Sayings and proverbs about learning. Informative sayings about learning

To learn is to acquire knowledge voluntarily or compulsorily. The more interest in the object on the part of the student, the better the result can be obtained. In Russia, sayings about learning stimulated the desire of children to acquire writing and counting skills.

There are several forms of education. This is a classic daytime method, evening, correspondence, home, express, online (remote), tutoring. Each is divided into theoretical and practical parts.

Learning from life

Russian proverbs are unique in their worldview. A person receives science after mistakes, as well as by studying history. The teacher is not an outsider, we remember the first teacher all our lives. Here are some sayings:

  • Trouble teaches - joy kisses.
  • Time is a healer, time is a teacher.
  • Knowing your history, you know your future.
  • A teacher is good, but a friend is better.
  • Experience is a bad teacher. Here the exam comes ahead of the lesson.
  • If the mother is smart, she will replace 100 teachers.
  • How many teachers - so many methods.
  • The teacher does not count the years, but the exams.

Mind Chamber

Sayings about learning can relate to a specific subject or the abilities of a person as a whole:

  • If you don't know, then it's not a shame. It's embarrassing when you don't want to know.
  • Learning to read and write is useful everywhere.
  • The more you repeat, the better you remember.
  • The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows him.
  • Without labor and pain, there is no science for you.
  • If you learn from a young age, then you will not know hunger.
  • The peacock is red with its tail, and the man with knowledge.
  • Any business requires training.
  • You need to be treated by a doctor, but you need to learn from a smart one.
  • Dunno lies on his side, and the know-it-all runs forward.
  • To teach a fool how to pour water into a bucket without a bottom.
  • They teach not only with a story, but also with a practical show.
  • Without learning and labor there will be no food on the table.

Sayings about the study of different peoples

Knowledge is respected everywhere. Each country has its own expressions about education. Here are some examples:

  • You don’t know yourself, don’t teach (Chuvash.).
  • Only the one who is the master himself should teach (muzzle).
  • If knowledge is not enough, do not undertake to share it (Chuvash).
  • Teaching is like a fresh spring, and knowledge is sunlight (Tatar).
  • There is no bad beginning in learning (muzzle).
  • The warm Sun illuminates the earth, and knowledge of man (Osset.).
  • A blacksmith forges hot metal, a person studies while a young mind has (muzzle).
  • It is necessary to study while the leaves turn green, when they have fallen - too late (lit.).
  • Whoever is not subject to learning will not become a man (Komi).
  • Without knowledge, the road cannot be found (udm.).
  • Don't say you studied. Say what you know (Tatar.).
  • It is difficult to study - it is easy to live (alt.).
  • Only a fool hates to study (gr.).

Humor and knowledge

Funny sayings about school and study are already modern folk art of talented pupils and students. They fully reflect the culture of educational institutions and the view of young people from within the system:

  • School is like pregnancy. You suffer for 9 months, but you begin to feel sick in the second week.
  • In class I am a politician. I don't know anything, but the face is smart.
  • Anything you say on an exam can be used against you.
  • Who gets up early, to that: "The lesson is not over!"
  • We gain knowledge all our lives, except for 10 years at school.
  • We reach for knowledge, but it runs away.
  • The exam has been cancelled. Tickets sold out, no tickets available.
  • Don't snore in class - don't wake your neighbor.
  • You arrive earlier, you leave later.
  • Ohm's new law - skipping and sitting at home.
  • High school students do not write an essay about summer.
  • Our desks are held together only by chewing gum.
  • Study, and with it work - they will grind me.

Great people about knowledge

Everyone was trained: both famous showmen and great scientists. Each of them had memories and statements that were included in the collection "Quotes, sayings about learning and knowledge." Here are some of them:

  • The school teaches what is not in the real world. Camus.
  • A modern certificate means nothing, except that you spent 10 years in the same room. Peter.
  • The most important subject in school is the teacher. Disterweg.
  • The wildest children, who are usually not handled, grow up to be great. Comenius.
  • If a child is brought up only by school, he will grow up uneducated. Santayana.
  • Hard in learning - easy in battle. Kutuzov.
  • You need to learn from other people's examples.
  • It is necessary not only to learn the subject, but also to find a useful application for this knowledge. Confucius.
  • Misfortune is the best of teachers. Disraeli.

Knowledge is given by the teacher

Sayings about studying are folk art. Wisdom proven over the centuries. The most famous expressions are dedicated to teachers:

  • Only a true teacher learns with his students.
  • Even a sea of ​​books will never replace a teacher.
  • The apple tree and the teacher are known by the quality of the fruit.
  • Every teacher praises his science.
  • Parents create a child, and the teacher makes a person out of him.
  • Talk to the teacher, don't talk your tongue. Working with a master, hold your hands.
  • The stricter the teacher, the fewer students he has.
  • If you value and respect your teacher, you will become a good teacher yourself.
  • The teacher opened the door, and you go.
  • You teach children - you don’t sharpen lyases.
  • Rot the branch until it breaks - teach the child while listening.
  • To be a good teacher, you need to study yourself.

Proverbs and sayings about learning and knowledge are a reflection of the culture of our country, its intellectual heritage. Russia has always been considered the most educated state among the peoples of the world. This is precisely due to the hereditary desire for self-improvement.

  1. The alphabet is science, and the guys are beech (flour).
  2. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
  3. They teach the alphabet, they shout in the whole hut.
  4. There is no science without pain.
  5. Without a warehouse in warehouses, to no avail in rumors.
  6. The paper is not purchased, the letter is homemade.
  7. Paper endures, pen writes. The pen creaks, the paper is silent.
  8. A piece of paper is dragging to the court.
  9. In the forest (in St. Petersburg, in Moscow, in the city), firewood is chopped, and chips fly towards us (and in all cities, villages) (the same).
  10. In Moscow they chop, but here (and to us) chips fly (letters, newspapers).
  11. Live and learn.
  12. Is the pen great, but writes big books.
  13. Twirls a pen, like a spindle (what the hell is a hook, a tail).
  14. Lying in print. Lies like a newspaper. You can’t lie against the printed (newspaper) one.
  15. Everything is a commodity, and rubbish is a commodity, but books are not a commodity (citizen Kankrin said when Smirdin asked for loans for his library).
  16. Good for everyone, but not for everyone.
  17. Everything is learned, but not contrived.
  18. Any half-knowledge is worse than any ignorance.
  19. Where it was necessary to sneeze - a comma; where it hiccupped - a colon, and where to sniff tobacco - a full stop.
  20. Looks at the book, but sees a fig.
  21. Looks at the book, but sees a fig.
  22. I’ll cut off my head, I’ll take out my heart, I’ll give it to drink, it will speak (the same).
  23. They cut off the head, took out the heart, give it to drink, tell it to speak (pen).
  24. Civil letter from the Antichrist.
  25. Literacy is not a disease, it does not take away years.
  26. The diploma will cross out - and there is no need for memory, you read it - and there is no need to ask.
  27. He does not know the letter, but the numeral repeats.
  28. Always learn to read and write - (forward) it will come in handy.
  29. Two jambs with a lintel, two half-wheels, two banners with a wheel, two banners with a hook (rest).
  30. Today is a student of yesterday.
  31. Good to teach who listens.
  32. The tree and the teacher are known by their fruit.
  33. A fool teaches a fool, but both do not understand.
  34. Fool gone, but go follow yourself!
  35. Send him, and follow him yourself!
  36. To teach him how to ride through the forest with a harrow.
  37. It is good to send him for death.
  38. Er yes er - fell from the mountain, er yes yat - there is no one to pick it up.
  39. We read hard, but we think dilapidated.
  40. For az yes for beeches, and a pointer in hand.
  41. For a scientist, three non-scientists are given.
  42. The earth is white, the seeds are black: five plow, two watch over, one governs (the man who writes).
  43. You know the score, so you will count.
  44. Know more and say less.
  45. Znaika runs along the path, and Dunno lies on the stove.
  46. Knowledge and science do not hang on the gate.
  47. Knowledge is better than wealth.
  48. And the bear is taught to dance.
  49. And illiterate, but memorable.
  50. And he himself is not happy that he is much literate.
  51. There is a letter unwritten, given to read to the blind (Noah).
  52. Neither a man nor a woman walks, carries neither a pie nor a fold (letter).
  53. Go to science - endure flour.
  54. From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
  55. How he is a horse, beeches erik - a bull, the verb az - an eye.
  56. A book is a book, but move your mind.
  57. The book has two sheets, and the middle is empty.
  58. The book, and in it the fig and the fig.
  59. A book is a book - a word is a word! Come on, sexton, take her to the altar (about an illiterate priest).
  60. Books do not play with anklets. In books, not in chocks.
  61. Books don't tell, they tell the truth.
  62. Read books, but don't forget things.
  63. If a diploma is given, then you will go far on it.
  64. If he does not strangle himself, then he will come back.
  65. The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  66. The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.
  67. Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.
  68. Whoever wants to learn, God is ready to help him.
  69. Who knows az yes beeches, and books in his hands.
  70. Who is not learned is stupid.
  71. He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  72. Chicken legs, hooks and suckers.
  73. A bow that is a king, arrows that are messengers.
  74. You can't say better than printed. Speaks like a book.
  75. The little ones are small, but the wise path seems (the same).
  76. The world is illuminated by the sun, and man by knowledge.
  77. Much learning will require work.
  78. We, the poor, study for copper, and the rich for rubles.
  79. Learn from mistakes.
  80. Learn - learn.
  81. Written with a pen, do not cut down with an ax.
  82. You will write with a pen that you will not take out with an ox.
  83. Science does not lead into the forest, but leads out of the forest.
  84. Science does not ask for bread, but gives bread.
  85. Science - or rather the golden bail.
  86. People feed on science.
  87. Science is worth the light, people live by learning.
  88. Good people will teach to carry water with a sieve.
  89. Scribbled like a chicken paw.
  90. School will not learn - care and work will learn.
  91. You will not learn by captivity, you will learn by hunting.
  92. Don't say what you've learned, but say what you've learned.
  93. Doesn't eat and vomits; and what he vomits up, again gobbles up (sandbox).
  94. Don't whine, just learn.
  95. Not to shoe a cat, but to send for you (if everyone is gone).
  96. The book is not red in writing, it is red in mind.
  97. It is not good for books to read when there are only a few inches from them.
  98. It's not good to read, if you only have a few inches.
  99. Mom did not teach, so the strap will teach.
  100. Do not write with a pen - with the mind.
  101. They don't write with a pen, they write with their minds.
  102. Do not get used to idleness, learn needlework.
  103. Not foldable (not red) in writing, foldable (red) in fiction.
  104. Not foldable petition warehouse, foldable decree (meaning).
  105. It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.
  106. Without learning, you can’t weave bast shoes.
  107. Do not teach the legless to limp.
  108. Don't teach a pike to swim - a pike knows its science.
  109. Illiterate, that blind.
  110. The unlearned is worse than the unlearned.
  111. Read a little, but a lot (yes, more) understand!
  112. To teach the unreasonable is to pour water into a bottomless tub.
  113. Neither heaven nor earth is white in vision; three walk on it, one is driven; two peep, one commands (paper, fingers, pen, eyes, mind).
  114. Neither heaven nor earth is white: two look, three work, one commands (the same).
  115. Do not be shy about new good things, but what you do not know, learn from it.
  116. Now there are many literate, but few well-fed.
  117. He studied with copper money.
  118. He writes from the wall (from right to left, Jew or Tatar).
  119. You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.
  120. From the teacher and science.
  121. The pen is bolder than the tongue. The tongue is stagnant, but the pen is not shy.
  122. Plow feather is lighter. A literate person is not a plowman (not a worker).
  123. Makarka wrote with his stub end.
  124. Wrote a scribbler, and his name is a dog.
  125. Scribblers wrote, but dogs read.
  126. Written on a sieve, lined with a towel (illegible).
  127. Written rewritten, the village of Borisovo (he speaks of a letter ignorant of the letter).
  128. The letter is like chickens have wandered.
  129. Writes letters, but asks for memos.
  130. He writes like the devil on Neglinnaya (a street in Moscow).
  131. He writes as if he is spreading divorces (largely and slowly).
  132. Write know: who needs it - will understand.
  133. According to the letter, he stopped short, the figure was not given.
  134. By embassy and honor. According to the embassy, ​​they keep the answer.
  135. In warehouses, don't be literate.
  136. According to old memory, that according to literacy. Living letter.
  137. In writing, that in hewn. According to what is written.
  138. More smart people, less fools.
  139. Repetition is the mother of learning.
  140. The field is white, the seed is black, whoever sows it understands (letter).
  141. The ambassador is neither executed nor cut down. The ambassador is neither forged nor knitted.
  142. The ambassador is neither flogged nor cut down, but only favored.
  143. The ambassador is like fur: what you put into it, then it carries.
  144. Honor your teacher as you would a parent.
  145. Send a bad one, and after him another (Little Russian).
  146. Send Ivan, follow Ivan the fool, follow the fool another fool, so go there yourself!
  147. The prophet Nahum will guide the mind (December 1; from that day on, children are sent to school).
  148. Read from blackboard to blackboard (the binding of books in the old days was plank).
  149. A white cloth is spread around the yard: a horse tramples it, one walks, another leads, black birds sit on it (the same).
  150. Born of flesh, but no blood; I don’t know how to read and write, but I’ve been writing for a century (the same).
  151. To live with a book is not to grieve for a century.
  152. You will lead with the book, you will gain your mind.
  153. Fluffy on top, sharp on the bottom, stick it in - dry, take it out - wet (same).
  154. Seven went, but go after yourself!
  155. The seed is flat, the field is smooth, whoever knows how, he sows; the seed does not sprout, but bears fruit (letter).
  156. As if poppy sowed (small letter).
  157. First, az yes beeches, and then science.
  158. The gibberish letter (any digital letter).
  159. Labor in learning is boring, but the fruit of reading is delicious.
  160. Nikola has two schools: they teach the alphabet and recite eve.
  161. The priest got away with a diploma.
  162. The Code reads, but does not know the deeds.
  163. A smart ambassador has no great mandate, but do not be lazy to follow a stupid ambassador, go yourself.
  164. Luck for the student, joy for the teacher.
  165. Teaching in happiness decorates, and in misfortune - comforts.
  166. Learning is the path to skill.
  167. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
  168. Learning is time, play is an hour.
  169. Learn good - so the bad will not come to mind.
  170. To teach is to sharpen the mind.
  171. Learning is always helpful.
  172. It's never too late to learn.
  173. Vavilo left on a reel, yes, apparently, he was crushed by the forest.
  174. The ambassador left and drowned in the brine.
  175. Fita and Izhitsa - the whip is approaching the lazy.
  176. A good book is a best friend.
  177. Whose ambassador, that (that) and honor (and honor).
  178. Than to send seven, to visit yourself.
  179. What I learned, that's what came in handy.
  180. Reads like a sexton (like a psalter).
  181. Read, do not fidget, and what is written, do not be angry.
  182. Read in warehouses. Read up or down.
  183. Reading is the best learning.
  184. To learn how to swim, you have to get into the water.
  185. Eco miracle: look - it's clean; if you stroke it, it's smooth, but if you start reading, it hurts everywhere (said the deacon).
  186. This is written with a pitchfork (i.e., in two, incorrectly).
  187. This is not written with me (not with us).
  188. It was written by such that the pen is behind the ear (dock).

Russian folklore is a real miracle. How much wisdom is invested in every word. Most of the songs, fairy tales, proverbs are instructive. It is very helpful to instill in children a love of culture from an early age. Sayings about learning will be a good incentive for further knowledge. Songs and fairy tales instill in children kindness and compassion for others. With their help, they learn the world, nature, morality. Sayings and proverbs consist of words that have an allegorical meaning. Each person perceives them differently!

Learning is not torture

Reading fairy tales, memorizing jokes and proverbs is a very interesting and exciting activity for children. But when learning to read and write, counting and reading begins, some kids perceive it negatively. Trying to sit over books and notebooks seems to them a difficult task. Proverbs and sayings about learning will help kids tune in the right way. After all, if you do not try to instill in your child a craving for knowledge, everything can end badly. The programs in schools are very complex, so the child must come to the first grade with a set of elementary knowledge and skills. It will be easier for him to join the process, to feel like a leader.

Simple words - deep meaning

In a conversation with your child, mention sayings about learning more often.

  • The alphabet is a step towards wisdom.
  • Live and learn.
  • Diploma is not a disease, it does not take years.
  • To study literacy - forward it will come in handy.
  • Knowledge is better than wealth.
  • Half knowledge is better than any ignorance.
  • A book is a book, but move your mind.
  • And the bear is taught to dance.
  • He who wants to know a lot must sleep very little.
  • The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • People feed on science.

Each of these lines has one meaning: knowledge is power. Nowadays there are many ways to learn something new and interesting. Bright, beautiful books, the latest technology and equipment, the World Wide Web, seminars and educational circles. It is very easy for a child to be interested in science and reading. The main thing is to put in a little effort. All kinds of sayings about learning will positively affect a person of any age, give him food for thought.

Knowledge and work - a great duet

The knowledge acquired in childhood leads people to choose a profession. Developed children usually dream of a specialty from an early age. They try to find out more information about it, they try to imitate people who have achieved success in this industry. and learning are useful for adults. Some people do not like their work and do it reluctantly. Perhaps smart lines will give them the idea to change their position to the one they have dreamed of since childhood. It's never too late to make your dreams come true!

  • Much learning will require work.
  • Science does not ask for bread, but gives it.
  • The school will not learn, care and work will learn.
  • Mom did not teach, so the strap will teach.
  • To learn how to swim, you need to get into the water.
  • The people will not forget those who work honestly.
  • Learning and work give happiness.
  • What I learned, that's what came in handy.
  • Science is not given for nothing, it is taken with difficulty.

It is not in vain that sayings about study were invented, Russian people from time immemorial have tried to learn to read and write and work conscientiously. They are a worthy example for new generations!

Second home - school

Most people remember the school with a kind and warm word. Of course, not everyone loves to study, but school is the second home of any child. Here they spend a lot of time, gain knowledge, fall in love, learn what true friendship is. Finishing the eleventh grade, the guys become family, and do not want to leave at all, but everyone has their own way to adulthood! Sayings about school and study will make the guys think about how important it is to get good knowledge!

Easy test

Try putting your child to a little test. A test that will push children to knowledge and help them fall in love with school. It's very simple - invite your child to read all of the above sayings about school and study. Let him choose the one that is closest to him and that he likes. Regardless of the choice, say that he achieved the highest result! Praise him, explain that he chose the smartest words. This means that he has extraordinary abilities.

Everyone loves to receive praise. The child will definitely remember sayings about studying, they will make him think that school is really a wonderful time in his life. Such thoughts will lead the young genius to conquer new heights!

Good to know for everyone

In the daily hustle and bustle, there is no time to read books. Information hunger is as harmful as an improper diet. You need to study printed publications at any age. Do not forget to set aside half an hour a day for this useful activity. Proverbs and sayings about learning include a whole cycle of phrases about books.

Instill in the young generation a love of books from the very first days of life. And do not forget to read yourself on the way to work, during a break, on a day off! Classics, science fiction, fairy tales, detective stories - read whatever you want. Each line has meaning and new knowledge! Raise children on good proverbs and sayings, and they will become worthy people!

Too lazy to clean the room again? Remember how nice it is when the house shines with cleanliness. Don't want to do your homework? But after all, 12 is much more pleasant than a dull deuce. Tired of gardening or gardening? Imagine how sweet it will be to feast on ripe fruits in the fall. Work decorates a person, makes his life more perfect, rich, enriches his soul. And the following proverbs are vivid proof of this.

  • Skill and work will grind everything.
  • They plow the arable land, they don’t wave their hands.
  • Who does not walk, he does not fall.
  • People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft.
  • With pleasure, you can hammer a nail into a stone.
  • A diligent mouse will gnaw through the board.
  • Not all cooks have long knives.
  • The land is black, and white bread will give birth.
  • This oats in the mud - there will be oats prince, and even rye in the ashes, but at the right time.
  • The work of the master is afraid.
  • Handle every task skillfully.
  • Don't start - think, but start - do.
  • A craftsman and a needleworker brings joy to himself and to people.
  • Not clothes make a person, but good deeds.
  • Hasty does the same thing twice.
  • At someone else's work, and the sun does not move.
  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
  • Eats for an ox, but works for a mosquito.
  • What you reap, you put together; what you put together, you put in the barn.
  • Lives on a hill, but not a crust of bread.
  • Without work, strength weakens.
  • Seven cases in one hand do not take.
  • Oak is the iron of the peasant.
  • Put potatoes in okroshka, and love is in business.
  • Do not shake the apple while it is green: it will ripen - it will fall by itself.
  • Not the gods burn the pots.
  • What is the arable land, such is the brush.
  • Lie down with the hens, get up with the rooster.
  • The sleigh runs from the mountain, but the cart does not go up the mountain.
  • Don't say what you did, but say what you did.
  • Give to the earth and she will give to you.
  • Not the oven feeds, but the field.
  • To what the soul lies, to that the hands will be attached.
  • The bee is small, and it works.
  • Through force and the horse is unlucky.
  • One bee will not make much honey.
  • Praise the harvest when you fall asleep in the barn.
  • Hold on tighter to the plow, it will be more profitable.
  • Do not boast in advance, look to the end: what will be the end of the matter.
  • A good start pumped out half the battle.
  • Who loves work, people honor him.
  • Business time, fun hour.
  • The master's work cannot be reworked.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

“The real treasure of people is the ability to work,” Aesop rightly wrote. If you work conscientiously and with love, the result will not be long in coming. And along with it will come spiritual harmony and pleasure. After all, the sweetest of all fruits is the fruit of human labor.

  • A bird is recognized in flight, and a person at work.
  • There would be a hunt - work will go well.
  • The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.
  • Work, do not yawn: summer is a guest, winter is a hostess.
  • Work smarter - you will live more cheerfully.
  • Half-hearted work is hard: if you substitute both, you can do it easier.
  • Who pushes, he bakes bread.
  • Looking at someone else's work, you will not be full.
  • Work and hands are reliable guarantees in people.
  • The eyes are scary, but the hands are doing.
  • Work is in full swing, but the day is small.
  • Good job and the old man is young.
  • Work gladdens the heart of man.
  • Without excitement, without care, do not expect joy from work.
  • Who does not work shall not eat.
  • Hands will not be taken away from work.
  • It is difficult to talk to him, but easy to work with.

  • Work is bitter, but bread is sweet.
  • It is hard for him to live who runs away from work.
  • Garden work, but the glory of the people.
  • Hands - work, soul - a holiday.
  • You work until you sweat, and you eat hunting.
  • The nag carries water, the goat shakes its beard - both work.
  • When life is fun, the work goes on.
  • He who serves well, does not grieve about anything.
  • By work and pay, by product and price.
  • At work and the employee is known.
  • You work in good faith, so it’s not ashamed to look people in the eye.
  • Good work elevates any position.
  • Good for business, work boldly.
  • Love to dress up, love and outfits for work.
  • If there is work, then there is no need to sleep.
  • Work more - you will be remembered for a long time.
  • Good people start the day with work.
  • What you stomp is what you stomp.
  • Eat - do not be ashamed, but work - do not be lazy.
  • Take it - do not rush, but work - do not be lazy.
  • There is so much work that the chickens do not peck.
  • Listen - listen, but do not quit work.
  • Work torments, and feeds, and teaches.

Proverbs about work and laziness

  • If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.
  • The lazy spinner has no shirt for himself.
  • A bad master has a bad saw.
  • Done hastily - and made a mockery.
  • Do not teach idleness, but teach needlework.
  • Under a lying stone and water does not flow.
  • Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.
  • Perhaps yes, somehow they will not bring to good.
  • White hands love other people's works.
  • After bread and salt, rest for an hour - a piece of fat and a bag of laziness will be wrapped.
  • Lie on the stove and eat kalachi.
  • Sloth slurps without salt.
  • Even if you don’t eat for three days, you can’t get off the stove.
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.
  • I would go to fight, but I'm too lazy to get up.
  • Goodbye kvashnya, I went for a walk.
  • Sleep long - live with debt.
  • Sleepy and lazy - two siblings.
  • What are you doing? Nothing. What is he? Help came.
  • A lazy person sleeps while lying down and works.
  • Looking at someone else's work, you will not be full.
  • Lazy bokeh and the sun does not rise at the right time.
  • Sleep, sleep, but they won't let you rest.

  • And the lazy one does not bother his belly.
  • The lazy one has what is in the yard, then on the table.
  • Lying whole clothes, but the belly with a fistula.
  • His laziness has made a nest in his bosom.
  • I'm still in diapers, and my laziness was already from the calf.
  • We would like to plow so as not to fill the calluses.
  • It's good to send the lazy to death.
  • Who is lazy, he is sleepy.
  • People reap, and we lie under the boundary.
  • To be lazy is to lose bread.
  • Lies on its side, but looks at the river.
  • I would go to fight, but too lazy to take out sabers.
  • From work you will not be rich, but you will be a hunchback.
  • Our spinner has no clothes, no shirt.
  • He's got things out of his hands.
  • Sleep more, sin less.
  • A cat is dainty to a fish, but you don’t want to climb into the water.
  • I want to swallow it, but I'm too lazy to chew it.
  • A long thread is a lazy seamstress.
  • It would be a pleasure to spin, but laziness attacked.

Proverbs about work and science

Knowledge, like the rays of the sun, illuminates a person's life path. Do not be afraid to look for new hobbies, be interested in something unknown. The acquired skills and abilities will help to become a person with a capital letter, a holistic personality, an interesting interlocutor, because knowledge is power!

  • Without knowledge, you will do business - do not expect fruits.
  • Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
  • The book is not looking for letters, but for thoughts.
  • To teach a fool is to treat the dead.
  • For one literate, two illiterates are given.
  • The know-it-all understands everything perfectly, and the know-nothing only opens his mouth at everything.
  • Knowledge is not water - it will not pour into the mouth itself.
  • Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from books.
  • You read a book - you fly on wings.
  • The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.
  • Who is much more literate, that will not be an abyss.
  • It is not enough to be able to read, one must be able to think.
  • The world is illuminated by the sun, and man by knowledge.
  • Not the gods burn the pots.
  • It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.
  • You will learn from the smart, you will unlearn from the stupid.

  • Happiness is obtained by the one who gains the skill of the mind.
  • The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.
  • Learning is the path to skill.
  • The pen writes, the mind leads.
  • Learning in childhood is like carving in stone.
  • Don't study until old age, but study until you die.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
  • To teach is to sharpen the mind.
  • Read, bookworm, do not spare your eyes.
  • Reading is the best teaching.
  • Order saves time.
  • For a scientist they give three unscientists, and even then they don’t take it.
  • Science does not lead into the forest, but leads out of the forest.
  • No one was born wise, but learned.
  • The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • It is not good for books to read when there are only a few inches from them.
  • Respect your teacher as a parent.