After profuse vomiting, the dog refuses to eat. Dog vomiting: how serious is it?

Vomiting in pets is common. Before you visit a specialist, you need to monitor the dog and monitor the change in its condition, so that the doctor subsequently makes the correct diagnosis. Basically, vomiting is a protective reaction of the body, the purpose of which is to remove harmful substances and other irritants. In some cases, the cause of vomiting are various diseases.

Causes of vomiting

  • Vomiting hair. Dogs, especially long-haired ones, often vomit hair. This happens during molting, as the pet actively licks itself, as a result of which the hair enters the intestines and accumulates there, and then is excreted with the help of vomiting.
  • Vomiting from overeating. With uncontrolled food intake, dogs can feel sick. This also happens with diseases of the digestive system.
  • The female regurgitates food for the pups. This condition is within the normal range and does not require treatment.
  • Vomiting from drugs. Medicines often irritate the taste buds of the pharynx and tongue, which leads to vomiting.

Vomiting is caused by different mechanisms. Toxic-hematogenous vomiting appears in diseases associated with the formation of toxic metabolic products in the body. Such ailments include uremia, hepatic and adrenal insufficiency, thyrotoxicosis and other diseases. Another reason for vomiting is the ingestion of toxic substances into the body. Infections, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses, also provoke vomiting. Quite often, vomiting is a symptom of organic failures or problems with the organs of the central nervous system. Vomiting can also be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If a pet vomits bile with food, then this is an intestinal type of vomiting. It occurs as a result of problems in the work of the intestines or infection with worms.

The task of the owner is to monitor the attacks of vomiting in the dog in time and contact the specialists of the AVIS clinic. The reason is that vomiting can lead to dehydration and many other problems.

Stages of Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting in pets is divided into acute and chronic. In the case of an acute form, symptomatic supportive treatment is recommended, but in chronic manifestations, specific diagnostics are needed, based on the results of which the doctor prescribes special therapy.

The first stage of vomiting is nausea. With her, the dog constantly licks his lips and swallows reflexively. There is also profuse salivation. This stage is followed by eructation, when the gases come out with a characteristic sound. And finally, the last stage is actually vomiting. The contents of the stomach rise to a certain level, which leads to the activation of the reflex center and the release of masses of vomiting from the body.

Types of vomiting in dogs

  • Vomiting blood. Scarlet blood indicates damage to the digestive organs with sharp objects, and dark red blood indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vomiting with smell. The smell of ammonia indicates kidney failure, a specific sweet smell indicates diabetes mellitus, and the smell of rot indicates intestinal disorders or dental disease.
  • Vomiting with diarrhea and high fever. Usually such vomiting speaks of infectious diseases.
  • Vomiting with loss of appetite. In this case, the dog is most likely poisoned by chemicals or spoiled food.
  • Vomiting with foreign objects. It is urgent to consult a doctor, as the remains of objects can remain in the body of the pet.
  • How to treat vomiting in dogs?

    As in the case of any other manifestations, with vomiting in animals, it is important to correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment, which only a professional specialist can do. Therefore, be sure to show your dog to the veterinarian of the AVIS clinic. Diet therapy and antiemetic medications are often used. In no case should you start treating the dog yourself, as you will only harm your pet. You need to ensure the full intake of water by your pet, in extreme situations it is even allowed to pour liquid into the mouth with a syringe without a needle.

    At the appointment with a specialist, be sure to tell the nature and frequency of the urge to vomit, at what time attacks occur (before eating or after), what is the composition of the masses of vomiting, whether there is blood and foreign bodies in them. It is also important to report other symptoms, such as weakness, refusal to eat, coughing, and others. Remember if the pet has been in contact with other animals, what he has eaten in recent days. All this will help the veterinarian to make the correct diagnosis. Vomiting does not go away on its own, so you should visit the AVIS clinic as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the higher the chances of a full recovery of the dog.

Vomiting in a dog is an alarming condition that every owner faces at least once in a lifetime. It is important to provide first aid and eliminate the consequences of vomiting. Veterinarians note that vomiting is not a disease. This is a complex of symptoms that indicate a failure of the dog's natural digestive tract. Among the common causes of appearance, there are violations of physiological processes in the stomach or intestines, a consequence of another disease or condition, anatomical features.

Causes of Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting can be caused by:

  • exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis or inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • chronic or acute renal failure;
  • eating a large amount of food;
  • the onset of a viral disease;
  • intoxication;
  • helminthiases;
  • exposure to a foreign body inside the stomach or intestines;
  • torsion of the intestines;
  • pregnancy
  • eating unsuitable, spoiled or too fatty food;
  • stress.

The list of reasons is wide, and in each case an individual approach is required.

To correctly prescribe treatment for an animal, the doctor needs to know the answers to a number of questions. They will help to understand the cause of the appearance of vomiting.

Here is what the owner needs to repair or fix if the dog is vomiting:

  • that his animal during the day before the onset of an acute condition;
  • whether there was overeating;
  • whether the dog ate willingly;
  • whether there was a lethargic or apathetic state.

It is also important to analyze the color, composition and consistency of the vomit.

Dog vomiting yellow

If there is yellow mucus or foam on the floor, then this indicates a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which bile from the upper small intestine ended up in the stomach. It irritates the walls of the sphincters and the inner epithelium of the stomach, as a result of which the organ contracts and pushes bile out.

The owner of the dog will notice that after the first attacks, thick yellow mucus remains, and when the acts of vomiting are repeated, foam comes out. This is due to the limited volume of gastric juice with which bile is mixed.

If food remains are not found in the vomit, then you can be sure that the acute condition that caused vomiting developed after the last feeding. The food was digested and evacuated to the intestines.

The most common cause of yellow vomit in dogs is diet failure. More often, the condition occurs after feeding fatty and tasty, but not suitable food for a four-legged friend. For small dogs, it is enough to taste a little pork kebab, for large dogs, porridge cooked on aspic, adding a lot of fat, pork legs, broth on a pig's head and more will cause vomiting.

If there were such errors in the diet, then there is no reason to worry. It is enough to support the gastrointestinal tract by prescribing antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory drugs and adsorbents. The veterinarian should prescribe the dosage schedule. He will be able to calculate the appropriate doses.

It is important for pet owners who are trying to provide first aid on their own to remember that other medicines should not be given together with adsorbents. Otherwise, their actions are nullified.

An animal with a breakdown in food adaptation is lethargic, gets up and walks reluctantly, but will not refuse to sniff a piece of something tasty, it may even try to eat it. Feeding in the first day after yellow vomiting is not worth it. It is necessary to allow the excited gallbladder, the affected stomach and intestines to calm down.

The best type of food at the rehabilitation stage will be low-fat kefir, white bread crackers soaked in chicken breast broth. You need to return to your usual diet slowly and carefully. In the future, fatty, fried and spicy foods should be avoided.

If before the appearance of yellow foam and mucus in the vomit, the dog gave out a portion of food, then it is important for the owner to remember how many hours ago the last feeding was. Breakfast or dinner, held a few hours ago, has not yet been digested. But if the dog ate 6-8 hours ago or more, then the pieces of food in the vomit will alert the veterinarian. They indicate that moving to the intestines and digestion is impossible. This may indicate a partial or complete blockage of the intestinal lumen, severe spasm that made peristalsis impossible, the onset of acute expansion of the stomach, and much more. In this case, the dog needs to be diagnosed and treated immediately.

Vomiting of white foam or white mucus occurs with helminthic invasion. The absence of yellow inclusions indicates that bile from the intestines does not enter the stomach.

Between meals, the dog produces a small or large puddle of white foam. It's stomach juice. The causes of stomach contraction lie in the processes occurring in the small intestine. If helminths live there, then they produce toxins, as a result, the dog has an increased formation of gases. The intestine puts pressure on the lower part of the stomach, which gets rid of the gastric juice by vomiting.

The same mechanism is also activated during natural gas formation without the participation of helminths. If the process of production of digesting enzymes in bile and secretion of the pancreas is disturbed, then the food is not digested, but fermentation. If the process occurs in the upper intestines, then this leads to vomiting. Gas formation in the second half of the large intestine will cause a foul-smelling fart.

It is important for owners to examine the contents of white vomit in dogs. In it, you can notice white blotches or an object resembling a thick thread. These are living or dead helminths. By their appearance, you can establish their names and pick up an anthelmintic drug. If the owner is not sure that he can accurately explain to the veterinarian what he found in the white foam with or without food, then there is a reason to photograph the vomit.

Ineffective gagging is a rare physiological condition in dogs that occurs when the stomach is empty. The animal has already vomited the synthesized gastric juice, and a new one has not yet had time to form. The processes of a sharp contraction of the stomach cause pain, the owner needs to relieve bouts of fruitless vomiting. In order not to harm the wrong intake of drugs, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

What is terrible vomiting with blood in a dog

Vomiting blood is a life-threatening condition for the animal. More often it indicates the presence of ulcerative processes on the walls of the stomach. Often, blood in the vomit appears after giving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that provoke this condition. The appointment of pain relievers, for example, the drug ketanov, should be carried out by a doctor and in combination with antiulcer therapy.

If there is blood in the vomit, the owner should evaluate its color, consistency and volume:

  • abundant scarlet blood, almost evenly mixed with gastric juice, clearly indicates an ulcerative process in the stomach;
  • bloody mucous membranes inclusion may indicate that the esophagus or pharynx of the dog has suffered, they may be the result of eating bones and injuring the upper gastrointestinal tract. The danger of the condition must be determined by the veterinarian;
  • spot inclusions of blood drops, especially those that appeared at the end of the act of vomiting, are not dangerous.

How to assess the risk of vomiting

In some cases, the owner needs to contact the veterinarian, and in non-dangerous conditions, you can help yourself.

If the dog vomited once or twice after a walk and the owner found grass in the vomit, then this is not dangerous. The animal eats plants to cleanse the stomach. Even in the absence of small foreign bodies, for example, dense cartilage or chicken neck joints, the instinct to eat grass is still preserved. In long-haired dogs, as a result of vomiting with grass, the owner may notice hair or small pieces of toys. If the dog after vomiting has retained a cheerful mood and appetite, then you do not need to see a doctor and should not be treated at all.

Vomiting with food immediately after eating indicates that it was taken too quickly or overeated. The contents of the stomach presses on the sphincters, resulting in involuntary contractions with the evacuation of food. The owner should not worry if the vomit contains a little eaten food. In the future, the dog must be fed in small portions, but more often.

But if the dog gave out everything eaten, a visit to the veterinarian cannot be avoided. And you don't have to put it off. The condition may indicate an acute illness.

Morning vomiting after feeding or on an empty stomach indicates serious disorders in the liver and pancreas. It is necessary to conduct a survey and establish which organs work with violations.


But subcutaneous infusions or droppers with glucose are best postponed until examined by a veterinarian. If vomiting is associated with a jump in blood sugar, then adding glucose can be harmful.

The volume of the daily dose of liquid is administered in several doses. It is determined based on the age and weight of the dog. In order to avoid negative consequences and too much stress on the kidneys, it is better to check with the veterinarian, taking into account the constitution of the dog.

Folk remedies

A universal folk remedy for animals is a decoction of chamomile. It has a number of useful properties, including the removal of inflammation and the elimination of spasm. Dog owners should have a bag of chamomile tea or tea in their medicine cabinet that needs to be brewed.

You can infuse it with a syringe without a needle. For miniature dogs, the daily dose can be divided into 4-5 doses, and a single volume should be at least 5 ml. For giant breeds of dogs, three times a day for 3-5 days is quite enough. In this case, a single volume of chamomile tea can be up to 1/2 cup.


Giving antiemetics is not recommended. If vomiting is associated with intoxication, then the evacuation of agents should be assisted. When suppressing vomiting with medication, toxins will enter the blood more intensively and worsen the condition. Antiemetic drugs should be prescribed by a veterinarian after examining the animal and sometimes after receiving the results of laboratory tests.

If the cause of vomiting is unknown, then the specialist will offer an examination consisting of a clinical and biochemical blood test and ultrasound diagnostics.

06/19/2017 by Eugene

Every loving owner is very attentive to the health of his own dog. Any signs of illness cause him anxiety and anxiety. There is nothing abnormal in this, because our pets are prone to various ailments to no lesser extent than people.

When a dog vomits some time (or immediately) after eating almost undigested food, owners usually begin to look for the causes of such a violent reaction in the foods fed. Is this symptom dangerous? We will talk about this in this article.

What causes vomiting

It is worth noting that vomiting is only an uncontrolled reflex and is generally caused by the rejection of food consumed by the stomach. There are a great many reasons for this (both physiological and pathological).

If an otherwise healthy animal vomits, then there is nothing wrong with that, provided that the condition is maintained stable. However, any signs of deterioration in well-being may indicate the pathological nature of the symptom and indicate the onset of the disease.

Whatever it was, but do not pay attention to what your dog vomited, in any case, it is impossible, so it is better to consult a doctor without delay.


It is worth noting that most often vomiting is not dangerous and is nothing more than the result of the process of self-purification of the stomach provoked by:

  • eaten grass;
  • too big portion.

In the latter case, the contents are usually expelled immediately, especially if the dog ate hastily. In addition, it is not uncommon for lactating bitches to regurgitate some partially digested food just to feed their babies.

Do not worry too much if vomiting appears against the background of:

  • pregnancy;
  • strong emotional stress;
  • motion sickness in the car;
  • heat;
  • diet changes.

It is not considered as a problem in a situation where:

  • the general well-being of the pet does not worsen;
  • he remains active, alert and energetic.

Quite often, the eruption of food does not occur immediately, but, for example, after an hour, during an active game or under the influence of other non-dangerous external factors.

Vomiting indicates a serious problem if attacks occur repeatedly in a short time. It's worth suspecting:

  • poisoning with spoiled food or chemicals;
  • infection with any infection;
  • the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature;
  • worms.

Foreign bodies or neoplasms that have entered the stomach also lead to vomiting.

A number of fairly unambiguous signs indicate the presence of diseases:

  • heat;
  • diarrhea;
  • frequent paroxysmal vomiting;
  • problems with digestion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy.

All these symptoms indicate the course of pathological processes in the pet's body. As a rule, they are related to the disorder of the digestive functions. Among the most common diseases found in dogs are the following:

  • enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer.

What to do

First of all, you should call the doctor. While he is driving, it is necessary to continue observing the animal and evaluate:

  • call frequency;
  • the presence of other symptoms;
  • appetite;
  • the nature of the erupted masses.

The doctor will need to talk about the dog's diet, its habits (primarily, the tendency to pick up garbage), contacts with other animals.

Since vomiting in any case leads to dehydration, it is necessary to provide the pet with the opportunity to replace the loss of fluid. If he does not want to drink, water is poured into the mouth forcibly - with a syringe. Never scold your dog for making a mess in the house.

Before the doctor arrives, it is better for the pet to starve - eating food in this situation often leads to an aggravation of the condition.

Treatment should be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis has been made, in a situation where this is not possible for any reason, it is necessary to start symptomatic therapy.

How to help

If the animal is sick from motion sickness, or you assume that such a nuisance may happen, give the dog a special remedy, Serenia, before leaving the house. This drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies.

All the drugs usually prescribed in this case are divided into two categories according to the mode of action.

The first includes agents that stimulate peristalsis. Thus, the consumed food is actively moving through the intestines, and cannot return in the form of vomiting. Such drugs are ideal for dogs prone to nausea, but are contraindicated in case of poisoning with poor-quality food or chemicals. The most effective in this group is Metoclopramide.

Another group of drugs acts directly on the brain center responsible for the gag reflex. They suppress its activity, and thus the urge is neutralized. The previously mentioned Serenia and Ondansetron also belong to this category.

If vomiting contains bile, it is necessary to start complex therapy aimed at stabilizing the biliary system. It should be understood that such an animal must necessarily undergo a diagnosis, without which it is impossible to accurately indicate the cause.

In any case, when signs of a pathological condition are detected, the dog is left without food for a day. Then, for a speedy recovery, a strict diet is prescribed.

In general, inexperienced dog breeders should know that in most cases it is possible to avoid vomiting if you do not treat your pet with the following harmful foods:

  • sausage;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried.

Such dishes primarily irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach. In fact, bones are also harmful to dogs, especially boiled ones. The latter contain zero nutrients, and at the same time, not every dog ​​is able to digest them. In addition, they often provoke constipation.

Dogs are also contraindicated in very cold dishes, and too hot.

There is a problem when the dog vomits after eating and you need to know how to act in such a case. Dogs are our four-legged friends. If you have got yourself such a friend as a dog, then you are responsible for the one you tamed. If you have taken such responsibility as a pet, then it must be properly cared for.

Causes of Dog Nausea

Vomiting is the body's response to a stimulus. Anything can be an irritant. The important point is not to confuse where the dog is vomiting and where the regurgitation is. The difference lies in the fact that if this is regurgitation, then the food does not have time to get into the stomach, but is also excreted from the esophagus. Vomiting is not considered as a separate disease, it is a symptom of disorders and diseases of some organs, which is why it is necessary to immediately determine why this happened. Treating on your own can be dangerous, as the true cause is not known. It is necessary to take the dog to the veterinary clinic so that the veterinarian can look at it and tell you the exact diagnosis and how to treat it.

Vomiting in a dog is a sign of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can’t call it pleasant, but sometimes nausea has positive aspects. The body causes vomiting when the defense mechanism is triggered, toxic or poisonous substances are released in this way, maybe your dog swallowed some object, it can come out with the help of vomiting.

Causes of dog vomiting after eating

If your dog vomits after eating or on an empty stomach, this indicates that he has a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis. And if this happens every 5 hours after eating, then the reason may be some kind of foreign body in the pet's stomach. To establish a specific cause, it is necessary to undergo a gastroscopy. Why does a dog vomit after eating. Prolonged vomiting in a dog after eating or morning sickness with yellow or white foam may be a sign of:

  • Hepatic colic;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Acute cholecystitis;
  • Indigestion.
  • infections;
  • Poor quality food;
  • If the pet got into the esophagus, some object;
  • If poisonous insects or irritating substances enter the respiratory tract;
  • The presence of worms;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Binge eating;
  • Allergy;
  • Heatstroke;
  • CNS damage.

One of the above reasons can serve as a consequence of vomiting. It is very difficult to determine the cause on your own, the best solution would be to take your pet to a veterinary clinic. The dog is not able to tell you how he feels, this can be determined by the signs of your pet's behavior.

Signs of vomiting:

  • The dog stops eating
  • Often begins to lick the muzzle;
  • Doesn't drink water
  • Profuse salivation;
  • Chaotic movement and restlessness;
  • Rumbling in the abdomen, there may also be belching;
  • Sometimes accompanied by stool disorder.

Vomiting undigested food

The consistency of vomiting varies, if your dog vomits after eating undigested food, then the cause may be a problem with the gastrointestinal tract. If your pet is 4 hours after eating, then this may be an oncological lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.

Signs of pathological vomiting:

  • Vomiting blood can be a signal of diabetes, stomach bleeding, cancer;
  • Vomiting with bile, excrement indicates that the dog has intestinal obstruction, in such cases the dog begins to eat grass in its diet, after which vomiting begins;
  • If, along with vomiting, the dog has diarrhea and an ammonia smell comes from the mouth, then this is kidney failure or uremia.

What to do if your dog is vomiting

In this case, the main thing is calmness and a sober assessment of the situation. If you called the veterinarian at home, then until he arrives, follow some rules:

  • Do not yell or scold your dog for throwing up, this is a natural process and in this state the dog cannot control himself.
  • Don't try to take action to stop the vomiting;
  • Try, before the vet arrives, to understand the reason, maybe your pet was overeating, maybe you walked in the sun for a long time, and the dog got a heat stroke;
  • Before the arrival of the veterinarian, record the amount, texture, contents, color of the vomit. This information will help to correctly diagnose your pet's disease;


When vomiting, the body needs to be cleansed, for this reason, you do not need to feed your pet for the first day, if on the second day the vomiting has passed, then you can slowly introduce liquid food without adding salt and spices. It is also necessary to refuse water, in return to let him lick an ice cube, if there was no vomiting within three hours, then you can give a little low-fat chicken broth;

Once everything has passed, start feeding your pet diet food. A good option would be:

  • turkey or chicken breast;
  • fresh greens;
  • Hercules.

You need to feed the dog in small portions, about 6 times a day, the food should be warm and fresh. You can switch to your dog's usual food for a third of the day after vomiting is over.

If vomiting does not stop and is strong, then it is necessary to donate blood for analysis. A blood test can detect liver, kidney, diabetes, cancer, or allergies. An x-ray of the abdominal cavity is also needed, in this way you can find out if there is a cancerous tumor or any foreign bodies. If you notice blood in the vomit, then this is not very good, you should immediately contact a specialist, this indicates a serious illness of the dog

For treatment, the following is prescribed:

  • starvation diet;
  • No-shpa, papaverine - for pain in the abdomen, intestines and stomach, and also relieves spasms.
  • Smecta - well removes toxins.
  • Cerucal - reduces the gag reflex, normalizes the contraction of the stomach and intestines.
  • Omez - reduces the level of acidity in the stomach.

If during the day the dog vomited, then the dog is dehydrated, in which case the dog needs a dropper to make up for the loss of fluid. For this procedure, you must take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

How to induce vomiting in an emergency

In emergency cases, vomiting is caused if the dog is poisoned by antifreeze, has eaten household chemicals, or a poisonous plant. Before doing this, call your veterinarian, he will tell you the exact dosage of the emetic. If the dog is breathing heavily or an object or bone is stuck in the throat, then you should not induce vomiting. To induce vomiting, open the mouth and pour into the throat a small amount that will cause vomiting:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Syrup of ipecac (vomit).

Carefully, if you go too far with the dosage of ipecac, then heart problems can occur. If vomiting has not occurred after 10 minutes, you must try again. If nothing has changed after the second attempt, it is urgent to take the dog to the veterinarian.

When the dog refuses to eat, becomes lethargic and begins to vomit yellow, the owner becomes anxious. A sensitive person seeks to quickly find out the reason for which his pet suffers. Do not rush to give a sick animal medicines from your first aid kit. It will be better if you observe the condition of the four-legged patient. After all, vomiting can be a symptom of poisoning or inflammatory processes in the liver, gallbladder.

Most depressing surprises in terms of health fall on the yard Barbos, who are in contact with various animals (including stray cats and dogs) and can catch a dangerous infection.

Dogs living in apartments also often suffer from abdominal pain and nausea. Usually vomiting exhausts dogs, which are not distinguished by obedience and can, in the absence of their owners, eat something from a garbage bag. Sometimes not the best role in the history of a puppy is played by too kind, far from discipline guests of the owners. Such guests have a habit of treating the little shaggy handsome man with forbidden goodies: ice cream, grilled chicken. But after all, the pet’s stomach can simply rebel from unusual food.

The following signs will tell you that the dog is suffering from vomiting:

  • The puppy is acting restless.
  • The animal has a rumbling in the stomach.
  • A large amount of saliva is secreted from the dog's mouth.
  • The pet is tormented by belching.

Having guessed that the dog will vomit soon, try to take the pet to some quiet corner of the apartment, where there are no expensive furniture and carpets. When the dog starts vomiting, stay near it, and a little later offer the dog clean cool water. You should study the color of the pet's vomit. Blood streaks or a large amount of mucus in dog vomit is a dangerous signal.

Causes of poor health in a pet

Yellowish vomit may indicate that the animal has overeaten.

There are other situations that can cause a dog to vomit:

As a rule, minor “provocations” from the outside (eating a spoiled cutlet by a puppy, a stressful situation experienced by a pet) can only knock the dog off balance for a short time. So, a single vomiting in a dog is not a reason to panic.

When a dog swallowed an inedible thing

If the dog's vomit is yellow, and there are no blood impurities in it, try to remember how the pet behaved in the last day, what he ate. It happens that dogs in the heat of play swallow foreign objects (rubber balls, pieces of plastic). An additional symptom indicating the ingestion of an inedible thing is a cough in a pet.

In such a situation, there are only two options for the development of events: a foreign object will either leave the dog’s body or cause its further suffering. The animal may have an intestinal blockage. This threatening condition will be indicated by the inability to go to the toilet, nausea and bloating in the pet.

Suspecting that the dog has something "foreign" in the stomach, hurry to take the puppy to the veterinarian. It is possible that your pet will need surgery.

Is yellow foam dangerous?

It is worth figuring out what the yellow vomit of his pet “says” to the owner. By itself, vomiting yellow foam in a dog is not a harbinger of some kind of frightening event. In the stomach of a healthy dog, a certain amount of foam is constantly present. Where does it come from? The empty stomach of a puppy is “enveloped” with mucus, which protects the organ from self-digestion. And yet - in the stomach there is always a little juice, which has a yellow color.

Vomiting in the morning in a dog may mean that the animal is hungry, and too much gastric juice has accumulated in his stomach. The problem usually disappears as soon as the four-legged prankster eats enough.

Why are they looking for grass?

Dogs give their owners a lot of excitement when they start feasting on street grass. After all, after such a "meal" the puppy begins to vomit. You may be surprised, but the dog is specifically looking for grass to clear the stomach with vomiting. This happens when a large amount of gases accumulates in the stomach of a four-legged pet, and the puppy wants to get rid of an unbearable feeling. Excessive consumption of fatty foods from the master's table can also cause discomfort in the dog's stomach.

Diseases that can cause vomiting in a puppy

Experienced dog breeders know that even a healthy dog ​​can vomit on an empty stomach (this is how the animal's body rejects excess gastric juice). But vomiting, which is repeated from time to time, may indicate depressing changes that have occurred with the liver, stomach or spleen of the pet.

It is worth mentioning the dangerous causes of vomiting and abdominal pain in a dog:

  • infectious hepatitis.
  • Other infectious diseases (leptospirosis, parvovirus enteritis).
  • Ulcerative lesion of the stomach. Yellow vomit, lethargy, unkempt appearance of a pet (festering eyes, matted hair) can indicate such a serious illness as a stomach ulcer.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder. This disease is accompanied by the reflux of bile into the pet's stomach. Bile acts on the mucous membrane of the dog's stomach as a strong irritant. The pet does not feel well and seeks to get rid of the caustic substance. So the animal begins to vomit bile.
  • Chronic inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis). Such an ailment exhausts the dog, brings him much suffering. The puppy has yellowish vomiting in the morning, the pet's appetite is noticeably reduced. A pet with gastritis sits for a long time, looking doomedly at its stomach, the puppy's salivation is increased. When moving, the dog involuntarily hunches over and whines softly. You can't help your pet on your own. An effective treatment will be prescribed by a specialist.

Terrible ailments you need to know about

Here are two more causes of dog vomiting:

  • Malignant tumors in the liver or gallbladder of a dog. If your dog often vomits, while the pet eats poorly, loses weight and completely loses interest in games and walks, such symptoms may indicate the development of a tumor in one of the animal's digestive organs.
  • Piroplasmosis. This disease, which is carried by ticks, is extremely dangerous. Through his fault, the dog can die in four to six days. You should be on your guard if the dog does not eat, suffers from vomiting and fever. You should show your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible to avoid a tragic outcome.

Dogs, just like people, can experience a lot of discomfort from a spoiled product, stress, or simple overeating. A single vomiting in a dog can be a signal that the animal's body has solved the problem. But if you see that the pet feels bad for more than a day, take it to the veterinary station. The specialist examines the dog and decides how to help it.