Are Turkish men happy in marriage? Our home is our castle! information and analytical portal of independent parents

The tragedy that occurred last week in Antalya shocked many Russians - a Turk shot his Russian wife with a pump-action shotgun, poisoned two of his own children and shot himself

Dead Anna

While the Turkish police are investigating what caused this atrocity, human rights activists are sounding the alarm: Russian women, marrying Turks en masse, often find themselves completely defenseless in front of their husbands and their relatives. The tragedy that occurred last week in Antalya shocked many Russian Turks shot his Russian wife with a pump-action shotgun, poisoned two of his own children and shot himself. While the Turkish police are investigating what caused this atrocity, human rights activists are sounding the alarm: Russian women, marrying Turks en masse, often find themselves completely defenseless in front of their husbands and their relatives.

"Either sex or money"

According to registry office statistics, over the past five years, Turkish grooms have been leading the list of foreigners who marry Russian women. There are already about one hundred thousand of our women living in Turkey who moved to Turkey “for the sake of love”. There are many Petersburgers among them. What attracts girls to Turkish machos?

“When Russian girls come to rest in Turkish resorts, local men flock to them like flies to honey,” says 30-year-old St. Petersburg resident Irina Klimentyeva. She herself has been going on vacation to Turkey for more than 9 years in a row, jokingly calling her vacations “sex tourism”.

- This is largely due to the "accessibility" of the Russian "Natasha" - the girls are open to communication, they themselves are looking for attention and are not against a holiday romance. This will not work with Turkish women. Of course, there are even more liberated Englishwomen and Germans, but there is already a more "age" contingent - women over 40-45 years old.

The stereotype about "hot, passionate and in love macho" is actively supported by almost all Turkish men from 18 to 60 years old.

- They are much better than Russian men are able to "ride on the ears," - says Irina. - Not spoiled by the attention of compatriots, phrases like “Your eyes are like the ocean!”, “You are the only woman I truly loved!” or "I'm ready to kiss your feet all my life" strike on the spot. The Turks are very nicely looked after, at each meeting they give flowers.

One of my "resort" gentlemen burst into tears at parting, they say, how will I survive the night without you, my love ?! And this is on the third day of dating! At the same time, Turkish women, for example, know that such beautiful speeches do not have any deep feelings under them, and do not pay attention to them.

For Turkish girls and their families, the “three keys” rule applies - from the apartment, car and office. Well, Russians without looking back fall in love with their Eastern generous and gallant admirers. By the way, the generosity of a courting Turk can sometimes be ostentatious: I had a case when, after two dates in a cafe, a young man explicitly hinted that it was time to go to bed with him. When I refused, he flew into a rage, yelled that he spent $ 150 on my entertainment, so "either sex or money." I grabbed my purse and ran away, hid in a hotel with good security. Fortunately, the next day my friend and I were already flying to St. Petersburg.

Bored wives end up in jail

Many Russian-Turkish holiday romances are not limited to two weeks of vacation - sincere feelings really flare up between young people, they keep in touch with each other and decide to get married. Often the family union turns out to be happy.

“Turkish men are often good husbands,” says Maria Bahar, a former Petersburger. She has been living in Istanbul for 6 years, was married to a Turk, and is now a divorce lawyer. - Firstly, they are most often very hardworking, working six days a week. They hardly abuse alcohol, which is especially valuable for Russian women from the hinterland. They love children very much, and are ready to take care of their upbringing personally. It is no coincidence that in Turkey, in half of the cases after a divorce, the child is left to the father, and the mother takes him to her place on weekends and once a year on vacation.

But often family life in Turkey is not as rosy as it was drawn from Russia. First, you need to be prepared for the difference in mentalities. For Turks, the main thing is the family, so the parents, brothers, sisters of the husband often actively interfere in the life of the newlyweds, dictating their rules of conduct to the daughter-in-law.

“You always need to find out before the wedding how the couple agrees on various issues,” says Maria Bahar. - For example, how a married woman should dress, how the future spouse relates to the fact that his wife will work, and not sit at home. Clients sometimes come to us complaining that their husbands suffer from excessive suspicion. For example, one 55-year-old (!) woman is obliged to coordinate every trip to the store with her husband.

A Russian girl leaving for her beloved in Turkey should also know about the other side of the medal - in a foreign country she will be “on bird's rights” for the first few years.

“A Russian wife can apply for Turkish citizenship after three years of marriage,” says Maria Bahar. You usually have to wait another year. Prior to that, she must have a family residence permit. Many endure unhappy marriages precisely for the sake of citizenship. Husbands can beat them, they can cheat, they can not give money - but the girls are pulling with their last strength, waiting for the cherished documents.

But sometimes life with a husband becomes unbearable, then the only thing left for Russian wives is to take children and flee to Russia. And this is not the worst option.

For several years as a lawyer, Maria witnessed many ugly cases. For example, many husbands, dissatisfied with their Russian wife and knowing that she has no rights, write to the police about their other half.

“It is enough for a man to write a statement that his wife works as a prostitute, does not go home and does not take care of children, as she is taken to a pre-trial detention center,” Maria says. - She can be kept there “until the circumstances are clarified” for weeks. And if, for example, she does not have a residence permit or her passport is expired, then she will be deported. It is almost impossible to get permission for re-entry later, a woman will have to wait for years to meet her own children. Recently, they helped a girl whom her husband “packed” in this way behind bars for two weeks, although she has a baby. Moreover, the husband “took pity” and once a day brought her a baby so that she would breastfeed him. We always advise girls to have copies of all documents from relatives in Russia (because husbands often take away, hide or tear their wife's passports) and the amount needed to buy a ticket home.

Not only the husband beat, but also his relatives

However, according to lawyers, Turkish law is not always on the side of husbands. For example, Maria advises all her clients who complain about aggression from her husband to call the police at the first alarm signals - screaming, breaking dishes.

“When I was still married, I myself used this “service,” says the female lawyer. - If the husband screams or hits, then the police take him to the station for a couple of hours to “cool down”. For repeated calls, he can be planted for up to 15 days. By the way, not only Russians, but also Turkish women, who are beaten by their husbands, often call the police for help.

Turkish men have another leverage to put pressure on their Russian wives. A child born to a Russian citizen is entitled to a Russian passport. But only if his Turkish father agrees to this.

“Moreover, there is no such rule anywhere else, even in Ukraine and Belarus,” continues Maria Bahar. - We even wrote petitions to cancel it, because it violates the Russian Constitution. Using this rule, some Turkish men refuse to consent to the Russian citizenship of their children, so it is almost impossible to take such children out of Turkey.

If the child still has citizenship, then lawyers advise at the first sign of a family crisis to take the child and fly home, and only then deal with the husband.

“Otherwise, he can impose a ban on the child’s departure in court,” Maria explains.

Sometimes it takes a lot of effort for lawyers to get women out of prison, help win back children, send them home to Russia. The greater their surprise when these “saved from a usurping husband” ladies, after a few months, as if nothing had happened, return back to Turkey.

“Once a Russian woman crawled naked on her knees to the building of the Russian consulate in the evening,” recalls Maria. - She was beaten, with fractures, concussion. She begged to give her and the child documents to send to Russia, "otherwise her husband will kill her." The whole world collected money for her for a return ticket, the consul went to meet her halfway and gave a certificate to the child about the loss of her passport. And what - six months later she returned to her husband and came to the consulate with him - to complain about the consul, who "illegally" helped her and her child to escape. Another similar case. This was my first case: the girl was beaten not only by her husband, but also by his relatives. The mother-in-law even managed to somehow transfer the child of this woman to herself, as if she, at the age of 65, gave birth to him. Then the girl was handed over to the police as a prostitute. When we came to her, she weighed 40 kilograms, and there was no living place on her. We raised a whole mountain of documents, proving the facts of violence and forgery, opened several criminal cases, helped the girl to leave. And she returned a few months later, withdrew all the cases, called us and said that she had forgiven everyone and loved her husband very much. Life teaches, unfortunately, not everyone.

There are many legends and myths about how our women live abroad. we tell the stories of those who have experienced foreign marriage for themselves.

How does this happen, why are our women so eager to live there, and what is the result? Two unimagined stories of modern Belarusian women.

Turkish wife. Story one

Vera, 31, married to a Turkish man, UAE, teacher at Eton Institute

Vera always wanted to go to Paris. "See Paris and die!", as the saying goes. And she left for Paris after a foreign language, two mandatory years of working out in a rural school, and having saved the necessary amount from the teacher's salary for a trip under the "employment abroad" program.

She plowed as a governess, after the expiration of the contract with the employer's family, she got 3 more jobs, because life in Paris is cosmically expensive. Having experience of austerity in the conditions of teachers' earnings in Belarus, in France she saved up to study at the Sorbonne, and graduated from it (Sorbonne) twice.

In a word, she did everything, just not to return to her homeland. I accidentally met my future husband - a Turk.

Vera's husband is from a secular Turkish family, so no one forced her to accept Islam, moreover, they were very friendly and warm towards the choice of her son. But she still takes into account some features of the Turkish mentality, and the European, free in every sense, revised wardrobe somewhat, and also completely abandoned alcohol.

During her life abroad, in addition to two foreign languages, she learned Turkish (to communicate with her husband's relatives in Turkey), Arabic (to teach French to Arabs in the UAE) and German (for no reason).

"You have no idea how different life is there! Yes, you need to plow, a lot and hard, yes, no one is happy with us in the same France, they generally have difficult relations with immigrants. But you get much more in return - the whole world. "

Turkish wife. Story two

Elena, 35, married to a Turk, returned to Belarus

Lena met her ex-husband at a mutual friends party. The Turk did not speak Russian at all, a little English, but he showed such gallantry and attentiveness that he immediately fell in love with him.

In general, everything is submissive to love, not only age. And Lena went to Turkey with him without any prior acquaintance with his family.

Already at the stage of packing her bags, it seemed to her that her husband (the marriage took place in Belarus) was too zealous in choosing her clothes for the trip: he gently insisted on long sleeves, floor-length skirts, the absence of jeans and tight-fitting things.

Upon arrival in Istanbul, he immediately insisted on the adoption of Islam. In the Islamic world of her new Turkish family, Lena withstood 3 months - too many prohibitions at once, too persistent and sometimes aggressive demands from her husband.

You can only go out into the street accompanied by a husband or older men of the family, no entertainment other than studying the Koran, unquestioning obedience to older women, etc.

As a result, Lena went home as soon as the opportunity presented itself and never returned. Well, it turned out to be easier to dissolve the marriage, being on your own territory, than to live for 3 months in the Muslim family of your husband.

“For me, this marriage was a unique experience. Disappointment, resentment and fear disappeared as soon as I got off the plane at the Minsk-2 airport. Because I might not have returned from there at all, and the differences in culture are colossal it's very difficult there."

Read more real stories


Türkiye is a paradise for foreign tourists. Good service and reasonable prices make Russian women want to visit this country again and again. But the shores of the sunny peninsula give memories not only of a pleasant stay, but also of local temperamental men. It's hard to resist the beauty of these burning and tanned brunettes. But it's one thing to spin a holiday romance, and quite another - build a serious relationship with a Turk.

How to please a Turkish man?

In Turkey, there is an opinion that all Slavic women are of easy virtue. This is due to the fact that in the 90s of the last century a stream of Russian "moths" poured there. There were probably many Natashas among them, because Turks used to call all Slavic tourists Natasha. Naturally, such an appeal has a contemptuous connotation. In addition, real propaganda against Russian girls has unfolded in the Turkish media.

However, not all Turks have a bad opinion of foreigners. Many of them dream of meeting a good Russian girl. But in order to, you need to show all your best qualities and hide the shortcomings as much as possible. Remember that Turkish men are only having fun with easily accessible young ladies.

Of great importance is where the Turkish guy was born and what kind of upbringing he has. Türkiye is a unique country located on the verge of European and Asian civilizations. Residents of large cities are strongly influenced by Western culture, so they can be considered modern people. It is better to look for just such a Turkish man. But if your friend comes from a small town or village in the east of the country, you will have a hard time. In the Turkish outback, people are still faithful to the old strict customs.

If you want to please a Turkish man, do not dress too provocatively, do not open your chest and legs above the knee. Of course, the exception is the beach, where everyone relaxes in swimsuits. For such an "outfit" the Turk will not condemn you, but when you go on a date with him, dress more decently. Even at the beginning of the acquaintance, it is important to show yourself on the good side, as well as to find out the true intentions of the gentleman. After all, many Turks are simply looking for beautiful mistresses.

Turkish men in relationships

Turks- those are still storytellers. They know how to hang noodles and give compliments. But everything you heard from the Turkish guy should be divided by eight. It is better to find out the real level of his income, because if a man is not rich and does not have his own home, then you will most likely have to live with his parents.

There is a big gap between the rich and the poor in Turkey, but every Turk tries to appear richer than he really is. In addition, Muslim men look older than their years. For example, a high school graduate may look like a senior student, and a young specialist after university can look like a respectable groom. This fact is often used by the Turks to seduce foreign girls.

Turkish men they know how to look after beautifully, they like to give gifts, treat them with sweets. In Asia, relations are dominated by a man, but if we compare Turkey with other Muslim countries, it is certainly the most democratic. No one will force you to wear a veil, but get ready for the fact that a guy will accompany you everywhere, and in the future - a husband. Of course, no one will forbid a girl to go shopping or walk around the city herself, but in Turkey it is not customary for women to visit restaurants or entertainment centers without their men. Therefore, you will have to change some habits.

Are Turks Jealous?? Very! But if you do not give rise to suspicion, your man will worry less. It is important not to stumble upon a family despot, because it is in the genes of the Turks to dominate a woman. Therefore, study your chosen one well before tying the knot. Keep in mind that the Turks are very persistent. If a Turkish man sets out to win your favor, he will definitely achieve this. But getting rid of the courtship of an annoying gentleman will be extremely difficult. Sometimes Russian girls have to literally run away from a sunny country.

Turkish family

As already mentioned above, the best option for you is a wealthy man who has saved up for his apartment. Getting along with a relative of a Turkish husband will not be easy. In the parental home, not only the father and mother often live, but also the unmarried sisters of the guy, and his younger brothers with their wives. Turkish women, although they behave with restraint in dealing with men, still like to sort things out among themselves. Their "intra-harem" passions can be safely compared with those that were in full swing in the TV series "The Magnificent Century". Be prepared for the worst - your husband's relatives can boycott you and literally survive from home.

Your boyfriend must be a bachelor. This is another important condition for a happy relationship with a Turkish man. Many married Turks promise fabulous love and carefree family life to naive foreign women. But by "family life" they mean the maintenance of a woman, and not a legal marriage with her. Turks rarely get divorced, because it is ... unprofitable. The fact is that, according to the law, a Turkish man is obliged to pay alimony not only for children, but also for an unemployed ex-wife. And most of the women in Turkey do not work.

For a beautiful Russian mistress, a Turk can even buy a separate apartment. He will visit from time to time to satisfy his romantic and passionate aspirations. And of course, he will provide the woman with money. Many Russian girls are quite satisfied with such relationships.

But back to legal marriage. Turkish husband- a real provider and protector. But part of his income will go to help relatives. Turks love children especially girls. In Turkey, boys are more attached to their mothers, and daughters are more attached to their fathers. If it comes to divorce, the children will be given to the mother. But if the husband proves that she behaved unworthily, the court will take his side. After the divorce, the Turk will help the children, even if they leave with their mother to another country. Turkish men cherish family traditions, to refuse a child is low and shameful for them.

In the last 10-15 years, Turkey has become the country where our compatriots go to relax at the first opportunity for relatively little money. This country thrives on tourism.

Türkiye is a unique and developed country. The eastern mentality of the locals is greatly influenced by the western way of life.

Some of our compatriots are thinking about buying property in Turkey. Favorable geographical position, warm climate, reasonable prices create the prerequisites for a quality life.

Unfortunately, not all residents of Turkey live well. A significant number of the population lives below the officially established subsistence level. The difference between the rich and the poor is very large.
Representatives of the Turkish middle class, as a rule, are well educated, versed in politics and art. They travel to different countries, sometimes they speak 2-3 languages.

Many women decide to marry a Turk. Every year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of this country issues several hundred residence permits for foreign wives of Turkish citizens. And most of these women are our compatriots. Some of them are happy and do not complain about life. But many marriages break up after a year, or even earlier.

"Natasha" - this is how it is customary to refer to any of our compatriots. This appeal is somewhat contemptuous. Too many "natashas" came and come to Turkey to engage in a not entirely decent profession. In general, the attitude towards Russians is respectful, since it is Russian tourists who contribute to the prosperity of the country's economy to a large extent.

The myth that Turkey is a place of concentration of professional gigolos is, in fact, only a myth. The increased sexual activity of young Turkish guys, due to climate and heredity, pushes them to numerous novels. But the ladies are not dissatisfied either. Love stories between Turks and Russian girls are often discussed on forums and in women's companies:

Most residents of large cities lead an almost Western way of life, rarely adhering to the old canons. If your chosen one lives in a big city, then it is most likely that he thinks and acts like a modern person. And you can hope that his parents will not be against your marriage.
In small towns and villages the old traditions are still strong. And, if your chosen one is from the village, and you become his wife, then it will take a lot of effort and time to change the attitude of others towards you.

Turks love to visit because they want to see each other. In most cases, the Khrzyaev are not warned about the arrival in advance, but simply drop in to see each other for a while. Guests are greeted with tea, fruits, soft drinks, sweets.

Turkish people do not like to travel. There are enough places in your country where you can relax.
An urban family with an average income willingly visits restaurants. They choose the same restaurant where you can spend time in a family way, among friends.

Turks love to give gifts. Jewelry is preferred from gold. And the greater the weight of the decoration, the more proud the donor will look like.

If you decide to marry a Turk, you need to find out the amount of his earnings. But it won't be easy to do so. The salaries of Turkish citizens vary greatly in size, and are difficult to determine for outsiders.
If your future husband is not rich, you will most likely have to look for a job.

Buying an apartment in Turkey, like in other developed tourist countries, is not cheap, and the average man has to work hard to afford to buy a separate apartment.

Turks can hardly be called stingy. Austerity only happens when there is no money at all. There are no problems with buying clothes. And the opportunity to receive discounts in the shops of your friends is very high. Sociability and goodwill will give you an added bonus.

In Turkey, it is customary to live in your own apartment. Wealthy people live in their own homes.

Utilities in big cities do not frighten with their high cost. Hot central water supply, as we are used to, is absent in Turkey. Every Turkish apartment has a water-heating tank, and on the roof of the houses there are usually solar collectors that heat water from the sun. In a sunny country, this is a very economical system.

If you want to marry a Turk and live in harmony with him, try to find out if you can live separately from his parents. If there are no options to live separately, do not rush to make a decision to move. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time if you can't.

Any unfortunate word, a sidelong glance, or just any mistake can serve as a pretext for a family scandal on the part of the husband's relatives. No promises should be taken into account. Single stay only!

Turks love children. They skillfully combine rigor and a certain amount of pampering.

Religion in Turkey is separate from the state. But the influence of religion on everyday life is great. If you have a boy married to a Turk, prepare for the fact that he will be circumcised at the age of twelve. This procedure does not pose a health hazard, as it is performed by experienced professionals.

In the event of a divorce, children mostly stay with their mother, rarely when it happens otherwise. If the child's mother has stained herself with unworthy behavior, and the influential family of the child's father uses all the levers of influence, then the child will be left to the father.

But it will not work to take the child out without the consent of the father. This will be a shock for him, and he will do everything to prevent the child he loves from being taken out. And Turks love their children.

Türkiye recognizes dual citizenship. It would be nice to find out if your country recognizes it.
If you have been officially married to a Turk for three years, you can apply to the authorities with a request for citizenship. Children from previous marriages are eligible for Turkish citizenship. If their mother married a Turk.

1. If you really love your chosen one, and he answers you the same, you can count on success. As a rule, marriages of convenience end in divorce.

2. It is necessary to find out in advance the real financial situation of your fiancé. The Turks love to make up stories about their wealth and success.

3. It is necessary to stipulate the possibility of living separately from the husband's relatives.

4. If your children come to Turkey with you, your close attention to their adaptation will be required. At first, it will be very difficult for them.

5. Before making a decision to move, think about whether you are ready to change your lifestyle, accept other people's customs and traditions.

6. If you have a son from a previous marriage, then he will have to serve in the Turkish army, as there is a mandatory conscription in Turkey.

If you still cannot live without your black-eyed handsome man, make up your mind! And may you be lucky.

The article was prepared by the site specifically for the site

October 28, 2010

About those who marry Turks (rss)

10/01/06, Unclaimed

If our state and men (not all) cannot give something better, why not a Turkish man. Respect, understanding, harmony in the family, in love with a loved one are important. Look, in our country it’s getting harder and harder to live for ordinary people, I also belong to this category, yes I work two jobs% in the morning as a janitor, in the evening as a cleaner, I work honestly. But the main thing I understand is that it’s harder and harder to raise a daughter and support my mother in material terms. But I do not have the business acumen that many young people have. You are just super. But this is not given to me. It was given to me to work and bring joy to clean streets.

So thoughts come that nationality is not important to me, respect, understanding, harmony are important, and together we can do everything. Good luck to everyone who has found their happiness anywhere in the world. Remember, you make the decision yourself, and even if it is not correct, it is only yours.

Turks are guys just like everyone else. And if a girl fell in love with a Turk, then why shouldn't she marry him?

Turks are attentive, courteous. They make you feel like a princess. Fall in love sincerely (even cry). If you want love and security - marry a Turk! I would go out

They don't leave their wives and children like we do. I would go out. To the village, of course. but to a large city, yes. But probably not for ours. I have a Turkish friend, I'm happy.

I just flew from Alanya - I was there for 2 months with my daughter. As far as I understand, here they are asking about a serious relationship, and not about bl. as the girl on the other side wrote there :-) I will say right away that I have never seen more caring and loving fathers and husbands than the Turks, but I have visited a lot. I talked there with a girl who married a Turk, she is 22 - 2 children from him, she is very pleased and just happy. I myself have seen more than once how he constantly fiddled with the older girl on the beach. And she did not accept any Islam - all these are horror stories, with which they scare our narrow-minded young ladies. Turks, especially those from resorts and large cities, are generally very Europeanized people. Local Alanians are quite wealthy, educated and are unlikely to stick to you like annoying flies on the street, but people who come to work from other cities, of which 70 percent are recruited from the total population in the season, leave much to be desired in terms of culture, them just too their separation occurs

I myself want to marry a Turk - these are the advantages of the Turks and the reasons for living in Turkey: cleanliness picky eating, not gluttons know how to take care of hardworking drink little lively are interested in everyone, it’s not boring with them many know 3-4 languages ​​they themselves do a lot at home love children and know how to handle them many beautiful and handsome men now about the country: good ecology of nature products without terrible additives sea and sun in most regions 300 days. per year old-age pension min. $ 500 tolerance for other religions and the way of life of Russians, in particular, cleanliness on the streets (for the most part) and a leisurely rhythm of life, delicious wines, inexpensive clothes. There are enough good and bad people everywhere. You just need to behave in a civilized and decent manner (unfortunately, in our country, culture is worse from year to year, this is another reason to leave Russia). Tired of living in mud (look at your feet), among swearers, in the cold, there is no clear way to go from crisis to crisis.

I respect women who decide to marry a Turk. Turkish men are not like Russians. It is a fact. And it's not about cleanliness and accuracy, it's more from the life of pets))) I'm married to Turkish marriage. I have something to compare with (the first husband is Russian, we did not get divorced, he died 5 years ago) and the comparison is not in favor of ours. We live in Moscow, I hope we will leave after a couple of years. I know some Russian women who married Turks and live in Turkey. Family life is different for everyone, but what about in Russia? Otherwise? Some of the Russian Turkish women built marriage on love, someone on the calculation, someone was tired of our beautiful Motherland. The Turks say that in Russia if women stop working, the country will perish. And think, it's true! And in Turkey? A woman is, first of all, a WOMAN, a friend and mother, a mistress in the house, and not a share in the family budget. sometimes considerable, and free servants. My dears, aren't you tired of plowing from dawn to dusk? With a break for fitness and beautician?

I have already turned 30 years old, they say it's time to get married. And for whom in our Russia to marry? Where do not spit drunk and Hamlo! These guys just need to be coddled. During all this time, I came across very, very few decent candidates for husbands. some thump, others change, etc. I recently met a Turk. Magnificent man! Russians are no match for him! I have never met such love, sincerity and understanding in my life. I think that all past failures with Russian "boyfriends" do not matter now. because I found my true happiness! There is something to compare. I used to think that I would never get married - there was no one! But fate gave me HIM! In the summer I leave Russia, leaving everything here - home, friends, relatives. They all think they're only going for the summer. But I think that I will stay there with the one I love! Girls, don't be afraid to marry Turks. Can a heart have a nationality and a different culture? I wish you and yourself true happiness!

3 years ago, when my friend and I went to Turkey for the first time, she met a wonderful guy. Upon returning to her homeland, they did not believe that the relationship would last ("heard" about the Turks), but SMS correspondence continued. A month, two, three. Then I waited for him from the army for a year, then he taught her how to use the MSN and every evening they saw each other from the webcam. my second favorite city after my own. The brother of a friend’s boyfriend crossed out all Russian men in my memory, including former husbands with their selfishness and desire to look to the side for self-affirmation. But this time I was wary of such an acquaintance (you never know, maybe just a beach novel). But even today we have a date every day at the MSN. 4 times this year I went to my beloved. A month later, again to him. I study Turkish, he learned Russian in 6 months. We are talking about marriage. There are good guys in Turkey, you just need to take a closer look!

Of course, I understand competition, all things. But what about nationality? and why is a girl who fell in love with a person of a different nationality and wanted to connect her life with him - necessarily a slut? Love unites peoples, and people like supporters of the right column only interfere with this) How but they take our wives away from us - if your own loves you, then they won’t go to another)

I am married to a Turk and I am the happiest girl in the world! In 3 months we are waiting for a baby and my husband is carrying me in his arms! And his whole family, even though I am Russian! and affection will never be found in any nation. Especially with Russian men who consider divorce a common thing! And they throw their children to the right and to the left. But who the Turks love more than women is children !! They will never leave their wife with a child.

alloras, you know, my story is very similar, we really don’t know much about my young man, but I, considering that this is not the first time in Turkey and, in principle, I am familiar with Eastern culture, since I am a Muslim, I fully admit marriage with a Turk. I met his boyfriend on vacation, he is very wealthy, from Antalya, introduced me almost immediately to his parents, and with the whole family. It doesn’t put pressure on me at all, we agreed that I would graduate from the institute, and then we will talk more specifically about marriage directly. Does this alignment really give a Turkish man a chance? He is very modern, young, handsome and speaks only after the fact, without any love, I’ll buy a tram all day long) I’m seriously thinking about continuing, because I really like this attitude towards me and life in general, tells me everything as it is, isn’t it is this value?

Lena, I'm very happy for you :) Many girls marry a foreigner and have heard more than once about a Turk. I don't think it's bad. If they are united by mutual love, feelings, goals in the future, why not. They are just as common people as we are.

In the spring I went on a business trip to Turkey, met a Turkish man (we work in the same company). We walked, he courted, said beautiful words, and he really seemed to like me. "He's a Turk," I said to myself, and I'm not a stupid Russian girl! A week later I flew home and thought it was all over. Recently came to him, now we meet, I like him very much. He calls, writes every day, in general, does everything so that he will not be forgotten)) In October I am going again, I will get to know my parents. Of course, it’s too early to talk about marriage, but if he offers, I won’t mind. I met my soul mate and it doesn’t matter to me what nationality he is, the main thing is that he is a good and decent person!

And I married a Turk 7 years ago! We have a 5 year old daughter. We have no difficulties. During the season we live in Alanya, when the season ends, we leave for Germany. His family loves us very much. My daughter has a Russian name - Ksenia, no one was against it, I am very, very happy with him! I have not worked a single day in 7 years, he fully provides for us. His parents live in Pammukalle and we visit them privately in the summer. I do not understand why there is such hostility towards the Turks. Of course, there are still those bastards among them, but among our Russian peasants there are no less of them, one of my ex-husbands is worth something. There are enough bastards in any nationality! Among the Turks there are a lot of good, kind and responsible men, believe me, for 7 years I have become convinced of this. I love marriage to a Turk I don't need a husband or anyone else!

I respect girls who want to see a normal husband next to them, and not a drunken pig who will leave his own children to the mercy of fate as soon as he gets tired of family life. And I know what I'm talking about, not the first year next to a Turkish man and I can say that I have never met a more decent person than him. Yes, there are good Russian men, but only a few of them. And to those Russian men who are outraged that Russian girls "fuck" with the Turks, I can say: if you want them to fuck with you, then at least learn how to fuck, and Russians will not go to Alanya and Antalya for this. If you want to make a difference, start with yourself.

I agree with Asena. " Yes, there are good Russian men, but only a few of them. "And then they are already busy. I often hear from ignorant people all sorts of nasty things about the Turks. And I know even more shit about Russian men (not naturally applies to everyone). Treason (dear, I fucked in her, but I thought about you all the time), Laziness Many of the women I know have husbands sitting at home while the wife is working.(Honey, well, there is no work.) And this is in Moscow. if a Turk does work, then the work is not difficult or takes little time, and then if she herself wants it.Turkish men are very caring and attentive.There are of course exceptions.Turks have a very developed sense of respect for women, for the elderly.You can do it on the street a remark to a teenager (naturally for the cause) and the teenager will not send x.mi as in Russia.The level of culture is higher.In general, girls, if you want a decent husband, marry a Turk

My husband is Turkish. We live in Antalya. I read what people write here, I almost fell off my chair. I have a great husband, nothing limits me. And his family is just amazing. So girls, don't believe me. If someone had a negative experience with a Turk, then there were probably even more such cases with Russians. I am sure that you can fall in love and be happy with a person of absolutely any nationality.

I am married to a Turk and I can say I do not regret it. He is a wonderful, kind and loving person. he is a good father to my daughter (from my first marriage) Maybe someone was unlucky with a Turkish husband, but this does not mean that all Turks, as they say in the family, are not without their black sheep.

Rosava, anyone can take this oath, but not a Turkish wife. A Turk will never be forced to renounce his children and parents, he will never make his wife a wordless humiliated slave if he is a true Muslim. And you will most likely describe the situation of Russian prostitutes in Turkey, as they say, whoever hurts, he talks about that.

I'm shocked at those who wrote the right column! People! what are you - STUPID! take and read your messages, don't you feel ashamed of yourself? I'm interested to know if any of you are married to a Turk? As I understood from what I read, NO! and why the hell are you writing all this? especially Vasya "the Wise" struck me with his "knowledge about the Turks" Vasya. maybe you also wanted to get out of Russia, as you write, but no one took you? ;-) I have been married to a Turk for 2 years, we met on vacation. "Where lust took place from the very beginning." as leshik as wrote. we have a great family, I thank God that I have such a husband! decent, loving, honest, respectful, adoring children, for him the family is in 1st place! he carries me in his arms, no one dressed me in an orange! his family loves me, I dress the way I want and what I want! I don’t work, I confess, he doesn’t want me to plow for someone, about working for my business, he has nothing against it! I can’t speak for everyone. But living here in Turkey for 2 years, I saw a lot

living here in Turkey, I came to the conclusion that our Russian men cannot be compared with Turks! I'm not talking about everyone, but usually! in Russia, there are fewer and fewer decent men with whom you can start a serious relationship! basically all drug addicts, alcoholics, narrow-minded, impotent, married or over-married, rude. I can go on forever! but there are, of course, normal men, but they have long been tidied up in advance! but in general. in Russia, the men "snickered" a lot of beautiful women, educated, independent, smart, interesting. and there are no normal men! this is where they fucked up! and with all this, sorry, to go to the left is a normal phenomenon! Turks are different (again, not all, but often) they are much more educated, the attitude towards women is different, if they fall in love, then the whole world is at their feet, everything is for a woman! they love children very much, respect for elders, everyone says that their women are SLAVES, yeah) the Turks themselves work a lot, and women are relaxed with them, then who else is a SLAVE, you need to look!

women plow with them, not without it. but in the villages all this. And the veil is there. where civilization has not reached people! Marrying such Turks is, well, the same as for a village Vanka! Why exactly Türkiye and Russia? why do women and men from these 2 countries so zealously hate or love each other? HATE: some girls are outraged by the attitude of the Turks towards them. Like, they all have NATASHA! they denigrate a pure Russian name! girls, I beg you! if you knew that all THIS is deserved, in Istanbul, for example, 90% of prostitutes are Russian! Well, what are you waiting for after this relationship? You yourself deserve it! Turkish men hate because they understand that the competition here is clearly not healthy! that Russian girls prefer Turks to them! It's so shameful! it means that Russian men are worse than Turks! Horrible! in fact, no need to get hung up on nationality! there must be feelings! love and respect! PS. I love my husband! Only next to him I felt like a woman, my beloved! Türkiye FOREVA!)))

what you wrote in the "oath" is generally complete nonsense. I am also married to a Turk. We have been living in Izmir for the fourth year already and believe me, there have been no problems! Regarding the change of faith and renunciation of relatives, this is generally complete idiocy. when we got married, there was no talk about faith, but in principle it is not so important for him. the wedding was played both in Russia and in Turkey. I gave birth to a child in Russia. And now, at any moment when I want to leave to see relatives and friends, at any moment my husband buys tickets for me and we are going. and believe me, this is not rare. And for almost 4 years, my husband has not uttered such a word as something "impossible". in general, there are no prohibitions! and about washing the mother-in-law's feet, so believe me, she will wash me soon. together with my father-in-law.))) I have a lot of girls I know from Russia and Ukraine who married a Turk and none of them wanted to do it! If you want to work, work, if you want to stay at home, don’t work. you! but it's their right! good luck.

I have also been to Turkey. I also know what Turkish guys are like: they are all beautiful, but among this beauty there are both domestic "seals" and real rake. I don't have an affair with a Turk. So I just talked in our hotel with a Turkish massage therapist and a seller of elite junk. Well, personally, I would marry a Turk, because I generally like foreigners. They are good people and the country of Türkiye left such gorgeous impressions in my brain! Would like to go there again! And so, my Armenian great-grandfather had a Turkish surname (sort of). His father must have been Turkish. Don't know. But the fact that Turkish guys are the most beautiful is what I tell you and numerous polls.

You know, I read each of the letters and smiled. I'm at a turning point in my life right now. I broke up 3 months ago. It's very painful and hard. I closed myself in and I did not care about the whole world. But somehow I got tired of building false hopes and I registered on a dating site. I can’t explain why I was taken to the Turkish profiles. I can accurately describe my feelings when receiving another banal nonsense from a Russian in the spirit of "hello, let's meet?" And what a surge of emotions I have from Turkish guys. One is more beautiful than the other, of course, I don’t touch the moral side now. All peoples have enough of their freaks, but for some reason, at the word "Turk", many people's faces are twisted from horror stories about. I have not seen a single letter from the unfortunate Russian woman chained in a terrible marriage to a Turk. I never thought that the Turks would start to attract me in earnest. I am so excited to interact with them. None of my profile missed, choose who you want.

For Natasha. Well, indeed, in Istanbul, our girls are on the panels. Shame on you. Can you tell me what sites many young Turks hang out on?

ritka. 21/06/02

because they themselves don’t know what awaits them, first there is “oh the light of my eyes!” a precious diamond, a “delicate flower” and other crap. as they say, you can’t swim in the sea, you can’t leave your home, you can’t find a job, and in general, sheer humiliation. And personally, I can’t stand the Turks!

I had two girlfriends. We went to rest in Turkey-Churtsia, got fucked there, lay down under the whole of Alanya, handed out their phones, and came back, proudly calling themselves "Turkish wife". And they believed that they would be invited to Turkey and get married! :)))))) )

I want to warn all the deluded girls who are in love with the Turks. be careful! do not trust them! all Turks live for today and do not think about tomorrow, they will step over you, through your feelings, through your love at any moment as soon as it comes to choosing between you and let's say their parents. all Turkish men put their family and the well-being of the family in the first place, i.e. mom, dad and all other family members. as a couple, they live and work all their lives in order to support their parents. Even adult men give most of the money to their mother. I myself found myself in a stupid situation, because not long ago I loved a Turk, trusted him and sacrificed everything that I had at that time , i.e. career, studies, friends, family. In the end, he betrayed me. I lived in Turkey for 2 years and I want to say, yes, there are good, noble Turks, but there are very few of them and they marry their own. And as a rule, mixed marriages are not happy. This is a completely different world.

Congratulations. Previously, the Turks forcibly took Slavic girls into captivity, and now fools voluntarily surrender to it. at least would you think why the Turk did not find a wife among his women? Most often because a stupid Slavic blonde is preferable - you can have her this way and that, it's nice to look at (Turkish women, even pretty ones, are more constrained, besides, their fathers are fiercely watching who they marry their daughters to.) European women with Turks too they will not refuse to take a walk, but they will never marry these males. Future wives should be prepared for the fact that they will treat her like a thing, change her at any opportunity and with other Slavic prostitutes, and, as soon as she gets old and becomes ugly, she will be completely thrown away. Turkish men are males, stallions are fuckers and they have a very tight intellect.

I want to tell "future wives" that they would not cherish such hopes. firstly: the Turks, those who are rich, will never marry a "stranger". I explain why: they respect their parents very much and will not go against their word. their welfare is the direct merit of their parents. they will take for themselves only a Turkish woman (and not a poor one, but one like himself). Yes, the tales of violence and terror against women in Turkey are not much exaggerated. rich Turks are like Europeans, their wives go to salons. they wear expensive brands of clothing, etc. and if you are gathered for a poor type with a cute paradise and in a hut. so I just sympathize with you. because beating your wife, wrapping her in a veil and a scarf is inherent in the poor (your garcons from hotels, animationists). these poor strata are marrying Slav women. because a Turkish woman will not go for a not quite wealthy (many requirements). and if Russian women are such "robin hoods" what kind of poor agree. why are you ready to kill your husbands that they earn little.

so ladies: if you are rich and have gathered for a rich Turk, I wish you good luck. but if such a Russian Cinderella is waiting for an overseas prince. open wide your eyes! and if the future spouse asks to move to his village (if it is not a city), run away from this as soon as possible. in the villages their wives plow like donkeys! and on sites you can find as many stories with a happy ending about Turkish LYABOB as you like! Few people will write the truth that someone gets slapped on the back of the head! Marry Turks and then create websites like: I AM MARIED TO A TURK AND WANT TO HANG, HELP. WHAT SHOULD I DO

Girls self-respect need to have. and so already Russian girls are considered top-notch davalkami all over the world. etozh how to not respect yourself, your people and your Faith. to allow himself to be used as bedding.

you know, as a white person it’s hard for me to watch some colored or black man hugging our slut, in my youth I could even throw my fists at him, but with age I understand that it’s not about this Caucasian, Turk or negro, but the fact is that in the head of this pretty fool is empty, like in a bucket, and this is her problem, not. A normal beautiful white girl will never, even under pain of death, lie down under a chock, if she lay down - it’s definitely a fool, and there are so many fools in our country, so let him get out of Russia with his newly made chump!

Fairytale13 I sincerely wish that this guy was a pleasant exception! I don’t want to offend you, but they are all sweet and caring before the wedding. but after. I can't say why. Maybe they like the very process of conquering a girl, and then they perceive her as their property and there is no point in playing more performances. This is my opinion and I do not impose it on anyone!

I hate it because jealous. To me they are traitors. My hatred is directed at those who met a Turk on vacation. Where from the very beginning there was lust. Yes, the Turks practically do not drink, they do not strain much at work, especially if it is an animator, waiter or bartender, because of this they are more enduring, incl. and in sex. Of course, when applying for a job at a hotel, they go through face control, so ugly there. After several trainings, they already know how to speak and care beautifully, because. give a word - take a word, shed a tear for them - spit it out. Under the influence of this, the girls are already shaking, especially from the Russian outback. Gee, it's funny how the girls on the site "Kunstkamera" sort things out among themselves because of the waiter or someone else)))

My children will be light and blue-eyed, so I can’t love the Turks. And I hate that they powder our girls' brains and use these.

Girls seeking to marry a Turk are simply looking for an easy life. They are attracted by the opportunity not to work, but in their homeland they cannot find a man who would provide them with such an opportunity. In Turkey, a woman has the legal right to live on the support of her husband. And don't say that some of them work. There is a huge difference - to work because you feel like it, but always know that you can not do it, or work because there is an urgent need for it. And about the fact that we don't have normal men - it's girls, you just don't rotate in those circles. I am a woman myself, and there are only normal men around me. Maybe it's because I read more books, I always studied well at school, my interests are diverse? Girls, you are just running away from problems, thinking that there will be fewer of them in Turkey with a Turk. It would not be so terrible if you did not leave your parents, sometimes even children from your first marriage and this whole world, to which you also owe.

I will express my attitude to this issue in the oath of the future Turkish wife. “I want to marry a Turk (but you can also a Kurd) and I swear: - renounce my name, clan, religion of my ancestors; - leave mom, dad and children, if any; - eat from the floor and sleep on the floor; - howl from melancholy in four walls; - become a meek, wordless slave; - wash the feet of the Turkish mother-in-law; - do not swim in the sea (this will be the most difficult); - let all the locals stare at me like a monkey (or maybe I'm a beauty queen); - let me have all the bartenders and animators of Turkey; - let them do whatever they want with me in Turkey, I swear not to think about it in advance. Just to have the hope that I can live my life without working, without stuffing my brain with heavy problems. I'll give everything for the illusion that life can be easy! After all, I am a stuffed fool, an ungrateful rubbish, an ugly creature, of which there are few, and I have uterine rabies. At home, only alcoholic idiots need me. Where is the bad guy to go? To Turkey!"

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