Why are you marrying ransom. The original ransom of the bride. Competitions on the stairs on the way to the bride

What almost all women aspire to and what many men are afraid of in panic. We will not talk about female motivation, you already know everything. But what can make a man get married, say, first of all, to himself: “I'm getting married!” – this might be interesting.

By tradition, we will immediately dot the “e”. We do not consider so-called marriages "by flight". To call such a marriage a weighted male decision does not turn my tongue. Alas, as experience shows, "they lived happily ever after" does not work in this case. And what kind of happiness can we talk about when a man, snuffling his nose, covered with red spots and looking away, squeezes out of himself, gritting his teeth: “Well, if you don’t want an abortion ... Let’s sign ...”?

Notice, do not "marry me", do not "be my wife", do not "get married", but "sign"! A man does not marry, but signs. The word is kind of frivolous. I don’t know about anyone else, but my first association is preference! We gathered with the peasants, painted a little bullet for cognac and fled. So here too. They broke up and split up after a while. All. I don't want more about it.

Dear ladies, believe me: pulling, forcing a man to marry is a thankless task. Remember, in school they taught: "Action is equal to reaction"? Every man at the word "wedding" immediately remembers another word - "freedom". Agree, the second sounds much more romantic! I'm getting married now ... But what about friends? Beer? Saunas? Girls? Night clubs? Go fishing - ask for leave, football - as an exception, play on the computer - and then ask permission! The phone book will have to be cleaned by 90% ... Oh, God forbid, a divorce? Well this is how much money and nerves!

Bottom line: a man believes that he will always have time to get married.

A man is mature - a man marries

The main thesis of my article is that a man must be ripe for marriage. The period of maturation for all men is individual. And it is a mystery even to ourselves. It lasts until the man realizes that everything! That same freedom, which he cherished so much, is not needed even by himself.

Friends got a little tired, the beer does not climb, you just want to wash in the sauna, and the girls tire with the monotony of desires and poses. And the old truth comes to mind: it is better to be needed than free! And behind her the thought is knocking - I'm getting married! I want to live with this woman, I am ready to watch her constantly nearby, endure her bad temper and her, to match the character, my mother, raise children and someday die with the chosen one on the same day.

Everything else is nothing more than beautiful fairy tales invented by women for self-affirmation. He married me for love! He got married because I'm smart and beautiful! He married because of my rich inner world! Yes, it's all true. But! Love and beauty over time, if not completely erased, then noticeably fade, and there are a lot of smart people with a rich inner world ... even among men. Therefore, when a man marries (of course, we are talking about a smart man), he always “sees at the root”, that is, into a vague future, trying to see himself and his future wife there after 20, 30, 50 years. Take a look and say to yourself again - yes, it suits me!

I've been a fool. No, my marriage cannot be called early or even more hasty. But at the time, I didn't think about anything like that. It's just that after six years of marriage, the question arose with an edge: either we get married or we disperse. And none of us specifically raised this issue. It just so happened. Life is Beautiful and amazing. Yesterday everything was quiet and calm, like a swamp in a forest. And today r-time! Break! And either jump or fall. And you, like that Hamlet, wander from corner to corner and mutter: "To be or not to be?"

In order to somehow put my thoughts in order and distract from emotions, I sat down and wrote everything down on paper. Classic pros and cons. As a result, he proposed to his wife. Even on the same paper he wrote something like a marriage contract. I don’t think that with this writing I convinced my future wife of something, but after three months she agreed. Thirteen years have passed - the flight is normal. Lucky.

Wait - and the man will marry!

So, dear women, if you want to get married, be patient. Who knows, maybe your man will “ripen” tomorrow or in a week? Well, in a couple of years - for sure! And then one day your man will decide to marry and say: "Beloved, be my wife!".

And you get tired of waiting, so look for a more “mature” man. But I beg you: do not make the common mistake of all women - do not put pressure on us. Believe me, no one will get better from this. Under the influence of the onslaught, a man does not marry or takes this step thoughtlessly - it’s worse for you.

Like the classic: “Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and give everything themselves. Very true. This is also about us men. Especially single ones. A man marries, but it will be, as in a joke:

- Marry, son, you will know.

- Is it true?

True... but it will be too late...

The ransom can be carried out in different ways - with dances, tasks and money. The main thing is that the groom does not plan to avoid ransom and is not late. Below we have prepared some cool bride price competitions for the groom, which we hope you will want to take note of.

Usually there are money tasks or fines in the ransom, and all the money collected is sent as a gift to the young. Thus, you can check not only the firmness of the groom's intentions, but also his generosity.

At the entrance, on the wall or in front of the entrance to a private house, a paper camomile is attached, from which the petals can be easily torn off (glue them lightly or attach them with adhesive tape). On each petal is written one possible reason for the wedding:

The bridesmaid invites the groom to tear off the petal and announce the official reason for the wedding. If the reason of the young guy does not satisfy, he pays the appointed fine and tears the petals further.


Competition to test the strength of the groom and his friends. This competition has a deep history. Indeed, in jealousy, in order to take the bride, the betrothed had to cut a log on the way to her house.

Today, more sophisticated methods can be used to test the groom's physical abilities. Forfeits with different tasks should be placed in the bag:

  • hammer a nail with one blow;
  • lift the weight as many times as possible;
  • push out 10 times;
  • pick up a friend;
  • break a thread or rope;
  • jump 10 times on one leg;
  • sit down 10 times on one leg;
  • pick up mother-in-law.

During the groom’s tasks, the friends should laugh at him and shout: “Look, the groom is holding a hammer for the first time”, “Oh, it’s hard for him”, “Well done groom!”, “He will be a good husband!”.

The groom has the right to refuse to complete the task and pay for it or ask his friends to complete the task for him.


In advance, you need to prepare props: a large drawing paper, on which various traces of lips are placed. To create props, you should walk through the bridesmaids in advance and ask them to kiss a piece of paper with painted lips.

To diversify the competition, relatives of the bride, her mother or sisters can kiss the leaf.

Well, to make it quite difficult - ask to kiss whatman paper and men. The task of the groom is to find the lips of his bride.

If he is wrong, and the girlfriends must somehow mark the correct lips for themselves in advance, then the girlfriends will be forced to pay a ransom. Lipstick for kissing can be one or they can be different.


Before entering an apartment or room, the groom is offered to freshen up and several cups of compote are placed in front of him. It is important that the compote was without berries. In one of the mugs, a carefully washed key to the front door or the door to the bride's room is placed in advance.

If parents give young people an apartment, this may be the key to their door. The groom must find the key by drinking all the compote.

To avoid further mishaps, the groomsmen can help the groom with the search and drink together or instead of him. Of course, an alternative option is a cash contribution to the bridesmaids, but it's more fun when the groom and his boyfriends are looking for the key on their own.

Before going to the registry office, you should definitely give the groom and friends the opportunity to visit the toilet so that the further event goes without incidents, and the mood remains good.

"Power of love"

Props should be prepared in advance - a towel soaked in water. The bridesmaids give the groom a towel and say: “How much you love your bride, tighten the towel so much!” The groom tries to tie the towel as tight as possible.

At the same time, he can turn to his friends for help. Together they tightly tighten the towel and give it to their friends. They inspect the towel and return it to the groom with the words: "Now untie it as quickly as you quickly put up with your wife during quarrels."

The groom is trying to quickly untie the towel, a comical situation arises and, most likely, he will have to pay off the annoying girlfriends with money.

"Call me"

A sheet of paper should hang on the door to the bride's room. But it should be done in the form of an announcement - with several separate strips at the bottom. In the center of the paper there is an inscription - call me, and on tear-off sheets - separate letters.

The groom must tear off each strip and call the bride with an affectionate name on the letter indicated on it. You can’t let the groom think for more than 5 seconds to add some complexity to the task. If the groom does not have time, he must pay with money. Girlfriends open the door when all the leaves are torn off.


If the bride has a brother, then this competition must be. In front of the door to the bride's chambers, the brother stands up and says to the approaching groom: "What have you come for?" The groom explains why he has come, and the brother says: “I am protecting my sister, so turn away from the gate.” The groom replies that the bride is already his, to which the brother offers to prove it to him.

The groom must say various reasons that show that the bride is already his by right: we love each other, we have a wedding and so on. The brother should listen and ask the guests whether to believe him in the groom?

Most likely, the guests will shout “No” and the groom will have to open his wallet.


Girlfriends prepare excerpts of musical works and write their name on pieces of paper. The leaves are folded into a bag, and the groom must pull out one of them. Having drawn out the name of the dance and music, the friends and the groom should dance together. In case of refusal, friends receive a ransom.

A large hard apple is taken and matches are stuck into it, the more there are, the better. One of the matches should be broken so that it is smaller than the others. The friend holds the apple so that the small match is hidden as far as possible.

The groom must pull the matches until he pulls out a small one. For each long match - he is obliged to come up with an affectionate nickname for his bride or just say a compliment.

"Ingenuity Test"

This competition is designed to test the groom for ingenuity and eloquence. In advance, random words are written on small sheets: car, bird, roof, Egypt, window and others. All pieces of paper are placed in a box or bag.

As soon as the guests want to get into the house, the girlfriends offer the future spouse to pull the papers out of the bag and make up a story from the words written on them. The story may be about the bride, future family life or relatives.

The more eloquent the guy gets, the better, otherwise - a fine. The story can turn out to be anything: by car we will rush to the registry office faster than a bird, and even Egypt will be visible from the roof of our future house, the house will be so high, etc.


A girlfriend stands in front of the young man with an empty container (glass, bowl, etc.), she also says forfeits that he must do: put what rustles, what rings, splashes, etc. If the guy can't find a suitable item, the girlfriend offers to replace it with something rustling.

There can be quite a lot of forfeits, and they must be complex so that a decent amount is collected at the end.


After the guests still get into the apartment, the young man is led to a locked room. The bride is in the room with her grandmother and several bridesmaids. Each has a rope or thread in their hands, the end of which sticks out from behind the door.

The future head of the family must pull the rope and pull the owner out of the room. If it is not the bride that comes across, then a fine is paid and the rope is pulled again. The leader can say at the moment of failure: "Marry or pay." The competition lasts until the guy finds his betrothed. Although he can choose his bride and girlfriend.

Cool competitions for the ransom of the bride in verse

The more fun the ransom is, the better. You can take the old rites as a script, where all the competitions are held in verse. It will be a little more difficult for girlfriends, because you have to learn everything, but positive emotions are guaranteed for all guests.


When the groom tries to enter the apartment, the girlfriend says:

“We have 3 bouquets.
Answer this time
What do you take and what do you bring as a gift?

The girlfriend has 3 envelopes in her hands, each of which contains a piece of paper with inscriptions: a broom, a birch broom for a bath and a bouquet.

The young man must choose one of the envelopes and receive what was written from the bride's friends.

For example, he pulls out an envelope with the word "broom", then the girlfriend says again:

“Something was badly chosen,
If you gave a broom as a gift,
It just doesn't fit
And you have to pay"

The groom continues to choose until he finds a bouquet of flowers, then he receives it from the hands of his boyfriend.

This competition is made so that the guests get to know each other better and get to know the groom. Girlfriend turns to his friends and says:

“Why are you silent guests?
Praise our groom"

Friends in response should tell everyone at least 10 good qualities of the groom, without repetition and as original as possible. If friends can't name 10 qualities, then they will have to pay.

This competition has a second option. The witness asks:

"Well, my friend, don't be silent,
Talk about merits and name all 20,
And if you don't get them all,
From the gate you turn"

"Sing bird"

The bridesmaids meet the groom at the door and say:

"What kind of fiance do you have?
Is it pockmarked or crooked?
Does it have power?
Is it his voice?

Come on, sing to us about the bride, about her beauty and become,
And let my friends not be silent,
Let them shout with you in unison"

The groom must sing loudly about his love, he can use existing songs or just come up with. Maybe he just screams loudly with his friends about his love for the girl.

A playful scenario for a wedding for the ransom of the bride in the stairwell

The ransom scenario involves several contests that are held all the way to the bride, starting from the entrance and ending with the door to her room. It all starts at the entrance:

  1. In advance, girlfriends tie a thread between the doors of the access door. It cannot be torn or passed under it, in general it cannot be touched. The groom must figure out how to overcome the obstacle, or pay a fine. One of the correct answers would be to burn the thread;
  2. Immediately after the door on the wall of the entrance, you need to attach a drawing paper with a drawn large lock. Stickers should be placed on the lock so that little men are drawn on their hidden side and only one of them has a couple. Guests must tear off the leaves and find a pair, in case of failure - a fine.

The procession then approaches the steps leading to the floor. Here, too, there are tasks:

  1. A paper letter should be placed on each step, and the groom should compliment his betrothed on each letter;
  2. Each flight of stairs should contain a heart on which the reason for the wedding will be indicated: calculation, hunger, clean socks have run out, mother does not let home without grandchildren, and others. If the young spouse does not agree with the reason, he must pay. Place a heart with the correct answer only on the last flight in front of the bride's apartment;
  3. On one of the stairs, place hearts of different colors on the steps, stepping on a step with red - you need to praise the bride, with blue - scold. There is a secret how to overcome the stairs quickly - a friend must carry a young man in his arms;
  4. Lay out paper traces with questions on the steps, the groom must answer correctly or pay for it.

Questions may vary:

On the flight of stairs of the bride, the host of the ransom or the bridesmaids also prepare tasks:

  1. Footprints are glued to the apartment, the groom, stepping into them, must say what household chores he will do. The fine will be if the guy gets around the traces or fails to come up with a case. In order for guests to be guaranteed to pay, it is worth sticking a mark on a wall or door;
  2. The leader needs to place a garland of balloons around the door and put a piece of paper in each balloon. All pieces of paper are empty and only one has the inscription "key". The procession must find the correct ball and only then receive the key to the apartment. By tradition, for a mistake - a fine;
  3. But the key to the apartment is also not easy to get, because it is frozen in advance in an ice cube, and the friends must warm it with their palms or lips;
  4. Opening the door, the groom finds 10 ribbons tied in the aisle. For each ribbon, the witness must name one positive quality of the groom.

In the apartment itself, the groom also expects several tasks. The path to the bride will not be easy:

  1. A friend meets guests in the hallway with a tray. The groom must put on the diarrhea the name of his beloved with the help of coins or banknotes;
  2. The next girlfriend is holding a chamomile with detachable petals. Each petal contains a number that means something to the couple. The groom must explain all the numbers. You can take as an example the date they met, the time of their first date, the waist or shoe size of the bride, the number of best friends, the height or weight of the bride, the number of invited guests. For every failure, the friends must pay with money;
  3. The father of the bride meets the groom and offers him 3 glasses. In one - sweet water, in the second vodka, and in the third bitter water. The groom must drink all three. With what facial expression he drinks, so they will live together. Therefore, if the groom suddenly grimaced, he must justify this with a cash present to the future father-in-law;
  4. The mother of the bride holds a glass of water on a tray, while the groom must fill it with coins so that the water flows over the top. How much water to pour, the future mother-in-law decides;
  5. There are three shoes in front of the room with the bride, the groom must guess the shoes of his bride. Moreover, it does not have to be wedding shoes, it can be sneakers and slippers;
  6. Before the door, the groom will have to sing a song to his bride or shout loudly with his friends about how he loves her. Only then will the door open.

Already in the room, the groom sees the table at which his bride is sitting, but her girlfriends are sitting next to her so that there is no way to approach her. Therefore, the groom is forced to pay again. Girlfriends shout to him to put a bill on each corner of the table and only then will they let him in.

But when the groom puts in money, they can shout “Not enough! Few! Put more!”. The way to the bride opens only when the bridesmaids are satisfied with the amounts.

When developing a script, you should think through all the details in advance and prepare the props.

But having spare tasks on hand is sometimes useful, because when the bride's preparations are slightly delayed, and the groom has already arrived, you can gain more time by doing additional tasks. And, of course, you should warn your friends and groom in advance about contests and the required coins and banknotes.

And there are some more original ideas about the ransom of the bride in the next video.

The essence of the ransom of the bride is that the groom with a witness and his friends goes to "ransom" the bride, who is in the house of her parents, guarded by relatives and friends. Fruit, sweets, champagne and money can act as a "payoff". The ransom should not become a separate event, it only precedes the main action, entertaining the guests and the groom with witnesses. Therefore, you should not overload it with competitions, complex sentences or a cumbersome poetic form. Let everything be easy and fun. To do this, the ransom should not exceed 30-40 minutes.

Ransom: meeting the groom

Before entering the entrance, the bridesmaid and the bridesmaids gather and ask the groom and his friends why they came. For the bride? Well, take any of us and go to the registry office!

Or, for example, in verse:

We value the bride, we won’t just give it away!
We need a ransom such that we cannot express the price:
Three bottles of lemonade? Yes, two bars of chocolate
Vodka, beer - everything - a river, and a golden ring.

Bride ransom: at home

1. From the gate to the door to the entrance (or on the stairs in front of the entrance) there is a drawn path of footprints. The groom gets up on this path, and, walking along it to the house, he must call the bride with affectionate words. For every downtime and hesitation pays a penalty.

2. 3 glasses are offered. It is necessary to make it rustle in the first one, make it ring in the second one, and hiss in the third one (paper money, change, champagne).
Let the friend-witness slowly list the merits of the groom to us.

3. 3 cups of water are offered. One mug speaks of the sweet life (water with sugar), the second - of the bitter (water with salt), and the third - of the sour (water with citric acid). The groom must drink one of the mugs, and everyone must guess from his face what kind of life the bride and groom will have after the wedding.

4. The groom is given an apple studded with matches. One of the matches should be short. The groom must pull out one match at a time until he pulls out a short one, and with each long match, he must somehow affectionately, without hesitation, call his beloved.

5. The groom must write the name of the bride on a tray or table with money.

6. From the deck, where funny pictures (photos from Playboy, cartoons) and a photo of the bride are previously pasted on the cards, choose your betrothed. Unsuccessful attempt and decision to take a new card is paid.

7. Make the groom and his friends dance the little swans to their own accompaniment or dance the gypsy girl.

8. Ask the groom to draw the bride.

9. Shout a declaration of love to the bride like that. For her to hear in the apartment (it's just great here if the bride lives on the top floor).

10. You can hang darts on the entrance door:
Feel free to throw darts
Select the required sector

A large target hangs, where the sectors mean the reason for marriage:
10 - heart, 9 - out of love, 8 - by calculation, 7 - mother ordered, 6 - the bride forced, 5 - friends advised, 4 - out of need, 3 - out of curiosity, 2 - out of stupidity, 1 - the devil beguiled.
Attempts: 1-2 - shoot, 3 - what (name of the bride) said, 4 - what he said to his parents, 5 - what he said to friends, 6 - in fact.

Questions to the groom

(you can beat it like fortune-telling on a paper chamomile with petals (they are questions that the groom must answer):

  • what date did they meet the bride
  • what gift did she give him last new year
  • wedding day
  • mother-in-law's birthday
  • shoe size
  • clothing size
  • full years bride
  • date of application for marriage, etc.


  • Which of the shoes on display belongs to her beloved? Penalty for each wrong choice. The bride's shoe is carefully stored and put on the bride's foot already at the meeting.
  • Which kiss imprinted on a mirror or piece of paper was left by his future wife (for this, all friends and girlfriends leave their smudged kisses).
  • Which handprint left on the wall belongs to his fiancee.

Competitions on the stairs on the way to the bride

1. Different letters are written on the steps, the groom must go up the steps to say gentle compliments to the bride, starting with this letter.

2. From the hearts laid out on the steps of the stairs with explanations of why he decided to marry, choose the one on which “For love” is written (it is located at the very top of the flight of stairs, so the young man will not have an easy job to get it without touching other steps.

3. You have done everything, now call with your heel at the door (with the heel of your shoes taken off).

4. Arrange daisies of two colors on the stairs. Stepped on the red one - say a kind word about the bride, stepped on the blue one - tell me how you will scold. And if you don't want to scold - pay.

Contests in the apartment

The entrance to the apartment is decorated with a poster " Wait, groom, don't move, your bride lives here!"

1. In the opening of the open door, the groom comes across a wall of balloons.

2. The groom can overcome this obstacle in two ways: he must either pierce all the balloons with the help of his friends, or pay a ransom that will suit the guests in order to remove the barrier of balloons in the way of the groom.

3. There is a basin, it says: "Put here what is most precious to you and what will be the most expensive gift for your bride" (the groom must stand up himself).

4. A rope is tied very high under the ceiling and several photographs of babies are hung on clothespins on it, one of which is the bride in infancy. Behind the photo of the bride is the key to the outer door.

5. Papers are put into inflated balloons. On one of them - the inscription "key". The groom must burst the chosen ball, if he guesses - he is given the key to the apartment, if he is wrong - a fine.

6. It is necessary to determine in which room the future spouse is located (in other rooms, “false brides” are waiting for him, which can be played by both men and women): there are a lot of ribbons on the floor, the ends of which are hidden in different rooms. His task is to choose any one that, as it seems to him, will lead him to the bride. The competition continues until the groom pulls out his bride. When he is wrong, the guests loudly ask for a ransom or tell the groom that he must marry the one who came out the door. There is a variant of this competition. When all the ribbons are placed under one door, the bride's grandmother comes out first, then the man dressed as the bride, and only the very last - the real bride.

7. The entrance is walled up with strings, and the groom must cut the thread and affectionately call the bride.

8. The doors to the apartment and in the apartment are all closed. Each door has a task. The groom chooses the door behind which he thinks the bride is and answers the question. Answers correctly - the door opens, did not guess - choose another door and pay the ransom. At the same time, a man dressed as a bride may be in one of the rooms.

9. You can stick wallpaper on the entrance to the bride's room. And pretend that there are no more rooms. And when the groom breaks through the wallpaper, take a ransom for the damage to the apartment.

10. In the living room near the bride, according to custom, a brother sits: if not a native, then a cousin, who sells the place next to the bride. And here it is important not to sell too cheap. There is an option that at first he sells her look, that is, the bride first sits with her head down and does not look at the groom, and when she pays a certain amount, she raises her head.

You can also sell her smile:

For the bride smile - a chocolate bar.
For the bride's bouquet - put us sweets.
For cute eyelashes - sparkling water.
And for a nice walk - a bottle of vodka.

When the groom has almost reached the goal, he must utter the cherished words, and then the door will open. For some reason, almost all suitors do not say these cherished words - "I love you" right away. The first thing that comes to their mind is "Sim-Sim open"... For this, a fine is also due.

Choose from these competitions to your liking and have fun to your heart's content!

Photos from the sites sobytie.net, shop.svadba-moscow.ru, skoro-zamuzh.narod.ru, www.aprilstudio.net

If future newlyweds want to organize a wedding, observing established traditions, the classic bride price is the best option, although many consider it banal.

If the organizers approach the matter with a soul, the event turns out to be fun and interesting. For example, a good way to diversify a traditional ritual is to act out the classic prose bride price.

The main thing is not to extract more money from the groom, but to please everyone present with fun contests and an exciting spectacle.

The role of traditions in a wedding

If now the future newlyweds themselves decide how their wedding will go, then before all marriages took place according to the same scenario, which was determined. In each culture, they were formed in their own way, depending on the experience of previous generations and religious beliefs. Many are still observed by newlyweds.

At weddings in ancient times, all customs were performed in order to bring happiness and prosperity to the life of newly-made spouses and protect them from bad influence. People tried to attract the mercy of the gods to the family and ward off the evil entities that strove to harm on the wedding day.

Now traditions no longer play such an important role, these are just touching memorable stages that are customary to observe on. Young people come up with their own customs, which are no longer dictated by religion, but by their own preferences and fashion. In any case, old and modern traditions form the framework of the marriage scenario, on which other stages are then layered.

What does the rite symbolize?

The history of this rite stretches back hundreds and even thousands of years. Since after the wedding the bride left her father's house and could no longer help her parents with the housework, then it was not customary to give a girl in marriage just like that - the groom had to pay a ransom. Its amount was determined by the beauty, good breeding and thrift of a potential wife.

The ransom was agreed in advance during the matchmaking, and if both parties came to an agreement, then the engagement was announced. In addition, on the day of the wedding, the groom had to prove that he was worthy of the hand and heart of his beloved, and for this he had to pass simple tests.

The most popular task, for example, began with the young man's neighbors blocking his way to the bride's house with a fallen tree. The groom was given a saw, and he had to saw through the barrier in order to pass on.

Now the ransom is less grandiose. Since the hero of the occasion must look perfect at the wedding, contests are held not for physical actions, but for ingenuity. In addition, financial compensation to the bride's parents is no longer provided. The groom pays a symbolic amount only for the fact that he cannot pass any competition.


The advantage of such an event, not tied to any creative theme, is that the organization does not take much time. Girlfriends and relatives of the bride, who, as a rule, are preparing tests for the groom, do not need to select special costumes or decorate the place of celebration in a special way.

The organizers of the ransom remain in their usual outfits, which will not change throughout the entire wedding. A sign or poster is hung on the front door to the house of the hero of the occasion with an inscription in the spirit of "The bride lives here." The inside of the entrance is decorated with posters, paper garlands, lanterns and pompoms, balloons, colorful ribbons, etc.

It is so accepted that the ransom of the bride should be prepared, but recently this role has been given to several girls at once. It’s even better, because if the event is hosted by one friend, she will quickly get tired, but several hosts replacing each other will create a more interesting scenario. Most often, the ransom is carried out by 3 people.

Stage one - meeting the groom

The scenario of a classic bride price with phrases like “We have goods, you have a merchant” will be faded. Such remarks have long become boring to everyone. It is better to make dialogues more original - you can even speak in your own words.

For example, when the groom and his retinue arrive at the house of his beloved, the host can meet the guests with a speech.

Leading. Hello, (groom's name). Where are you in such a hurry? Why did you complain?

The groom says that he came for the bride.

Leading. For the bride - it's good. Look how many of us are here - for every taste and color. Blondes, brown-haired brunettes, tall and short, funny and serious, calm and fast. Each of us will go to the registry office even now.

The groom says that he has already chosen a bride for himself, calls her name.

Leading. Ah, so you came for the most enviable bride. Well, the lip is not stupid. Do you know that the parents of your beloved strictly forbade her to give away just like that? You will have to complete tricky tasks, show your strength and ingenuity, and in some places pay off with money, quench our thirst with champagne or sweeten us with sweets. Are you ready for such challenges?

The young man replies that he is ready.

Interesting! To give the beginning of the wedding a "zest", you can come up with or take as a basis a ready-made classic script.

Stage two - competitions

The groom and all the guests stand under the windows of the bride.

Leading. First, show us how much you love your bride. Although she is far away now, she will definitely hear the words of true love. Shout three times how you love (name of the bride), and if she throws her handkerchief out of the window, then we will move on.

After the hero of the occasion throws off a handkerchief smelling of her perfume, the whole procession goes inside the entrance.

On the ground floor, the presenter shows the groom a large flower with individual paper petals, each with a number written on it.

Young woman. If you really love our (name of the bride), then you should know everything about her. Numbers are written on the chamomile petals, you need to guess what they mean. For each miss you will pay a fine.

Numbers can be:

  • foot size;
  • the last three digits of the phone number;
  • clothing size;
  • heel length on wedding shoes;
  • how many children the bride wants, etc.

When the groom answers all the questions or buys them off, then everyone goes up to the next floor. Footprints are glued on the steps and walls leading to the next landing.

Leading. In married life, the wife must be sure that you can rely on you, that you will not deviate from the intended path. Now you need to follow the tracks exactly, without stepping anywhere else, to the next floor.

The groom jumps on the first step himself, and then he must guess that his friends should carry him, applying him to the footprints on the walls or distant steps.

There is a dart board on the next platform, but the usual fields on it are replaced by the following phrases:

  • the demon beguiled;
  • tired of ironing shirts;
  • I want to fall asleep in an already heated bed;
  • ran out of clean socks;
  • mom made
  • by calculation;
  • kicked out of the house;
  • tired of escorting home;
  • for love (in the center).

Leading. Now we will find out why you actually decided to get married. Here's a dart for you, you only have one try. Throw it at the target and by hitting we will know your true intentions. In which case you can buy a few more darts if you don’t hit the right target right away, otherwise we can tell the truth to the bride.

When the groom hits the "bull's eye", then everyone goes up the floor. On each step to the next landing is a paper heart with a letter written on it.

Leading. On the way to the next competition, you need to tell your beloved a compliment on the letter that lies on the step. You can skip some heart if you can pay off.

You can use not only ordinary letters, for example, "l", "d", "p" or "k", for which it is easy to come up with a compliment, but also 2-3 dummy ones, for example, "b", "b" or "s" ".

Interesting! On the letter "b" we can say that the bride has a soft character, on "b" - a firm hand. If the groom guesses such a trick, then the answer is counted.

On the next floor, a drawing paper with 20-30 prints of female lips hangs on the wall (you can also add male ones for comic relief).

Leading. We know for sure that our (name of the bride) kissed you more than once, and if so, then you must unmistakably distinguish her lips from all the others. Look at the prints and say which area your loved one kissed, and for each miss you will pay a fine.

After completing the task, everyone rises further.

Leading. And now let's check how things are with your memory. It is very important for women if you remember memorable dates, so you will train now. I will name the date, and you will answer what it means.

Questions might be:

  • date of your acquaintance;
  • date of marriage proposal;
  • mother-in-law's date of birth;
  • date of the first kiss;
  • wedding date is reversed, etc.

When the groom copes with the task, everyone goes up to the bride's floor.

Leading. Before the last jerk, let's give the groom a rest - now there is a competition for the witness. The groom's friends should know exactly what his beloved looks like. Let the best friend of the hero of the occasion prove that he will cope with such a task.

Childhood photographs of the bride and other girls hang on the wall. The witness will have to recognize the chosen one of his best friend. After that, everyone goes to the bride's apartment. In front of her room, several colored ribbons stretch under the door.

Leading. Here is the last step to your destiny. Guess which ribbon the bride is holding on to and pull her towards you.

In addition to the hero of the occasion, a girl, an aged lady and a man dressed as a woman can sit in the room. The competition continues until the groom finds the bride.

Interesting! For comparison, see . Choose the best option.


Redemption of the bride in a classic style is not necessarily boring and banal. The organizers of the tests for the groom can bring a twist to the contests if they take into account the individuality and characters of the future newlyweds. In order not to delay the event, it is advisable to dilute long tasks with simple ones.

Thousands of girls day by day are busy thinking: how to get married. Years of reflection flow into depression: "this will never happen, because a man cannot be forced to marry."

There is a saying that marriage is a matter of time, not a miracle. Partners need to get used to each other, to understand who is who, whether their habits coincide. But sometimes such "bride-in-law" stretches for years. However, many girls consider happy those of their girlfriends who have been toiling in a civil marriage for several years, because they themselves simply cannot find a partner!

So today we will consider the reasons for getting married, to get married and ... to breed (yes, yes, and certain conditions are necessary for this)

7 reasons to get married

  1. I'm tired of remembering different names, I want to confirm one thing once and for all.
  2. Tired of smoking in the room. I want to do it on the balcony, and even better - in the stairwell.
  3. Decided to start a new life on Monday.
  4. No more strength to endure. Rather, there is strength, but there is no longer to endure - no.
  5. I want to try to wake up at home every morning.
  6. So that on March 8 all gifts remain in the house.
  7. To have confidence in tomorrow night.
9 reasons to get married
  1. So that my mother does not scold.
  2. There is absolutely nothing to wear, only this little white dress with a veil.
  3. Life goes on, we must finally slam the door!
  4. In order not to cook any beef stroganoff there, but just a pot of cabbage soup for the whole week.
  5. In order to finally find out the phones of all the police, hospitals and morgues
  6. To finally know exactly who ruined your best years.
  7. Everything for him, scoundrel! And he!..
  8. Take a walk at the wedding.
  9. You are sausage from Mendelssohn's march.
15 reasons to get divorced
  1. To calmly watch the Champions League final.
  2. Tired of walking to the left. I want to walk straight.
  3. Because the wife's best years are over, and there is nothing to spoil.
  4. To go to the toilet when you want, not when you're free.
  5. To provide a spouse with alimony.
  6. Love has passed, but the tomatoes have not wilted yet
  7. Because the mother-in-law (mother-in-law) won.
  8. To overcome the feeling of their own unimportance, to close up a hole in the energy cocoon and restore the connection with the cosmos that was lost during the marriage.
  9. To walk on a divorce!
  10. To prove that you are a man (woman) and not a woman (man)!
  11. And take everything and share!
  12. Enter this reason yourself.
  13. So that, like a normal person, mom was alone again.
  14. Love is evil, you will stop loving the goat.
  15. The line in court approached.
When to schedule a wedding?

Another important aspect to consider when dealing with a marriage problem is when to schedule the wedding.

The alliance concluded in JANUARY promises to be quite calm. However, some routine of marital relations can, in the end, cause psychological and physical dissatisfaction of the couple.

FEBRUARY - stormy relationships, frequent betrayals - all these are possible consequences of a February wedding. The first year usually becomes a kind of test for newlyweds. If they endure it, then the marriage can be strong.

MARCH - those who got married in March, the stars promise a rather interesting union. True, in part, he will remind them of a zebra skin: a calm and delightful period will be replaced by days of cooling and quarrels.

APRIL - love, love and more love. Only this feeling can keep the spouses near each other.

MAY - "who gets married in May, he will toil all his life" Do not believe it! This is a pretty solid and happy marriage. By the way, those who get married in May usually achieve material well-being faster than other couples.

JUNE - for a couple who entered into an alliance this month, it is important to remember one thing: everything is good in moderation. Excesses in any direction are fraught with serious consequences.

JULY - oddly enough, but June and July marriages are somewhat similar. The main thing for both spouses is to set priorities for themselves once and for all: either the family is most important, or a career, or personal well-being and freedom.

AUGUST - solid tests for the strength of feelings. So in the first ten years you will definitely not be bored.