Classes for 2 3 year olds. Synopsis of a developmental lesson with young children (2–3 years old) “Mouse. Pasta - horns, spirals, shells

At the age of 2-3 years, the child makes a significant breakthrough in development, moving from the state of a baby to the period of younger preschool age. Psychologists believe that the knowledge and skills laid down at this time form the basis of all subsequent development of the child.

Purposeful classes will help to form such useful qualities as interest in obtaining knowledge, creativity, stimulate thinking, attention stability, develop speech.

What to look out for

Many parents prefer not to take their children to development centers, but to study at home. This is possible if the child does not have any disorders that would require correction by a specialist.

What should a child be able to do at 2-3 years old:

  1. Understand and fulfill requests consisting of 2-3 follow-up actions.
  2. Draw pictures, collect cubes and constructor by age.
  3. Know and name body parts.
  4. Use simple sentences of several words in speech. At the same time, complex sentence structures should be mastered by the age of three.
  5. Know everyday vocabulary, have an active vocabulary of more than 1000 words.
  6. Be able to maintain attention for some time, performing simple tasks.

Rules for conducting developmental classes in 2-3 years

  • All "lessons" should be in the form of a game. At this age, play is a natural activity for a child.
  • Frequent change of activities is mandatory, so it is still difficult for children to do one thing for a long time. Do not demand perseverance from your child - you have painted, now you can run.
  • Classes should last no more than 15-20 minutes. If something is not completed - the picture is not completed or the puzzle is not completed, help the child. Thus, you show how important it is to get a result.
  • Be sure to praise and encourage your “student”. It doesn't matter that the plasticine hare looks more like a bear! The main thing is that the child tried, tried something new.
  • More about developing.

Exemplary games for educational activities

For the formation of correct speech breathing:

  • We blow a snowflake. Put a light piece of cotton wool on the child’s palm and invite him to blow so that the “snowflake” flies away. You can play "football" by blowing a cotton ball into the goal.
  • Children love to blow out candle flames. Of course, this can only be done with parents.
  • Don't forget to smell the flowers. Sometimes children confuse the processes of inhalation and exhalation, develop automatism.

Articulatory gymnastics will help in the correct setting of sounds. The tongue can brush your teeth, lick imaginary ice cream from your lips, roll up into a tube, depict a cup, click like a horse, etc.

Read more to your child to develop vocabulary. Look at the pictures and ask questions about them. Let the child try to tell himself what he sees and what is happening in the image.

Learn short nursery rhymes- it perfectly develops memory and speech.

The development of general motor skills is facilitated by outdoor games and logorhythmics.. Pick up verses that describe any movements, and invite the child to show them. One of the options is the song of little ducklings. Dance together!

Be sure to take the time to develop fine motor skills:

  • Creative activities - drawing, modeling, applique.
  • Lacing games.
  • Finger painting on groats, picking peas and beans (remember Cinderella, who had to pick peas from lentils before she could go to the ball).

The Magic Bag Game Develops Sensory Experiences and will help in teaching the child the basics of logic, the study of geometric shapes, the development of speech. Put different toys in the bag. The child must recognize them by touch and name them. Help him explain how he reasoned - for example, a cucumber is long, oval, an orange is round, etc.

Toys will help you develop logical thinking in your child and do a little math:

  • "More less". From the cubes make a long "train" for the dolls. Plant them near the wagons. Will all dolls be able to visit? What if there are more of them than there are cars on the train? How many trailers do you need to add to have enough space for everyone?
  • "Pick a couple." Toy dishes or even real ones will do. The child must choose a suitable lid for each pan. (It is not necessary to take dishes. Use boxes, caskets). A similar principle applies to sorter toys, in which you need to choose a figure that fits a specific hole.
  • Who eats what. Invite the toys to dinner. It is necessary to treat everyone with the food that suits him in nature.

For the development of a child at this age, it is not at all necessary to organize special classes. Everything can be taught in the process of games, walks and ordinary everyday communication. Talk more, ask questions, encourage conversation, new “discoveries”. Playing the well-known "Ladushki" in everything, you develop coordination of movements and attentiveness in your baby, building a tower of their cubes - you stimulate logical thinking and spatial imagination. Don't miss the opportunity to play and chat! Thus, you help your child grow and develop, laying the foundation for his intellectual abilities.

At the age of 2 to 3 years, the child begins to actively explore the world around him. It is very important for him what is happening around him. The baby will copy and repeat any actions or words of the parents, playing with toys, and often using objects from the adult world. Therefore, it is at this age that you need to help the baby form an inner world and teach the baby to properly handle various objects and even help parents. Of course, the best material for learning is toys, but the baby himself may not be able to cope so far, so he needs reliable helpers in games - these are parents and older brothers and sisters.

What games are recommended to play with a child of 2-3 years.
For the harmonious development of all cognitive processes in a child, as well as skills and abilities, it is necessary to provide him with a variety of games and toys. Logic, memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as knowledge of colors, shapes and figures - this is all that needs to be helped to learn and develop the baby.

Water coloring and color games.
Why water coloring. They will help expand the child's horizons, introduce him to the main colors, and they are also very convenient and are the most suitable coloring option for this age. Coloring pages can be found on any topic. Animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, any household items.

Games about shapes and sizes.
Such games will introduce the kid to the basic geometric shapes. It will also teach you to distinguish objects by size. They will also help to consolidate knowledge about colors, since, as a rule, all figures are made of different colors.

Games for the development of logical thinking.
The main thing here is to choose games by age. Examples of games: puzzles, find a couple, find a shadow from a figure, who lives where, where whose children are.

Games for the development of speech.
You can use cards with letters and words. Also pictures depicting objects, animals, actions. You need to ask the child to name the object, and also describe in detail and tell what is shown in the picture. Learn little rhymes or nursery rhymes. Children's books by age: "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip" - these are the tales that children by the age of 3 must recite by heart.

Number games.
A child at this age should know the numbers one and two, but if the material is easily digested, more is possible. It is necessary to teach the baby to distinguish where, how many objects are located. Asking to set aside the right amount, such as cubes. To do this, you need to put two boxes in front of you, from which it is easy to get items.

Games that introduce you to the world around you.
Such games are “Where, whose house”, “Who makes a sound”, “Where, whose mother”. About sounds can be found on the Internet. And games in which you need to choose and study pictures, it is better to buy in a store so as not to spoil your eyes.

Games with objects.
It can be any not too big objects. The task of the child will be to sort them according to a common feature. For example, color or shape. Or what item is superfluous.
Many of these games can be combined into one more complex one. Unless, of course, the child has already mastered them separately. It is very important to remember that you had a lot to teach the child.

What should be able to do children from 2 to 3 years.
In order to assess how well a child develops, it is necessary to know what he should be able to do at the age of 2-3 years:
Perform complex requests that consist of 2-3 actions. For example: go to the closet, open the door, take a jacket and close the door.
Be able to speak simple phrases and understand parents.
It is desirable to be able to undress and dress yourself. This is easy to teach by showing several times.
Go potty on your own and wash your hands.
Cut paper with scissors. This is not dangerous.
Build simple buildings from cubes or constructor;
Assemble a pyramid from 8 parts;
Assemble the logic cube by matching the pieces to the holes correctly.

The main thing is not to rush the child. If he does not understand what you want from him, come up with a task easier. And then add another item. Do not forget that many things are new to the child.
Help the baby in everything, and be sure to be patient, because not everything and not always can be obtained from the first time.

At the age of two, a child makes a qualitative leap in his development, masters new horizons. In the near future, the first phrases, the first “I” may sound. During this period, it is very important to pay attention to sensory development (development of the sense organs) and motor (mastery of movements). The article presents an overview of the ideas of interesting and educational games and activities with children from 2 to 3 years old.

At this age, you can already begin to get acquainted with the first letters, memorize colors, simple shapes. It is possible to enhance the perception of the child through visual, tactile, auditory components.

I bring to your attention several varieties of games and activities that will help the baby develop such cognitive processes as perception, attention, memory, logical thinking.

1. Playing with jars and lids

Prepare various empty containers with lids (e.g. cream, medicine, coffee, shampoo, etc.)

Show your child how to unscrew the lids and let him do it himself with the rest of the jars. Then mix everything and give the task to choose a suitable lid for each jar. Periodically change the jars and complicate the task for the baby, look for different options for twisting the lids.

2. Playing with clothespins

Prepare clothespins, laces, ribbons, figures of animals, cardboard trees, etc. for the game of various types and colors.

Show your baby how the mouth of the clothespin opens by slowly pressing the index finger and thumb on it. Then let your child try. Next, invite the child to make a hedgehog, the sun, a Christmas tree, a fish, a dragonfly. Also let your child try attaching clothespins to different edges, such as mittens, towels, a basket, a string.

3. Game generalization

Prepare a variety of fruits and vegetables and lay them out in front of your baby. Ask them to find and put aside only pears (different in color and size), and apples to the other. For kids over 2.5 years old, give the task to lay vegetables on one side and fruits on the other.

4. The game "Speak a word"

Prepare pictures, for example with a cat, a bear, a car, a ball. Lay out the pictures in front of the child, name them and invite the baby to name them independently. Then offer to tell the rhyme and name the picture that fits the rhyme. At the same time, finishing the poem, give the last word to the baby.

A fat bear walked through the forest

A lump fell on him,

Hush Tanechka don't cry

5. Water pouring game

Show your child how to pour water in a mug from one bucket to another. When he gets bored, offer a ladle or ladle.

Next, show how water can be poured from one bowl into another using a syringe, a rubber bulb, a sponge (squeezing water into a bowl), a large spoon. Let him try for himself. Such games can be played while swimming.

6. Screening

Prepare two small bowls, strainer, semolina and peas. Mix semolina and peas and pour into one of the bowls. Show the baby how to hold the strainer and scoop it up. Shake it by sifting semolina. When the peas remain, pour them into an empty bowl. Let the child repeat.

7. Sorting of natural material

Prepare three types of natural material, such as nuts. Ask the child to arrange the items in three bowls, show how this is done. When the baby is done, invite him to do sorting with his eyes closed.

8. Learning to distinguish and name colors

Some people make the mistake of starting to teach color without having the original color samples. For example, they say, show a yellow color, the same as the sun. However, the sun is not only yellow. Therefore, for training, there should always be cards with a color standard. It is recommended to start training with the brightest colors, such as red.

After introducing the child to the color, ask them to find a toy of the same color. When the child brings, send him for another toy, so until he brings all the red toys. Introduce him to other colors in the same way. When the child learns to distinguish colors, complicate the game and, pointing to an object, invite him to name what color it is.

Read about the speech development of a child from 2 to 3 years old

9. Learning to distinguish and name geometric shapes

By the age of three, the baby should be able to distinguish between at least two simple shapes: a circle and a square. If this is easy for a child, try to teach him other forms as well. For training, you can use different educational games, frames, inserts, stencils, stickers.

10. Learning to draw a line

The purpose of the task is to gradually prepare the child for writing.

Give the child a sheet with a picture of a yellow butterfly and a blue dragonfly, as well as a flower and a leaf. Offer to plant a butterfly on a flower, and a dragonfly on a leaf. To do this, you need to draw tracks. The kid first traces the tracks with his finger, and then with a felt-tip pen.

11. Learn the first letters.

Any gaming technique will do here. I really like the technique of N. Pyatibratova, where a picture of an association and a reinforcing movement are used to memorize a letter. The technique is designed for quick memorization.

From the literature in this regard, the following is suitable: Primer. We learn to read from 2-3 years. All tasks here are designed specifically for kids.

Very interesting alphabet of Yulia Tarakanova "Live Letters". A picture - an association matched to a letter, in its form is very similar to the letter itself. So, in the process of playing with cards, a stable association is formed in the child’s memory “picture - letter shape - letter name”.

12. Learning to count and separate simple shapes

At this age, it is advisable to teach the child to count up to 5.

In the learning process, you can use toys, cubes, fingers, abacus, counters and other games.
Flashcards are also very important for learning. You can buy them, or make your own with your child. At the beginning, show them to the baby in sequence, then change the order.

Teach your baby to compare objects to distinguish between contrasting quantities:

  • Using the example of pencils or strings, explain what short and long mean;
  • Make two roads out of planks, one wide and one narrow. Let the kid ride cars on them. Explain where is the wide and where is the narrow road;
  • Build a house out of blocks, one high and one low. Explain to the child where the house is.

13. Fun jumping game

The goal is to improve the motor skills of children, coordination of movements.

Rocket and plane game:

One, two - there is a rocket. ( Hands up, closed over head)

Three, four - plane .(Hands to the side)

One, two - clap your hands, ( jumping on one and two legs.)

And then for each account.

One two three four -

Hands up, shoulders wider. ( Hands up and to the sides)

One two three four -

And they were on the spot. (Walking in place)

When conducting classes, pay attention to which games your child likes more and which not so much. Two-year-old kids themselves show us what they are interested in, and our task is to build developmental activities on this.


To teach children to clearly understand and distinguish between the concepts of "high", "low".
To consolidate the ability to count to two, to compare sets of "one-many".
Form spatial figurative thinking.
Introduce the geometric figure "square".
Practice sound imitation.
To develop in children the understanding and use of prepositions in speech on, under.
Continue learning to draw with your fingers, leaving an imprint in a tender place; sculpt from plasticine using the “direct rolling” technique; paste the details of the image in the right place.
Develop speech attention, fine movements of fine motor skills.


Background picture "heaven and earth", figures of the sun, clouds, houses, flowers.
Picture-background with the image of houses, paper windows-squares, glue sticks.
Toy mallets.
Constructed from the designer one-and two-storey houses. Handkerchiefs.
Wooden spatulas. Multicolored clothespins.
Large building material, various attributes for an obstacle course.
Picture-scheme of the house, the details of these houses are made of colored cardboard.
Drawing of a house with empty windows, yellow finger paint, yellow plasticine.
Educational game "Pick up the key to the lock."
Audio recordings: “There is a house made of logs in the forest”, “I want to build a house”.

Lesson progress:


We stomp our feet.
We clap our hands
We shake our heads
We shake our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
One-two, one-two.
It's time for us to get busy!

Finger game "Building a house"

The whole day - here and there,
There is a loud knock.
Hammers are knocking.
We are building a house for squirrels.
This house is for squirrels.
This house is for bunnies.
This house is for girls.
This house is for boys.
That's a nice house.
We will live happily in it.
Let's sing songs
Have fun and dance.

Children bang toy hammers on the floor.

Didactic game "House on the mountain"

The picture shows heaven and earth. Show me the sky. Show the earth. Pick up a house and attach it to the picture. In what part of the picture did you attach the house, to the sky or to the ground? Why?
Now put the sun and clouds on the picture. Where will you put the sun and clouds? On sky.
Flowers grew around the house. Where will you place the flowers? On the ground around the house.
How many houses do you have? One house. How many flowers? Many colors. How many suns? One sun. How many clouds? Two clouds.

Application "Windows"

Here are the beautiful new houses. But how do they accommodate tenants? There are no windows! Let's make windows for these houses. Here are the windows - squares. Glue them in the right place.

Didactic exercise "High-low house"

There are houses in front of you. Let's count them. One two Three. How many houses? Three houses. Which house is the tallest? What is the lowest? Count how many floors are in the tallest house? How many floors are in the lowest building?

Now I will cover the houses with handkerchiefs, and you will guess where which house is hidden. Under which handkerchief is the lowest house hidden? Highest?

Game with clothespins "Beautiful fence"

Here are the planks, and here our clothespins are prepared. Now we will make a beautiful fence for our houses out of them.

Dynamic pause "At the construction site"

We need to move building materials to the construction site. Can you help? (Children carry large building material from one place to another, overcoming obstacles. Stumps, "puddles", etc. are used as obstacles).

Design "Lay out the house"

The pictures show a diagram of the house, which you lay out and build yourself. Take the details and lay them out in the right place on the diagram. Where a triangular roof is drawn - attach a colored triangle there, where a square window - attach a square.

Exercise "What sounds do you hear at home?"

How does the kettle whistle? S-s-s.
How does tap water drip? Cap-cap-cap.
How does dad work with a drill? W-w-w.
How does the vacuum cleaner sound? Woo.
How do guests knock on the door? Knock-Knock.

Finger painting "Light the lights in the windows of houses"

So the evening came, it became dark. Let's turn on the light, let the windows in the houses light up with a bright light. Dip your finger in yellow paint and paint over the windows on the house.

Sculpture "The moon has risen"

And the moon has risen in the sky. (On the same sheet where they drew lights in the windows of houses). Let's mold it from yellow plasticine. First, roll out a thin sausage. Then bend it and attach it to the night sky. Press down on the plasticine. The moon is ready!

Dynamic pause "The bear has a big house"

The bear has a big house
(Hands up, stand on toes)

And the hare is small.
(Squat down, put your hands down)

Our bear went home
(Stepping from foot to foot)

And behind him is a hare.

We accompany the animals
(farewell hand waving)

We continue to work.

Didactic game "Pick the key to the lock"

Children pick up the keys to the locks of the same color and open them.

lawn house,
All doors are locked.
We'll pick up the keys
And we will open the hut.

Greetings, dear readers, parents!

How important it is to properly develop your baby in the period from one to three, to deal with him daily.

Is your child not going to a developmental school? he has no older sisters and brothers, who could be an example from?

Let's learn how to properly organize classes with a child at 2 years old at home. Otherwise, we will get an aimlessly wandering whim, which only does what it gets from everywhere, drags it from place to place, or even scatters it altogether.

And you start to forbid him, then in response you will receive a heart-rending cry, and the frightened mother has no choice but to capitulate. I'm kidding, of course, but it happens.

How to play correctly

In the form of a game, we conduct small classes, alternate them with each other and every day are necessarily different. In this case, you will interest the little researcher.

This is a very important point: it is to captivate the child, intrigue him, and not force him. If you force him, you will discourage the desire to do something, and he will only resist it even more. Look at the mood, at the request of the baby, for health reasons, for magnetic storms. (Kidding)