How to build a harmonious relationship with a man. Happy family: how to build a relationship with your husband

What is the main difference between couples that are inlove relationshipsand stay together for a long time (or even a lifetime) from those that quickly break up?

You can say that the first trite lucky to meet a kindred spirit.But I don't think it's all about luck. It's about the so-called "intimacy".

This is the first time I have emphasized this concept so actively. What does it really mean for men?

Intimacy is the foundation of stronglove relationships

Intimacy doesn't just mean sex. It is an illusion to think that every sex with a woman carries "intimacy" for a man.

True intimacy extends far beyond sexual relationships. It is based on a deep personal connection between two people.

Long-term intimacy includes the ability to understand your partner, accept him with all his flaws and oddities. Simply put, if you chose this man, then he attracted you with something, and you accepted it in him.

When couples say that the reason for their separation was the lack of a “spark” in a relationship, as a rule, they lacked precisely this - real closeness, which is based on trust, acceptance, admiration and the ability to see best friend in a friend.

Yes, these simple words are the foundation of this "intimacy" between a man and a woman.If you want yourlove relationshipwere strong and long-term, you will have to work hard on its formation.

So, what do you think usually gets in the way of deep intimacy in a couple?How to start tearing down the walls of your shelllove relationshipkept at arm's length?

So that you do not have to puzzle over these questions, I have prepared some tips based on the experience of hundreds of personal consultations.

So, happy couples that create intimacy in theirlove relationships, achieve this thanks to the following 9 rules.

  1. Full disclosure to your partner

Opening up or often misunderstood as a weakness. In fact, everything is not so.

Yes, at that moment you will feel vulnerable. But when you show your partner your vulnerability, it is perceived by him as a sign of trust in him. So you secretly tell a man that you are open to him. And in this case, you act like a woman.

If there really is “the one” next to you, he will accept you for who you are and will provide all kinds of support. Even more, he will thank you for being so frank.

Thus,love relationshiprise to new level on which there is trust, respect and understanding.

Vulnerability is the willingness to be the first to say “I love you” without expecting a similar response. It is a decision to invest wholeheartedly in a relationship where there are no guarantees. Where you can be easily hurt.

Vulnerability is asking for help, talking about your needs and experiences, instead of keeping everything to yourself. It is to be tender, weak, to be a girl, a woman.

  1. play like children

Love relationship, in which there are game elements, tend to be happy, strong and durable.

"Serious" relationships that are marked by a 40-hour work week, loans, taxes and other "adult" problems are more prone to decay.

Why does playfulness keep couples together? Maybe because the game takes us back to that carefree time - to childhood, in which there were no problems. The game allows you to relax and stop straining each other.

As strange as it sounds, when we allow ourselves to be relaxed, we become "real". We focus entirely on the joyful moments. And it brings us closer. Doeslove relationshipcloser, more intimate.

It does not matter what games you play with your lover: board games, with a ball in nature, tennis, role-playing games in the bedroom. It is important that at this moment you open up to him. And he is in front of you.

This moment of revelation is a kind of sacrament, your “secret for two”, which strengthens and, most importantly, prolongs yourlove relationship.

  1. be generous

generosity in love relationshipsshows a willingness to give just like that, and not in order to receive something in return. To give pleasure and happiness to your partner. Believe me, a man is pleased with your acceptance of his generosity.

Generosity is also expressed in the willingness to forgive him when he offends you, and sincerely ask for forgiveness when you offend.

Be generous with yourlove relationships. Give him your recognition, admiration, smile, joy. And your man will certainly thank you for it.

  1. Surprise each other

Surprises can breathe life into even the most "withered" relationship . They can create truly magical moments that become a sip fresh air for those who are mired in everyday life and have already begun to forget why they live with their partner.

At the beginninglove relationshipsall dates, conversations and games in the bedroom are full of surprise. Every day you learn about your partner more and more new things.

But over time, this light tends to die out if you do not deliberately take care of “throwing firewood” into it.

They still enjoy seeing joy and admiration in the eyes of a loved one. And this is one of the factors that keep them together.

Sometimes small pleasures are enough. For example, a gourmet dinner (cooked by you!) by candlelight, a surprise party for his birthday, or buying tickets for a football match.

Add the task of surprising your loved one to your weekly checklist and you will be amazed at how much it will bring you closer each time.

  1. Make time to be together

Work, household issues, raising children, books, series, social media- all this takes a lot of time. This sprays the attention of partners, especially those who have been together for a long time.

If you are all in work, affairs and cannot refuse them yet, try to allocate the maximum amount of time and attention to your man. Otherwise .

You can write him nice sms when you are at work. Send your beautiful pictures. And when you stay nearby, forget about things at work, girlfriends and male colleagues or familiar men forever.

  1. Make physical contact

Touch has the ability to change mood, express feelings, give pleasure. Are you sick today? Lie on your lover's lap, talk about your feelings, or just be quiet while he strokes your head.

He returned from work extremely excited, dissatisfied with the requirements of his boss? Help him calm down. Take a foot massage, for example. Embrace. Kisses.

A chain of such actions can awaken in you and your partner a completely natural desire to have sex. Passion, which awakens during sex, destroys the walls of misunderstanding.

  1. Appreciate your love for a man

There is a lot of confusion going on in life that can affectlove relationship within a couple.

Imagine that someone maliciously spreads rumors about you or your lover. For example, girlfriends actively gossip that he has love affair at work At work. Believe it or not?

Here everyone decides for himself. But think about who you trust more?Is your doubt worth the risk you might expose your relationship ? Is this a good enough reason to destroy them? You have to fight for your happiness. In fact, it should be appreciated.

Moreover, there are not always enemies who are trying to interfere with your happy future. Sometimes you have to work on yourself.

  1. shared dream

The goal that both partners want to achieve unites because it requires mutual understanding and mutual support.

As a result, "you" and "he" cease to exist. “We” is formed, which is an expression of your general opinion, yourlove relationships.

I am not saying that you must have far-sighted plans (for example, save up money and build a summer house). It can be something completely insignificant (a desire to spend a weekend together, to try something for the first time together, a joint hobby).

It is important that both partners want this. And it will definitely bring you closer and strengthen relationship .

  1. Honor yourlove relationship

I'm not talking about respect for each other's feelings (this was already discussed a little higher), but about actually putting the relationship with a partner on a pedestal. Even more accurately, recognize your man as number 1.

And remember: everything that happens between you and your man concerns only the two of you. It is not necessary to tell in detail about everything to your relatives, friends and acquaintances. Usually, this can only hurt your relationship.

By telling, you violate the principle of mutual trust, which is necessary for maintaining intimacy with a loved one. Your partner will be immensely grateful to you if you discuss everything that worries you in your relationship only with him.

Summing up

Any relationship, even ideal (as it sometimes seems from the outside), needs both partners to make certain efforts to strengthen and preserve them. And this process cannot go according to plan. The rules I have listed are just guidelines.

You are in charge of your life andlove relationship. You can listen to my advice, but you will have to make important decisions on your own.

Yes, you will often hurt each other. Both of you will make mistakes that you will regret. But you do learn from mistakes. That's the only way you can .

With faith in you

Yaroslav Samoilov

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Ideal relationship. Fiction or reality? Each of us dreams of fairy tales in a relationship. But it doesn't always work out. The question arises why? This is because it is difficult for a woman to understand male psychology. You need to understand that the worldview of men and women is different. Relationships cannot be built on the basis of patterns. So how do we women learn to understand men?

1 A woman must be a mystery!
Every man wants to have such a woman next to him, whom he wanted to comprehend every new day, as the most incomprehensible secret. So that she, with her actions, constantly surprised him. After all, a man is a hunter by nature and it gives him great pleasure to conquer a woman like a fortress. But you shouldn’t go too far with inaccessibility, because then a man can simply spread to another. 2 The foundation of a relationship is trust!
Very often, girls make one mistake that breaks all relationships. Namely, they look for some kind of guy in any words secret meaning. The question is why? After all, as a rule, guys are straight people like rails, what they think is what they say. So that your relationship does not fall apart, leave your young man some personal space. It's not bad that he will have his own thoughts, secrets. If necessary, he will share with you. 3 Respect for his interests
Opposites attract and that's great. This means that one of the basic principles of mutual relations is respect for each other's interests. A man will not stop loving you if some time is his personal, he will spend on favorite hobby. You like shopping and gossiping with your girlfriends, but he likes the computer and hanging out with friends over a glass of beer. No one can forbid anyone to communicate with other people. So try to find common ground. 4 Speak more often
A man is very sad when he does not find topics for a conversation with you. After all, he wants to find in your face, in addition to his wife, also a friend. Yes and in family life talk, oh how useful. All omissions to be explained on early stages and you can avoid many scandals. 5 Be wise
Show the man that he is in charge of your relationship, but at the same time, do not lose your face. Be the neck that leads the head. 6 Be a woman
Partially, this point follows from point No. 1. If a woman is like that proverb “I am a horse and I am a bull, I am a woman and a man,” then the man will sit on her neck and hang her legs. Share responsibilities when asking for help, make it interesting, like purr like a kitten. A man likes to feel courageous and strong next to you. 7 Pay attention to yourself
Every man wants to see next to him a sweet and attractive girl. After all, the brain of many men works in such a way that: since she takes care of herself, it means that she will be a good hostess. But this is one of essential principles girl's choice. After all, in principle, to look attractive, you don’t need much work. Just try not to upset yourself and your young man.

And in conclusion of the above, I would like to add that it is possible to achieve harmony in relations only together. Relationships need to be worked on long and productively. It is impossible to build them alone. Smile at each other more often. After all, a smile is a small happiness. Try to find something new in your loved one every day. And then every day of your relationship will be like a small holiday.

Surprise, inspire your loved one to new achievements and he will answer you in the same way.

Transfer Useful Evening and the theme of the issue How to build a relationship with a man and the path to women's happiness.

When the main goal is achieved, the woman begins to shine from the inside, and everything turns out well for her. After all, only when lined up normal relationship with a man, a woman can feel truly happy.

But, unfortunately, not all women can solve this problem successfully. For many of them, a relationship with a man is a real problem. Find out more details in the video:

TOP 9 recommendations to make it easier for girls to build relationships with guys

  1. Don't try to rush things. Haste is not an option. Building strong relationship behind short term impossible. It takes a lot of time. If you rush things, you can frighten off your partner. After all, men usually need more time to open up and take decisive action. Take it for granted and stop pushing him.
  2. Be weak. Men are conquerors and protectors. They are very pleased to feel that they are strong and brave, and you need their protection. Therefore, do not be afraid to look weak, but rather tell your sweetheart more often about your fears, about problems with colleagues, that you can’t cope with something. Let the man comfort you and pity you. Do not solve all issues on your own, trust your man, and assign some responsibilities to him.
  3. Away with ideals. Women love to come up with an ideal partner - a prince, and then remake their man under this image. It is important to understand that ideal people does not exist, as well as princes. Do not suppress your loved one with your discontent and nit-picking. Each person is beautiful in their own way, appreciate it. And if you can’t put up with it, then it’s just not your person. Learn to accept your lover for who they really are. And then, he himself will begin to change into better side for you.
  4. Let a man provide for you. Men are breadwinners and breadwinners. When a man begins to doubt his ability to provide for you and his family, then his ego suffers. The partner may withdraw into himself and become depressed. A woman must create the necessary conditions in which there will be no place for humiliation and depressive state her companion. Your goal is to inspire your partner to independent accomplishments. Become a muse for him, and under any circumstances, remain a true woman.
  5. Be happy. Any man wants to connect his life with a joyful, smiling and good girl. But with a woman who is not happy with everything, always depressed and complains about life, he is unlikely to want to communicate for a long time. Remember: like attracts like. So fall in love with yourself, start enjoying life. And then your partner will take over your mood, and will begin to reach out to you. Thus, you will create a happy and harmonious couple.
  6. Down with scheduled sex. Sex is pleasure, and pleasure on a schedule is already boring. sex plays important role in relationships with the opposite sex. During lovemaking, a couple can become significantly closer, open up to each other, and tell something that they would hardly have told in person. normal conversation. Therefore, do not dose sex, do not limit it, do it when and where you want. The main thing in a relationship is to satisfy your sexual desires and enjoy it.
  7. Praise your partner. A man will be happy if you recognize him as the head of the family. Tell your partner more often that he is the best, that you are proud of him,. Do not spare couples to praise him. Sincerely admire him when he did something significant for you. He will shine from this, and be proud of himself. Do not forget to praise your loved one in the company of friends or relatives. Then he will begin to appreciate you even more, and will be immensely grateful to you.
  8. Be faithful to your partner. Always remain faithful to your companion, even if you are in a quarrel. And this also applies to life situations: do not tell everyone that the partner was wrong or wrong about something. Do not take out quarrels in public, and do not betray him in this way. Always be there no matter what. Support your loved one, even when you think that he will not be able to do something. Soon you will find that your loved one is ready for anything for you, because you really believed in him.
  9. Listen to your intuition. Only your heart can determine what you really need. Only it knows the answers to all questions. Therefore, listen to him more often, and not to the opinions of others. If you feel that your man, then do everything to be with him. Even quarrels are not a hindrance. Well, what if inner voice says that something is wrong and much does not suit you, then run away from him. After all, relationships should bring only happy emotions.

How to build a serious, strong and harmonious relationship with a man - 8 tips

In order for relationships with men to be not only passionate, but serious and strong, you must always take care of inner harmony in relationships.

Use these tips to keep your relationship happy and harmonious:

  1. Respect each other. Relationships built on mutual respect are the longest and strongest. Respect must be present in everything: in desires, preferences, tastes and opinions. Respect your partner both as a person and as a man.
  2. Learn to understand. Falling in love and euphoria pass, and after these wonderful feelings you must have an understanding of the chosen one. Understanding should be shown in relation to his actions, deeds. When you begin to understand your partner, you will always be comfortable together. And you will complement each other.
  3. Support your partner. Support has always come first in a strong relationship. Even if your chosen one seems strong enough to you, believe me, support will always be vital for him. Support your loved one even in small things, absolutely in any situation.
  4. Trust. Trust is another important component of any harmonious relationship. Without trust, relationships will turn into chaos. Trust your loved one, because it is your personal choice. try to believe him. And then, he will certainly meet all your expectations.
  5. Show care. Men are like children, they really need women's care. Ask him how the day went, what he is worried about, how he feels, feed him, make sure that his clothes are always clean and tidy. He will definitely appreciate your care and reward you.
  6. Create comfort and coziness. It is the girl who is the keeper of the hearth. The weather in the house and the microclimate in the relationship depend on it. A woman should be able to create such comfortable conditions in the house, in everyday life, so that her man always hurries home. In turn, the man will create all the necessary conditions for the woman, you will not need anything, and always.
  7. Diversify your leisure time. In order not to make relationships boring and routine, dilute them with interesting leisure activities. Go together to the cinema, to cafes, to picnics, just for walks. Prepare an exotic dish for your beloved, come up with a joint game with him. Bring variety to intimate life. And then your relationship will sparkle with new colors.
  8. Romance. This is the most important component of a strong and happy relationship. It is romance that can bring tenderness, trepidation into relationships, it is at such moments that we forget all quarrels, all negativity, and begin to understand that we are very comfortable with our soulmate. Therefore, try to bring as many romantic moments as possible into your relationships, but at the same time do not make them too cloying and airy.

How to build a relationship with a divorced man

Quite often, girls are afraid to build relationships with divorced men. They just don't know how to do it right. Yes, it is much more difficult to build relationships with such men than with those who have never been married.

The main thing here is to understand and accept one fact - a divorced man will not particularly gravitate towards too serious relationships right away. Therefore, in no case, do not put pressure on him, do not seek to immediately start talking about life together and about marriage. Proceed carefully from afar.

It is necessary to be quite careful in winning his heart. And only when he feels really good and calm with you, when he realizes that you are the one he has been looking for for so long, then you can try to talk to him about the wedding. At the same time, it is necessary to speak frankly with him, and in a sincere conversation find out the reason for his divorce. Thus, you will prevent a possible repetition of this situation with you.

How to build a relationship with a married man

Relationship with married man usually passionate, but complex. After all, a woman is always in limbo: she cannot be sure of the duration of such a relationship, a man often gives her only a little time, he can break loose and leave at any moment. According to statistics, such relationships are not promising. So you need to weigh the pros and cons before engaging in a relationship with a married man.

If a woman nevertheless decided on a relationship with married man, you must be realistic and understand that such relationships can end quite abruptly.

You must adhere to the following tips:

  • Do not criticize or blame your partner's wife
  • Do not abuse whims and moralizing.
  • Do not put pressure on your partner, do not demand a divorce. It is very dangerous to put him before a choice. A man must make his own choice.
  • More often show your tenderness for him, talk about feelings, and give amazing intimacy.
  • Don't force yourself in any way. Do not keep a man near you. He himself should want to be with you, and you should try to create an appropriate atmosphere for this: tenderness, comfort, and harmony.
  • Be patient. When a girl waits patiently, stepping aside, the man accepts the choice much faster. And most often the choice stops in favor of this most patient and understanding woman.

Only when a man realizes for himself that he is very good and calm with you, that he is happy only when you are around, only then can you count on something serious.

Why is it impossible to build relationships with men

It happens, it happens that a woman is both beautiful and smart, but it’s impossible to build relationships with men. There can be many reasons, but the main ones are:

  • Generic negative attitudes, not really good example parents. It is important to understand here that all people are individual, and situations are different for everyone. You can do much better than your family.
  • You have too high demands on men. Be kind to yourself and men. Let go of the situation, and more often give free rein to feelings, not reason.
  • The woman takes on the role of the man. Men are put off by this. They need to make their own decisions. Be a woman: weak, defenseless and tender.
  • Don't idealize your partner. Do not attribute to him the desired qualities, so that later you yourself will not be disappointed in them. Accept him the way he is.
  • You underestimate yourself. Love yourself. Become self-confident. Find a hobby that will bring you joy. And smile more often.

But it happens that a woman cannot build happy relationship because the man is simply not her person.

Men with whom it is simply impossible to build a happy relationship:

  • despotic tyrants;
  • gigolos;
  • womanizers;
  • irresponsible egoists;
  • alcoholics.

If a woman connected her fate with such a man, then best advice- it is to run away from him rather, towards your happiness.

And most importantly, don't focus on negative experience. Remember everything has its time. Sincerely enjoy yourself and your life, and soon everything will work out for you.

TOP 5 books on the psychology of relationships

And in order to better understand men, you need to start understanding male psychology and relationship psychology. To do this, we recommend reading the following books:

  1. Robert Johnson We. Deep Aspects of Romantic Love"
  2. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
  3. Michael Matteo "The Tasty and Healthy Relationship Book"
  4. Tina Tessina, Riley Smith "How to live in a couple and stay free"
  5. Andrey Zberovsky "13 ways to overcome the crisis of love relationships"

We are always tempted to build life according to a certain plan. In life together, meetings and first dates, the question is always tormenting - how to build relationships. More often Life is going on our way, and not in the way we plan. If we understand in time what is changing and how, then it is possible that we can avoid disappointment and mistakes.

How to build a relationship with a man - women's secrets

The state of being in love allows us to soar in the clouds, build castles in the air and not notice the obvious. Even a loved one, we can endow with traits that he never had. This is one of the common pitfalls that lies in wait for us on the path to becoming a serious relationship.

The relationship between two people is a set of certain qualities, skills, opinions, worldviews, mutual understanding of each person, which, when combined, can give, as positive result, as well as negative.

It all depends on the ability to properly build relationships. And if all this coincides, then we can say with confidence that they will only be successful.

Naturally, the similarity in outlook on life only has a positive effect on the relationship between two people. However, knowledge of all the qualities of a person’s personality is simply necessary for normal communication and building future family. After all, knowing only interests, one cannot even think about further relations.

But we will no longer delve into the jungle of psychology, but we will try to reveal to you the essence of how to build relationships.

How to build strong relationships with a man

It is impossible to say unequivocally how to do this. The right relationship with a man is one that will lead in the future to happy life And strong family. How to build harmonious relationship+ with a man? How not to make a mistake when choosing a life partner?

So that the relationship between a woman and a man does not bring disappointment, a woman first needs to understand what exactly she wants from him.

Undoubtedly, most women around the world dream that her relationship with a man is ideal, correct. Everyone dreams, but not everyone manages to achieve this. And then many decide to put up with the shortcomings of a partner, just not to be left alone.

If you want harmony in your relationship, do not forget, take care of each other and support not only in joyful, but also in sad moments. Be honest with your lover!

If you dream of building right relationship with your beloved, then start working on yourself first, try to become better.

Accept your loved one as he is with all his advantages and disadvantages. To build a harmonious relationship, never try to remake it, adjust it for yourself, because there are no ideal people.

Do not be afraid to take the initiative - there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, it is much better than for a long time to wait for something, and end up with nothing. Long gone are the days when the initiative was offered exclusively by individuals of the opposite sex.

Do you want to build a relationship with a man? Never interfere in your joint problems with your mother and your girlfriends, as these are only your personal problems and only you can make the final decisions. right decisions.

Try to spend time together more often: go to the cinema, the theater more often, walk in the park, because all this brings people together perfectly. And you can also find some common hobby that you can do together.

Make your man nice sometimes romantic gifts, souvenirs and surprises. Men don't like it fewer women.

To build warm relationship, compliment your young man more often, pleasant words, words of love.

Do not quarrel and do not scandal with your loved one. But if a quarrel did occur, then try to make peace as soon as possible: just go up to him, hug him, and everything will be settled.

Be sure to show your loved one what a wonderful hostess you are, because a man probably looks at you as a potential future wife and mother of his children.

And most importantly, always remember that in a relationship between a man and a woman, the main thing is understanding, respect and love. Always remember this, and the question of how to build the right relationship with a man will no longer bother you.

How are relationships between men and women

Do not hurry!

You should not see the guy you are dating as a potential groom. Your questions about his plans for life, and other provocative questions they can just scare him away and you will not be able to build a relationship with a man. And it’s not at all that you are not a “hunter for grooms”.

Frightened by your violent onslaught, the guy simply will not be able to see your true qualities. Sincerity, kindness, tenderness and other virtues. Just try to communicate, get to know each other better. It is possible that in the future you will have a strong and reliable family with a bunch of kids. Do not hurry. Everything has its time.

In more adulthood the concept of how to build relationships has a completely different meaning. Priorities, tastes and habits are changing. Each of the partners has their own views on life, their past and present.

Do not headlong to strive to start living together. It is possible that getting to know each other's habits better, you do not want to at all. And the irritation that has arisen can be replaced by disappointment that "all men are their own ...". And this is to blame for the haste and the desire to prove something.

Do not meet often and call. Especially at the beginning of your relationship. This can get boring quickly (it all depends on personal qualities the person himself). Better rarely, but productively. Meetings should be no more than 2 times a week. So you check your feelings for each other;

To build the right relationship, do not rush things. Rapid and drastic changes in your life can be detrimental. The reason is that it is impossible to get to know each other well in a short period of time. And this is the most important thing for further life together.

The second is the feelings that overwhelm you for another person, do not allow you to work normally and adequately look at everything that happens. Cases are abandoned, they accumulate more and more, and after that it is very difficult to sort it all out.

Thirdly, it is very exhausting, both mentally and physically. Such a quick turn of events can completely destroy all your feelings. As they say, a person burns out.

Be prepared to compromise

There is no need to bare your soul with complaints about past failures and a broken life. Losers are pitied, but not loved. Remain a secret for your chosen one. The more you blame your partner for negativity, the less likely you are to build a reliable relationship.

Do not quarrel over trifles. Try to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation. Never lie and make it clear that you will never understand or accept deceit. Take more time sexual intimacy.

Try not to criticize or try to change each other. If you feel support in your partner, this is the most best sign the seriousness of your relationship.

To build a relationship with a man, it is very important to behave respectfully towards a partner, not only in dealing with him, but also in dealing with other people. You should always decisively stop attempts to humiliate and insult your partner. With this behavior, you can not only raise your authority, but also the authority of your chosen one. Stay away from gossip and evil tongues. Take care of your happiness and don't let anyone destroy it.

Do right choice

Do not build a relationship with a person who is burdened big problems than you. This is especially true when one of the people is older than the other. After all, you may not solve the accumulated problems by different reasons(this may also be serious problems with health, etc.) And if you are able to change something, this is not a reason for a person to appreciate your aspirations.

Love yourself

There should be no one-sided self-giving. It can only make your relationship worse. Lost interest and that's it. Don't be jealous. After all, you have not sworn to each other in anything. On the contrary - if a person flirts with someone, do the same. If your flirting actions are not confirmed by anything, then you should not worry. This will bring you even closer.

It is always necessary to sincerely dream about how to build relationships. If you learn to go through distrust, then everything will work out in your life. in the best way. But never forget your dignity and remember that life is one.

Hello to all the girls and women of our vast Internet! My name is Vitaly Okhrimenko and today I have the honor to share with you male gaze to the question of how to build a relationship with a man.

Make no mistake when choosing

The first thing to start with is choosing a worthy applicant. From a whole regiment of gentlemen passing by, you need to choose one of them, and it is advisable not to make a mistake, so as not to waste your time, but to line up serious relationship With one and only man. Of course, you can apply a number of criteria when looking for a possible applicant, but the main thing to rely on (unless, of course, you are looking for a rich dad to provide for your life) is that you should be interested together. Trite, of course, but it's true main criterion. As ancillary requirements - it doesn't hurt to have common interests, thoughts, opinions or views. But even if you radically different people, there is a long-known rule of attraction of opposites.

How to attract the right man?

Remember - in the whole world there is no woman like you. You are the one and only. Know how to appreciate yourself, know how to love yourself, then it will be easier for others to love and appreciate you. If you want to meet the right man If you want to interest him, first interest yourself in your nature. Your ability to love and respect yourself will be absorbed into their attitude towards you and those around you. So it will depend on you which man will be there and how he will treat you. good helpers you will perform various ways improve your appearance and overall vitality. spa treatments, Gym, cosmetical tools, shopping, etc. etc. If you haven’t read the article about that, be sure to read it.

Love yourself

A woman should be able to be happy being alone with herself, then it will be very easy for her to be happy with her beloved man. A huge mistake is tying your happiness to a relationship with a love partner. The world will react to you in the way your inner state allows it. Enjoy yourself, enjoy life, enjoy your mood, and always believe in beauty. I know it's trite, but it really works.

The most beautiful things in our life, the most interesting acquaintances always happen completely unexpectedly, exactly when we least expect it. When a woman enjoys her life, this is noticeable, and a man who also loves pleasure, loves life will definitely be drawn to her! Do what brings you the most pleasure. Go in for sports, read your favorite books, listen to music, go to dances, travel, learn something new. This direction of life will focus around you interesting people, life will bestow interesting acquaintances. Interesting activities greatly enrich inner world and do not require large funds. Tomorrow, start doing what you have long wanted, but for which there was always not enough time.

Idealization error

The once popular Time magazine, together with CNN, conducted a study, which resulted in the establishment interesting fact. It turns out that women are much more likely than men to reject marriage or a serious relationship because they are waiting for a meeting with the perfect man. Men are more inclined to idealize a woman only for good looks. Alas, ladies are stricter judges. But the question is: do the girls themselves benefit from this? The problem is that ideal people do not exist in nature. For every person ideal partner this is the one with which it is as comfortable, calm, cozy as possible - in a word, good. After all, sometimes it’s nice to be silent with a person.

After passing the candy-bouquet period, when you begin to notice flaws in your partner, it will not be superfluous to learn to accept your partner as he is. One person snores loudly, another champs, the third is something else. If some property of your chosen one really annoys you, do not hesitate to tell him about it (only tactfully).

You can try the simple psychological reception: Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. On one half, make a list of the most annoying qualities in cute, and on the other hand, on the contrary, all the positive ones. What more? Answer honestly the question: you can tolerate such and such a minus, if there is such and such a plus. Or maybe you need to somehow influence (remember tact) to get rid of a specific flaw.

A man is able to change when a wise woman wants it!

There are no perfect people, and you are not perfect either, no matter how much you would like it. You have to allow yourself to be at least a little imperfect. Then you will find fault with others as well. It is much more difficult for an idealistic woman to build the right relationship with a man. Idealists are too demanding both to themselves and to others, the desire to be perfect does not allow the partner to relax. He, too, is expected to be perfect. It is easy to predict the scenario of the development of events: an adequate man will run away at the first suitable opportunity.

It is especially important not to idealize your chosen one even before meeting him. It is not necessary that fate has prepared for you just a tall brunette with light bristles, just like a broad-shouldered blond. Simply put, do not build ideals. There is no categoricalness, but freedom!

Do not rush

You don't have to want everything at once. Alas, this does not happen. If you start to speed things up, the chance of ruining everything will be simply huge. Men do not really like when girls are too imposed. And if your feelings are red-hot to the limit, then this does not mean that he is also ready to throw himself into the pool with his head.

It is not necessary that he does not want to build the right relationship with you, he is just different, he is a man, which means that he has an extremely different approach to a serious relationship. And men need much more time to prepare than girls. So be kind - understand this and do not push.

Let the relationship develop naturally, and if this is really the person you need, everything will definitely work out for you.

If you rush, if you put pressure on the new gentleman, most likely this will only lead to his sudden escape. No need to hint to a man about the wedding immediately after the first intimacy. Agree, we do not live in the Middle Ages. Don't stop a man from enjoying the so-called candy-bouquet period relationship (actually the best period relations). Yes, and you will be pleased to relax and have fun.

It often happens that a girl really wants to build a serious relationship, but if your chosen one is not ready for this, if he does not pursue such goals, when he needs you for entertainment or variety in life, alas, any of your attempts may be useless . If you are not ready for future frustrations, you have the right to turn on the "detective" at the very beginning of the relationship. Analysis and deduction will help you "figure out" his true intentions. Just keep in mind that this paranoid surveillance of yours can be the first reason for your separation.

Listen to your feelings

The right relationship should energize, not take it away. Constant quarrels and showdowns take a lot of energy, and only the sweet spell of reconciliation can replenish this energy (the magic of the truce in the bedroom is especially strong.

If you feel a constant decline in strength, if your vital activity has significantly decreased since entering into a new relationship, there is a constant drain of energy without replenishment - save yourself from such relationships. Run with all your heart, they are destructive for you.

Similarly, in the opposite direction: when wings begin to grow behind your back, when your well-being and life potential grows irresistibly, and every time your friends wonder why you suddenly suddenly began to look younger and more beautiful, be sure - this man suits you.

Let him be significant

You need to let a man provide for you. I'm not saying that it is necessary to insist on this - by no means. However, if your new boyfriend wants to pay for you in a cafe, or buys movie tickets, you don’t need to immediately poke him money for drinking coffee. Being a breadwinner and breadwinner is in the male genes, this is one of our missions in this world. And when the ability to provide for a woman is in doubt, then a man gets a good kick in pride. So the task of a woman is not to resist his attempts to prove himself from the material side, he must believe that only he can provide for you.

In our age, women are equal in rights with men, we work almost on an equal footing, and it often happens that a girl earns more than her boyfriend. And even with the largest and sincere feelings this version of the relationship has a structure that is detrimental to a man. It is very important for a woman to maintain her femininity, no matter how it really is, the main thing is that a man firmly believes in his ability to be a breadwinner.

It is important for a man to feel his importance for a woman, to be needed both in life and in bed. No matter what status your chosen one has, no matter how his financial affairs are, in every man there is a need to take care of a woman. Do not deny him this pleasure.

It is quite possible that you are able to take out the garbage yourself, screw in the light bulb in the bathroom, reinstall windows or reach an orgasm on your own. However, in the presence of a man, pretend that all these worries are beyond your power, and I assure you, your man, especially in the early stages of a relationship, will gladly rush to your aid. Encourage him with a remark: “Darling, I don’t even know what I would do without you, thank you very much.” He will thank you for your pretense.

A serious approach is usually characterized by a number of actions:

  • He is interested in your desires.
  • Shows willingness to abide by the rules you impose.
  • Don't be late for appointments.
  • Introduces you to his friends and relatives.
  • Does not refuse to meet your friends and relatives.
  • Shows a desire to idealize your relationship.
  • Interested in your life.

If new guy performs at least part of the listed actions, most likely his intentions are really serious. All in your hands. Well, if all of the above is completely uncharacteristic for your new boyfriend, I think you should not spend your vital energy to change his attitude towards himself. Most likely this is not the man you need - if so, just do not stop him from leaving your life.

In a relationship, a man first of all looks for an outlet for sexual energy (this is our nature, nothing can be done, the hypothalamus is to blame). Well, the second goal of a relationship is necessarily to find female care, love and affection, support and kindness. In the chosen one, we are primarily looking for inspiration for success, we are looking for support in life. The loss of support, as well as the bust in this support, is likely to lead to separation. Have this in mind.

Don't go into his personal space

Everyone has the right to privacy, and your new companion is no exception. Each person has a piece of life in which no one has access. Without it, it's hard to keep your identity. I'm sure you have a place like that too.

Don't skimp on praise

Every man, without exception, loves praise and recognition of authority, just like every woman loves flowers and compliments. Praise the man, say how strong he is, how good it is that he is in your life, how he skillfully changed the outlet in the bedroom and that in your life no one has ever sharpened knives so skillfully. Any achievement of a man must be translated into his dignity. This technique will gain maximum power if you talk about its merits to other people in his presence. Just don’t go too far, don’t be a hypocrite and don’t invent some kind of quality that doesn’t suit your man. Praise only what is really present and what you really like in the cute. The main thing in this reception is sincerity.

Learn feminine wisdom

Blagoraz clever woman always supports his chosen one. You must be a faithful support for him in everyday trials. “How did you work? How was your day? I really appreciate everything you do for me, thank you!”. A man must be sure of his need. Such phrases will certainly improve your relationship, will not allow your sweetheart to doubt the correctness of his choice, he will make sure that you are the one and only.

Loyalty is the best way to build the right relationship

This point will seem especially banal to you, but so many couples often forget about such a simple truth as fidelity. frequent case when a wife suspects her husband of infidelity, while she herself systematically cheats on him. If you want to live with a devotee and worthy man, you need to become a devotee and worthy woman. And do not think that he will never know about treason, sooner or later everything secret becomes clear. A self-respecting man will never forgive his woman for cheating. Be true to your man. Love is devotion, where there is no place for betrayal. I don't mean just intimate fidelity. Always be there, support your man in sorrow and in joy. And then only death can separate you. Be sure to read the article for worldview extensions on this topic.

Please him in bed

Male need for intimacy very large. Some psychologists even believe that the majority male action and actions are done to satisfy physical needs. Love is not only spiritual intimacy, the physical side is equally important for building the right relationship. Do not think that your husband or lover is not able to find someone on the side.

As soon as you stop arranging him in bed, the chances that he will find another woman for these purposes are great. Men are polygamous, and it is much easier to adapt to this fact than to try to fight it. By the way, if you suddenly find out that a man is cheating on you, do not rush to scold him with all earthly curses, better think about it, maybe the problem is in you.

If you want to properly build a relationship with a man, you must first of all love him, show him passion, seduce him and always be there. In this case, he will not need to change, because you will fully satisfy him in terms of sex.

Appreciate it

Appreciate the relationship in which a man tries to please you. I'm not talking about relationships in the bedroom, although this is also important. I'm talking about surprises, oh unexpected gifts, about those actions when he just like that, without any reason, wants to please you.

Know how to be submissive, men appreciate it in women. He leads you straight - go straight. He says that you need to come here, do not argue with him. Do not say that it is expensive, or that you do not understand football at all. Take the initiative of your man, it will help you in correct construction your relationship.

I hope this article was useful for you. Read my blog and we will be able to solve any of your questions together.

I wish you happiness, such simple human happiness next to your loved one. find the right man, build the right relationship with him, and be happy next to him!

Until new exciting meetings.

Sincerely, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

80 comments on ““How to build the right relationship with a man””

    I read it and thought, what kind of responsibility lies with a woman ...
    The article will be especially useful for young girls who tend to idealize everything, wait for the prince on a white horse and think that all men owe them something. Probably, inflated needs are one of the reasons for the unsuccessful building of relationships with a man.

    I completely agree with you. True, I must say that the responsibility, in my opinion, lies with everyone in an equal share (both men and women)

    I completely agree about liability. Many couples forget that they have a responsibility primarily to each other.

    Young girls really have something to learn from this article.

    Right or wrong relations, it seems to me, cannot be clearly distinguished. For everyone it's their own. The main thing is to love and respect each other and everything will be fine

    Yes, in order to have strong relationships in the family, you need: love, mutual respect, the ability to make compromises, reliability and support for each other in Hard time, a good cupcake...and at least two computers

    For our family key factor are two computers

    Everyone knows their rights, but responsibility is often forgotten.

    Vitaly, Thanks a lot behind interesting article! Learned a lot and learned a lot. Turns out she did a lot of things wrong. Made so many mistakes. I would like to rectify the situation. But, I don't know how. Your help is very much needed. Can you give me some advice? I would be very grateful!!

    Yes, girls, really if you want to build a good relationship do not overestimate the bar of requirements for your chosen one / chosen one!

    Hello Mira. It is difficult to give advice without knowing the situation ... and in general, as my experience in giving advice in amorous affairs always bypasses the adviser sideways. But I'd love to hear your story, maybe I'll tell you something. You can write in the comments, or you can use the form feedback or in social networks, in general, as it suits you.

    Is there no temptation to peep what the other half writes or is everything on trust?

    Do not demand, there will be no movement and progress, and the level achieved will be lost.

    If you demand too much from the second half, then sooner or later your partner's patience will burst. Don't overdo it.

    We do not hide from each other what and to whom we write. We know all of each other's passwords. We have no problems in this regard.

    Or conduct trainings, for example: “How to forget a boyfriend / girlfriend and return to life?”, “What can I do to make love last forever and three more days?”

    Vitaly very correctly noted that the main thing is to initially choose the right partner. And I completely agree with him. Then most of the problems in marriage will immediately disappear.

    Catherine, in Lately this factor has become key for many families. No kidding.

    It is much more correct to accept such (such) as it is. Otherwise, why start a relationship and try to redo every moment and every hour ... this is an erroneous strategy in my opinion

    Only on the first attempt to choose the right partner is extremely rare. First, we step on the rake, heal the wounds and remember the lesson taught.

    More like a failed strategy. You can only slightly correct a person and direct him in the right direction, but it is completely unrealistic to change him.

    Responsibility is the problem. Just today my brother and I discussed this problem: why on early stages relationships, when no one owes anything to anyone everything is so good and great? Why can't you always have a great family life?
    After all, these duties enrage everyone, both men and women. It is clear that you can’t go anywhere without obligations, but you need to trust and allow each other more, control less, spend more time apart, in different companies ... This is not always a solution, but it can help many couples avoid parting.

    We have enough time for such experiments. From the age of 16-18 until marriage)) And you need to try to approach marriage with all responsibility.

    Oh, how to forget a guy is cool idea. Vitaly, shake your mustache!

    This is how I present ideal family: everyone does not bother with what his partner owes him, but he tries to do everything to the maximum for the happiness of his half. In such a family there will be no place for mutual reproaches.

    That's right, but for education and re-education in the family there must be children !!

    Now, for the sake of interest, I typed it in wordstat. 4 211
    requests per month. Along the way, this is a very cool request, you will definitely need to get there and write a good article!

    Yes, I absolutely agree: the model is perfect. Only in real life to find two such altruists under one roof is very, very problematic. Often one gives, the other uses. And so it will always be!

    It's like watching! In general, this model can pass for a very insidious plan. Just imagine: a wife prepares delicious treats every day, looks just super, is affectionate with her husband, always supports everything and is ready to listen. Does a husband want to swear with such a wife and pump himself up with beer every evening? I doubt that he will rather try to comply too, otherwise, God forbid, they will take him away

    My husband is a terrible jealous man. He needs to know who I'm talking to on the phone, where I went, who I wrote to, and this sometimes terribly infuriates. There must always be personal space, otherwise a person can be strangled with his love.

    Vitaly, now the model is often different - everyone pulls the blanket in their own direction. Now almost everyone is a consumer, and not everyone wants to give even in the spiritual understanding.

    Irina, husbands often leave such good and ideal wives. These are boring. Every girl should have her share of bitchiness.

    Such experiments most often kill feelings and people are afraid to love later, having bitter experience in the past.

    Vitaly, you have an award for good ideas! If you still need, please contact.))

    Yes, children need to be educated and at the same time educate yourself. they absorb everything like sponges and completely copy the behavior of the people around them.

    I also noticed this, Ekaterina, everyone expects that the partner should make him happy, and somehow without his participation, and if this does not happen, he is in a hurry to break off the relationship.

    No, well in right places you can add pepper, for the thrill of sensations, here a smart woman should see for herself what to do)))

    Yes, Ekaterina, it is very difficult, I also had experience of relationships with jealous people. In such situations, I had only one desire: to run away and turn off the phone. But I know that for many people, jealousy and endless control is not as scary as it is for me. I just can't stand it, it's easier to leave.

    Nothing like this happened to me. Modern young people should try to take it easy. After all, now only a few marry their first love. And to preserve the ability to love in such conditions is the task of our time.

    And I just try to give fewer reasons for jealousy and then everything is quiet and calm.

    Love in the heart should always be. First to parents, then to spouse, and then to children, grandchildren, etc.

    Of course, Catherine! Without love, a person cannot be a complete person. And if someone offended us, we must try to forgive and move on.

    It is very difficult to forgive a person who offended us. I believe that not everyone knows how to forgive, but this quality needs to be learned.

    Yes, English proverb on this occasion says: do not educate children, educate yourself. Children will still grow up like you.

    Well if so. It’s just that some jealous people don’t even need a reason, they endure the brain for absolutely no reason.

    The saddest thing is that in a new relationship everything repeats itself, it's just some vicious circle. Some now manage to get married 7 times, not to mention informal relationships.

    If you don't have a dog, your neighbor won't poison it... I agree, it's not an option at all. Need to live full life and there will always be problems. You just need to not get hung up, always try to find a solution and be positive.

    Lermontov dedicated the poem "K ***" to one stranger. Here it is.
    "Share with me what you know,
    And I will be grateful.
    But you offer me your soul
    “What the hell is your soul to me!”
    What does a poet need from K***?

    Ekaterina, people often do not read and do not listen to other opinions, and then pay the price.

    If you ask for little, it's bad; if you ask for a lot, it's bad. How to painlessly find the golden mean.

    Irina, it's better to leave, I agree. No one else has the right to control someone else's actions.

    There is no right, of course. But if the other person is satisfied with this control, such a relationship is quite the place to be.

    At all times, people step on their rake. If everyone listened to the advice of others, and even followed them constantly, the world would probably be completely different!

    I have never thought before that it is bad to demand little from a partner. But somehow I had to hear this from a guy)) So anything can happen.

    I want to say that this is true. Some people still need such motivation, in the form of a light kick from a spouse. Otherwise certain type people just sit on the couch and do nothing.

    Irina, the husband will quickly get used to everything and will perceive his wife's efforts as standard equipment, and not tuning.

    Ekaterina, I will leave a bitchy woman, I don’t need problems. Bitchiness for an amateur.

    If each of the spouses is a consumer, what kind of family is it. And to their own children consumer attitude?

    Catherine, probably the fact is that a person himself does not know what he needs from another person. So he digs, sorts out others in
    looking for a suitable partner.

    Catherine, I don't envy you. Jealousy can progress. And jealousy is not always love.

    Do not give a reason not to get out of the situation. The demands of the husband will grow. You can pick on any pole. And how does not giving a reason fit in with the concept of bitchiness?

    Yeah, and after the relationship began, do not hesitate to present him for infidelity. but don't change yourself. After all male betrayal not the same as female.

    And I’ll tell you what the husband of such a wife does: firstly, all good things are taken for granted (that’s how we, people, are arranged), requests are growing (according to the “goldfish” principle), and secondly, so as not to increase all the actions of the wife are devalued, her self-esteem is underestimated.

    if necessary, leave your partner, even to a hostel, and even go out to the place of a cleaning lady, if the situation so requires. Then the woman will be truly free. And the man will know that she will easily sacrifice comfort and prosperity if the relationship ceases to suit her.