Congratulations to teachers on the beginning of the school year. Congratulations on the start of the school year


The sun rejoices in the morning -
It's time for a new school!
A wonderful bell will ring for you,
Invite to the desk, to the first lesson.
Much for the first time will be for you -
First successes, new friends.
Only on the "five" at school you study!
Do not be too lazy to become the best student!
May the school welcome you with warmth,
It will become the lightest, the most expensive!
So that only eyes are filled with happiness,
So that you go through life like a cute princess! ©

Let school be like home for you
Like a bright castle where dreams come true!
Learn diligently, be the first in everything -
And only you will receive a diploma!
Congratulations on the start of the school year!
Congratulations on September 1st!
On this September cheerful day,
Let the first bell ring for you!
My student, congratulations
Be the first in everything and always!
Let kind teacher with a smile on you
Love will send you to the world of bright knowledge!©

"To the boy"

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
And with all my heart I wish:
entertaining events,
Only joyful discoveries
wonderful accomplishments,
And wonderful hobbies
Faith, joy, good luck,
Solve complex problems!
May knowledge be given to you
The path to goodness and prosperity!
Be diligent, diligent,
To be successful in life!©

Since September 1st! -
With the start of the school year!
May it be full of success
And happiness is your way!
Learn to grow up every day
Never know defeat!
Be the first in everything,
I wish you great achievements!©

The school year will begin with a ringtone.
May it bring you smiles and warmth!
And let it give joy and sunny success,
For you to be the best
And the first among all!©

Congratulations on the first of September,
On this bright day of the calendar!
Be cheerful, learn with joy,
The road to knowledge is not easy,
Do not be lazy to comprehend science,
Everything will come in handy, for sure! ©


Cool September holiday,
It's knowledge day, friends.
We are celebrating today
The best day of the calendar!

Let knowledge be given easily
Let dreams come true
May your efforts not be in vain
For the sake of beauty knowledge!

First holiday of September
We are celebrating for a reason!
This knowledge Day has come,
He gathered all the students:

On the line and call
And then to the lesson.
We all need knowledge
They are very important indeed.

I wish you good luck
Everything is easy to solve problems,
All sciences to overcome
And succeed in many ways.

A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Congratulations on the day of knowledge, on the new academic year! May this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled only positive results, new experience and good mood.

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
May he give many discoveries,
And there will be no insults, delays,
Just lots of fun stuff.

This holiday is decorated with flowers
And a happy smile on their faces
Let it be the most solemn
And will remain in our hearts for years!

Knowledge Day calls everyone to school,
And in it - flowers and children's laughter.
May the academic year bring
Many discoveries and success.

Let the baggage of knowledge grow
And your horizons will become wider.
Good luck. And no complaints
No regrets and no quarrels!

Do you hear? Another silver call
Calls you soon from summer to autumn,
A yellow leaf fell on the threshold,
Above the school of the sun is a disk and the sky is blue.

The Day of Knowledge! Autumn flowers again
With a bright wave they hit the school on the shore,
Training New Year you meet
May it be successful and fun!

Under the rustle of leaves and autumn colors
The doors to the school yard are open to you,
To the laughter of children and learned fairy tales
The school meets everyone again in September.

Let the years of study not be in vain
With goodness and fun all school days,
The smiles of rested children, with a tan,
On Knowledge Day, keep it in your soul for a long time!

Teaching is light, not teaching is darkness,
Old as the world, as the truth is clear.
We wish you early September
Take fast start to study is a pleasant way.

Knowledge Day will open your interest
To new lessons and school subjects.
Easy to learn, love your class
And be happy with your school!

We wish you easy
The right solutions for complex problems.
And may your lesson be happy
After all, knowledge is a continuation of our life!

Here the summer has flown by
School doors open
And on the Day of Knowledge of all the kids
Invites you to your walls.

We missed school
They got a little more mature.
And elegant, with flowers
We are in a hurry to school.

Congratulations to all on the Day of Knowledge!
May you be taught
And for many tasks.
There will be many solutions.

The Day of Knowledge! I wish to study
With great strength and zeal,
Opportunities of the best, without edge,
Opened to you the world of learning.

May it always be interesting
You know everything new.
Good luck with everything, everywhere.
You will become great people!

Golden September is coming
And the Day of Knowledge with him,
Let miracles happen
We will create them ourselves!

Let it become brighter, cleaner
On this day a beautiful world
He who is in search will find
Your trusted guide.

Let inspiration come
Joy, new hopes,
With them - a lot of phenomena,
What we have not seen before!

September 1 is a long-awaited holiday for first-graders, their parents, teachers, as well as all schoolchildren and students! In this article you can find the original congratulations on the Day of Knowledge for everyone, both in prose and in verse.

To express emotions and wish everyone a successful school year is the main goal of any line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge. After all, this is an exciting holiday for everyone - schoolchildren who have matured for a year, teachers, parents, kids who will sit at school desks for the first time, and graduates who have only one year of carefree childhood left.

To make the holiday memorable, touched the soul, you need to prepare in advance solemn words parting words. First, we will present you with several options. congratulations on September 1 in prose.

Congratulations to class 1 on September 1

First-graders are the main heroes of the celebration on Knowledge Day. The doors of the school are opening before the worried kids, where they will spend 10 years of their lives. Here they will meet their first love, get their first grades, learn letters, multiplication tables and much more! That is why it is so important to find the right words on this day to support newly minted students and wish them success in their studies.

In this article, we will present several concrete examples congratulatory texts.

  1. Congratulations from parents to first graders on September 1

“Today, all words of congratulations will be addressed to the smallest schoolchildren - our first-graders! Guys, how are you? school uniform! In it, you look very big and seem so bold and fearless on the threshold of new knowledge! Your eyes are burning, and the smile does not leave your face, because you are celebrating one of the most important holidays today!

You will go to school hand in hand with those who will become part of your life! You will follow the person who will become your second mother! We sincerely wish you to be kind, patient and obedient! Study well, don't let your parents, your teachers and your country down, because you are its future and our hope! Be happy, healthy! Have a wonderful and unforgettable school years!”

“Dear first-graders, perhaps everything that adults are talking about now seems so incomprehensible to you! But we are sure that the main thing that you will hear today will remain in your hearts for a long time. With all our heart we wish that your angels will carefully keep you from troubles during all your school years.

We want you to learn to be friends, appreciate each other and love. Let the school, the threshold of which you cross today, become your second home, where you will rush every morning with pleasure! Do not be upset over trifles, be cheerful and cheerful! Learn with interest and pleasure! Believe that every school subject will definitely come in handy in your life! Happy holiday, kids!”

“The first call is the most tender and warm holiday! Guys, from this day in your life everything will happen for the first time. Today you will enter your first class, your first teacher will speak in front of you, you will open your first school notebook and fill out your first diary. In a few years, you will fall in love for the first time, experience the joy of victory and the bitterness of disappointment for the first time!

And we, your parents, will always share all these moments with you, because we love you and want your life to be happy! On Knowledge Day, we wish you not to rush to grow up, to remain as sincere and direct! Rejoice, learn, discover new talents in yourself - go for it! We will support you in everything and always! Happy Holidays!

  1. Congratulations to first graders on September 1 from the teacher

“My dear first graders! I am sincerely glad to open the doors of our school for you today! I really want each of our days to begin with the same joyful eyes and radiant smiles with which you illuminate this holiday today.

We have a lot to go through and experience together. But the main thing that we must learn is to be friends, love, believe, understand! I believe that each of you will grow a good man who will achieve great success in life, build a wonderful family and fulfill his cherished dream! And we will lay the foundation for such a happy future today! I invite you to your first lesson in your first class!”

  1. Congratulations to grade 11 first graders on September 1

“10 years ago, just like you are today, we stood with white bows and bouquets of gladioli in our hands on the threshold of this school. It was so exciting and interesting, but at the same time a little scary, because everything is so unknown, unfamiliar and unusual! But we want to tell you that an unforgettable life awaits you, filled with joy and a sea of ​​​​positive.

Just don't be afraid of anything, learn your lessons, don't be lazy, answer, get grades and don't give up if something doesn't work out! We are always ready to help you at any moment! Good luck, dear first graders! We are sure that you will the best students our school!"

Congratulations from first graders from September 1

First-graders at the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge also always have something to say to their parents, teachers and future classmates. It is so interesting to listen to their fiery speeches, when almost none of the newly minted students can pronounce many words correctly.

Nevertheless, we have presented some congratulatory texts that can be entrusted to first graders to learn as an example below:

  1. Congratulations on September 1 to teachers

“On Knowledge Day, on behalf of all first-graders, I want to congratulate all our teachers on the holiday! Although we are still completely unfamiliar, we hope that you are not very strict, but kind and affectionate, because we are still babies and it is so important for us to see love and support in your eyes!

We promise you that we will always be obedient and diligent students! We will teach all the lessons, and we will never let you down! We want you to be remembered and liked! We hope that everything will work out together with you! Only you do not get sick, be patient and strong! With us, it may be hard, but unforgettable! Congratulations on the holiday of September 1!

  1. Congratulations to parents of first graders on September 1

“Our dear parents! Today is a very important day for you and for us. You release us into adult school life, in which we will learn to make decisions on our own and gnaw at the granite of science. We wish you to walk this difficult path with us, endure our whims and gain strength to do homework with us! We promise you that we won't let you down! You will be proud of your children!”

  1. Congratulations to grade 11 on September 1

“Dear graduates! You are already quite big! Today is the start of your last school year! We hope that you will have time to teach us everything, because we want to be a good replacement for you! We wish you successful study and get an excellent certificate! Happy September 1st! The Day of Knowledge!"

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers in prose

Teachers are the main people in the school. Therefore, congratulations on the beginning of the school year should always be addressed to them first of all, not only from students and their parents, but also from the school administration. Here sample text congratulations on September 1 to colleagues from the principal of the school:

"Dear Colleagues! Today is a special day for each of us - we meet first-graders, our grown-up students and start a new school year! I wish you all inspiration, strength, health, good mood and talented students! May each of you experience a sense of pride in your work and wards this academic year! We wish you well-being and family happiness!”

Official congratulations on September 1

Every year, each school receives email official congratulations from the head of the city or district on September 1. This letter is a solemn greeting on behalf of the administration of the locality. It contains congratulatory words to teachers, students and their parents.

“Dear countrymen! Today we celebrate a wonderful bright Day of Knowledge - September 1! It concerns everyone - after all, we all once crossed the school threshold for the first time, sat down at a desk and proudly called ourselves first-graders. Then it seemed to us that math problems were very difficult, but they taught us how to cope with complex life tasks. From the school bench, we realized that we will study all our lives, even after we graduate from school. And for this we, first of all, must express our gratitude to the teachers!

Dear teachers! We honor you priceless work! We wish that all your successes and achievements only multiply! Be healthy!

Dear pupils and students! Congratulations on the start of the school year! After you sit down at your desk today, you should realize that your entire school path depends entirely on your own efforts. Listen to your teachers, they will help you to know your self!

We send our most reverent congratulations to the first graders and their parents! You will have a difficult, but very interesting period life! We wish you to easily overcome all difficulties, reach great heights and achieve your goals!”

Video: Funny congratulations on September 1

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in verse

Preparing for the Knowledge Day, we are always looking for beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verse to fit them into holiday cards for teachers or first graders.

We have prepared for you a small selection of good poems that you may find useful.

Congratulations on September 1 to parents

"Knowledge Day for parents

Always very exciting

After all, daughters and sons,

Carry books in briefcases

Markers, notebooks,

Not chocolates.

They are waiting for the time of teachings,

Assignments, assignments.

Therefore, parents

We sincerely wish

positive emotions

And live without knowing the troubles.

May your first graders

Grow up good people

And let them in everything

They will look like you!"

Congratulations on September 1 to students

“Today in schools big celebration

Day of Knowledge, First call!

Both graduate and first grader

Carry notebooks in backpacks!

We sincerely wish them

Learn well and not get sick,

Good luck in gaining knowledge

Be brave and don't be shy!"

Congratulations to graduates on September 1

"Knowledge Day for the graduate

This is no reason for fun

After all, in the status of a student

A lot to do in a year

Pass exams, pass books,

Decide on a profession

Learn without a break

And strive for something new!

good luck with this difficult task.

We sincerely wish you!

Love, reach your goals

And follow your dreams!"

Congratulations to students on September 1

“Happy Knowledge Day, dear students!

From now on, all of you will not be able to sleep!

Big monographs are waiting for you

And a whole mountain of abstracts!

Learn well, have fun

Try to do everything in the world,

And never be discouraged

Despondency prevents you from achieving your goals!

Congratulations to first graders from graduates on September 1

“Yesterday you were called kids

Now you are full-fledged students!

You do not recognize - you are all with flowers,

Backpacks in hands with pencils!

You have a difficult path ahead of you

We managed to overcome it!

We wish you strength, patience,

Grow big - do not get sick!

Congratulations to teachers on September 1 in verse

"You lead us to knowledge,

You give your warmth

Give us your soul

And surround you with kindness.

May there be joy in your heart

In houses - comfort, love, prosperity.

Let pain, obstacles pass you by,

Live long and richly!

Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1

“Knowledge Day is a meeting with the class,

With friends, school and teacher!

Especially we all missed

For our class teacher!

We wish him great strength

Health, joy, kindness!

After all, it happens to cope with us

It's not as easy as it looks!"

Video: Congratulations on September 1! Music Postcard!

This video features several original postcards and songs with which you can organize a congratulation, if you don’t know yet, how to congratulate your child on September 1.

Dear friends! It is with great pleasure that I would like to congratulate all of us on September 1st. After a hot summer vacation, we, having rested, gained new strength, are starting a new academic year. I wish all students to easily and enthusiastically acquire new knowledge. I wish the teachers a lot of patience, energy and inspiration. Let this academic year be full of bright events, victories and accomplishments!

Dear first-graders, we congratulate you on the first Day of Knowledge in your life! Today a new page of life is opening before you - school time. May it be filled with vivid impressions, useful knowledge, amazing discoveries. We wish you patience, health, strength and energy!

Dear students and teachers! I would like to congratulate you on this joyful day for you, on this starting point of the new academic year. I really hope that you had a great rest and now with renewed vigor you will conquer new peaks. May this year be marked for you with important victories that will develop and strengthen in you positive traits, such as diligence, will, striving for success.

The day today is not just interesting, but incredibly exciting and informative, because this day reveals many excellent, amazing, intellectual facets. Today, all knowledge begins, because it is today that the school year begins, which will undoubtedly bring many new discoveries and impressions. On Knowledge Day, I would like to wish you aspirations, brightness, dedication and positive emotions. Find yourself in the world of sciences, and then you will be able to discover new, amazing perspectives!

On Knowledge Day, we congratulate all students who want to get the most better education find their place in life and contribute to society. But, most importantly, we wholeheartedly welcome and congratulate the first-graders who make the first tricky step on the way to knowledge. We are always ready to support you and help you cope with difficulties that may seem insurmountable. Know that any difficulties can be solved if you apply diligence and diligence. Congratulations!

Dear second grader, Happy Knowledge Day! Today you have already entered the familiar path of knowledge. A year ago, you came as a foolish first-grader, incredulously took your first steps, learned the fascinating world of numbers and letters. Now you boldly look forward, there are reliable friends and familiar mentors of the teacher nearby. Let this year, only success, excellent grades and new discoveries await you. Happy holiday, baby!

Congratulations to the dear third grader on the day of knowledge! May the new academic year open doors for you to new potential and pursuit of science. Do not give up and do not hang your nose, no matter how thorny your path to knowledge is. Remember, attentiveness, obedience and adequate perception of the teacher are important components of your success. Develop your memory, discover brilliant abilities in yourself, save letters and fives. Congratulations, student!

My beloved son (name)! Let the granite of science be soft for you, like ice cream, let the teachers address you by name and patronymic, let the breaks seem like lessons, and the lessons look like breaks. But do not be upset if you do not immediately notice this, because everything is known in the teaching.

So the Day of Knowledge has come. For some of you it is the first, for some it is the last, and for some it is the next. But definitely for everyone this is a holiday that opens the door to new world discoveries and new opportunities. So let me congratulate you, dear students, wish you to walk the path to knowledge with dignity, with confidence, and you will be guided and helped by loving parents and your teachers.

Dear teachers, congratulations on September 1! For us, you are a family that gives care, that prepares us for adulthood, takes care of us, educates us, teaches us to be independent and value friendship. You are our source of wisdom, strength, experience, our support! You are our spiritual mentors who give us invaluable knowledge and skills. Thank you very much for this! We admire you! On the day of knowledge, I would like to wish you that the good that you so selflessly give away will certainly return to your life. Let harmony, beauty, love surround you. Happy holiday!

Accept my congratulations on September 1! Knowledge Day - great holiday, a great reason to really take up your studies. I wish you to study not for the sake of grades, but for the sake of knowledge, to receive them, absorb them and use them for their intended purpose!

On Knowledge Day, students and teachers rush to school, almost in a race; some now have to put their whole soul into making it interesting to present knowledge, and others - to study diligently and with great appetite! And, of course, parents rush to school, for whom the return of a child to the palace of knowledge is real holiday! Accept my congratulations, hurry to school with everyone and study only for five plus!

The first of September-I-I-I! Student?! Come back to life after summer fun! Do not forget to properly mark the beginning of the new school year so that it turns out to be successful and rich in fives. From September 1!

Today, September 1, early morning is especially beautiful: the sun is waking up, and it seems that even the trees are festively dressed up for Knowledge Day - they are pouring golden, red leaves on the heads of students hurrying to school! I congratulate you on the start of another academic year and wish you good luck and good mood!

So the holiday has come - September 1! It's time for you to go to school new class to new knowledge! May luck be especially favorable to you, I wish you to always be among those whom teachers are sincerely proud of! Smile, do not be sad and may all your wishes come true!

A person begins to receive a variety of important knowledge from birth. And on such a bright, joyful day as today, we all sat down at school desks for the first time. This solemn, bright event was remembered by many for a lifetime. And after graduation from school, the accumulation of baggage of knowledge continues. After all, we can't do without them. The Day of Knowledge!

Dear first graders! Today for the first and last time you cross a line beyond which it will be impossible to return. You become students. There will no longer be such long walks on the street, games at any time and kindergarten. Therefore, we want to wish you to become the best students and study every task diligently. May only good beginnings come to you with the new school day at school. Congratulations!

September 1 starts new time knowledge, from which all schoolchildren, both large and small, need to take as much as possible! I congratulate you and am proud of you - because you have to become smarter, learn so many new and interesting things! And I also wish you high marks and a great mood for every day.

The academic year begins with a holiday - September 1, which fell so well at the beginning of golden autumn, when nature is so beautiful even in the city! So let your mood be as bright on this day when you have to see friends and teachers again!

First day of September. For some, the first bell rings today, for some it will be the next or the last, and for many, the bells have already rung out. But we certainly remember its quiet, but persistent sound. He encourages children to knowledge, and adults - to remember the meaning of this holiday - the day of knowledge. We wish everyone an interesting and cognitive learning and work, success and various discoveries!

Our dear and beloved teachers! We sincerely and with joy congratulate you on the wonderful and important Day of Knowledge, which we all have been waiting for all summer! We are very glad to meet you long-awaited. We wish you smart and serious students, wonderful and interesting lessons, exciting school events and events. May your health be strong, your mood only excellent, and happiness be your true friend. All the most beautiful that can be in life, we sincerely wish you. Happy Knowledge Day to you, our dear teachers!

Happy knowledge Day! May a new round of student everyday life bring you long-awaited meetings with classmates, praise from teachers, good grades and a sense of pride that you are a special and very talented person! Let there be happiness and good luck in life!

For you, our little children, our five minutes away schoolchildren, today I want to dedicate all these words. I want to tell you that although you still understand little, these words that you hear should be remembered, and you will understand the truth later. I want to wish you that your Guardian Angels will always be near you, who will protect you from everything that is in life. I wish the school to become your second home, and you learn to make friends, make friends faithfully and faithfully. After all, today, the first, real lesson in your life will sound for you, which you will go to with your teacher. She will lay knowledge in you, give you warmth and love. Happy holiday to you!

Dear Moms and Dads,
Today, from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. This is a great holiday not only for children, but also for their parents, because on initial stage very much for the child depends on their assistance, empathy. In the new academic year, we wish you to be patient and to be interested in the process yourself. It's so cool to teach and learn at the same time! And may good mood and understanding not leave you this academic year! Happy holiday, our dear parents!

Today, schools and gymnasiums have again opened their doors to students, and teachers have saved up more knowledge for their young pupils! Today I hug you tightly and congratulate you on September 1 with pleasure! Learn well, remember - right now you are creating your future! And then luck will always smile at you!

Congratulating on the Day of Knowledge, I would like to say that it is impossible to do anywhere and never without a certain intellectual baggage. Just as a doctor without the appropriate skills will not be able to help in an illness, so a pilot will not be able to take off into the blue sky. So let it be given to everyone to assimilate and know as much as he wishes.

Dear teachers! Congratulations on the holiday - the beginning of the new school year! Today, September 1, on Knowledge Day, we want to wish you success in your the right job! You bring us your knowledge and skills, share your rich experience, make every effort to ensure that we become worthy people and benefit our Motherland! We wish you good health and only light happy days within the walls of our own school!

Dear parents of glorious students and schoolchildren! Sincerely and with joy, we are happy to congratulate you on a wonderful and wonderful holiday - the Day of Knowledge! We wish you a lot of patience, because you also take a great part in the education of your children. Let your family and beloved students only delight you with their successes and victories. We wish you understanding and strong friendship with own children. May each new academic and school day bring you joy from new skills and knowledge. Remember this wonderful, important and wonderful holiday! All the best and best to you!

Summer flew by so quickly, leaving a lot of the most pleasant memories and interesting adventures! Ahead is autumn, but not a boring time at all, because it's time to go back to school! I congratulate you on September 1, I wish you never to be lazy, study with interest and please your family only with brilliant successes!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
You give us your knowledge, your wealth of experience. And thanks to Vamm - these are the bright intelligent eyes of the children, who, like a sponge, absorb your kindness, care, participation! Thank you for your generous sensitive heart!

Today, everyone is in a hurry to school - teachers, schoolchildren and their parents, because today is September 1, the day of knowledge, which will certainly generously flock to your bright heads, like leaves from trees decorated in autumn! I congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year and wish you to study well, live cheerfully and smile more often!

School years are a wonderful time, and today, September 1, you are going to study again, and probably, over the summer you happened to miss fun changes with friends more than once, about how deftly and smartly your answers sounded in front of the whole class! I congratulate you on your return to school, restless life and wish you happiness, good luck and inspiration!

Congratulations on September 1st! I sincerely want to wish you that you believe in miracles, enjoy life and know that everything will definitely work out for you! Just know that these miracles do not apply to grades, because in this case there are no miracles - you just need to study and get results!

It's nice when the new school year begins with a holiday, on September 1! Today, the time of knowledge begins again for you, and I sincerely wish you to grow faster and know more, because then in the near future you can be a very happy person!

By September 1, the school is decorated like a palace, their faithful subjects - students, are solemnly met by kind rulers - teachers. I congratulate you and wish you to rush to a noisy celebration, to break into the classroom before everyone else and study surprisingly diligently and well all year!

May the beginning of the school year bring not only the usual pain and suffering, but also the joy that a wonderful new stage in the life of every student and teacher. And let the "Knowledge Day" give everyone new knowledge about each other, new acquaintances and a new beginning.

On the first of September, a holiday reigns from the very early morning, students and their parents are drawn to schools in endless colorful strings, and there ... classes, textbooks and teachers are waiting, who, of course, can’t wait to ask you, schoolchildren, a harder task! I wish you always be with luck, ingenuity and good mood and the rest will follow!

Happy Aspiration Day! Happy wish day! Happy Opportunity Day! The Day of Knowledge! Let your information portals are constantly replenished with hundreds of gigabytes of theory that teachers give. Let experience and practice please with their results. Dare, strive, learn, create!

Today is September 1st! It's time for you to learn again, and let learning be a joy! Do not be sad when you come across a difficult problem, rather solve it with interest and be proud of your success! Let the days of study fly like birds, and you become more mature and smarter!

Congratulations on September 1st! Knowledge Day is wonderful wonderful holiday so let him help you and inspire you to gain new knowledge. May there be many joys in your life and happy events May fate give you everything you dream of!

For the first time in first grade ... every time this phrase sounds on the very first day of September and leads to a whole chain of pleasant memories from childhood: huge bouquets, white bows and smart suits, the first teacher who made a lot of efforts to ensure that her children become what she is today. So let's congratulate our teachers today on the Day of Knowledge, wish them excellent health and strong nerves, so that more than one generation can get a decent education and a start in life.

Summer flew by in one bright moment, today is already September, ahead is autumn, winter, spring, school ... I want to wish that the entire upcoming academic year becomes not a boring list of pages from a diary, but crumbles towards each of us with a thousand bright moments: calls, lessons, recess, school events, interesting communication… Let the Day of Knowledge begin our common path to knowledge this year. And it will be interesting, fascinating, a little mysterious, in some ways - a little difficult, because through overcoming difficulties we are preparing for life. And, as you know, life does not forgive mistakes. But the school helps to warn them.
From September 1! Let's learn to learn without mistakes!

This day is marked on the calendar with white bows, bright colors, cheerful school bells! September 1 is a long-awaited, beloved and exciting day! It is special for first-graders who cross the school threshold for the first time. Please accept our warmest and kind congratulations from September 1! And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life!

Knowledge Day is always a warm, especially exciting holiday for everyone who comes to study, to receive new and new knowledge. All of us, once first graders, came to the door of the school with new satchels over our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chests! How endless the school road seemed to us, and now we have already studied at school, we ourselves have become teachers and now we meet you guys in order to transfer all our knowledge to you so that you become worthy people, get an education, choose a profession to your liking.
Today the New Academic Year begins and let today's red day of the "Knowledge Day" calendar be a good start for the entire academic year!

Dear first graders!
We welcome you to our school! Now this is your second home, where you will learn to comprehend new, complex sciences, learn to read and write, make friends, help your classmates. School is a whole life, bright and interesting, which you will remember with warmth when you grow up.
Summer is over, and now your first school bell is calling you. Behind school desk you will get to know the whole world, visit different corners the globe, you can easily go around the world!
Learn guys! Have an easy road on the ladder of knowledge!

Congratulations on September 1st! Today is your holiday and thousands of other schoolchildren, and all of you are celebrating the beginning of the new school year together! I wish you more excellent grades in the diary and less difficult tasks in the coming year. Let learning be easy, let the lessons be interesting, let the changes be fun. I wish the new school year brought a lot amazing discoveries and true friends. Do not be afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself, strive for knowledge - and I believe you will succeed!

Dear first graders and their parents! Today I am glad with all my heart to congratulate you on a wonderful day - the first day school life! For all of you, a new life stage is coming, full of amazing discoveries, new experiences, important achievements and victories. I will not hide that many difficulties and obstacles await future schoolchildren on the way, but we, teachers, will always be there, we will help in solving complex problems, guide and inspire them to achieve. We hope that the years of school life will be happy, give the light of knowledge, teach kindness and justice.

Dear (name, patronymic), on behalf of the whole class, we want to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! The new school year is starting and we are sure that we have already prepared a lot of interesting materials to make our lessons fun. You, (name, patronymic), are a wonderful teacher, and we are very lucky that (subject name) is taught by you. Like no one else, you know how to interest us in the topic under study, explain incomprehensible moments. Today, September 1st, we wish you diligent students so that your efforts do not go to waste, but always bring generous fruits!

My dear, my beloved students, I am very glad to see you after a long summer break. I hope that during the holidays you had a good rest, gained strength and managed to miss school. I wish you this academic year to get only “fours” and “fives”, to be active, to strive for knowledge, not to quarrel with each other, not to skip classes. Let this school a year will pass interesting and fruitful.

Today is not a very happy day for you, but nevertheless, I congratulate you on it! I understand that you are sad because the holidays are over, because again you will have to wake up every morning neither light nor dawn, because there will be very little free time. You are waiting for dull lessons and boring homework ... But look at it from the other side! Lessons can be skipped, homework can always be copied from someone, you can play an evil trick on an unloved teacher by smearing his chair with chalk or by placing a button ... Of course, I don’t advise you to do anything like that, but you can dream!

Today I have the honor to congratulate our teachers on behalf of the entire class. Our dear mentors, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge - September 1! We wish you to put us more often good grades, and less often - bad ones, we wish to conduct more interesting lessons and forgive us our pranks.

I am very glad to congratulate you on the main holiday of the year - September 1! Today you again went to school, met with the guys from the class, teachers. Today is the best day of the school year, because today there are no usual lessons, today they do not give grades and do not set assignments. Festive ruler gives you the opportunity to start the year with a positive feeling, and I wish you to keep this feeling until the last call.

Dear guys, I am very glad to see you again today after such a long summer vacation. I see that you have had a good rest, sunbathed, gained strength and become more mature. I hope that the coming year will bring a lot to all of us. pleasant emotions and new experiences. I also hope that an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding will reign in our class. Let it be easy and fun for you to study, let the baggage of your knowledge become more “weighty”, and let the diary please both you and your parents with only good grades.

Here they flew summer holidays... It would seem that 3 months is so long, but they flew by - you didn’t even have time to look back! And now school days are ahead: lessons, tasks, dictations, test papers, homework ... You may be a little sad, but your sadness is completely in vain! School is not only difficult tasks, school is also faithful friends, and favorite teachers, and fun breaks. The school has something to do, you will not be bored. With what I congratulate you!

Dear Colleagues, Today is the start of a new academic year. And this year I wish you all new achievements and great achievements. Let new methods be mastered, the desired degrees obtained, let the students delight with their successes, let support and mutual understanding reign in the team!

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate the teachers and students of our school on the Day of Knowledge! I wish you all the best in the coming academic year! I wish diligent students to teachers, talented teachers to students! Let each lesson be like a journey into a previously unknown world, let new horizons open up for you. I wish you immodest achievements! I wish you a warm relationship in the teaching staff, and in every class, and in our entire school!