How to wash horizontal blinds without removing. Various ways to wash horizontal blinds

Horizontal blinds need regular dry or wet dusting. You can remove light dirt with a vacuum cleaner, a special brush or tongs for blinds, a napkin, a fabric glove, without removing the blinds from the window. Complex pollution requires washing the slats in the bathroom or in the shower with soap, powder, Vanish. Fairy will help remove greasy stains, nicotine stains - soda, car shampoo or chlorine-containing products. Plastic and fabric blinds can be soaked and washed with soap, aluminum blinds can be wiped with a damp cloth, wooden and bamboo blinds can be vacuumed and wiped with a dry cloth. Treating the slats with antistatic will help to avoid the accumulation of dust.

Blinds accumulate street and household dust, kitchen grease and dirt. They need regular cleaning and protection from pollution. Timely care with professional or improvised means will help to quickly wash the lamellas and prevent their damage.

How often should horizontal blinds be cleaned?

New blinds are treated with a special composition that repels dirt and dust. For the first six months, it is enough to wipe them with a dry cloth.

Clean your blinds at least once a week

In the future, the product needs regular maintenance:

  • weekly dry or wet cleaning;
  • arrange a general wash once every six months;
  • wash fresh stains regularly.

In addition, it is worth considering the material used for the manufacture of blinds:

  1. Plastic models do not absorb dust and dirt, they are easy to clean. They do not require frequent wrinkling, it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth once a month.
  2. Fabrics attract various contaminants, it is difficult to remove stains from them. They may need more frequent washing, especially in the warm season - once every 2-3 months.
  3. Wooden, bamboo slats require monthly polishing to prevent dust build-up.
  4. Metal plates need regular dry cleaning, moisture can ruin them.

Important! Don't forget about the blinds when cleaning your apartment weekly. When wiping the window sill, brush off the dust from the slats to avoid a long and inconvenient process of cleaning them from dirt in the future.

Means and accessories for cleaning

Professional tools, household chemicals or folk methods will help you clean the blinds:

  1. Brushes, tongs (special or ordinary household) for blinds. Cloth covers on the teeth quickly remove dust and light dirt.
  2. Vacuum cleaner with furniture attachment.
  3. Fluffy whisk.
  4. Wide paint brush.
  5. Microfiber cloths - perfectly absorb dust, leaving no streaks.
  6. Wet wipes (regular or for wiping monitors).
  7. An old terry sock can replace a microfiber cloth.
  8. Cloth gloves (shower mitt) - worn over a rubber household glove, allows you to get to hard-to-reach places.

You also need to prepare household chemicals, given the degree of contamination:

  • Fairy;
  • car shampoo;
  • laundry soap;
  • glass cleaner;
  • polish for wooden furniture;
  • antistatic (for processing plastic).

When choosing tools and tools, it is worth considering the location of the blinds in the apartment. Blinds hanging in the living room will be enough soapy water and a soft cloth. Kitchen - may require strong degreasers, stain removers.

Time passes, and with it the fashion for window decor changes. Traditional curtains have been replaced by all kinds of blinds in the most diverse designs.

Fabric, plastic, wood, metal - these are the materials from which modern sun protection systems are produced.

The most practical, in terms of durability, ease of maintenance and cost, are aluminum horizontal blinds. And if earlier the fate of such defenders was only office windows, today their distribution is everywhere.

Especially with the increasingly popular installation of plastic windows.

Everything you need to know about curtain cleaning

In order for the blinds to continue to please the eye for a long time, they require regular care. And then it comes to cleaning. There are two ways to get rid of pollution: by removing the curtains and by weight.

The first option is used for severe pollution, the presence of stains on the slats, soot, fatty deposits - a fairly common companion of kitchen blinds.

Before washing, they must be prepared, this is what will be discussed later.

Preparation of curtains for water procedures

As mentioned above, the most effective way to clean blinds at home is to remove them. Dismantling the window system is not difficult. However, if the window is wide, then an assistant may be needed.

  1. To remove the cornices from the brackets, you need to decide on the type of fastening used in the system:
    • if bolts are used for fixing to the brackets, they must be unscrewed with a screwdriver, after that, the structure can be easily removed;
    • when fastening with the “Swallow” lock, you should pay attention to the upper bar - its front and rear walls, with a screwdriver or fingers, need to be pushed back and removed.
  2. Next, you need to remove the decorative caps, find the protrusions of the latches on the upper edge and pull them forward and to the right.
  3. After that, the curtains can be released by pulling them down and towards you.

You can learn more about the process of removing the blinds by watching the video on the network.

The plugs located at the ends of the lower bar and cornice should also be removed if you need to wash the blinds without removing them. This is explained by the fact that water that has entered the elements of the system will contribute to the development of corrosion.

The first stage has been completed. You can go directly to washing the curtains.

However, first you should understand how to properly wash the blinds, get acquainted with some of the features of aluminum slats and recommendations for detergents.

Despite the apparent strength of metal lamellas, they can easily be deformed under mechanical stress. Therefore, blinds must be handled with care. If a slight curvature did occur, they can be taken for repair. However, usually the deformation can not be completely corrected.

To clean even heavily soiled slats, do not use abrasive sponges and detergents with high alkali.

A soapy solution and dishwashing gel have a good ability to wash away dirt without harming the lamellas.

How to wash blinds? Parsing the process

So, fill the bath with hot water and add a suitable detergent (with a neutral smell).

After the washing solution is ready, carefully place the blinds into it and hold for 5-10 minutes. If there is a greasy coating on the curtains, the detergent is applied directly to the slats with a soft sponge or brush.

Then, after the allotted time, they must be wiped with a clean sponge and rinsed with running water.

It is recommended to dry metal horizontal blinds in a natural way in an extended form, after the main moisture has been collected with a dry cloth.

The operation of the sun protection system largely depends on the serviceability of its mechanism. It is possible to provide aluminum blinds with a long service life by observing a number of operating recommendations.

  1. It is worth returning the blinds to their place after washing only after they are completely dry. This usually takes about a day.
  2. It is also necessary to make sure that the cornice, decorative cover and plugs are dry. It is advisable to avoid getting moisture into the top profile.
  3. Before installing the blinds, it is recommended to lubricate the mechanism with a special lubricant (for example, WD-40).
  4. On the lamellas, which include aluminum, salts from water can form. To avoid this, they must be thoroughly dried.

Cleaning blinds on the fly

The process of washing the removed curtains, although effective, is laborious. If the pollution is not too strong and in the bulk it is settled dust, then you can clean the lamellas directly on the weight.

There are several possible ways to clean blinds at home.

Method 1

  1. If there is a lot of dust on the lamellas, it is recommended to first vacuum them with a special nozzle. However, care must be taken not to damage them.
  2. Wipe each lamella with a damp sponge, and then with a dry one.
  3. If there are stains left, the blinds can be treated with napkins for office equipment.

Method 2

  1. Prepare a soapy solution in a basin.
  2. Move the blinds to a sun-protective position and gently wipe the entire canvas several times with a damp sponge. If the dirt is not easily cleaned, the soap solution should be applied more abundantly and left for a while, and then try again to wash the blinds.
  3. After one side of the curtains has been cleaned, it should be washed with a clean, damp sponge to remove the soap.
  4. Then turn the slats upside down and repeat the cleaning procedure. Next, the canvas must be wiped dry with a rag on both sides.
  5. If necessary, remove stains, the blinds are additionally wiped with glass washing liquid. Also, they can subsequently be treated with an antistatic agent, which for some time will protect the lamellas from dust settling.

Method 3

The next method differs from the previous one only in that the cleaning solution is applied to the canvas from a spray gun. All subsequent steps are identical.

How to quickly wash blinds without water and streaks

If the blinds are not heavily soiled, they can be put in order with cleaning agents without prior water treatment.

Wipe with wet wipes. The best way to clean and not leave streaks is napkins for office equipment. The result will be more effective if each lamella is processed separately.

To do this, the blinds need to be moved to the most convenient position for cleaning, slightly pinch the lamella with a napkin on both sides and run along its entire length.

How to clean blinds so they shine again? Easily! It is enough to sprinkle them with glass cleaner and rub with a dry cloth.

All of the above cleaning methods are based on the use of conventional household products and do not require any devices.

Brush to help

To facilitate and speed up the process of cleaning the blinds, you can purchase a brush specially designed for this purpose. They come in various modifications and materials.

Typically, the brush is a rake tongs clamping device with multiple rows. A special soft terry or fur nozzle is put on the clamps.

With the help of such a brush, you can grab several slats at once and wipe them from both sides at the same time. Suitable for both dry and wet cleaning.

Steam cleaning

But that's not all. For those who need a thorough cleaning of the shutters, while not removing from the windows and without bothering with basins of water, the option of cleaning using a steam generator is perfect.

This method is very effective and ideal for cleaning kitchen curtains. With the help of a steam cleaner, even the most difficult contaminants, such as soot and oil splashes, can be removed from the lamellae.

The process of cleaning curtains with a steam generator does not require much effort.

How to steam wash blinds:

  • turn the blinds to the closed position and slowly steam each slat, from left to right, starting from the top;
  • if the contamination does not go away, steam over the difficult area several times (if necessary, lightly rub with a soft sponge);
  • then, wipe the canvas with a dry cloth, turn the blinds back and repeat the procedure.

If there is no steam generator in the house, it can be rented. This cleaning method is also great for cleaning fabric blinds.

Option how to wash "simpler"

Much has been written about how to clean blinds. However, there is another, easiest option for washing curtains, especially for those who do not have the time or desire to do this process.

Today, it is not a problem to call professionals to your home who will quickly, efficiently and without damage to the lamellas clean them with the same steam generator.

Maintenance of plastic and fabric blinds

Often in the interior you can find plastic and vertical fabric blinds. The process of their cleaning is in many ways similar to aluminum counterparts.

One has only to mention an important feature - plastic curtains are easily deformed. The rule follows from this: cleaning of plastic blinds should be done even more carefully and accurately.

As for fabric blinds, it is worth talking about another way to wash fabric vertical blinds, which gives a good result.

Washing fabric blinds

Can fabric slats be washed? This question is asked by many housewives. Washing fabric curtains is not always safe.

Meanwhile, curtains made of synthetic materials, such as polyester and mixed fabrics, are not forbidden to be washed.

  1. To begin with, it is advisable to vacuum the lamellas with a special nozzle to remove the bulk of the dust.
  2. Then, they need to be removed by first pulling out the chain and weights.
  3. Put all the slats in one large pile and roll up.
  4. Fill the bathtub with soapy water at a temperature of 30-40 °C. You can use dishwashing liquid or colored laundry detergent as a cleaning agent.
  5. Immerse a roll of lamellas into the resulting solution. Leave for approximately one hour.
  6. After the set time has passed, the solution from the bath can be drained, and the roll can be rinsed with clean running water without unrolling.
  7. Next, you need two basins. In one, dilute a new soap solution (or pour a part from the bath), in the other, a stain remover.
  8. Take one lamella from the roll and stretch it along the length.
  9. Having moistened a brush or sponge in the solution, wash the entire lamella along the longitudinal thread. At the same time, strong pressure and long processing of one place should be avoided.
  10. If even after this there are stains, they need to be washed with a stain remover.
  11. Thus, all lamellas are cleaned.
  12. They again need to be stacked, and then, rolled up, rinsed in the shower.
  13. So that the paint on the blinds does not fade, it is recommended, after rinsing, to soak the roll of slats for 2 minutes in a weak solution of vinegar.
  14. After the work done, the washing of the blinds can be considered completed. The roll must be laid in such a way that water flows freely from it.
  15. As soon as the water drains, the lamellas can be hung without kinks on a rope to dry.
  16. Then, already dry blinds need to be hung back on the eaves.
  17. If there is a need to iron the lamellas, then this should be done at a low temperature with an iron with steam.

How to wash blinds in the washing machine

Washing vertical blinds by hand is very effective and is in no way inferior in quality to dry cleaning.

However, the process may seem quite laborious, and therefore, the question often arises: is it possible to wash vertical blinds in a washing machine?

  1. All lamellas need to be stacked and rolled into one large roll. Place it in a special laundry bag so that it does not hang out in it.
  2. The washing machine mode must be set to delicate, with a drum revolutions per minute of no more than 500 and a heating temperature of 30 ° C. This is enough to clean vertical blinds. Disable rinse, spin, dry and other additional functionality.
  3. As a cleaning agent, it is best to use liquid gel for delicate washing of light or dark fabrics (depending on the color of the curtains).

A little more about how to wash vertical blinds

The easiest way to easily clean curtains is to take them to the dry cleaners.

This option has its drawbacks:

  • this service is paid;
  • the lamellas will have to be removed on their own, and then put on the eaves;
  • dry cleaning will take several days and all this time the windows will not be curtained.

Conclusion: you can wash vertical blinds at home using a steam generator, wash by hand or in a washing machine.

My kitchen window has metal shutters. There is a sink under the window, and a stove to the left of it. And no matter how carefully I cook and wash the dishes, splashes of water and fat appear on the slats, a coating of adhering dust. I have to wash them often, which does not delight me at all.

We shoot and wash

Since it is rather difficult in my situation to wash horizontal blinds without removing them from the window, I take them off during general cleaning, lay them on the floor and crawl around with a rag. This is also not very convenient.

If I had a bath instead of a shower, it would be easier to do:

  • soak. Pour warm water into the bath, dilute detergent in it and immerse the blinds to soak. If they are plastic, you can hold them in the solution longer. Metal, like mine, it is better not to expose to water for a long time. And this method is not suitable for wood at all.

  • Wash up– Soaked dirt can be easily removed with a soft cloth or sponge.
  • rinse. The easiest way to do this is to hang the blinds over the bathtub, letting the soapy water run off and showering them on both sides.

  • Wipe dry. So that the slats do not leave stains from soap and water, they must be wiped with a soft, dry cloth.

In my opinion, this is the most effective way to wash horizontal plastic or aluminum blinds from heavy dirt, which cannot be avoided in the kitchen. A full-fledged bath can be replaced with an oval basin or a baby bath.

It is more difficult with metal and wooden products - they are afraid of water so it is not recommended to soak them.

mine in place

For daily cleaning or cleaning of not very dirty curtains in living rooms, the blinds can be washed without removing them from the windows. The choice of method will depend on the degree of contamination.

Method 1 - dry cleaning

The main enemy of all housewives is dust that settles on surfaces. Fortunately, getting rid of it is not at all difficult. And this will help you:

  • Soft brush or pipidastr. This is the funny name of a special panicle, which is used to clean dust.

  • Vacuum cleaner. This household unit will not only quickly cope with the task, but also will not allow dust to scatter around the room, so that after some time it will land on other surfaces.

Method 2 - wet cleaning

It is hardly necessary to describe the technology itself, how to wash blinds. Each lamella individually is simply wiped with a cloth moistened with water or a solution of detergent.

But it is not always possible to do this quickly and accurately, since the elements are very mobile and, with any awkward movement, bend and break. And then straighten them without traces of creases does not work.

I'll tell you about two devices that make this job easier ^

Image Recommendations

Special sponges for washing horizontal blinds. I have the same one as in the picture, but there are also with a large number of work surfaces, their price is higher.

They didn't live up to my expectations.

  1. First, you need to try very hard to simultaneously get all the planes between the slats.
  2. And secondly, they do not clean the areas near the vertical cord well.

Cotton gloves. There is nothing more convenient than this device!

To wash the blinds with high quality, you need to put on a glove or an old sock on your hand and, periodically dipping it in a soapy solution, wipe each slat.

This is convenient because it is clamped with fingers and washes on both sides.

Now about detergents. Weak dirt can be easily removed with just warm water. But it is desirable to influence the old and fatty more actively.

  • Detergent solution for dishes perfectly wash grease and soot. To prepare it, just add a few drops to water so that there is not a lot of foam. Then move the blinds to the closed position and moisten them with a sponge with a solution.

After a few minutes, it can be washed off with clean water, and each lamella can be wiped first with a damp, then with a dry cloth. I use gloves.

  • Window cleaner Suitable for cleaning blinds. The instructions for use are the same: the lamellas are transferred to the closed position, sprayed with the composition, and then wiped in turn with a dry cloth.

  • To wash the slats on the other side just rotate them 180 degrees and repeat the procedure.
  • Wash from top to bottom so as not to drip onto already clean surfaces.
  • And if there is little time for cleaning, then you can use wet wipes designed for cleaning monitors. And the window will not have to be washed after such cleaning.

Method 3 - steam cleaning

One of my most used household appliances is a steam cleaner. With its help at home, you can clean furniture, refresh carpets, and wash windows and blinds.

The pollution processed by hot steam is easily erased by a napkin. It takes much less time than when using soap solutions.


Some of the methods described are shown in the video in this article. You can take a look to see which one is right for you. My favorites are soapy water with a glove instead of a rag and a steam cleaner. Perhaps some of you have your own quick and effective methods. I would be grateful if you share them in the comments.

Do you have blinds on the windows in your house? This is a very practical option. So, you also wondered how to properly care for them. How to wash horizontal blinds? How to maintain their durability during operation?

Blinds differ from curtains in their practicality, reliable protection from the sun and ease of care.

The most common way to protect your home from the hot sun is to hang blinds on your windows. They are very practical and durable in operation, are produced in a wide range and from different materials.

The most popular are horizontal blinds. They are made of plastic, wood, fabric and other materials. Accordingly, they require different care.

How to wash horizontal blinds without removing them from windows?

Of course, good housewives do not bring their blinds to a state of severe pollution and try to keep the house clean on a daily basis.

Such housewives can be advised to wash the blinds without removing them from the windows.

How to do it? Below are four possible options:

To wash the blinds, you can use household chemicals.

  1. You will need a basin of water, an antiseptic polish, rubber gloves, and a soft cotton cloth. In a bowl with a small amount of water, dissolve 1/4 of the antiseptic agent, mix well (you can use a rubber-gloved hand). Then take a rag and soak it in a bowl of solution. Half-close horizontal blinds so that they are edgewise towards you (at an angle of 90°). Gently wash them on both sides with a soft cloth. It is necessary to sort through each strip (lamellae). This is a very laborious task and will require diligence and patience. However, you will be satisfied with the result. The antiseptic cleans dirt well, and your blinds will not gather dust for a long time. At the end of the wash, they will need to be collected up and wipe the window with a clean rag so that there are no traces of polish left on it.
  2. This is the fastest and easiest way to clean your blinds without removing them from your windows. To do this, you need to purchase wet wipes for the care of office equipment in the store. With the help of these napkins blinds are put in order very quickly. It is necessary to wipe them from both sides, for which put them in the 90 ° position. No additional detergents are needed.
  3. One of the most time-consuming methods of washing is the use of soapy water. To do this, you will need a basin of water, detergents for dishes or tiles, ammonia, a soft kitchen sponge, a cotton cloth, and rubber gloves. In a bowl of water, add any detergent for washing dishes, lightly whisk into a stable foam. Add a few drops of ammonia to the soap solution. Using a soft kitchen sponge, apply soapy water to each strip of blinds on both sides. Then gently wash them with clean water using a cotton cloth. Wipe the windows with the same cloth so that soap stains do not remain on it. This method of care for the blinds is used in cases where the pollution is already significant and the dust has settled down in a rather thick layer.
  4. Manufacturers also offer to purchase related products for the care of blinds. One of these inventions is special brush-tongs. You can buy them in any supermarket. With their help, you can easily clean each panel from both sides at the same time, gently clamping it with a brush-tongs. The inner coating of the tongs has a velvet or velor base; any antiseptic agent can be easily applied to it.

In modern interiors, aluminum or plastic blinds often replace curtains. They are easy to use and protect from exposure to sunlight. However, the narrow slats of the blinds very quickly become clogged with dust and become dirty. Not only dust particles accumulate on them, but also fat settles if they are in the kitchen. In order for the blinds to retain their aesthetic appearance and last longer, it is necessary to regularly clean the slats from accumulated dirt and dust particles.

It is problematic to dismantle large blinds at home, therefore small blinds are usually removed from windows to wash them. They are more convenient to remove and mount back without anyone's help. In addition, small curtains are easier to clean, and this process has several advantages:

  • Fast and effective removal of contaminants.
  • Cleaning even in hard-to-reach places.
  • The rinsing of the removed curtains is much more thorough. Do not leave soap stains on the slats.
  • Cleaning the cords that fasten the slats. It is quite difficult to clean them on hanging curtains.
  1. After the blinds are removed from the windows, they must be soaked in warm water with the addition of dishwashing detergent or powder. If powder is added to the water, it must be dissolved in water before the blinds are immersed. The soap solution will help soften the accumulated dirt, and it can be easily removed with a sponge.
  2. Plastic curtains can be safely soaked for several hours. Metal should not be placed in a humid environment for longer than 10 minutes.
  3. After cleaning, the blinds are rinsed with clean water from the shower and hung over the bath until the moisture drains completely.
  4. Then the lamellas should be gently wiped with a dry, clean cloth. If the slats are not wiped clean, they may leave stains from soap residue and dried water droplets.

How to clean blinds without removing them from windows

If the blinds are too large or not very dirty, they can be cleaned without removing them from the window. This will save cleaning time. The choice of method depends on how dirty the curtains are.

Action algorithm

To properly wash horizontal blinds without removing them from the window, you need to do the following:

  1. Turn the blinds, as in sun protection. They should form a single canvas.
  2. Take a clean cloth and soak in a pre-prepared soapy solution.
  3. Planks should be washed from top to bottom so that drops of dirty water do not fall on an already cleaned surface.
  4. The solution must be in close proximity to the shutters to prevent splashing.
  5. After cleaning one side, the slats should be turned and the other side cleaned just as thoroughly.
  6. After washing, the strips should be wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

Dry cleaning

This method is suitable for daily cleaning of curtains from dust particles. The following remedies will help get rid of settled dust:

  • Pipidastr. This is a big fluffy dust brush. It is the easiest way to remove dust without damaging the surface of the blinds.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Plastic or metal blinds are great because they can be vacuumed in a couple of minutes without damaging the slats. In addition, dust with this cleaning method will not scatter around the room and settle on other surfaces.

Vacuuming blinds is more convenient with a special nozzle for furniture.

Wet cleaning

The technology of washing the blinds is very simple. Each lamella is wiped with a sponge dipped in a cleaning solution. However, with a very mobile structure of the lamellas, creases often form during cleaning, after straightening of which traces remain.

Now on sale there are devices that greatly facilitate the wet cleaning of lamellas:

  1. Special brush for cleaning lamellas. It consists of a handle and three working surfaces located one above the other. The surfaces are covered with microfiber. The brush has several significant drawbacks. Firstly, in order to get the working surfaces between the slats, you need to try very hard, and secondly, the brush does not clean the space around the cords well.
  2. Cotton glove. The best tool to clean horizontal blinds. You just need to put it on your hand, moisten it in soapy water and, holding the slat on both sides, wipe it. The advantage of this method is that you can wash the planks in hard-to-reach places by hand.
  3. Wet wipes for office equipment. This method is suitable for uncontaminated curtains. You just need to take a napkin and wipe the strips on both sides.

Instead of a glove, you can use an old sock.

Steam cleaning

A steam cleaner will help loosen any accumulated dirt and dust. After treatment with a steam cleaner, dirt is removed with a dry, clean cloth.

This method is suitable for old dirt that is difficult to clean with conventional methods.

In order to prevent dust from accumulating on the slats for a longer time, after cleaning, the slats can be treated with an antistatic agent. Planks are wiped with an antistatic solution. You can also spray the product from a spray bottle.

Means for cleaning slats in the bathroom and in the kitchen

Blinds in the bathroom are cleaned effectively with an alcohol-based glass cleaner. It is necessary to apply a little means on a rag or directly on the panels and wipe them from both sides. This method is only suitable for everyday cleaning. For a deeper cleaning of the slats, the blinds will have to be removed.

Kitchen curtains are exposed not only to dust particles. Drops of fat, sauce, particles of cooked dishes can get on them. Therefore, it is recommended to wash kitchen blinds using dishwashing detergent. It will help dissolve grease and the blinds will again shine with cleanliness.

You can use 9% vinegar to clean plastic curtains. It will not only get rid of greasy stains, but also add shine to the material.

  1. For cleaning you will need: 250 ml of vinegar, 500 ml of warm water, rubber gloves and an old sock or cloth.
  2. Pour half a liter of water into a container and add 250 ml of vinegar. The proportion is 1:2.
  3. It is necessary to wear rubber gloves and an old sock on top.
  4. Moisten them in vinegar solution and wipe the slats on both sides.

After cleaning, the slats can be treated with an antistatic agent. This will prevent dust from settling and cleaning can be done less frequently.