How to develop feminine energy in yourself. What is feminine energy and can it really be developed? How to turn on feminine energy

Today, unfortunately, not every woman correctly understands the true purpose of her existence on earth. But the real purpose of a woman is to fill her man and her children with energy. But where can we get this energy? How to become a real energetically filled woman?

1. Contact others like you
For some reason, many women categorically do not accept women's groups, I argue that they are not interested in gossip and squabbles. But no one forces them to communicate with representatives of the fairer sex that they dislike. A woman must from time to time exchange information, experience, emotions with other women. Positive communication with others like you fills women with energy and gives them strength.

2. Pamper yourself
Remember, as long as a woman saves on herself and neglects her appearance, she will lose energy at a rapid rate. Any contribution to your appearance, any pleasant little things for yourself, your loved one, always contribute to increasing feminine energy. This item includes both a trip to a cosmetologist, hairdresser, massage therapist, and cosmetic procedures at home, ranging from a banal bath to masks, scrubs and makeup.

3. Wear women's clothes
Few women think about the fact that the usual women's wardrobe, consisting of trousers, jeans and classic universal shirts, is slowly but surely depriving the weaker sex of feminine energy. The less often a woman chooses dresses and skirts, the less energy she has left. Be sure to dilute your wardrobe with women's clothing, this will help you significantly increase feminine energy and, in addition, become more attractive in the eyes of men.

4. Do household chores
Of course, now we are not talking about hard labor in the garden beds and not about round-the-clock wallowing in dust, washing, cleaning and ironing. Household chores, in order for them to benefit a woman, should not be exhausting and imposed by the environment. It is possible to increase feminine energy through household chores only if they are done with soul and in high spirits. Create an interior if it makes you happy, cook borscht and pies only when you are in the mood, embroider pictures and paint in oils if it inspires you. It is necessary to manage with love and when your soul is warm, easy and joyful.

5. Caring, doing charity
Women leading a consumer lifestyle lose their energy reserves too quickly. After all, the true nature of the weaker sex lies in care, compassion and support for those who need it. Don't be afraid to help, don't be shy to be friendly and open with your soul and heart. Your attention and your help to those in need make you a truly feminine and energetic woman.

6. Connect with nature
Frequent walks in nature also help fill you with feminine energy. This could be a park area or a forest outside the city. When a woman spends time in nature, she becomes energized incredibly quickly. The main thing is to understand that nature is not only barbecues and noisy group trips out of town, but also ordinary walks among birch and pine trees, as well as admiring sunsets and enjoying the singing of forest birds.

7. Broadening your horizons
In order for energy to circulate and not lose momentum, a woman must constantly gain new knowledge and master new skills. You cannot constantly be in one state; energy is lost too quickly from monotony. Learn new things, train your memory, meet new people, do something you've never done before. This will help increase feminine energy and, undoubtedly, gives confidence in the future.

Your life may seem pretty good to you, but at the same time, you, like many women, may well have lost touch with your feminine energy. Do you want to feel the taste of real life? Do you want to regain your femininity? Then these simple tips will come in handy. Feminine energy is something that exists inside every woman, but at the same time it can quietly doze off and not show itself outside. Do you want to wake her up? Do you want to achieve incredible femininity? Then you will have to work on yourself a little. Unfortunately, feminine energy is often considered the less important of the two main energies in Western society. In fact, there is no main one among them, because male and female energies are halves of a single whole. They complement each other and create balance. If there is unbalanced energy, masculine or feminine, then this can result in serious problems, because balance is actually extremely important. How to release feminine energy? How to constantly replenish its supply?


Feminine energy is the energy of movement. Oceans, hurricanes and other weather phenomena are all metaphors for her, as they are always in motion, constantly changing. If you've been stuck in your office and haven't been very active lately, it's time to get your body moving. This could be anything - a walk in the park, stretching in a yoga class, or even dancing in your underwear in your bedroom to your favorite music. Either way, your feminine energy is activated along with the movement.

Take off your jeans

Since feminine energy is pure movement, it does not like to be closed or limited. Women don't like being told what to do or how to feel, just like a hurricane would never want to be tamed. Jeans and pants tend to be restrictive. It's time to arrange a kind of “detox” and wear only skirts and dresses for at least a month. See how you feel. Do you think it's easier to navigate through life this way? Do you feel less restricted and more feminine? Soft, flowing fabric is a reflection of moving feminine energy.

Make time for women

Spending time consciously with other women can seriously recharge your feminine energy. When you are in the same company exclusively with people of the same gender, something incredible happens. It is much easier for you to drop your masks and be who you really are.

Have more orgasms

If men quickly lose their masculine energy if they ejaculate too often, then women, on the contrary, benefit more the more they experience orgasms. Everyone can see what happens to girls and women who experience orgasms frequently and on a regular basis - they become more creative, feel better emotional connections, have better intuition, and these are just a few of the improvements - the full list is endless.

Make receiving a priority

Masculine energy is penetrating power. Feminine energy is energy aimed at receiving, at opening. When you receive love, attention, strength, your inner energy well is filled. And we're not just talking about sex here (although that also plays an important role). You can receive through a massage, a pedicure, or even a meal prepared by someone else. In the case of a massage, for example, you breathe calmly and relax, which allows the hands of the massage therapist to penetrate the layer of your stress, which has an extremely positive effect on your feminine energy. So get out your calendar and schedule yourself some receiving sessions.


Women form bonds primarily through verbal communication, while men prefer touch. It's no secret that women, once they reach puberty, become much more concerned about becoming effective and fluent verbal communicators with their peers. Thus, the feminine energy in you is replenished through expanded contacts with loved ones - mom, dad, brothers and sisters, close friends, and so on. So turn off the TV, call someone you haven't talked to in a while, and share what's going on in your lives. Don't set any goals for yourself - just tell what happened to you and listen to what happened to them.

Pamper yourself

Men are more likely to get lost in thoughts, while women are more likely to get lost in feelings. So if you want to replenish your feminine energy, you need to pamper your senses. To pamper your sense of taste, eat a bar of chocolate, drink red wine, or treat yourself to any other favorite food. To pamper your sense of touch, go shopping and touch all the soft and pleasant fabrics of different clothing items. Choose a place where you can pamper as many of your senses as possible - and go there. Get out of your head and come fully to your body, consciously addressing each of your five senses.


Masculine energy is destructive, while feminine energy is creative. To bring something bright into your life, you can start drawing, writing poetry, composing song lyrics, cooking delicious meals for yourself and for others, and so on. And there is no need for your poem, your dish or your song to be good - they just have to be created by you. Forget about expectations and just create for the sake of creating.

In terms of energy, a woman should act as a battery, that is, make energy reserves. Confirmation of this fact can be found in ancient scriptures, sayings, and teachings of various cultures. The energy reserves accumulated by a woman are used to improve the world around her. But these improvements must be made directly by a man. The woman’s task is to provide him with the energy necessary for this.

From the very beginning of the world, women have been a source of inspiration for men, the reason why great discoveries were made, cities, temples, etc. were built. Women are gifted with the ability to accumulate energy and give it to a man. And modern young ladies need to develop and strengthen this gift in themselves.

In order to understand what feminine energy is and how to manage it, you need to consider several aspects:

  • What kind of energy does a woman need?
  • Why do you need to accumulate energy?
  • How to properly accumulate energy?

In this article we bring to your attention 85 ways to develop and stimulate feminine energy. All of them are quite accessible and simple. In this list, every woman will be able to find the methods that best suit her.

The body is a container for spirits. It is quite difficult to enjoy the development of the spiritual component if we experience discomfort and inconvenience on the physical level. Therefore, the first block of the most effective ways to accumulate feminine energy consists of techniques aimed at achieving physical harmony.

  • Health

Nothing should hurt you! The first thing you need to do is treat all the ailments that you have acquired by your age. Go to the doctors, go through all the necessary tests, find out what you need to treat and do it. Don't forget about gum treatment! Weak bleeding gums drain your energy every day.

  • Massage

Everyone knows about the benefits of massage. These methods of influencing the body can effectively combat a wide variety of ailments. But most people do not know about all the positive properties of massage. It brings great benefits in terms of achieving harmony between body and soul. By relaxing and healing your body through massage, you bring yourself closer to a state of peace and inner balance. Therefore, after a good massage you feel calm, pleasant relaxation.

The basis of any massage is touch. And tactile sensations are extremely important for women. Massage allows you to disperse stagnant energy in the body, direct it in the right direction, get rid of stress, and simply have fun. As you can see, there are many reasons to regularly attend massage sessions. Believe me, if this technique becomes an integral part of your life, then very soon you will feel improvements not only in terms of health and well-being, but also feel unusual calm, balance, and gentleness.

  • Hairstyle

Hair is an important component of female beauty. Well-groomed and attractive hair is considered a woman's destiny. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to your hair. To ensure quality care, you don’t have to visit expensive salons; you can take care of your hair at home. Every time you wash your hair, do a mask or style your hair, your feminine energy increases. It’s not without reason that they say that hair contains life force. This statement applies directly to the fair sex. By assessing the condition of the hair, we can draw a conclusion about the psychological and physical state of the woman. Faded and dry hair indicates a lack of rest and overexertion. And well-groomed shiny curls indicate that you are confident in yourself and feel in your place.

Therefore, do not forget to wash your hair regularly, make masks, comb it daily, visit the hairdresser to remove split ends, etc. Sometimes, in order to cheer yourself up and feel better, it is enough to simply wash your hair and do a beautiful hairstyle. Imagine the changes that more thorough, regular hair care will bring to your life!

  • Manicure

A manicure for a woman is not a small thing at all. Sometimes a young lady doesn’t start communicating with the man she likes just because she hasn’t had her manicure done. Indeed, how can you give a man your hand, offer your fingers for a kiss, if the nail polish is peeling off, dirt is visible under the nails, and the skin of your hands is dry and cracked? The beauty of hands is extremely important for a woman. It’s not for nothing that a wedding ring is put on a finger. Handles complement feminine beauty. And they should look like something you can be proud of.

But don’t forget that a beautiful manicure is not kilometer-long artificial nails, but simply well-groomed and neat nails. For weekdays, you can limit yourself to a traditional French-style manicure. It is also important to provide daily care for the skin of your hands: use creams during the day and before bed, make special masks, wear gloves when washing dishes, cleaning and laundry.

  • Aromatic bath

A bath is another way to get bodily pleasure. What could be better than a warm bath with aromatic oils, water bombs, rose petals, and herbs? Taking a bath is aimed at maximum relaxation. Therefore, the time for performing this ritual must be chosen carefully. There should be enough of it so that you can prepare water without haste and happily lie in it for as long as you want. It is also important to create a relaxing environment. Make sure that no one distracts you from your work. Close the bathroom door and disconnect from the outside world. Let only pleasant sensations remain with you. After such a bath, you will feel internally filled with positivity. This is due to the fact that along with water, negative impressions and feelings leave the female body, and their place is taken by pure feminine energy.

  • Pedicure

A real lady should have not only arms, but also legs in perfect order. This part of the body needs even more attention than the hands, because our feet are subject to enormous stress every day. Therefore, it would be a good idea to do a simple foot bath with sea salt every evening. This procedure will relieve fatigue. You can also use various special foot scrubs and creams to make the skin in this area soft, tender, and smooth.

Pedicure is not only a requirement for hygiene and personal care, but also simply pleasure and a way to lift your spirits and feel your own beauty. You get out of bed in the morning, look down, and there are your well-groomed legs with an interesting pedicure. And the mood improves!

  • Makeup

Makeup is something that no modern woman can do without. Most ladies wear makeup every day to go to work beautiful and confident. But women who do not go to work often stop using cosmetics daily. And the ritual of applying makeup in the morning and turning into a beauty falls out of their lives. As a result, they see the same dull reflection in the mirror every day. This state of affairs will drive anyone into depression. And the solution is very simple: just get up in the morning and put yourself in order, regardless of whether you need to go to work or not. This must be done without fail, even if you don’t feel like it at all. When you see the results of your own labors, your mood will immediately improve. By putting herself in order, creating beauty, a woman fills herself with positivity, her feminine energy increases.

Pay attention to the following paradox: modern women are ready to spend two hours in front of the mirror if they have to leave the house, for example, to work or just for a walk. But if a young lady is sitting at home alone or, for example, waiting for her husband to get home from work, then she most likely will not do makeup. That is, women are always ready to try for others, but not for themselves and for the closest man. But the purpose of makeup is not to deceive other people, but to please yourself, emphasize your beauty and feel confident from this. Therefore, the first place where your beauty is required is your own home. And the first person for whom you should remain beautiful is yourself. In second place is your husband, who must see that your beauty is not going anywhere.

  • Yoga

Yoga is simply a form of physical activity. It is a way of life based on a positive outlook, which is achieved through meditation.

For a woman, yoga is one of the most successful types of physical activity. But it needs to be perceived holistically, and not just as a set of asanas. Feminine energy has enormous potential that can be revealed through yoga. And the best person to help in this matter is a female mentor from a specialized yoga study center. Such a teacher, who has already mastered yogic techniques for controlling feminine energy, will be able to reveal your secret powers and teach you how to cope with them.

  • Dancing

Dancing for women is no less beneficial than yoga. If you prefer to move at a fast pace, then by all means take up dancing. They will ensure not only harmonious muscle development, but also make your body flexible, elastic, and manageable. Oriental dancing is especially useful for women, since it maximizes the beauty of the female body, and this type of dancing also helps to activate the work of the pelvic organs. However, any other types of dances are quite acceptable. Choose the type you like and have fun. Your feminine energy will increase. Your body will work, and your psyche will rest.

Important note: many women believe that dancing is for the young. But this is a huge mistake! A woman can dance at any age. Even if you have preferred to stand on the sidelines all your life, it is never too late to start learning the secrets of choreography. Moreover, in adulthood, the benefits of dancing can be even greater, as well as the awareness of the impact of this activity not only on the body, but also on the soul. If you are embarrassed to go to a dance studio, dance at home for your own pleasure. This will allow you to discover the previously hidden capabilities of the body, as well as reveal your own soul.

  • Perfume

The sense of smell is one of the basic human senses. Therefore, a woman's supply is extremely important. It should be special, inspiring, reflecting the essence of a particular person. First of all, the wearer should like the scent. Therefore, you need to choose perfume solely according to your own taste. You will feel it when you find your scent. These can be products of fashionable perfumers or simply aromatic natural oils. It has been noticed that the same aroma sounds completely different on different bodies. This suggests that the smell reflects the characteristics of the person himself. Sometimes it tells us more about a person than his appearance, words, or behavior. For a man, the smell of his beloved woman is unique. Children will never forget their mother's smell. The aroma emanating from the body is one of the factors under the influence of which people decide on further communication with a person.

  • Walks

Ancient sciences about human relationships say that walking together helps strengthen contact. After all, even in marriage traditions, the newlyweds must make their way to the altar together.

But in addition to walking in the company of people you like, don’t forget to sometimes walk alone. After all, if you don’t feel comfortable being alone with yourself, then you can hardly be a good companion for someone else. Therefore, regularly go on lonely mine trips to escape from everyday life and indulge in deep reflection. Or, on the contrary, you can throw all thoughts out of your head and just enjoy the good weather, look at passers-by, and enjoy the admiring glances. It is important that such walks do not have a specific goal. There is no need to try to combine the useful and the pleasant. If you go for a walk, then that should be your goal, not going to the store.

  • Sport

Sports are in fashion today, but finding time for it can be difficult. The modern pace of life makes us run in circles between work and home. And feminine energy suffers greatly from such a routine. As a result of internal imbalance, unpleasant signs become noticeable on the physical level. Without sufficient physical activity, a woman's body becomes flabby, loses elasticity and attractiveness, and extra pounds appear. These imperfections further depress a woman's energy because she can no longer feel beautiful. Therefore, it is always, in any circumstances, necessary to keep the body in good shape. This will not only have the most pleasant effect on your figure, but will also help maintain good spirits, self-confidence, and energy for new achievements.

Each woman can choose among many types of load. This could be calm and peaceful yoga or Pilates, active running, cycling, swimming. Sport is a great way to cope with life's challenges. Are you faced with an unsolvable question? Low mood? Problems on the personal front? Go for a run or workout at the gym. This will help you clear your mind so you can generate a new, effective idea.

  • Outfits

Feminine energy directly depends on how a woman looks. Of course, a beautiful face and body play an important role, but without the appropriate outfit they do not have the desired effect. Therefore, a woman should not lack beautiful clothes. Buying a new outfit immediately raises the level of feminine energy, especially if this purchase was not forced. When a woman buys something that she likes herself in, both she and everyone around her become happier.

This applies not only to “going out” outfits. In everyday home environments, it is equally important to maintain your own beauty and attractiveness. Usually women save beautiful things in order to go to meetings with friends, on holidays, etc. And as home clothes, old torn things are used that have long ago lost their appearance. But we spend most of our time at home. Therefore, it is in a home environment that it is important to look 100%. Buy beautiful new home clothes, and your family life will become happier.

  • spring-cleaning

Signs of energy stagnation are apathy, lack of desire to move forward, to do something. Even ordinary things require enormous effort. If you are in this state, then it’s time to do some spring cleaning. Heaps of things create heaps of memories, and they clog your psyche. So start getting rid of things you haven't used for a long time, and you'll be surprised how much it will improve your mood.

Storing unnecessary things has a negative impact on the psyche. Imagine opening your closet, it is filled to capacity, but among the things there is nothing that you would like to wear. All the dresses are old and remind of something bad. But it’s such a shame to throw them away! As a result, the closet remains full, you have nothing to wear, but new things remain unpurchased. Feminine energy in such a situation is oppressed.

Old things ruin your life day after day, preventing new and pleasant things from entering it. Therefore, stock up on garbage bags and clear away all the rubble that prevents you from breathing deeply and enjoying life. You have no idea how much energy you will release from these rubble. New opportunities will open up before you, and your life will be filled with something new.

  • Healthy life

Habits define a person. Drinking alcohol, smoking, dirty speech - all this significantly affects a woman’s mood. At first she may experience a certain uplift, but after a very short time, this uplift is replaced by sadness, melancholy, and bad thoughts. If you start changing your life for the better, starting with yourself, you will very soon understand that you don’t need stimulants to be happy. Eat healthy and nutritious food, give up cigarettes and alcohol, try to speak politely and beautifully, and think about pleasant things.

  • The right food

You are what you eat. But in addition to the type of food, its quantity, time and method of consumption are also important. A person becomes imbued with the nature of the products he consumes. Eat meat - you are charged with the spirit of violence, fast food - with passion, vegetables and fruits - with love, joy, peace, harmony with nature.

Nutrition also affects your physical condition. Junk food contributes to excess weight gain, and this leads to the fact that female energy weakens. Therefore, you need to follow simple rules to eat right and avoid negative consequences. Avoid late dinners, eat as much as you want, learn to eat small portions, put love into the dishes you cook. See the process of eating as a sacred act, not just a physiological action.

  • Special body treatments

SPA salons today offer a wide range of services. When you enter such a salon, you can easily find a lot of offers that will help you relax and become more beautiful. But such services are not cheap. However, this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of taking care of your own body. Once a month, every woman can afford to turn her own home into the best spa salon. You can enjoy the treatments alone or invite a friend. It is enough to purchase masks, scrubs, body and face creams, create the right atmosphere and immerse yourself in the world of self-care. You can also use homemade recipes for preparing cosmetics. For example, a scrub can be made from coffee grounds, a wrap can be done with honey, milk can be added to the bath, etc.

Relaxing, calm music, preferably meditative, is suitable for such an event. Get ready to relax and soak in this feeling. It is difficult for modern women to relax completely, but this is necessary for feminine energy to be restored.

  • Well-groomed face

The face is the first thing many people notice. Therefore, most women devote enough time to facial care. But usually it comes down to a standard set: washing and applying cream in the morning and evening. Working ladies sometimes don’t have enough strength even for these simple manipulations. Meanwhile, facial care is extremely important not only in terms of preserving youth and beauty, but also in terms of restoring feminine energy. When you take care of something, you begin to love it. Therefore, the best way to love yourself is to provide yourself with care. And it’s worth starting with the face, because that’s what we most often see in the mirror. Add masks twice a week, scrubbing, and peeling to your daily care routine. Thanks to these pleasant procedures, you will look and feel great.

  • Visiting a sauna or steam bath

It is better to plan such an event with a company. Gather your friends and go to the sauna to spend a couple of hours benefiting your body and soul. Take cosmetics with you and be in a good mood. In the process, you will not only take care of yourself, but also exchange feminine energy. Visiting the sauna with a group of several people will not be too expensive, since the cost can be divided equally between all participants.

Steam room, swimming pool, masks, scrubs, delicious tea - all this will certainly lift your spirits and provide a boost of energy for several weeks.

The following ways to increase feminine energy are related to communication, because women perceive the world not only through their own personality, but also through contacts with others. In the process of communication, representatives of the fair sex transmit their own energy and are filled with energy coming from other people. Therefore, certain rules in this matter must be followed so as not to give too much and not receive what you do not need.

  • Like-minded people

Everyone needs people who share our views on life, and women especially. Communication with such people is mandatory for every lady. But not only the presence of this communication is important, but also its quality. You need to sincerely share your feelings and thoughts only with those who will understand and support you. Communicating at this level with random people is a big mistake. Your feminine energy will only suffer from this. But if you find a response and understanding in the soul of your interlocutor, then your spiritual world will be enriched and expanded.

When communicating with like-minded people, try to talk not only about the bad, but mostly about the good. Think about what good, bright things happened to you, and tell about it. Share your joy and there will be more of it. Give up obvious negativity, such as gossip, judging other people, talking about the nightmares of our time. Let your communication be inspiring. Share your positive experience, talk about love. In this way, you will increase not only your own reserves of positive energy, but also allow your interlocutor to be filled with goodness and light.

  • Women

You should not share all your experiences with representatives of the stronger sex. In some situations, a man will be able to give you good advice, but you will not get as much energy from him as you can get from a woman if you share your feelings with her. The main thing is to be sure that they want to listen to you, want to understand and support you.

Communication with married, prosperous women is especially beneficial. After all, from them you can learn the invaluable experience of female happiness, wisdom, love and experience.

  • Long conversations.
  • Ease of communication

Mind and intelligence are the lot of men. It may sound rude, but a woman should not demonstrate her intelligence. This kind of development alienates us from our nature. A woman's trump card is feelings, not reason. The ability to understand complex things, to understand technology and science does not make a woman beautiful, but overshadows her essence. The weaker sex does not conquer men by the power of the mind. On the contrary, men shy away from smart women and prefer not to notice them. After all, a strong and intelligent woman does not need a man, because she demonstrates to the world her ability and willingness to solve any problem on her own.

Don't destroy the little girl inside you. Spontaneity, the ability to be carefree, funny and sweet - these are the qualities that men value so much in women. Take a girl of about five years old as an example. And sometimes let her go free. Let others see that you are in harmony with your own nature.

  • Ask for help

Nothing increases the level of female energy more than situations in which she is taken care of. But to create such a situation, most often you have to ask for help. Feel free to do this as often as possible. Reject the fear of showing your weakness. A woman’s strength is in her weakness, take advantage of this. This way you will make your life easier and allow the man next to you to feel needed.

The inability to ask for help is primarily due to low self-esteem. Many ladies think too much before asking someone for support or service. As a result, they prefer to do everything themselves, and thereby deprive others of the opportunity to demonstrate care. The “I myself” attitude harms both you and your man.

Start small - ask your husband to help around the house, ask a passerby to carry heavy bags to the entrance, ask your boss for a day off. Nothing bad will happen to you even if you receive a refusal. But this is unlikely, since the woman’s task is to guide the man, and his task is to help the woman.

  • Help yourself

Compassion and care are the main qualities of a woman. Natural emotionality helps us better understand other people's problems. Representatives of the fair sex know how to empathize and should use this skill. Caring for others allows a woman to reveal her potential and realize it. Successful completion of a task, the realization that you helped someone, increases your self-esteem and gives you self-confidence.

Don't miss the opportunity to do a good deed. Help the poor by donating unnecessary items. Buy your neighbor-grandmother some sweets, fruits, bread. Help a colleague with her difficult project. There are always people nearby who need help. But in your quest to make others happy, don’t forget to take care of yourself.

  • Compliments

Women love with their ears. This is an old truism. Women are better at giving compliments than men because their communication is directed outward. The realities of modern life are such that attention to other people is often limited to condemning their actions, lifestyle, habits, etc. The habit of judging needs to be abandoned, and the best way to do this is to start noticing the good sides in others. Praise your neighbors, colleagues, compliment your friend. Focusing on the good parts of people will benefit you.

Despite the widespread belief that women do not know how to be friends, representatives of the fair sex can provide each other with very powerful support. One compliment can lift your mood for the whole day. Why don't you become a source of joy for other people? Have you noticed a new haircut on a colleague? Praise her. This way you will improve the relationship between you, become a source of positivity and increase your feminine energy. Don’t accumulate good words inside yourself, but broadcast them to the world. Don’t forget to compliment yourself, and be sincere and warm. Also learn to accept praise from other people, thank from the bottom of your heart and never argue with what they say about you.

  • Expression of love

All women's practices for filling feminine energy say that a woman, in order to be filled with love, must constantly express it. Give free rein to your feelings more often. Hug and kiss your loved ones, talk about your love. After all, this wonderful feeling is so scarce in the modern world. let your loved ones bathe in it every day. Hugs and kisses are always appropriate. They can serve as consolation, praise, gratitude. No one will refuse sincere manifestations of love.

By holding back in expressions of love, people deprive themselves of the opportunity to tell loved ones what they need. Hurry up, life is unpredictable and short, so that people conceal warm feelings and do not allow them to escape. Don't forget to talk about love to your parents. They will value it above all others.

  • Send postcards

The 21st century is the century of electronics. Handwritten letters and postcards sent by mail are a rarity today. But it is precisely these material confirmations of attention, care, and love that give the strongest emotions. Imagine how you would feel if you found a cute postcard with pleasant wishes from a loved one in your own mailbox? Surprise, interest, gratitude, attention, sincere love. Electronic surrogates for such things will never cause such a storm of emotions, because we all know how easy it is to send something by email: a couple of mouse clicks, and it’s done and forgotten. But handwritten signs indicate that the person took the time to think about choosing a card and how to sign it, and then found an opportunity to drop it in the mailbox. Such efforts, taking into account the modern frantic pace of life, are worth the greatest and sincere gratitude. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time, even if it was given for no reason.

  • Charity

This point is similar to the one that talked about the importance of helping others. Only in this case we are talking about those who clearly need help. If you are depressed, it means your energy is depleted. How to fill yourself with feminine energy? Provide someone with much needed free help. There are so many people around who are in a much sadder situation than you. Do something for them that will make their life even a little better. This action will give you a boost of energy and depression will go away. Your life will be better if you make the lives of those around you better. This way you will feel your own importance and benefit, your existence will no longer be meaningless, focused only on what is right in front of your eyes.

  • Help from a psychologist

It is generally accepted that married people should share problems only with each other. But women and men are built differently. Representatives of the fair sex need to speak out, just to understand their own feelings and highlight the main thing. And men prefer to think about events and feelings to themselves, and talk only about the most important things. If you tell a man everything you feel day after day, his brain will simply explode. His whole life will turn into continuous listening. For the stronger sex, this state of affairs is a real disaster. But a good husband, of course, will have to put up with this. However, such communication will not make you closer and happier. Therefore, try to convey to your husband only what is really important. In order to talk it out, visit a psychologist.

Visits to a psychological specialist do not at all mean that you have any serious problems. This is just one way to relieve yourself of the burden of thoughts and feelings that overwhelm a woman every day. Unfortunately, it is not customary for us to regularly visit a psychologist, although in advanced countries this is considered normal practice. Relationships are a heavy burden, and there is nothing wrong with seeking the help of a specially trained person to make life easier for yourself and those around you. A trained person will help you understand what you feel much better than just people close to you. Together with him, you will resolve difficult situations much more successfully. If you are a believer, then instead of a psychologist you can talk to a priest. In such an environment, you can say absolutely anything without fear of consequences or being misunderstood. This way you protect your energy from destruction and exhaustion.

As for choosing a psychologist, it is best to give preference to a female specialist. She will understand you better than a man. If you are frank with a man, it will be like looking for a replacement.

  • Communication with a mentor

Older people have an important advantage - experience. Therefore, communication with them is priceless. An older woman will be able to give you advice on what to do in a given situation. She will share her own, wiser energy with you. Just choose your mentor wisely. This should be a positive and bright person who will give you self-confidence and hope, and not suck all the juice out of you.

  • Give gifts

Gifts are an attribute of the holiday. Therefore, every person has the power to turn every day of loved ones into a holiday. Give your loved ones small souvenirs, flowers, pleasant little things. So you say, “I’m thinking about you,” “I love you.” Such tokens of attention are much more valuable than gifts given on significant dates. Don't hold back your impulses. If you feel like today is a great day for a gift, give it. Let it be a modest present. Giving gifts means giving, but also filling yourself with clean, bright energy. This is sometimes more important than receiving gifts yourself.

There is at least an actress inside every woman. And sometimes the feminine essence hides the artist, director, musician. By revealing her hidden talents, a woman enriches her own life, allows herself to breathe deeply, and rejoice in her own achievements. Therefore, creativity is one of the best ways to fill yourself with feminine energy.

  • Music

Women are musical by nature. After all, you can more often find a woman humming than a man. Mature and whole individuals prefer positive music that touches the soul. These are meditative melodies, sounds of nature, classical works. Sound perception greatly influences the psyche, so we can say that a person’s internal state is reflected in what he listens to, and also changes under the influence of music. Under the influence of calm and grace-oriented music, you will find peace and a sense of balance.

In addition to its impact on a person, music can change the atmosphere in the house. Play melodies used in spiritual practices more often, and you will notice that it has become easier to breathe in your home, it has been cleansed of negativity. Relaxing music is especially necessary for modern women, because they often have problems with complete relaxation. Also, do not forget about such a simple technique as singing. Sing - and your problems will be solved faster. Sing in the shower, while cleaning and cooking, hum at work. Believe me, no one will look at you like you're crazy. On the contrary, people will understand that you radiate positivity and will treat you with love and gratitude.

  • Meditation

This is the best way to relax. Not in the sense that is often put into this word today. We are talking about relaxation on all levels - both physical and spiritual. Meditation clears your head of extraneous thoughts, allows you to find integrity in a world torn to shreds, and take your mind off the hustle and bustle. At first, it will seem to you that meditation does not bear any fruit. But the more often you practice, the better you will get at it. Eventually you will learn to quickly relax and let go of your consciousness. This is the only way to maintain a healthy psyche in modern conditions, and this is especially important for women.

Starting meditation is easy. Turn on a relaxing melody, lie down, try to relax your body as much as possible. And then start to relax your soul. After some time, you will feel that your inner and outer worlds have come into balance.

With experience, you will gain the ability to customize meditation for specific purposes. For example, forgiveness, improving relationships, unlocking your own potential, etc.

  • Singing

Every woman loves to sing. We all sometimes imagine ourselves on the big stage in the role of a singer - the idol of millions. Some ladies have complexes about their ability to sing. And they limit themselves in expressing themselves in this way. Indeed, not everyone can sing for others, but no one forbade singing for themselves! If you feel the need to express your feelings through song, then don’t be shy, just sing. This is necessary to maintain internal balance. Singing directly affects the voice chakra, relaxes the throat muscles, normalizes breathing, and has a positive effect on the condition of the lungs. Those who regularly practice singing have a more pleasant and sonorous voice. And the voice is another woman’s weapon and a way to influence others. Everyone knows about the expression “charming voice”; many have even met the owners of such voices and can confirm that such people can say anything, and they will still be listened to and admired. Because often what matters is not what we say, but how we say it. Singing will allow you to master the art of charming through your voice.

The first melody a child hears comes from a woman, his mother. This is a lullaby. Through it, tenderness, love, care are expressed, which are difficult to express in simple words. Not a single child will say that his mother sang lullabies poorly. For everyone, these sounds are the most tender, the most dear. Singing is the calling of every woman. In order to sing beautifully, you just need to relax and allow your talents to be realized. Therefore, women are advised to pay special attention to singing and develop this skill. If you are not confident in your abilities, seek professional help and take some singing lessons.

  • Shopping

Shopping is considered to be a purely feminine pastime. And indeed it is. Women go shopping not only to buy something. The very atmosphere of the stores allows ladies to relax and reveal their inner energy. Femininity is a special feminine energy that is revealed when she does purely feminine things. Beautiful showcases, attractive things, jewelry, fittings - all this allows the fair sex to take a break from everyday life, calm down, and escape from worries. Treat your love of shopping as the medicine you need to stay in shape. Give yourself permission to shop as much as you like.

A woman's character is revealed in her clothes. This is one of the ways of self-expression. It is the clothes that passers-by glance at, so they seem to protect the body from negativity that may come from others. If a woman lives an active life, then too many different energy marks accumulate on her clothes. Therefore, some things begin to cause negative emotions over time, although they are in good condition. The fact is that a woman gets tired of a thing, or more precisely, of the emotions associated with it. Such things need to be replaced, because they will no longer bring anything good to their owner. Updating your wardrobe should be regular. Try to please yourself with at least one new thing every few months. Well, if you can afford frequent purchases, then let you have as many clothes as you want, and not as much as you need. In between purchases, you can go shopping, simply trying on the options you like and looking for things for the future.

  • Flower breeding

House flowers are an indicator of the level of feminine energy. The presence of flowers in the house indicates that its owner has a sufficient amount of feminine energy and understands its importance. But if the flowers are in a deplorable state, then this already indicates problems.

Simply growing indoor flowers, as well as caring for a garden, gives a woman much more than many people think. Firstly, in this way she learns to show care and responsibility. After all, flowers need care; they need to be regularly watered, fed, pruned, etc. Secondly, this is how a woman gets used to giving herself for free. After all, flowers are good simply because they exist. Thirdly, growing flowers is contact with nature, and the closer a woman is to nature, the healthier her soul. Fourthly, communicating with plants, as well as working in the garden, is one of the ways to meditate and escape from reality. Such worries perfectly relax, allow you to switch your attention, forget about your worries or think about them from a new perspective. Often after working with flowers, a woman feels that her internal state has changed, that she has invested something in her green pets and received something from them.

  • Books

Today, reading paper books is not fashionable. It is much more convenient to buy an e-book, upload everything you need there, and carry it with you everywhere, being able to indulge in reading anywhere. It is truly convenient, practical and modern. But electronics do not provide any spiritual charge. E-books are a source of knowledge, not inspiration. Remember the atmosphere of the library: mystery, silence, awe, the feeling that you are about to touch a secret. The same feeling comes over you in a bookstore. Choosing a book turns into choosing a friend, in which emotional feelings play a big role. Therefore, going to a bookstore can also be considered a type of meditation. Being among books, wandering among the shelves, you relax, solve a problem that is not related to your daily affairs. It is not necessary to buy anything. It is important to simply plunge into this special atmosphere. A little rest in a bookstore, and you will feel that your energy has been renewed.

  • Reading

Reading opens up limitless worlds to a person, in which everything is possible. Women read more emotionally, they become more immersed in the plot, empathize with the characters more clearly, and understand their feelings more deeply. But modern literature does not always charge with positivity, so you need to choose books to read very carefully and thoughtfully. Give preference to those options that can teach you something and give you new experience.

Detective stories make your mind strain, romance novels awaken sensuality and give rise to illusions about relationships. The best reading choices for women are autobiographies and biographies of wonderful people. They teach, set a positive mood, and present lessons.

  • Photoshoot

Today, the art of photography is on the rise. But some ladies are still afraid to be photographed because they consider themselves unphotogenic. In fact, the problem lies in their low self-esteem. And a photo shoot is a great way to deal with this problem. A professional photographer will always tell you how best to stand, how to look, so that the photo turns out excellent. So don't be afraid or embarrassed to open up in front of the camera. This is an excellent simulator that allows you to understand how to communicate with people correctly and how to present yourself.

In addition, a photo shoot is a chance to realize your talent as an actress, because photo shoots are carried out in different images. And also photographs allow you to remember the happiest days of your life. So be sure to find a good photographer, relax, be yourself and pose.

  • Trips

Traveling today is expensive. This attitude deprives a person of one of the brightest pleasures in life - the pleasure of getting to know new places. You don't have to go to the ends of the earth to make a trip. Even a trip to a neighboring city will give you a lot of positive impressions, allow you to shake yourself up, and give you new food for thought. Traveling long distances is also quite possible. Many people know the secrets of cheap travel. This includes buying last-minute tours, organizing your trip yourself, and buying plane tickets early. All this allows you to save significant amounts and make your vacation more affordable, and therefore more frequent.

The most important thing when traveling is a change of scenery. Therefore, feel free to go and conquer neighboring cities, at least for a weekend. Well, traveling to other countries will allow you to get acquainted with another culture and take away something important and useful for you from its traditions. Seize every opportunity to get out of the house. Believe me, your life will change dramatically as soon as frequent travel becomes part of it. A woman’s life is unthinkable without fresh emotions and impressions. When you start receiving them, you will become more successful both at work and at home.

  • Visiting holy places

There are special places on our planet, holy ones. Their visit is mandatory for every woman. Because representatives of the fair sex can fully feel the presence of holiness. In such places they are filled with the purest and brightest energy, which will nourish them and those around them for a very long time. This includes churches and temples, places of worship, mosques, monasteries, etc.

A pilgrimage is a special journey filled with sacred meaning. It allows you to clear karma, find harmony, learn a lot of new things, and receive a charge of purity. Many people receive revelations about themselves in holy places. Being in such a place, turn off skepticism, turn on your internal resonators, and you will fully feel the presence of something higher.

Of course, a woman devotes most of her life to home and children. This is the most important and responsible area in which feminine energy is fully manifested and is a very important component and condition for harmony. To maintain it at a high level, follow these tips:

  • Update your kitchen

Cooking is a sacred act performed by a woman every day. Everything related to food allows the fair sex to give away their energy and renew it. After all, it is nature for women to feed their loved ones. And every young lady has culinary talent, it’s just that not everyone can reveal it.

Modern industry allows every housewife to acquire everything she needs for successful cooking. Make your kitchen comfortable and beautiful, then staying in it will turn into a pleasure.

Get rid of old dishes that you inherited. Away with shabby frying pans to which everything sticks, chipped cups, lumpy plates! Buy yourself modern cooking equipment, beautiful dishes, and convenient accessories. And you will immediately have a desire to use all these benefits of civilization for the benefit of your family. And cooking with pleasure cannot end badly.

  • Cooking

You need to cook with love. Cooking should not be a chore, it should be a creative process. While doing this, think about your loved ones, about what you wish for them. Don't cook if you're not in the mood. In this case, it is better to go to a cafe for dinner.

Don't make cooking a chore. The monotonous set of dishes will soon get boring for everyone at home, including you. Therefore, use new recipes, mark the dishes that you do better than others, let them become your signature. Cooking with love is an easy way to feel like a real woman and replenish feminine energy.

  • Treat yourself to your favorite dish

While caring for your family, don’t forget to pamper yourself with your favorite dishes. Sometimes you can allow yourself to eat something that you really want, even if such food does not benefit your figure. The pleasant emotions that you get from your favorite food will charge you with energy and give you the strength to eliminate the consequences of such indulgence.

If you constantly strictly limit yourself in food, then your mood will not be the best. And in a bad mood, you don’t want to do business or please your loved ones. Therefore, from time to time you need to allow yourself small weaknesses. The pleasure of food will make your everyday life enjoyable.

  • Cleanliness in the house

Women's nature is geared towards purity. If a woman is in a dirty room, then her energy is suppressed. A person, when born, is pure in every sense of the word. But with age, both his body and his spirit become clogged. But we all must strive to preserve the original purity. And this problem is solved by a woman. It is she, playing the role of the keeper of the hearth, who puts the house in order and creates cleanliness in it. During the cleaning process, feminine energy is restored. This banal process also allows you to escape from unpleasant thoughts, as well as gain a sense of your own need.

Many women, especially those who have small children, do not pay much attention to cleaning. Of course, maintaining perfect order in a house where there are little mischief-makers is extremely difficult, but this does not mean that you have to put up with constant chaos. If you can’t cope on your own, share household responsibilities with your husband, hire an assistant, or ask relatives for help. Don't forget that home is a reflection of your soul. The owner is judged primarily by his condition. When a woman lives in disorder, it means that there is no order in her inner world.

Cleaning is not just about solving certain tasks to clean things up. Treat it as a way to create comfort, please your husband, and take your mind off unpleasant thoughts.

The approach of men and women in the home is radically different. A lonely man can be comfortable in bare walls, but a woman definitely needs to fill the space with coziness so that the room turns into a home. She builds a nest, and does not just exist in a certain place. Everything that a real woman’s hand touches becomes cozy. Even at the workplace, ladies create real corners of peace and comfort, decorating the table with pleasant little things, beautiful photographs, incense sticks, candles, etc. This is how you need to act, because the environment is extremely important for a woman’s perception of the world.

Therefore, do not take lightly such things as the color of the sofa, its compatibility with curtains, posters on the walls, wallpaper patterns. All this is very important, and everything should be the way you like it. Take time to do this, consciously, so that you create comfort for yourself and your loved ones. Don't miss the opportunity to make your home even more comfortable and beautiful. By surrounding yourself with pleasant things, you increase your energy levels and improve your life.

  • Share household chores

The expression “If you want something done well, do it yourself” is true in many cases. But not when it comes to doing routine housework. If you take on the entire burden of household responsibilities, you simply will not have the energy and time left for yourself. In addition, by depriving yourself of the help of other people, you deprive them of the opportunity to help and show care towards you. It often happens that a woman asks her husband to do some work, remains dissatisfied with how he handled it, and another time does not ask him for help. This approach is also wrong. You need to give a person the opportunity to grow and do something better than before. After all, you don’t stop teaching your child to write when he produces ugly letters? You need to act in the same way with adults. Be patient and over time you will get a better house helper.

Don't be afraid to trust your husband and children with household chores. This will unite you as a family, and will also teach your family to appreciate your common work. And spend the time freed from household chores on yourself.

  • Beautiful dinners

Many of us save beautiful things for special occasions. Beautiful sets, snow-white tablecloths, expensive dishes - all this stands idle, covered with dust in the cabinets. And people continue to eat every day on a shabby table from old plates with chips.

When we are expecting guests, we prepare delicious dishes, take out special products, and decorate the house and table. And in everyday life we ​​prefer to have a quick snack without unnecessary ceremony. It turns out that people try for others, but simply don’t want to do something nice for themselves. This approach often becomes the cause of dissatisfaction with life. After all, you need to live first of all for yourself and your loved ones. You and they should get all the best that you have. Treat yourself better and stop skimping on yourself. Get out your front door service and use it day in and day out. Let it grow old, individual objects break. Then you buy yourself a new one. But the beauty of the dishes will give you a positive impression every time you sit down to eat or drink tea.

  • Guests
  • Go visit yourself

Receiving guests is not at all the same as being a guest yourself. In the first case, you give your attention, and in the second you must be able to receive it.

Relax and gratefully accept the care of the mistress of the house. Don't try to compete with her, don't teach her how and what she should do. Just relax. Let another person feed you, entertain you, and clean up after you after you leave. Get rid of the feeling that you are annoying the person and forcing him to do extra work. Remember how pleasant it is for you to receive guests. And let the other housewife enjoy this feeling. As a sign of gratitude, give the owners a small gift. This action will bring additional energy to both you and the owner of the house.

  • Blessing of food

The Vedas tell us that by consuming consecrated food, a person brings himself closer to freeing himself from a series of deaths and births. But how to sanctify food? In fact, this is not difficult to do, especially for women, because they are naturally endowed with special powers.

First of all, you need to prepare food in a clean kitchen and with bright thoughts. You cannot taste the food while cooking. The best option would be vegetarian dishes. The first portion of the prepared dish must be placed on the altar, read a prayer, a mantra, whatever is closer to you. A simple heartfelt request that the food offered be received favorably is enough.

After 5-10 minutes, you can start dinner. All food will be sanctified by your ritual. Place the portion that you brought to the altar on the plates of all family members so that everyone gets a piece of the most beneficial food.

  • Parenting

When a woman becomes a mother, her energy increases many times over. Motherhood is a source of strength and inspiration. The mother always feeds on energy from the baby, while giving him her strength. This interaction is enhanced when communication between mother and child is closer and more active.

Some people neglect the opportunity to play games with their baby, sing, and read fairy tales. But this is not just an opportunity, but a mother’s responsibility. By working with a child personally, you can better than others discover his talents, inspire him, and stimulate his development. Moreover, both of you will benefit from these activities. Become the dream mother of your child in early childhood, and then you will face much fewer unpleasant surprises in difficult adolescence. Your relationship will forever remain open, warm and filled with mutual love. By becoming a mother, you will gain an inexhaustible source of feminine energy and you yourself will become a source of strength for another person.

  • Outdoor trips

This is a special type of relaxation, as it combines several powerful sources of feminine energy. Firstly, closeness to nature facilitates the process of finding inner harmony. Secondly, communication with like-minded people who will listen, understand, and give a supply of positivity. Thirdly, the process of cooking also enriches a woman’s inner world.

Picnics add variety to life and allow you to accumulate quite a lot of energy. Well, if it is a family trip with children, then the effect of such a trip will be much higher. The main thing is to treat everything as an interesting adventure, and not as just another worry.

It is believed that the time for picnics is summer. But in fact, it will be much more interesting to arrange an outing into nature in winter. An equally great idea is to organize a vacation in the fall or spring. It all depends on your desire, and you can always find time and a way.

A woman’s personal success directly affects her condition, ability to run a household, and be a good wife and mother. A woman should always remain a separate person, and not dissolve into those around her.

  • Planning

Women, as emotional people, need to clearly plan their affairs. This will help them, firstly, to accomplish everything that is planned with minimal effort and time, and secondly, it will allow them to feel confident in their own abilities. You can plan not only work, but also household chores, vacations, shopping, etc.

It is most convenient to make plans in writing. Such a reminder and installation will be more effective than plans built in your head. Your life will become much easier if you keep a daily plan and also plan long-term goals.

It is also worth paying attention to personal development planning. Write down your strengths, as well as those qualities that you would like to develop in yourself. This will serve as a starting point for you to work on yourself.

  • Acknowledgments

The best way to distract yourself from the negative is to switch to the positive. If you are not on good terms with your husband, take a piece of paper and describe everything pleasant that is associated with him. If you find it difficult to manage your child, then it’s time to remember his merits and the joy he gives you. If the cause of your problems lies in low self-esteem, then you should write about yourself, your achievements and successes.

Make it a habit to write down gratitude to your loved ones in a separate notebook every night before going to bed. Remember all the good things that happened during the day and write “Thank you!” to those who made this happen. With this simple technique you will fall asleep in a good mood.

  • Acting

Every woman is an actress. We can all play what we need. Therefore, every lady can safely go to the stagecraft club. This will allow her to reveal her talents, gain self-confidence, and receive confirmation of her uniqueness. By practicing acting, you will not only learn to better control your body, facial expressions, and speech, but also master body language. This skill will help you understand people better.

  • Wear feminine things

Skirts and dresses are attributes of a purely female wardrobe. That is, when you wear them, you show that you are a woman. As a result, others begin to perceive you this way and treat you accordingly.

Feminine clothing helps to harmonize internal energy, and this, in turn, solves many problems with women's health and normalizes hormonal levels.

If you cannot wear skirts and dresses all the time, then at least wear them at home so that your husband can see that it is a woman who is waiting for him. You will feel changes in the attitudes of others, and you will also begin to perceive yourself differently.

  • Watch the right movie

Modern cinema rarely pleases with truly worthy and enjoyable films. But among the heaps of garbage you still need to find worthy things. Romantic pictures about love and fidelity, devotion and friendship will help replenish feminine energy. You need to watch such films in the company of your husband or girlfriends, so that you have someone to discuss and exchange energy with.

  • Explore the cultures of the world's peoples

The world is diverse, and that is its beauty. It is useful for women of different cultures to exchange experiences and learn each other’s traditions. You can learn a lot from learning about other cultures. For example, Muslim women should learn how to look in front of their husbands, how to care for him, and how to run a household. The women of Bali can adopt the tradition of having a continuous conversation with God through constant chants.

There are many such examples that can be given. This way you will expand your horizons and unite the ideas of the ideal woman of all men in the world.

The word "girl" is of Scandinavian origin and means "divine". Indeed, every woman is the embodiment of a deity, and each has her own mission. The fair sex has always been protected and treated with reverence and special honor.

Why should anything change today? Realize your own uniqueness, significance, importance. Treat yourself the way you deserve. And those around you will treat you the same way.

How to increase Feminine energy (Ayurveda today)

70 ways to increase Feminine Energy, or the Bible of a Real Woman.

I found this on the Internet, but didn’t fix anything. Source: Ruslan Narushevich - Ayurvedic specialist, astrologer, psychologist. According to the Vedas, which arose about 5 thousand years ago, a woman’s energy is the basis of the World. Because it is the creative female “I” that gives a man the strength that directs him to exploits and accomplishments. Each of us has periods of energy decline. The Vedas offer amazing ways to increase the Power of a Woman.
So, a list of things that give us Strength:

1.Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs touch. Our body needs to be moved and stretched. Otherwise, the energy stagnates. Presses on the body from the inside. And it causes illness.

2.Visit to the hairdresser. A beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to cheer yourself up. Hair for a woman and for a woman is a reflection of her thoughts. That is why in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hairstyle.

3. Manicure. You want to kiss beautiful hands! That's what men say.

4. Communication with other women. The mutual exchange of energy greatly strengthens women. A man needs silence to become aware of himself. A woman understands her experiences better when communicating with her friends.

5.Long conversations and conversations - on the same phone - are not a waste of time. This is the very burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will probably splash them out on a man. And this is not the best way.

6.Walks. A woman simply needs to go outside at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are the keepers of the hearth, connection with nature is very important!

7.Music. You need to listen to music every day. Meditative, classical. Make it a habit to play music, for example, while drinking a cup of tea.

8. Refuse difficult topics for reflection and negotiation. Yes, it is good for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of "Girl" gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring them into the house.

9.A bath with rose petals and oils is not pampering, but a necessity! By giving such a little to your body, to yourself, you will be surprised by your own radiance and excellent mood.

10.Meditation, like any relaxing practice, raises the level of feminine power. You need to meditate at least once a day before going to bed. Meditation in nature is very useful.

11.Take vocal lessons - singing cleanses the throat chakra. And we no longer want to swear or reproach men. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words “she is like a song.”

12.Visiting stores - shopping is not just a way to look for new things. Learn to go shopping even if you have no money. Try things on. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - feminine energy is so strong that sometimes it’s enough to see and touch a thing for it to soon migrate into your wardrobe. And the money for it seems to come out of nowhere.

13.Visit a psychologist - but always Women. A wise, experienced woman can help you look at the situation differently. And understand her. Wisdom is passed down from older women. For the same reason, it is useful to communicate with your own grandmother and great-grandmother.

14. Dancing - in any form - is a great thing for enhancing female strength and sexuality.

16.Regular get-togethers with girlfriends - by going out to a public place together, you create a strong background of feminine Power. And exchange with each other the missing qualities.

17.Taking care of flowers - a small garden at home and digging in the vegetable garden is an additional way to stock up on feminine energy. Flowering and growth are all a reflection of feminine energy.

18. Communicating with married friends is very important for those who want to get married. The energy of family in the Vedas is considered the most beneficial and valuable. Therefore, do not rush to refuse a party where only married couples will be present. After such a meeting, you will accumulate energy that will more likely attract a man to you than after visiting a nightclub where there are many lonely women.

19. Help - provide someone with help or ask for help. All this strengthens a woman. Learn to give up the “I myself” principle. Because this is a typical principle for a man.

20.Visiting a bookstore is amazing, but walking among books is very inspiring for a woman. Try to devote at least a couple of hours a week to this activity. A woman who is the keeper of knowledge. And books are a source of knowledge.

21. Ask a man for help - any manifestation of care makes us more feminine. Try an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry your bag. The mood will rise 100%!

22.Reading – read a good book that you bought a long time ago and put on the shelf. It is especially useful to read stories about people's lives. By studying fate, you understand yourself better.

23. Sharing household responsibilities with someone - thoughts that without you everything will be “overgrown with mold” - this is a way to reduce your feminine energy. Feel free to entrust some matters to your loved ones. And give yourself the free time!

24.Cooking - everything related to cooking significantly increases the level of feminine energy. A woman is a housewife who knows how to feed and drink. If you don't know how to cook, learn. If you know how, improve your skills. Master the cuisine of a certain country.

25. A house is not just an apartment in which we live. A woman has a powerful energetic connection with her home. This is why we are so annoyed by a squeaky door or a leaking faucet. For a woman, these are not just shortcomings. Feminine energy flows through such holes. But it is precisely in such little things that sometimes it is important not to disturb a man. Why?
The man thinks big: “When all the tiles in the bathroom become unusable, then we’ll make a new one. Why grease the walls ten times!” Sometimes it’s easier to hire someone to fix minor issues. Just don’t forget to tell your husband that you did this, realizing that he is very busy. And not because his hands are growing from the wrong place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.

26.Planning - any incompleteness and doubts destroy a woman. Having a clear plan is a way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan little things, then move on to planning for several months and even years of your life. What will you do tomorrow evening?

27. A formal lunch or dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and delicious dishes. It turns out that we do all this even more for ourselves, although we want to raise the tone of our loved one. Bring such magical moments to life. Make yourself and your loved ones happy.

28. Education, raising children - by communicating with children, a woman can raise her energy level. For this reason, sometimes you shouldn’t give up playing with your children. And it’s even better to teach children what you know: drawing, singing, dancing...

30. Having a picnic in nature is a must in the company of friends. Several things come together here that raise the level of feminine energy: unification, being in nature, cooking.

31.Makeup and personal care are not a way to please a man, but to bring joy to yourself. Therefore, while at home, it is important to do your hair, wear clothes and look good.

32.Giving yourself flowers is one of the easiest ways to increase your energy levels. Flowers not only decorate a woman, but also instantly remove negativity, taking it upon themselves. Therefore, if you are sad, do not rush to cry into your pillow. Buy a bouquet of flowers.

33. Wearing skirts and dresses - such clothing restores connection with the energy of the lineage through the female line. There is a rule - do not wear trousers on the first 7 (!) dates. In case you want to really charm a man. It has been established that constantly wearing trousers has a negative effect on the female organs.

34. Club of young mothers - if you have a small child, be sure to communicate with the same mothers. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also an exchange of energy. Motherhood is personified by the Moon. And lunar energy is feminine energy.

35. Taking care of children - do not refuse to help your married friend play with the child. Any manifestation of care for a woman is the path to Strength. The main thing is not to treat a man as a child.

36.Feed the needy - mercy is a quality that enhances lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. Surely there will be a person whom you can easily please with a pleasant little thing. Buy fruit for your lonely neighbor. Don't refuse a cup of tea to a guest who drops by.

37. Communication – it is difficult for a woman to do without contact with other people. We gain energy from conversations. It is only important to ensure that the information you convey is not gossip or other negative things.

38.Romantic movie – make an agreement with a friend and watch a melodrama together. Any film about love is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do this in the company of other women.

39. Studying a new culture helps to expand the worldview and allows a woman not to be confined to the inner world. Feminine energy strives to expand. There is no need to narrow it artificially.

40. Sources of water - relaxing on a river, lake, or by the sea is a great way to raise your energy level. Water is the basis of a woman’s sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adapting to circumstances, or, on the contrary, stormy.
In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite, young priestesses were necessarily taught to swim and communicate with the water element.

41.Physical activity - if you feel a loss of strength, start learning a new sport. This can be not only a new type of fitness, but also just a morning jog. Dancing is very useful! A great way to recover if you're exhausted after breaking up with your partner.

42. Dressing up – wearing a nice dress is one way to raise your energy level. By the way, you don’t have to go somewhere to dress up. Wear nice clothes at home.

43. Disassemble the rubble - old things, garbage and rubbish weaken a woman’s energy. If a difficult period has come in your life, it’s time to sort out the rubble.

44.Healthy lifestyle - needless to say, bad habits have a negative impact on female energy and beauty. A bad habit can be not only smoking, but also the habit of going to bed late, slandering or being lazy.

45.Poetry – reading poetry helps to reveal the romantic side of one’s self. Feel free to write your own poems. The energy splashed out on paper will relieve you of worries. A beautiful syllable teaches you to speak beautifully and think correctly.

46.Feeding birds and animals is a very simple way to raise your energy level. Build a bird feeder under the window. Get canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.

47.Visit a museum or exhibition - everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.

48. Communication with the Teacher - go to a lecture by your favorite author, attend a training. Books give knowledge. This is undeniable. But when we meet the Teacher, we are recharged with energy from the person.

49. Keep a diary - write down your thoughts, desires, goals every day. You can paste pictures into your diary or draw them yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to write them down. Accumulating the energy of emotions in herself, a woman will then be forced to throw it out on a man. Which in itself is not very good. In addition, writing down thoughts helps to analyze them.

50.Make an album of your beautiful photographs - stick your best photos in it. And don't be shy to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!

51. Decide on your desires - formulate for yourself what you really want. Especially in relationships. And forget about “I can”. I can - this is the prerogative of a Man. The man says: “I can win her, I can take her as my wife (or I can’t).”
When a woman begins to think a lot in the style of “I can,” she becomes a “man.” Compare: “I want to look good. I want him to like me. I want to get married” and “I can look good, he can like me, I can get married.”

52. Affectionate speeches - learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy blossoms from a couple of gentle words spoken by you. Swearing and obscene words reduce feminine energy to nothing.

53. Obedience – arguing, competition and other aspects of active behavior reduce energy levels. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, conquering a man is very draining on a woman. And a man doesn’t want a woman who is so proactive towards him. With her behavior she reminds him of a man.

54. Selectivity in sexual relationships - if a woman has several sex partners, she is doomed to devastation. Only have sexual relations with the person you love. Be faithful to your husband. Try to delay the first sex after meeting. It takes a lot of energy to interest a man. Don't lose her prematurely in sex.

55.Cleanliness – keep your home, your body and your mind clean. Clean your home on time. Don't accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest way to boost your energy is to get in the shower. Purity will bring Strength.

56.NATURING YOURSELF WITH LOVE is one of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak. And can give nothing to a man. Even worse, she will begin to vampire his energy. Hence the decline of men, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your well with love. A woman is a giver. It must be FULL of love.

57. Arts and crafts - knitting, embroidery, modeling... everything that you can create with your own hands raises the level of your feminine energy.

58. Give compliments - to yourself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If you find it difficult to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can cause difficulties in relationships with mother, mother-in-law, and daughter.

59.Express love – in any form, at any time. Hug and kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, people, your things. The sun, the spring breeze, the rain and even your sadness. For she is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.

60. Arranging bouquets – working with flowers gives a charge of new strength. Charge of renewal and flowering.

61.Eat healthy – use foods that are less processed and closer to nature. Remember what power an apple you pick in the garden gives? And some kind of hamburger. The sensations are strikingly different.

62. Affection – gentle touches help a woman understand herself. And to know. Caress your body. Even if you don’t have a man, don’t deny yourself tenderness. Start every morning and end the day in bed with gentle touches to your face, body, and legs. Kiss your hands yourself, and others will adore them.

63.Being alone with yourself - don’t be afraid of those moments when you are left completely alone. Don't run away to get married just because you're lonely. Use this time to take care of yourself. Nature has laid down a monthly period when a woman should think only about herself. This is the period of menstruation.

64. Soft toy – don’t blame yourself for still sleeping cuddled with a teddy bear. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone. And the toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel a lack of love and attention.

65. Learn to work with the energy of the Moon - stand outside in the moonlight, charge water with moon rays. And then add it to the bath. Turn to the Moon for help with women's ailments. To do this, you need to imagine in meditation how you are bathing in moonlight. You and the Moon are one.

66.Send someone a card – for any occasion. By showing someone a sign of attention, you will fill yourself. Remember: a woman is a giver. By giving, you are filled.

67. Charity is in its purest form an expression of feminine energy. If you can help a person with something, do it.

68. Change your hair color - if there is a long pause in your life, go to a stylist.

69. Fragrances – you should always give off an aura of a pleasant aroma. A woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and choosing a scent enhances feminine energy.

70.Dignity – be confident in your uniqueness. According to the Vedas, a Woman is the most beautiful thing that the Creator could create. You are beautiful! You are charming!