The best congratulations on the wedding in your own words. Wedding toasts. Short congratulations on the wedding in prose

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds have to listen to a lot of congratulations from friends and relatives. Often this standard phrases, which are written on postcards, or banal parting words, which are already quite tired of everyone.

Another thing is beautiful and warm regards for a wedding in your own words, unlike any other. If you have not yet found suitable expressions for this, it does not matter. Our site contains texts that will help you prepare your own speech.

Original wishes for a wedding in prose

Dear bride and groom! It is very important that people find each other, find their love! You were lucky and you met each other! I congratulate you on your wedding, with love, with a new life! I wish you strong, faithful, all-conquering love, and also - patience and compliance, which will help save your marriage. Understand each other, forgive each other, learn to get along with each other. Have a nice long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! Plus, a house full of kids!

Dear newlyweds! Today you started life together. I wish you to remember this moment for a long time, so that joy today you have kept for many, many years. wish you find Right way- the path of love and prosperity. Look for your path to happiness and, having found it, do not turn off it! And may your family be loving and strong!

Short wedding wishes in your own words

In wishes for young people at a wedding, you can give examples from your life, tell about any cases that you remember the most. And you can mention the details of the acquaintance of the newlyweds, which only the closest people know about. If your words come from the heart and sound sincere, they will surely find a response in the hearts of those present.

Dear ours! Your wish has finally come true: you are now husband and wife! Today everything is for you - flowers, congratulations, and music. May your every day family life will be as happy and kind as this one. We wish you to remain as harmonious, beautiful, loving couple. Understanding to you, patience, more positive events. Let the groom become worthy husband, and the bride - a beautiful wife; May you have wonderful children. And let you be "bitter" only at the wedding!

Dear newlyweds! On this wonderful day, I want to wish you to support each other in all life's ups and downs, forgive mistakes and love each other passionately and devotedly! Let your feelings not lose their freshness, and trust and respect for each other only grow stronger every year! Let there be no disagreements and quarrels between you. Live openly, joyfully and be a support for each other until old age! God bless your marriage for many, many years!

Today you have created a family. A strong and durable family can be compared to a reliable ship in the stormy waters of the ocean, where the husband is the captain of the ship, and the wife is the navigator. I want to wish that your family ship does not run aground in the ocean of everyday problems, so that it can safely get out of the most difficult and dangerous storm and moor to a quiet peaceful harbor where cloudless happiness awaits you.

So you became a legal husband and wife, one family. We sincerely wish you health, happiness, prosperity and good luck in all your affairs and undertakings. Those wedding rings what you put on today, take care as your love. Those words that you said to each other, remember all your life and fulfill your vows. And the kiss that sealed your love, let it mark the beginning of a long family life, full of happiness and understanding.

congratulations on your first family holiday! I want to wish that today's date is celebrated by you every year, and that your love grows stronger every year, your admiration for each other grows and your eyes shine with happiness just like today! Take care, appreciate each other and be happy!

Beautiful words with best wishes for the wedding

Wedding wishes in prose can be read aloud for festive table, or you can write to beautiful postcard, attaching it to a gift to the newlyweds.

Advice to you and love, our dear newlyweds! We wish you great happiness, great love. Let your feelings be strong and beautiful, your family be friendly, let the sonorous laughter of children sound in the house. Be healthy, live in abundance and remember this wonderful date. Let troubles and hardships bypass you. God bless you.

Dear newlyweds! We are glad that you have connected your destinies and now go through life together! We wish you cordial kindness towards each other, the warmth of a family hearth, compliance in relationships and big-big love! May God always be with you and guide you through life! Be friendly, help each other in everything and always be happy!

Today is the most main holiday in your life, you have become husband and wife. There are no longer two halves, you are one whole. With all my heart we wish you to carry these tender, strong feelings through a lifetime. We wish you a beautiful and happy life. Let your hearts beat in unison, let them come true cherished dreams May children be born to your joy. Live in harmony, love each other, let everything go well with you. Good luck with everything!

What words to choose for a wedding wish?

If you are far from the heroes of the occasion and cannot attend the wedding, congratulate them on this wonderful event with modern means connections. On the day of the wedding, read your wishes via video link, send in a letter to e-mail or post it on your page social network.

Dear bride and groom! This is where your hearts come together. May your union be eternal! I want to wish you on this happy day to live soul to soul and be faithful to each other. Walk along the wide road through life, only forward and without stopping. Surround each other with care, burn in the pool of love and passion and keep this love story in its original form until old age!

Today is the most important and happiest day of your life - your wedding day. We wish your family to be loving and friendly! Be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring hostess, the keeper of the hearth, a wonderful friend to her husband and happy mom. And we want to wish the groom to become a strong “wall” and support for his family and future children. Be happy and love each other, and the rest is up to you! Bitterly!

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Congratulations on the wedding in prose

Newlyweds, love each other, respect, keep your feeling like a shrine! May your eyes shine as brightly in fifty years as they do today. May your home be full of children's laughter, joy, kindness and prosperity. Live soul to soul, appreciate every minute spent together. Happiness to you for many years!

Congratulations on your wedding day in prose

I want the life of our young people to be as beautiful as a rainbow that appears over the snow-white peaks of the mountains after the rain. And may your life path be like this rainbow, just as joyful, radiant and beautiful! I want to drink to you walking this road of life holding hands and enjoying each other's company.

In prose, congratulations on your wedding

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love, respect and protect each other. May your family life be as bright, cheerful, happy, full positive emotions like your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and, of course, children!

Congratulations on the wedding in prose to tears

Dear newlyweds! I wish your family happiness guarded by the holy guardian angels: Faith, Love, Hope. May he guide you through your life big love, may trust in each other accompany your relationship, and hope will never leave you in difficult times. Happiness to you!

Touching congratulations on the wedding in prose

You managed to become not just two halves of the whole, you are this, the very whole that is indestructible and indivisible. You beautiful couple and it is a great honor for me to be present at such a touching, romantic and emotional celebration of your love. Today you are creating your own family, and I want to wish you harmony, understanding, mutual support and enduring love. Become each other's support, protection and happiness. May you have one soul for two.

Beautiful wedding wishes in prose

Dear newlyweds! Today, the bonds of marriage have firmly connected you, making you the closest people to each other. May the thread that connects you be strong and never break. May your home be filled sunlight and warmth, may love and happiness never leave him, may a cheerful children's laughter. Take care of each other, understand each other, love each other. Be always healthy and happy!

Short congratulations on the wedding in prose

If a man is persistent, he will definitely achieve what a woman wants. So let's drink to the fact that the desire of men and the desire of women coincide! for durable and harmonious union two hearts! Bitterly!

Cool congratulations on the wedding in prose

All those present undoubtedly know the nine commandments of God: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery, honor your parents, etc. Do you know the commandments of the feast? Let's remember them! First: a sober person at a wedding is a spy; being at a wedding and not being drunk is a sin. Second: drink a little, but drink it all. Third: whoever gets drunk well will remember well. Let's raise our glasses to these blessed time-tested commandments and vow never to violate them for the sake of the happiness of our newlyweds!

Original congratulations on the wedding in prose

Our dear young people, today is your day! How beautiful and happy you are now! Remember this sweet moment of love. May this state of love and tenderness always be with you. May prosperity and abundance reign in your home, and soon children's laughter will ring. Live together, appreciate and understand each other. Life is one, live it with dignity, hand in hand, in an atmosphere of love and fidelity.

Congratulations on the wedding in prose in your own words

Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life step that you have consciously decided to take! Know that life is a series of happy and bad days. And only on you, on your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support, the happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things family life do not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you and Love!

Beautiful words congratulations on the wedding

Today I congratulate two people dear to me on the most important decision - to unite their destinies, get married and from now on live together, happily ever after! You are in the prime of your life, love each other, so go ahead, in new life boldly and know that everything is possible for you, because love works wonders!

Congratulations on the wedding in prose briefly

Friends, let's congratulate the young people together! May the eyes of the bride always shine with happiness, may there be only love, tenderness and warmth in her heart. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family, let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family, let nothing overshadow your family happiness. For you!

The best congratulations in prose to the newlyweds on the wedding

Dear newlyweds! Wedding day - magical holiday, which helps you to easily and naturally enter into family life, taking the first confident steps in it. We wish you to walk together hand in hand, building joint happiness, dividing in half all the joys and troubles. Let your life become for you full of pleasant, amazing events that will give you only positive emotions, and your house will be filled with cheerful children's voices. Congratulations!

Cool congratulations to the young in prose for the wedding

Our dear "newlyweds"! Congratulations on your family's birthday. We are very pleased that we became guests at this family celebration. Looking at your happy faces, it is difficult to pick up wishes, because you already have the most important thing: love, children, prosperity. Ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it. We wish you that your honeymoon lasts a lifetime, that your rings do not fade and your feelings do not grow old, that your love is your protection from the cruelty of the world around you, that it is “bitter” only at the wedding, but in life it is sweet and light, so that you lived a happy and friendly life.

Sincere words of congratulations on the wedding to tears

On earth, you met not in vain, it was decided from above. Fate brought you together so that you create a family and take care of each other, give the joy of life to your children, because children in the house are a great happiness. Respect each other, love, trust each other. Let your home be cozy and warm. Let laughter always sound and the delicious smell of pies. May family happiness be endless, as Golden ring- no beginning and no end!

Cheerful congratulations in prose on the wedding

Our dear (Name of the groom) went for a walk in the forest, picking mushrooms. Suddenly he sees a rare blue flower. He tore it off and attached it to his clothes. And the flower was magical: it opened its eyes to the treasure. And (Name of the groom) found his treasure - our dear bride. Let's drink to this treasure, to the fact that she was always the greatest wealth of her husband.

Comic wish in prose for the wedding

Bernard Shaw said: "Marrying is stupid, not getting married is even more stupid." I want to wish you that you will never regret the stupidity you did today and that it will become the happiest stupidity in your life!

Wedding congratulations in your own words

Dear newlyweds! Today you are united with each other by the bonds of marriage. You will live together. So let your life be filled with the sun, joy, love and loyalty to each other. Take care of each other, try to understand each other, experience all the joys and sorrows together. May your union be strong and long, may your house be filled with children's laughter, warmth and friendship. Be happy and healthy!

Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

How beautiful is our young today! A young beauty in a wonderful snow-white dress, pure as love itself, recently a bride, and now a spouse. Look how happy she is today, how happy her gaze is, turned to her loved one! And if we could look into her heart, we would see that it is filled to the brim with love and happiness; there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings. I propose to raise our glasses so that happiness is endless!

Always take care of each other
Appreciate, enjoy, love.
Trust each other in everything
Protect from all adversity.

You wove fate together
Now you are forever one.
May life shower you with happiness
All bad weather will disappear from the path.

We heartily congratulate you,
We wish you lasting prosperity.
And, of course, naughty -
Healthy, strong kids.

Today is a special day for you.
Today you have become a family.
I want to be a great husband
And an amazing wife.

Each other, no matter what happens
Love to appreciate and respect.
The feeling that you have
Save at any cost.

After all, you are one from now on,
Let nothing separate you.
And be forever young
Let the light always burn in our hearts.

My dears, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully store and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, indulge in care and affection. Let no difficulties overshadow your life. I wish you more romance and vivid impressions in your life. Be for each other a reliable support and support in any situation. Love each other!

The wedding day is a beautiful, important date,
And her memory will remain forever.
May your life be easy and rich,
Love is infinite, strong and pure.

Keep respect for each other in your soul,
Know how to understand, keep silent and endure.
Strive to be together, miss being apart,
Don't let the fire in your heart burn out.

Of course, happiness to you, peace, prosperity,
Good son, wonderful daughter.
Let everything in the house be both smooth and nice,
And together drive all sorrows away.

There are many wishes on the wedding day:
Love, health and kindness,
So that your life path
Star of fidelity.

To take care of each other's hearts
In anguish and in joy - always.
And let no adversity
You will never be separated!

Today is your family's birthday
And first of all, I want to wish
Endless love, steel patience
And always love each other.

Let your union only grow stronger over the years,
Advice and prosperity will fill your home.
And remember, you build happiness yourself -
It doesn't matter what time it is outside the window.

Mutual support, beautiful kids,
Romance, everyday life is dry in spite of.
Nights - only hot, and days - only clear.
May adversity be far from you.

I wish you family prosperity
Great news and good days.
Let everything go smoothly in your life,
And there will be many friends around.

I wish you endless comfort
Joint romantic evenings.
Let the sun shine on your morning
May pure love be eternal.

Let this year be the beginning
Happy and long journey
Health will enable your couple
The ability to even pass a hundred years.

happy birthday family,
Congratulations on your wedding.
To go through life together
I wish you with all my heart.

Help in this life
You are in each other's way.
And always, you know
Luckily it's easier to go that way.

Gently, sincerely love
You are always like the first time.
Walk hand in hand
Troubles will not touch you.

I wish you amicably
You two walked through life.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday family!

We congratulate you on your wedding!
We wish you mutual love
Live long, always happy
So that trouble does not concern you!

Keep your feelings for a long time
Rejoice together with delight
Try to live in love and affection
In a family, heavenly, wonderful fairy tale.

Do not quarrel and do not be rude to each other,
Protect your love.
Live together for many years
Not knowing tears and bitter troubles!

Lots of happiness, lots of money
And, of course, love.
To want to old age
And, of course, they could!

So that you do not argue often,
To keep the tears from flowing.
To avoid scandals
Find a compromise.

May the road be smooth
Without thorns and barriers.
So that life is like sweet sugar,
To make the house - like a garden of Eden!

Congratulating the young spouses,
I want to wish you one thing:
For a hundred years of happy marriage
To give birth to daughters and sons.
May the days and nights bring joy
And let love fill the dawns.
Loyalty will never want
Bypass your warm and cozy shelter.
The purse is big and full.
Rare quarrels, many happy days.
The respect of hundreds of grandchildren and dozens of two children.

"Happiness, health and kids." Congratulations on your wedding day often sound monotonous and concise. Although they reflect the essence, because their meaning is to congratulate the bride and groom and wish the newlyweds well-being. Only at a wedding there are always people who will surprise guests and newlyweds with eloquence, a sense of humor or original toast. If nature has not endowed you with a sharp mind, ready-made texts that are replete with the World Wide Web will come to the rescue. has chosen for you the most unhackneyed . The latter, by the way, must be learned! Poems by heart should sound like a song, and without hesitation.

Witnesses, parents and God-parents- people who at the wedding certainly can not run away from public speaking. These people should think over their congratulations on the wedding in advance.

Witness congratulations

It is difficult to put into words how happy I am for the groom, my bosom friend. Slavik (name of the groom), you have become a real family man. You made this step consciously, and who, if not me, knows how much you love your wife already. And although I am still single and do not plan to marry soon, I still want to say for you, newlyweds, parting words. First: be an example for people like me, unmarried, so that we envy you. Second: invite us to, preferably within a year. Third: live in peace, happiness and prosperity.

My dears! I was lucky to be with you this morning and up to this moment. And believe me: I have not seen you happier (and we have known each other for a long time). Today, crazy energy emanates from you, which charges not only guests, but also everyone who meets you. And you know, I also want to be in your place in a few years. And, of course, to see you nearby, only in the amount of three copies.

I am honored to be a bridesmaid to such wonderful couple! My dear friends, congratulations! The wedding is wonderful, you are very beautiful and happy, the atmosphere is magnetized by your smiles and charged with positive. I promise that I will send you an invitation to my wedding soon. I solemnly swear that the bride's bouquet will be mine. I will be glad to come to visit you, to your cozy family nest. And, of course, be godmother to your baby.

Funny toasts and comic stories cheer up the celebration. Just do not forget that marriage is a quivering moment. That's why beautiful congratulations always good for weddings.

Congratulations on the long-awaited
The most important day in life!
Let love keep you warm
Warm gentle light.

Let it always knock on your house
Loyalty, tenderness, kindness.
Day and night leads through life
For two, one dream.

Wake up early in the morning
Children's joyful laughter.
And fate will send happiness
You have a huge bag.

Our dear Lenochka and Andrey (names of the newlyweds). We wish your family life to be always filled with joy, warmth and fidelity. Now you are close and dear people, take care of each other, understand each other, try to experience all the joyful moments and times of failure together. I wish your marriage to be reliable and never-ending, so that children's laughter will soon sound in your house, and there will always be prosperity and comfort in your family.

Wishes-advice at the wedding always come from people who have been married for more than a year and know exactly what awaits the newlyweds in a year, five years and after 20 years of marriage.

Today you legitimized your relationship, put on your chastity rings and promised to love each other forever. It's time to think about maintaining quivering relationships in the family. We want to give you advice. A wife needs to raise her husband mentally on a pedestal - only he should be an ideal, and the husband should imagine his wife on the same pedestal in his thoughts. And all the years exalt each other, love and bow before your soul mate. This is the best tactic for maintaining relationships for years. For a long, happy and ideal family life for our newlyweds!

We wish you a long and joyful life:
Wife to be cheerful, and husband - to laugh!
And in life family soul don't get old
Wife to be beautiful, and husband - to want!
And it is necessary, of course, to give birth, to educate:
Wife to become a mother, and husband - to plow!
But in general, we wish, well, what to say,
Wife to be loved, and husband to love!

The most sincere and reverent congratulations on the wedding are always from the parents. It is hard for them, like no one else, to see their young children as adults.

Dear our children! Remember: at the core strong relationship except, of course, love, lies respect. Happen in life different situations: the wife was rude on the bus, the husband has disagreements with the boss. Each of his negative brings home and puts it on the shoulders of whom? Himself loved one. I want to tell you Golden Rule: in the family, never blame your spouse! Understand, respect and appreciate each other!

You have a lot today:
Friends, smiles and flowers,
You now have one road,
One dream, one love.
And this day won't come back
Appreciate happiness.
And God bless you, as they say,
Do not stray from the wide path,
Do not blunder, do not stumble,
Fall in love even more.

My dears! Live in harmony, love and understanding. Don't forget: from today you are one. We wish you that soon your family will become larger, financial success To you, respect for life. And know: in difficult moments we will always be with you.

Guests, especially the older generation, love wedding congratulations in verse. Only here to read them from a postcard is not at all original. If you have already decided to congratulate the bride and groom in poetic form, do not be lazy to learn the lines by heart. Success is guaranteed to you!

From guests

We wish you sweet hot nights,
Happy, fun, joyful days.
A bigger apartment, a dacha, a car.
Husband to work, wife to shops.
Obedient children: a son and a daughter.
It would seem that we can put an end to it.
No, most importantly, the newlyweds -
Love one another through storms and thunders
Keep love, take care and only.
Add now it remains for us "bitter"!

We want to wish the bride and groom
So that they are always and in everything together.
Take care of love, save it,
Carry through life together.

Let there be no reason for quarrels
In love and consent, live to the point of wrinkles.
And if a quarrel inadvertently breaks out,
Let the reconciliation end soon.

We wish that there were no mistakes in life,
So that children bloom like daisies in a field.
We wish you great happiness,
Light, joyful and expensive!

At the solemn table, guests need to say pleasant and warm words. And everyone wants to express themselves unusually, especially. If poems are not your element, we offer wedding wishes in our own words. A lot of respect is invested in such warmth towards a young couple. Wishes do not have to be memorized thoroughly, remember the basics, and in the process add sincerity, sincerity. If at important events you are worried, stumble, write down your congratulations on the wedding. It is not forbidden to arrange it beautifully and hand it to the newlyweds.

Ideas for original wishes from relatives of the newlyweds

Many assume that only poetic form wishes for the wedding sounds beautiful and original. But this is far from true! Nice words in prose, they can be sincere, interesting, if you compose them correctly. It is not necessary to introduce high-sounding words into speech, it is necessary to clearly and simply congratulate the groom, the bride, sincerely rejoice for them. Below we give examples of wishes in our own words for a wedding, among which you will definitely find the ones you like for the newlyweds.

From parents

Wishes from parents to their son or daughter, who had a wedding, are very touching and emotional. Parents on this day release their children from the family nest, allowing them to twist their own. They will always support them, but from now on the children themselves will begin to build their own hearth of ideal happiness and love. Parents may desire the birth of heirs, the maintenance eternal flame warmth in relationships, happiness and mutual care. Below are the wishes in their own words for the wedding from the parents:

  • When two lovers find each other and tie the knot, the sky lights up new star. So let your love star burn brightly, illuminating the path of your new family and give you warmth.
  • In the boundless ocean of our life, the family is a ship, at the helm of which is the wife, and the husband plays the role of a sail. So let's wish the bride to find the right course, and the groom to be hardy. May your caravel sail the waves of a happy family life for many years. And if there is a storm, the deck of your ship will always shine with love and peace.
  • It's a special day for our newlyweds. A new union was formed on the planet, a new star of love lit up in the sky. We wish you prosperity strong family so that no domestic strife and difficulties overshadow your days. Joys and hardships you share in half. May your fire of love never go out, turning into an indestructible union of two hearts. Happy new family and new home! Cover each other's backs, take care, try to respect and understand in any situation! We wish you to hear the sonorous children's laughter as soon as possible! Be happy and healthy, our children!
  • Congratulations to the young on a bright, important day in their lives. Another wonderful family was born, which, like a flower, requires love, care and care! You stepped in hand in hand new stage of your life and there is still a lot to go through: the first successes, failures that will make you even more confident and stronger if love, patience and wisdom reign in your family. We wish you happy and for long years! We wish you to give birth to sons and daughters, in whose circle, in an atmosphere of warmth, fun, you will celebrate all memorable dates!
  • How nice to look at the young, they shine with happiness! I think everyone present will support me. Everyone rejoices for you, together with you. This is your day, let this sparkle in your eyes and soul remain with you for life. Let the family hearth bring only positive moments, and luck and prosperity accompany life!
  • They say that love flows into friendship and relationships become a habit. So we wish you that the love that pushed you to this important step in life grows stronger day by day, so that the warmth and tenderness that is present in your hearts now will never disappear, so that the attention and patience that you have in relation to each other to a friend, were eternal. Try to reduce troubles and quarrels to a joke. Happiness to you, our dear!
  • Dear newlyweds, you have laid the first brick in the construction of your family. We wish that the built happiness turns out to be reliable, durable, so that no troubles can destroy it, so that no unfavorable winds are afraid of it. May the sun shine brightly on your path!

Cool wishes from brother

The relatives of the bride and groom, brothers and sisters, will also shine with happiness for the couple, as the heroes of the occasion themselves. For them, this is also an important day, exciting, touching. On the eve of the ceremony, the question arises of how to congratulate, what to say, how not to get lost in excitement? It is better to prepare in advance so as not to get into a mess. Sketch on a piece of paper what you would like to say to the young people, what kind of parting words to give. To be sure that the speech is beautiful, pay attention to examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding from your brother.

  • I want to give advice to our main beauty, the bride: do not contradict your husband. Remember that he is always right, and a woman is never wrong!
  • Dear bride and groom! Always love each other, appreciate and respect. May family life be filled pleasant surprises and trouble will never darken your path. Your union should not know bitterness, only at a wedding can it sound Bitter!
  • I wish you an easy navigation on the sea of ​​life, where the sun will always shine for you, and a fair wind will make life smooth. May your ship always be filled with love, and waves of well-being wash over its sides every day! Let the wind of unity drive your family in the back! And the flag on the ship is family happiness!
  • I wish young people to learn how to throw firewood in a blazing fire of love in a timely manner! After all, well-being, feelings of union depend on this skill!
  • Let's congratulate the young people together! Let the heart fill only tenderness, love, kindness, and eyes shine with happiness. Let the groom remain a reliable support of the family, no bad weather, troubles will break him. For the young!

Congratulatory words from sister

Wishes in your own words from your sister are always very touching, exciting. In your speech, you can recall the days spent together in your father's house, funny moments that happened. Usually sisters are entrusted with the most secret secrets, they are very valued. Show all your tender feelings while performing at a wedding. Do not forget to mention how happy you are for the young couple, for the choice made in life. The spoken words have great importance because they can't be taken back. If the congratulation is unsuccessful, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste, and you will reproach yourself.

Therefore, it is very important to prepare thoroughly. Carefully select each word, write down the wish on a piece of paper, into which you can peep if possible. The sister is allowed to prepare a bright and emotional congratulation, unlike other guests. But it is important to know the limit and not to cross fine line so that the greeting does not look vulgar or like a family scene. Guests should not feel left out. If you can’t decide what to say, look at the proposed options for wishes in your own words for a wedding from your sister.

  • For me, your wedding is a very exciting moment, because you are very close to me. I am overwhelmed with emotions from happiness for you, from an excess of tenderness that I want to splash out on you. Always support each other, develop together, get better every day. Always make compromises, concessions, do not forget about that bright, pure feeling that united you.
  • You are the happiest chosen ones, because you managed to find each other. Let your hearth burn with a bright flame of happiness, love, fidelity!
  • Family is musical instrument. Disharmony in it is not a rare condition, so turn around in every way to achieve order. I regret that the music of your hearts will never be interrupted by notes of falseness, sorrows, disappointments, that there will be a cacophony of quarrels and scandals in it. Let the hearts beat in unison!

From the best friend of the bride

There can be two options for congratulations: memorize a poem or rehearse wishes in prose in your own words. The second option is considered more sincere. Be sure to prepare in advance, because no one is immune from not getting confused at the last moment and giving out an incoherent stream of words instead of beautiful speech. Wishes should come from the heart: it is not forbidden to dilute it with a joke, funny story if the bride good feeling humor. After all, best friends are connected by many interesting and funny moments.

An interesting way to express your wish will be visualization - a set of photographs, slides that depict your funny company. If you wish, make a short film that young people will appreciate. An ideal congratulation may consist of a life story in stages: acquaintance, funny, bright moments, the appearance of a future husband on the horizon, stories that confirm your true friendship. However, you should not delay your ledge, it can tire all guests. The speech should not last more than three minutes.

The ending of the wish should be capacious, strong, carry a semantic load. This is due to the fact that in congratulations the beginning and end are remembered. During the speech, keep yourself confident, because this is a happy day for your best friend and only the closest people are gathered at the celebration, among which there is a place for you. Therefore, away from all worries. For a hint, we give examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding from a witness or best friend.

  • I want to express admiration to the queen of the day, the bride. Look how beautiful she is, how happy, how verbose her eyes are. She's sure to get it all right. May this light always be in her eyes, may tears, the hardships of life never extinguish it, may her heart burn with passion, kindness, her eyes do not stop shining, and her husband always helps her, serves as a support, hope, protection, no matter what happens!
  • As a witness of today's union, I want to testify: you were created for marriage, happiness, love, the birth of healthy children, which I wish you. Be completely happy, only on this day, let it be in words ... bitter!
  • I am at my wedding better girlfriends! She is not just a friend to me, she is my sister in spirit. We went through a lot together, and now she is stepping on big road life. But you don't have to be afraid. After all, ahead of you is waiting wonderful world, full of happiness, love, ringing laughter, baby talk. I wish you a long journey on your family ship. Divide everything in half so that this path is a joy for both!

From the groom's best friend

Friendship is a great value in human life. Therefore, an expensive gift is not as important for a wedding as the presence and attention of good old friends. After all, they are able not only to help in trouble, but also sincerely rejoice for the newlyweds in happy moments, admire your choice. A friend is an honored guest. In his solemn speech it is not forbidden to remind you that you value friendship, how important the groom and his chosen one are for you, to wish from pure heart the best best wishes.

Wishes from a friend can also be comical, funny and fun. If interesting moments are associated with the groom, do not forget to mention them in your congratulatory speech. Just do not need to tell all the guests about what the bride or groom will have to blush for. If you don’t know what to wish the newlyweds, use our examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding from a friend.

  • I congratulate you, my friend, and your beautiful chosen one, on your wedding day. I wish you to conquer new peaks, walking hand in hand together, so that you are always lucky, so that only pleasant, light worries fall on your shoulders, so that you do everything together, supporting and encouraging each other. I wish you to learn to appreciate every moment of family life, to forgive each other.
  • My dears, I want to congratulate you on your wedding day! When we were young, we dreamed of beautiful princesses who share our lives with us. And so, you waited for your love. But your story doesn't end there. At this stage, it begins new page, without adversity, misfortune. Let life be filled with good moments, vivid impressions, children's laughter!
  • Marriage is a novel in two parts: poetry honeymoon and the prose of the rest of life. Poetry is the shortest part, and prose is a lot of pages. Divide the second part of the novel into several small segments, make each of them the poetry of a honeymoon!

How beautiful and short to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding?

In order to beautifully and briefly congratulate the newlyweds on the wedding, it is worth considering the wish for the wedding in advance. If you are well acquainted with the spouses, then remember the case when you realized that these people were meant for each other. If you know little, then pay attention to appearance and congratulate metaphor. For example, compare their life together with a dazzling bride's outfit, or wish to always remain as happy as they are now. Try to be sincere and wish for what you yourself would like. Here are some examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding:

  • Congratulations dear newlyweds. Let your bright amazing life will become even happier, more tender, warmer, and others do not cease to admire your beauty.
  • We wish the groom that his bride loves cars, sports, beer, fishing. And he, in turn, will be passionately interested in shopping, cooking, TV shows. Then your life will be perfect!
  • Gemstones become stunning only in the hands of a master. Fate has connected you, showing the whole world a true masterpiece in which the newlyweds shine brighter than a thousand suns. May your marriage be long lasting!

Video congratulations in your own words from friends

In the video below you will see options for wishes in your own words for the wedding. Here, both touching and sweet words are voiced, as well as cool, funny ones.