How to propose a hand of the heart at home. A beautiful marriage proposal: how loved ones surprise

It's no secret that every girl dreams of hearing three cherished words from her beloved man. And for a start, “I love you” should sound, and only then after some time you can safely move on to a new stage - “Marry me”. A marriage proposal must be remembered for a lifetime for its surprise, originality and a lot of positive emotions. Just how to do it? You should not make an offer trite, the fair sex is unlikely to appreciate this.

How not to propose to a girl?

Remember the most important thing - your actions must be thought out to the smallest detail, guided by knowledge about what your life partner loves and what she dreams of. Check out the list of how you can not present the ring and say three cherished words:

  • no matter how casually between times it is not worth talking about the wedding and especially doing it on the go;
  • in a state of intoxication, it is also not worth offering to marry, your behavior will express disrespect for the person of the weaker sex and it is unlikely that she will reciprocate;
  • you can’t be distracted from an important matter, especially listening to music at this moment, chewing something or dreamily looking out the window;
  • in a telephone format it is definitely impossible to make an offer;
  • after passionate and wild sex, one cannot decide on such active actions;
  • based on the preferences of your soulmate - if she does not like to draw attention to her person once again, you should not put on a show;
  • hide the ring in food, after such a wonderful dinner, the girl can go straight to the dentist, treat her teeth.

But most importantly, you must be 200% confident in your girlfriend, and you need to talk to her parents in advance and inform them. It is not necessary to ask permission, in the end, you do not live with your parents, but with their daughter.

Make an action plan

Before you decide to turn your plan into action, you should definitely talk to your chosen one about a joint future and do it as if by chance. You need to pick up the ring yourself, and you shouldn’t run around the city at the last moment in search of “that very perfect jewelry”, everything must be done in advance. Try to draw up an action plan, and if nothing original comes to mind, then you should definitely use the services of special agencies for organizing such events. If you want to do everything yourself, then do not forget about the most important thing - all women love romance, flowers, fireworks.

10 ways to propose if you live together

Modern society is increasingly promoting civil marriage, which allows you to live under one roof without any stamps in your passport and any additional obligations. But every lady of the weaker sex wants that very cherished ring on her finger and a stamp in her passport, so that her beloved calls her his wife, so it is so important that this moment be remembered forever:

  1. You should replace all the jewelry in the jewelry box with an engagement ring and you should definitely do this before going to some kind of solemn event that you have planned in advance. Going to the theater or for a romantic dinner.
  2. Write the cherished phrase "Will you marry me" on the ceiling with bright stars. Turning off the light in the evening, the beloved girl will see this and will be pleasantly surprised. Don't forget to prepare a delicious dinner, buy flowers and champagne.
  3. Hang a sign with the cherished phrase on the dog's collar. On the one hand, it is very sweet, romantic and touching. These words will act as an invitation to enter into a person's life forever.
  4. You can turn a banal and boring trip to the supermarket into a real adventure. It is worth hiding your ring in one of the paper boxes with your favorite desserts.
  5. If your girlfriend loves coffee, you can turn your morning breakfast into something special. A special mold with the inscription "Marry me" will inspire your beloved in the morning.
  6. Breakfast. Tell the girl that today you will cook breakfast and go to the kitchen. But before that, you should definitely lay out the cherished confession from grapes quite imperceptibly on the table, and the reaction will not be long in coming.
  7. Fridge magnets. It seems to be such a trifle, but it will help you make an original offer to your beloved. It will be enough just to write a phrase and wait for the answer that the girl will write to you.
  8. During renovation. Let us know that you want to repaint your bedroom in other colors and ask your girlfriend to advise you, choose a paint together. Half of the wall should be painted over with a roller and write the cherished phrase.
  9. Arrange a beloved quest. You should definitely disguise this game as another congratulation, for example, happy birthday. When she solves your riddle and sees her beloved with flowers in a funny suit on the balcony, she will understand everything and make the right decision.
  10. Finger ring. But you can just take and put the ring on your chosen one’s finger, this method can be safely called classic, but this does not lose its magic and peculiar magic.

We propose to a girl in an original way: TOP 15 ways

  1. If there is a dolphinarium in your city, but it is worth calling in advance and agreeing that you will come to swim with dolphins. A charge of positive emotions is definitely provided, and as soon as the girl gets out of the water, she needs to be distracted and at that very moment a dolphin with a box on her nose will appear and please your beloved with a ring.
  2. An option for real extreme sports is a helicopter flight, sightseeing and that same marriage proposal. Ideal to go to some beautiful place where you can spend time just the two of you.
  3. You can simply write a cherished phrase on the pavement without too much pathos and fuss, and in the morning as soon as the girl wakes up and looks out the window, give her a huge bouquet of roses.
  4. You can also wish a happy birthday in an original way and present a treasured ring as a gift. To do this, you just need to make a little effort, buy a few boxes and hide the ring in one of them. Surely your soulmate loves to unpack gifts. With special impatience, she will open each box, obviously not expecting to see an engagement ring at the bottom.
  5. Valentine's Day and New Year's Day are the holidays in which people all over the planet make wishes. And your girlfriend will receive a ring as a gift. You can prepare in advance and go to celebrate the holiday in another country.
  6. What person of the weaker sex does not dream of a fairytale prince on a white horse? You just have to make a little effort to find a horse and hit your chosen one to the core. Such a gift-impression will definitely be remembered for a lifetime.
  7. Dedicated to fans of skating and rollerblading - you can leave your girlfriend at the rink for a while and say on the speakerphone how much you love her and make an offer.
  8. A date on the roof of a multi-storey building will create a romantic atmosphere. Candles, champagne flowers and, of course, a ring are the main attribute of this evening.
  9. Write a handwritten letter to the girl about how much she is dear to you and how you feel about her. As soon as she reads it to the end, you can safely go in and ask the main question that requires her answer.
  10. You can recreate your first acquaintance, that is, simply invite her to the place where you first met. Don't forget sweets, champagne and a prepared speech.
  11. A ride in a hot air balloon at sunset will create a thrilling atmosphere in itself, and at that moment you will need to get down on one knee and present the ring.
  12. Make a video, there are so many bloggers around now, you can safely borrow a few ideas from them and bring them to life as soon as possible. Invite a girl to the cinema and ask your little film to be shown before the main screening, the girl will definitely be delighted with everything that happens.
  13. Write poetry and you can learn her favorite song with the guitar. The beloved obviously does not expect such a surprise if you have never written poetry before and, moreover, have not played the guitar.
  14. On the seashore, it is worth writing a proposal on the sand, spreading a blanket in advance and setting a romantic dinner with sweets and champagne. Your significant other will definitely be delighted with such a cute surprise.
  15. Give your beloved a foot massage and at the moment when she relaxes, put a ring on her toe.

Such a significant event as a marriage proposal does not happen every day, so you need to look appropriate at this moment. A man should take care of his appearance in advance. You should not go to an expensive restaurant in a T-shirt and jeans, the clothes should correspond to the event. The person of the weaker sex must definitely appreciate your appearance, but with all this, an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort should reign. Many girls like the way a man looks in a classic suit, and if you put it on, you will definitely please your soulmate with such an appearance. And vice versa, if she doesn’t like some things in the wardrobe, then it’s stupid to wear them on such a solemn day. Appearance is primarily a reflection of a person, and you can feel confident only if you know what you want from life. Therefore, it is so important to demonstrate that this day is special in your life and the everyday version of clothing is completely unsuitable in this case.

If the other day you decided to make a marriage proposal, then you definitely need to start training. Try to rehearse your speech, you can do it in front of a mirror. Most importantly, it should not be pretentious, try to control yourself and control your statements, intonation and voice. Most importantly, you need to explain why you have emotions and feelings for her and why you want to live hand in hand with her all your life. Thanks to such training, it will be possible to get rid of uncertainty and remove excessive emotionality. Each word spoken should sound sincere and simple, the speech should not drag on for three hours. Try to limit yourself to a time period of ten minutes, without long sentences and unnecessary words, because from the outside it will look very strange. It's like you've been memorizing these phrases for months on end.

Show your imagination

Any lady of the fair sex will be very pleased if her young man tries to organize some kind of surprise for her. It is only very important to do this at the right time if you had a fight - you should not try to make amends and go to your beloved with your marriage proposals, she simply will not appreciate your impulse of the soul and will probably refuse. Even if you are not a romantic, but have always dreamed of surprising your soulmate, you should definitely think through everything to the smallest detail and prepare for the most important event in your life. Maybe for you these are just words, but for a girl it is a very responsible and serious step. The reaction will definitely be emotional, you can not even doubt it. Only now, everyone shows emotions in different ways, and if a girl is silent and asks for time to think, then she really needs to think everything over and think about whether she is ready to connect her fate with you. Do not be banal, you understand perfectly well that such a serious and responsible decision requires concentration and creativity.

Mom, sister and the girl's best friend can help you not only organize a marriage proposal at a decent level, but also decide on the choice of a ring. Trust people who know your chosen one from early childhood. They probably know much more about the habits, secret dreams and desires of a person who already lives with you under the same roof. Act, words should always be supported by actions, and only in this case you will definitely do everything as you see in the eyes of a dear person the lights of reciprocity and happiness.

Candlelight dinner, a luxurious bouquet of roses, romantic music and a cherished velvet box with an engagement ring… Beautiful, but too banal. Many modern girls want something more sophisticated and enchanting. We offer 15 ideas on how to propose to the girl she dreamed of. Be original, don't be afraid to express yourself!

A marriage proposal is a touching moment that occupies one of the first places in the women's rating. The story of this romantic step will be told to friends, colleagues, relatives, your future children, so it is important to make the proposal in a special way. You should not follow a simple path and limit yourself to standard phrases: “Let's get married” or “Marry me”, “Move to me”, said in an ordinary setting, as if by chance.

How to propose to a girl effectively and beautifully

In order to make a girl happy and hear the same “yes” in response, it is enough to show imagination and, of course, carefully prepare. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend exorbitant amounts of money - sincerity and an extraordinary approach are much more valuable.

If you are sure that the chosen one is ready for a serious step in creating a family, you have been dating for a long time, then you can safely act. When choosing an option, you should focus on her preferences, interests and hobbies. So, if your chosen one is a bright personality and loves to be in the spotlight, then you can make her an offer to marry in a public place - on stage, during a performance by your favorite artist, during a football match, at work. If she is not happy with this, it is better to choose secluded places where you will be alone. For some, the presence of loved ones at this momentous moment is important - parents.

Everything must be perfect, the plan must be thought out to the smallest detail. So, you can resort to the help of friends and acquaintances. Get inspired by our selection of unusual ways to propose to a girl. They are also suitable for young people who want to propose a girl they like to meet.

Top 15 ideas to propose to a girl

  1. The dream of many girls is not only a beautiful wedding, but also a romantic marriage proposal made by a loved one during a trip, vacation at sea. Choose the right destination for you - secluded islands with white sand or a trendy luxury resort. And then turn on your imagination. So, you can make a marriage proposal to a girl on the deck of a snow-white yacht, in a beautiful place on the seashore, during joint diving or just on the balcony of a hotel room, admiring the sunset.
  2. Every woman dreams of a fabulous surprise. It can be a box with butterflies, inside of which lies an engagement ring.
  3. If your chosen one loves vivid impressions and adventures, you can make an original proposal to her during a romantic balloon flight, during an evening boat trip on the river or horseback riding.
  4. A classic of the genre is a hidden wedding ring. Set up a real quest. Hints can be transmitted through strangers, sent to mobile.
  5. A romantic confession with a proposal to marry can be placed on a billboard in her area.
  6. A ski lift in a winter resort or a cable car can be a great place to propose. An abyss will stretch under you, adrenaline will play in your blood - what could be better?
  7. You can decorate the phrase “Marry me” beautifully - lay out the letters with burning candles in the sand, fresh flowers, or use fallen leaves in an autumn park.
  8. While relaxing at sea, you can organize an unforgettable adventure. Write a note proposing marriage, immerse it in a beautiful antique bottle, seal it securely and hide it on the beach. You can search for the treasure together or accidentally find it on the way.
  9. The original option is to order a cake with the inscription: "Be my wife." Afterwards, you can enjoy a delicious dessert together. You can also invite a girl to meet.
  10. An invitation to the theater is always romantic. Put on evening clothes, arrange with the administration to make an offer during the intermission or after the performance on stage.
  11. A movie for your beloved - you can make an interesting 5-minute video with a confession of your feelings and a proposal to meet or get married at the end. Show it to your chosen one at home, and after the end, present a ring and a bouquet.
  12. Fireworks. Cherished words can be accompanied by colorful fireworks. You can order a professional organization or ask friends to light colorful fireworks on command.
  13. In a limousine or vintage car. Rent a luxury transport and go on a romantic walk around the city. A carriage is perfect for these purposes.
  14. Romantic picnic - you can arrange it on the beach while relaxing at sea, in the forest or in the park. Candles, rose petals will help to complement the atmosphere, and the ring can be put in a beautiful shell or oyster.
  15. Ask a street artist to paint a portrait with a proposal to marry.

Important points to remember

  1. Date - it is better to make a marriage proposal on a significant day for your couple or on the holiday of all lovers, the New Year.
  2. Attributes - having bought an engagement ring, do not forget about a large beautiful bouquet (preferably from your girlfriend's favorite flowers) and a bottle of champagne.
  3. Scenario - draw up a detailed plan of the event from start to finish, providing for all the nuances.
  4. Helpers - in organizing a fabulous marriage proposal, you may need the help of friends, colleagues, loved ones. At such a crucial moment, moral support is also urgently needed.
  5. Place - the atmosphere should be romantic, pleasant, memorable. It may be associated with a special event for your couple. A universal option is a vacation at sea, a small island, a moonlit beach, a balcony in a hotel room. A more extreme and original way to propose dating or starting a family is on the roof of a high-rise building, while flying in the sky, under water.

If the girl did not accept your marriage proposal or asked for time to think, perhaps she is simply not yet ready to start a family. Give her time to make a decision. You should also not make claims or sort things out, as well as perceive what happened as a tragedy. Maybe it's for the best.

Often people of the older generation complain that young people are not like that now, that before people were kinder, more sensitive and loved with their hearts, and not by calculation. With all due respect to them, one can disagree - different people lived in each time period.

Offering a hand is always romantic…..

Marriage proposal ideas are sure to come up

Many modern young people, as before, want to meet their only half and go side by side with her all their lives. They dream of a beautiful fairy tale that they are ready to give to their beloved, so that the wedding ceremony and everything that preceded it leaves vivid impressions that would not only be pleasant to remember.

To meet your repeated ones, to tell with pride and enthusiasm about your love to children and grandchildren - is this not the desire of everyone who marries?

A marriage proposal can be beautifully presented even in such a cold season as winter.

A beautiful marriage proposal - what should it be

The pre-wedding fuss is usually preceded by another pleasant ceremony - a marriage proposal. Every young couple experiences this event differently. For some girls, a simple offer from a lover is enough, such as: “Marry me!” And there are romantic and sensual natures who want to get it in an unusual form and in an appropriate setting.

You can make an offer, as here - present a ring in a gift box

Of course, you should not expect from all lovers such an offer as in the famous film "Pretty Woman" - for all the girls there will not be enough beautiful and wealthy young people with limousines and millions. But to make it memorable is within the power of every lover - there would be a great desire to please your girlfriend.

There are many different options, but each young person can supplement this list with his own. It doesn't have to be fancy, but it will definitely be enjoyable. So what are the ways?

Marriage proposal - cake to help you

Such surprises are often used as congratulations in many cases - on an anniversary, wedding and other events. And why not try it for this purpose? Buy a large box, order its festive decoration and delivery to your beloved. At the entrance to call the girl and say that a gift is waiting for her downstairs.

While she is leaving the house, the young man climbs into the box. The girl will be waiting for a double present - an unplanned meeting with her beloved and a pleasant surprise in the form of long-awaited words from her beloved.

Romantic marriage proposal

Doves were revered birds of Venus, the goddess of love, and symbolized purity and innocence. They create a couple for life, and therefore are the symbols of Valentine's Day. You can arrange the delivery of pigeons for a romantic dinner at home or in a restaurant.

Put the dove on the hand of the beloved, and the second, with a ring tied to the paw, on the hand of a young man. Untie the ring and present it to the girl with words of love and proposal - isn't that romantic?

Wedding rings in a bright box

creative marriage proposal

And such a creative proposal is ideal for fans of skydiving - to present a ring to a girl in flight. Of course, in such a ceremony, the presence of a jumping instructor is mandatory. About such a couple it will be possible to say with confidence - they were blessed by heaven.

A touching marriage proposal

What betrothed does not dream of words of love from her beloved in front of numerous witnesses? This is evidenced by the inscriptions appearing on the grounds in front of the house and tall buildings, so that they can be seen by acquaintances, neighbors and just numerous strangers.

The future spouse can fantasize similar options for marriage proposals. For example, in front of her house at night lay out the image of the heart and cherished words with lit candles, you can add New Year's illumination.

Original marriage proposal

In a picturesque corner, a table covered with a snow-white tablecloth with champagne, sweets and a ring awaits the young. The future spouse brings his beloved in a rented limousine and makes an offer at the table, perhaps in verse. And then the young people are waiting for the continuation of the holiday on a limousine rushing through the night city streets. The dress code is formal only.

Marriage proposal in a romantic place in nature

Marriage proposal at home

This method is for those who respect traditions and customs. The young man asks for the hand of his beloved from her parents (of course, having secured her consent in advance). The girl does not tell her parents about the upcoming event, she prepares dinner and a surprise for them. The future groom comes to this dinner and asks his parents for the hand of his daughter.

With this, the prudent groom will immediately win the favor and disposition of future relatives. Do parents need a lot? Respect and reverence, and young people will always lend a helping hand if necessary.

Gorgeous marriage proposal

Chic options include proposals made during joint trips. These can be famous places that many lovers seek to visit - Paris, Venice, Prague, and any other place that the young man considers appropriate for such an event.

A marriage proposal is one of the most important and romantic events in the life of people who love each other. The story of this romantic step towards a new happy life will be passed from mouth to mouth among relatives and friends, like a beautiful legend. Therefore, it is important to make the day of marriage proposal one of the happiest moments in the life of lovers.

A few tips for those who want to make a marriage proposal

  • It is important that the style of your marriage proposal fits the personality of your girlfriend. So, for example, if she is shy by nature and does not like excessive attention, then there is no need to arrange an offer in front of a large number of strangers. Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dream of a proposal when there are only two of you, while others would like their family and friends to be present at such an important moment.
  • No matter how chic and expensive your proposal is, the most important thing is your sincerity in your intention to make her life happy. Keep it simple, but filled with true love.
  • Each sentence is unique in itself, but to make it more original, add a few unique details of your relationship to it.
  • It is best to write and rehearse in advance a short speech that you will say when you propose. It doesn't have to be pompous, you can just list the qualities you love about her and why you want her to be your wife.
  • If you want to propose outdoors, be sure to check the weather ahead of time and come up with an alternative just in case.
  • A marriage proposal is one of the most magnificent moments and it does not hurt to document it in order to remember everything to the smallest detail. Therefore, we recommend that you take a picture or video of your romantic confession.

How beautiful it is to propose a hand and heart in winter or autumn

Autumn leaves

If you and your loved one love to walk in the park or live in your own house, then the fall proposal with the help of leaves will suit you. To do this, you just need to choose a beautiful place and lay out the words of the marriage proposal there with the help of leaves.

Snowman comes to the rescue

A wonderful winter proposal can be made with the help of our old friend from childhood - a snow-white snowman. To do this, you will need to mold it in advance, so choose a snowy and frosty day so that the snowman does not melt. Be sure to dress him up in a stylish hat and colorful scarf. Also, you will need to prepare a beautiful sign with the inscription: “Will you marry me?”, Which will be held by a snowman.

Ice rink offer

A skating rink can become a very romantic place for declaring love for life. It is best to make an offer in the pre-holiday atmosphere of the New Year, when everything is beautifully decorated with colorful garlands. While riding, stop, hold your beloved's hands and tell her how much you love her. Then, get down on one knee, take out the ring and say the cherished words.

New Year's photo session

If you want your congratulations to look fabulous, then under the pretext of a winter romantic photo shoot, arrange a marriage proposal for her. Dress up in beautiful clothes to look great in photos of such a happy and significant moment. For the ring, choose an original Christmas-style box and place it on one of the branches of the Christmas tree. When she spots him and opens the box, get down on one knee and say you love him.

How to make an original proposal in spring or summer

A great option would be an offer in a greenhouse or botanical garden, when everything is in bloom and the atmosphere around is just great. Choose the most beautiful place in the garden, which you can beautifully decorate in advance with the permission of the administration. A good alternative would be a multi-colored flower field, where you offer your girlfriend your hand and heart.

If you and your sweetheart love to relax in nature, then arrange a romantic picnic for her, during which you will propose to her. Prepare a basket with her favorite food, prepare a bottle of champagne to celebrate later. Also take a soft and warm blanket that will be comfortable for you to sit on. An obligatory element, except for the ring, is a luxurious bouquet of flowers. You can decorate everything around with flags with letters that say "I love you" or your joint photos.

Romance under the moon

If your loved one likes romantic acts, then choose a beautiful place under the open sky, where you can look at the stars together. Then give her a bouquet of beautiful flowers and propose from the bottom of your heart, declaring your love for her.

If you live in a city where there is a beach, then it could be a great place to propose to your lovely sweetheart. The day before the proposal, write a romantic poem at the end of which you ask your girlfriend to become your wife. You can decorate a leaflet with recognition with rose petals. Put the leaflet in a beautiful bottle (it can be in the old style) and seal it with a cork (you can immediately write the date of a significant event on it so as not to forget later). Bury the bottle in the sand in advance or ask a friend to hide "your treasure" a few minutes before you arrive. In order not to confuse the place, you need to put some kind of identification mark near it (a large shell, for example). Then tell your beloved that you have a surprise for her and she needs to find a bottle for this. When she opens it, be prepared for a positive response.

You can have a luxurious picnic on the beach, decorating the place with rose petals, lit candles and lots of cute pillows. Or put a small table on the beach, and create a heart from burning candles around it. And the ring itself can be put not in an ordinary box, but in a beautiful opening shell.

Ideas for a marriage proposal in a public place

romantic meeting

Arrange with your loved one to meet in a crowded place with beautiful scenery. When she arrives, emerge from the crowd and go to meet her in a chic suit, in full dress, with a huge bouquet of magnificent flowers that she likes. Then, get down on one knee and tell her that she is the best person in the world for you, you want to spend your whole life with her and that she would honor you and become your wife.

If you do not want to make dates, then during a joint walk, pretend that you want to take a picture together, you can ask one of the passers-by (best of all, if it is a professional “disguised as an ordinary person” photographer hired by you in advance). So, you can capture a happy moment. Then, get down on one knee, open the ring box and ask to be your wife.

For a surprisingly great offer, you will need to find a musical group that will agree to help you. It's good if she plays in the park or some other picturesque place. When you get there, tell your girlfriend that you will leave for a minute, and let her listen to the musicians for now. Then, you quietly go up to the stage and sing her a romantic song about your feelings and at the end ask her to marry you.

For your proposal, you will need a street artist who paints portraits to order. Agree with him in advance that you will approach him with a girl and “spontaneously” decide to draw a joint portrait, and then he will draw a special picture, which will depict your couple and write the cherished phrase: “Will you become my wife?”.

An offer from the depths of the ocean

Arrange with the divers at the aquarium so that during their introduction, they take a waterproof poster (which you will give them in advance) and hold it closer to the glass. It will be inscribed with the most romantic phrase in all the land: "Will you marry me?".

Let the dolphins do everything for you

If there is no oceanarium in your city, then an original marriage proposal to a girl can be made in a dolphinarium. This is now a fairly popular service and the staff of the dolphinarium will be happy to meet you.

A great suggestion would be a romantic graffiti with the most important romantic confession in the world: "Will you be my wife?". In addition to a confession phrase, you can write some kind of romantic poem in order to express your positive feelings.

Choosing for you the ideas of a romantic declaration of love and marriage proposal, we tried to move away from a banal trip to a restaurant and presenting a ring, and we hope that we tried in vain. Be original and romantic, and most importantly, be sincere and we are sure that your girlfriend will definitely agree with you!

How to propose to a girl? You do not come to this question right away, but when it arises, you feel panic. Where to make an offer? What kind of music, drinks to choose? Are they needed at all? What about the ring? In addition, everything should be unbanal so that this moment will be remembered for a lifetime. We offer to consider 12 original ideas for a marriage proposal. But first, let's go over the important points of preparation.

How to make an unusual proposal

Find out the size of the ring finger of the right hand of the chosen one. Asking directly is suspicious. Girlfriends are also not an option, because they will talk. It is safer to borrow a ring from your middle or index finger and show it to a jeweler. The diameter of the ring for the proposal will be one less than that of the test one.

Go shopping with a girl, and, as if by the way, invite you to a jewelry store. Considering the rings, offer to try on the ones you like. During this time, listen and observe. So you will know the size, as well as the general style of products that your beloved prefers.

To make an original marriage proposal, consider the nature and hobbies of the future bride. A romantic girl will appreciate an evening in a good restaurant or dinner by the sea during sunset. If she doesn't mind adventure, organize a quest or something extreme.

Marriage proposal: ideas

How nice to propose to a girl? These 12 ideas will help set the direction for planning. In each of them you can bring something personal that only the two of you will understand. This approach will make this event truly memorable:

  1. Original marriage proposal. If you know how to sail, rent a boat and have a romantic dinner. Prepare flowers, champagne and a treasured box. Wait until sunset, kneel down and propose.
  2. Come home first, decorate the room with rose petals and line up the words "Marry me!" from small candles. Organize a romantic dinner in another room. This method can be used outdoors, as long as there is no wind.

  1. A simple yet cute way to propose. After shopping, put the box with the ring in the shopping bag. Returning from the store, wait until the girl disassembles the desired package. As soon as you see that she took out the box, take the prepared bouquet and ask the main question.
  2. Give the girl a box of tropical butterflies as a gift. When the beloved opens it, they will break free, and inside is a proposal ring. The result will be amazing. For the best effect, do it in a place where there is a lot of greenery and light.
  1. Order a laser show and adapt to your story. A beautiful animation of your relationship with a cherished question at the end will make a stunning impression. To avert suspicion, the best moment for this is Valentine's Day or the anniversary of a relationship.
  2. The original way is to shoot a high-quality video with a thoughtful plot and upload it to YouTube. When your chosen one is watching the video, quietly stand behind your back. There will be a question - let me know.
  3. Arm yourself with stereotypes. Since girls dream of a prince on a white horse, become him (a prince, not a horse). Rent a white horse, put on armor, jump to your beloved on the street and invite her to share the kingdom with you.
  4. Give a "marriage" ring for your birthday. Carefully pack, making a semblance of a nesting doll out of ten boxes. When she gets to the gift, say the right question.
  5. The place where you met is a great option for a marriage proposal. Prepare sweets, champagne, a bouquet of flowers. Of course, don't forget the traditional gesture - get down on one knee.

  1. Arrange a small quest within the city or apartment. Original riddles, small trials will intrigue the girl, who will be amazed at the outcome of the adventure.
  2. If you know how to do foot massage, you can put a ring on your toe at some point. As soon as the girl sees the ring, ask: "Will you become my wife?" This simple but fun way is sure to be remembered.
  3. A great option to propose in an unusual way is in a balloon. A warm summer evening is perfect for this moment. The main thing is that the weather does not let you down, and the potential bride is not afraid of heights.

It is important to propose at the right time. Omissions, claims, resentment - this should not be. If there was a quarrel the day before, wait until everything gets better. We hope now you understand how beautiful it is to propose to a girl. To avoid banality, show imagination. If you can’t come up with something original, connect your friends: brainstorming works well.