Is it possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages by a blood test - the procedure for conducting and decoding the study. The most effective ways to determine pregnancy: from special to specific Determination of pregnancy by a general blood test

Every woman planning to conceive a child would like to know about a happy event even before two stripes appear on the test. A reliable result can be obtained by finding out which blood test shows pregnancy before the delay, and undergoing a laboratory test.

The most popular and most accessible option for determining the "interesting position" at this stage is a home test, which does not always show reliable results. The exact answer can be found with a blood test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin.

HCG (or human chorionic gonadotropin) is a special hormone in the blood of a future mother, which determines pregnancy and its development.

Released from the shell of the embryo attached to the wall of the uterus, it causes the ovaries to produce increased amounts of estrogen and progesterone, necessary to maintain pregnancy. If the fetus is male, testosterone synthesis is stimulated. During fertilization, a positive result is already visible on the 8-10th day after the onset of ovulation.

The hCG protein hormone consists of subunits - beta and alpha.

In the process of laboratory research, the concentration of the second component with a unique structure is measured. If in the blood of a non-pregnant healthy woman the amount of the beta subunit does not exceed 5 mU / ml, then every two days after fertilization the level increases several times (by 60–80%).

Pharmacy test strips are based on the same method for determining the amount of hCG, only urine is the test material. The concentration of the hormone in this case increases twice as slowly, so a positive result can be 1-2 days late in menstruation. By examining blood for chorionic gonadotropin, you can find out the exact period and exclude pathologies of intrauterine development.

Active secretion of the protein hormone begins from the moment the fetal egg is attached to the uterine wall and reaches its upper limit towards the end of the first trimester.

If the analysis is performed at an early stage (no more than 2 weeks from conception), the result may not exceed the value of 25 mU / ml and the doctor will prescribe a second study in a few days to confirm pregnancy. If the fetus develops correctly, then the next result will show 156-4870 mU / ml, which corresponds to a short period - 2-3 weeks after fertilization.

There are many ways to confirm pregnancy - from folk methods to tests sold in every pharmacy. However, their reliability in the early stages is doubtful, the exact answer is given by a blood test for the level of hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is called the pregnancy hormone.

Blood changes during pregnancy

human chorionic gonadotropin

The hCG hormone is produced by special cells of the chorion - the shell of the embryo attached to the wall of the uterus. It consists of 2 units:

  • alpha hCG- has a similar structure with the components of other hormones, for example, thyroid-stimulating (TSH), follicle-stimulating (FSH), luteinizing (LH);
  • beta hCG- a unique unit, is crucial in diagnosis.

Indicators of the level of this hormone in the blood are important throughout the entire period of gestation - with their help, ectopic pregnancy and tumors are diagnosed, multiple pregnancy is determined, and fetal malformations are recognized.

Indicators of the general blood test

At later stages of pregnancy, other changes in blood components are observed:

  • red blood cells- red blood cells, their number during pregnancy increases by 20-30%. Indicators above 3.5 billion per liter of blood (3.5 * 10 9 / l) are considered normal.
  • Hematocrit- the volume of red blood cells in the liquid part of the blood, an indicator of the increase in plasma levels. On average, the amount of plasma increases by 50%, and red blood cells - only by a quarter, so the hematocrit decreases from 0.34-0.36 to 0.30-0.32 (30-32%).
  • Hemoglobin- a protein in erythrocytes that is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues. Pregnant women develop hemodilution, when the blood is diluted with plasma, because of this, the concentration of hemoglobin also decreases and is 110-120 grams per 1 liter of blood.
  • Leukocytes- white blood cells that protect the body from pathogenic agents. An increase in their level is considered a kind of norm and is often associated with stress (pregnancy) hematopoiesis. The norm of leukocytes is up to 15 billion per 1 liter of blood (15 * 10 9 / l).
  • platelets- blood components responsible for the speedy healing of damaged tissues. Their level during pregnancy may slightly decrease and amount to 100-400 billion in 1 liter of blood (100-400 * 10 9 / l).
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)- an indicator of the division of blood in the capillary into plasma and erythrocytes. Since there is a change in the qualitative composition of blood proteins, this figure increases to 30-40 millimeters per hour.

When will show

Human chorionic gonadotropin is measured in milliunits per 1 milliliter of blood (mU / ml). Some laboratories measure this hormone in milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/mL) or nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL).

The ratio of these indicators is as follows:

  • 1 mU/ml is equal to 1 mIU/ml;
  • 1 mU/ml is equal to 21.28 ng/ml.

A blood test allows you to determine pregnancy in the early stages - as early as 6-8 days after fertilization, the test for hCG will be positive. In non-pregnant women, the level of this hormone does not exceed 5 milliunits per 1 milliliter of blood, in the first or second week of pregnancy this figure is 20-300 milliunits, in the second or third it can rise to 4800 milliunits.

The work of test strips for determining pregnancy is also based on the study of the amount of hCG in morning urine. However, the concentration of this hormone in the urine grows much more slowly, so a reliable test result is possible only at a later date - 2-3 weeks after conception.

Pregnancy test

Observance of some rules will help to obtain a reliable result:

  • For research it is required to donate blood from a vein.
  • Blood sampling is performed in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 8 hours after the last meal.
  • On the eve of testing, you should refrain from active physical exercises, exclude psycho-emotional stress.
  • If the analysis is carried out before the delay of menstruation, it is advisable to take blood 2 times with an interval of 2-3 days.
  • The result can be affected by taking medications, in particular - hormonal drugs. You should definitely tell your doctor about them.
  • It takes 1-2 days to process the analysis.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman often doubts that the conception has taken place. How can you dispel your doubts? An analysis of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) will help the expectant mother in this.

What is hCG, how does its amount change during pregnancy

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that appears in the body about a week after fertilization, it is hCG that is responsible for the successful development of pregnancy, confirms its presence.

After the connection of the male and female cells, an embryo is formed, surrounded by a protective germinal membrane - the chorion. The chorionic villi are precisely responsible for the production of hCG, but it should be borne in mind that a low level of hCG is also determined in non-pregnant women, as well as in men (it is produced by the pituitary gland and should not normally exceed 5 mU / ml). The described hormone consists of two subunits: α and β. When determining pregnancy, only the β-subunit is taken into account. A sharp increase in β-hCG may indicate a woman's pregnancy.

An increase in hCG levels in early pregnancy is the main sign of a miracle that has happened.

The concentration of hCG in the blood during pregnancy doubles every two days, the hormone enters the urine later, so the definition of pregnancy by a blood test is considered the most reliable.

If the result is from 5 to 25 mU / ml, it is better to retake the analysis in two days and see if the result has doubled. In case of doubt, consult a doctor immediately.

How is an hCG test done to determine pregnancy

To find out if there is an increase in chorionic gonadotropin, you can arrange a test using pharmacy pregnancy tests or take a blood test.

Most pregnancy tests can detect it from the first day of a delay, and some highly sensitive ones even earlier

pregnancy tests

Most often, a woman, feeling the onset of pregnancy, does an hCG test at home. Pregnancy tests are available at any pharmacy, and they usually show the correct result from the first day of the delay. Pregnancy tests are different:

  • test strips;
  • tablet;
  • jet;
  • electronic.

They differ in cost, usability and sensitivity. For example, the highly sensitive ClearBlue Plus rapid tests detect elevated hCG five days before the delay.

Pregnancy tests have tips that make them even easier to use.

It is best to take a pregnancy test in the morning during the first visit to the toilet, as the concentration of hCG in the morning urine will be higher. The analysis is easy to make - you just need to follow the instructions. For example, pregnancy test strips are used as follows:

  1. Lower the test strip to a certain level (indicated on the strip) in a container filled with urine for 15 seconds.
  2. After that, pull out the strip and place it on a dry surface.
  3. The result can be assessed after 3-5 minutes (but not later than 10).
  4. Two bars indicate a positive result, one - a negative one.

If the second strip (test) is not clearly visible, the result is still considered positive

Urine should be applied to tablet tests with a pipette, and inkjet tests are substituted under the stream of urine for a certain amount of time specified in the instructions. In these types of tests, the result is also evaluated by the number of strips.

I almost always used a pregnancy test called Frautest, and the strips showed up right away. The result was always correct, despite the time of its implementation (for example, I saw a positive result of the second pregnancy late in the evening on the first day of the delay).

Laboratory blood test

An hCG blood test is the earliest marker of pregnancy.

It is also important for determining the correct development of the fetus, so doctors prescribe a blood test for beta-hCG before prenatal screening - at 11–13 weeks and at 19–20 weeks.

An analysis of hCG in the early stages of pregnancy can be taken by a woman herself, without a referral from a gynecologist

For this, venous blood is taken from a pregnant woman in the morning on an empty stomach. For the correct result, it is desirable to observe a few more conditions:

  • refrain from smoking and alcohol, fried and fatty foods for a day;
  • avoid physical activity, sports training;
  • warn the doctor about taking medications;
  • try to eliminate stress, emotional overexcitation.

Video: how to take a blood test for hCG

HCG rates by week of pregnancy

To confirm pregnancy, a blood test can be done as early as 7-10 days after conception. In the first weeks, the hCG level doubles every two days, reaching a peak by the 10-11th week. It is under the control of hCG that the corpus luteum produces estrogen and progesterone. After the 11th week, the level of gonadotropin usually decreases, since there is no longer a need for the corpus luteum (the placenta itself is already capable of producing pregnancy hormones in the right quantities).

By the level of hCG, you can approximately determine the duration of pregnancy

To compare the result of hCG with the normal level, there are special tables.

Table: hCG rates by week of pregnancy

Advantages and disadvantages of the method for determining the presence of pregnancy by the level of hCG

A blood test for hCG is one of the most reliable indicators of pregnancy. Its undoubted advantages include:

  • lack of special training;
  • diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages (even before the delay).

However, this method also has disadvantages: we are talking about false positive (the level of the hormone is high, but there is no pregnancy) and false negative hCG (with a negative value of the hormone, there is pregnancy). Let's look at both of these cases below.

False positive hCG result

Sometimes a woman finds many signs of an “interesting situation” in herself, a blood test for hCG is positive, but there is no pregnancy.

A positive hCG test does not always indicate pregnancy.

It is important to know that a false positive result is possible when:

  • taking hormonal drugs based on hCG;
  • malignant tumors;
  • abortion or miscarriage, after which less than two weeks have passed.

It is necessary to monitor the growth of gonadotropin: if there is no dynamics, you need to look for the cause of such an increase. Sometimes it turns out to be an ectopic or missed pregnancy.

At my 5th week of pregnancy, the hCG value was 24457 mU / ml. Since it was close to the lower limit of the norm, and I had previously undergone laparoscopy, the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy was 25%. Fortunately, according to the ultrasound results, the pregnancy turned out to be normal, and the eldest son developed normally.

False negative hCG result

There is also the opposite situation: menstruation does not come, the hCG value in the blood is minimal, the test shows one strip, and as a result, the woman is pregnant. This is usually due to the fact that the test was done too early (the embryo has not yet fixed or has just fixed, so the increase in hCG is still insignificant).

If the embryo develops normally, then there is nothing to worry about in this uncertainty in the early stages. However, the danger may be, for example, an ectopic pregnancy.

One of my friends had such a case. She decided that the test strip was defective, and did not repeat the blood test for hCG. The situation ended sadly. The pregnancy turned out to be ectopic. During an emergency operation, one of her tubes had to be removed, further reducing her chances of getting pregnant.

Pain during an ectopic pregnancy is felt in the pelvis, abdomen, or even radiates to the arm, shoulders, and neck

What could affect the low hCG value? There are several reasons:

  1. HCG test or analysis done too early.
  2. Ovulation in the cycle has shifted, so fertilization also occurred later.
  3. The embryo has not yet fixed, and the increase in hCG is still insignificant.
  4. Ectopic or frozen pregnancy, as well as the threat of miscarriage.
  5. Hereditary pathologies, abnormalities in the fetus.

With a suspected pregnancy, you need to donate blood for hCG twice to confirm or refute its onset.

Doctors warn that, compared with express tests, the study of blood serum is a much more informative study. The concentration of hCG in the blood exceeds the concentration of the hormone in the blood by almost 2 times, due to which the determination of pregnancy will be accurate. Depending on the concentration of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman, the doctor will also be able to guess the time when conception occurred.

You will have to donate blood for hCG not only in the first weeks of pregnancy, but throughout the entire period of waiting for the baby, since this analysis helps to identify pathologies and abnormalities in the development of the fetus. The first screening is usually done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. Also at this time, the plasma protein PAPP-A is examined and an ultrasound examination of the fetus is performed, which makes it possible to determine chromosomal abnormalities.

A secondary study is carried out in the period from 16 to 20 weeks of gestation. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to assess the likelihood of gene abnormalities in the baby and prescribe further studies. If the concentration of the chorionic hormone is abnormal, this may indicate serious problems, up to a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, an increased likelihood of miscarriage, or pathologies in the development of the fetus.

If a woman knows when conception approximately occurred, she can visit the laboratory and donate blood for pregnancy in 6–8 days. If the expectant mother does not know when the conception happened, an analysis can be done within a week after the delay. A blood test for hCG is as accurate as possible and cannot give a false result.

This is due to the fact that after the attachment of the embryonic egg to the wall of the uterus, the level of chorionic hormone rises every 2 days. If conception has occurred, the hCG level is guaranteed to show it. Moreover, unlike other studies, an analysis for hCG helps to establish the age of the fetus not only in weeks, but also in days.

Blood sampling is carried out only from a vein. The procedure takes only a few seconds and is completely safe. In order to assess the state of health of the mother and fetus, as well as set the most accurate date of birth, a woman will have to pass other tests, among which there is a biochemical analysis and a general blood test during pregnancy.

There are many ways to confirm pregnancy - from folk methods to tests sold in every pharmacy. However, their reliability in the early stages is doubtful, the exact answer is given by a blood test for the level of hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is called the pregnancy hormone.

The hCG hormone is produced by special cells of the chorion - the shell of the embryo attached to the wall of the uterus. It consists of 2 units:

  • alpha-hCG - has a similar structure to the components of other hormones, for example, thyroid-stimulating (TSH), follicle-stimulating (FSH), luteinizing (LH);
  • beta-hCG is a unique unit that is crucial in diagnosis.

Indicators of the level of this hormone in the blood are important throughout the entire period of gestation - with their help, ectopic pregnancy and tumors are diagnosed, multiple pregnancy is determined, and fetal malformations are recognized.

At later stages of pregnancy, other changes in blood components are observed:

  • Erythrocytes are red blood cells, their number during pregnancy increases by 20-30%. Indicators above 3.5 billion per liter of blood (3.5 * 10 9 / l) are considered normal.
  • Hematocrit is the volume of red blood cells in the liquid part of the blood, an indicator of the increase in plasma levels. On average, the amount of plasma increases by 50%, and red blood cells - only by a quarter, so the hematocrit decreases from 0.34-0.36 to 0.30-0.32 (30-32%).
  • Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues. Pregnant women develop hemodilution, when the blood is diluted with plasma, because of this, the concentration of hemoglobin also decreases and is 110-120 grams per 1 liter of blood.
  • Leukocytes are white blood cells that protect the body from pathogenic agents. An increase in their level is considered a kind of norm and is often associated with stress (pregnancy) hematopoiesis. The norm of leukocytes is up to 15 billion per 1 liter of blood (15 * 10 9 / l).
  • Platelets are blood components responsible for the speedy healing of damaged tissues. Their level during pregnancy may slightly decrease and amount to 100-400 billion in 1 liter of blood (100-400 * 10 9 / l).

Human chorionic gonadotropin is measured in milliunits per 1 milliliter of blood (mU / ml). Some laboratories measure this hormone in milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/mL) or nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL).

The ratio of these indicators is as follows:

  • 1 mU/ml is equal to 1 mIU/ml;
  • 1 mU/ml is equal to 21.28 ng/ml.

A blood test allows you to determine pregnancy in the early stages - as early as 6-8 days after fertilization, the test for hCG will be positive. In non-pregnant women, the level of this hormone does not exceed 5 milliunits per 1 milliliter of blood, in the first or second week of pregnancy this figure is 20-300 milliunits, in the second or third it can rise to 4800 milliunits.

The work of test strips for determining pregnancy is also based on the study of the amount of hCG in morning urine. However, the concentration of this hormone in the urine grows much more slowly, so a reliable test result is possible only at a later date - 2-3 weeks after conception.

At what time can pregnancy be determined and is it possible to do this before the start of a delay in menstruation? Pregnancy, of course, adorns a woman. But besides this wonderful property, she has a number of signs by which many expectant mothers can understand that they are already in a position. Yes, and medicine offers us many convenient methods for diagnosing our “position”. These are special tests, blood tests and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

The absence of menstruation at the usual time may indicate that conception has occurred. The first day of delayed menstruation - this is how long the test shows pregnancy with great accuracy. Special strips are immersed in morning urine, and if the level of hCG secreted by the chorion of the embryo is increased, then the diagnostic result will be positive.

Even earlier, you can try to donate blood for the same hormone. Using a laboratory analysis, it is possible to determine pregnancy before a delay for a period of 7-10 days from conception. But usually it is not recommended to take it before the onset of the delay because of the high probability of false results. And do not believe those who give other information regarding how long pregnancy can be determined by hCG in a woman's blood.

In the early stages, pregnancy can be confirmed with the help of ultrasound. For examination, the transvaginal method and the abdominal method can be used. The first has the ability to detect a fetal egg already at the 3rd week of pregnancy. But it is still impossible to know whether there is an embryo there or not. This will become possible only at week 5, when ultrasound with an examination with a sensor from the outside - abdominal - will also be able to "see" the new state of the woman.

After the delay, you can measure the basal temperature. Elevated rates (above 37 degrees) for three days most often indicate the presence of pregnancy. This method is good for those who keep a calendar of such measurements.

Of course, the most reliable way to confirm a special position is an ultrasound examination or a blood test for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). Oh, and a doctor's check. But after all, we all know other indirect signs, according to which suspicions about the possible approach of motherhood are increasing more and more.

A few days after the alleged conception, a woman may feel unwell, nausea, headache, and become irritable. Or, on the contrary, the rise of strength and excessive gaiety. It's all about the hormonal background, which actively changes during pregnancy. There may be slight bleeding, after which menstruation no longer occurs. The release of a small amount of blood is associated with the process of fixing the fetal egg on the wall of the uterus.

One of the frequent manifestations of the onset of fertilization is the appearance of tension in the chest, pain, changes in the pigmentation of the areola of the nipples. Everyone knows the changes in taste preferences in pregnant women. A lot of jokes are made about herring with jam and other incompatible things. Often you want either salty or sour. This can be explained by early toxicosis.

In fairness, it is worth noting that not all women feel the need during pregnancy for all kinds of food experiments. But here the appetite changes more often. From complete reluctance to eat in the early stages to uncontrollable appetite in the second half of the gestation period. But again, everything is very individual. And it can be directly opposite or absent altogether.

Drowsiness and some skin rashes can complete the picture. In a word, the state can change noticeably, or it can begin to remind you of a special position only with the growth of the abdomen. However, intuitively, a woman is likely to understand that now she is the keeper of a little man.

All of these signs can "predict" pregnancy even before the onset of a missed period.

Well, they also say that seeing a fish in a dream is definitely a sign of pregnancy. Patience to you, future mothers, and successful fishing!

Of course, the process of pregnancy is exciting for every woman. But a lot of stress is brought by the first weeks of waiting and the constant question: am I pregnant or not.

In each cycle, a woman has only 6 days to become pregnant: 5 days before ovulation and 2 days after it. So how do you know when you can already determine your pregnancy? What methods of determination are available and are effective? I am often asked such questions in the comments on the site, so I will tell you in detail.

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a specific hormone that begins to be produced by the embryo, or rather its shell by the chorion, immediately after it is attached to the wall of the uterus. This happens on the fourth day after conception.

Human chorionic gonadotropin consists of two particles (subunits) - alpha (?) and beta (?). The alpha subunit has a structure similar to the structure of the subunits of the female hormones LH, TSH, FSH, which are constantly present in the body of a woman. The beta subunit is completely unique in its structure. Therefore, it is she who makes it possible to diagnose the onset of pregnancy already 5–7 days after conception.

This blood test for pregnancy within seven days after fertilization will show the concentration of hCG in the woman's blood more than 50 IU / l, which will indicate the presence of pregnancy. During the first six weeks of pregnancy, the human chorionic gonadotropin level will double every 2-3 days.

In some cases, this blood test may give a false positive result. This occurs with the following pathologies and conditions:

  • cystic drift - a pathology of pregnancy, which usually ends in the death of the fetus;
  • chorioncarcinoma - a malignant tumor of the uterus;
  • tumor processes in the urinary system or genitals;
  • therapy with drugs that contain hCG.

Does a blood test for pregnancy show a false negative result? Sometimes, if a woman is pregnant, a false negative result can be obtained. This usually happens when a blood test for pregnancy is performed at a time insufficient to detect hCG. In this case, the woman needs to retake the analysis in a few days. In addition, a false negative result of a blood test for hCG occurs with an ectopic pregnancy.

The human chorionic gonadotropin test is an excellent marker for quickly determining pregnancy. The result of this study will be ready in 24 hours. Due to the simplicity of the method, the accuracy of diagnosis and the ability to quickly obtain a result, this analysis is especially popular with those women who use artificial insemination (IVF).

Conduct blood tests to determine hCG by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

A missed period is usually caused by pregnancy. If the menstruation did not come on the expected day, then from the next morning you can measure the temperature in the rectum to diagnose pregnancy. If the basal temperature (BT) consistently exceeds 37 * C, then this indicates in favor of a possible pregnancy. However, lower rates are also found, especially with the threat of spontaneous abortion.

With a delay in menstruation for 1-2 days or more, you can use a test for the early diagnosis of pregnancy to determine pregnancy. The pregnancy test is easy to use and quite reliable. The accuracy of the answer will be higher if the research is carried out 2-3 times.

Despite the external differences in tests for diagnosing pregnancy, their action is based on a reaction to a specific pregnancy hormone (chorionic gonadotropin - hCG), which begins to be produced in a woman's body during pregnancy, and its decay products.

More complex and at the same time more reliable methods for determining pregnancy are based on measuring the level of hormones in a woman's body in a laboratory way using a blood test for pregnancy. You donate blood from a vein for B-hCG (blood test for pregnancy), and after a while you get a result.

In this case, to determine pregnancy, the level of another, more specific pregnancy hormone, trophoblastic beta-globulin, is usually determined, which provides more reliable information, and first of all, about the expected duration of a possible pregnancy. Determination of pregnancy by a blood test is much more reliable, although it takes more time.

The only reliable way to determine pregnancy, in addition to a blood test for pregnancy, is an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs. However, these methods can obtain information about the presence of pregnancy and its localization starting from 2.5 - 3 weeks from the date of conception.

But since the beginning of the delay in menstruation, some time has passed, blood tests for pregnancy gave a positive result. Should I go to see a gynecologist? Costs. First of all - to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine.

Blood tests to determine pregnancy equally give a positive result in both uterine and ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, if there is even the slightest doubt, do tests or blood tests for early pregnancy detection and, if the result is positive, visit your gynecologist.

If the pregnancy test gives a negative result, and the delay in menstruation continues, visit a gynecologist - endocrinologist to clarify the causes of menstrual irregularities.

Currently, there are several methods that allow you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of pregnancy. One of the most popular of them are pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies. However, a more accurate result can be obtained by conducting a pregnancy blood test based on determining the level of the hCG hormone.

The main purpose of blood tests during pregnancy is to determine the risk of pathologies in the fetus. At the beginning of pregnancy, non-specialized blood tests should be done at least once a month. Closer to childbirth - more often, in order to exclude a decrease in the level of red blood cells - anemia, which threatens the development of hypoxia in the fetus.

What else helps to determine the tests? First, they allow you to establish the very fact of pregnancy. For this, the content in the blood (or in the urine) of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is determined, which begins to be produced even in the first days after the implantation of the embryo. This analysis is called an enzyme immunoassay, is carried out at 6-10 weeks of pregnancy and allows you to quickly and accurately establish its onset.

The lady is not pregnant when the hCG level is less than 5 units / liter. If the indicator is less than normal - the threat of miscarriage.

Normal hCG levels during pregnancy

from 35,000 to 200,000

Blood is a medium that reacts quickly and sensitively to pregnancy. In addition, according to a non-specialized blood test (from a finger), it is possible to find out whether a lady is pregnant or not. The fact is that during pregnancy the level of leukocytes and the degree of erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR) in the blood increase, the level of lymphocytes decreases. Despite the fact that, of course, such a change in the composition of the blood can occur due to a decrease in immunity, for example, during stress.

In addition to hCG, there are two more indicators - free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). All three allow you to recognize whether the placenta is functioning normally and whether the fetus has a risk of developing Down syndrome, open craniocerebral defects, and non-closure of the spinal canal. These indicators are determined during the triple test for a period of 15-18 weeks.

The most responsible indicator of the triple test is the level of AFP. If it is large, then it probably means multiple pregnancy, large fetus size, risk of death of one of the fetuses. In some cases, this indicates oligohydramnios, which is associated with intrauterine growth retardation, fetal malformations (as well as polycystic kidney disease), and the threat of premature birth.

It goes without saying that, focusing on the indicators of the norm, it is necessary to take into account the duration of pregnancy. For example, at 35-40 weeks, an increased level of AFP indicates the physiological immaturity of the fetus, and a lower one indicates postmaturity. Conversely, in the first trimester, a consistently decreasing AFP level indicates that pregnancy does not begin.

Additionally, it is possible to do a blood test for the level of placental lactogen in the blood, which allows you to find placental insufficiency, hypoxia and fetal hypotrophy.

If placental insufficiency is detected, the doctor directs the patient to a hemostasiogram, which determines blood clotting.

There are two more tests that are required for pregnant women who have had miscarriages or trouble with the onset of pregnancy. This is a blood test for lupus anticoagulant and an analysis for the level of antibodies to kirdiolipin. If a lupus anticoagulant is found, the possibility of miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death is high.

Hormonal blood studies are especially serious at the end of 30 weeks of pregnancy. For example, a drop in estriol levels may be an indicator of fetal hypoxia. It is possible to find it by a blood test even before the appearance of clinical signs.

Women with the first blood group should control the level of anti-antibodies, and women with a negative Rh - the level of anti-Rh antibodies. If there is a conflict between the Rh factor or blood groups of the fetus and mother, the baby may develop a hemolytic disease, quite often leading to the destruction of the fetal red blood cells. In the initial stage of this disease, anemia appears, after that - jaundice, and in the last stages, edema may appear.

Before childbirth, the same tests are done as before any hospitalization: an analysis for antibodies to AIDS and hepatitis, a blood test for syphilis. In addition, the level of leukocytes is observed in order to exclude the inflammatory process.

As a result of a general analysis of the blood of the expectant mother, there really are some peculiarities. But they are not used to diagnose the onset of conception. That is, according to a general blood test, no one diagnoses pregnancy.

So, in the blood of a pregnant woman at an early stage of gestation, erythrocytes should be up to 5.6 * 1012 cells / l. When dehydration occurs, then the rate increases, and doctors talk about erythrocytosis. Its most common cause is toxicosis and vomiting. Reticulocytes in the blood are the so-called young erythrocytes, the number of which in pregnant women can be up to 2%, while in ordinary people - up to 1.5%.

The increase is due to the fact that more blood circulates in the body of a pregnant woman. As for hemoglobin, the expectant mother should normally have at least 110 g / l, it is better when this figure in the first trimester is 115-160 g / l. It is impossible to allow a strong decrease in the amount of this protein in the blood, because the fetus will suffer.

How to prepare for research?

Special preparation for the test for human chorionic gonadotropin is not required. General recommendations:

  • Food intake is stopped 10 hours before biomaterial sampling.. Most often, venous blood is given in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • 12 hours before the test, any physical and emotional stress is excluded;
  • Fluid intake is limited 3-4 hours before blood sampling;
  • If possible, you should temporarily stop taking any drugs., especially hormonal spectrum agents (48 hours before analysis). If this is not possible, you should definitely report the problem to the gynecologist who sent the woman for analysis.

As part of the procedure for passing an analysis for hCG, a specialized specialist may be assigned a series of studies in which biological material is taken 3 times within 48 hours. This procedure allows you to track the change in the concentration of the hormone in dynamics. Accordingly, the above recommendations should be observed taking into account the indicated time interval.

Knowing which blood test shows pregnancy in the earliest stages, each woman can undergo an appropriate study in a private or public laboratory in the direction of a gynecologist.

A reliable result depends on simple preparation for diagnosis. If blood is donated before the onset of a delay, then control monitoring of the growth of hCG will be required. For this, the sampling is carried out within a week with an interval of 2-3 days.

A blood test is performed on an empty stomach (at least 8 hours after eating) in the morning. A few days before the examination, it is necessary to exclude any physical activity.

To determine the content of hCG, venous blood is taken. The timing of the analysis at the laboratories is different, but generally does not take more than 2 days. With the received answer, you need to go to the gynecologist. Repeated studies, if necessary, are carried out in the same laboratory to compare the results.

A blood test for pregnancy (for the content of hCG) helps to set the exact date and monitor the development of the fetus for 9 months. Expectant mothers need to approach with all responsibility the appointments, recommendations of the doctor and undergo an examination according to the schedule in order to exclude pathologies.

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False negative analysis response

A false negative test result for human chorionic gonadotropin usually indicates testing too early. Despite the fact that modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect the hormone 1 week after fertilization, when using outdated equipment as part of the biomaterial study, it sometimes leads to negative indicators.

Other reasons:

  • Taking hormonal drugs. When using oral contraceptives, "emergency" drugs for early termination of pregnancy and other medicines, the risks of a negative result increase;
  • Failure to comply with preparatory measures or errors in the collection / transportation / storage of biomaterial. The sample may be damaged by external indicated circumstances;

Causes and danger of hCG rejection

There are 2 types of tests that will help determine whether it is worth starting preparations for the arrival of a new family member.

This method will help to quickly determine the presence of pregnancy.

A positive moment: you can donate blood as early as 7-12 days after the alleged conception.

Negative moment: testing takes about a day (the timing of the result varies, depending on the laboratory).

Usually, qualitative and quantitative hCG is determined: the first will show the presence of this hormone in general, and the second indicator will indicate the exact figure for determining the period.

In general, if you are pregnant, a blood test will show a positive result 3-4 days after direct implantation or 9-10 days after fertilization and ovulation.

Analysis of urine

This test is easy to use and shows the result in 5 minutes. This is definitely a huge plus.

The disadvantage of such tests is that they will not always show you a reliable result. Manufacturers claim that the test can be performed 24-48 hours before the delay. But in fact, no more than 25% of pregnant women who took the test 2 days before the start of the expected menstruation received 2 strips on it.

On average, most women get a second line on their test about 2 weeks (day 13-14) after ovulation. Those. just on the day of delay.

IMPORTANT! Despite the research, there are cases that the test shows a positive result only 3 weeks after ovulation. We indicate this data for the reason that often the result on the day of the delay is negative and the woman is 100% sure of this, but it is necessary to double-check or donate blood for hCG.

In some cases, with a successfully diagnosed pregnancy, confirmed by an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan, the level of chorionic gonadotropin is significantly higher than it should be when actually calculating the age of the fetus. Possible factors that can provoke overnormalized results:

  • Toxicosis in the active phase;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Background activation of diabetes mellitus in a future woman in labor;
  • Regular use of synthetic progestogens;
  • Incorrect calculation of the timing of the actual pregnancy;
  • Various pathologies of fetal development;
  • The formation of a cystic skid, a benign or malignant neoplasm.

Regardless of the circumstances, the gynecologist should be familiarized with the results of the tests. He will refer the patient for additional examination and, if necessary, prescribe corrective therapy.

A decrease in the level of chorionic gonadotropin as part of the natural process of bearing a baby can be caused by the following reasons:

With a significant decrease in the concentration of hCG, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe an unscheduled ultrasound, conduct a direct examination and other measures, if necessary, in order to accurately identify the type of pathology and develop an individual scheme for further actions.

The change in the level of hCG in the blood has a clearly visible trend - a dynamic sharp increase in concentration up to the 11th week of pregnancy, followed by a slow decrease until childbirth. Significant discrepancy to such a scheme may be caused by the following reasons:

  • False-positive result of the first analysis;
  • Delayed fetal development;
  • Ectopic or missed pregnancy;
  • The threat of miscarriage, the death of the embryo.

If a woman was previously diagnosed and confirmed pregnancy, then you should immediately contact a gynecologist - most likely, urgent hospitalization will be necessary.

In the same case, when the analysis was given for the first time, and the pregnancy was not confirmed, then it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination to make sure that there are no neoplasms or to identify a potential hormonal failure.

The most popular and most accessible option for determining the "interesting position" at this stage is a home test, which does not always show reliable results. The exact answer can be found with a blood test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin.

HCG (or human chorionic gonadotropin) is a special hormone in the blood of a future mother, which determines pregnancy and its development.

Released from the shell of the embryo attached to the wall of the uterus, it causes the ovaries to produce increased amounts of estrogen and progesterone, necessary to maintain pregnancy. If the fetus is male, testosterone synthesis is stimulated. During fertilization, a positive result is already visible on the 8-10th day after the onset of ovulation.

In the process of laboratory research, the concentration of the second component with a unique structure is measured. If in the blood of a non-pregnant healthy woman the amount of the beta subunit does not exceed 5 mU / ml, then every two days after fertilization the level increases several times (by 60–80%).

Pharmacy test strips are based on the same method for determining the amount of hCG, only urine is the test material. The concentration of the hormone in this case increases twice as slowly, so a positive result can be 1-2 days late in menstruation. By examining blood for chorionic gonadotropin, you can find out the exact period and exclude pathologies of intrauterine development.

If the results of a laboratory blood test for the level of chorionic gonadotropin turned out to be within acceptable limits, then the pregnancy is developing well and the unborn baby is not in danger.

In some cases, the analysis shows a deviation up or down.

Cause Development features
Threat of spontaneous miscarriage At risk are women at an early stage and the level of hCG is reduced by 50% or more. In most cases, hospitalization is necessary.
Ectopic implantation of the embryo In this case, the woman herself is at risk. Pathology is fraught with rupture of the fallopian tube.
Frozen (non-developing) fetus Often occurs with serious congenital abnormalities that are incompatible with the further development and life of the embryo.
Incorrect gestational age If the monthly cycle is not regular, then it is not always possible to establish the exact period without additional examination (ultrasound, reanalysis).
Placental insufficiency (chronic) May threaten to delay the development of the fetus.
congenital pathology Edwards Syndrome.
True re-carrying of pregnancy Associated with various diseases of the mother (endocrine and gynecological pathologies in history). A pregnant woman should be under the constant supervision of doctors.

An elevated level of the protein hormone also signals possible problems, which include:

  1. Carrying two or more fetuses (the most pleasant reason for high hCG). The values ​​increase in proportion to the number of embryos.
  2. Early manifestation of toxicosis or gestosis (late toxicosis).
  3. Down Syndrome.
  4. Pregnancy reversal.
  5. High levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood, diabetes.
  6. Inappropriate gestational age.

In men and non-pregnant women, an increased content of hCG can indicate diseases of the reproductive system, cystic mole, chorionic carcinoma, and oncology of the gastrointestinal tract. After a medical or spontaneous abortion, the level of the hormone will be elevated for some time.

The first signs indicating conception appear already 13-15 days after the fertilization of the egg. If the monthly cycle is not broken, menstruation should begin at this time, but during pregnancy there is a delay. As medical practice shows, rapid tests often show a false result.

That is why, if there is a suspicion of an "interesting situation", it is wiser to immediately go to the clinic and pass the appropriate analysis. Many girls do not know what a blood test for pregnancy is called. In clinics and hospitals, it is called an hCG study. The abbreviation HCG stands for Chorionic Hormone.

This specific protein begins to be produced by the tissues of the chorion after conception, its level begins to rise as early as 6-8 days after the fertilization of the egg. Chorionic hormone synthesizes the production of other biological components that help the body maintain pregnancy. It is by its quantity that pregnancy can be determined.

Protein chorionic hormone contains 2 components: beta and alpha. In the early stages of pregnancy, only the alpha component, which has a unique composition, is studied. In a non-pregnant woman, its level does not exceed 5 mU / ml. But if fertilization has occurred, its concentration will be increased, and it will increase every 2-3 days.

In Moscow, such a study is carried out in almost every clinic. How much decryption is done depends on the type of institution.


Definition of pregnancy - how is it carried out, and what should a woman do who suspects that she has become a future mother? We have compiled a short guide that you can use in this situation.

So, when and how can you suspect pregnancy. First of all, by delaying menstruation. This sign is especially informative for those women whose menstruation comes just in time. From the first day of the absence of menstruation, you can do a pharmacy test for the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine.

This test is done in the morning. Very informative. Mistakes are quite rare. A positive result almost always means pregnancy, a doubtful (weak second line) - in most cases - also a positive result, a negative one is false in rare cases. If in doubt as a result, the determination of pregnancy with the help of a test should be repeated, or go to the doctor.

And when will the doctor be able to say for sure whether the conception took place or not? It is useless to go to the antenatal clinic earlier than 2 weeks after the start of the delay. Only from this period the uterus begins to gradually increase in size, and this can be noticed by the doctor during a gynecological examination. In other cases, the gynecologist directs the patient to take a blood test for hCG, in more rare cases, to do an ultrasound of the uterus, and most often, wait a little more until other signs appear, do a test at home and measure rectal temperature.

Determining pregnancy by basal temperature was once very popular. This method, despite the rapid development of medical technology, is still used today, although less frequently. After the start of the delay, the woman needs to measure the temperature in the rectum in the morning. Measurement with a mercury thermometer is carried out for about 5 minutes.

It is very important to measure immediately after waking up, without making unnecessary movements before that - even shake the thermometer and put it near you, preferably in the evening. If the temperature is more than 37 degrees, then, most likely, conception has occurred. Erroneous results (false positive) can be when taking medications, with various diseases, after drinking alcohol, sexual intercourse.

If you don’t believe this almost popular diagnostic method, take a blood test for hCG, the same hormone that the tests respond to. You will receive the exact result within 10 days after the fertilization of the egg, which means even before the delay in menstruation. The definition of pregnancy by a blood test is almost unmistakable, that is, the presence of this hormone in the blood is diagnosed at its lowest concentrations.

If the gynecologist has suspicions about the well-being of the pregnancy, for example, if hCG is too low, which means there is a possibility of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, he can refer the patient to an ultrasound of the uterus. You should not be afraid of this examination, numerous studies have proven the safety of ultrasound at any gestational age.

And the definition of pregnancy by ultrasound is possible already from 1-2 weeks of delayed menstruation. At 4.5 weeks, the heart begins to beat in the embryo, which means that you can be sure that the pregnancy is progressing. With an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus is not found in the uterus, while signs of an interesting position are present, as well as hCG.

There are also various folk methods for determining pregnancy. If in ancient times women urinated on a certain plant for these purposes, and if it began to bloom soon after that, this meant a positive result, then modern ladies have not gone far from them and also carry out funny chemical reactions, but only with soda.

For some reason, enterprising ladies are in no hurry to buy pharmacy tests, but collect morning urine and add a teaspoon of soda to it. The result depends on the subsequent reaction - if the soda "bubbles" - there is no pregnancy, and if it has settled to the bottom of the glass - there is. At various women's forums, this method has been discussed for quite a long time, even a kind of statistics is being kept. As you might guess, the definition of pregnancy with soda gives the percentage of hits and no hits is approximately the same.

It is better then to look for signs of pregnancy. Toxicosis manifests itself in approximately half of expectant mothers in one way or another. But everyone's mammary glands become heavy, tense. A clear, abundant discharge appears from the vagina, somewhat similar to those that occur during ovulation.

Body temperature may also rise slightly, literally up to 37.2-37.3 degrees, it is not worth knocking it down with antipyretics, after 2-3 weeks everything will return to normal. Another sign of pregnancy, which is at the same time a sign of a threatened miscarriage in some cases, is pain in the lower abdomen caused by uterine tone.

If the pain is not constant, goes away on its own, and there is no bloody discharge from the genital tract, then everything is normal. There are also a number of symptoms that do not directly indicate an interesting situation, but are often perceived as such by expectant mothers, these include: a change in taste (you want salty or sweet), increased urination (often due to diseases of the genitourinary system), fatigue (may occur due to due to lack of vitamins), etc.

Determining pregnancy in the early stages is not a problem now. The main thing is to listen to what doctors say, and all kinds of folk remedies are secondary, more for fun.

Cons: it is necessary to measure BBT within 3-4 cycles, to have a more or less stable menstrual cycle.

Pros: if you measure BBT for several days after the delay, then it will invariably be above the norm - this will most likely indicate the presence of pregnancy, but you must definitely take into account the “cons” of this method.

Cons: in the first weeks of pregnancy, it makes no sense to use this study, an ultrasound specialist is unlikely to see a fetal egg, which is still very small; besides, I insist that it is impossible to disturb the embryo at the stage of formation, and this is done only according to the strict indications of the attending physician.

Pros: you can be sure that you do not have an ectopic pregnancy, and the presence of a second strip on the test is not the result of hormonal disorders.

Sincerely, Yurchenko Oksana Viktorovna.

This analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach. No special preparation for analysis is required. It is important to tell the doctor about all the medicines the woman is taking before getting a referral for a blood test. Some medications (especially hormones) can interfere with the test results.

HCG is usually checked during the first trimester of pregnancy, but can be monitored later

Along with the detection of the level of hCG, one of the most important during pregnancy is a complete clinical blood test. With the help of it, it is possible to assess the changes taking place in the body of a woman, and to identify the pathologies of the intrauterine formation of the child. Unlike other studies, a CBC (general blood test) is performed every trimester, as it allows you to track the development of the fetus.

Changes in the blood test and a strong excess of the norm may be a sign of infection or the development of a pathological process. With the help of KLA, you can identify hidden inflammation, allergies, anemia, and also evaluate how blood changes throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

1 trimester 2 trimester 3rd trimester
Hemoglobin g/l 115-135 110-130 110-120
Hematocrit l/l 0,38 0,37 0,36
Erythrocytes, x10/l 4,2 3,5 3,9
Color indicator 0,86-1,05 0,86-1,05 0,86-1,05
Reticulocytes, % 2-12 2-12 2-12
Leukocytes, x10/l 6,8-7,4 7,6-10,0 10,4-12,0
Neutrophils, % 68 67 64
Yuazophiles, %
Eosinophils,% 1,5-1,6 2,0 1,2
Lymphocytes, % 27-29 25-27 25-27
Monocytes, % 3-6 4-6 4-5
ESR, mm/h 13-21 25 30-35
Platelets, x10/l 130-400 130-400 130-400

When contacting the clinic, many women are interested in whether it is possible to determine pregnancy with the help of the UAC. Doctors assure that the indicators that are determined in such a study do not help to detect pregnancy. If it is necessary to confirm or deny conception, hCG is prescribed

Another important study when carrying a child is a biochemical blood test. The examination helps to assess how well the female sex hormones function, and it can also be used to identify which vitamins the body of the expectant mother lacks. If the bearing of the baby passes without complications, a biochemical analysis is done 2 times.

Most often, blood sampling is performed at the 6th week of pregnancy and at the 30th week. Based on the information received, the specialist can identify the overall clinical picture and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment. Basic norms of a biochemical blood test:

  • total protein. Its content should vary between 63–83 g/l;
  • lipids. Permissible values ​​- 6.0–6.02 mmll / l;
  • glucose - 3.5-4 mmol / l;
  • alkaline phosphatase - up to 240 U / l;
  • urea - 2.5-6.3 mmol / l;
  • creatine - 53-97 mmol / l;
  • amylase pancreatic. If the value exceeds 50 U / l, this may be a sign of a developing pathology.

Regardless of where the study is carried out, the decoding of biochemistry usually takes no more than 3 days. After this time, the form with the results is given to the woman in her hands.

Another necessary study when carrying a child is a coagulogram or a coagulation test. This type of study is carried out once a trimester. More frequent conduction is necessary only in the presence of pathologies. The examination helps to identify a predisposition to bleeding, which will help the specialist assess the likelihood of miscarriage and other unwanted complications.

When deciphering the result, attention is paid to the following indicators:

  • fibrinogen concentrate. The norm of this protein varies between 2.0–4.0 g/l. Closer to childbirth, the value rises to 6.0;
  • ACTP. Coagulation index. Norm - 24-35;
  • lupus anticoagulant. In the blood of pregnant women, this component should not be present;
  • prothrombin. The norm is 78–143%. If the indicator exceeds the permissible value, this may indicate placental abruption.

Why are tests needed in early pregnancy?

The optimal time for registration is 6-8 weeks. Expectant mothers often complain about the huge list of tests in the early stages of pregnancy.

In fact, everything is provided for: in the 1st trimester, all systems and organs of the baby are laid, it becomes clear how the pregnancy will proceed. The slightest deviation from the norm can lead to the birth of an unhealthy child or termination of pregnancy. Therefore, the task of the doctor is to assess the risks and prevent complications.

What tests are done in early pregnancy?

If there is an assumption that conception has occurred, it is necessary to pass an analysis to determine pregnancy in the early stages. This will allow the girl to adjust her lifestyle, because the first weeks of pregnancy are very important for the full development of the unborn fetus. The expectant mother will find out from the gynecologist what tests are taken in the early stages of pregnancy. There are many of them, but one cannot neglect any analysis. After all, everyone in their own way diagnoses the state of health of a pregnant woman.

What do we do

What do you need

visual inspection

The doctor is obliged to measure your height and weight, the size of the pelvis. These indicators are necessary in order to assess weight gain during pregnancy (it should not exceed 12-15 kg for the entire pregnancy), and the ability to give birth naturally. Too narrow a pelvis may not allow this. The doctor will measure blood pressure, assess the work of the heart and lungs.

Gynecological examination

The gynecologist examines the cervix, determines its size and shape, takes a standard gynecological smear for the flora and a cytological scraping from the cervix. A gynecological smear will show the state of the microflora of the vagina. If there are symptoms of a disease, such as thrush, treatment may be needed. Cytological scraping is needed in order to exclude cancer of the cervix. It is extremely rare, but there are cases when an oncological disease is detected at this stage.

Ultrasound The first ultrasound is usually scheduled for a period of 6 weeks or more. At this time, you can already see the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus, the place of its fixation, and sometimes the heartbeat of the fetus. However, if the doctor did not hear the baby's heart, you can not worry - most likely, it will appear a few weeks later.

General blood and urine tests

The expectant mother, among other studies, will also have to take a blood test for pregnancy in the early stages. In the general blood test, the level of hemoglobin and erythrocytes is important (with a deficiency, anemia is possible), leukocytes and ESR (a high level may indicate inflammation). Urinalysis for early pregnancy is also important. A general urinalysis shows the condition of the kidneys: if protein, sugar or leukocytes, bacteria, uric acid crystals are found in the general urinalysis, a more in-depth examination is necessary. These indicators may indicate pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, or a systemic disease.

Biochemical analysis

It is necessary in order to assess the state of the liver (ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin, fatty acids), pancreas (amylase), kidneys (creatinine, uric acid) and some metabolic indicators (blood sugar, blood iron). If these organs need support, then the sooner it is given, the more likely it is that everything will be fine with mom and baby.

A blood test for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV Among the tests during pregnancy, which ones need to be taken. this one is one of the most important. The study is necessary to identify these diseases at an early stage, when it is possible to prevent infection of the fetus.

Blood test for TORCH infection (rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, herpes infection and other infections, such as chlamydia)

Even if you did this analysis at the planning stage, you will most likely be given it again. These infections are very dangerous for the developing fetus.

Blood type and Rh factor

Other research from specialists

In addition to the gynecologist, the expectant mother will definitely have to visit a therapist, surgeon, ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, but if she has other chronic diseases that can worsen during pregnancy, then this list can expand.

First trimester screening (ultrasound, hCG analysis, PAPP-A)

First trimester screening completes this period of pregnancy and is scheduled for 10-12 weeks. It consists of several tests:

Ultrasound, by which the doctor can assess whether the fetus has a visually gross developmental pathology, as well as the presence or absence of signs that may indicate a genetic disease (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome);

PAPP-A or plasma protein A associated with pregnancy. It is a protein that grows progressively with increasing gestational age. If the amount of this protein becomes less than normal, there is a risk of genetic pathology.

Tests for hormones

It is important to take hormone tests in early pregnancy to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Low hCG is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, non-developing pregnancy, a threat of termination, and also with chronic placental insufficiency. Elevated hCG is characteristic of multiple pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, early toxicosis, pathology in the development of the fetus, tumors of the placental tissue.

Progesterone test

An analysis of progesterone in early pregnancy reveals the very fact of the onset of conception. After all, after that, its level in the girl's body begins to grow. However, if progesterone is above normal, a similar result suggests that there are problems with the female reproductive system. Progesterone deficiency during pregnancy can lead to its termination.