Quatrains with the meaning of love. Short poems about love. A short love poem

I really want spring
And the snow is flying around.
When the flowers will bloom
Playing with your scent?

Always be there
And soul and look.
With those who love and wait
And never offend, and will not leave.

I will pass the strip of life
Either white or black.
And I'll still find happiness
And I will live with a full soul!

And boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand
In a moment of spiritual hardship.
Wish! What is the use in vain and eternally to desire?
And the years pass - all the best years!

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
Do not measure today's affairs by tomorrow's yardstick.
Do not believe in the past or the future,
Believe in today's minute
Be happy now!

Half my life I have bitten into wisdom,
And he deduced the meaning in one line:
The more your pulse quickened,
The brighter you lived on earth.

I tried to distinguish the brightness:
As in the gray life there are few colors.
But if you want to judge the world
Clean your window first.

This thought is chilling,
It has been like this for centuries:
God can always forgive
Does not forgive - man!

Melody of happiness and mourning sounds,
The angelic face is a fierce beast in the depths.
An abundance of bliss and hellish torment
This is how life on earth is meant to be.

Life often hurts us
Too much crap in it.
But the truth still wins
In five cases there are a hundred.

The wisdom of the ages is disappearing.
This fact was confirmed again:
Born to crawl fly
On the backs of those born to fly.

The anathema of the church is not at all terrible,
Before the secular court, I also do not fear.
This question has been removed for me forever:
The body was given to me to please the soul.

My soul is like broken glass
Do not touch with bare hands.
And if it crunches under boots,
It's all the same to those boots out of spite.

My soul is a burning fireplace
That on a winter evening will create comfort and bliss.
And the everyday life of a lonely night
She will warm with her flame.

My soul is a heady splash of wine
My soul is a changeable lady.
She, almost like life, is always stubborn,
And I'm almost like her.

If you want to touch a rose - do not be afraid to cut your hands,
If you want to drink - do not be afraid to fall sick with a hangover.
And love is beautiful, quivering and passionate
If you want, don't be afraid to burn your heart in vain!

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of your beloved
Sacrifice what is most dear to you.
Never be cunning, bestowing love,
Sacrifice your life, be courageous, ruining your heart!

Happiness is given to the brave, does not like the quiet,
You are for happiness and go into the water and into the fire.
Before God, both the rebel and the submissive are equal,
Do not yawn - do not miss your happiness.

It is better to curl your beloved, caressing, grab,
It is better to drink sparkling wine with her.
Before fate grabs you by the belt
It is better to seize this fate yourself!

Passion for you tore the robe of roses,
In your fragrance there is the breath of roses.
You are tender, sequins of sweat on silky skin,
Like dew in a wonderful moment of opening roses!

Why torment yourself and bother,
Why wish for too much.
What is destined, it will be with us,
We can't take less or more!

How tenderly the breeze kisses the roses!
How bright the face of a friend, and the meadow, and the stream!
Don't talk about the past: what's the use of it now?
Be happy with the present. Look what a day!

Love at the beginning is always affectionate
In memories, always affectionate.
And love-pain! And greedily each other
We torment and torment - always.

Why is the almighty creator of our bodies
Didn't want to give us immortality?
If we are perfect, why do we die?
If they are not perfect, then who is the spoiler?

Chance meeting. Chance hello.
Random word. Random answer.
Majesty An accident over our land.
Sometimes he plays with our destiny.
Raise. Lower. And fly again!
And everyone expects something from the occasion.

I hid my soul in a chest so that they would not be found, not an enemy, not a friend.
No matter how hard they tried, they didn’t look so that they wouldn’t rinse in the wind.
I didn’t fight so that, barely breathing, in the wrong hands, my soul.
So that she could move away from troubles, betrayal and evil!

I want silence, peace and freedom from life.
Look with hope into the distance of fate without feeling pain.
Breathe not the oxygen of a lie, but the impeccable truth.
Throw a shawl of love on your shoulders - and bask in it forever. ​

I'm strong. I have learned to cry.
I do not live out the day "from" and "to".
And I haven't bet for a long time
Not for yourself, not for anyone else!

I can be a lap dog.
I can growl like a Rottweiler.
I can become exquisitely thin.
I can break it into pieces.

I live the best I can and have no regrets.
Find and lose and start from scratch.
I would tell you, but they didn't ask me
As sometimes betrayed even those who loved.
Only I did not give up, I laughed through my tears
And no matter what happens, I remained myself!

I am strong, but I cry and scream.
I am timid but rude.
And if you knew how much I love
How can I fly and fly.

My today is You, my words, my dreams;
My air, sky and flowers, everything around, all this is You.
You are my heart, my pain, my sorrow, my love.
You are my happiness, my peace, my soul is always with you!

Never be afraid of anything!
Don't ask anyone for anything!
And if you fall to your knees, get up!
Even if you don't want to live!

When you don't want it, you have it. You have it without appreciating it.
When you lose, you understand that without it it is already impossible.
Waking up late, you regret. You regret that you did not notice.
Appreciate what you have now. Love has not yet lost.

That life is empty when there is no love in it.
When there is no thrill of feelings ..
And now, touching your eyes, they are clean, open.
I am ready to drown in them, to love and enjoy life.

You and I are like two snow-white wings,
A soaring bird in the blue sky.
And below the snow-white couple floated,
These swans were also forever together!

We love not for beauty,
We just feel kinship.
We keep feelings of purity,
And together we walk in step.

If you love, be able to forgive!
If you love, know how to stay!
And you don't have to run away from love
It will be difficult to leave her!

Love for one is a reward
For others, a brutal fight.
It has a flowering garden
And storm surge.
We are in love in power
Tens of thousands of years
But still better than passion
There is no better feeling!

Every moment of the earth is beautiful, and this time is so beautiful,
Which I spent with you, you are not more beautiful in the world.
With you next to me I breathe, with you next to me I burn,
With you I live, but without you I die.

The sun is setting, I'm done writing.
And my heart wants to see you.
Read, smile and remember me.
Bye! Goodbye! Kiss you.

You warm my soul
You light up my life
I'm with you, as in a happy dream,
You are a miracle! I love you!

I cherish every moment spent with you,
You warm with the light of your eyes,
I drown in them like in a bottomless pool
And I don't want anyone to save me.

Go away tears, because it is impossible otherwise,
Smile girl - the proud do not cry.
And out of spite, you should laugh
Let the pain of the heart will break!
Hide those bitter tears from everyone in the world.
You are the mistress of life, not a mimosa bush!

I want to catch your eye
And touch your face.
And in silence I want to kiss you
Surely I love you!
It's raining and it hurts my soul
Whispering phrases to me.
The heart stops beating
Without your beautiful eyes

Close your eyes, imagine a star
The one I'm sitting on.
I see you, I'll come
And gently, gently hug.
Whisper softly in my ear:
"Kitty, I love you..."

Tonight be with me my love!
Hold me tight tonight!
Tonight I want to forget the problems!
Tonight I want to love you!

Soul curled up like a kitten
Waiting out the cold.
I have a soul about you
Remind, scratching the heart sometimes.

You are like a star in my window
What gives me a ray of light.
I love her, I love you
But you are far from me.

Like the sun burns without burning, love.
Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love.
But not yet love - nightingale groans.
Do not moan, dying of love - love!

Let them wake up soon
Trees and plants
And the world around breathes again
Spring mood!

Have fun! Unhappy people go crazy.
Eternal darkness shines with eternal stars.
How to get used to what is from thinking flesh
Will bricks be made and laid at home?

Make friends with reasonable people, so as not to know the ordeal.
Run to distant lands from vile deceit.
The sage will give you poison - drink this poison,
A scoundrel will give you medicine - do not take medicine.

Your features, strokes and highlights,
In the heart of everyone and everyone.
But incomprehensibly different,
We are alone the same.

The one who presents the world to the lucky ones as a gift,
The rest of the blow strikes.
Do not grieve if you had less fun than others,
Be glad that less others suffered.

It makes no sense to lock the door to the future,
There is no point in choosing between good and evil.
The sky throws dice blindly.
Everything that fell out, you have to have time to lose.

If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden your soul with either the past or the future,
Spend your treasures while you're alive
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear poor!

Look, the breeze parted the dress of the rose.
How the nightingale excites the opened flower!
Do not pass by. After all, the rose has blossomed
And blossomed magnificently only for a short time.

From godlessness to God - one moment!
From zero to total - one moment!
Take care of this precious moment:
Life is neither less nor more - just one moment!

Do not anger others, and do not be angry yourself,
We are guests in this mortal world.
And if something is not so humble,
Smile more.
Think with a cold head
After all, everything in the world is natural,
The evil you caused
Will definitely come back to you.

I would compare the world to a chessboard
That day, that night ... And the pawns? - we are with you
Move, squeeze - and beat
And put into a dark box to rest.

We are obedient dolls in the hands of the creator!
This is not said by me for the sake of words.
The Almighty leads us on the stage on strings
And shoves it into the chest, bringing it to the end.

In the shelter of curls, the crafty inhabitant is passion.
Your wonderful face is temptation, and my tormentor is passion.
Your eye under the eyebrow is the priest under the arch in the niche of the temple:
The teacher captivated the atheist - Passion.

Only your face makes a sad heart happy.
Except for your face - I do not need anything.
I see my image in you, looking into your eyes,
I see you in myself, my joy.

You, whom I have chosen, are dearest to me.
The heart of ardent heat, the light of the eyes for me.
Is there anything in life that is more precious than life?
You and my life are more precious to me.

It is easy to love when love is mutual, When the soul sings with joy,
And the flow of gentle words flows abundantly - Then the bad weather is good!
It's easy to love when the heart is open, It's easy when the hand is in the hand,
When there is no place for insults, meanness, And it is believed that happiness is for centuries.

There are problems. They are going away.
But life and passion remain!
Those who rule fate
Undeniable having power!

I am happy only with you
And no one will replace you.
You alone appreciate and love me,
And one understands why.

Turned his head in hops.
And the soul in languishing expectation

Thoughts rush about like in smoke,
Thoughts stubbornly seek the light,
And thousands of "why?"
They don't find an answer.

How difficult it is to wait when they don't go, How difficult it is to get up when they kick you.
How difficult it is to say goodbye, while - forever, How difficult it is to joke if trouble is nearby.
How difficult it is to serve when you are not a slave, How difficult it is to be strong when you are weak.

So this novel is finished!

What a pity that MEMORY cannot be killed!
She alone ruins my life!

With absurd faith, TIME HEALS.


That even the lamp does not light up.

The problem is wanting to fix it.
And leave the first stupidity
We are always safer.

Like coins of different currencies,

And years that are not worth a minute.

Without love a person dies
Like a flower withering without water.
Every woman needs a man

How happy I am that I was at least a little near, I heard your voice
What else can you ask God for gifts and mercy?
Do not believe that I'm not sick of you, that I'm glad for these changes.
I'm just not free to choose any of my paradise, all the same hell!

It's easy to love when love is mutual
When the soul sings for joy,
And tender words flow abundantly
Then bad weather is good!
Loving is easy when the heart is open
It's easy when the hand lies in the hand,
When there is no place for insults, meanness,
And I believe that happiness is forever.

Somewhere out there, beyond knowledge,
Where is the riddle, nebula and mystery,
Someone hidden is preparing in advance.
Everything that happens later happens by accident.

There are problems. They are going away.
But life and passion remain!
Those who rule fate
Undeniable having power!

I am happy only with you
And no one will replace you.
You alone appreciate and love me,
And one understands why.

Tender feelings captivating breath
Turned his head in hops.
And the soul in languishing expectation
Whisper again: "I love you."

Thoughts rush about like in smoke,
Thoughts stubbornly seek the light,
And thousands of "why?"
They don't find an answer.

In her bright eyes you can see the ocean
Love boundless, deepest caress,
She is beautiful, delightful, like a fairy tale,
And, like an angel, amazingly sweet.

How hard it is to wait when they don't go,
How hard it is to get up when you're kicked.
How difficult it is to say goodbye, while - forever,
How difficult it is to joke when trouble is near.
How difficult it is to serve if you are not a slave,
How hard it is to be strong when you are weak.

I do not want instead of tenderness - pity.
I do not want instead of the truth - deceit.
If there is no warmth left in the heart
So this novel is finished!

We lose minutes, hours and moments.
When we wake up, we lose our dreams.
But the most terrible thing is to suddenly understand one day.
Now we have nothing more to lose.

What a pity that MEMORY cannot be killed!
She alone ruins my life!
How painful it is to remember EVERYTHING and live!
With absurd faith, TIME HEALS.

Don't waste your energy on those you don't need.
To dust in the eyes and a noble show off,
On those who have a cold with wild jealousy,
For those who are crazy in love with themselves.

Give a woman peace, warmth.
From the Heaven of Desires, get the Stars of Happiness.
Don't tell her about what happened "before"
Let it be the Light Mystery that which will be "after".


Love is not built alone
After all, happiness is built in half.
If the current does not go through two wires,
That even the lamp does not light up.

If you do stupid things, it doesn't matter.
The problem is wanting to fix it.
And leave the first stupidity
We are always safer.

There are idleness that is higher than work,
Like coins of different currencies,
There are minutes that are worth years
And years that are not worth a minute.

Sadness and weakness in your eyes
Dream and joy in your eyes
I can't live without them, I want to see them live with them,
When you look at me, I quietly melt like a candle!

Without love a person dies
Like a flower withering without water.
Every woman needs a man
After all, love is the purpose and reason of life.
No Love - the fire does not keep warm
Only the heart can warm the heart.

No need for words... No need... Shut up...
Words are carried away by the wind, you will forget them ...
About happiness... About love... Don't you cry,
Look into your eyes... And I will understand that you love.

We are all perishable, child, such is the course of the universe.
We are like sparrows, and death, like a hawk, is waiting.
And sooner or later - any flower will fade, -
With his grater, the death of all creatures will grind.

Wake up every morning
From bright sunshine
Hurry to the beach! Swim quickly!
In summer the world becomes brighter!

Love to beg - naivety,
Which is doomed to disaster.
Love, it is reciprocity,
But how rare it is!

Fate weaves for each wreath
From joy, doubts and mistakes,
From endlessly difficult roads,
Important discoveries, sadness and smiles.


Do not rush to glorify the moment
When you have achieved something.
Happy is he who achieves
Not the lucky one who has achieved.

To find peace of mind
There is no such place in the world.
You yourself are the source of your peace,
Only from you comes your peace.

A whim from a woman's lips borders on the sage's delirium.
How to fulfill their wishes without losing face?
Do not think, do not guess, do not ask the fate of the priest.
After all, there are few women for whom we are ready to turn into a fine fellow.

Forget the people that once betrayed
Who betrayed once, will betray you twice,
And do not look for love where there is no answer,
In love there are two, there are no other plots.

Great wisdom - to wait, Great happiness - to believe,
And feel that again - Hope will open the door.
To fasten when there is no strength, and swallowing tears, laugh,
And falling, do not ask, and believe, and not be afraid,
And firmly and accurately know - Hope will open the door,
When I learned to wait, and it's sacred to believe in something!

You can live nearby, meet every day.
Only now remain strangers forever.
You can live far away, but when it's hard for you
And for hundreds of miles to feel each other.

Don't cling to the past, don't live offended
Remember the good, do not envy anyone.
Everything that is sent to you by heaven, take it for granted
Everything that is done is for the better, no matter how difficult it is for you.

Never found, never understood.
Where to find someone, where to lose someone.
Where the question is not asked, where the answer is not heard.
Where everything can be solved, and where there is no way out.

Don't be sorry about what didn't work out
Don't regret what you can't return.
The past has already happened
You have to keep going through life.

Great director named Destiny
In the play "Life" distributes roles.
He decides who love, who fight
Who is free and who is not.

How fate will turn out, no one knows
Live freely and don't be afraid of change.
When she takes something
Don't miss out on what you get in return.

It's easy to push a person away
Throwing an icy word in the trail.
But then it's hard to get it back
If you suddenly call him again.

For those who leave, open the door wider,
Ventilate the room of the soul.
Believe that there are others in this world
And do not rush to return the traitors.

Do not lose people, even though there are many of them in the world
After all, then those who are needed cannot be found in the crowd!
And any road in life is meaningless,
If you decide to go alone.

Never, never regret anything
Let not everything that you wanted, you could do.
It all depends on you: if you want, if you can
And the barriers will be left behind!

And who said that time heals wounds,
That wounds heal from within?
Yes, time is a good doctor, but to cripple the soul
Sometimes it's so easy that you don't speak.

Forget about the one who rewards with pain,
But remember those who gave warmth.
And do not hold the one who threatens to part,
And let go of someone who shouldn't be around.

How often do we make mistakes?
We do not appreciate what fate has given us.
We do not understand so much in life
And we repeat it is not destiny.
The person you love is near
But we don't appreciate it at all.
And only when we lose it
We understand the values ​​of Love!

Never, never hold grudges
Let fate punish your offenders.
It is not given to them to understand that offending others,
Initially, they offend themselves.


On a short trip
I still couldn't understand.
That life belongs to nature
And we've got it for a short time.

There are such eyes in the world that, having looked, it is not a pity to die.
Even if the sun does not shine, you will look into them and it will become hot.
And from birth, people are looking for them: both in warmth and when there is bad weather.
Those eyes of the one who loves us, it reflects happiness in them.

I release old hopes in peace,
And let them now stay away.
I make room for the best thoughts,
And I find with faith new dreams.

There are moments in life
When tears blur your eyes.
But it's a thousand times harder
When the heart cries, but dry eyes.

We believe in the sky and the stars
We believe in destiny and ourselves.
But we break tenderness with words,
Saying "I love", not loving.

Don't judge my friend
Everyone has reasons for their actions.
Soaring up to the throne of gold -
Anyone can land in a swamp!

The silence of love is more precious than beautiful words,
When you see sparks in other eyes
And in a quivering soul you find strength in life,
When in your hand - the warmth of the other hand.

In people, we open ourselves and communicating, we find the way,
Love and love you, help - they will certainly help.
After sowing, the time will come to reap, life is ordinary and ordinary.
If there is no one to see us off, someone will certainly come out to meet us.

My friend, my guardian angel,
Oh you, with whom there is no comparison,
I love you, I breathe you
But where is the expression for passion?

With you, alone, near, away -
To love you is my only joy;
You give me all the blessings on earth;
You are life to the heart, you are the sweetness of life.

There is a cherished trait in the proximity of people,
She can not go over love and passion, -
Let the lips merge in a terrible silence,
And the heart is torn from love to pieces.

Let there be no self-proclaimed hope
Let secret fantasies be bold.
To your destination, as a calling,
Believe! And everything will work out! Take a chance!

Lonely evening gently strokes the shoulders,
And looks out the dark window with me,
Gave into the unknown, life-distances,
Dragging you into dreams with lunar silver.

She hates lies, and smells like rain and cinnamon;
He sits for hours on the balcony, counting the floors by eye.
And if suddenly a new acquaintance again turned out to be not a prince,
Laughing, he shrugs his shoulders and whispers under his breath: “this is life ...”

You can’t stop loving your loved ones - you can temporarily leave them ...
To forget, to be offended, to be cunning, and again the path leads to them.
Loved ones need to forgive everything ... There are no former loved ones ...
Beloved ones come from above to illuminate our world with the sun.

I will teach you to miss me. Understand that time teaches, not heals.
And happiness - every moment alone. And that in separation only a more desirable meeting.
I can accept everything and understand everything. To love and wait, almost not jealous.
Just try not to lose me. But I won't teach you that.

And who said that everything has to be smooth?
Combed, brushed and soft?
And, who said that life is a sweet drink?
It is bitter, sour, and sometimes nasty ...

Stroke my hand on the cheek, let your shoulder press your palm,
and kissing a sweet path to pass lips along your hand ...
Slowly, ... Tremulously, ... Loving ... from the elbow to the lovely wrist,
thanks for a little happiness - to breathe the warmth coming from you ...

And maybe suddenly I myself
I will look into your eyes differently.
And the words will become prophetic
That mean nothing now.

Romanticism. Love. Spring… Hands. Lips. Life without sleep...
Dachas. Parties. Chocolate. And someone's loving look ...
Flame. Passion. Fire. Bonfire… Happiness. Moment. And only he...
Rainbow. Flowers and Children… We live… We live it all!

Autumn has sad eyes. They have a secret, immeasurable fatigue.
But still there was turquoise in her eyes... Yes, it still remained...
And the sun glare on the water is still smiling, radiant.
How quietly they die in OCTOBER. Flying deceived leaves!

This is the end of autumn. Almost winter.
The days are cloudy and there are few colors.
A dank wind outside the window and the night is long.
So I want to cover myself with a blanket ...

Never look for what's lost
It will be in vain your work,
But always and everywhere be sure
That you will be found if necessary.

A friend is not the one who is next to you in the days of comfort,
And those who cry the loudest in grief.
A real FRIEND is only one by right,
Who will accept your success without envy!

When a man and a woman are friends
everything is simple, but insanely difficult!
After all, much is almost impossible,
although it is theoretically possible!

A moment will surely come in life,
Again the storm will happen in the blood
And a wave of inspiration bursts into the soul
Beautiful and tender love.

Harsh winds chilled my soul,
Rain poured down,
And the torch of love was easily extinguished.
Will it light up ahead?

Pained, hurt
Long tormented by love.
It turned out, apparently, a little,
And now I suffer again.

Didn't take the road of love
And the joys got lost in the distance,
The soul is sad, and the heart beats the alarm,
At least now there is a path of love.

Love is blind and it doesn't need
Very keen eyes
She is like the color of a spring garden,
Nature's wondrous wonders.

Feelings come out
When big love comes
Even in the terrible winter cold
Warms the boiling blood.

Do not break the butt with a whip,
Initially, it is an inevitability
And you can't force love
After all, love gives birth only to tenderness.

In the river of love, the current is tortured
From endless, shameless lies
I got grief from love:
The lot of my tormented soul.

Love always finds the look first
Consent is confirmed by a smile,
Eyes and lips seem to say
That the choice was not a fatal mistake.

The look pricked, as if an arrow,
The smile enticed him.
Eh! If I were free
I just loved it for the smile.

Forgot about love for a long time
Embarrassed by the piercing gaze
He's drunk like sparkling wine
Spring is probably to blame.

We write love poems
To be warmer in the soul.
Such a verse will not be superfluous.
Let kindness blow.

We want love in life
We dream and just believe.
Love, make anger quieter
And our hearts are bolder.

Love is a huge country
Which also has boundaries.
Love is beautiful and pure
Like the first pages in a book.

And who runs in italics,
Passing dots and pages.
She doesn't accept
Closing possible borders.

It's good that there is love in the world,
And to be faithful to her - we are all responsible.
You will place her in your soul,
Reliably, firmly you take care of it.
Never part with love
Before your beloved soul, you open up.

In what shall I seek my salvation?
And where can I express my love?
With you every moment
Blood rushes through the veins...

I don't know who else can love like this
There are thousands of poems about this feeling in books,
But only I can understand what drives me,
When you color the world with the light of my dreams.

Being faithful is so easy when between you and me
Such joy, ease of happiness, joy, love.
I'm not afraid to burn from the flame in my soul, but I'm worried
Can you stand it?.. You breathe with me.

Oh, we don't know how to love
But we can't live without love
After all, life must beat with the key,
And without love, alas, not the path.

Love ... she inspires,
It's easy to breathe with her... Oh, yes!
And it gives us strength
Even though it's sad sometimes.

But it also makes us suffer
And sometimes life is not sweet to us already
And it's not at all comforting
When longing settles in the soul ...

But still there is power in love
And then the man lives
When, as soon as life would not beat,
He will find love on earth!

WITH Quiet writing is not so easy
T what are the things.
AND express such feelings
X hotels we always.
AND dem forward, let's go on the attack,
ABOUT that we sing a song.
L love we crave irrevocably,
YU basking in your fire,
B go ahead - love you
IN always, don't back down!
AND dillia - such a feeling, such grace.

Playful tone, deep look
And words ornate
They don't tell me anything
But still, it's a joy.

Beautiful phrases indistinct row
And gestures incomprehensibility
They don't tell me anything
But still, it's a joy.

You wave your hand, you shake your shoulder,
And you will be silent. Ah, God!
Love is dangerous like a knife
But it's also a joy.

We are born to write about love.
Let the hatred perish forever.
And each of us is strong at heart.
And a person will find happiness.

Wishing each other from the heart
Unrequited love does not know
We believe we love forever.
We believe that we can dream.

In storms and storms, in rain and snowfall
We are looking for a safe haven of signs.
And again, like moths, we strive for the light,
Who is happy to burn us.

In winter and summer, in heat and hurricane
We wait for God to deliver us from torment,
Not knowing that he already took the arrow in his hands
Cupid is a careless bully boy...

And my tears will not be enough for you,
And the sky will fall right into your hands
But will you notice that the sky is gone?
You will not hear the sounds of my soul.
And she is a wounded bird
Everything flies towards you,
She is only afraid of one thing -
Lose your face forever...

Love is the strongest feeling of all those that two people can experience in relation to each other. It is love that makes the blood boil in the veins, and the brain works feverishly at a wild pace, writing lines about love! Under the influence of this feeling, a romantic wakes up in a person, and in some even a poet, who begins to compose beautiful poems about love, which sometimes even touch to tears. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to beautifully fold lines in order to get something beautiful that can touch the heart of a beloved or beloved. But they can always use short beautiful love poems from our selection that will suit anyone - boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband!

When they love, they don't hang up
When they love, they don't interfere with dirt,
When they love, they appreciate, cherish,
They call every five minutes!
When they love, they don't look to the left,
When they love, they answer boldly,
When they love, they go to the ends of the world,
When they love, they don't hide it.

Don't love him, but be his love.
Don't look for him, he will find you.
Don't follow him like the others do...
If he needs you, he will come to you.

If you like it let me know...
Hate - let me know ...
Are you bored call...
If you play, go away!


I'll wait for you, there's nothing left for me.
I'll wait, let the years pass.
I will believe, wait for the sunrise.
I will live, I love you so much...

I'll leave ... without noticing insults,
chewing chocolate candy,
And let the evil horse love you,
And not such a sun as me ...

I will collect on a string all the words of love.
Only this thread, you hear, do not tear!
If you don't save this thread...
You won't call me yours again

"No one compares to you"
No one compares to you, ever!
There are girls more beautiful, but there is no sweeter,
There are brighter girls, but there are no relatives.
With you, my life has been a star.

Learn to apologize and forgive!
In love, after all, everything is different ...
Do not be afraid to be the first to put up to start,
Love is strong and quickly forgets quarrels!

The bitterness of your embrace burned my heart melting.
I can't believe you have another.
The bitterness of your embrace hurt my soul.
And now I will never break your peace with my love!

I love doesn't mean I love
I love - does not mean I value
I love - only feeling means
I love you, love, love!

"I began to live with you again"
I started living with you again
And breathe, my love, you.
Just happy to love you
And do not need another fate ...

“What are the prospects for our relationship?”
What are the prospects for our relations?
We have done many wrongs together.
They had fun with each other, tasting the joy of the days.
It's time to say seriously: "Dear, be mine!"

Save me from the light of day, and cover me with darkness.
Burn me, but without fire…. And calm your soul.
Touch me and melt the pain with your touch.
Cuddle up to me and be with you forever you let

"I give you my soul"
I give you, my love, myself
All in all, loving you alone.
I give you my soul -
Tell me you need me!

You are the ocean, raging and gentle
You are the heart of hate and love
You are my source of faith and hope
You are a deity and the most terrible demon,
My slave and my executioner, my throne and scaffold,
You are my life and death, soul and body,
My fall down and endless rise.

"I miss you so much"
I miss you so much,
When you and I are not together
Love lives in my soul
And illuminates everything!

I love you so much baby
I love both summer and winter.
About the fact that you are only my beloved,
I scream at the whole globe.
And my heart is on fire
Nothing can extinguish it.
I want everyone in the world to know:
I will love you all my life!

"Cupid shot my heart"
Cupid shot my heart.
And now to me from you
Nowhere else to go
My darling!

I confess to you again:
It's like I'm praying for you.
I love you my dear,
I want you to be only mine.
Your love is dear to me
And melt again in the soul of snow.
Beloved, be with me, I pray
After all, I love you!

"My disease is incurable"
My disease is incurable

A fire burns in my chest
And from love throws in the heat!

All the moonlight sparkles in your eyes
He gives love, tenderness and peace.
And what I can aspire to
Catch your eye and live by you alone.

"Beloved Man"
Let love unite us
Rather meet you
My sweet finally wish
And so that love blooms in the soul!

May it be pleasant for you, dear


The sun is tangled in your eyelashes,
In the palms of the palm and the world for two.
The sky is in your eyes, the dawn is in your smile,
There is no more love like ours.

I dream for the second day
Your extra miniskirt:
It's like I'm sitting under it
And where can I not look!

Love came, it couldn't be otherwise
And captured by unthinkable longing,
And she called, and again she screams and cries,
And I was waiting, waiting for her like this ...

I love my life,
Because you are in it
And you, because
You are in my life!

"I dream of being together with you"
In beautiful linen, on a large bedspread,


I love, I miss, I love
I go crazy and die.
I want to hug, kiss,
And never let go.
You believe in the cry of my soul,
I won't give you up now.

How many stars are in the sky
How many pebbles are in the water
So many sweet kisses
I send you!

"I am worthy of love"
Yes, I know I deserve love
She is ready to receive.
Beloved, darling, sleep well -
I won't change you!

With you next to me I breathe
I'm on fire with you,
I live next to you
And without you I'm dying...

"I love you, my love"
I love you, my love -
Reading like a book...
That's just a pity (here I sigh),
That sometimes you send a fig in response.

Your soul is bright!
And your whole face is sweet.
I thank the Creator
He gave you!

"Any I will open the door"
My love, believe me
I love to open the door
Where would you like to enter?
Do not go astray, most importantly, out of the way!

If you want, I'll be anything
Darkness of the night, light of the day
And the rock, and the surface of the water,
Only you love me!

"Love and passion should not be confused"
Love and passion should not be confused, -
Love includes passion
Passion without love is madness.
I wish you not to fall into passion! :)

Let me tell you that I
warmed by the warmth of your soul,
And the star of love, grief,
Life shines with wondrous light!

"Love connected us with you"
Love connected us with you
And we can't get rid of it.
From now on, we, my love, are a couple.
And it's more than friends!

I want to caress you with my hands
And kiss your lips
And indulge in stormy caresses,
I want to give myself to you!
Short love poems

"Three cherished words"
Three cherished words
Repeat nonchalantly
I'm ready for you
Just endless!

"Love in my soul"
Love in my soul
Like a warm flame.
Be bolder on the turn
My cute moth!

"For your cheerful soft look"
For your cheerful soft look,
For morning coffee in bed
I'm always ready to answer
That you didn't get any fat!

“And I will save you from troubles”
Even though I love you madly
But I can't put it on my neck.
Hold on to me, if you have enough strength,
And I will save you from troubles.

"Ask what you want, I'll give it all!"
Ask what you want, I'll give it all!
And I will leave the whole world
At your feet, my love.
That's how good I am!

"Darling, you're disturbing my sleep!"
Darling, you disturb my sleep!
You stop soon
Climb into my dreams without knocking -
I heat up a frying pan...

"Yesterday you chewed my mouth"
You chewed my mouth yesterday
And a black eye jumped on it!
Let's train
Easy kiss!

As I see your legs,
The smile blooms
So much so that the cheeks even
My ears are closed!

"My feelings"
May it be pleasant for you, dear
From gentle confessions and sincere words.
My feelings for you - they are immense!
And rules over them, of course, love!

"You are my beloved one"
You are my beloved one,
Glorious, beautiful,
Tender, desirable
The most-presamaya!

"You have my heart!"
Today I had an x-ray
I couldn't find a heart in the picture.
Because my dear
You have my heart!

"You are like a cat"
Darling, you are like a cat:
Beautiful and… slightly predatory
I can't sleep thinking about you
But just don't be a tigress.

"You mean so much to me!"
You mean so much to me!
I love you, my love!
And from your hot love
I'm melting like ice cream!

"The Day I Met You"
The day I met you
The most important to me
I immediately noticed
That you are my love!

You are not a star, you are not a bird,
Not the moon in my window.
You, my love, are a killer
Got me in the heart!

"How would I live without knowing you?"
How would I live without knowing you
Whom would you look in the eyes like that?
Until I met you, zaya,
I couldn't love so passionately.

"Let me tell you a little secret"
Let me tell you a little secret:
When you sleep softly at night
Sparkles on your cheek...
My kiss is very hot!

I caught a cold of the dates of the first trace,
Close to you for a long time!
But there are no better lovers than us
Not in books, not in movies!

I love you so much
I can not live without you
I am very very waiting for you
And every day for you...

The heart beats in a fast rhythm
The blood boils in the veins,
If you are close to me
It seems to be love!

I love you. Very.
And I myself am surprised by this.
After all, apart from suffering and pain
I haven't seen anything from you...

My love, in you
Crazy in love!
Rather listen to me
Fall in love with me yourself.

My disease is incurable
After all, I'm sick of you, my love!
A fire burns in my chest
And from love throws in the heat!

She cares about your blood
She excites, oppresses ....
Work is your love! 🙂

Love connected us with you
And we can't get rid of it.
From now on, we, my love, are a couple.
And it's more than friends!

Darling, come quickly
And I will love you again
I don't have a smile without yours
I don't want to live in the world!

You strive for it again and again,
She cares about your blood
She excites, oppresses ....
Work is your love!

I will kindle the beacon of love,
Your boat as a guide,


Love in my soul
Like a warm flame.
Be bolder on the turn
My cute moth!

I dream, but I am silent,

I confess: I want
You are a little afraid.

From our joint pleasant moments
I always have a store of impressions!
You infect me with wild passion,
Then you fall in love, then you disappear again!

You, my love, are like a dessert -
You are tastier than any candy
You are tastier than pastila.
I could eat you!

Cupid shot my heart.
And now to me from you
Nowhere else to go
My darling!

Loved you forever
Never doubt
That loyalty to one kept
To you, my love, I always!

I dream, but I am silent,
To climb into the forest with you.
I confess: I want
You are a little afraid.

I found a magical shore in you
I admire you without breathing.
And I'm afraid, to shiver, to tantrums
Lose you my soul!

I will kindle the beacon of love,
Your boat as a guide,
To reach the earth in a storm,
So that all quarrels end in peace!

Yes, I loved you
Only you, my love, know
I would never give up
So promise a fairy tale!

Darling, I miss you so much.
Beloved, without you, a holiday is everyday life for me.
Beloved, at a meeting you will understand without words,
How difficult it was for me without you!

In beautiful linen, on a large bedspread,
I dream of being together with you
Enjoy to the fullest all night long
Have a wonderful dream, dear pillow!

Your soul is a complete mess
In your dreams - complete nonsense,
In your words - rubbish ....
And I'm all this without a doubt
I love you still!!!

Sight! Sight! Sight!
What are you doing to me, I don't know...
I'm flying in my youth! And I laugh and I joke
Today I meet the joy of life ...

Tick-tock the clock runs
And with them day and night.
How good that you
Beloved, there is in them - VERY!

You fly like white snow
You don't notice me
You melt in my palms.
Bet you miss me!

Darling, you are so cruel!
Well, who does this?
Stole the heart right from the threshold
Dating - and it's alive ...

I miss you terribly without you.
Without you my heart hurts.
I remember you every day!
I will never forget you!

I'm goodbye at five o'clock
I paint my last eye.
Sorry it's late. Darkness
Hide what a beauty!

And he is in it - with his head, as in a whirlpool,
He kissed all her cracks on her heart.
He will never give to anyone else
Your infinitely beloved woman.

And when suddenly it seemed to him that she was older,
That she is suddenly taciturn at dinner,
He knew how to scoop her all up in an armful and regret,
Even though she never asked him to.

© Vera Polozkova

Eduard Asadov

From the words of love ringing head.
They are both beautiful and very fragile.
However, love is not only words,
Love is, first of all, actions.

And nobody needs loopholes here.
Prove feelings and - the whole secret.
But if there are no cases behind words,
Love your cost three pennies!

Margarita Aliger

Again they quarreled on the tram,
not holding back, not being ashamed of strangers ...
But, without hiding involuntary envy,
I looked excitedly at them.

They don't know how happy they are.
And thank God! Nothing for them to know.
Just think about it! - nearby, both are alive,
and you can fix everything and understand ...

Tired of chasing dreams
Look for someone you don't need.
Love so wants simple
And a quiet house with a cherry orchard.

© Double Gun

Pavel Kogan

Perhaps you and I are being rude.
Maybe it's childish...
I understood - you can not forget
And, you see, I forgot.
But a little bit of contemptuous words,
But the evil of a bitten lip,
No matter how I told myself - "forget it!",
As you can see, I couldn't forget.

Do not shout tender words, do not shout,
For the time being, hold them in captivity, -
Let the ships scream in the night
Well, you shut up, shut up, -
Hurry - and look for the wind in the field.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Just half of love -
Love without an answer -
But doesn't she burn brighter
Of the blinding sun
In the high sky?

Akiko Yosano

You do not love me! - said the wife.
The husband whistled in response: - Here you are!
If I endure your character for so many years ...
You can be calm: I love you devilishly!!!

© Eduard Asadov

Lonely midnight stops...
Dark, unexplored stations ...
Feeling like a rifle is being pointed at us.
Feeling like we're already too late...
Damp. Cold. In the silence - someone's quiet cough.
Lanterns glare of light drop into puddles.
Feeling like we're a lot older.
Feeling like you... I don't need you anymore.

© Nastya Pin

They have someone to offend except you.
Do not torture them in long silences,
Forgive them ten thousand times.

Do not offend, even rashly, loved ones,
Let their eyes sparkle with joy.
Give everything to see them happy
And ten thousand times they will forgive you.

© Hegelsky Ludovik Oleg P.

I can't help but love you.
I'm very afraid to learn.
I can't drink you.
I can't get drunk.

I'm scared to admit it, but I forget
I don't remember how you smiled in the morning.
I'm scared to admit it, but I don't miss
I don't want to see you anymore.

© Darina Surpce

Lovers look into each other's eyes, but they don't see you
but they see pieces of burlap and a doll made of rags.
- Look at me! - I'm not your destiny at all,
I am your comrade, your lover, flower and dog.

Dmitry Vodennikov

Anna Akhmatova

Every day there is
A troubling and troubling hour.
I speak loudly with longing,
Don't open your sleepy eyes.
And she beats like blood
Like a breath of warmth
Like happy love
Reasonable and evil.

Don't part with your loved ones!
Don't part with your loved ones!
Don't part with your loved ones!
Grow in them with all your blood, -

And every time forever say goodbye!
And every time forever say goodbye!
When you leave for a moment!

Alexander Kochetkov

Remember my prophecy:
Someday, like in a dream
Suffering from loneliness
You will come to me again.

© Eduard A. Asadov

Julia Drunina

Cross out everything. And start all over again
Like it's the first spring.
Spring, when it rocked us on the crest
Rocky ocean wave.

When everything was a holiday and new -
A smile, a gesture, a touch, a look...
Ah, the ocean called love,
Don't back down, come back, come back!

The girl went to the guy alone.
She carried ripe cherries as a gift,
And she did not notice
Like ate cherries on the way.

But the guy was not rude at heart
And he didn't resent her.
After all, the sweet juice of cherry lips
It turned out even tastier!

I love you…
This is my deadliest sin.
Time rolls on
Fortress destroying rampart.
There behind the walls
I hid my heart from everyone ...
Badly hidden -
You still stole it...

© Julia Kholod

This is all untrue. You are loved.
You will forever be mine.
I won't forgive you anything.
I won't let go of your lovely hands.
And you can't push me away
even indignant and grieving.
As I see your thorny path
hidden, unknown to you.
Only I can go -
me - with you on your way ...

Love works wonders! It inspires, inspires, makes us do unimaginable things, makes us so happy that we are ready to move mountains and get a star from the sky. And also dedicate verses to your one or only.

We offer you very beautiful love poems: short, long, funny and sad to tears, with a deep meaning and playful declarations of love. Read, choose, dedicate love poems to your loved ones!

Beautiful poem about love to tears

It is not customary to shout about love ...
Love for you has no boundaries!
The heart will break into pieces
If you answer my question,
And the soul will soar into the sky like a bird!

Do you love me? And how much?
Whisper into your pillow, I'll hear you!
You give me a silent sign -
And don't hesitate, I'll see everything!

It's not customary to shout about love,
Silence to tears ... And so insulting
That you can't give me an answer!
In the dark without stars it is not visible ...

I will wrap myself in sadness with my head,
And again I will tune the soul radar,
For me to hear your answer!
Hands start, I will not hide ...

At night this blue I do not sleep.
Really?!.. I hear your answer!
You whispered with your heart: "I love you!"
And with happiness just blows the "roof"!

Very beautiful poems about love for a man

I love you, my dear and dear!
I'm going crazy with happiness to be with you ...
I'm glad that you are destiny
Given to me with great love!

I put you on a pedestal
Otherwise, we simply cannot be.
After all, you are my God and you are my ideal,
And there is no man more dear to me than you!

Your words sound like a wonderful song
When you talk to me about love.
I'm happy that you and I are together
We keep all our tender feelings!

A sensual poem about a woman's love for a man

Why do I love you? Don't know…
For the twinkle in my eyes I love
For the fact that I always dream with you
And I smile, I sincerely laugh!

I love you for tenderness and for affection,
I love your care of me...
That I got into a fairy tale with you,
And I don't want to get out!

I love for a lot, I won’t list everything,
You are simply the best on earth!
And, as you know, love is not for something,
And just contrary to everything and everyone!

Short love poems for a girl

I want to be your husband

Duchess? Queen?
No, Queen of the Universe!
Graceful as a panther
It's impossible not to fall in love!

You are slim, bright, beautiful
And smarter than all the girlfriends.
I have loved you for a long time.
How I want to be your husband!

When we met

When we met you
The wind caressed our hair,
And the surf sang so quietly to us,
But my heart fluttered...

Stronger than the gentle waves of the sea
My love suddenly broke out.
I dream, dear, that you
Stayed with me forever!

short funny love poem

Favorite coquette

Sweetheart, beautiful
Coquette girl!
you are my favorite,
Sweet candy!

A declaration of love to a man

Take a step towards me

I love you regardless
For all the empty promises
Grievances of various, not counting
Forgetting misunderstandings.

I want a small step
Towards me you, dear, did.
I want these lines
All problems could melt away.

A short poem for a beloved man

Forget about the bad for the evening

Forget, dear, for one evening,
About everything bad, about reproaches,
To pass at least this meeting
We have no strife with you!

A sweet poem with a declaration of love to her husband from a young wife

I love you to tears

Gently, passionately and to tears
I love you, my husband!
Know that this is serious
I'm telling you today.

Will never be separated
Our misfortunes are different.
Know that we will always be
A first class couple!

Very beautiful love poem

How much people said about love -
About the passion that burns the flesh to ashes ...
About the tenderness that wakes you up in the morning ...
About the fear of gaining, but ... losing.

How many, how infinitely many
Those words that everyone is tired of repeating.
But how little heart there is between the lines,
Which, alas, not everyone understands.

Only that love we can call a feeling
What does not burn like a fire in the night,
It is not measured suddenly by the depth of madness.
Love is a spiritual conversation

When you don't need words, you don't need colors,
You don't need any useless things.
Love of the soul - a company without masks -
Without promises, oaths, amorous arrows.

Love poem for boyfriend

I'm lucky with you!

My beautiful, my desired,
So cute, long-awaited!
How lucky I am to have you
I won't hide my love
And I'm ready to scream about her
After all, there is nothing else like it in the world!

love poem for woman

You know how hard it gets
Tell about your feelings in detail.
I've been very lucky with you in my life
I'm ready to shout about it at least nationwide.
Love changes the soul of a person
My soul belongs to you alone.
I will love you until the end of time,
You always be that guiding star
That shines brightly in the sky on a dark night,
And the wayfarer shows the right path,
In our destiny there is no place for ellipsis,
There are only three words: "I love you"!
You know, for me you are just a miracle,
And with trepidation, I catch your heavenly gaze.
Remember, without you it's very hard for me,
Don't forget how much I love you!

A heartfelt poem about love for a beloved man

Without you I wither

Acquaintance, meeting, parting
And lonely dreams
And now it's time for confession
That, dear, how dear you are to me.

When you leave for a long time
I'm fading like a flower.
When you call - I resurrect
Your voice is a breath of life to me.

When it's time to meet
The pain of separation disappears.
With your presence you heal
Me, my love, again and again!

A beautiful poem about love for a man from a woman

The best man in the world

What could be more beautiful in the world
Than this mature love
To you, my dear, gentle, powerful?
You stir the blood with your eyes.

You earn respect
The way he managed to get through.
And in every passing moment
You strive to find joy.

Wake up, it happens, and I do not believe
That fate brought us together.
Suddenly I would open the wrong door,
What would be today then?

Probably managed to beg
I am with the Almighty
After all, I really wanted
Find out what it's like to live in love?

Know that you are the best man in the world:
Romantic and smart
Handsome, caring. No reason,
To not fall in love again and again!

Poem about love for a woman with deep meaning

Through the headache of yesterday's binge
And torn wounds, frozen sadness,
Finding no rest in the stillness of the night,
I'm leaving for the unknown.

A spot of bloody dregs of the moon in the sky
She eclipsed the light of my chosen star.
I remember the shine - to the pain and to the groan -
From the sweet eyes of a tear that fell into the snow.

Where am I going? I myself don't know yet.
What am I looking for? It's not easy to answer.
Perhaps there is not what I dream about?
Perhaps there is, but very far away?

The earth is round, I reluctantly return
To the warmth of the inviting fireplace fire.
And, thank God, I did not die in an open field:
Your love always keeps me!

Sad beautiful love poem

Love and sadness intertwined forever
To torture the spirit of lovers.
The torment of the heart is endless,
A gentle word cannot appease them.

Sleepless night from suspicions
The separation is long and bitter.
The sadness of the soul
The song and the hand do not heal.

And my heart can't find rest
In captivity of all-seeing love.
And fatal temptation
Seething in young blood.

best love poem

What is love?

What is love? The great sage will not tell.
This is cold and heat, this is the eternal breath of life,
It's joy and pain, it's a bitter memory
This is a fairy tale, which, alas, is coming to an end.

What is love? It is a stronghold of eternal illusions.
This is a sad pier, this is a storehouse of happy moments,
This is a book of thoughts, torments, intrigues, compliments,
An endless union of silence and spiritual worries.

touching love poem

Magic power of love

In this world of grief and trouble
What will help to reconcile with fate?
It's very easy to find the answer:
A life filled with love.

There are no easy roads
Everyone will meet with sadness and pain.
There will be many worries and worries,
It is easier to survive them with love.

Two fates meet
Hearts beat in unison.
Only wings of tender love
Help to fly to heaven.

The native person will smile,
And from happiness the soul will come to life.
Love settled in her forever,
This is the only way our hearts sing.

May love always be there
It will become a huge part of life.
Any ordinary moment with her
Filled with true happiness.

On the shoulder all the obstacles to her,
Opens any doors.
Just open your soul
And fill your heart with love.

A short love poem

Remember, we were teased: "Tili-dough" ...
We laughed at the joke. But then I did not know that the heart would become cramped
Without you, my dear. You are my world, my breath, the expectation of tomorrow.
I'm not in love (this is only for a while), but I LOVE - I completely love you.

verse declaration of love to a guy

Hear me

Of course, I am not Tatyana, and you are not Onegin.
But in the same way I'm looking for words
To confess, to get through
That I can't imagine life without you.
That with your name I fall asleep
I'm looking for meetings, but I can't say:
That I only dream of being with you
Because I love you so much.

Verse declaration of love to a girl

I was silent for a long time, but I could no longer

Like the universe you are for me, unknown space, fabulous day,
I admire you and catch a glance - fleetingly a quick shadow.
The velvet of eyelashes burns, beckoning, lips - the slyness of gentle delight.
Do you love? Don't you love? I love you. You are my crystal and delicate flower.

verse declaration of love to a guy

I'm embarrassed to say every time
What an unearthly feeling caused,
Everything sang in the soul in the spring
And I see only a couple of us.
I want you to watch with passion
In my eyes, and every hour
Love intensified in us
And we knew happiness together.

Poem from a girl to a guy about feelings and love

Your eyes, your smile
They stole my peace a long time ago
And the violin plays for the soul -
I want it to be like in the movies!
To come closer to me
He took his hand in his hand.
I see love in my eyes.
I want you to kiss.