What to do before graduation. Preparing and holding a prom at school are the highlights. What you need to pay attention to when preparing a graduation party at school

On Saturday, the first all-regional graduation ceremony for high school students (graduates) of the Moscow Region “Take off!” was held in the Patriot military-patriotic park near Moscow.

Graduates of the Sergiev Posad Gymnasium No. 5 also went there.

“We are the first, the experimental ones, so to speak,” sighs Pasha Keopanich, a graduate of 11 “A”.

According to his class teacher Olga Vladimirovna, according to official figures, 27,000 high school students were invited to the graduation ceremony in Patriot Park. Although 30 thousand were originally announced, but three thousand graduates somehow got away from this trip.

Participation in the regional celebration was, as it turned out, "voluntary-compulsory" in nature. According to the graduates of 11 "A", it was very difficult to refuse to participate. The students were informed that they were sent to celebrate graduation in the military-patriotic park in mid-May, refusals were not accepted: “How many places are on the lists, so many should come to the celebration. “Each student has his own bracelet, each class is accompanied by one volunteer, one curator, a police officer (in addition to teachers and parents who have expressed a desire to go).

(Although the Sergiev Posad Gymnasium No. 1 named after I.B. Olbinsky, for example, refused to participate in this event. The parents of the graduates were categorically against it, they even sent a letter to the Ministry of Education: they already had plans for the 24th, and that’s all already paid.)

The gathering of students of the 5th gymnasium is scheduled for 12.00 at the school, departure at 13.00. The holiday starts at 18.00. Buses go back to Sergiev Posad at 3-4 in the morning.

The program includes four hours for the road to the park in Kubinka. The driver who is supposed to take the guys is skeptical: he is not sure that he will have time to get to the park in this time. Buses travel in a column, very slowly, accompanied by a convoy.

In total, on this day, the guys spent more than 8 hours on the road: there and back.

In buses, schoolchildren are given dry rations: to refresh themselves on the road. It is not allowed to bring your own food on the bus. At the entrance to the bus, on the order of the director, even a search of bags is carried out, and those guys who took food, water, some snacks with them are forced to throw them away. By the way, carrying bags and other personal items into the park is also prohibited.

At the event, students were treated to porridge and burgers for 150 rubles.

The guys are worried that there will not be enough porridge for everyone.

How my school broke free

I had Groundhog Day. Returning to my school a year after graduation, I ended up on the same day that I recently lived myself. Graduates in long dresses and intricate hairstyles, guys who were previously only seen in sneakers and jeans, suddenly donned suits. Graduation is an occasion to buy a long dress, post a lot of beautiful photos on Instagram and hang out in a club. For a whole year, these guys were in constant stress: they were preparing for exams, for entering a university. And then the night comes when you can stop thinking about the future and enjoy the moment.

However, the choice of places where graduates can take a break from the exam race is limited by the Moscow Department of Education. (He didn’t seem to forbid anything, but teachers unanimously say that celebrating on their own is “not recommended”). There are only three official venues: Gorky Park, the Zelenograd cultural center and the Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills.

Despite the schedule, in my school, out of four graduating classes of two merged schools, only one went to an official holiday in Gorky Park. The other three spent the night at the trendy ICON club (so I won't tell you the number of my school). “It will rain in Gorky Park at night, and everyone will be given free raincoats, and this is not cool,” the guys told me. Although others said they chose the park because it was cheaper.

Escape from Hogwarts

- Where will you go after the official part?

If you're from the police, I won't tell.

— No, I'm from the newspaper.

“Then maybe I can just teach you how to waltz?”

On the way to the gates of school number 1270, which I graduated from five years ago, I want to squint because of the glittery-screaming fireworks of outfits. A floor-length dress trimmed with sequins, red with a train, black with cutouts all over the body, a transparent cape over the jumpsuit ... It is impossible to believe that these girls are ordinary graduates, and not film stars from the red carpet. Over the years spent at the university, I probably forgot that graduation for a student is a global event. That is why it is important to adhere to the rules: high-heeled shoes, a floor-length and custom-made dress, hair and makeup are thought out in six months.

It can be seen with the naked eye that every girl is proud of herself and her outfit. But the boys behave more simply.

In general, the guys have low expectations from the evening. “The main thing is to get a certificate, and then we’ll see,” says a guy with long blond hair. This year, outdoor holidays are prohibited, with the exception of three permitted sites. "Let's stay at school for a banquet," a tall guy in a black jacket says sadly.

Another graduate approaches us, he is desperately looking for a waltz partner. Classmates "starred", and he asks me if I can dance. I know how, but I have already danced my waltz. Instead of becoming his partner, I'm trying to find out if everyone is in favor of staying at school for prom. “Of course not all. But they don't keep anyone. For example, we will have our own party. There are already plans for the evening,” he says mysteriously. Where they are going to celebrate, he does not say - "the information is classified."

Waltz announced. Over the past few years, the graduation waltz has become a school tradition. There is excitement on their faces. I think many people are afraid to crush their partner's leg in front of the whole school and their parents. But after the first sounds of the melody, it seems that everyone relaxed and began to enjoy the dance. The girls changed their "Miss Universe" masks to sincere smiles, and their partners began to lead more confidently in the dance.

In the break between the dances and the solemn part, I find out who plans to go where. The Financial Academy, and Moscow State University, and MGIMO are mentioned - completely top universities. Among the guys there are those who are going to enter foreign universities. Priority is China.

Finally, the most solemn moment comes - the presentation of certificates. Everyone goes to a beautifully decorated assembly hall, the presentation is turned on. Slides with photos of graduates are turned over to the music. Here they are still quite small, here in costumes on the stage they are dancing something incendiary. The piercing Zemfira sings: “We run away on business; / The earth is broken in half ... "

I see tears.

The director says the traditional words about how wonderful everyone is, how much success they have achieved, what high scores they got in the Unified State Examination, and so on, so on, so on ...

We were also told that. And we cried too.

The main thing is that the suit sits

Alina, a graduate of lyceum No. 21 in the city of Ivanovo, did not buy a chic dress for a solemn and symbolic day. Even though I wanted to. But there was no extra money.

Maybe it's a shame, but a good half of Alina's classmates face a similar situation. And, what is remarkable, both the female half of the class and the male half. Sasha, who graduated from the same institution a couple of years ago, said that for every graduation, 11th grade boys fill up with orders from the same men's suit rental shop, wanting to save money and at the same time look brand new. Laughing, Sasha added that in the end everyone looks the same and no one succeeds in standing out.

So Alina, leaving all her affairs, went to another city for a coveted dress, just to look beautiful and smart at the upcoming holiday.

We hope she succeeded.

Only lemonade is free

Moscow school №1252 named after Cervantes, Friday 23 June. 57 dressed-up graduates stand in the assembly hall of their native school decorated with balloons. The solemn part begins at eight o'clock in the evening: parents, grandparents, friends, honorary former graduates and, of course, teachers flock to the hall. Girls and boys are excited and confused. "Only the first stage has been passed." And what lies ahead?

Graduation is just a short break from hard work. This is the time when girls can switch their attention from solving profile mathematics to solving another equally difficult task: where to do hair and makeup: in the salon - or “can I do it myself”? Boys don't really care about their appearance, they can't get distracted from planning the future even at their own graduation: one wants to become a psychologist, another a philosopher, and a third an economist.

Spectacular graduates in high heels still turn out to be lower than grown-up and tall boys, so they look dazzling in pairs. Moms and class teachers in the hall are trying not to burst into tears, and dads are jumping with cameras, trying to capture the "unique moment" in their child's life.

I lie in wait for the graduates in the corridor behind the stage, where they run out for a minute by the middle of the celebration - and take a break from the turmoil, heat and noise that prevails in the assembly hall. The boys enthusiastically tell where they want to go, what exams they took for the Unified State Examination and what mistakes they made when choosing certain subjects for entering universities (an inexhaustible topic). The girls whisper and drink water, discreetly pulling off their new, narrow, high-heeled shoes.

After the presentation of awards, numerous congratulations and a cheerful farewell song, graduates are given half an hour to eat and change (this year the unpredictable weather has seriously let down). “I'm not kidding, I have a jacket, a scarf and a hat with me - complete equipment for a long night in the park,” the newly minted graduate admits to me before leaving. I approach the girls in short fluffy skirts and elegant sandals and express the hope that they have brought warm sweaters, coats or at least boleros with them. The girls are discussing how to combine “beautiful, warm and comfortable” in one look. Well, if anything, they will take the jackets from the guys.

At about eleven, a bus with fifty graduates and accompanying teachers-parents leaves the school gate in the direction of the Park of Culture and Recreation. Gorky. Already from 20:00, the children are waiting for the Epoch of Moscow time machine, which, according to the organizers, Gorky Park has turned into. So let's go!

We drive up to the main entrance and see a huge number of graduates. Large and slightly disorganized crowd. Someone is looking for their own, someone stands at the distribution of bracelets, without which entry is impossible, someone meets familiar graduates from other schools ...

Girls in embroidered dresses, fashionable overalls (fortunately, many prudently refused heels in the park and arrived in sneakers). Graduates move closer to the entrance with personal bracelets on their wrists. There is a check of special bracelets with an individual code, which are issued only to graduates, parents and teachers in advance when filling out an application. The guys enter the majestic main gate and ...

Further dotted: graduates receive the last valuable instructions about the place and time of the general meeting and disperse in all directions. In the twinkling and rumbling park, everyone is immediately lost. Each group learns and finds something to their liking: some participate in Slavic games, others get acquainted with the rules of etiquette, but the largest group determines where the loud music comes from and goes to sing along to their favorite performers. At midnight, all graduates will be united by a grandiose festive fireworks display.

After the holiday, graduates share their fresh impressions. Someone "madly liked the program: concerts and dance floors with original competitions." Others walked around the park, fenced off and cordoned off by police, until four in the morning, trying to "escape from the sounds of the concert program." Some lit under Yegor Creed, Mot and Basta, others preferred to walk in the park with their company. Graduates were served free lemonade, but it was difficult to buy food due to the large number of applicants, is it a joke, 20,000 people from 350 schools are in a fenced area for several hours?

Today, the prom has finally transformed from a school holiday into a large-scale event.

The short summer night flew by quickly, tired, full of impressions, graduates are transported "from where they got it" to schools. Nevertheless, they do not want to part, someone goes to have breakfast together, someone agrees to meet in the coming days.

This is how a new life begins.

Violetta Nadbitova, Levon Harutyunyan,
Elizabeth Somova,
Alena Gaidenko, Anastasia Tynes-Kovalevskaya, Nicole Diaz Rey,
for "New"

Probably, no event is waited as long as prom. Some start waiting for him from the first class. Have you noticed that "When we leave the schoolyard ..." it is the first-graders who always pull so diligently?

How to prepare for such a significant event in your life? How to make this event joyful and memorable, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for 11 years of waiting?

Graduation is the end of school life and the beginning of a new one, one that will take place outside the walls of the school. Marivanna will never be scolded for the “deuce” and unpresentable appearance, and it will no longer be so easy to bring her former classmates together.

Preparing for this event is almost like a wedding: dresses, hairstyles, bouquets, perfumes. Printed and online publications vying with each other offer advice from fashion designers, stylists, and designers. This variety is mind boggling...
Let us try to summarize such a variety of recommendations on how to enter a new stage of your life.

It would seem that what can be difficult in the selection of clothes for the prom? Exams are over. It remains only to show your imagination and appear before the eyes of the astonished classmates in all its glory at the graduation ball, because this evening in the life of every girl is a significant event, the memory of which remains forever. A well-chosen prom dress will emphasize the feeling of your own uniqueness and create a great holiday mood. But an unsuccessfully chosen outfit can spoil such a long-awaited and one of the most beautiful moments of our lives.

So, tip number 1.

Luxurious and long evening dresses made of expensive fabrics and with very expensive accessories, which seem so attractive on the pages of glossy magazines and in store windows, in inappropriate circumstances can look ridiculous even on mature women (for whom they are usually created). It will be even funnier to look in tight-fitting brocade or defiantly erotic satin with handmade lace trim, a stalk girl with barely outlined forms. So the first principle that must be remembered, despite all the desire to demonstrate one's "adulthood", is the age-appropriateness of one's image.

Tip #2.

The second important point when choosing clothes for such an exciting moment is, oddly enough, practicality. Of course, it's great to go on stage in front of an enchanted audience for a certificate in a long, tight dress with a stunning slit and narrow-toed shoes with a three-inch heel. But having fun dancing all night at the school disco, and then also going on a traditional walk around the morning city in such an outfit is simply unthinkable. In an hour, high heels, a narrowed dress, and an excessive cut will turn into real torture, which will forever poison your joy from this evening.
On a hot summer evening, silk, chiffon, organza, taffeta, smooth satin, and satin should be preferred from fabrics. All of them drape well enough, look elegant and will allow you to feel good even after a few hours of wild fun. It is not necessary to choose brocade and other metallized fabrics as the main material. You should not choose an outfit entirely made of lace or transparent mesh.
The traditional choice of color for prom dresses is usually limited to white or other very light shades of other colors - pearl gray, beige, blue. But an outfit of red, yellow, orange-orange, pink, blue, the color of the first young grass, caramel-lilac will only improve your mood. And one more tradition can be broken without hesitation - to abandon the monochromatic colors.
The choice between a skirt and trousers is your personal preference. Let's do both. Although, again, traditionally the ball is still associated with a dress. When choosing its length, it is worth abandoning radical options, since both floor-length skirts and extreme mini will be uncomfortable. In the first case, you will be trampled on the entire hem, in the second you will be more busy not with fun, but with how to keep the hem at a decent level with any sudden movement. An interesting option is layering (a very short mini-dress made of dense material with a long voluminous skirt made of transparent fabric worn over it).

Tip #3.

Don't forget accessories. Be sure to take a small handbag - tone on tone or, on the contrary, contrasting. From jewelry it is better to choose one thing - a bright flower in the hair, on the neck or on the belt, a massive bracelet or a large necklace.

Tip #4.

Make-up. There is such a term - "transparent makeup", that is, almost invisible - this particular option is considered ideal for a prom. Focus on the eyes or lips. It is better to highlight the eyes. The mouth should not be strongly outlined - this is not something that grows up, but ages! It is best to apply soft lipstick, and on top - lip gloss.

Tip #5.

Manicure should not be catchy. The most preferred option is a French manicure with white rims around the edges of the nails.

Tip #6.

When going to the prom, you need to clearly understand what exactly you want from this evening, what is your goal - to finally attract the attention of a pretty boy who was sitting on the last desk? Show the thickness of dad's wallet? Challenge former classmates who always considered you a gray mouse? Change the image of an honors student to a femme fatale - or just have fun with friends? All this requires completely different approaches in the selection of clothes.

Tip #7.

As a rule, prom dresses are one-day wear. It must be understood that something extravagantly special will forever remain one more hanging useless thing in the closet. If you plan to wear this outfit further, having spent a lot of effort and money on it, then the degree of extravagance should be somewhat reduced in advance, or accentuated with accessories, which then it is not a pity to leave for many years without any practical use just as a memory about a great graduation party.

Young people are often unnecessarily overlooked when it comes to outfits. So here are some tips for them.

Tip number 1.
Few of the young men are accustomed to wearing a strict suit - a tuxedo or a tailcoat pair with a shirt-front. However, if you stop at this option, you will not go unnoticed. Be practical - choose a suit that will be useful to you in the future. A strict classic can then be put on for any official event at the institute or for an interview with a potential employer.
But there is a question of convenience. Such respectable clothes oblige a lot. Therefore, if you decide to look like James Bond, stock up on a change of clothes - for example, you can take a shirt made of heavy materials (from satin) with you so as not to wrinkle much.

Tip #2.

If you want to look like a super trendy dandy, then you should wear a different outfit. These can be loose-fitting trousers and a strict single-breasted jacket with one or two buttons. Looks very stylish. The jacket and trousers can be in different colors, but try to choose cool shades, as warm beige tones can look sloppy in artificial light. On a hot day, it is preferable to wear a prom suit made of natural linen, cotton or a mixture of these natural fibers.
A shirt is preferable to match the suit or, conversely, a catchy contrasting color. But it is better to buy a belt in a store along with a suit so that it matches in color, exactly in tone. So, you can wear blue-black trousers, a gray jacket and a purple silk shirt. You will be the most spectacular young man of the evening. Also in fashion are bright green shades: a white jacket, a cucumber shirt and a handkerchief of the same color in a breast pocket - this ensemble will become a hit.

Tip #3.

A tie is either a tone darker or lighter than a suit, or bright, self-sufficient. You can use a bright scarf. For a sophisticated gentleman, a bow tie will suit, but in this case you will have to choose the appropriate shirt with a stand-up collar.

Tip #4.

The choice of shoes should also be taken seriously. Shoes should not stand out from the overall color scheme and style of the entire costume. Everyone strives to put on new and fashionable ones, but recently bought shoes are in the habit of rubbing their feet. In order not to be in a hopeless situation, take a change of shoes too. This does not mean that you will need to change into old, falling apart, but cozy sneakers. It is still advisable to take shoes, but those in which you are comfortable.

Graduation party at school is a celebration of youth, romance and beauty. And it is these qualities that your evening dress should emphasize. If you find reasonable all of the above, then you can easily choose the best option for such a gala evening. Fortunately, today's fashion trends provide the widest choice, proclaiming a good mood and a frankly optimistic outlook on life as their main motto. Which, by the way, will come in handy at any ball.

Very soon, the last bell will sound in general educational institutions, lyceums and gymnasiums of our country. Millions of guys and girls are already preparing for proms, picking up beautiful suits and dresses, looking after graduation makeup and thinking about how they will look on this most significant day for them. Everyone has their own story, funny school stories that are now replacing each other - it is pleasant for someone to remember happy school years, someone wants to forget about everything as soon as possible, but everyone is looking forward to the solemn presentation of the certificate. It is he who will become a real ticket to life for today's schoolchildren, sitting at their desks and remembering a fun new year, a fun graduation on graduation from elementary school. And now it is necessary to think about the future, about what will happen tomorrow.

Parents and their children most of all want the script for the graduation party to be the best, so that no troubles will upset anyone. Consider the main steps that must be followed when preparing a prom at school.

What you need to pay attention to when preparing a graduation party at school

First of all, it is necessary to think over the main organizational points. This is necessary so that sad memories do not overshadow the solemn event. It is the graduation party that should be remembered for graduates as the brightest, most remarkable and significant event in life. In order to avoid minor troubles, it is better to entrust the preparation of the script for the prom, scenery, costumes, menus, hall decoration to professionals. In fact, it is not so easy to organize a decent Russian party at school. The fact is that many people are involved in the event itself. Therefore, no one has the moral right to spoil it with unprofessional actions. It is best if the organizer of the event has experience in preparing a script, knows how to come up with contests and has been successfully organizing and holding such celebrations for a long time.

Graduation party - key moments

It is important that the preparation and holding of the graduation party positively set up for the holidays, which are the hero of the occasion. It is imperative to decide where and how the event itself will be held, you need to paint the main points, think through the details from the beginning of the school year, even when you planned. To do this, a parent meeting is assembled and held, initiated by the parents of graduates. At the parent meeting, it is necessary to resolve the following organizational issues:

  1. Who will write the script, deal with the main points of its preparation.
  2. Who will be responsible for fundraising?
  3. In advance, it is necessary to think over the candidacy of the host of the prom, choose a hall for the celebration.
  4. It is imperative to agree on a menu, a sweet table, gifts that will be given to teachers, an educational institution, children, perhaps some parents who have been active for 11 years helping the school and class staff.

The venue for the party and celebration can be a restaurant, but it is best to consider if the official part is held in the assembly hall of the school or the city house of culture. This is a memorable event not only for schoolchildren, but also for their friends and parents, and many will want to see them dressed up and beautiful at the graduation ceremony.

Prom day: subtleties and nuances

Usually all educational institutions have some kind of tradition. For example, in most of them it is customary to tell funny school stories on the pages of school newspapers or wall newspapers. Graduation hall doors can be decorated with wall newspaper clippings with funny stories from the life of graduates, and you can also hold a big balloon reception dedicated to graduates who will soon receive certificates and become independent.

Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the decoration of the corridors of the school. It will be beautiful and appropriate if the walls of the corridors of your favorite school are decorated with balloons, photographs from school life and personal photos of graduates. It is not necessary to act professionally, it is better if the students of the school together with their teachers prepare everything. It will be doubly pleasant for both graduates and their parents. Well, if everything is prepared in advance. First of all, you need:

  1. Collect funny stories from the life of graduates.
  2. Prepare photographs of different years with comical, funny and interesting stories.
  3. Pick up personal photos of graduates in advance, which can be used as decorations for school corridors.
  4. After preparing the school for the holiday, you can do other preparations.

The official part of the prom and its features

In educational institutions of our country, graduation day is divided into two parts - official and unofficial. During the official part, it is customary to prepare a special program with an interesting plot, which will automatically become the script for the graduation party in high school, and to separately prepare the graduation block. As we have already said, the ceremonial part is usually held outside the school. It can be a philharmonic, a concert hall, a house of culture and so on. If the school has a large and spacious assembly hall, then the presentation of certificates can be held there, if not, then the room is rented in advance.

The ceremonial part of the prom is the most responsible. It is especially reverent to look at teachers and parents who look at graduates with wet eyes and do not believe that they are leaving the walls of the school. The prom script should be well thought out, the words of teachers and children should be concise and beautiful.

Words of gratitude to teachers, classmates, parents must be diluted with beautiful songs and dances, appropriate during the graduation ball. In this case, a good mood will be guaranteed. It will look beautiful if the words of elementary school students are included in the prom script, who will congratulate the graduates with great joy on graduating from school and presenting matriculation certificates. It's good if the prom script is themed.

We offer creative themed prom name ideas:

  • secret rendezvous with childhood;
  • music awards;
  • alley of glory for graduates of our school;
  • lucky ticket to the future;
  • doll from my childhood, farewell to childhood and so on.

It is imperative to think carefully about the words-answers to teachers, parents, classmates. At this stage of the holiday, fanfares, stormy applause and cheerful music will be appropriate.

An example of congratulations for school teachers

Graduate: Attention! Attention! For the first time in the history of our school, the council of elders, consisting of graduates, decides: To create a “Golden Fund of Teachers” at the school. For high merits to students and the ability to put into their dimensionless heads already discovered and not yet discovered laws of exact and inexact sciences, to include such teachers in the first Golden Valley: school director, teacher of Russian language and literature for science, increasing the glory of our school .

We respect you for your energy, ability to think in a new way. Thank you for taking care of the beauty and comfort at school, for the children to feel cozy and comfortable here. For us, you are an example of a businesslike and enterprising leader who knows how to achieve his goals. Keep it up always!

Graduate: Head teacher of the school, teacher of mathematics (full name) for the ability to teach students not only to multiply and divide, but also to take logarithms and present to the power that which has never been taken and was not presented.

Graduate: Teacher of geography, economics and teacher-organizer (full name). Where we just have not been! We traveled around the country, worked in the forestry. We promise that without you we will visit America, Canada, Havana and the Bahamas, in Israeli temples, we will contemplate the pyramids in Egypt. Congratulations, I.O. We wish you health, happiness, good luck.

Graduate: And remember - the economy must be economical.

Graduates of 2018 thank you for the fact that, despite the lack of time, you never let us feel the lack of communication with you.

Graduate: We thank the teachers of the Russian language and literature for the fact that almost the only ones in the whole class not only regularly read the works of outstanding writers, but also analyzed them. I weave a poetic wreath from every word, from the colors of rainbow stars - an unusual round dance. And high feelings will merge into a single symphony, and all the restless heart will hear the beating.

Graduate: Teacher of biology, OBZhD and labor training (full name) for the ability to determine with absolute accuracy what eyes and wings a Drosophila fly will have, if her mother has them colorless and long, and her father is red and short. Dear Larisa Evgenievna! You did not just lead us to self-knowledge, thanks to you we now respect and appreciate the world in which we live.

Graduate: Chemistry teacher I. Gerasimov for the ability to maintain a neutral reaction in both acidic and alkaline environments, as well as for the ability to talk about explosives and not explode, about sugar - and not sugary, about starch - and not starch.

When certificates are handed over, warm and pleasant words are said to relatives and friends, you can proceed to the informal part of the event.

Features of the informal part of the event

The second part of the holiday is connected with fun, entertainment, dancing, competitions and games. This does not mean that everything has to be chaotic. Be sure to think over the program of the disco so that this part of the event does not turn into a banal feast with dancing and dancing.

This part can be organized on your own, but you can also order it from professionals. Are you going to do everything yourself? Remember that this will require a lot of effort and energy, it is best to think through all the stages in advance and assign roles. It is good if you initially have a toastmaster or host, although young people increasingly prefer DJs who play good music and often act as the host of the event. Active graduates under the guidance of parents or teachers can engage in the preparation of a non-ceremonial part. The script for this part of the prom can be thought out in advance, all the key points can be agreed upon.

Be sure to include fun contests, karaoke, a talent contest in the program of the event, because in each class there are several nuggets who can sing or dance beautifully. For 11 school years, you know all the activists of your class well - they have the cards in their hands.

If you decide to resort to the help of professionals, then this will be a more costly option, but also the least risky. This is due to the fact that all stages of the informal part of the prom will be thought out by specialists, you will not need to independently prepare the scenery, control the process itself, check the lists of invited guests once again, and so on. Good mood in this case is 100 percent guaranteed.

Popular 11th Grade Prom Locations

The script has been drawn up, all organizational issues regarding the guests, the sweet table, competitive programs and so on have been resolved. It remains only to figure out exactly where the prom celebration will take place.

Today, such a thing as a turnkey wedding, or a turnkey prom is coming into fashion. This means that all organizational issues, including the choice of venue, are undertaken by the organizing party. You are offered cafes, restaurants, small bars or modern nightclubs, and you just choose the place that seems optimal for you to hold a prom. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account: the number of graduates, invited guests, correlate everything with the size of the premises for gatherings, dances, recreation, and so on.

Nothing left before graduation. We recommend not to wait for the last moment and start preparing for a very important event in the life of every schoolgirl or student right now. Read on to learn how to prepare for the holiday and outshine everyone with your beauty at the prom.

1 Skin

To blow everyone away at the prom, you must be sure that your skin is ready for it: no acne, blackheads and oily sheen! If you have problem skin prone to oiliness, start preparing it for such an important event in advance.

Per month: Start using Garnier's line of products that are suitable for your skin type: they effectively fight imperfections, leaving your skin truly clear. We recommend daily washing with, and also using this remedy as a scrub 2-3 times a week.

And drink more water! You'll see, in a month your skin will thank you.

During the week before the event, start using with zinc and clay: it perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores. Also start to do for the face to saturate the skin with moisture and provide it with radiance.

The day before: refrain from sweet, starchy and spicy the day before the holiday to avoid inflammation and rashes on the face. And also get a good night's sleep so that you look fresh and rested at the holiday!

2 Body

How your whole image will look like as a whole depends largely on what shape you will be in!

Per month: if you have a couple of extra pounds that you would like to throw off before graduation so that the dress fits perfectly, increase your physical activity and reduce your intake of starchy foods and sweets, and also drink more water.

During the week: if you suddenly realized that graduation is just around the corner, and the extra kilos are still with you, in no case go on a starvation diet. Limiting salt intake will help, and, of course, no sweets and buns!

The day before: to make your skin look smooth and velvety, use body lotion, which will make the skin smooth, and body milk with oils, which will make it radiant and pleasant to the touch. By the way, did you know that a tanned body looks slimmer? This does not mean that you need to run headlong to the solarium and sit there until the prom starts :) There is a much better option - it will give the skin a natural tan shade without streaks, stains and smell.

3 Image

For many, a prom is an opportunity to feel like a real princess in a magnificent dress and tiara, while someone, on the contrary, will prefer the image of an elegant lady in pumps and a discreet but sophisticated dress. Whatever image you choose for the prom, the main thing is that you feel as comfortable as possible in it.

Per month: It's time to decide what you're going to wear to prom and choose the style of the dress that will favorably emphasize your figure. However, you should not choose too revealing dresses, even if they fit perfectly on you. Leave them for another occasion! You can also sign up for hair and makeup in advance if you are going to do them in the salon - appointments in good salons are usually very tight, especially before proms.

During the week: if you haven’t been to the hairdresser for a long time, be sure to visit him before graduation - update your hair, at the same time discuss future styling with the master. Also schedule a trip to the nail salon or get your nails done by yourself. If you haven't decided on a dress yet, ditch a very bright shade of polish that can contrast with the color of the dress in favor of a neutral shade that will go with everything.

The day before: prepare your outfit that you are going to wear, and accessories for it, and also put everything you might need that day (lip gloss, powder, plaster, mirror) in the clutch bag in advance. On graduation day, don't be late for a stylist who will help you make a make-up and styling! Well, if you decide to do your hair and makeup yourself, take more time than usual to do it as neatly and without haste as possible.

Prom at school is indeed one of the most important events in adolescence. It is very important to prepare well for the prom. And it's best to prepare ahead of time. Having outlined a clear and specific plan of action, you will not miss a single detail, from choosing shoes to ordering a birthday cake, which guarantees you a great mood throughout the prom, because everything will go exactly as you expected.

The ideal way to be fully armed is to make a plan for yourself like this:

Three months before graduation

Budgeting A: Good planning for your evening starts with a budget. Determine how much money your parents can give you and what your own savings are. Now you know exactly what you can afford to buy within your budget and how to allocate funds in proportion to different items of expenditure.

Websites / magazines: Start checking and looking for helpful information and tips from various sources such as magazines and websites that offer good ideas on how to prepare for your graduation.

Dress, hairstyle, accessories: think about what kind of hairstyle could suit you, what accessories you may need.

Health: If you have any pending cosmetic or medical questions about your skin, hair, or teeth, it might be time.

Choose a date: It is best if you have the opportunity to decide on the date and time for the prom.

One of the ways to make graduation unforgettable is to order an unusual cake.Cakes for graduation 11th grade from the confectionery studio SweetMarin.

Two months before graduation.

Buy yourself a dress and all the necessary accessories. Try to stay at home in this dress for 2-3 hours - it should not hamper your movements too much. Also decide if you will be hiring a limousine with a small group of friends or traveling with a large number of friends on the bus.

Per month.

Start wearing your prom shoes at home so you can get comfortable with them before the event and don't run into chafed feet.

Decide on , and . Do a rehearsal in the salon and make sure that in reality everything looks as beautiful as in your dreams.

Discuss your final plans with your parents as well as your boyfriend so there are no surprises for everyone.

The day before graduation.

Try to rest as much as possible on the night before graduation and sleep peacefully. During the day, you need to take pictures with your family before leaving for the ball. You could invite your best friends over and get ready for the evening with them. Or vice versa, you can stay at a friend's house. Make sure you pack all the essentials you may need during or after prom. Finally check your to-do list to see what you've done.