How to make your face fresh, beautiful and clean. Recipes and a set of exercises to help make your face smooth and clean

If a girl has problematic skin on her face, she will feel insecure and unattractive even in an outfit from a famous fashion designer and with a fashionable hairstyle. And makeup alone won't fix it. Therefore, every woman wants to have clean, even and healthy skin on her face. The goal is worthy, and it can be achieved with a little effort. How to achieve clear skin? In fact, there is no universal recipe, everything is decided by an integrated approach and regular procedures.

Skin problems

In adolescence, almost everyone experiences acne. It manifests itself in the form of wen, black dots, pustules and whiteheads. Their appearance is associated with an excess of hormones due to the restructuring of the body. For most people, acne disappears by the age of 18-20. And only in some boys and girls they remain at a later age.

Acne is not the only obstacle to clear skin on the face. Second on the list of problems is oily skin with large, enlarged pores. This is due to the overworking of the sebaceous glands. Dry skin also causes a lot of trouble - pimples do not appear on it so often, but it often peels off.

And last on the list are age spots. They do not add beauty, and the face because of them resembles the coloring of a leopard.

Reasons for the appearance

Unfortunately, perfect is extremely rare. Most people on the planet have combination skin, that is, dry skin on the cheeks and oily on the forehead and on the wings of the nose. Oily skin causes many problems even during puberty, and even later provokes the appearance of acne and pimples. Dry skin on the face even in youth looks good, but with each passing year it begins to tighten more and more, early wrinkles and peeling appear.

Skin type is almost always determined by hereditary predisposition. The exception is various diseases of the endocrine system. With any type, you can achieve clear skin at home. To do this, you just need to provide normal care. However, often the painful condition of the external integument is associated with certain unfavorable factors, namely:

  • lack of regular cleansing, clogged pores;
  • malfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • poor diet and consumption of unhealthy foods;
  • stress;
  • alcohol intake;
  • low-quality cosmetics and expired products;
  • using too thick makeup base;
  • smoking;
  • taking certain medications;
  • influence of weather conditions - wind, cold and heat.

Also, diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and allergic reactions to micromites are reflected on the face. How to achieve clear skin? Initially, it is necessary to exclude the influence of all negative factors, as well as consult a doctor in order to identify and treat diseases that affect the condition of the integument. Without this stage, all efforts may be fruitless.

Three steps for beauty and healthy skin

Skin of any type needs three basic procedures - cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing. Only after such comprehensive care will she become clean, healthy and radiant.

Cleansing for different skin types:

Dry. It is important not to injure her with excessive zeal, therefore it is necessary to use only sparing foams and washing gels, and use a scrub no more than once a week. Peelings, steaming and various hardware cleanings - no more than once a month.

Oily skin needs frequent cleaning procedures: daily washing with a decoction of chamomile or similar liquids with drying properties, a scrub can be used every other day, it is necessary to steam the face at least once a week. But scrubs and peels cannot be carried out with open acne inflammation, otherwise there is a risk of spreading the infection.

Combination skin needs to be cleansed according to which type it tends to be more. Or use different products in different areas, for example, use a scrub only on oily areas.

Normal skin needs only daily washing, but not with tap water, but with special foams, mousses and gels. Tap water greatly dries the skin, and soap spurs the sebaceous glands.

Hydration and nutrition

These procedures should be considered together, since often one cosmetic product can achieve both. For moisturizing and nutrition, they use various cosmetics - creams, masks, lotions, but it is always chosen taking into account the characteristics of the skin and age.

Dry skin in adolescence and youth looks good. And for her, light moisturizers are enough, and perhaps thermal water in the hot season. But with age, it becomes more and more dry and prone to peeling, so for nutrition and hydration it is necessary to select more oily creams and masks, but those that do not clog pores. Oils and regular rejuvenation procedures will also have a beneficial effect.

Oily skin needs drying. This can be easily achieved with decoctions of chamomile and special creams with antiseptic properties. Nourishing masks are also chosen taking into account the specifics of the skin - light, drying and tightening. Based on clay, egg white, honey or lemon.

For combination skin, you should use cosmetics with an appropriate mark. From home recipes, masks for clean facial skin based on clay, grapefruit, and sour-milk products are well suited. Moisturizing and nourishing creams must be used both in the morning and in the evening.

Normal skin also needs regular hydration and nourishment. And if you provide her with proper regular care, she will stay clean, young and healthy for a long time.

How to properly cleanse your skin

The secrets of clean facial skin are proper and regular cleansing. Beauticians recommend forgetting about tap water and soap - they often irritate the skin, as a result of which the sebaceous glands are stimulated. Instead, you should try to regularly wipe the skin with lotions, foams, mousses and other special products. Or homemade kefir and infusions of medicinal herbs - celandine, succession, chamomile, birch and oak leaves.

Facial skin needs to be cleansed at least twice a day, oily skin needs to be washed more often. Cosmetologists do not recommend rubbing the skin strongly so as not to cause weakening of the epidermal cells and clogging of the pores with dead scales.

You should also forget about warm and hot water when washing - it opens the pores well and actually paves the way for any external pollution, which leads to acne. Therefore, before washing, you should sprinkle your face with cold water to close the pores. And wash off the makeup from the face not with warm water, but with a special lotion.

Face cosmetics for clear skin

Means for clear skin of the face have various properties, namely:

  • Keratolytic, that is, dissolving and removing dead cells. Usually these are acids - salicylic, glycolic or fruit.
  • Anti-inflammatory. It will help reduce existing inflammation. Various preparations with zinc oxide are commonly used.
  • Adsorbent properties to remove excess secretions of the sebaceous glands.
  • With an antibacterial effect, that is, with triclosan, tea tree oil or other similar substances.
  • With probiotics. A new direction in the treatment of problematic facial skin. Cosmetics with probiotics help curb the growth of pathogenic bacteria and reduce the number of rashes.

Depending on the identified problem, care cosmetics with the desired properties should be selected.

To get rid of blackheads, a scrub or lotion is often used. Both products are good, but you should choose a non-alcohol based lotion. And use the scrub carefully, taking into account the type of skin and do not use it with open inflammation.


How to make the skin of the face clean and even? She will never look healthy if she is not provided with proper nutrition. And we are not talking about masks, but about those substances that should come from the body.

Therefore, we make the skin of the face clean and for this we remove milk and dairy products, sugar, fatty and smoked products from the diet, but include green and red vegetables, fruits, seafood, legumes, nuts, cereals in the daily menu. You should also “feed” the skin with vitamins - A, E, D, C, K. It is from the inside, since they are practically not absorbed as part of creams and nourishing masks.

Manual cleaning in the cabin

How to achieve clear skin? Many women prefer salon procedures. This is not surprising, since a professional cosmetologist can tell you how to achieve the desired result and make every effort to achieve it.

One of the most popular and inexpensive procedures is mechanical facial cleansing. First, the covers are steamed, and then the cosmetologist manually removes the sebum and acne that have come out. For this, sterile wipes and a special tool are used, after which the pores are artificially narrowed. After mechanical cleaning, the face is reddened and swollen for a couple of days, and the result depends on the skill of the beautician.

ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning affects only the upper layer of the epidermis, due to which it is possible to remove the keratinized layer of cells, impurities, blackheads and blackheads. Ultrasound cleaning has no contraindications, and it can be done every week.


Laser facial cleansing affects the deep layers of the skin, so it is possible to get rid of not only acne, but also age spots and scars. However, laser peeling is much more traumatic than ultrasonic or vacuum cleaning.


When vacuum cleaning the face with the help of back pressure, dirt, excess sebum and blackheads are “sucked off” from the surface of the skin. Blood circulation is stimulated and cell regeneration is increased. But the procedure is long and not suitable for people with rosacea or dermatitis.


The face can be made even, without acne and blackheads, with the help of liquid nitrogen. In the cold, bacteria die and blood circulation increases. For an ideal result, 10-15 procedures are needed, which is quite expensive, but a noticeable effect will be after the first one.

Contraindications - diseases of the heart and blood vessels, allergies, infections and inflammatory processes.

How to achieve clear skin? In addition to all of the above, you should use the following tips:

  1. No need to squeeze pimples. In emergency cases, you should use the SOS resorption agent - a special antibacterial gel.
  2. It is necessary to change pillowcases regularly - dirt and dust on the fabric clog pores.
  3. All creams and care products should be bought only in tubes, not in jars. It's more hygienic. And the cost will be moderate.
  4. At home, you can regularly apply a scrub, but soft. Rigid peels are not intended for home use.
  5. Makeup applied immediately after bathing or washing your face will lead to pimples. Wait at least 45 minutes. after water procedures.
  6. Decorative cosmetics, especially thick foundations, are very harmful to the skin. Therefore, it should be used in moderation.

The expression "perfect skin" is familiar to many, but what does it mean? First of all, it is a healthy epithelium. That is, the skin of a healthy face does not have irritations, acne, acne and any other rash. Secondly, clean covers. It is enough to wash your face regularly and wash off impurities from your face.

There are several important criteria that affect the appearance of the face:

  • nutrition;
  • care;
  • properly selected decorative cosmetics.

Tired skin will never look good. Before you achieve perfect facial skin, you will have to reconsider your daily routine a little. It is believed that for a normal rest, at least 8 hours a day are required for sleep. From how well the body rests at night, it also depends on how exactly the skin of the face will look in the morning.

However, sleep alone is not enough for the skin. It is necessary to carefully plan and daily diet. So, for example, the more fresh and it contains, the healthier and more radiant the skin of the face will look.

Fish oil, which should be included in the nutrition plan, makes the skin more elastic. Vitamins and minerals affect the body as a whole, which is reflected in the appearance of a person (especially useful for facial skin).

Refusal of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, uncontrolled portions of caffeine) is one of the prerequisites for improving the skin and body as a whole. It is worth remembering that nicotine, alcohol and coffee greatly and ahead of time age the skin, change its healthy color to gray and lifeless.

Properly selected care helps to make the tone smoother and the covers cleaner. For urban residents, the biggest problem is the lack of truly clean tap water. Usually it is spoiled by various impurities that adversely affect the condition of the skin. Therefore, for washing it is recommended to use thermal or bottled water without gas.

How high-quality and suitable decorative cosmetics are used for makeup also depends on how clean and fresh the skin of the face will remain for a long time. And, of course, do not forget that "everything is good in moderation", including the amount of this very cosmetics.

Cleansing and moisturizing the skin

Modern girls and women most often limit skin care to just buying a cream and some kind of lotion, forgetting about the two elementary rules of a healthy epithelium: cleansing and moisturizing. There are a number of simple steps that aim to do just that. And most importantly - do not take much time.

1. Firstly, it is enough to cleanse the dermis twice a day with low-fat kefir or lotion, the composition of which is as natural as possible. The product is applied to a cotton swab, then to the entire face, excluding the area around the eyes. When the composition is slightly absorbed (10-15 seconds), all fats, clogging of pores, impurities will begin to soften. After that, they are easy to remove with wet cotton pads. So that the product does not linger on the skin itself, does not make it tight and dry, it is washed off with weak tea leaves or chamomile infusion.

2. Secondly, you can improve the condition of the skin of the face and even make it perfect with the help of a regular and inexpensive baby cream that moisturizes and nourishes without causing irritation. It does not need to be applied in a thick layer, a small amount is enough, carefully massaged into the epithelium in a circular motion.

Of course, you can buy a cream that suits a certain type of skin, but most industrial products do not contain the most useful substances in the composition. In addition, there is no guarantee that it will really fit, will not cause irritation or allergies.

Olive oil is also good as a moisturizer, which is desirable to apply at night, as it is absorbed for a long time. A perfectly smooth face is achieved through the simple use of this affordable and natural remedy: first you need to wash your face with clean water, then lubricate the skin with oil in a thin layer. With this method, a greasy film on the skin will not be felt, which means that there will be no discomfort.

Olive oil has long been used by women as a skin care product, as it is a source of antioxidants and vitamins. For a person whose skin suffers from a lack of sun and trace elements, such a simple but effective moisturizing is very important.

3. Thirdly, you need to drink more fluids during the day. Water is the main component of the human body, so it is important to maintain its amount in the cells and in the skin. The more fluid you drink, the more vibrant your skin will look.

Home peels and masks

Despite the rich selection of industrial masks and peels, it is worth taking care of your face at least once a week with the help of home remedies. This way you will know for sure that natural ingredients are being used. And a fresh and disposable mask will have a deeper and more thorough effect than a long-term remedy due to preservatives. To get perfectly clear skin in just a week, try some simple and affordable skin care recipes.


Oatmeal flakes crushed in a blender are poured with warm water so that a homogeneous thick slurry is formed. It is applied to the skin with light massaging movements, starting from the forehead to the chin and décolleté. Wash off the gruel with the same movements using a cotton pad dipped in water. After the mask, a nourishing cream or olive oil can be applied to the skin. Applying such an oatmeal peel for seven days, it is possible to completely get rid of acne, blackheads and fine age wrinkles.

pomegranate seeds

Such a nourishing scrub mask is especially relevant in the winter. Firstly, it is at this time of the year that pomegranates are the most ripe and natural. Secondly, it is ideal as a moisturizer and protector for weakened and dull skin. Pomegranate seeds (half a handful) are crushed in a blender, mixed with half a small spoonful of honey and a large spoonful of orange pulp. The resulting mixture is applied with trampling movements on the skin (with the exception of the area around the eyes) for 10 minutes. You can use the scrub mask every day. In a week, the color will even out, the pores will become cleaner, and problematic rashes will disappear. The tool is not recommended for those who are allergic to at least one of the components.

Kefir and rice

This homemade mask has no contraindications. Rice grains are crushed (not into dust), mixed with a tablespoon of low-fat kefir, then applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. You can wash it off with running water or a suitable lotion. Such a simple combination of ingredients refreshes the skin well, nourishes it, prevents acne and rashes. Mimic wrinkles are smoothed, provided that the mask is applied at least 2 times a week.

For many, the ideal is clean, healthy, radiant facial skin. To achieve such a result is not at all difficult, as one might think. It is enough to fill in a few simple recommendations:

  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to lubricate the skin with a protective and nourishing cream. The oily film will protect the skin from the negative effects of the components of cosmetics.
  • Touching your face less with your hands: a mass of bacteria often accumulates on the fingers, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, begin to multiply. Scraping and rubbing your face with your hands without special need is not worth it: the integrity of the covers is violated.
  • Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads on the skin. This is the simplest advice that many neglect. The more mechanical influence on the inflammatory processes of the skin, the faster they progress. It is more expedient to choose a good remedy for treatment and prevention.
  • To even out the tone of the face and make it perfect, it is advisable to pay attention to creams and lotions that contain retinol. It rejuvenates and heals the skin, makes the color more even and more pleasant.
  • Before you make your skin perfect, pay attention to your diet. The less preservatives and unhealthy foods you eat, the healthier you feel and, therefore, look. Cut down on sugary and fatty foods. These foods can cause a rash that first appears on the face. Excessive sugar in the diet causes acne and blackheads, not to mention extra pounds.
  • Protect your skin from direct sunlight. The better the face is protected, the longer it remains young and beautiful. The sun, despite some of its usefulness, ages and dries the skin.

Daily care, which takes only 10 minutes, will make the face young, fresh and clean. What else do you need for perfect skin?

One of the most important rules for facial skin care is morning and evening water procedures (washing). Throughout the day, dust, harmful bacteria, germs and toxins settle on the face. All this is mixed with cosmetics. As a result - completely clogged pores of the face and regular inflammation in the form of acne. To minimize this risk, wash your face with a mild cleanser, such as a gel or foam. Dry your face with a clean or disposable towel.

You don't need to pop pimples on your face. It is important to know that each squeezed pimple can leave a scar or scar. Such methods to make the skin beautiful and smooth, of course, will not work.

It is useful in the morning and evening to wipe the skin of the face with a cosmetic cotton pad moistened with a special lotion, selected for the appropriate skin type. But in this case, you can resort to the use of folk remedies by preparing a cucumber-milk mixture. To do this, fresh cucumber cut into pieces is poured with a glass of warm milk, after which it is infused for half an hour, and then filtered. Cucumber juice is a natural lotion that gently cleanses and tightens pores on the face. This product is suitable for cleansing dry and normal skin.

With the help of various scrubs, you can quite effectively cleanse the skin of the face from dead cells. Such cleansing will speed up the process of its regeneration and make the skin smoother. The most common cleanser is the so-called coffee scrub. Coffee grounds are diluted with a small amount of olive oil and applied to the face with massage movements. The duration of the procedure is five minutes. After that, the mixture is washed off, and a moisturizer is applied to the face. Using a scrub more than once a week is undesirable.

For the beauty of the skin, you need to drink about nine glasses of purified water daily. It is best to do this in the morning. This will help maintain the water balance in the skin cells, making it attractive.

To make the skin of the face smoother and velvety, you can apply various masks, such as banana-milk. Puree prepared with these ingredients is evenly applied to the face and left in this form for half an hour. A mask made from honey and egg white has the same effect. In addition to smoothness, a protein-honey mask can also even out skin color.

For people with oily skin, a special mask made from lemon, grapes and egg yolk will help to achieve its smoothness. Lemon juice will cleanse and whiten the skin, yolk will nourish it, and grape juice will make it softer. For people with dry skin, a mask of olive oil, lemon and honey will help achieve a smooth effect. These mixtures are kept on the face for ten minutes, after which they are washed off with cold water. All of the above masks can be done several times a week.

If there are scars or scars on the face, then you can try to remove them with finely chopped raw potatoes. For this procedure, potato gruel should be kept on the face for a quarter of an hour, after which it should be washed off with cold water.

For the beauty of the skin, proper nutrition of a person is of no small importance. Food should be rich in vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. In addition, when caring for the skin of the face, it is necessary to resort to certain physical exercises: constant muscle activity helps to remove harmful toxins from the body, saturating it with oxygen.

Many girls and women want to know how to make their face clean and perfectly smooth. Each representative of the fair sex takes care of her appearance.

Healthy skin is characterized by the absence of deep wrinkles., spider veins, age spots. Her tone is even, and she shines with health.

To make your face clean and properly care for it, you need to determine your skin type:

To make your face clean and smooth, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Thorough daily care and cleansing.
  2. The use of professional cosmetics (they are selected strictly for your skin type).
  3. Nutrition is balanced, the diet includes foods enriched with nutrients and vitamins.
  4. Complete rest at night.
  5. Thorough protection from severe frost and the scorching sun.
  6. Outdoor sports, taking a contrast shower.

note! No need to mask problem areas with powder or foundation.

It is important to take care of daily thorough skin care. You need to rethink your lifestyle and diet.

How to make skin without acne and white at home?

Masks and products will help to make the skin of the face white which can be easily prepared at home. With regular use, it will become even and perfectly smooth.

Parsley mask

This is an excellent whitening agent that promotes additional toning.. To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze the parsley juice or use the whole plant, including roots, leaves, stems.

First, it is thoroughly washed, dried and finely ground. The finished mixture is applied in a thick layer on the entire face. The exposure time is 40 minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm water.

To remove freckles, and unwanted age spots, you must regularly wipe your face with lemon juice and finely chopped parsley in the same proportion.

Thanks to this care, the complexion becomes even. For the most effective result, the procedure is repeated in the morning and evening every day.

Parsley juice is suitable for toning the skin of the face. To do this, the plant is carefully crushed, filtered and poured into a small container.

Twice a day in the morning and evening, you need to wipe the skin with this natural remedy. The face is pre-cleansed so that it does not leave foundation or make-up residue.

You can put parsley juice in the freezer to make ice cubes. To prepare such a cosmetic, take chopped parsley and add a little water.

It is not necessary to strain the mixture. They are good to wipe the entire face and décolleté. With regular use, you can make your skin clear and supple.

cucumber mask

To prepare the mask, take only the juice of fresh cucumber. It has an excellent brightening effect, hides freckles, refreshes and makes the skin rejuvenated.

Lemon juice is added to the cucumber mask. To prepare a cosmetic, take a fresh cucumber, grind it, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and sour cream.

The finished mass is applied to the face in a fairly thick layer. The exposure time is no more than 25 minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature.

Berry face whitening mask

At home, you can make nourishing and whitening masks based on berries. They contain a huge amount of organic or fruit acid, which has found its wide application in cosmetology.

With regular use, you can whiten your face and make it beautiful.

To prepare masks, you can take different berries - strawberries, strawberries, black currants, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, viburnum. The seeds of the fruit can be finely chopped and added to a body scrub.

Important! You can not use berries that can color the skin in an undesirable shade (mulberry, blueberry).

Methods for preparing a nourishing and whitening mask:

  1. In the first version, 100 grams of different berries are taken to prepare the mask., soften and squeeze the juice.

    They are abundantly saturated with gauze and applied to the face for 15 minutes. After that, you can wash your face with warm water.

  2. 100 grams of berries are thoroughly crushed until a homogeneous consistency is formed.. Add a tablespoon of honey (preferably liquid) to the finished mixture and apply a mask for 20 minutes.

    It is washed off with running water at room temperature.

Such masks can be done 2-3 times a week, but not more often, so as not to harm the skin.

We make a beautiful and even face with our own hands

To quickly even out the complexion, you need to use cosmetics. It is important to take responsibility for the choice of cosmetics. They should fit the type of face and be of high quality.

  1. The skin of the face is rubbed with an ice cube from black tea. It can be replaced with other decoctions based on medicinal herbs.

    After such a tonic, the skin becomes elastic, small pimples and spots disappear.

  2. Facial skin dries out naturally.
  3. The skin is then treated with foundation.. It is important to choose the right shade so that there are no sharp transitions.

    You need to move from the central part of the face to the edges. Foundation is applied to the face, neck and décolleté.

  4. Concealer helps hide small pimples, wrinkles, as well as other imperfections on the face. Choose a cosmetic product a tone lighter than the foundation.
  5. Next, powder is applied to the face with a powder puff or a special brush.. It is important not to overdo it so as not to get the effect of a plaster mask.

In order for the skin to become healthy, smooth, even, it is necessary to lead the right lifestyle. A rash on the face often occurs after the abuse of smoked and fried foods, sweets.

Daily Care should include cleansing procedures, moisturizing, nutrition.

Useful video

How to make the face smooth, or rather, how to make the skin of the face smooth and toned, is of interest to all the fair sex without exception. Perhaps they escort us through the mind, but they meet us exactly paying attention to other aspects. Every woman is a goddess, and I want to keep this feeling in myself until the most advanced years. Let's talk about what skin care methods exist that will help us always look great.

When answering the question “How to make your face smooth”, first of all determine what type of skin you have. Peeling and allergic reactions often appear on dry skin; when washing with water, there is a feeling of tightness. Oily skin shows shine, enlarged pores, blackheads and acne. Mixed skin combines the features of the first two descriptions on different parts of the face. Normal skin is almost a myth; only healthy people have smooth and elastic skin. By the way, think about it, maybe you should pay attention to your health, and your skin will automatically return to normal. Once you've decided on your skin type, you can start developing a plan for smoothing your face. The first item on this plan will be cleansing. The daily routine includes care with organic natural products. If you have oily skin, then rubbing your face with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or other natural herbs will help you refresh your skin and narrow your pores. Wash off with cool water. For dry skin, warm water, milk, decoction of chamomile and currant leaves are suitable. Do not rub your skin with a towel after washing! Just get a little wet. Combination skin requires individual care for each area and, accordingly, the use of products for both skin types. Normal skin does not require special care, it is enough to use herbal decoction for washing. As a daily moisturizer after washing for dry skin, olive or coconut oil is perfect, for oily skin, you can use citrus juice. There are also many recipes for making homemade creams from natural products. Daily use of such mixtures is the best way to make your face smooth. Be sure to exfoliate your skin once a week. Natural mixtures are excellent cleansers. Coffee grounds with honey will delight oily skin, sugar with olive oil will moisturize dry skin, and milk with almonds is suitable for combination skin. Gently apply the resulting mass, rubbing it into the skin of the face, along the massage lines for 1-2 minutes. Then rinse with water that suits the temperature of your skin type. After using the scrub, apply a mask to cleansed skin. Owners of dry skin are perfect honey-milk mask. If you add egg yolk to it, the mask will become more nutritious. If you have oily skin: Beat an egg white and add crushed sorrel leaves (or crushed lemon peel) to it. For normal skin, a mixture of fatty cottage cheese and liquid honey is suitable. Remember about massage - this is a great way to make your face smooth. Apply the cream on the face, place the fingertips in the middle of the forehead parallel to the eyebrows and move smoothly towards the temples. Similarly, massage the rest of the massage lines: from the bridge of the nose to the outer part of the ear, from the middle of the nose to the middle of the ear, from the chin along the edge of the face to the earlobe. Around the eyes, massage should be acupressure, the skin should not be stretched in any case! Stay in the area of ​​"crow's feet", make tapping circular motions with your fingertips. Another tip on how to make your face smooth: use only organic cosmetics. There are so many options on the market right now, you can choose the one that suits you best. Be sure to check that the packaging of the product you buy is labeled with EcoCert, BDIH, etc. Buy the product in specialized stores.

One of the most effective ways to make your face smooth is a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, fresh air and good mood prolong the youth and health of the whole body, respectively, and facial skin.