The last request of the wife before the divorce changed. His wife's last request before the divorce changed his life forever. Division of property and wife's conditions

« I came home for dinner, my wife cooked it that evening. I wanted to talk to her, the conversation was going to be difficult, and I started with the phrase “I need to tell you something” ... She did not answer anything and switched to cooking. Once again I saw the pain in her eyes.

I needed to continue somehow to continue the conversation, and I blurted out that we need to get a divorce. She only asked, "Why?" I was unable to answer by avoiding this question. Then she got angry, threw a tantrum, started throwing everything that came to hand at me. "You're not a man," she cried out.

There was nothing else to talk about. I went to bed, could not sleep for a long time and heard her crying. It was difficult for me to explain to her what happened with our marriage, I did not know what to answer her. How can I tell her that I have not loved her for a long time, only pity remained from the feelings, and I gave my heart to Jane?

The next day I prepared all the documents for the divorce and for the division of property. I left my wife a house, a car and a 30% stake in my business. However, she grinned, tore up the documents and said that she did not need anything from me. And then she cried again. I also felt sorry for 10 years of our marriage, but her reaction only strengthened my desire to get a divorce.

That day I came home late, did not have supper and immediately went to bed. She sat at the table and wrote something. I woke up in the middle of the night - my wife was still writing, sitting at her desk. I didn't care what she did, because I didn't feel any more intimacy of souls with her.

In the morning she told me that she had her own conditions for divorce. She insisted on maintaining good relations, as long as we had enough. Her argument was very convincing: a month later, our son had exams at school. She believed that such news would excite his nervous system. It was hard to disagree with her. The second condition of my wife seemed stupid to me: she wanted me to take her out of the bedroom in my arms every morning for a month and carry her to the porch, as a reminder of how after the wedding I brought her into my house.

I didn't argue, I didn't care. At work, I told Jane about this request, to which she sarcastically remarked that these were my wife's pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to the family.

When on the first day I took my wife in my arms, I felt awkward. We became strangers to each other. Our son saw us and joyfully jumped around: “Dad is carrying mom in his arms!” And my wife quietly told me: "Don't tell him anything..." Near the front door, I put my wife on the floor, from where she went to the bus stop.

On the second day, everything turned out more naturally. I noted with surprise for myself that I had not noticed the small wrinkles on her face and a few gray hairs before. She put so much warmth into our marriage, how could I thank her?

Very soon, a small spark arose between us. And every day this spark grew. I was also surprised to notice that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. I didn't say anything to Jane.

When on the last day I was going to pick up my wife, I found her near the closet. She lamented that she had lost a lot of weight lately. She's really lost weight, she's lost a lot of weight. Is she really that worried about our relationship? Our son entered the room and asked when dad will carry mom in his arms? He took it as a tradition. I took her in my arms, feeling exactly like on our wedding day. It's incredible: she lightly hugged my neck. The only thing that bothered me was her weight.

Then I put my wife on the floor, grabbed the car keys and flew to work. When I met Jane, I told her that I did not want to divorce my wife, that our feelings had cooled down only because we stopped paying attention to each other. Jane slapped me and ran away in tears.

And I understood that I would rather see my wife. I rushed out of the office, bought the most beautiful bouquet in the nearest flower shop, and when the seller asked what to write on the card, I replied: “It will be happiness for me to carry you in my arms until my death!”

I arrived home, with a light heart and a smile on my lips, I climbed the stairs and ran into the bedroom. The wife was lying on the bed. She was dead...

Later, I learned that she had courageously fought cancer for the past few months. But she didn't tell me anything, and I didn't see anything, because I was busy with my relationship with Jane. My wife was an amazingly wise woman: so that I would not become a monster in the eyes of my son because of a divorce, she came up with all these “divorce conditions”.

I hope my story helps someone save their family… Many people have given up not knowing that they are just one step away from victory!”

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It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship right now or not. WITH We encourage you to read this story about the importance of appreciating your loved ones. As long as they are around.

« I came home for dinner, my wife cooked it that evening. I wanted to talk to her, the conversation was going to be difficult, and I started with the phrase “I need to tell you something” ... She did not answer anything and switched to cooking. Once again I saw the pain in her eyes.

I needed to continue somehow to continue the conversation, and I blurted out that we need to get a divorce. She only asked, "Why?" I was unable to answer by avoiding this question. Then she got angry, threw a tantrum, started throwing everything that came to hand at me. "You're not a man," she cried out.

There was nothing else to talk about. I went to bed, could not sleep for a long time and heard her crying. It was difficult for me to explain to her what happened with our marriage, I did not know what to answer her. How can I tell her that I have not loved her for a long time, only pity remained from the feelings, and I gave my heart to Jane?

The next day I prepared all the documents for the divorce and for the division of property. I left my wife a house, a car and a 30% stake in my business. However, she grinned, tore up the documents and said that she did not need anything from me. And then she cried again. I also felt sorry for 10 years of our marriage, but her reaction only strengthened my desire to get a divorce.

That day I came home late, did not have supper and immediately went to bed. She sat at the table and wrote something. I woke up in the middle of the night - my wife was still writing, sitting at her desk. I didn't care what she did, because I didn't feel any more intimacy of souls with her.

In the morning she told me that she had her own conditions for divorce. She insisted on maintaining good relations, as long as we had enough. Her argument was very convincing: a month later, our son had exams at school. She believed that such news would excite his nervous system. It was hard to disagree with her. The second condition of my wife seemed stupid to me: she wanted me to take her out of the bedroom in my arms every morning for a month and carry her to the porch, as a reminder of how after the wedding I brought her into my house.

I didn't argue, I didn't care. At work, I told Jane about this request, to which she sarcastically remarked that these were my wife's pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to the family.

When on the first day I took my wife in my arms, I felt awkward. We became strangers to each other. Our son saw us and joyfully jumped around: “Dad is carrying mom in his arms!” And my wife quietly told me: "Don't tell him anything..." Near the front door, I put my wife on the floor, from where she went to the bus stop.

On the second day, everything turned out more naturally. I noted with surprise for myself that I had not noticed the small wrinkles on her face and a few gray hairs before. She put so much warmth into our marriage, how could I thank her?

Very soon, a small spark arose between us. And every day this spark grew. I was also surprised to notice that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. I didn't say anything to Jane.

When on the last day I was going to pick up my wife, I found her near the closet. She lamented that she had lost a lot of weight lately. She's really lost weight, she's lost a lot of weight. Is she really that worried about our relationship? Our son entered the room and asked when dad will carry mom in his arms? He took it as a tradition. I took her in my arms, feeling exactly like on our wedding day. It's incredible: she lightly hugged my neck. The only thing that bothered me was her weight.

Then I put my wife on the floor, grabbed the car keys and flew to work. When I met Jane, I told her that I did not want to divorce my wife, that our feelings had cooled down only because we stopped paying attention to each other. Jane slapped me and ran away in tears.

And I understood that I would rather see my wife. I rushed out of the office, bought the most beautiful bouquet in the nearest flower shop, and when the seller asked what to write on the card, I replied: “It will be happiness for me to carry you in my arms until my death!”

I arrived home, with a light heart and a smile on my lips, I climbed the stairs and ran into the bedroom. The wife was lying on the bed. She was dead...

Later, I learned that she had courageously fought cancer for the past few months. But she didn't tell me anything, and I didn't see anything, because I was busy with my relationship with Jane. My wife was an amazingly wise woman: so that I would not become a monster in the eyes of my son because of a divorce, she came up with all these “divorce conditions”.

I hope my story helps someone save their family… Many people have given up not knowing that they are just one step away from victory!”

It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship right now or not. We advise you to read this story about the importance of appreciating your loved ones. As long as they are around.

“I came home for dinner, my wife cooked it that evening. I wanted to talk to her, the conversation was going to be difficult, and I started with the phrase “I need to tell you something” ... She did not answer anything and switched to cooking. Once again I saw the pain in her eyes.

I needed to continue somehow to continue the conversation, and I blurted out that we need to get a divorce. She only asked, "Why?" I was unable to answer by avoiding this question. Then she got angry, threw a tantrum, started throwing everything that came to hand at me. "You're not a man," she cried out.

There was nothing else to talk about. I went to bed, could not sleep for a long time and heard her crying. It was difficult for me to explain to her what happened with our marriage, I did not know what to answer her. How can I tell her that I have not loved her for a long time, only pity remained from the feelings, and I gave my heart to Jane?

The next day I prepared all the documents for the divorce and for the division of property. I left my wife a house, a car and a 30% stake in my business. However, she grinned, tore up the documents and said that she did not need anything from me. And then she cried again. I also felt sorry for 10 years of our marriage, but her reaction only strengthened my desire to get a divorce.

That day I came home late, did not have supper and immediately went to bed. She sat at the table and wrote something. I woke up in the middle of the night - my wife was still writing, sitting at her desk. I didn't care what she did, because I didn't feel any more intimacy of souls with her.

In the morning she told me that she had her own conditions for divorce. She insisted on maintaining good relations, as long as we had enough. Her argument was very convincing: a month later, our son had exams at school. She believed that such news would excite his nervous system. It was hard to disagree with her. The second condition of my wife seemed stupid to me: she wanted me to take her out of the bedroom in my arms every morning for a month and carry her to the porch, as a reminder of how after the wedding I brought her into my house.

I didn't argue, I didn't care. At work, I told Jane about this request, to which she sarcastically remarked that these were my wife's pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to the family.

When on the first day I took my wife in my arms, I felt awkward. We became strangers to each other. Our son saw us and joyfully jumped around: “Dad is carrying mom in his arms!” And my wife quietly told me: "Don't tell him anything..." Near the front door, I put my wife on the floor, from where she went to the bus stop.

On the second day, everything turned out more naturally. I noted with surprise for myself that I had not noticed the small wrinkles on her face and a few gray hairs before. She put so much warmth into our marriage, how could I thank her?

Very soon, a small spark arose between us. And every day this spark grew. I was also surprised to notice that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. I didn't say anything to Jane.

When on the last day I was going to pick up my wife, I found her near the closet. She lamented that she had lost a lot of weight lately. She's really lost weight, she's lost a lot of weight. Is she really that worried about our relationship? Our son entered the room and asked when dad will carry mom in his arms? He took it as a tradition. I took her in my arms, feeling exactly like on our wedding day. It's incredible: she lightly hugged my neck. The only thing that bothered me was her weight.

Then I put my wife on the floor, grabbed the car keys and flew to work. When I met Jane, I told her that I did not want to divorce my wife, that our feelings had cooled down only because we stopped paying attention to each other. Jane slapped me and ran away in tears.

It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship right now or not. We advise you to read this story about the importance of appreciating your loved ones. As long as they are around.

“I came home for dinner, my wife cooked it that evening. I wanted to talk to her, the conversation was going to be difficult, and I started with the phrase “I need to tell you something” ... She did not answer anything and switched to cooking. Once again I saw the pain in her eyes. I needed to continue somehow to continue the conversation, and I blurted out that we need to get a divorce. She only asked, "Why?" I was unable to answer by avoiding this question. Then she got angry, threw a tantrum, started throwing everything that came to hand at me. "You're not a man," she cried out.

There was nothing else to talk about. I went to bed, could not sleep for a long time and heard her crying. It was difficult for me to explain to her what happened with our marriage, I did not know what to answer her. How can I tell her that I have not loved her for a long time, only pity remained from the feelings, and I gave my heart to Jane? The next day I prepared all the documents for the divorce and for the division of property. I left my wife a house, a car and a 30% stake in my business. However, she grinned, tore up the documents and said that she did not need anything from me. And then she cried again. I also felt sorry for 10 years of our marriage, but her reaction only strengthened my desire to get a divorce.

That day I came home late, did not have supper and immediately went to bed. She sat at the table and wrote something. I woke up in the middle of the night - my wife was still writing, sitting at her desk. I didn't care what she did, because I didn't feel any more intimacy of souls with her.

In the morning she told me that she had her own conditions for divorce. She insisted on maintaining good relations, as long as we had enough. Her argument was very convincing: a month later, our son had exams at school. She believed that such news would excite his nervous system. It was hard to disagree with her.

The second condition of my wife seemed stupid to me: she wanted me to take her out of the bedroom in my arms every morning for a month and carry her to the porch, as a reminder of how after the wedding I brought her into my house.

I didn't argue, I didn't care. At work, I told Jane about this request, to which she sarcastically remarked that these were my wife's pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to the family.

When on the first day I took my wife in my arms, I felt awkward. We became strangers to each other. Our son saw us and joyfully jumped around: “Dad is carrying mom in his arms!” And my wife quietly told me: "Don't tell him anything..." Near the front door, I put my wife on the floor, from where she went to the bus stop.

On the second day, everything turned out more naturally. I noted with surprise for myself that I had not noticed the small wrinkles on her face and a few gray hairs before. She put so much warmth into our marriage, how could I thank her?

Very soon, a small spark arose between us. And every day this spark grew. I was also surprised to notice that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. I didn't say anything to Jane.

When on the last day I was going to pick up my wife, I found her near the closet. She lamented that she had lost a lot of weight lately. She's really lost weight, she's lost a lot of weight. Is she really that worried about our relationship? Our son entered the room and asked when dad will carry mom in his arms? He took it as a tradition. I took her in my arms, feeling exactly like on our wedding day. It's incredible: she lightly hugged my neck. The only thing that bothered me was her weight.

Then I grabbed my car keys and flew to work. When I met Jane, I told her that I did not want to divorce my wife, that our feelings had cooled down only because we stopped paying attention to each other. Jane slapped me and ran away in tears.

And I understood that I would rather see my wife. I rushed out of the office, bought the most beautiful bouquet in the nearest flower shop, and when the seller asked what to write on the card, I replied: “It will be happiness for me to carry you in my arms until my death!”

I arrived home, with a light heart and a smile on my lips, I climbed the stairs and ran into the bedroom. The wife was lying on the bed. She was dead...

Later, I learned that she had courageously fought cancer for the past few months. But she didn't tell me anything, and I didn't see anything, because I was busy with my relationship with Jane. My wife was an amazingly wise woman: so that I would not become a monster in the eyes of my son because of a divorce, she came up with all these “divorce conditions”.

I hope my story helps someone save their family… Many people have given up not knowing that they are just one step away from victory!”

“I came home for dinner that my wife had cooked. I had a difficult conversation with her, which I began with the phrase "I need to tell you something." She didn't answer and started eating. It's not the first time I've noticed the pain in her eyes...

But I still had to start, and I blurted out that I wanted a divorce. She didn't look angry or surprised, just quietly asked a short question, "Why?" But I avoided the question, which made her very angry. The wife started throwing objects and threw a tantrum. "You're not a man!" she threw at me.

We didn't talk again that evening. I went to the bedroom and went to bed, but I heard my wife crying. To tell the truth, I didn't intend to have a showdown about why our marriage collapsed. But that was exactly what she was worried about. What could I say? That I don’t love her for a long time, but only regret it? And that my heart now belongs to Jane?

In the morning I signed the divorce papers and the division of property. I gave my wife a house, a car, and thirty percent of my company. But she just grinned and tore up the documents, saying that she did not need anything from me. Then she started crying again. I was sorry for the ten years she had wasted, and I also felt sorry for our marriage, but her reaction, her tantrums and anger strengthened me in the desire to get a divorce. I no longer saw in this woman what I once loved and what once held me close to her.

In the evening I returned very late. Without supper, I went to the bedroom and lay down. The wife was sitting at the table and writing something. I quickly fell asleep, and when I woke up in the middle of the night, my wife was still writing, sitting at her desk. I didn't care what she did, I no longer felt a kinship with her.

In the morning she informed me that she had written her terms of divorce. All she had to do was try to maintain good relations for as long as we could. Her argument was very convincing: in a month our son had exams at school, and she believed that it was not necessary to excite his nervous system with such bad news, but that we should try to maintain normal relations until he sorted out the exams. I agreed because I had to admit that this was the right decision. The second demand of my wife seemed stupid to me - all she wanted was that for a month every morning I carried her out of the bedroom in my arms and carried her to the porch, in memory of how, after our wedding, I brought her into the house.

I didn't argue, if only because it wouldn't mean anything to me anyway. But when I told Jane at work about this request, she laughed sarcastically and said that these were my wife's pathetic attempts to manipulate me in order to return me to the family. I just shrugged my shoulders, I didn't care, and I was sure that it was impossible.

When I took my wife in my arms on the first day, I felt very embarrassed, because we had not had intimacy for a long time, and those conversations that had been going on between us lately made us completely strangers. But our son joyfully jumped around us and shouted: “Dad is carrying mom in his arms!” And the wife quietly told me, "Don't tell him anything..." Near the door, I put my wife on the floor and went to the car, she went to the bus stop.

The second time we were more natural, she leaned her head on my shoulder and I could smell her. Suddenly I caught myself thinking that I had not examined my own wife for a long time, did not notice the small wrinkles on her face and a few gray hairs. She gave so much to our marriage, what did I give her in return?

The fourth day gave birth to a tiny spark between us

The next two days made me feel like the spark was growing. I was also surprised to notice that my wife is becoming easier and easier for me. I did not tell Jane about my thoughts and feelings, subconsciously knowing that this would make her angry.

On the last day, when I had to carry my wife, I found her near the closet. She chose what to wear, and lamented that she had lost a lot of weight. And then I noticed, after all, it’s true, she became very thin, perhaps too thin. I felt bitter that I had caused her such pain. Our son entered the room and asked when dad will carry mom in his arms? It has become a familiar start to the day for him. I easily picked up my emaciated wife and carried her to the front door. I felt exactly the same as on our wedding day. She gently hugged my neck, just like then. And everything was fine, the only thing that really upset me was the weight of my wife.

When I put my wife on her feet, I quickly ran to the car and sped off to work. There I first met with Jane and told her that I had changed my mind about getting a divorce. She felt my head, hoping that I had a fever and was delusional. But I repeated my desire, adding that our marriage was falling apart not because we stopped loving each other, but because we stopped paying attention to each other.

Jane slapped me and ran away in tears. I really wanted to go home to my wife. I rushed out of the office and the first thing I did was head to the flower shop. There I bought the most beautiful bouquet, and when the seller asked what kind of inscription to make on the card, I answered “It will be happiness for me to carry you in my arms until my death!” With a light heart, a bouquet in my hands and a smile on my lips, I flew up the stairs and ran into the bedroom. The wife was lying on the bed. She was dead

I later learned that my wife had been courageously battling cancer for the past few months. She didn't tell me anything, and I didn't notice, because I was busy having an affair with Jane. But my wise and kind wife, knowing she didn't have long, made sure that our divorce and my new romance didn't make me a monster in her son's eyes. Seeing how I carried my mother in his arms, he will now always consider me an exemplary husband. It doesn't matter if you are in a relationship right now or not, remember that any little joys, signs of attention, touches to your love will only strengthen and decorate the marriage. And they will not let the spark go out... Be not only a lover to your soul mate, be a friend and partner in life, faithful and devoted. Forget everything - money, work, business. The main thing is relationships that will forever fill your life if they are harmonious and full of love.
I hope my story helps someone save their family… Many people have given up not knowing that they are just one step away from victory!”