Good morning beloved short. Good morning, beloved, tender, let the sun warm and please you. Beautiful SMS good morning girl

If you have a girlfriend, why not please her and cheer up in the morning. Well, if she is next to you, then you can hug her, kiss her, whisper kind words good morning in your princess's ear.

But sometimes it happens that you are at a great distance from each other and cannot personally wish good morning, in this case SMS messages with beautiful, affectionate and romantic wishes will come to the rescue.

Darlaik prepared beautiful SMS good morning to his girlfriend. The received wish will cheer you up, charge you with positive for the whole day. Give moments of joy to your beloved as often as possible. You will not need much effort for this, but your soulmate will be very pleased.

Good morning my love!
So tell me, how did you sleep?
good morning darling
How are you today?

You woke up and opened your eyes
let the awakening be like in a fairy tale,
May the day come gently and gently.
Kiss. Good morning, sweet princess.

My sunshine, get up
Meet good morning.
Stretch and smile
Open your eyes, wake up.
Sonya, I love you.
"Good morning!" - I say.

My sun, good morning to you!
I send you greetings with joy, loving.
May miracles await you today
Let your eyes shine with happiness.

Good morning dear!
I want to hug you,
Caress, kiss!
And then say in your ear:
You are a princess!!!
You are mine!!!
And I can't live without you!

Believe me, every woman will be pleased to receive such warm words in the morning. Therefore, gentle good morning sms to your girlfriend are not just words, they are a charge of energy for the whole day, these are feelings conveyed in words.

I had a dream about you and me today
In it we kissed passionately, as if
How I didn't want it to end
Hello my love and good morning!

The sun has risen
Are you still sleeping?
Wake up soon
My cute baby!

Good gentle morning
Good luck to you and victories.
May your day be the best.
Kiss. Huge hello!

Darlaik invites you to your computer or phone, and then send them to your soulmate. Please your girlfriend not only with beautiful wishes, but also with bright postcards.

The sun woke everyone up again
Good morning, dear love!
Start your day positively
And don't hide your smile
'Cause she decorates you
My precious baby
With her, be nicer to everyone in the world,
Remaining only mine!

Good morning my beauty
Meet my hello with a smile,
You will surely enjoy this day
So go ahead and dream!
Be decisive, wise, but most importantly,
Be my love and desire.

If you really have feelings, then sending good morning wishes to your girlfriend will not be a burden for you, but even a joy, because giving pleasant emotions and good mood to your soulmate is just as nice as receiving such wishes for you.

My kiss is hot and insanely tender
In a hurry to dispel your serene dream.
Say how much I love you!
And I look forward to every second of our meeting!

Good morning sunshine!
Look out the window, the birds are singing there!
And I'm not afraid of inclement weather,
Because I know that I love you!

Amazing morning, amazing sunrise!
It's just a pity you're not with me this morning.
But I hasten to wish you a good day.
And from a loving heart I write these lines.

Choose the warmest, affectionate SMS wish good morning to your beloved girlfriend, or even better - choose a few and send such SMS to your soulmate all morning (up to 12 noon), charging her more and more with pleasant emotions.

Like a ray of sunshine through a window
I would get in early in the morning
see how gorgeous you are
In original attire.
I have a hard time keeping up appearances
"Good morning" I just wish.
Protecting a girl's dream
I send sms.

Good, good morning, flower,
Stop yawning, smile angel!
Get up, stretch, drive away sleep and laziness
And let it be joyful
Present day!

Also on our site you can choose and send them through social networks or instant messengers.

Dear young men, guys, this is a selection of beautiful SMS wishes for good morning and a good day for you and your beautiful girls.

It is incredibly pleasant for every girl if her beloved shows attention and care towards her: supports in everything, makes cute gifts, gives flowers, wraps in a warm blanket ... And such signs of attention as pleasant SMS "Good morning" or other SMS in during the day will delight any girl. Just a few words, but how the mood rises. Don't skimp on compliments!

In today's selection, gentle, beautiful, romantic and a little funny SMS wishes "Good morning" to your girlfriend. Choose, invent yourself, fantasize, the main thing is that the words be sincere and come from the heart.

Good morning my sunshine!

Short and gentle SMS "Good morning" to a girl

How I want to be there right now
To wish good morning
touch you with tender eyes
And timidly kiss on the cheek.

Sweet, bright, glorious,
How pure this morning's dew!
For me, you are the most important
Wake up, my radiant!

Your sleepy tender eyes
I want to kiss now!
Give you passionate caresses ...
In the meantime, "Good morning!" writing.

Good morning my light!
Open your eyes - it's already dawn.
Gently, gently stretch
Smile sweetly at the sun.

Good morning my sunshine
You shine so bright today
Oh, how beautiful everything is in you,
You are simply the best in the world.

Good morning my love!
How did you sleep?
My soul yearns for you.
Too bad we're apart now.

My sunshine, get up
Meet good morning.
Stretch and smile
Open your eyes, wake up.
Sonya, I love you.
"Good morning!" - I say.

Good morning, sweet, gentle,
Good day, have a great day.
Let after your serene sleep
Your smile won't fade.

Hello my light! And good morning!
A great day is already waiting for us.
And the sky is all filled with mother-of-pearl
With a hint of the color of your pretty eyes.

My dear girl!
I wish you good morning.
Angel! Wake up
Smile for the day.

My joy, I kiss you
Good morning love.
I will hug you very tight
And I will never give up. Nobody...

Good morning my sunshine
Smile, please, hurry up!
Let your soul wake up
The world around will become brighter!

Good morning my love!
You are my sweetest.
My unearthly fairy tale
You are my great joy.

May this morning give you
Only pleasant feelings.
There is no better than you on earth,
You are my tender miracle.

Your girlfriend will be in a great mood if she receives a pleasant SMS message from you in the morning wishing you a good coming day. But, of course, it is not the words themselves that are most important, but the attention, care, love, sincerity that you put into the message.

My beloved and most desired, good morning!

SMS "Good morning" for a girl in your own words

Good morning, bunny! May this day be better than yesterday. I wish you good luck and good mood.

If a kiss were a drop of rain, I would send you a downpour! Good morning, my dear! Have a nice day!!!

My beloved and most desired, good morning, sunshine. I wish you excellent health and the most wonderful mood. My joy, let this day begin with something joyful and bright. May you be lucky all day long, and my tenderness and love will be nearby.

Along the deserted streets, along with the rays of the rising sun, my kiss flies to you. Open a window soon. He will touch your cheek with a light breeze and say to you: “Good morning, baby!”

How nice it is to start a new day, wishing good morning to your girlfriend. The thought that I have you energizes me for the whole day. Have a nice day and you, the sun!

My dear, glorious girl, the sun has already risen over the city and its rays are as warm and affectionate as your gentle embrace! With the start of a new day!

Good morning my treasure! May today be especially beautiful and generous with joyful surprises for you, dear! I kiss you and already miss you immensely.

Good morning, darling, when you wake up, everything around comes to life and life begins to move. Smile faster than the sun, which extended its ray and a cloud to welcome you, which invites you to ride!

I can’t understand, my love, who you are with me: either a late lark, or an early owlet, but I love you no less from this. Do not try to pull the blanket higher, not a single bird will hide from the morning rays of the sun. Good morning to you!

Good morning, my hare, my flower, frog

Cool SMS wishes "Good morning" to a girl

Good morning! Get up
Everything in the world succeed
Don't be late anywhere
Don't skip anything.

Good morning bunny!
I send you sms.
I will be soon, very soon.
Mercedes is driving fast.

Good morning my sleeping beauty!
I hope you enjoy awakening?
Would be near - would kiss until dawn!
In the meantime, I am modestly trampling at the door ...

Like an early bird, wake up
Like a cat, stretch sweetly.
Having eaten heartily, from the heart,
Like a doe, hurry to your office.
And in the mess of a big day
Find a minute for me

Good morning my bunny
My flower, frog,
The sun shines in the window
Wake up, little lady!

Stretch honey sweet
Turn on the hits louder
Do a vigorous exercise
Brew fruit tea.

My golden fish
Swim out of the sea of ​​dreams
Wonderful sunny smile
Ready for the day!

Look at it dear
The rose blooms in the morning!
You are like this rose
Wake up, goat!

Good morning, my love, the most unique!

Beautiful SMS "Good morning" to your girlfriend

Good morning darling,
Nice, kind, sweet,
The most unique.
You are so Beautiful!

I dream of hugging you
I dream of kissing...
And to make you smile
And quickly woke up.

My sleepy angel, my joy,
Wake up, look out the window.
Feel the morning sweetness
The sun has long since risen.
Get up, dear! I miss you so much
I love, kiss, gently hug.

Good morning, dear and dear baby!
Look how brightly the sun shines through the window!
May a warm ray of light bring you good luck!
Make me happy with a smile, and the whole planet!

Good morning my darling!
The sun has risen, waiting for you:
When you open your pretty eyes
When the dream stories are over.

Your beautiful face and rosy cheeks
All long-awaited dreams will come true.
Asterisk cute! Well wake up
Enjoy the beautiful morning!

Good morning my love!
- How did you sleep my bunny?
May your day be happy.
Smile more often baby.

Open your sleepy eyes.
It's time to wake up, love.
Let the day pass like a fairy tale.
I love and miss you dear!

sweet beauty,
Open your eyes
Smile at the sun
Take the morning!

Wake up babe
You can't sleep for a long time!
Your parents are waiting for you
Friends are waiting for you!

Good morning beautiful
Wake up soon!
Let it not be cloudy
This happy day!
Let your mood
Gives you love
I write without a doubt
To meet again!

When you are in love, there is nothing more precious than getting a message from your loved one in the morning. Even SMS "Good morning, sunshine!" keeps her warm all day long.

Get up, my Juliet! Good morning!

Romantic SMS to a girl "Good morning"

Cloud pierced by light
Yellow light.
Get up, my Juliet!
You slept so sweetly, sweetly ...

My dear swallow, the sun is clear!
Open your eyes, wake up quickly.
The beautiful weather is waiting for you outside the window:
The breeze is light, the sun and the nightingale sings.

Are you awake my girl?
How did you sleep? What did you dream? Tell!
First ray of sunshine
Hold in your palms.

You know, I dream that with you
Every day we met together.
Wake up with the dawn...
Good morning my sunshine!

I will kiss mine with the sun,
It, on the ray of its peg,
Quietly bring to your lips,
And sing about tenderness a little audibly.

So that a kind smile touches the lips,
Eyes to bloom bright with happiness,
To wake up in a good mood
And so that all dreams find their goal.

Get up, my love, hurry up
Open your beautiful eyes
Fun is at the door
To change the night's rest.

Will fly in with fresh air
To you in the window my love,
Delight with your breath
Touching your skin again

Good morning, dear, glorious!
I'll pick all the flowers on the planet!
I love - this is the most important thing!
I love!!! Not in a dream, in reality!

Feelings are torn with unknown force!
I will definitely come by tonight.
You are so beautiful, honey
Like a flower in your bright garden!

Sweet sunshine, good morning!
your eyes are still sleeping
Legs and arms have not yet woken up
Lips stubbornly silent

A couple of moments left before the miracle
And suddenly you wake up
Eyes sparkle and a smile plays,
Joy and happiness all around!

Good morning my love!
How did you sleep?
My soul yearns for you.
Too bad we're apart now.

My joy! Darling!
How nice to know
That the girl is unique
Will be waiting for me!

Most often, it is the morning that sets the tone for the whole day, so you need to make sure that the beginning of the day is bright, warm, and joyful.

Wake up your beloved with gentle words and this video with beautiful music.

A woman should wake up to an inspiring compliment, and fall asleep to a passionate confession.

Elchin Safarli

It is a pleasure for every girl that you like to receive beautiful, romantic, gentle with compliments, touching poems and good morning wishes in the morning. A selection of such poems for you.

Beautiful short poems "Good morning, my love!"

Good morning darling,
The most tender!
Good morning darling,
Native, boundless!

Good morning darling!
Sweet, passionate!
Good morning darling!
The coolest!

Good morning darling,
You are beautiful like the sun
And, like the wind, playful!
Good morning darling!

I give you joy
Sweet kisses!
My joy is fragile...
Good morning darling!

Dear, good morning!
Have a nice day, sun.
May every minute in the world
You will smile again and again.

Let the sun shine gently
Let it wake you up.
I love you very much
And you are my favorite of all!

Good morning my love,
I send you a gentle kiss,
Wake up dear beauty
My girl, whom I love.

Wake up, start a new day
You with a smile, joy and happiness,
You surprise the whole world with your beauty,
And say goodbye to your bed!

Good morning darling,
Happy new sunny day.
You're so beautiful,
I'm so in love with you.
I wake up and think
What do you wish.
"Good morning darling!" -
I hasten to say.

Good morning dear
Good morning my angel!
You are forever my dear,
My flower unearthly!

But only the sun woke up -
I ran straight to you.
Good morning dear
I feel so bad without you!

Good morning my dear
My favorite girl!
A beautiful day is coming
He calls you forward.

Let the morning be filled with happiness
May all wishes come true
Smile, believe in dreams
Queen of beauty!

Darling, are you awake already?
Did you smile, stretch?
Come on, beauty, get up
And good morning meet!

I wish you today
For your soul to bloom
So that you smile manyunya,
I kiss you hard!

Good morning my love!
How did you sleep my bunny?
May your day be happy.
More often, baby, smile.

Open your sleepy eyes.
It's time to wake up, love.
Let the day pass like a fairy tale.
I love and miss you, honey!

Good morning beauty,
Are you still cuddling, honey?
I know you like it
My beloved sleep.

Only you have been waiting for a day
So get up, don't be lazy.
I, too, yearned.
Awoke? Now smile.

My beloved, my dear,
My delicate flower, get up soon,
My excellent, most tender,
Greet today with a smile!

Get up my girl, bright sun,
Miracles and deeds await today
Good morning my treasure
Gently kiss you on the cheek!

My Sunshine! Good morning!
Are you awake, my unearthly light?
My girl, my miracle
My joy, my kitten!
May the day be filled with love
Let everything turn out today
In my thoughts, bunny, I'm next to you,
My dear, my happiness!
“My gentle, good morning!” -
I whisper in my ear loving ...
And then you bloom like
My sun... You are my life!

The night has passed, the morning has come
And my heart was somehow joyful.
Soon I will see you again
The most beloved and dearest.

Well, in the meantime, I want to write,
A few words from the bottom of my heart:
“Good morning, I love you.
I want to be by your side forever!"

Good morning dear
May it be a pleasant day.
I wish from my heart
Drive away the shadow of sadness.
The sun has long since woken up
It will make you happy.
You smiled like before.
It's time to welcome the new day!

For you dear
I am writing these lines.
"Good morning, dear!" -
I'm in a hurry to whisper.

Did you sleep a little?
I woke you up?
Look out the window
A wonderful day has come.

May the beautiful morning
Will bring for you
The joy of every minute
The joy of a new day!

My beloved, dear, dear,
Good morning my dear
Today I wish you sweetness
So that your day goes with a bang.

To fulfill all your plans,
So that you don’t get tired of the bunny,
So that you don't forget anything at home,
So that you realize all your ideas!

Good morning darling!
You are the most beautiful to me.
You always give me warmth
Like the sky I need the sun.

You greet me with a smile
And you forgive me everything in the world.
I'm so lucky to have you
Don't repay evil with evil.

Your love is like the dawn
Melted all the darkness in my soul.
Captivated by myself for centuries
She bewitched me!

Dear, good morning! , -
I whisper through my morning dream.
Let the sunny light powder
The sky will be covered.

Darling, good to see you
Today and every day.
Let it not dare to offend you
Ordinary rubbish.

Sunbeam knocked on the window
He sat playfully on your shoulder,
Rising higher, tickling you -
This is a hilarious hello from me!

Wake up, dear, hurry up
You warm me with your smile.
I whisper to you that I love you very much,
And I will give you an armful of happiness!

Good morning my kitty
I'm not so shy today
I'm standing under the window
Don't let me into the house.

Wake up my sun
Look at me at the window.
Give a smile of happiness
Chasing away all bad weather!

And in your arms sweet
I want to meet the morning
And it's quiet in your ear
Whisper: "I love you!"

My love, good morning.
How well to realize
What is there in the world man
More than all the people in the world,
who is very pleased
Good morning wish.

My sweet, beautiful girl
Let's wake up, my dear.
Outside the windows the sun shines so brightly
And big things are waiting for you, bunny.

Wake up, enjoy the coolness of the morning,
Today, let you be lucky in everything.
Don't you dare go, my dear, gloomy.
Wow, good morning! Coffee is waiting for you.

Beautiful poems with good morning to your beloved girl in the distance

Good morning my love!
How did you sleep?
My soul yearns for you.
Too bad we're apart now.
I will count the minutes
Until the joyful meeting with you.
Know that with you only next to you
I find peace.
My joy! Darling!
How nice to know
That the girl is unique
Will be waiting for me!

You are so far from me
But I wish you a good morning anyway.
Darling, I'm sad without you.
Let the sun tell you how much I love you.

And let you not be with me
Dawn whispers to me about you.
And good morning will come
It will bring you to me!

Good morning my love!
Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me!
We will be inseparable from you!
The sun will break through the clouds!
The stars in the sky will light up!
Leaves will break through the stone!
The rain will bring freshness from the sky,
I will always be gentle with you!

Touching to tears, beautiful, romantic poems good morning to your girlfriend

My heart in your hands…

You are the brightest, unquenchable light of my soul,
You are MY Woman, my Guardian Angel.
You are my ray of light, my love and strength,
My breath and my earthly peace.

In you - all tenderness and love, charm
And the magic of every moment beauty.
With you, the only one, I'm always at sea
With the desired tenderness, we bathe with you.
(Andrew Freese)

In your eyes - inexhaustible tenderness,
The spring of the soul is overflowing with love.
You, like a girl, laugh, in a sea of ​​bliss,
Close your eyes and dive head first.

Surrendering to the madness of affection without a trace,
You absorb the magic of love into yourself eagerly.
Oh, how happy I am that I am yours, I waited for you,
My only one, you are my beautiful world!
(Andrew Freese)

You are the heart of my life!
You beat in the chest with a gentle caress ...
In the twilight of fleeting days
You shine like an asterisk on me...
Breath is torn to pieces -
You are all mine ... all ... to the bottom ...
You are my Drop of Happiness...
In the warm palms of the Sun!
(Marina Yesenina)

I miss and wait with trepidation
Our meetings, my Drop of Happiness!
You take away trouble with your breath,
With just a look, you pacify bad weather
And the embarrassment of the scarlet dawn,
Smiling softly...

Light the lights in your soul
If twilight is in it, and fatigue ...
Come, Love - do not extinguish the fire.
Well, do you want me ... to come to you myself?
I miss and wait with trepidation ...
Come, my Droplet of Happiness..
(Vladimir Beg)

Still you sleep so gently, sensitively,
My favorite baby.
But you need to wake up, Bunny,
And then most importantly you will oversleep.
The sun has already woken up
And send you a big hello.
I send them love without measure
To you, my dear man!
My dear, good morning!
You gently open your eyes.
Let the new day burst loudly
Heaven will give you affection.
Drink coffee, brush your teeth
And start your new day.
I kiss you tenderly on the lips,
You hit the hearts of a target.

Good morning my love!
Modest, very vulnerable.
Not fully understood by everyone.
Heartless soul.
The sun is not visible.
Fresh, tasty, minty.
Soft, gentle, sweet.
Feeling and body beautiful.
Good morning wish!
Light, clear, strange.
The girl is smart and amazing.
The girl is wonderfully naive.
Mature, weak, strong.
Strict, soft, stylish.
Hot, sensuous.
Pure, soulful.
Good morning my love!
Bright, unique.
Soaring above the bustle.
Fabulously unreal.
The wound of the naked soul.
Seen through bottomless eyes.
Kind, passionately sad.
I met by chance.

Look, the sun has woken up in the sky,
Well, it's time for you to get up.
Let the bed warm you
But only my feelings will warm my heart.

To get things going.
So that the smile does not leave
And joy has not left you.

Good morning my bird
Hello my love.
I hope you dreamed of the sea
I dreamed on a warm beach ...

Wake up my fish
The sun has long since risen!
Open your eyes soon
It knocks on the window.

Smiling sweetly at you
Joyfully calls to the street,
Wants to warm you up.
Wake up and meet the dawn!

My incredible, beautiful, princess,
The whole world woke up outside the window
I'm sure your day will be clear and wonderful,
We'll start with a smile.

Dear, the sun is already shining brightly,
Delicious coffee awaits in the kitchen
Good morning my bunny
Happiness comes to your house!

Funny poems with good morning wishes for your girlfriend

The sun woke up to give
An example for you - it's time to get up.
Birds sang outside the window
Saying goodbye to a sweet dream.

The world came to life so that in the light of day
I could admire you.
To wish good morning
I gently could you again.
(Anna Medushevsky)

May this morning be sweet
And even at this early hour.
And playful mood
It will charge us for the whole day.

Good morning my baby
Start your day with a smile.
Light, wonderful outside the window,
Get up, love, get up!
(Tatiana Larina)

Good morning darling! Let it be in the palms
A lovely and gentle ray will seep through,
Let it give warmth to my little baby
Not letting you fall asleep from affection, smiles!

Let a ray kiss you from me
And he will tell a secret in his ear quietly:
The thought of you excites me from the dawn,
So let my hello worries you too!

(Tudan Alena)

The morning has come, you meet him,
Give a smile to the new day
Pour yourself hot coffee
And start your morning positively.

Do exercises, brush your teeth,
Tune in to exploits, deeds,
Plunge into joy with your head,
The whole day will go with a bang!

The rays of the sun knocked on the window,
A new day has already begun for you
Leave your cozy bed urgently
Waiting for you today, emotions, deeds.

I wish you a good morning
And the day gave surprises, gave joy,
I send you a gentle kiss at random,
With a sweet smile, you start your day!

Good morning wishes to your girlfriend with just beautiful words

Good, bright morning to you, my incredibly beloved! And let the morning rays be a languid surf that tickle your feet and beckon to the coming day, and your every step in time immerses you in gentle waves of amazing happiness, saturating your whole life with it!

My dear, let the gentle petals of sleep scatter around you, forming a magical bed of miracles that take you from the realm of the night into the distance of a radiant day and give incredible sensations! Good and sweet morning! A day filled with joyful and bright happiness awaits you!

Good morning to you, my beauty! Smile cheerfully at the sun and the new day, and let them reciprocate, filling your life with optimism, luck, good news, joyful events, bright hopes, dreams that will come true, and my sincere, ardent love.

Beloved, let the morning with a gentle ray of dawn awaken joy in the soul, invigorate happiness in the heart and give a charge of excellent mood. I wish you today to spread the wings of your dreams and surrender to the passing stream of success that will bring you to the land of fulfillment of desires.

When you fall asleep, my life stops. Only with your awakening do I come to life again, my heart is filled with the light of your eyes, the warmth of your smile, and I gain such fantastic strength with which I will turn mountains for you. Wake up soon, my love, so as not to miss a single pleasure that the new day has prepared for you.

Gentle trills of morning birds, bright rays lost between the lush greenery of whispering leaves - this is just a promising start to a rich and wonderful day that knocks on the door of your beautiful heart on a gentle morning! So open it to him, let him enter your life with an amazing moment! Good morning, honey!

Good morning! Beloved, this wish spells that you are precious, mischievous, priceless, luxurious, charming, unique, sophisticated, temperamental, romantic and charming. Wake up soon, a wonderful day awaits you, full of joys, sweets, my fantastic love and new sincere compliments!

Good morning wishes video for girlfriend. "Good morning, my love!"

Good morning, happy new day
We are waiting for you with the sun.
You still bask on the pillow
And I want to whisper in my ear:
Wake up, open your eyes
Stretch in bed and get up.


A new day comes with a new mood
And so, it's time to get up for a long time,
Gain positivity and luck
Never be discouraged again.


Let the sun ray knock on your window in the morning.
And a new day will start again.
The whole house will be filled with warmth and light.
Reminding me of my existence.


The sun knocks on the window
Good dreams promise to come true.
Good morning, happy new day
Let your eyes burn with fire!
Get up, don't be lazy
A big surprise awaits you!


Wonderful morning, milky morning,
The night has gone away...
May it be clear and sunny
This is where we can help.

Poems about the morning are short and beautiful


Dawn comes to our city,
And wishes us good morning
Warm up our homemade lavash.
The kettle has become and open the grill.


How I want to be there right now
To wish good morning
touch you with tender eyes
And timidly kiss on the cheek.


Good morning, happy new day!
May only joy be in him.
May he bring good luck
And your soul sings!


Let your morning be fabulous and kind. Despite the weather - gentle, bright, warm!


Good morning, I'll tell you, I love you
You know that you are the best.
I wish you a wonderful day
I'm happy that I have you!

short good morning wishes


Good morning, let the world smile
Everything is easy today
The mood will be great
Well, the day is radiant and clear!


Good morning to you
I wish you a good day
Smiles, joy, kindness,
Full of positive!


Good morning, pretty, gentle,
Good day, have a great day.
Let after your carefree sleep
Your smile won't fade.


Wonderful morning, wonderful sunrise!
Too bad you're not with me this morning.
But I hasten to wish you a good day.
And from a loving heart I write these lines.


«good morning», - I whisper
And I want to hug you!
There is already light in the yard,
The sun is high in the sky!
Pretty crib mint
It's high time to get up!

short good morning poems


Good morning, happy day!
I'll try not to miss you too much.


Good morning! May the day be better
Wonderful, filled, in general, not boring!


Good morning, have a wonderful day
May any dream come true
Stretch towards happiness
Smile wide for the new day.


Good morning dear angel!
Good morning dear!
Let the day be full of fairy tales
I will be mentally with you!


I wish you a good morning
My dear man
And let luck be
Always by your side.

sms good morning


Good gentle morning
Good luck and victories.
May your day be the best.
Whole. Huge hello!


May good morning bring you
Sun, smiles and hot coffee!
From happiness, let the soul sing all the time,
I wish you well, optimism, good luck!


May the morning be amazing, kind,
And the day is filled with luck!


Good morning! Love you kiss!
You behave yourself, otherwise I'm diligent.


My kitty, with good morning,
Everything will be cool today
It will be nice all day
Covered in light and warmth!

Short poems about morning


May the morning be sweet
Happy awakening
And a ray of sunshine in the window
Will cheer you up!


Good morning I wish you!
And generally have a nice day.
Quickly open your eyes
I hug and kiss you.


May this morning smile at you
The best wishes come true.
Let the mood be wonderful
And every moment of yours is bright and interesting!


Good morning! May luck smile at you and a good mood accompany you.


Good morning to you.
No matter how it went
This new day, you know
Everything will be fine!

short good morning wishes


Good morning, new morning!
Smile soon!
And with your smile to everyone,
Who is close, warm up!

Hug the one next to you
Find the word!
And tune in: only happiness,
Only joy lies ahead!


May the new day give you
Aspirations, joy, attention.
And only happy moments
More heat. Good morning!


Good morning my other half
I need your smile.
I need your tender feelings
I beg you, never be sad!


I wish you good morning
What you dream about will happen, I know.
Let only good people meet
May everyone smile at you on this day.


Morning comes again
Good day promises
Let everything in the world today
Pleases and delights!

short good morning poem


It's already dawning outside,
The day comes into its own.
May the morning be good
Don't worry, everything will be cool.
Have fun, don't be sad
Get up with a feeling of happiness.


I wish you a wonderful mood
Morning filled, interesting,
So that the hopes desired come true,
And the plans certainly came true!


Let the new day not be hard
It's time, get up, and-good morning!


The sun has already woken up
The sky lightly touched ...
Let the morning be good
Happy and wonderful!

Every girl will be incredibly pleased if her beloved young man takes care of her. If he thinks not only about himself, but also about her. If he will love and protect her. But, if at the moment you can’t be near your love at all, then you need to try to do everything possible so that your girlfriend feels taken care of. And it will be possible to do this if you send short SMS good morning poems to the girl. Write beautiful words to her, and then she will be incredibly pleased with what you are doing for her. And may luck always be with you!

My dear, good morning!
Open your eyes soon!
Let the day pass like a fairy tale
And gives only miracles!
Please smile today
And don't forget about me!
Say goodbye to sorrows,
Let luck beat over the edge!

Morning comes again
My soul sings
First of all, I remember
That I found you, dear.

good morning flower
Stop yawning, smile angel
Get up, stretch, drive away sleep and laziness
And let it be joyful
Present day

The beginning of the day is a great happiness,
A smile, a series of kisses,
You kiss my wrists
Stay with me forever!

What a pity that you are not with me now,
Such a dream in a year only once,
But words are a hundred times more precious than any to me,
Your eyes are dear at dawn ...

Good morning! Happy new day!
I wish you in it
Sea of ​​light and warmth
Hello, I love you!

Good morning beautiful
Wake up soon!
Let it not be cloudy
This happy day!
Let your mood
Gives you love
I write without a doubt
To meet again!

Wake up beauty, wake up
And stretch sweetly towards the sun,
Immerse yourself in its rays
And gently, gently smile!

I am sunny sms
I'm full of miracles
So wake up soon
But just don't get dressed.
I was asked to hug
And give you kisses
From head to toe,
To make the outfit become a love!

SMS says:
The night is over, it's time to get up.
Good morning! I miss
And I want to kiss!

Let's open wide the windows
And enjoy the birdsong
You stroke my hair,
Morning happiness knows no bounds!

Good and sunny morning
The petals will bloom a rose,
Let in your eyes for a minute
There will be no bitter tears...

Good morning my love,
Kind, gentle, sweet!
My sweet heavenly angel
May your day be wonderful!

Sunny and clear in the morning
In a wonderful mood
I wish to wake up.
Good morning dear!

A new day is knocking on the window.
Trams run back and forth.
Something good will happen!
Wake up soon, baby!

Look how beautiful the dawn is!
I send you a sms hello!
Good morning my dear,
How I miss you!

Good morning, my dear!
Open your eyes soon
My dear, dear,
The sun shines for you.
You take the rays in the palm of your hand,
Warm up your heart and soul
There's still a little bit left
We will meet you soon!

Congratulations, it's raining this morning.
Are you waiting for hello in the morning?
Good morning, I know
And I always wish you
Only the sun in the window.
Well, get some more sleep.

Are you awake, love?
In the windows of early dawn.
My love is inexplicable
As a poet would say.

Good morning dear!
I already miss you!
I want to wish you a good day
And add a line - I love you!

My sun has risen
I look out the window
I wish you a good morning
You shine without fading!
All day give light to everyone,
Well, give me the dawn,
Before this hot night
After a warm evening...

"Good morning!" I'm dumb with you
That's why I'm texting.
And I will say now, as best I can:
"I'm waiting, I hope and I'm in a hurry!"

Good morning my love!
May this day give
Everything that is beautiful in the world
Happiness, good will illuminate!
Morning is a good start
Bright, good day!
All negativity is in the past.
I adore you!

After very pleasant dreams,
After a long dark night
Let dawn come to your house
Too bad I'm not around!

Good morning bunny!
I send you sms.
I will be soon, very soon.
Mercedes is driving fast.
I'm lonely without you
If you live apart from you.
I'm tired of waiting.
They only kill pain.
Separate us now
From parting only an hour.

Beautiful, good will be the night,
And darkness can't help her
To destroy the dreams of a beautiful delirium,
Dispel dreams alluring light ...

Beloved, wake up, get up!
I kiss you and hug you tightly.
Brush your teeth, put on a dress,
I've been waiting for you at the entrance for a long time!

Beauty, it's time to wake up
The alarm clock is hot, the sun has risen,
Beloved, look - life is beautiful,
So that everything is in time and not a single gram is tired!

Good morning. Look out the window
There is my gift, this sun is yours!
You can sleep some more, joy, a little
You sent me a smile, I love it.