Touching phrases to the class teacher at the last. Congratulations to the class teacher on the manifestation of skill

Each student, starting from the first grade, is waiting for his last call to come. Some people wait 9 years. Some are in 11th grade. But they all hear it anyway. It would seem - we have been waiting for so many years and here it is - let's celebrate. And I don’t want to celebrate, because it’s sad. It will ring out and goodbye to school, goodbye to this life, when homework was the only concern ... therefore, you need to make sure that such a long-awaited day will be remembered forever by you and your teachers. Beautiful poems to teachers on the last call from graduates will touch teachers to tears and help to keep a piece of the school and the ringing of the school bell in their hearts forever.

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These are not just poems that all students learned by heart at school. They must not be forgotten to learn and tell tomorrow. They cannot be told with the help of the teacher's prompts. They will not be forgotten after the lesson. These poems are forever. They are about what school means to you, what teachers mean to you.

Ideally, it would be better if graduates of grades 9 or 11 independently came up with poems for their last call. But to do this is not so simple. First, not everyone can compose. Secondly, this topic is very emotional and emotions will choke, that not much will turn out. And thirdly, the best touching words have long been written. You just have to learn them, and tell them at the solemn line.
Poems don't have to be long. Little depends on the length. The main thing in poetry is to express love and attitude towards the school and teachers. This can be done in a nutshell, you just need to choose the right ones. Let's see what poems can be told on the long-awaited ruler. Read and choose.

Poems for teachers on the last call. sad and farewell

Parting with something familiar in life is always difficult. And farewell to the school is also tearful. Therefore, the poems for teachers at the last call are so sad and will undoubtedly cause tears in teachers. Tell them to your favorite teachers and remember this day for the rest of your life. Because this bell is ringing for you for the very last time.

Not holding back tears
"Farewell" we say to you!
And is it all serious?
We won't come back to you?
How sad to part with you
After all, we have been taught for so many years
But it's time for us to say goodbye
After all, we are a graduation class!
And this means that quite a bit
It remains for us to stay at school,
And then everyone will choose their own path,
But how hard it is to leave!
Here we hear
Farewell chime,
Our last call is ringing,
Native school, we tell you "bye!"

Dear our teachers!
We have become like one family!
We've been together for eleven years
We have no one dearer than you!
Laughing and joking with you
And learned a lot!
You scolded us sometimes
But only for the cause, and always
Always, you were there, helped,
And never left in trouble!
Thank you for saying this
And thanks for the science!

How quickly time has flown by
We recently went to school
And now we've grown up
And found a lot of new
Found friends and gained knowledge
No wonder the teachers taught us all!
And now it's time for us to leave
To discover new knowledge
Today, on this spring day,
The last bell is ringing for us!
And we bow to all teachers,
And loudly say "Thank you!"

Our mentors, teachers!
Let's say today, we do not melt tears,
"Thank you for your patience!
Thank you very much for our teaching!
Thank you for your hard work and care
Thanks for your work!"
And in the sad moment of farewell,
We say goodbye to you!
We will always remember you
Low bow to you, teachers!

Dear our teachers!
How much nerve did you spend with us,
Dear our teachers!
We hope we didn't do it in vain!
We love you no matter what
Thank you dear for everything!
And at the last call we will smile at you,
What a pity that we will not be returning!
But we ask you, do not be sad,
And continue to teach other children!
And we will always remember you
Your eleventh grade!

We say goodbye to school
The last bell is ringing today
Saying goodbye is always sad
But we will always remember you!

The bell rings for the last time
And we leave you
We have exams ahead of us.
How sad to leave, if you knew
And it's sad to say goodbye
And my heart is a little empty
Today we say goodbye forever
With school, with you, our dear teachers!
But we will never forget you
You will always be in our hearts!

We won't be sad today
Even if you want a little
Teachers, we will not forget about you!
Leaving school, hitting the road!
We will remember how you taught
And let's not forget what we've been taught!
And the knowledge that you gave us
We will apply them in life, we promise!
And on our last call,
Let's go to our last lesson,
And what you tell us, we will remember forever,
And we will never forget again!

From year to year, when the last bell rings,
On a bright May day in spring,
You see off graduates,
And accompany your students!
And every year you feel a little sad
After all, you know that we will not return to you!
But don't be sad, we beg you
We promise to always remember you!
And even if we don't see you again,
We will be proud that we learned from you!

We are the eleventh grade
And today is our last call,
We'll say goodbye to the school
Just don't forget us!
And we, our dear teachers,
We will always remember you!

Key tags:

Beautiful, inspirational and to tears touching poems on the last call - a great opportunity for graduates of grades 9-11 to thank their subject teachers, class teacher and other members of the teaching staff for the knowledge, care, love and warmth. Rhymed works must be selected in advance, memorized and at the moment solemn event recite aloud with expression. It will be very pleasant and flattering for mentors to hear from the lips of their young wards warm congratulatory phrases and kind, sincere wishes spoken frankly and from the heart.

To tears, beautiful poems for the last call from graduates to the class teacher - examples of texts

In the life of every student there is the most special teacher - the class teacher. He pays much more attention to children than all other teachers, delves into the problems and disagreements that arise in the classroom, becomes a fair arbiter in disputes between students and helps to resolve conflicts. This person sometimes knows even more about the guys than moms and dads, and always tries to help his beloved wards. It is the class teacher who creates children's team comfortable environment and turns the classroom into a cohesive, friendly family where everyone stands up for each other. Boys and girls entrust their secrets to this teacher, they go to him for advice, they expect all-round support from him and always receive it. Day last call is a great opportunity to thank this kind, patient and understanding person for his warmth and cordiality. And you can do this by reading during celebratory event beautiful and to tears touching poems dedicated to the class teacher. Lovely, gentle rhyming lines, filled with the most sincere emotions and feelings, will easily find their way to the mentor's heart and show him how highly the students appreciate his love, work, patience and care.

*** You are the most precious teacher for us, After all, we ran to you with our misfortune and happiness. You rejoiced with us when there was success, And settled our differences. Saying goodbye to you is the most difficult thing for us, After all, for so many years under your leadership, Our class has been learning friendship and work, Patience, science, nobility. We are grateful to you for your great work. Rest assured that it was not in vain. We wish you strength for many years to come. You are a leader by calling! *** Today, the memory is turning back time - Oh, how many joyful events there were! For your invaluable work, we hasten to say Thank you, our class teacher! Thank you for always pushing us Forward, forcing us to believe in strength, We managed to unite our class with friendship And taught the unchanging truths. Patriotism, honesty, kindness, Love and mercy... Forever Before You, our teacher, we are indebted For the fact that we have been instilled with humanity. We wish you health, success day after day Under the trill of the last call! And know that we will not let you down, That we remember, adore and miss you! *** Thank you for your kindness. For your knowledge, lessons, warmth. For everything you taught us to see. For everything you were in a hurry to teach us! You always tried to understand us, Forgive us for stupidity and pranks, Shared joy and misfortune with us, You taught us to work and work. We are so glad that life has connected us, That we got into your class. We wish you lots of fun. You always have a great mood!

Touching to tears poems on the last call from graduates to subject students

Festive events on the occasion of the Last Bell and the end school year not without congratulations and good wishes. Graduates sincerely thank their mentors for their patience, care and understanding and back up their words to tears with touching poems dedicated to subject teachers. After all, it is these stubborn, selfless and very good people with a huge loving heart every day they came to the lessons and tried in a simple and intelligible way to convey to the children all the wisdom of algebra and geometry, physics and chemistry, Russian, English and German, biology, astronomy and other important disciplines included in the school curriculum. Warm thanks, said by graduates in the form of quivering and inspired rhyming lines, sink into the soul of teachers and remain in memory for a long time. Teachers rejoice that they managed to bring up children open, decent and honest people who respect the difficult, but so necessary for society, work of a teacher. ***

From “twice two” to complex equations

We have traveled a very interesting path.

Until the present day from ancient teachings

You brought this science to us.

Thank you for everything you learned

For the burden of knowledge brought to us.

We wish you to have in your life

All numbers only with a plus sign.

The complexity of simplicity!

With informatics "on you"

Our computer teacher

Megabyte master.

Congratulations. Let the winchester

Be fast like the wind

So that the virus is not one

Did not get into the "admin" section.

All Russian writers, poets

And the critics, straining their talent,

Wrote text for your subject -

So that we can then write a dictation;

And let writing poetry is not fashionable now,

But we are not in a hurry to succumb to fashion:

After all, we want to congratulate you today

Not under dictation - only from the heart!

Soulful poems on the last call in the 11th grade to teachers

The last bell in the 11th grade is a cheerful, optimistic and, at the same time, a little sad holiday. Graduates rejoice that they have graduated from school and are preparing for a completely new adult life. Teachers proudly look at their wards, so beautiful, smart and self-confident, and stealthily wipe tears from their eyelashes. Their beloved students have grown up and will soon be scattered all over the world to receive higher education, build successful career and create happy families. But first, they will express their most sincere gratitude to their dear teachers and read them inspired and sincere farewell verses. In touching poetic lines, graduates will say warm thanks to their mentors for the fact that for so many years they have given children their love, taught intelligence and instilled such important concepts as friendship, mutual assistance, selflessness, honesty, devotion and the ability to lend a helping hand to those who needs it.

Examples of sincere and touching poems for teachers for the Last Bell holiday in grade 11 - texts and videos

*** Thank you, teachers For the fact that the Earth is round For Troy and for Carthage For benzochloropropylene For Zhi and Shi, for twice two For your kind words Those that we now keep in ourselves For everything we THANK YOU! *** Allow me to say "thank you", Let me look into your eyes, On our souls, the heaviness and lump - We are setting off on a new path! We say goodbye to you and the school, We say goodbye to our family, We are waiting for a new path in life, We know that it will not be easy! Thank you for giving us the Opportunity to love and dream, We were given everything that we ourselves knew, We will miss you all! We will not forget our native school, We will all miss you, And entering into life is not easy We promise to study everything! *** How many words of the soul have been said, And we will repeat them more than once: We heartily congratulate the teachers, And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts For raising and teaching us, Educated us, sowed good, Invested skills and knowledge, Gave understanding, warmth . We wish you success and good luck, Health, strength for many years, Diligent and obedient students. And we will never forget you!

Funny poems for the last call in grade 9 to subject teachers by name

Even the most simple and unsophisticated poems sound touching and inspirational during the Last Bell holiday, but if they also mention the name of one of the teachers, the effect of congratulatory lines amplifies exponentially. After all, every person is immensely pleased when they single him out personally, and even call him by name. Such welcome words students can read aloud to teachers or write in beautiful themed postcard, handed along with a bouquet of flowers and a small souvenir.

The children who leave the walls of the school after the 9th grade need to pick up works filled with words of gratitude to the teachers for the knowledge, love, patience and care shown throughout the years of study. And for boys and girls who plan to return to school again in September, it is better to find rhyming couplets containing a promise to continue to be more hardworking and diligent, always prepare well for lessons and never leave unattended helpful tips and valuable recommendations from their mentors. *** You need to know both physics and astronomy, - Tells us (the name of the teacher) every now and then. But we didn't get tired of listening to her. After all, she leads a good story About the strength of the current and the resistance of the conductor About part of the Galaxy, Heavenly bodies. - She is very strict, - you can only hear from the lazy. But the one who wants to know - knows her science, And gets the best grades in the lessons With great success. *** Let's plunge into sports with our heads Let's play volleyball, we'll show judo technique After all, (the name of the teacher) is ours, his teacher will cheer us up where necessary - he will help us. We understand well that physical education should be practiced. And we will douse ourselves with cold water And in old age our legs will not tangle. Phys-ra is our favorite subject! And, practicing every day, We will live in health for many years! *** In the workshop of the Criminal Procedure Code U (name of the teacher) the work is in full swing The girls all "work until they sweat" They just want to be beautiful. They knit, sew and embroider And everyone dreams of good things: How they sew all the outfits, They create comfort in the family ... And the meeting with a noble couturier is not far away ... And she is the source of everything - (name of the teacher)!

Short, funny poems for the last call to subject teachers

Cheerful, optimistic and cool poemsgreat option greetings for subject teachers at the Last Bell holiday. Devoting a long work to each teacher is unlikely to be possible, as the format of the event requires the program to fit within a certain amount of time. But to read 1-2 amusing quatrains for a mathematician, a physical education teacher, a chemist, a physicist and other teachers will definitely work. To make the performance look spectacular and make a brighter impression, it is worth involving all the students in the class to participate in it. For each of the guys you need to choose a separate short verse, or divide a larger poetic work into couplets and invite graduates to memorize them. During the holiday, boys and girls will take turns reading rhymed lines with congratulations and good wishes, so beautiful way thanks to subject teachers for the love, care and attention given over the years of study at school. *** From childhood, we used to listen to Russian words. At the lessons, not always Everyone was obedient ... But they learned in full Cases, verbs ... It's a pity, it's time for us to leave the Walls of our school! *** We studied islands and continents, We learned a lot about landscapes and land. For all these scientific moments, Teacher, we are doubly grateful to you! After all, it will always come in handy When we leave school forever. Reminding only graduation tapes We will have these young years ... *** An interesting science of chemistry Allows you to learn a lot. What could be more necessary than to understand the nature of things? We are very grateful to the teacher, That during this fruitful year we really learned a lot And we are ready to move forward!