How to make an ink machine out of paper. We make a car, a boat, an airplane, an envelope, a cracker and a rose out of paper. Paper car simulation

Looking for instructions on how to fold an origami machine? Read the post to the end and fold your first paper machine!

To fold this paper machine, you do not need glue, scissors, or any other materials other than paper. Everything is very simple.

What paper should I use?

For this craft, you can use a sheet of paper of any size and shape, except for a circle. Both a notebook sheet and a sheet of A-4 office paper will do. If desired, you can even fold the machine from a newspaper or a sheet of whatman paper. But, you can already climb into this one yourself and go

This craft was very popular with your parents, and maybe even your grandparents. Since in a country that has not existed for a long time (USSR), any schoolchild could fold this machine with his eyes closed. And he had no idea what origami was.

So, read the step-by-step instructions and see photos of the stages of folding a paper machine.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it in half along the long side, ironing it thoroughly.

  • Fold the corners on one side and the other, as shown in the photo.

  • Lift the folded corners and fold them to form a triangle.

  • Do a similar procedure with the other side.

  • Fold the edges on both sides towards the base of the machine.

  • Decide where the front of the machine will be and fold the edges of the triangle towards the middle. As a result, you will get “wings”.

  • Carefully bend the back part and place it into these “wings”.

  • Push the back wall inward to resemble a racing car, bend the wings and make a spoiler on the back of the car.

You can paint the car in a racing style, draw wheels and an engine.

In order for it to go, you need to put it on the table and click on the spoiler with your finger. The car will slide or fly, just like a real race.

What, you haven't read it yet? Well, it's in vain...

It's hard to imagine today's world without cars. They surround us everywhere and everywhere. It is not surprising that boys have been interested in cars since childhood. The shelves of toy stores are filled with cars for different age categories. However, it is difficult to find a boy who would not want to learn how to make paper cars with his own hands. After all, this is the only way to make your own unique model. We will tell you how to make your own paper fleet, be patient and have paper, gather the kids around you and get to work

How to make a car out of paper - option No. 1

This method of creating a machine with your own hands is considered the simplest.

  • Take an A4 sheet of paper and fold it in half lengthwise. Fold the triangles on both sides by turning the right corners inward.
  • Bend the long edges of the sheet under the upper triangles towards the center.
  • Fold the edge of one triangle towards the center, place the second one on top of the previous one, covering it in half.
  • Fold the remaining rectangular piece on the side to the base, then fold it back and push it back, forming the tail of your car.
  • Raise your wings up.
  • Paint the car with the desired color, draw lights, doors, windows.

How to make a car out of paper - option No. 2

  • Cut a square sheet from A4 format, then fold the triangle by screwing in right angles.
  • Fold the top corner towards the base.
  • Turn the base inside out, bend the edges of the outer triangles to the side, and fold the inner corners in half.
  • Turn the figure over to the other side, fold the complete triangle in half from the base, turn the outer corners outward.
  • You should still have the corners turned down at the bottom. Bend the top triangle inward and back. Fold the back edges back and tuck the protruding corners into the back grooves.
  • Fold the rear triangle, which coincides with the front, 3 cm inward, and insert the front triangle into the cavity along the bend. Bend the lower left corner and the straight part back in half, fold the right half inward.
  • The lower left tab needs to be bent again, but upwards and backwards.
  • Fold the back edge in.
  • Fold the front corner flat.

How to make a car out of paper - option No. 3

This method is considered the most creative; it is not precision that is important, but rather a creative approach and accuracy. The finished car models look interesting and cute.

  • Glue together tubes with a diameter of 4 cm from thick paper or cardboard. For one model you will need only one piece.
  • Cut cardboard circles with a diameter of 5 cm.
  • Color them to match the color of the wheels of your future car.
  • Make two holes in the center of the tube, there is no need to cut off the rectangular excess, fold it in half and fold it perpendicular to the base. Get a seat.
  • Opposite the seat, glue the steering wheel separately.
  • Place the wheels on metal axles or pushpins. If this car is for a child to play with, then it is better to glue the wheels for safety.
  • Decorate your car in some original way.

There are many options through which you can create a fleet of your own cars, albeit paper ones. Such crafts will bring joy not only to small children, but also to adult admirers of machine technology who collect souvenirs on this topic.

Origami is the fascinating art of folding various shapes from paper. And in this master class we will tell you how to make paper cars using the origami technique, and also show you how to fold a three-dimensional 3D model of a car according to a diagram. This activity is sure to please children and will bring a lot of pleasure to adults as well. Therefore, stock up on sheets of colored paper and cardboard and, together with your kids, create a whole fleet of paper cars with your own hands.

Paper cars using origami technique

Required Tools

In order to fold the cars you will need:

  • square sheet of colored paper;
  • scissors.

Instructions – Option 1

Let's take a closer look at how to make a paper machine:

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper into four parts, marking auxiliary lines, and unfold it back.
  2. Fold the bottom of the sheet in half again. Then bend the corners down, creating the wheels of the future car.
  3. Fold the top of the sheet toward you along the center line.
  4. Now bend the workpiece as shown in the figure.
  5. Bend one of the corners of the top of the sheet diagonally, connecting the red dots indicated in the figure.
  6. Turn the workpiece over. A simple car model is ready! (photo_6)
  7. Instructions – Option 2
  8. Now let's look at how to make a three-dimensional paper machine using the origami technique.
  9. To begin, choose a piece of paper of your favorite color, fold it in half and unfold it back.
  10. Now we visually divide each of the resulting halves of the sheet into three equal parts and bend one third from the top and one third from the bottom to the inside of the workpiece.
  11. Bend the corners on four sides as shown in the picture.
  12. Fold the small corners of the triangles' tops inward to give a more rounded shape to the wheels of our paper car craft.
  13. Bend the workpiece in half and place it in front of you, with the wheels facing down.
  14. Bend one of the corners of the workpiece inward, along the dotted line shown in the figure.
  15. Lightly cut the second corner and also bend it inward. This is how we got the windshield and hood of our car model.
  16. The paper machine is ready! All that remains is to draw glass, doors, headlights and other details on it as desired.

3D paper car

Necessary materials

In order to make a volumetric paper machine you will need:

  • Printer;
  • a sheet of office paper;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • colored pencils, markers or paints.


Let's look at how to fold a paper machine step by step:

Schemes of paper cars can also be colored. In this case, there is no need to paint anything. And to get a realistic miniature model of a car, you just need to print the diagram in good resolution on a color printer and fold it according to the instructions. But if the diagram of your machine is black and white or you don’t have a color printer at hand, then the model can be colored with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and add an interesting pattern or make a car in an unusual color.

Origami machine is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don't know how to make an origami machine, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you will get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami machine was taken by one of our site users. He got a yellow convertible. However, it can hardly be called origami, since it is made using scissors. If you have photos of origami you have collected, send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram of how to assemble an origami machine from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami machine will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami machine quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Assembly instructions

  1. Fold a square piece of paper in half. Bend the bend well in both directions.
  2. Fold half of each half towards the center. Also bend the bend well in both directions.
  3. Bend the corners in the opposite direction so that you get four identical right-angled triangles.
  4. Bend the right corners of the triangles a few millimeters - these will be the wheels of our origami machine.
  5. Fold the sheet in half and bend one of the right corners of the top of the rectangle inward.
  6. From the side of the other right angle, make a small oblique cut and bend the cut part inward.
  7. The car is ready.

If you have any difficulties while assembling origami, we recommend watching our video master class in which we assemble a similar figurine using the same instructions.

Video master class

Assembling an origami machine may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami machine video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about the origami machine, which clearly show the steps to assemble the machine. We hope that after watching the assembly master class video, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami machine.

And here is a video in which you can watch how to make an origami machine, which many people do at school:

And this video tutorial tells how to make a very realistic paper car:


A car is a traditional symbol of personal independence and freedom of movement. This is the personification of technical achievements and speed. A car is often associated with the sporting spirit and victory.

There are many different ways to entertain yourself. One of these options is origami. This activity will interest not only children, but also adults, and will also allow you to spend a good time together. In this article, we will look at unusual and simple ways to create cars from paper at no extra cost and using improvised means.

Origami technique

Origami is a fairly ancient technique, originating in China. The technique was primarily used in religious rituals; later it became available to the upper strata of society. Over time, the technique spread and found a huge number of fans.

Today, not only adults, but also children of all ages practice origami, and there are a huge number of different templates and designs for paper cars.

The technique has several varieties:

  • modular - the most popular and widespread system, characterized by the creation of several blocks and volumetric figures;
  • simple – designed specifically for beginners or people with limited mobility;
  • wet folding - carried out by using water to give the lines smoothness and expressiveness.

Origami is a technique for creating models and figures of various themes from paper. This method helps develop logic and spatial thinking. In addition, the creative side of the personality develops due to the active work of thought processes.

Types of paper machines

There are a considerable number of options for creating beautiful paper cars. Let's look at the most common of them.

Assembly according to instructions. There are special instructions on how to make a paper machine, which can be easily found on the Internet. In order to make such a machine, you will need to download the diagram, print it on a printer, then you just have to cut it out and glue it together.

Sports option

To create, you will need a rectangular sheet of paper. It is important that its sides have a ratio of 1:7. The top right corner is bent first and the bottom left corner in a similar manner. After fixing, the corners return. As a result, we get outlines.

After this, you need to bend the top element, tucking it inside at the same time. Next, bend the triangles again towards the central part of the sheet. The side parts of the sheet are folded, and the bottom part is folded.

At the final stage, the figure is folded in half, and the protruding pieces of paper are carefully tucked into the resulting pockets. If desired, the car can be decorated.

Simple option

A square sheet of paper is folded in half from bottom to top, then unfolded. You should roll it up in the same way on the perpendicular side. The result should be an outline and the central element should be determined, as shown in the photo of paper machines. The bottom quarter is folded over to the top, and the corners are folded back.

The part located on top bends down, while obscuring the lower part. The upper right corner must be bent, thereby we will get a windshield. Finally, it is recommended to unfold the figure.

Racing car

You will need a sheet that needs to be folded in half along the long side. Connect the corner to the opposite side. Carry out a similar operation with all corners. This will create two squares with intersecting lines. Triangles belonging to the long side are bent inward.

The triangle, located on the other side, is tucked into the folds formed on the hood. All that remains is to bend the fragment that will represent the spoiler.

Fire engine

When creating such a model, paper alone will not be enough, so you should prepare glue and scissors in advance. To create it you will need a special blank made of dense material.

In addition to the main elements of transport, additional parts should also be transferred. After this, the blanks are cut out and carefully glued together. If necessary, additional elements can be glued using PVA glue.

Machine made from improvised means

Creating a car not only from paper, but also from available materials can be an equally exciting activity. To create, you can take several cylindrical figures from cardboard, pre-gluing them with multi-colored paper.

After this, a small rectangle is cut out and slightly bent. This will be a car seat. You can use plastic bottle caps as wheels. At the end, all that remains is to decorate the car.

In conclusion, it should be noted that creating paper models is a very exciting and useful activity; the main thing is to follow the step-by-step instructions on how to make a machine with your own hands. The video shows a master class on paper cars.

Photos of paper cars