Good winter morning wishes. Good winter morning greetings

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Winter morning

Breaking through the veil of branches, the dawn is a thin ray

In field white gold pours a handful, another ...

They ate in hoarfrost, as in silver, and bouquets of azure through the clouds.

I can't tear my admiring gaze from the beauty!

The day wakes up slowly, comfortably wrapped in snowfall,

Everything sparkles with crystal, sparkles with a tear on the eyelashes.

And it warms in the soul, the look warms on a clear morning,

And the road, playing, swirls with fluffy drifting snow ...

And around the silence ... the world froze, a little sigh at dawn.

And the crystal of cold snow reflects the sparkling sun.

Although it is too early to anticipate the approach of a warm summer ...

The heart, not noticing the fog, having calmed down, beats more joyfully.

Sunshine on a winter morning...

Sunny bunny on a winter morning

A playful kitten will come running to the bed ....

About the new day that has come

He will gently sing songs under the ear

And just open my eyes

He will disappear in a ray, waving his hand to me

The blush will cover the snow on the peaks

And the forest will generously cover everything with diamonds ...

Cold and majestic witnesses of destinies and centuries

They look at us from the heights, as if they knew everything

Revealing to us the secrets of the universe and ancient worlds

The wisdom of the Creator, proclaiming to all

Generously giving inspiration for new poems ....

Winter morning!

Winter morning

In a light winter glow, clouds of lace,

Spreads the morning strands across the sky.

In the faded stars, the night is a little alive,

The reflections of the last turns into bliss.

But as soon as a ray gently burst into the world

Sparks accidentally wilted parting light.

Scattered on carpets under a canopy of clouds

Magic stones thrown into the snow...

And in a crystal haze in the lace of winter

Frost sparkled with gentlest tales.

There was no trace of pitch darkness.

A new day on the meadow stepped like a ray.

Winter morning

Winter morning bogged down in fog

The hut was covered with white beads,

The birds are quiet in the attic pocket,

The Queen of Winter has arrived again.

She goes around her white kingdom,

Crackling Frost steps in on patrol.

Winter will cover wealth with white fluff,

And he will draw a pattern with silver

Birches, like brides with flowers,

All in wedding dresses, covered with a veil,

They lead a round dance, dissolving in the fog,

Moon, marking the way home.

The sun is already shining like a cold diamond,

Turquoise filled the entire bowl of heaven.

I have never seen such beauty.

A tear rolled down like a white pearl....

Frosty winter morning...

Frosty winter morning

I cheeks with cold fire

Colitis and snow mother of pearl

They don't blind like a sunny day.

And the reflection of a cheerful lightning,

Shed a pattern in the area,

Through frost on long eyelashes

My eyes will be attracted to you.

Walking on the radiant road

Through the white snow into the light,

The soul so wants to be clean

And meet your dawn in life!

How wonderful everything is
Get up early in the morning.
Smile at people, the sun,
Wishing you all the best in the morning.

Let this morning be
It will bring a lot of happiness.
Will give everyone a mood
And despondency will take away!

Good morning has come
The sun has long since risen.
Well, come on, get up
Open your miracle eyes.

Look around how cool!
Everything rejoices, everything is beautiful,
It will be a good morning for sure.
Happiness is firmly established.

Before the sun, in the morning
I will come to you.
I will show the riches of the world,
The soul will sing like a lyre.

I will give you everything
Though the planet, even the Star, -
Everything in the world for you
Good morning my life!

How good that after the night
Morning comes to us again.
And the sun will give a ray
And it will be so warm for all of us.

And in this happy time
So you want to hug your family.
Hold your loved ones to your heart
And good morning to say!

Here the morning begins.
Wake up, get up.
The sun is smiling
The tea is already warm.

And fragrant tea
Let's add a lemon
And the smells are nice
Disperse sleep quickly.

I wish you a good morning
Good start to the day.
And the mood is bright
Take it with you.

May this morning be good
May it bring you success.
Open your window today
To meet the sun again.

You smile at him sweeter
So that happiness comes to the house again.
And this day will become more tender
Warm the sun warm.

Open the window, there is dawn,
AND gentle sun beam and light.
It's time to open your eyes
And again believe in miracles.
May good morning to you
Give happiness and success.
And let now in your destiny
Luck will burst like snow.

The rays of the sun knocked on the window,
A new day has already begun for you
Leave your cozy bed urgently
Waiting for you today, emotions, deeds.

I wish you a good morning
And the day gave surprises, gave joy,
I send you a gentle kiss at random,
With a sweet smile, you start your day!

With the dawn, love wakes up
And he calls us again.
And it is important to find out her voice,
Follow her, don't lose her.

With love so wonderful and light,
And I breathe with her so easily.
That's why I want to fly with her
You write in the window in the morning.

"I love you more every day,
Wake up quickly, and wake up from your sleep.
On the wings of love, here I am
And with Good morning I congratulate you!”

This morning is amazing
The sun is bright, striking,
The sky is extraordinary
Enchanting, incomparable!

May this beauty be eternal
Love is light and endless
Let luck be near
And happiness will be our reward!

Wake up, wake up
Wake up soon
Smile at the day and the sun
Pour yourself some coffee!

Make breakfast, get ready
Take joy from home
And don't doubt yourself
Have a great day!

What could be more beautiful, kinder and more pleasant than a frosty winter morning, which pleases with an abundance of light, the beauty of snow-covered streets and, although not very warm, but very gentle sunbeams falling on our skin? Probably, this is one of the most beautiful sights on the whole Earth, and each of us strives to see something like this outside the window every day, getting up from a warm bed and getting ready for work or study.

Well, add a little positive emotions and you can charge a person in a positive way by sending him beautiful wishes for a good winter morning on the phone, or by expressing them personally, looking directly into the eyes of the interlocutor. The main thing here is not what exactly you will say, but how much emotion, sincerity and feelings you put into your wishes. However, you are unlikely to have problems with this, because it was you who showed the initiative to please a loved one.

Take, manually selected from around the Internet, you can on our website. will give you the opportunity to pleasantly surprise a loved one, and to do it absolutely without any reason. The main thing, as they say, is your desire and aspiration. So act!

How hard it is to wake up on a dark winter morning! Only the desire to greet you soon makes me open my eyes! Good morning, my girl!

Congratulations on mobile

I wish you good mood ,

Let the frost draw a blue pattern,
The crunch of snow is heard outside the window,
Wake up! And good winter morning,
Even if you want to sleep a little.

But you get up, open your eyes soon,
May the morning bring a lot of joy!
Wake up and enjoy the winter fairy tale.
The warmth of any soul will melt the ice.

On the street frosts, blizzards and blizzards,
And you, so serene, lie in your bed.
I don't want to wake you up now
But I need to, please forgive me!

With kind winter morning! Wake up
And get to work, darling, get dressed.
Great things await you today
I wish you a good mood in the morning!

Good winter morning greetings

W Even the morning, despite the cold, harsh weather, is able to delight and delight many people. In addition, there is an opportunity to feel a surge of energy due to deep sleep, comfortable rest. How to please loved one early in the morning after he wakes up and has to get ready for school or work? Of course, you need to send a beautiful good morning greeting, which will be complemented by a stylish picture. You can carefully study the numerous options for good morning greetings, in which the spirit of winter is felt, and make best choice. Let the right congratulations and sincerity in words revive the fire in the soul of a loved one, despite the snow and frost of winter. Let the day start energetically and pass with maximum benefit, but all this is possible! Take the chance to take such a step towards your own little man.

Frost outside the window, and so warm under the covers,
But you have to get up, there is little time left,
A productive day of work awaits you ahead,
Get up soon, defeat your laziness!
Let in cold weather not only coffee warms,
May the smiles of your relatives illuminate you all day,
I wish you Have a good mood,
And even more joy and luck!

In winter it's so hard to wake up in the morning
After all, it blows cold in the heart here and there,
And I decided to warm you with the warmth of my soul,
To save a good mood for the day!
Get up soon, towards a fun day,
Let the frost and snow dispel your laziness,
May a great miracle happen to you today
And nothing bad, suddenly, will not happen!

Wonderful snow turns white in large snowdrifts,
Get out of bed soon, my sweetheart,
Let blizzards and storms not scare you at all,
Because my love will always protect you.
You gently puff your dreams with your hand,
And look through the winter window with joy.
A new day awaits you, beautiful and easy,
All paths are open before you!

In the yard is a white winter winter,
And under the covers, so cozy, so warm,
The sun is up and it's time for you to get up
And go to work, to spite all the troubles!
Good morning! I wish you good mood,
May adventures await you
Let people smile at you
And even if the problems do not concern!

This winter morning is wonderful and beautiful,
And it's time for you to get up, my dear,
I congratulate you on the new day,
And I wish you a good mood for the whole day.
May your dream come true today
And if you're lucky, then not even one,
If you woke up too early, you're sorry
And when you wake up, call me!

Winter morning embraced our colorful city.
Look to the east, there is a beautiful, sparkling sunrise.
There is a sparrow still dozing on the old fence.
With a winter breath, a new day hurries to the threshold.
"Good morning!" - they whisper patterns on the windows -
This frost left us night touches.
Good morning! And you, lifting the curtains a little,
You watch the sun rise, spreading its rays.


In winter, the morning begins slowly, as if reluctantly. And we wake up the same way. Therefore, pictures with a good winter morning will make it easier and more fun to part with sleep.

Winter morning is charmingly beautiful. And if at this earlier time the weather is frosty and windless outside and white snow covers everything around, then the morning is so bright that it can blind the one who looks at it. Well, it’s better to look at it from the window while drinking hot delicious coffee. And along the way, you can send beautiful pictures with a good winter morning to your friends.

Winter is an artist who paints with frost and snow beautiful pictures. And one of her most beautiful paintings is, of course, a winter morning. How joyful and wonderful it is to wake up and feel the beginning of an excellent, joyful, new winter morning, smoothly flowing into a beautiful day, and then into pleasant evening. And sent winter postcard will give the same wonderful sensations to the one who receives it.

Wish you a good winter morning and Have a good day using postcards is a must. After all, everyone knows that good is governed by the law of the boomerang. And this means that it will definitely come back to you. When the bright light of the street gradually begins to give way to a beautiful winter dawn, it's time for morning greetings.

If the soul is good and warm, then nothing on a winter morning can spoil the mood. Well, in order for someone who is dear to you to feel good in the winter, so that even a frosty day becomes joyful, just send a winter picture with a wish for a good day. And then even the morning snow will seem fabulous.

To add positive emotions and set a person in a positive mood on a winter morning, you can send him a beautiful morning wish in a messenger, or post a winter picture on Facebook or VKontakte. Postcards are perfect for this.

Find ready-made beautiful winter pictures with a good morning wish, you can among the many excellent unusual postcards which we have prepared especially for this occasion.

What could be more beautiful, kinder and more pleasant than a frosty winter morning, which pleases with an abundance of light, the beauty of snow-covered streets and, although not very warm, but very gentle sun rays falling on our skin? Probably, this is one of the most beautiful sights on the whole Earth, and each of us strives to see something like this outside the window every day, getting up from a warm bed and getting ready for work or study.

Well, you can add some positive emotions and charge a person in a positive way by sending him beautiful wishes good winter morning on the phone, or by expressing them personally, looking the interlocutor straight in the eyes. The main thing here is not what exactly you will say, but how much emotion, sincerity and feelings you put into your wishes. However, you are unlikely to have problems with this, because it was you who showed the initiative to please a loved one.

You can take it manually selected from all over the Internet on our website. will give you the opportunity to pleasantly surprise a loved one, and do it absolutely without any reason. The main thing, as they say, is your desire and aspiration. So act!

How hard it is to wake up on a dark winter morning! Only the desire to greet you soon makes me open my eyes! Good morning my girl!

Congratulations on mobile

Frost outside the window, and so warm under the covers,
But you have to get up, there is little time left,
A productive day of work awaits you ahead,
Get up soon, defeat your laziness!

Let in cold weather not only coffee warms,
May the smiles of your relatives illuminate you all day,
I wish you good mood,
And even more joy and luck!

In winter it's so hard to wake up in the morning
After all, it blows cold in the heart here and there,
And I decided to warm you with the warmth of my soul,
To save a good mood for the day!

Get up soon, towards a fun day,
Let the frost and snow dispel your laziness,
May a great miracle happen to you today
And nothing bad, suddenly, will not happen!

Wonderful snow turns white in large snowdrifts,
Get out of bed soon, my sweetheart,
Let blizzards and storms not scare you at all,
Because my love will always protect you.

You gently puff your dreams with your hand,
And look through the winter window with joy.
A new day awaits you, beautiful and easy,
All paths are open before you!

This winter morning is wonderful and beautiful,
And it's time for you to get up, my dear,
I congratulate you on the new day,
And I wish you a good mood for the whole day.

May your dream come true today
And if you're lucky, then not even one,
If you woke up too early, you're sorry
And when you wake up, call me!

Let the frost draw a blue pattern,
The crunch of snow is heard outside the window,
Wake up! And good winter morning,
Even if you want to sleep a little.

But you get up, open your eyes soon,
May the morning bring a lot of joy!
Wake up and enjoy the winter fairy tale.
The warmth of any soul will melt the ice.

On the street frosts, blizzards and blizzards,
And you, so serene, lie in your bed.
I don't want to wake you up now
But I need to, please forgive me!

Good winter morning! Wake up
And get to work, darling, get dressed.
Great things await you today
I wish you a good mood in the morning!