Master class, papier-mâché, New Year. Making papier-mâché Christmas tree decorations with your own hands Christmas tree from papier-mâché

Papier mache

Papier mache (fr. papier-mâché“chewed paper”) is an easily moldable mass obtained from a mixture of fibrous materials (paper, cardboard) with adhesives, starch, gypsum, etc. From papier mache they make dummies, masks, teaching aids, toys, theatrical props, and boxes. In some cases, even furniture.

In Fedoskino, Palekh, Kholuy from papier mache make the basis for traditional lacquer miniatures.

You can decorate the blank from Papier-mâché not only with paints, like famous artists, but using or.

Good luck with your creativity!

New Year

They say under New Year,
What you don't want
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!

In anticipation of the holiday - the bustle and pleasant chores of making gifts and greeting cards, designing and sewing costumes for the carnival, decorating the interior and New Year's table, creating new Christmas tree decorations...

WITH New Year , Friends! May all your wishes come true!

Master Class

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It's so nice to make gifts with your own hands for the New Year. Call your children to help and they will enjoy learning what papier-mâché is. Papier mache(French - chewed paper), an easily moldable mass obtained from fibrous materials (paper, cardboard, etc.), usually with the addition of adhesives, starch, gypsum, etc. Toys are made from papier-mâché New Year's crafts, teaching aids, dummies, theatrical props, caskets, boxes, vases, often decorated with painting, varnishing, and embossing."

Papier-mâché is a simple and cheap technology that allows you to create durable and lightweight paper surfaces. Tear the paper into strips, add flour paste and paste over the orange... Or you can beat toilet paper with a blender, add PVA and press... In any case, together with your baby you can create an unusual shape, image, character... Products made from papier- Mache can be subjected to any decoration methods.

Papier-mâché was invented in the early 16th century in France and was originally used to make dolls. The huge public interest in imported Chinese and Japanese lacquered decorative products became, around the 70s of the 17th century, the impetus for the development of production of papier-mâché products in Europe
A very wide range of products were made from papier-mâché: snuff boxes, boxes, toys, masks, trays, architectural stucco for walls and ceilings, candlesticks, mirror frames, decorative panels for walls, doors, carriages, as well as a variety of furniture products, including beds and wardrobes.

Exists three manufacturing technologies papier-mâché products.

According to the first- the product is glued layer by layer onto a model from small pieces of wet paper on a pre-prepared model. In the classical technique, from several to 100 layers of paper are applied. Nowadays polyvinyl acetate glue is often used for this, but previously starch paste was used.

On the second In this method, products are formed from liquid paper pulp. Paper, cut into small pieces, is filled with hot water and placed in a warm place for a day. Then it is boiled, squeezed, loosened and dried. The resulting paper pulp is thoroughly mixed with chalk. Add glue to the paper-chalk mixture with constant stirring until a plastic, creamy dough is obtained. A mixture of starch paste and wood glue is used as glue. The dough is poured into the prepared form or applied in a layer on its surface and left until completely dry.

On the third method - products are glued together like plywood under pressure from plates of hard, dense cardboard.
Dried products are puttied, sanded, primed, and then painted. Models for molding products are traditionally made from plasticine, clay, wood and plaster.

Recipe for flour paste for papier-mâché

4 tablespoons of wheat flour, the first portion of water - 0.5 tbsp, the second portion of water - 1 glass.

Mix the flour with the first portion of water and stir thoroughly, breaking up all the lumps. Add a second portion of water and mix.
The resulting mixture must be well heated. It is important to stir constantly so that lumps do not form at the bottom. You cannot bring it to a boil - the flour will lose its properties. When a thick sour mass is formed, you can remove it from the heat. Let cool and use. Can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

To get durable papier-mâché, you need to take a mold into which you can firmly rub the paper. For example, an orange: grease the surface of the mold with vegetable oil and, overlapping each other, cover with strips of paper greased with flour paste.
When the orange is no longer visible because of the newspapers, it is convenient to stick on a layer of contrasting napkin or tracing paper so that you can monitor the uniformity of the stripes.
Rub the paper in motion as if you were trying to make a snowball out of loose snow. The better you rub the paper together, the stronger the cardboard will be.

Making a mask from papier-mâché

Before starting work, the model must be covered with a layer of Vaseline. Next, the model is covered with paper using the papier-mâché technique. We tear the newspaper into small pieces (about the size of today's fifty dollars). In order not to get confused in the layers, it is better that the paper be of two colors: newspaper margins, for example, and newspaper text. The layers should be in the following order:

1st layer: The first layer of papier-mâché consists of plain paper.

Layer 2: When the entire mask is covered with paper, you can make the next layer with glue. To ensure that the mask does not come out loose, but, on the contrary, turns out smooth, hard and waterproof, it is very important to press each piece well, removing air bubbles.

3rd layer: The third layer is thicker paper. It should be attached especially carefully, and it is better to coat it with thicker glue.

4th layer: Plain paper.

Layer 5: Cotton fabric should also be finely chopped and soaked in diluted glue. This layer threatens the appearance of folds. Therefore, with some hard object you need to constantly push through all the necessary “relief features” so that they do not disappear under the layers of material, and remove unnecessary ones. When gluing pieces of fabric onto bulges, you can end up with “pockets” - pieces that have nowhere to glue or that form these same folds. They need to be cut with scissors.

6th layer: Plain paper.

Layer 7: Thick paper again.

Layer 8: The top, last layer can be thick white soaked paper or small pieces of white fabric (do not take a bandage; it can be used on middle layers, but, you know, it won’t look good on top). When the glue has set, use a damp cloth or just your hand to wipe the joints of the pieces of paper or fabric to smooth out any irregularities.

After all this, the glued model is dried. The mask should be dried at room temperature without removing it from the model to avoid deformation of the mask (3-4 days).

The mask can be covered with stretch velvet, crepe-satin and almost any fabric. We take the fabric approximately in the shape of the mask, carefully cut it around the eyes with an allowance, and glue it, turning the edges inward. When it sticks, we pull the edges and glue them inside too. The fabric is secured with super glue. It is better to take elastic material so that it does not wrinkle. The inside of the mask is also glued with fabric, preferably cotton. - this fabric should cover the ends of the fabric on the outside. Don't forget the ties!

How to make a head out of papier-mâché?

To do this, first from clay, plasticine, etc. sculpt the head and neck. The face is given the desired expression. The facial features of old men and women are made sharper, more angular, while in children they are made blurry and rounded.

The finished head is greased with some kind of fat and one layer of wet paper is placed on it. To do this, you will have to tear the paper (necessarily from unglued varieties) into small pieces. The paper is carefully smoothed out so that it exactly follows the shape of the sculpted head. When the first layer is applied, it is smeared with paste and four or five more layers of the same paper scraps are applied in the same way. The result is a dense papier-mâché mask, which, after drying in a warm place, but not close to the fire, so that it does not warp, is cut into two parts and removed from the clay mold. After this, using a strip of cloth, cover both halves of the head.

It is good to cover the doll's face with a layer of primer (chalk diluted like a paste with liquid glue). Moreover, you should avoid putting the soil too thick. It must be smoothed with a finger moistened with water. The primed form is dried and sanded. After this, you can begin painting according to a sketch previously made on paper. Oil paints are more suitable for coloring. It is better to paint the hollows of the face in a dark tone, and the convex places in a light tone. The eyes are made from beads and buttons or simply painted with gouache. Hair is made from fur, cotton wool, sponge, thread, tow.

At one time, I communicated a lot on liveinternet and made many friends there. The beauty of social networks is that they allow you to very quickly and sometimes even accidentally find people with similar interests. That’s why I very often come across diaries of interesting people on Lira, creative individuals, handmakers and needlewomen.

I recently met a creative person there, Natalya, who really loves making crafts from papier-mâché, and she makes them so masterfully that you can’t even tell what material they’re made of. I was very impressed by her DIY Christmas trees made from papier-mâché, as well as Christmas tree decorations made from papier-mâché and many other papier-mâché 🙂 beauty.

To be honest, I myself have never tried to make anything from this material, but now, seeing all this beauty, I really wanted to try it! Moreover, there is still time before the New Year and you can make similar balls for the Christmas tree (and as gifts for friends). In general, watch and be impressed, like me.

This is how the Christmas trees and Christmas decorations were before painting. The Christmas trees are made like this: a thick wire is inserted into the base of wood, and the upper part is already glued to the wire.

But Natalya ended up with such beautiful painted balls. Simply wonderful! she says. that they are quite heavy, but her Christmas tree (see photo below) will support them.

An extraordinary Christmas tree! Its frame is welded from reinforcement in the form of a triangular pyramid, and then wrapped with strips of tarpaulin.

How to make a simple Christmas tree from a cone

Additionally, I advise you to watch this video master class on Christmas trees for the New Year.

All these jewelry, pendants, and beads are also made of papier-mâché. Wow, you’d never guess it at first glance!

Funny pendants, also made of papier-mâché. I can't imagine how they were made! Natalya writes that she carved each of them with her own hands.

One of the ethnic decorations.

I was especially shocked by the bracelets, which are not made of wood at all, as you might think at first... They... well, the smartest ones have already guessed - they are also made of papier-mâché! Amazing, right? Natalya revealed to me the secret of making them -

Absolutely any shape. On the eve of the coming New Year, we suggest making with children the Snow Maiden and the Fire Monkey using the papier-mâché technique using the layering method - a symbol of the coming 2016.

To work you will need:
Any paper (from toilet paper and newspaper to notebook and album sheets);
Paste (wallpaper glue or PVA);
Glue brush;
Paint brushes;
Modeling board or oilcloth;
Vegetable oil;
Scissors for labor;
Stationery knife;

1. To perform work using this technology, a form is required. Since the Snow Maiden and the Monkey were planned to be made in the form of painted nesting dolls, a bottle of liquid soap was taken as the basis. The bottle made an excellent “body”, but the head had to be molded from plasticine.

2. We made the paste. The proportions are visible in the photo: a tablespoon of sifted flour per glass of water.
Tip: paste is a perishable product, so you need to store it in the refrigerator between jobs.
3. Grease the finished form with vegetable oil (or Vaseline) so that the paper does not stick to it.

Otherwise, at the end of the work, it will be very difficult to remove the papier-mâché blank from the mold.
4. Lay three layers of paper soaked in glue on top of the mold. The layers were dried. Several layers were applied again. Dried again. The procedure was performed several times. The more layers of paper, the tougher the finished craft will be. By the way, children like to stack layers of paper - the activity is somewhat comparable to putting together puzzles.
5. We cut the paper blank in half, being careful not to cut through the shape, and removed it from the base.

6. We prepared a braid with which the toy will be attached to the Christmas tree. To do this, fold 20–25 cm of ribbon, cord or braid in half and tie the ends with a strong knot.
7. We connected the halves by inserting a loop of braid into the upper part of the toy blank, while the loop itself should remain outside, and the knot should remain inside the craft.

We pasted the toy in one layer of paper with glue.
8. We made a paper bottom for the toy. This step is a departure from the traditional method of making papier-mâché, and it was taken due to the fact that the toy was originally planned to be made without a bottom.

9. Apply several more layers of paper with glue (it is recommended to make the top layer from clean white paper). Dried it out.

Advice: if you want to achieve the most even surface possible, sand the dried papier-mâché workpiece with sandpaper, removing all creases and irregularities. To obtain a smooth surface, you can also use putty followed by sanding.
10. The papier-mâché blank was primed.
11. Apply your favorite design or painting to the figure.

Olesya Loginova

Hello, dear friends and colleagues! I present to your attention master class on making Christmas tree decorations from papier- masha for the New Year tree, decorated with decoupage.

We will need:

dry pool balls;

(approximately 1.5x1.5cm) newsprint;

torn into small pieces (approximately 1.5x1.5cm) plain white paper;

PVA glue;

artistic acrylic primer white (you can use water-based paint);

foam sponges;

napkins with a pattern (which you want to post on toy) ;

acrylic paints;

a beautiful rope or ribbon on toy;

double sided tape

So let's get started. 1. First, we cover our ball with newspaper dipped in water. This is done so that later we can easily remove our ball from toys.

2. We make the next layer of white paper, but coat it with PVA glue.

3. All subsequent layers are coated with glue, but alternate a layer of newspaper with a layer of white paper. We glue five layers and let dry.

4. After the ball is good dried out, cut it into halves.

5. Glue the two parts along the seam using the same white scraps of paper and PVA glue. At the same time we go through the entire ball to make a beautiful snow ball. Let it dry.

6. Using double-sided tape, attach our ribbon. The result is something like this, not yet decorated, Christmas tree decoration. Next we proceed to decorating our toy. To do this, we need to paint over our ball with artistic acrylic primer or water-based paint using a sponge. Dries in 20 minutes.

7. Then from a paper napkin we select the element that we want to place on our toys and cut it off around the office. We apply our drawing to the ball and coat it with glue on top.

8. Final stage. Add acrylic colored paint to the remaining primer or water-based emulsion to obtain a finishing layer.

And this is what we got.

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