Wedding wreaths on the head of natural flowers. How to choose a wedding wreath on the head of fresh flowers

Flowers at all times were considered a decoration of hairstyles. That is why they were regularly woven into braids or made wreaths on their heads. A wreath of flowers is the best decoration for any solemn event. This article will tell you how to make a wreath with your own hands.

What materials are needed to get started

  • wire
  • Artificial flowers of any shape and size
  • Scissors
  • green ribbon

How to create a wreath of artificial flowers with your own hands

  • Before you start weaving a wreath, you need to measure your head so that it does not fall off it in the future. After that, it is necessary to make a frame for the future product from a metal wire.

  • We prepare paper flowers for work. If the flowers on a long stem need to be cut off, and a wire should be drawn under the cup of the bud, with which it will then be attached to the frame. If the flowers are small, then they must be collected in small compositions. In such a composition there should be no more than 4 flowers. Before the cup of each flower, you need to fix the wire.

  • At the next stage, we proceed to fixing the flowers on the frame. They should alternate in size and color in order for the hair wreath to turn out beautiful and spectacular. Thus, you can make a classic wreath or hoop.

  • To make the frame, you need to take a dense wire, if it is not there, then you can weave a pigtail out of the usual one. Flowers can be attached to such a pigtail with glue, and you only need to wind them on a regular wire.

  • To make the decoration on the head look more natural, it can be supplemented with leaves.

So we made a wreath of artificial flowers with our own hands. This decoration is perfect for the bride, as the flowers will keep their perfect look until the end of the event.

fragrant decoration

A wreath of fresh flowers will not only look beautiful, but also delight everyone present with its aroma. In order to create such an ornament, the craftswoman will need:

  • dense wire
  • Tape tape
  • Secateurs
  • decorative wires
  • Any fresh flowers

Master Class

Here is a fragrant wreath ready. A girl in a wreath of flowers will always look natural and attractive, no matter the circumstances.

Weaving a wreath for the head in natural conditions

You can weave a wreath from any flowers that grow in the area where you are resting. Most often weave decorations from wildflowers and dandelions. It is necessary to pluck the plant only with a long and strong stem, so that it does not tear during the weaving process. A wreath of cornflowers and daisies looks very beautiful. For a change, you can fly in the leaves of closely growing trees.

Basic weaving rules

  • To start weaving, you need to fold three stems and start weaving like an ordinary pigtail.
  • When the first curl is ready, it is necessary to weave the second one into its center. According to this principle, you need to weave until it matches the volume of the head.
  • To make the products look lush, the flowers must be placed tightly to each other.

You can weave in another way:

  • In one bunch, you need to collect several buds with long and dense stems.
  • New flowers must be inserted into the resulting bundle, wrapping the previous ones in parallel. According to this principle, it is necessary to continue until reaching right size. To hide the protruding tips, the plants need to be attached tightly to each other.
  • To connect both sides, you can use a thread, and if it is not at hand, then with a dense blade of grass.

The photos and videos below will show you how to beautifully harmonize different flowers.

Wreaths woven from flowers have adorned the heads of young girls for all ages. modern times does not prohibit the use of such an accessory on flowers. Because best decoration for a girl, these are exactly flowers and the more of them, the more beautiful the girl looks. With the help of the given master class, every lady will be able to create such a magnificent decoration.

This year flower wreaths have become a real hit of the season! What used to be regarded as children's spring fun and as a symbolic ritual object has become an actual attribute of a wedding and friendly parties Outdoors. A wreath of flowers on the head will help create a romantic look, give it lightness and brightness. There are a lot of options for creating this accessory. The wreath is woven from fresh and artificial flowers using various frames and wire.

Do-it-yourself wreath on the head: the secrets of creation

Any do-it-yourself wreath on the head is made subject to the same rules:

  • Consider the composition of the accessory. Flowers match best different sizes- large, medium and small. It is also worth including sprigs of herbs and flexible green stems in weaving.
  • Consider the style of the event. In accordance with it, you need to choose the type of flowers. For example, roses, peonies, garden buttercups, lilies, gardenias are suitable for a wedding.
  • Don't try to make a head wreath with flowers that release a lot of pollen or various oily substances. So you risk spoiling your outfit.
  • Consider the duration of wearing a wreath. To make the accessory last longer, you can make it the night before and then put it in the refrigerator. For a wedding, you should use special sprays sold in florist shops. They spray flowers. As a result, they do not fade for a long time.
  • Consider wreath design. If you use a lot of colors, then it just falls apart under its own weight. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-make a wire frame. Suitable flexible thick wire. You can buy it at any craft store. Pay attention to the thickness - optimally - 3 mm.
  • Use additional decor. The wire frame is decorated with floral ribbon. She makes him less visible. Many women of fashion decorate wreaths with satin ribbons, fasten the flowers with unusual invisibility with beads and rhinestones.
  • If the celebration should take place in the cold season, then you can buy fresh flowers in the store. Dr. an option is to make a wreath from artificial ones. These may be imitations polymer clay, fabrics, cold porcelain.
  • Use invisible for fastening, otherwise your wreath will periodically fall off your head. Invisibility is better to use discreet or, if possible, to match the hair.

A wreath on the head of fresh flowers: how to make?

Creating such accessories requires a sense of style. This is due to the fact that wreaths of several plants look best. They are intertwined with small flowers, green leaves. All this must be harmoniously selected in size and color.

You will need:

  • Medium wire
  • wire cutters
  • floral ribbon
  • Satin ribbon
  • Flowers
  • Herbs

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. First, measure your head. To do this, attach measuring tape to the back of the head. Directing it above the middle of the forehead. Tear off a segment from the wire with wire cutters equal to the volume of the head plus 2 cm. Connect the wire into a ring. To do this, make hooks from the extra 2 cm - 1 cm on each side. Bend them or simply wrap the free ends around each other.
  2. Trim each plant. The length of the stems should be 5 cm. Take a floristic or satin ribbon. Attach each flower to the wire base. Place the stem horizontally along it and wrap it with tape. Do this step with each flower almost to the end of the wreath. Wrap the remaining section with tape.
  3. A wreath on the head of fresh flowers can be slightly transformed. For this, plants are grouped into small bunches. Then each is attached to the wire in the manner described above. In order for the wreath to be magnificent, it is necessary to make about 10-12 such bouquets.

How to weave a wreath of dandelions: basic principles

Dandelion wreaths are what symbolize spring. Bright inflorescences look very provocatively and cheerfully. Learning how to weave such a wreath is not particularly difficult. It is worth choosing the right instances of colors and learning just 1 movement.

You will need:

  • Long stem dandelions
  • Piece of thread of medium thickness

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. Dandelions are better not to pick in advance. While you are weaving, some of the flowers will wither. It is worth plucking them directly when weaving. For a wreath, you will need specimens with a long stem (about 15-20 cm) and large flowers.
  2. Weaving comes down to the fact that each subsequent stem, as it were, wraps around the previous one. We start making a wreath by taking 2 of the largest dandelions. Fold them so that the stem of the left "lies" in right side. Place the right dandelion vertically on top of it. Let's move on to the loop. We stretch the right stem under the left. Then we make a movement over it to form a loop. Pull it out to the right. Both dandelion stems lie as if together. Carefully hold them and move the inflorescence of the right dandelion to the left. They should be located next to each other. The loop looks tight.
  3. We take the next dandelion. Again we place it vertically on top of the now 2 stems. Then we drag it under them, forming a loop. The final movement - the stem comes out from above and crosses itself. It is directed to the right and lies together with the 2 previous ones.
  4. This step is repeated several times with other dandelions. Periodically try on a wreath on the head. You should stop at the moment when the length of the strip of flowers is equal to the volume of the head.
  5. Then the wreath must be fixed. To do this, take its end and beginning and connect it with a thread.
  6. The main thing to remember when creating a dandelion wreath is a strong weave. Flowers should fit snugly together. They can be strengthened with woven long grasses.

Unfortunately, dandelion wreaths also have their downsides. If you do not want to get your hands and clothes dirty with their milk, then it is better to refuse such an activity. In addition, this wreath is not suitable for allergy sufferers, because a lot of pollen falls off the flowers.

Wreath on the head with their own hands from artificial flowers

You can make a wreath on your head not only from fresh flowers. Many designers advise using their imitation. The easiest option is artificial flowers. Now stores sell interior compositions that look like real ones. It is better to choose high-quality options - they should not look too unnatural.

You will need:

  • Artificial flowers - 1-2 bouquets
  • Medium wire
  • floral ribbon
  • Silicone glue or glue gun
  • Scissors

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. From the wire, form a ring equal to the circumference of your head. Take bouquets of artificial flowers and cut the stems. Segments should be no more than 5 cm. Divide each bouquet into several parts. The amount depends on the initial splendor.
  2. Apply small bouquets to the wire so that the stems are located in one direction. Wrap each with floral tape. For more volume, arrange the flowers in the direction in different directions.
  3. Continue to fasten the bouquets. If there are few flowers, then you can not reach the end. Pay more attention to the front and side. Wrap the rest of the wire with tape. Carefully hide the tips inside.

A wreath of flowers on the head: ideas

A wreath of flowers on your head can make you a real queen of a themed celebration. To make it, you will need flowers of different sizes, plant leaves, floral tape and wire for the frame. Cropped flowers are attached to a wire ring equal to the girth of the head with a ribbon. The length of their stems is about 5 cm. Thus, they cover the entire wire, forming an elegant and refined product.

In the old days, a young bride was always decorated with wild flowers, including a wreath of them. The wreath is a symbol of the purity of the bride, it symbolizes her innocence and femininity. IN autumn period wreaths of flowers can be replaced with a wreath of autumn leaves. In ancient times, there were beautiful and touching rituals with the removal of wreaths and lowering them into the water. This tradition symbolizes the transition from virgin life to married life.

We select wedding wreaths of flowers

The main rule for choosing wreaths for the head is that the wreath of flowers should be in harmony with the bride's dress. It is advisable to choose such an accessory for young long-haired brides under 30 years old. On girls older than this age, the wreath may look simply ridiculous. Consult an experienced stylist, he will be able to recommend which wreath is right for you. Together with the stylist, you can choose the color and size of the flowers, as well as other accessories that should decorate the wreath on your head.

We select a wedding wreath of wild flowers on the head

Very gentle image for the bride, you can create if you use a lush wreath on your head from wild flowers and soft spikelets. It is desirable that the wreath be woven from flowers pastel shades, it will give the image of airiness and femininity.

For wedding photo shoot the image of a gentle and necessarily long-haired fairy will be beautiful. In a wreath, you can use not only flowers, but also mint leaves, basil, poppy or chamomile buds. Such wedding wreath of flowers will be ideally combined with Russian folk dress. Of course, every girl knows how to weave wreaths, but if you want to get a really beautiful wedding wreath from natural flowers, you would be better off entrusting the weaving to a professional florist.

Wedding wreaths of natural flowers of alstroemeria and spray roses

The Greeks deified the rose and considered it a divine flower. It was from the ancient Greek rites that the tradition began to sprinkle the bed of the young with rose petals. A wreath of roses on the head will cause admiration, and will look great in the photo. Wedding wreaths on the head of fresh flowers, roses, it is advisable to make no higher than 10-15 centimeters. In a wreath, you can weave live climbing or spray roses.

A wreath of alstroemeria flowers looks very feminine. The more colorful the wreath will be from natural colors on the head, the juicier and more tender the image of the girl will be. You can combine roses and alstroemerias together and your wreath will be simply unique. Also, similar wedding wreaths on the head of artificial roses can be made from cold porcelain or silk.

A wreath of gypsophila flowers on the head

Gypsophila is the best wedding flowers on the head. They symbolize tenderness, charm, charm and purity. Gimsophila is distinguished by small flowers and therefore it should be chosen by girls with soft features. It is not uncommon for such a wreath to be made of artificial gypsophila flowers, but when choosing one, you should pay attention to its quality. Wedding wreaths made of artificial flowers must be done very skillfully, otherwise the image can be simply spoiled.

Small snow-white gypsophila flowers are designed to be woven into wreaths. This flower will successfully last all day and will not lose its beauty. Such a wreath can be made large or small, lush or modest, and still the wreath will decorate the head and create a wonderful effect of a chic flower crown.

We make a hairstyle under a wreath of flowers

Make perfect suitable hairstyle under a wreath of natural or artificial flowers is a whole art. Need to create correct image for the bride, so that the outfit is in harmony with accessories and makeup. The bride should look gentle and elegant, and only smooth transition between the details of the image can provide this. This season, a wreath on the head is the most popular attribute of the bride's image. It allows you to return to ancient traditions, to beauty and femininity.

A wedding wreath made of artificial flowers or natural buds is best used for girls who have long curls. You can not use a wreath, but just collect strands of hair and weave buds directly into them, which will create the effect of a wreath with their inflorescences.

An excellent option for hairstyles under the wreath will be a not tight French pigtail. It can be braided from soft curls which are neatly tucked into beautiful weaving. By adding a wreath or individual flowers to this hairstyle, you will get a soft and very romantic look.

If a girl has short hair, then an asymmetric wreath may suit her. It can be made from several flowers intertwined with lace. Also great for short haircuts a wreath of small flowers will look. If properly fixed, it will become a wonderful decoration. You can use a wedding wreath on your head made of artificial small flowers, but it will look no worse than if fresh flowers were woven into it.

As we said, the wreath is the trend of the season. You can only wear it during wedding ceremony and subsequent photo session. You can always remove the wreath if it is too heavy or if the flowers begin to fade.

The tradition of weaving wreaths of fresh flowers appeared a long time ago. Our ancestors mastered this skill to perfection. They also knew many secrets that helped them keep the freshness of the flowers and the shape of the finished decoration for a long time.

The tradition of weaving wreaths of fresh flowers appeared a long time ago.

The tradition of wearing wreaths of flowers begins to revive again in last years. Using our master class, you will learn how to weave wreaths with your own hands and find out which flowers are best to use.

Variants of weaving from natural flowers

There are dozens various ways wreath weaving. Let's talk about the most popular of them:

  • From flowers with a long stem. To weave a wreath, you need to select matching flowers with long stems. First you need to take a few of the largest flowers and put them in one bunch, which will serve as the basis. Then new flowers should be added to the folded bunch, wrapping their stems around the prepared base in such a way that each next flower fixed the stem of the previous one. Flowers should be woven close to each other so that they cover the base of the wreath and the protruding ends of already woven flowers. These ends must be hidden in existing weaves so that they do not spoil appearance finished product. The length of the wreath must be adjusted during its fitting. When it fits, the weaving ends, and its edges are fastened together with a strong thread, matched to the tone of the base of the wreath. Instead of a thread, you can use strong grass, tying it into a knot, or you can fix the product with a bast (a thin strip from the bark of a tree).
  • The "pigtail" method. This option is considered the easiest. Take a bunch of flowers, divide it into three equal parts and start weaving. After a few curls, add new flowers. Continue weaving, stacking the flowers as tightly as possible. If you decide to weave a wreath of flowers with a thick and hard stem (for example, water lilies or water lilies), this option will be optimal.
  • With ready base. You will need to prepare the base for the wreath. It can be a hoop on which flowers will be attached. They must be braided onto the hoop so that each subsequent flower holds the previous one. The size of the base is determined individually for each person based on the circumference of the head. Another variety this method- weaving a wreath with a wire base. Most often this method is used by florists.

Composition of different flowers

Necessary materials:

  • Wire ordinary and decorative;
  • Secateurs or knife;
  • Tape tape (this is a special floral tape with which you can "extend the life" of fresh flowers);
  • Flowers (in our example, spray roses are involved, several different types carnation and eucalyptus).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, wrap the wire with teip tape.
  2. Bend the tape to the size of the head, do the same with its ends so that they cannot be injured. You can also make a wreath with special ribbon inserts that can be used to adjust it.
  3. Trim the flowers and form small bunches by combining them with herbs. Wrap the bundles with teip tape.
  4. Start creating a wreath. Secure the finished bundles to the wire base with tape. For reliability, wrap the base with decorative wire.
  5. Weaving a wreath, alternate spray roses with carnations. Place flowers only with outside wreath bases.
  6. When you reach the middle, mark the center of the wreath with larger and more open roses. Then return to conventional technology weaving with small flowers.
  7. The first version of a beautiful wreath is ready.

Unusual wreath of roses, carnations and eucalyptus (step by step photos)

Materials required for work

Illustration for paragraph 1

Illustration for paragraph 2

Illustration for paragraph 2

Illustration for paragraph 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 6

Finished wreath

From small flowers

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers;
  • Ribbons;
  • green wire;
  • Nippers or scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Determine the size of the product by measuring the circumference of the head with a wire. Cut off the desired length, leaving a small allowance (3 centimeters will be enough).
  2. Make small loops on both sides of the wire.
  3. Choose flowers for your wreath. Trim their stems to the same length (about 5 centimeters).
  4. Sort the flowers by size into three piles (large, medium and small). The largest ones must be fixed in the center of the wreath, half-opened and medium ones are placed after them, and small and unopened buds are placed along the edges. Such a wreath will look very light and airy. If you take only large flowers, the product will look too massive and sloppy.
  5. Attach the flower to the main wire and wind its stalk with the second piece of wire. The larger the flowers, the more securely they need to be fixed.
  6. After making a few turns, attach the next flower. Continue weaving the wreath until all the flowers are in place. If they are too small, you can combine them into small bundles before attaching to the base.
  7. When there are a few centimeters left until the end of the weave, start applying flowers in the opposite direction. Try to make this transition as invisible as possible.
  8. In order for the wreath to hold tight and look more interesting, thread the ribbons into the previously made loops and tie them. The wreath is ready.

Useful information: A wreath of natural flowers is very beautiful decoration but, unfortunately, short-lived. To prolong its life, keep the wreath in a cool place. Spray the petals regularly with water from a spray bottle.

Photo gallery: Making decoration from small wildflowers

Illustration for paragraph 2

Illustration for paragraph 3

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 7

This is what the finished product should look like.

Wreath with satin ribbon

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers (English roses, buttercups, different herbs and berries, jasmine, herbs);
  • Narrow satin ribbon;
  • floral tape;
  • Thick wire;
  • Scissors or nippers.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare flowers. Shorten their stems to 4 centimeters. Grass and small flowers can be trimmed a little more.
  2. Cut a 70 cm strip from the satin ribbon. This should be enough to create a wreath and tie a bow. Excess pieces can be trimmed later.
  3. So that the wreath has a neat appearance, and the technical parts are not visible to others, turn the first flowers inside the base. Attach them to the base and wrap tightly with floral tape on top.
  4. After you have fixed the first few flowers on the base, attach the rest to the outside of the wreath. Alternate flowers with herbs, berry branches and greens.
  5. Watch the length of the product, because if you make the wreath too long, it will be difficult to disassemble it. You will run the risk of damaging the desired buds that are already fixed.
  6. When you reach the end, fasten the edges harder, and cut off the excess pieces of wire and floral tape. Adjust all the buds so that they fit one to the other.

Manufacturing master class

You will need such materials for work

Illustration for paragraph 1

Illustration for paragraph 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 6

Product options

The original wreath will emphasize the beauty of its owner

Decoration for girls from bouquets

Necessary materials:

  • Several types of flowers;
  • Green satin or silk ribbon;
  • Scissors or nippers.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to create the basis of your decoration. To do this, twist the wire into a circle. The base should be loose on the head, because after you attach the flowers to it, the wreath will be narrower and heavier. With the wrong size, it can put a lot of pressure on the head or, conversely, subside.
  2. Next, wrap the wire joints with colored tape and tighten it as tight as possible.
  3. Divide the flowers into bunches, one bud at a time, begin to attach them to the base. So it will be easier for you to work, and the crown with the tape will not be overloaded.
  4. To keep all the flowers firmly, you need to make small bouquets of them. Tie them tightly with several ribbons, and cut the edges short.
  5. Make about 15 small bouquets. Start attaching them to the base of the wreath.
  6. Fasten the resulting bouquets from the outside, tightly wrapping their edges with tape. You need to do this until you reach the end of the wire and completely fill the base with flowers.

An example of creation in the photo

Illustration for paragraph 1

Illustration for paragraph 2

Illustration for paragraph 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

This wreath can be used for various photo shoots.

Other variations from fresh flowers

Beautiful wreath with blue flowers and spikelets

Such a wreath can be made from carnations of any color and size.

Elegant wreath looks very gentle and neat

Such a wreath will serve as a harmonious addition to the image of the bride.

The simplest wreath that many of us wove as children

An unusual wreath of different wild flowers will be a real decoration for little ladies.

You can even weave such a voluminous wreath from field daisies!

More often decorative wreaths weave it from different types of roses

From artificial flowers

Artificial flower wreaths are even easier to make than live ones. It has another significant plus - such a wreath will last you much longer.

Standard option

Necessary materials:

  • Artificial flowers, leaves, twigs;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire (wrapped with cloth);
  • Green floral tape.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare artificial flowers for work. You can take a bouquet and cut flowers from it, or buy single flowers. Flowers are best cut with part of the stalk, so they will better be attached to the wreath.
  2. Take a piece of wire or a flexible twig and measure the circumference of your head to determine the correct diameter for the wreath. When trying on, leave a space between the wire and the head with a volume of about two fingers. Cut off the excess pieces of the base.
  3. Fold the edges of the base overlap and tightly rewind them with the prepared floral tape.
  4. After that, take the first flower, secure it with the same tape. The following artificial flowers should be attached in the same way.
  5. Gradually pull the ribbon forward and weave flowers, leaves and berries alternately into the wreath. Fasten them as tightly as possible to each other so that there are no gaps.
  6. When you fill the entire base, tightly tie the edges of the tape, and cut off the excess pieces. The advantage of floral tape is that its edges can be easily fastened with an adhesive backing.

Stages of needlework in the photo

Necessary materials

Illustration for paragraph 2

Illustration for paragraph 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 6

Such a wreath is very easy to weave even for a beginner.

From flowers with beads

Necessary materials:

  • Flowers (ideally decorative) paper roses with stem);
  • Artificial berries or leaves;
  • Wire turquoise color with a diameter of 0.8 centimeters;
  • Scissors;
  • floral tape;
  • beads for decoration;
  • Glue "Moment".

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Unwind the wire, wind flowers and berries on it, directing their edges to the end.
  2. Next, continue to fasten the flowers, only with “tails” in the opposite direction, from the edge of the wire. String some beads.
  3. Please note that the length of the wreath should be approximately 50 centimeters.
  4. Fasten the strung beads at a short distance, alternating them with the main decoration.
  5. Bend the ends of the wire so that you get a loop.
  6. Cut the satin ribbon in half (you should get two 30 cm pieces). Thread it through the loop and secure with a knot or superglue.

Necessary materials

Illustration for paragraph 1

Illustration for paragraph 2

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 5

Illustration for paragraph 6

This wreath looks very gentle and neat.

With sprigs of lavender and rosebuds

Necessary materials:

  • Wire;
  • Floral or simple tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Flowers different shades(it is better to choose roses);
  • Sprigs of dusty miller and lavender (several bunches);
  • Artificial rose buds.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take the wire, twist a circle of the desired diameter out of it.
  2. Then wrap the resulting bezel with colored tape (green is best).
  3. Take the prepared flowers and cut their stems to the desired size, leaving about 3-4 centimeters of free edge.
  4. Start weaving a wreath. Attach the flowers to the base with tape. When applying a flower, wrap the stem with tape in one turn, and then add the next buds.
  5. In the same way, fill the entire base of your wreath, alternating bunches of lavender with flowers. For this option, we used several different shades of roses. To make the product more original, alternate tones or make it in a “rainbow” style.
  6. After securing all the flowers at the base of the wreath, rewind the edge with tape.
  7. Congratulations, your wreath is ready!

Photo guide: Making a flower arrangement

Illustration for paragraph 1

Illustration for paragraph 2

Illustration for paragraph 3

Illustration for paragraph 3

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 4

Illustration for paragraph 6

With the help of such a wreath you can complement any look.

Other ideas

Gentle pink color highlight your beauty

Artificial daisies look just as good as real ones

Such a wreath can be worn even for a wedding.

Artificial wildflowers will never wither

You can find artificial roses in any color

A thin wreath of multi-colored artificial flowers looks very elegant

Video: How to make a beautiful wreath with your own hands?

To do beautiful wreath with your own hands, just follow the one you like step by step instructions proposed in our article. The final result depends on the material you choose and, of course, your imagination. In any case, the product will be original and unique. Do not be afraid to try and experiment, and you will succeed!

Are you getting ready for a wedding, are you going to have a party on outdoors, or simply decided to enjoy the onset of spring and summer, the creation flower wreath will allow you to create the appropriate holiday atmosphere. A wreath of flowers is a fairly simple and attractive way to decorate any event. To make your own unique wreath, purchase your favorite flowers and attach them to a wire base.


Making a wreath on a wire base

    Measure the circumference of your head and add 5 cm to the measurement. If you are going to wear a wreath over a hairstyle (for example, a wedding), then first do your hair, and only then measure the circumference of your head along with your hair. Some types of hairstyles, such as regular and braided French braids, can add extra volume to the head.

    Cut a piece of strong wire to the appropriate length. Try to use thicker floral wire, such as one with paper wrap. Floral tape will stick to such a wire better. Do not use regular wire cutters or you will dull them. Take special wire cutters for metal.

    Roll the wire into a ring, overlapping its ends by about 2.5 cm. The ring made must be able to hold its shape. If it turned out to be too flimsy, then twist 2-3 wires together and re-make a ring out of them. So it will be more durable.

    To fix the ends of the wire, wrap them with floral tape. You can also additionally wrap the entire ring with tape. This will provide the best foundation for further work with the wreath. Also with this action you will give the base of the wreath a uniform color.

    Choose flowers for the wreath and trim their stems to a length of 2.5-5 cm below the bud. Take scissors for trimming fresh or dried flowers, and wire cutters for cutting artificial flowers. Try to trim all flowers equally. So the wreath will turn out more uniform and neat.

    • Try to use small, medium and large flowers. This will make the wreath more diverse.
  1. Arrange the flowers in the order you like. Just take your time attaching them to the base of the wreath. The first step is to think about the design. It will be easier to make changes to the design if the flowers remain free to lie on the table. Try playing with colors different shapes, size and color. Here are some additional design ideas.

    • Arrange the largest flowers at the front of the wreath. Take smaller and smaller flowers as you move towards the back of the wreath.
    • Try stacking all the flowers in the same direction (toward or away from the middle of the front).
    • Flowers do not have to be placed side by side with each other. You can place them as densely or as infrequently as you like.
    • Instead of distributing flowers around the entire perimeter of the wire base, they can be placed only in front of the wreath.
  2. Attach the first flower to the wire base. Hold the flower so that its stem is parallel to the wire base. Take floral tape and attach the flower to the base with it. Start taping the flower directly under the bud and continue doing so for about 1.5 cm after the end of its stem. Cut off the tape and press the remaining end of the tape to the base of the wreath.

    Attach the second wreath flower directly behind the first and secure it with floral tape. Position the second flower so that its bud slightly overlaps the first. The closer the flowers are placed, the more magnificent and heavy the wreath will turn out. The less often the flowers are arranged, the less voluminous, but more elegant the wreath will come out.

    Continue placing flowers at the base of the wreath and securing them with tape. Work in circles until you get to the colors you started with for the wreath.

    Consider attaching a ribbon to the wreath. Fold several long pieces of tape in half and attach them to the place where the ends of the wire base are fastened together. Raise the fold of the tapes about 2.5 cm above the wire base to use as a loop. Wrap the free ends of the ribbons around the wire and pull through the loop. Gently pull on the bands to secure them in place.

    Try on the wreath and make some adjustments if necessary. If you notice a lack of flowers in certain areas of the wreath that you want to see more lush, carefully spread the buds there with your hands, insert an additional flower and secure with tape.

    Attach new flower to the left stem.

    Move both left stems to the middle between the right and central stems. Keep these stems together, they will count as one.

    Add a flower to the right stem. The bud of a new flower should be located directly under the buds of already woven flowers.

    Move both right stems to the middle between the left and center stems. Don't let the right stems fall apart. Try to keep them together and consider them as one.

    Continue repeating the last steps until you reach the desired weave length. As flowers are added to the wreath, the woven stems will get thicker and thicker.

    • Try to use variety of flowers for a wreath. This will give it more expressive color shades, texture and special beauty.
    • Feel free to add leaves, herbs, and climbing plants to your wreath.
  3. Stop weaving when it is a few centimeters longer than the desired length. The weave should be a little longer, as a slight overlap is required to fasten its ends together. So you can securely fasten the wreath.

    Secure the end of the braid with wire. Position the wire directly under the last weave buds. Wrap it around the stems a few times, and then cut off the excess with wire cutters. This will fix the flowers and prevent the wreath from unraveling.

    Align the ends of the weave. Align the ends of the weave so that the wreath is comfortably located on your head. Hold the ends in place as you remove the wreath from your head.

    Fasten the ends of the wreath with wire. When fastening the ends of the wreath, run the wire under the flower buds. You need to fasten together only the stems of flowers. When everything is done, cut off the excess wire. Gently tuck both ends of this wire deep into the woven stems.

Making a wreath of artificial flowers

    Find a plastic or metal headband that fits your needs. You will glue your flowers to it.

    Consider creating a wrap around the headband with tape. This will hide the original color of the rim and provide better adhesion of the glue. You can take a ribbon of any color, but green color goes better with flowers. If you don't have a green ribbon, then try using a ribbon that matches the colors instead. The tape can be attached to the headband with two various methods which are listed below.

    Choose artificial flowers for the wreath and pull their buds off the stems. If the buds won't come off, take a wire cutter and cut off the buds. Try to trim the flowers as close to the bud as possible.

    If necessary, also cut lower part bud. Sometimes, when the buds are pulled off the stem, a small tail remains in the lower part of the bud, which can interfere with the normal attachment of the flower to the rim. If you want the flower to be attached to the headband evenly, then cut off this tail.