How to weave a wreath of flowers? New trend - a wreath of flowers on the head

The tradition of weaving wreaths from fresh flowers appeared a long time ago. Our ancestors mastered this skill perfectly. They also knew many secrets that helped them maintain the freshness of flowers and the shape of the finished decoration for a long time.

The tradition of weaving wreaths from fresh flowers appeared a long time ago.

The tradition of wearing flower wreaths is beginning to revive again in last years. Using our master class, you will learn how to weave wreaths with your own hands and find out which flowers are best to use.

Options for weaving from fresh flowers

There are dozens in various ways weaving wreaths. Let's talk about the most popular of them:

  • From flowers with a long stem. To weave a wreath, you need to select suitable flowers with long stems. First you need to take several of the largest flowers and put them in one bunch, which will serve as the basis. Then you should add new flowers to the folded bunch, wrapping their stems around the prepared base so that each next flower secured the stem of the previous one. The flowers should be woven close to each other so that they cover the base of the wreath and the protruding ends of the already woven flowers. These ends need to be hidden in existing weaves so that they do not spoil appearance finished product. The length of the wreath must be adjusted when trying it on. When it fits, the weaving is completed, and its edges are fastened together using a strong thread, matched to the tone of the base of the wreath. Instead of thread, you can use strong grass, tying it into a knot, or secure the product with bast (a thin strip from the bark of a tree).
  • The "pigtail" method. This option is considered the simplest. Take a bunch of flowers, divide it into three equal parts and start weaving. After a few curls, add new flowers. Continue weaving, placing the flowers as tightly as possible. If you decide to weave a wreath of flowers with a thick and rigid stem (for example, water lilies or water lilies), this option will be optimal.
  • With a ready base. You will need to prepare the base for the wreath. This could be a hoop on which flowers will be attached. They must be woven onto the hoop so that each subsequent flower holds the previous one. The size of the base is determined individually for each person based on the circumference of the head. Another variety this method– weaving a wreath with a wire base. Most often this method is used by florists.

Composition of different flowers

Necessary materials:

  • Regular and decorative wire;
  • Secateurs or knife;
  • Tape (this is a special floral tape that can be used to “extend the life” of fresh flowers);
  • Flowers (in our example, spray roses are involved, several different types cloves and eucalyptus).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, wrap the wire with tape.
  2. Bend the tape to the size of your head, and do the same with its ends so that you can’t get hurt on them. You can also make a wreath with special ribbon inserts, with which you can adjust it.
  3. Trim the flowers and form small bunches, combining them with greenery. Wrap the bundles with tape.
  4. Start creating your wreath. Secure the finished bundles to the wire base with tape. For reliability, also wrap the base with decorative wire.
  5. When weaving a wreath, alternate spray roses with carnations. Place flowers only with outside wreath basics.
  6. When you reach the middle, mark the center of the wreath with larger, more open roses. Then return to conventional technology weaving with small flowers.
  7. The first version of a beautiful wreath is ready.

Unusual wreath of roses, carnations and eucalyptus (step-by-step photos)

Materials required for work

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 6

Ready wreath

From small flowers

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers;
  • Tapes;
  • Green wire;
  • Nippers or scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Determine the size of the product by measuring the circumference of your head with a wire. Cut the required length, leaving a small allowance (3 centimeters will be enough).
  2. Make small loops on both sides of the wire.
  3. Choose flowers for your wreath. Trim their stems to the same length (about 5 centimeters).
  4. Sort the flowers by size into three piles (large, medium and small). The largest ones should be attached in the center of the wreath, half-opened and medium buds should be placed next to them, and small and unopened buds should be placed at the edges. This wreath will look very light and airy. If you take only large flowers, the product will look too massive and sloppy.
  5. Attach the flower to the main wire and wrap the second piece of wire around its stem. The larger the flowers, the more securely they need to be secured.
  6. After making several turns, attach the next flower. Continue making the wreath until all the flowers are in place. If they are too small, you can combine them into small bunches before attaching them to the base.
  7. When there are a few centimeters left until the end of the weaving, start applying flowers in the opposite direction. Try to make this transition as unnoticeable as possible.
  8. To make the wreath hold tightly and look more interesting, thread ribbons into the previously made loops and tie them. The wreath is ready.

Useful information: A wreath of fresh flowers is very beautiful decoration, but, unfortunately, short-lived. To prolong its life, store the wreath in a cool place. Spray the petals regularly with water from a spray bottle.

Photo gallery: Making a decoration from small wildflowers

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 7

This is what the finished product should look like

Wreath with satin ribbon

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers (English roses, ranunculus, different herbs and berries, jasmine, greens);
  • Narrow satin ribbon;
  • Floral tape;
  • Thick wire;
  • Scissors or wire cutters.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the flowers. Shorten their stems to 4 centimeters. Grass and small flowers can be cut back a little more.
  2. Cut a 70cm strip from the satin ribbon. This should be enough to create a wreath and tie a bow. Excess pieces can be trimmed off later.
  3. To ensure that the wreath has a neat appearance and technical parts are not visible to others, turn the first flowers inside the base. Attach them to the base and wrap tightly with floral tape on top.
  4. After you have attached the first few flowers to the base, attach all the rest to the outside of the wreath. Alternate flowers with herbs, berry branches and greens.
  5. Watch the length of the product, because if you make the wreath too long, it will be difficult to disassemble. You will risk damaging the already attached necessary buds.
  6. Having reached the end, secure the edges more tightly, and cut off the excess pieces of wire and floral tape. Adjust all the buds so that they are adjacent to one another.

Master class on making

You will need these materials for work

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 6

Product options

An original wreath will highlight the beauty of its owner

Decoration for girls from bouquets

Necessary materials:

  • Several types of flowers;
  • Green satin or silk ribbon;
  • Scissors or wire cutters.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to create the base of your decoration. To do this, twist the wire into a circle. The base should rest loosely on your head because once you attach the flowers to it, the wreath will be narrower and heavier. If the size is incorrectly selected, it can put a lot of pressure on the head or, conversely, fall off.
  2. Next, wrap the wire joints with colored tape and pull it as tight as possible.
  3. Divide the flowers into bunches and begin attaching them to the base, one bud at a time. This will make it easier for you to work, and the crown with the tape will not be overloaded.
  4. To keep all the flowers firmly, you need to make small bouquets of them. Tie them tightly with several pieces of ribbon, and trim the edges short.
  5. Make about 15 small bouquets. Start attaching them to the base of the wreath.
  6. Secure the resulting bouquets from the outside, tightly wrapping their edges with ribbon. You need to do this until you reach the end of the wire and completely fill the base with flowers.

Example of creation in the photo

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

This wreath can be used for various photo shoots

Other variations of fresh flowers

Beautiful wreath With blue flowers and spikelets

This wreath can be made from carnations of any color and size.

An elegant wreath looks very gentle and neat

This wreath will serve as a harmonious addition to the bride’s image.

The simplest wreath that many of us wove as children

An unusual wreath of different wildflowers will be a real decoration for little ladies

You can even weave such a voluminous wreath from field daisies!

More often decorative wreaths weave from different types of roses

Made from artificial flowers

Wreaths made from artificial flowers are even easier to make than from real ones. It also has one more significant advantage - such a wreath will last you much longer.

Standard option

Necessary materials:

  • Artificial flowers, leaves, twigs;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire (wrapped in cloth);
  • Green floral ribbon.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare artificial flowers for work. You can take a bouquet and cut flowers from it, or buy single flowers. It is better to cut flowers with part of the stem, so they will be better attached to the wreath.
  2. Take a wire or flexible twig and measure the circumference of your head to determine the desired diameter for the wreath. When trying on, leave a space of about two fingers between the wire and the head. Trim off excess pieces of base.
  3. Fold the edges of the base overlapping and wrap them tightly with prepared floral tape.
  4. After that, take the first flower and secure it with the same ribbon. The following artificial flowers should be attached in the same way.
  5. Gradually pull the ribbon forward and weave flowers, leaves and berries into the wreath one by one. Attach them as tightly as possible to each other so that there are no gaps.
  6. When you have filled the entire base, tie the edges of the ribbon tightly and cut off the excess pieces. The advantage of floral tape is that its edges can be easily secured with an adhesive backing.

Handicraft stages in the photo

Necessary materials

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 6

This wreath is very easy to weave even for a beginner.

From flowers with beads

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers (ideally decorative paper roses with stem);
  • Artificial berries or leaves;
  • Wire turquoise color diameter 0.8 centimeters;
  • Scissors;
  • Floral tape;
  • Beads for decoration;
  • Glue "Moment".

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Unwind the wire, wind flowers and berries onto it, directing their edges towards the end.
  2. Next, continue attaching the flowers, only with the “tails” in the opposite direction, from the edge of the wire. String several beads.
  3. Please note that the length of the wreath should be approximately 50 centimeters.
  4. Attach the strung beads at a short distance, alternating them with the main decoration.
  5. Bend the edges of the wire to form a loop.
  6. Cut satin ribbon in half (you should get two 30-centimeter pieces). Thread it through the loop and secure with a knot or superglue.

Necessary materials

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 5

Illustration for point 6

This wreath looks very gentle and neat

With lavender sprigs and rose buds

Necessary materials:

  • Wire;
  • Floral or simple ribbon;
  • Scissors;
  • Flowers different shades(it is better to choose roses);
  • Sprigs of dusty miller and lavender (several bunches each);
  • Artificial rose buds.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take the wire and twist it into a circle of the desired diameter.
  2. Then wrap the resulting headband with colored tape (green is best).
  3. Take the prepared flowers and trim their stems to the right size, leaving approximately 3-4 centimeters of free edge.
  4. Start weaving the wreath. Attach the flowers to the base with tape. When applying a flower, wrap the stem with tape one turn, and then add the next buds.
  5. Fill the entire base of your wreath in the same way, alternating bunches of lavender with flowers. For this option we used several different shades of roses. To make the product more original, alternate tones or make it in a “rainbow” style.
  6. After securing all the flowers to the base of the wreath, wrap the edge with ribbon.
  7. Congratulations, your wreath is ready!

Photo guide: Creating a flower arrangement

Illustration for point 1

Illustration for point 2

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 3

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 4

Illustration for point 6

With this wreath you can complement any look.

Other ideas

Gentle pink color will highlight your beauty

Artificial daisies look no worse than natural ones

This wreath can even be worn to a wedding.

Artificial wildflowers will never fade

You can find artificial roses in any color

A thin wreath of colorful artificial flowers looks very elegant.

Video: How to make a beautiful wreath with your own hands?

To make a beautiful wreath with your own hands, just follow the one you like step by step instructions proposed in our article. The final result depends on the material you choose and, of course, your imagination. In any case, the product will be original and unique. Don't be afraid to try and experiment, and you will succeed!

Flowers have always been considered a hair decoration. That is why they were regularly woven into braids or made into wreaths on the head. A wreath of flowers is the best decoration for any occasion. gala event. This article will tell you how to make a wreath with your own hands.

What materials are needed to get started?

  • Wire
  • Artificial flowers of any shape and size
  • Scissors
  • Green ribbon

How to create a wreath of artificial flowers with your own hands

  • Before you start weaving a wreath, you need to measure your head so that it does not fall off it in the future. After this, it is necessary to make a frame for the future product from metal wire.

  • We prepare paper flowers to begin work. If the flowers are on a long stem, you need to cut it off, and run a wire under the cup of the bud, with which it will then be attached to the frame. If the flowers are small, then they need to be collected in small compositions. This composition should contain no more than 4 flowers. You need to attach a wire to the calyx of each flower.

  • At the next stage, we begin attaching the flowers to the frame. They should alternate in size and color in order for the hair wreath to turn out beautiful and impressive. This way you can make a classic wreath or hoop.

  • To make a frame, you need to take dense wire; if you don’t have it, then you can weave a braid from ordinary wire. Flowers can be attached to such a braid using glue, but you only need to wrap them around regular wire.

  • To make the head decoration look more natural, it can be supplemented with leaves.

So we made a wreath of artificial flowers with our own hands. This decoration is perfect for the bride, as the flowers will remain flawless until the end of the event.

Fragrant decoration

A wreath of fresh flowers will not only look beautiful, but also delight everyone present with its aroma. In order to create such a decoration, the craftswoman will need:

  • Thick wire
  • Tape
  • Secateurs
  • Decorative wires
  • Any fresh flowers

Master Class

So the fragrant wreath is ready. A girl in a wreath of flowers will always look natural and attractive regardless of the circumstances.

Weaving a wreath for the head in natural conditions

You can weave a wreath from any flowers that grow in the area where you are vacationing. Most often, decorations are woven from wildflowers and dandelions. It is necessary to pick a plant only with a long and strong stem, so that it does not break during the weaving process. A wreath of cornflowers and daisies looks very beautiful. For variety, you can fly in leaves from nearby trees.

Basic rules of weaving

  • To start weaving, you need to fold three stems and start weaving like an ordinary braid.
  • When the first curl is ready, you need to weave a second one into its center. According to this principle, you need to weave until it matches the volume of your head.
  • To make the product look lush, the flowers need to be placed close to each other.

You can weave in another way:

  • It is necessary to collect several buds with long and dense stems into one bunch.
  • You need to insert new flowers into the resulting bunch, entwining the previous ones in parallel. According to this principle, you need to continue until the desired size is reached. To hide the protruding ends, the plants need to be attached tightly to each other.
  • To connect both sides, you can use a thread, or if you don’t have it at hand, use a dense blade of grass.

The photos and videos below will show how you can beautifully harmonize different flowers.

Wreaths woven from flowers have adorned the heads of young girls throughout the centuries. Modern times does not prohibit the use of such an accessory on flowers. Because best decoration for a girl these are flowers and the more there are, the more beautiful the girl looks. With the help of this master class, every lady will be able to create such a magnificent decoration.

In the old days, flowers were the most affordable and popular decoration girls. Wreaths were woven from them, decorating the head with them during rituals and holidays. Wreaths were a kind of school of needlework for girls - by training their fingers, they then quickly mastered the art of needlework - embroidery, knitting, weaving.

Wreaths of flowers were placed on the head magical power, releasing them into the water and guessing from his behavior about his fate. If the wreath washed ashore, the girl will not get married this year, but if it drowned. Equally important was the colors that were woven into the composition.

Before today Only a few rituals have survived from the past, but the well-forgotten old always returns, is reborn in a new quality. And today, many women and girls willingly decorate their heads with wreaths of fresh or artificial flowers, which adds femininity and romance to their hairstyle. A wreath on the head is also popular in wedding fashion.

The products of professional florists are expensive, but this is not at all a reason to refuse a cute multi-colored wreath, which will so effectively emphasize the image of a young bride at a wedding in folk style, and the little girl on children's party. In the photo, a wreath of flowers on your head with your own hands, as you can see, it is not at all difficult to weave it - desire, patience, plus accuracy. For a wreath of fresh flowers, florists recommend rose, freesia, chrysanthemum, asparagus, ivy, gypsophila, although, of course, you can weave wreaths with wildflowers.

Wreath of fresh flowers on your head

Tools and materials

  • Natural flowers;
  • ribbon;
  • wire cutters;
  • wire (preferably green).

Step-by-step instruction

A wreath of fresh flowers is a beautiful decoration, but, unfortunately, short-lived. If possible, store it in a cool place, sprinkling it with water from a spray bottle periodically. One day such a masterpiece will definitely serve you.

If you like the idea of ​​creating such jewelry, but it’s not the season for fresh flowers, you can make a similar accessory from artificial flowers. Plan the design of the future wreath in advance - what it will be, in what style, from what colors, how many of them you need to prepare, from what material - paper, fabric, etc.

You can master making artificial flowers yourself, but it will take much more time than weaving a wreath from ready-made flowers, which can always be purchased in handicraft stores. IN serious cases, for example, making wreath of flowers on the head for the bride, for a photo shoot, you can order flowers for a wreath from a master florist.

A head wreath is made from artificial flowers in the same way as from real ones, even a little lighter - wire stems are easier to accept the required form, and you can always weave small flowers between large ones. Just don’t mix bright colors and pastel, light ones.

Arrangement of artificial flowers

Materials and tools

Step-by-step instruction

How to fit this extremely fashion accessory in your image?

Among the ancient Slavs, our ancestors, not a single wedding was complete without decorations with wildflowers. The central attribute was a wreath with fresh flowers for the bride, which symbolized the natural purity and innocence of the girl. In the fall, at the right time Slavic weddings fresh flowers were replaced with colorful ones autumn leaves trees. There were whole rituals for removing wedding wreath and lowering it into a reservoir, indicating that from this day on one married woman became more.

How to choose the right flower wreath?

The first and basic rule for choosing a wedding wreath should be its complete combination with the rest of the bride’s outfit. When the newlywed's image is completely thought out, you should contact a florist for advice. An experienced specialist will tell you what color of wreath and what components will suit a particular bride, depending on her appearance. Floral crowns are best suited for young girls under 25-28 years old, especially those with long hair. More mature women with such an accessory can look not only ugly, but even comical.

Options for wedding head wreaths

If you decide that your decoration on your head should be only fresh flowers, pay attention that they have something in common with the bouquet in their content and color scheme. Plants look most beautiful on long, flowing hair. But this does not mean that girls with short hair are deprived of the right to decorate themselves with a headdress created by nature itself. There is a floral wreath for brides of any hair length.

From wild flowers

The delicate image of the bride will be emphasized by a voluminous wreath created from wildflowers and ears of corn. Subtle shades will add airiness to the headdress. Bride with long flowing hair, in unique image forest nymph, will be surrounded by a halo of delicate inflorescences of rue and mint. This decoration will suit blondes with fair skin and blue eyes dressed in a dress made in folk style. Any girl can weave wreaths, but to make wedding decoration It’s better to contact a florist. Thanks to the variety of plants, it is easy to achieve excellent results.

From alstroemeria and spray roses

IN ancient Greece The rose was considered the most important flower and was worshiped. It is not for nothing that the newlyweds’ bed is showered with rose petals, and a wreath with this royal flower has always evoked admiration. The height of the head decoration, into which live climbing or bush roses are woven, can reach up to 10-15 cm, which visually increases height short bride. Wreaths with alstroemeria look no less beautiful and sophisticated. The variety of colors in these flowers gives the girl’s image even more freshness and delicate beauty. By combining these plants in different proportions, you will get a unique wreath.

Snow-white gypsophila wreath

A wreath with gypsophila can only be compared with the “crown of an angel”, associated with in a gentle way, integrity. These flowers are suitable for girls with pretty, rounded features. Small snow-white inflorescences seem to be specially created to be used to decorate complex hairstyles for weddings or to be woven into wreaths. A charming flower crown will make the bride feel unsurpassed, which will give pleasant, memorable moments. Wreaths with gypsophila are a favorite among girls going down the aisle, as they can last all day without losing their beauty.

Composition of miniature flowers and berries

Decorating hair with berries and small flowers is a tradition that dates back several centuries ago. Women even then wanted to look attractive and elegant. Folk Slavic traditions have survived to this day. For example, the wreaths of Ukrainian girls, in addition to flowers, must contain branches of bright red viburnum intertwined with leaves and ribbons. A combination of clusters or individual berries and smaller ones bright colors gives special flavor image of the bride.

What hairstyle goes with a wedding wreath?

A wedding hairstyle with a wreath on the bride’s head is a whole work of art. When creating the bride's image, maximum attention is paid to this so that all elements are in harmony with each other. Smooth transition between the details of the wedding decoration help to ensure various decorations. It is rare to see a bride without any attributes in her hairstyle. In recent years there has been a tendency to return to folk traditions. The wreath that has come back into fashion, decorating the bride's hairstyle, is at the peak of its popularity.

The longer the hair, the more voluminous it should be flower decoration. The use of small single inflorescences, correctly located in the collected hairstyle, will add color romantic image brides The same small flowers will complement long hair if it is braided. french braid. Impressive beautiful combination large buds and loose soft curls hair in the form of freely curly strands.

For short hair An asymmetrical wreath containing one or three flowers intertwined with lace is best. Compositions with delicate, medium-sized flowers are more versatile. They look especially natural on short haircuts and loose hair. middle length. If you attach the hoop with flowers correctly, such a wreath will be a wonderful addition to long hair styled or freely flowing.

Photos of wedding wreaths made of fresh flowers

Wedding hairstyles with a wreath are the trend of the season. It is possible that the wreath is worn only during the wedding ceremony, for the most solemn moment. If it does not cause heaviness or discomfort, and correctly selected flowers do not fade after a short period of time, then it is worth staying in it until the end. wedding celebration. To extend the life of plants, when composing a composition, florists treat them with a special composition.

The skillful hands of specialists create impeccable combinations of flowers, leaves, ears, ribbons, rhinestones, and light feathers. The variety of these decorations is simply amazing. They look very organic in combination with the outfit, creating a single image of the bride. Such a work of art does not require additional decorations; it is beautiful in itself and only emphasizes the beauty of the newlywed. Look at the photos below to see what it looks like.

A floral wreath is an amazing accessory that perfectly complements the bride's image and supports the style of the wedding. Often floral wreaths They are worn not only by brides, but also by bridesmaids as a distinctive sign. Or they decorate the small curly heads of flowergirls angels.

In wreaths, all flowers are deprived of water, and for many flowers this can be destructive. Therefore, it is important to understand which flowers will last the entire wedding day in your unusual decoration and save fresh look. Hence the main rule in wreaths is to choose the most durable flowers.

Classic wreaths

In classic wreaths, the flowers are distributed evenly throughout the wreath. Such wreaths are often used in romantic bridal looks. Small and medium-sized unpretentious flowers are ideal here. Hypericum berries, for example, are very persistent and look beautiful in wreaths. Additionally, they come in red, burgundy, green, white and peach.

Gypsophila- another favorite of classic wreaths. This flower looks great alone. Mono-wreaths made of gypsophila are also very durable and will definitely last the entire wedding day. You can’t be afraid to make such wreaths for your lovely flowergirls.

Just recently we discovered a truly timeless color combination in a wreath: limonium and ruscus. Small limonium flowers create a real sapphire tiara on the bride’s head, and ruscus frames this tiara.

It is noteworthy that when limonium dries, it practically does not change in color, so the wreath remains fresh for a month. After your holiday you will be able to for a long time enjoy this wreath. As for the ruscus, these guys turn a little yellow with time; after about a week or two, the ruscus will already turn yellow, but this will only add a special charm and character to the wreath.

Some of the most resistant specimens are succulents. For classic wreaths, it is better to choose very small succulents, while large forms are suitable for asymmetry or volume. Succulents are rarely used in mono-wreaths; they look much more advantageous as an addition to other flowers.

Asymmetrical and voluminous wreaths

The flowers for these two types of wreaths are the same: peonies, roses, ranunculus and even tulips, the only difference is in how they are distributed throughout the wreath. IN asymmetrical wreaths the main thing is contrast. Big flower or a group of flowers is located in the center or to the side, and in the rest of the wreath there are almost completely no flowers. Volumetric wreaths completely filled with colors without serious accents and contrasts.

Volumetric and asymmetrical wreaths are suitable for bright and extravagant brides. The wedding style can be almost anything: from shabby chic to romantic and luxury.

Of course, the favorites are peonies. Their huge hats captivated the hearts of all brides and florists at once. The colors of peonies will satisfy the most demanding taste, which is very important. Peony season begins in the summer, and this is especially great: after all, it is in the summer that most brides try to have their wedding.

In addition to other advantages, peonies also demonstrate good durability. They tolerate a day without a food source well.

Another favorite - Ranunculus. To say that brides love this flower is to say nothing. Many people want this particular flower and no other, even if it’s not in their season. Why did these flowers gain so much love?

Maybe because they are characterized by aristocratic restraint. In any case, this flower should be used in voluminous and asymmetrical wreaths. Rare, not very large specimens are also suitable for classic wreaths. Ranunculus are not as hardy as hypericum or carnation, but they certainly won't upset you with drooping petals even at the end of the wedding party.

Minimalist wreaths

Such wreaths consist of a couple of sprigs of greenery and will perfectly complement the images of the bride and her bridesmaids on rustic and green weddings. You can use hedera, eucalyptus of various types, and gypsophila in them.

If you are planning a DIY style wedding, then you can safely try to make minimalist wreaths yourself or, even better, have a bachelorette party and create wreaths.

Do you want flowers in a wreath? Take small inflorescences tanacetum(in simple terms - chamomile), and you will get a delicate, graceful stripe of flowers in your hair.

I recommend it to all brides with a summer type of appearance ( bright skin and hair) choose delicate shades: milky, pink, muted lilac. For winter types of appearance ( dark skin, dark hair) worth using bright flowers and greenery in wreaths: burgundy, red, rich green.


We all love the image of a long-haired fairy with flowers in her hair. Almost all wreaths look wonderful on girls with long hair! But don’t forget about brides with short hair. I believe that beautiful image with a wreath can be created regardless of hair length. Just remember Audrey Hepburn in her minimalist wedding wreath with short hair pixie

I only talked about a small part of the flowers that are suitable for wreaths. And how many unexplored combinations there are! Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. After all, it is in experiments that individuality is born.