medicine at the Pedagogical Institute and was theoretically familiar with this problem. Years have passed since then. I studied, worked, met men, got carried away, made mistakes. Then I met my husband. Last year we signed, got married in a church, and only after that we began to live without protection. My husband and I wanted a child. He's probably even bigger than me. All my relatives, girlfriends, friends have either already become mothers, or are preparing for this. This is how we get ready. But one day, going to class, I felt sharp pain in a stomach. Then the pain gradually disappeared, I was already relaxed, but I noticed that my stomach swelled sharply, as if I was 9 months old. I made myself a heating pad, rested, I was allowed to go. I went to work anyway. I didn't suspect anything. Life took its course. nothing like this happened again. At the appointed time, the menstruation passed. I began to worry when two weeks passed, and the discharge did not stop. Then she went to the doctor. She lay for two days, the preliminary diagnosis was an ovarian cyst. I didn't want to sleep in the hospital. In the evening I asked to go home and my husband took me. Friends came, we sat for a cup of coffee, had a great evening. In the morning I began to get ready for the hospital, as I promised to come before the round. took a pregnancy test. and there are two stripes. Then I became terrified, because during the examination the doctor said that there was no pregnancy. when I showed the test to a young intern, she became alarmed and ran out of the room. After some time, I was called to the examination room, a council gathered there and I heard my verdict. I was told to go to the ward and prepare for the operation. They wanted to go straight to the table, but I asked for time to call my husband and mentally tune in. That day the doctors had planned operation and they let me go to the ward, they told me to lie down and not get up. I called my husband. And she began to wait. The time of such waiting is always painful. My husband came straight to me. In the meantime, I had about 2 hours at my disposal. My roommates began to calm me down and support me. One neighbor, who was now in custody, said that she also went through this, and now she is expecting a baby. With my mind, I understood everything, but my soul refused to believe. I was shaking. I could hardly restrain myself in order to behave decently in front of people. For what? Why me? Of the hundreds of women according to statistics, the only one in her environment? Yes, giving birth, a woman suffers, but there is a result - her child. What am I for? A failed mother of a failed child who has no chance to survive. who will be killed in some hour and a half. And what will happen to me? Will I survive? How long will I be under anesthesia? Any operation is always a risk. Will I be able to have children in the future? Still, I mustered my last strength. Thank God, I did not suffer from pain, I was conscious and I had a lot of time. Well, since for some reason I had such a test, I must pass it with honor. God knows who, what, when to give. What's next? If interested, I will write next time.