Scenario of a fun game program by September 1. Scenario of the game program for the day of knowledge "fun exams"

Program for children of the preparatory group.


Short description:

The event is a theatrical performance with improvisation, musical and sports games, round dances, dances, riddles. Journey with funny characters from the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy "Golden Key" , allows you to organize it unusual, fabulous, interesting, informative.

Venue: colorfully decorated sports ground.

Purpose: To create an atmosphere of joy in kindergarten.


  • Continue to teach children to move according to the text and music;
  • Strengthen dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, resourcefulness, endurance;
  • Develop visual and auditory attention;
  • Develop musical and creative abilities;
  • Strengthen the ability to count to ten;
  • Build friendships and mutual support.

Materials and equipment: paper airplanes by the number of children, crayons, skittles, hoops, landmarks, decorative stump, enchanted paths (color tape), joke tasks (cards), music center, CD discs with dance and game music.

Adult costume: Malvina, Pinocchio, Duremar.

Holiday script "Knowledge Day"

Holiday progress:

Malvina: Hello, little rascals,
Girls and boys!
Pinocchio: We came to visit not in vain.
Greetings, friends -

Beautiful Malvina
And I am my friend Pinocchio.


Children go in a circle and, on command, greet each other with anyone:

hands, foreheads, elbows, noses, knees.

Malvina: How they got tanned over the summer,
Grow up and get better!
Pinocchio: Did you go to the village to see your grandmother?
Did you eat delicious pancakes?

Did you pick flowers?
Did you dance in the meadow?

(children's answers)


Sing and dance each time, gradually accelerating.

We walked in circles
And we stamped our feet.
In a circle we converged
And they clapped their hands.

Dispersed from the circle
And they said "Oops!"
Circled in place -
This dance is awesome!!! etc. with acceleration

Malvina: Guys, do you know what day it is today? (children's answers)

September first -
good day calendar,
Because on this day
All girls and boys

Cities and villages
They took the bags, they took the books,
They took the diaries under their arms
And rushed for the first time in the first class!!!


Pinocchio: Who came to our kindergarten

And happy to meet friends?

Pinocchio: Who woke up early in the morning

And washed himself under the tap?

Children: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Pinocchio: Who played with toys

And he didn't put it away?

(children are silent)

Pinocchio: Who discovered paints today,

New books, coloring books?

Children: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Pinocchio: Who broke the chair today,

Pushed a girl into a puddle?

(children are silent)

Pinocchio: Who wants to grow up,

Go to school sooner?

Children: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

Malvina: Kindergarten yours is just a treasure

young talents,

Everyone can develop here

Both talent and knowledge.

Pinocchio: Oh, how I want to study ...

I promise not to be lazy.

I will wake up myself

I am exercising in the morning!

TRAINING "ONE TWO THREE" , T.I. Suvorov "Dance Rhythm for Children" , CD No. 2, track 11.

Hey friends, join us in a circle, get up
Sing the song loudly.
Let's start the dance
We invite you to dance.

If you want to be beautiful
And rich and happy
Do not get sick and do not sneeze
You need to dance harder...

Pinocchio: My phone is ringing,
Why is he excited?
Duremar congratulates you,
Listen to whatever you want...

Duremar stands aside, talking on the phone.

Duremar: Let the guys this year
Only bears nasty things!
Beat windows and shop windows,
Don't go shopping

Don't wash your face in the morning
Never get hard.
To torment you with bronchitis,
All appetite is gone.

I want to forget everything
And do not be friends with studies.
Do not get into the land of Knowledge,
I managed to steal the key.

I'll give you a nightmare...
Whoa, kids!!!

Duremar laughs and runs away.
Pinocchio: What to do, that's the trouble,
How to return the key here?
Malvina: I know who loves to study -

Get a golden key.
With him to the world of knowledge, believe me
You will always open the door.
Pinocchio: We will conduct tests,

To test your knowledge.
Over the summer, everyone, I suppose, forgot
What did they teach you in kindergarten?

Malvina: How many tails do six cats have? (6.)
How many noses do eight dogs have? (8.)
How many ears do two old ladies have? (4.)
How many ears do three mice have? (6.)

Pinocchio: Here is the green forest ahead,
We must go through the forest together.
The cuckoo will help us along the way,
After all better than friendship no more expensive.


1. I will run away from you, I will run away. 3r.
I'll hide behind a tree
And I'll say - ku-ku! 2r.

Children in pairs move around the room. One in front, one behind. The one in front stretches his arms back, the one standing behind holds on to his hands. They turn to face each other. On "I'll hide behind a tree..." arms bent at the elbows. Palms in front of the face. They look out from behind the palms to the right, to the left.

Losing. They move in leaps.

2. I will swim away from you, I will swim away. 3r
I hide behind the boat
And I'll say - ku-ku! 2r.

They get up in pairs, hands like a boat, swing on their toes without lifting their heels. Sit down, hands in front of you, palms turned to your face. On word "ku-ku" palms in different directions.


3. I will fly away from you, I will fly away. 3r.
Hiding behind a cloud
And I'll say - ku-ku! 2r.

Hands "winder" right left. Raise your hands up and put your palms together "ku-ku" .


4. I will run away from you, I will run away.
I'll swim away from you, I'll swim away.
I will fly away from you, I will fly away.
This is how I play, I'm friends with you.
That's how I play, I love you.

They stand in pairs facing each other. Perform movements in the text. into words "This is how I play..." they hold hands, on the last line they kiss on the cheeks or hug.


Malvina: Ahead we see the sea,
What rages in space.
We won't be discouraged
Let's have fun playing!


The host says: "The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the marine figure freezes in place." During the pronunciation of these words, the players jump and run, and after the word "freeze" they must freeze in a pose denoting one of the "sea figures" (i.e. fish, crab, shark, wave, etc., who has enough imagination for what). The leader in turn approaches each figure and "turns it on" - the player must "come to life" and show his character in motion. And the host must guess who it is. Whose "figure" the leader likes the most, that player becomes the new leader.

Pinocchio: We are sitting near the sea
And look at the clouds.
How beautiful look
This world is boundless!


A child is chosen to be the wind, in his hands is a scarf (sultan, scarf). To the music of Mozart, the wind runs after the clouds. Every day from afar

The wind drives the clouds.
Gathers a bunch
To make a cloud.

The sound of thunder is a signal to stand up, hold hands and make a circle.

To the music of Bizet, the children depict a cloud from which it is raining, the children stomp go to the middle of the circle, from the circle ... (cloud gets angry). The wind is in the middle of the circle.

We turn into a cloud -

The rain starts.

Children turn into clouds (Shuman), dance slowly moving on tiptoe, perform arbitrary movements with their hands - a bird cloud, a camel cloud, a bunny cloud, a fish, etc. At the end of the music, the breeze chooses the best cloud and gives it a scarf - in the next game it will be a breeze.

The rain is over
Turn into clouds.
Malvina: We are flying above the clouds
On the plane with dad, with mom.

We fly to the islands
And shout to the country: "Hooray" !!!


Task: On signal, s "airfield" , take a paper plane in your hand, move with it along your own distance, running around the skittles with a snake, deliver the plane to the hoop "island" and run back, pass the baton to the next.

Pinocchio: Here I see Duremar
Near the lake of deceit.
He sits on a stump
Sleeping and snoring heavily...

Malvina: Let's all shout together:
Duremar get up soon,
Give the keys to the kids!

(words are repeated 3 times)

Duremar wakes up and jumps up from the stump.

Duremar: I'll check you now
How mature have you become?
Smarter and Smarter!!!
Dead lake must be passed

And of course don't go astray...


Task: Take turns walking randomly through the cells on the pavement, guessing the path as soon as Duremar utters the word "Bulk" (wrong way) going becomes backwards.

The children pass the test and Duremar takes out a golden key from the chest.

Duremar: Open quickly -

The door to the land of knowledge!!!

Magic music sounds, Pinocchio "opens" the door to the land of knowledge,

raises a golden key high.

Children: Wow!!!

Pinocchio: You have come to the land of knowledge,

Here you have to promise:

Always be obedient!

Children: We swear!

Malvina: Cheerful, not boring!

Children: We swear!

Pinocchio: Help mom and dad!

Children: We swear!

Malvina: Do not offend kids!

Children: We swear!

Pinocchio: Serve for the good of the Motherland!

Children: We swear!

Malvina: And hurry to new knowledge!

Children: We swear! We swear! We swear!

Duremar: Well, we are finishing the holiday,
And we wish you guys.
Temper and grow wiser
And never get sick.

Do not yawn, but dare!
Don't frown, smile!!!

The holiday ends with a fun disco.

Script developed by: Yepanchintseva Elena Evgenievna, music director of MBDOU No. 21 "Firefly" Surgut 2015

game program for first graders on the "Knowledge Day"
The song “They teach at school” sounds. The presenter comes out
Vedas. Hello dear children and respected adults!
Today, September 1, the whole country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you, dear first-graders, this holiday is special, because it is the first. Ahead of you are waiting for exciting discoveries in the land of knowledge. I congratulate you all on the beginning of this difficult, but very necessary and interesting path.
Let's congratulate each other on the very first Day of Knowledge with loud, stormy, incessant applause! (clap hands)
The bell rings.
Vedas. The bell rang, let's start our lesson!
Answer me honestly, did you enjoy going to school today?
Will you study well at school or be lazy?
Are you lazy? And not stupid? Now I'll check!
Come on, answer me in chorus, in rhyme and with enthusiasm!

Who walks with a bag of books
School in the morning? (Student)

Meets us with a call
Our spacious bright ... (class)

Should always be okay
Your school ... (Notebooks)

Good or bad student,
Will tell us honestly ... (Diary)
If you barely know
Then you get a number (Two)
If you know everything
Your score will be (Five)
Well done, kids! Sorry, I wanted to say: well done, students!
And let's check which of you will get what grades! I have a lot of ratings, both good and bad (I take out a bag, show squares with numbers from 2 to 5, put the numbers 2 and 3 in a secret pocket glued in a bag, I suggest pulling out the most daring grade from the magic evaluation bag, the children pull out 5 and 4)
It turns out that you will good students with excellent grades.

Presenter: Guys, in order to get into the country of knowledge, you need to pass several tests.

Here is the first test for you:
First, I'll check you, with what you go to the first class.
Well, tell me, what should every student have?
Children: Portfolio.
Do you know what should be in the portfolio of every first grader?
Now I'll check it out. If I name the items that should be in your portfolio, you shout “YES” loudly and clap loudly, and if they should not be, then shout “NO” and stomp loudly!
If you go to school
Then in a briefcase you take with you:
In a cell notebook?
New slingshot?
Cleaning broom?
Diary for five?
Album and paint?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Ripped boots?
Felt pens and a pen?
A bunch of carnations?
Colored pencils?
Are the mattresses inflatable?
Eraser and ruler?
Is there a canary in a cage?
Album to draw?
Chewing gum to chew?
Cover textbooks?
Plates, forks, spoons?
Sofa to lie down?
Cardboard to cut out?
Host: Well done guys! All passed the first test. But the next test will be more difficult, let's see what kind of attentive students you will turn out to be!
I'll read you a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood!
(to children) You listen to a fairy tale, and where I will be mistaken, you should clap your hands together.

"Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Yellow Riding Hood ... No? And which one, Blue? ... Excuse me. Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Somehow my mother cooked dumplings ... Ah, pies! asked Little Yellow Riding Hood… That is, Little Red Riding Hood to take them to grandfather… And to whom?… That's right, grandmother.
The Purple Riding Hood is coming ... Sorry, Little Red Riding Hood is coming, singing songs, picking flowers, and a crocodile is meeting her ... That is, a hippopotamus ... And who? That's right, wolf! Wolf Red Beretochka ... That is, Riding Hood and says: "Do not sit on a stump, do not eat a pie" ... No? What does he say to her? Oh yes. "Where are you going, White Panama" ... That is, Little Red Riding Hood.
The elephant recognized ... That's right, the wolf, where the Red Scarf is going ... Riding Hood, and ran a short way. He ran with all his strength to the hut where Baba Yaga lives ... That is, grandmother, and knocks on the door. And the kikimora ... No, grandmother, he answers: "Who is there?" - "It's me, the postman Pechkin!" ... That's right. "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!" And he hears in response: "Pull the rope, my child, the door will open."
The wolf pulled the string and ate the grandmother. And when Little Red Riding Hood came, he hid under the bed... And where did he hide?... He changed into a grandmother?... And then what happened?... And he also ate Little Red Riding Hood?
Then the policemen came... That's right, the hunters. They ripped open the belly of the wolf and seven kids jumped out from there ... That is, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. Everything ended well, the wolf married Little Red Riding Hood ... But who, grandmother or what? ... In general, the fairy tale is over, and whoever listened is a cucumber ... And who listened - well done!

I see that you know fairy tales well, and now the third test:
Let's see if you know the letters, I will guess riddles, and you guess.
This letter is on parade
Standing ahead of others
Leads the alphabet.
What is this letter? (A) showing a letter

The white lamb was a darling, he ran fast and loved to run, so quickly give me an answer with the letter what is his name? (B) showing a letter

It is third in the alphabet.
You will immediately recognize her.
What kind of spinner is this?
Vanka-vstanka, merry fellow? (B) showing a letter
Birds love this letter:
Pigeon, jackdaw, rook, dove.
Who can tell me
And name this letter? (G) I show the letter
Well, you know the letters, well done, and now the very last test, let's see if you can count
The tasks are not simple mathematical ones, listen carefully, do not miss anything and count accurately.
1.Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (four)
2. Six funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries
But one of them was tired, lagged behind his friends
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead? (five)
3. Five pies lay in a bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one got snatched by the pussy.
How much is left in the bowl? (two)

4. Once to the hare for lunch
A neighbor friend jumped up.
Bunnies sat on a stump
And they ate two carrots.
Who's counting guys slick?
How many carrots did you eat? (four)

Presenter: You have passed the fourth test in the country of knowledge, now the door is open to you. Congratulations on your first day of school!
The bell rings.
The bell rings, the bell rings, and our fun lesson ended, you answered perfectly, and now the guys have a break and we will watch a puppet show at a break.

game program

"Fun Exams"

Pippi exit

This is the House children's creativity? Are those who are going to the first class gathered here today? (sluggish answers from the audience) Yes, well! I know that first-graders are inquisitive, friendly, active, cheerful, attentive and very smart people. It seems to me that completely different children are sitting in the hall today. Or I'm wrong? (Children answer: No!). Something I can't believe is true. Well, if you claim that you are real first graders, then you have to prove it. And at the end of the program, I will tell you whether you can go to school tomorrow or you will have to sit in kindergarten for another year.

So, let's see what a real first grader should be like. (gets big book). Yeah, the first grader is the most polite student in the school… I see. You will have to pass the first exam - the courtesy exam. And who is considered a polite person? (answers) of course, the one who knows how to greet loudly and cheerfully.

So that there is no misfortune, I will say to all people "Hello!"

And you answer me .... (hello)

To avoid trouble, I will say to the guys "Hi!"

And you answer me ... (hello)

And the girls are not too lazy to say "Good afternoon!"

And you will answer me ... (good afternoon)

And I won’t tell my parents anything, I’ll just wave my hand

And you in response ... (waving)

To all the people who come from afar, I will say "Bye!"

Oh, not “bye!”, But “be healthy!”, Like cows in our city

In general, "Hello!" everyone

(everyone says hello)

That's great, hello. Wait, you said hello to me, but you forgot each other. Let's say hello to the neighbor on the right, to the neighbor on the left (children do). That's good, we can consider the task completed.

Wait, wait, you said hello with your hands, but you forgot your feet. They stretched the legs forward, connected them to the neighbor's legs, and don't forget to say “Hello, right leg. Hello, left leg ”(children perform) It seems that everything. Ay, no. Did we say hello with our hands? Did you say hello to your feet? But they forgot about the ears. Get your ears ready. Neighbor, how can you hear me, reception! We greet the neighbor's ears on the right and left.

Now that's all for sure. You can check the box that you are polite first graders.

And the next quality of a first grader is the ability to give answers in unison. Help me.

(the audience adds the answer in chorus. I own will I choose two people for each answer to form two teams with school supplies. To everyone who comes out, I give the item they are in. this moment guessed)

MANOK How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back!

Who would give me a pair of legs,
So that I can run myself
I would dance like this!
Yes, you can’t, I’m a school ... (satchel)

DECOY New house I carry in my hand

The doors of the house are locked,

And they live in that house

Pen, book and album. (Briefcase)

I, friends, your friend,

Simple agile ... (Pencil)

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach...
What is this?.. (pencil)

If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain. (rubber)

you colored pencil
Color all drawings.
To correct them later
Very useful...( eraser)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the ruler today -
I have... (plasticine)

I'm big, I'm a student!
In my backpack... (diary)

Straight line, come on
You can draw yourself!
It's hard science!
Useful here... (ruler)

I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am... (pencil case)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,

Feel free to write to me!

You can also draw.

Who am I? (Notebook)

White hare in the black sky
jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? (chalk)

I'll draw summer, mom

And yourself. Panama is on me.

Sea, rainbow and house.

Keeps everything inside ... (album)

Extends the life of notebooks

And some textbooks

They are always fine with her.

Protects them ... (cover)

It is not new to her to work,

No lesson is lazy.

It's boring for her to lie in a pencil case,

Writes, writes, writes ... (pen)

They did an excellent job. Well, now we need to put all the things in the briefcase. But since you are just beginning first-graders, you can forget something at home. So, the first student runs to school (the chair is in the distance). He runs to school and suddenly remembers that he forgot school supplies. He returns to his team, passes the portfolio to the next student. He puts his subject in a briefcase and runs to school. But already at school, he again remembers that he forgot something, returns to the team and passes the portfolio to the next one. So until all the items are in the portfolio. Let's see which team will collect their portfolio faster.


They did an excellent job. I'll give you an A for collecting a portfolio.


All dancers are entitled to chocolate. By the way, which one of you likes chocolate? (children answer). No, when kids love chocolate, they quickly raise their hand and shout “I!”.

    Which one of you loves chocolate?



    Who loves oranges? Tangerines? Petrol?...

    Who loves coca-cola? Goes to school?...

Well, since you go to school (at least you were going to go there), then you probably know how to count to 5. Let's try. How many fingers am I showing? (one, two, three, four, one)

It's clear. You didn't come in vain today. Let's listen to you, do you know what can be done at school? If what I will name is done at school, then you shout “yes!”, And if you can’t do it, then don’t let us down and shout “no!”.

    Make noise, shout, be silent in the classroom

    Study, be lazy, ask to go outside

    Do homework, walk at recess hands to hips

    Make noise in the lessons, look at your neighbor's notebook

    Solve problems, give back to offenders

    Scatter peels from oranges, get one five.

Well done, everyone can put fives for attention.

And now the lesson is announced foreign language. Now we will learn the language of animals. As one famous book says:

Kittens meowed, we got tired of meowing,

We want to grunt like piglets. (show how) - you have an excellent command of the language of piglets.

So the pigs meowed ... (how?),

Kittens grunted ... (show),

The ducks croaked

The hens screamed.

And the sparrow flew in and mooed like a cow (picture)

Wait, wait, but this is some kind of confusion. Let's give the animals back their voices.



And now an exam on the knowledge of the habits of animals is being announced. MANOK: (hare, kitten, elephant, bird, crocodile, dog)


FIVES (strings with tubes)



Target: To create a positive emotional mood at the beginning of classes, to promote the creative inclusion of children in the educational process.

The game program is supposed to be a logical continuation of the Knowledge holiday on September 1 and is designed for students of primary and secondary school age.

Preliminary preparation:

  • preparation of leaders (they can be high school students or teachers);
  • hall decoration; phonogram recording for competitions;
  • preparation of tokens with numbers (according to the number of participants);
  • if the school has such an opportunity, the preparation of small prizes (pens, pencils, etc.) stationery);
  • preparation of props for competitions (see script); preparation of assistants (explain the task to the children).

Upon entering the hall, each participant receives a token with a number. Uplifting music plays.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon boys and girls!

Host 2: Good afternoon, dear teachers and parents!

Presenter 1: We are happy to greet everyone who has gathered in this hall now, everyone who has again come to the familiar threshold to say joyfully or anxiously, embarrassedly or excitedly: "School! Hello! It's me!"

Host 2: Look how different you all are: fair-haired and dark-haired, gloomy and smiling, thin and thin.

Presenter 1: But regardless of height, weight, hair color, etc. distinguishing features you all received a token with a number at the entrance. By the way, show them.

Host 2: And this means that you get a unique chance to participate in fun drawings and contests.

Presenter 1: All of you, probably, know and love the popular TV game "Star Hour".

Host 2: So, our game is completely different from it. But we took from it one rule that we liked the most.

Presenter 1: The winner of each competition receives the honorable right to say the phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" in his own way! and address all those present with congratulations or wishes.

Host 2: Let's first try to do it all together, in unison. You will have to very accurately repeat the intonation with which I will pronounce this phrase. (The phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" is pronounced by the host several times with the most incredible intonations: sadly, joyfully, in a whisper, playfully, drawing out the words very strongly, "in a foreign way", with an accent, etc., - so to make the kids laugh).

Presenter 1: And so that you do not forget that today is September 1, we are starting our funny contests - lessons.

Host 2: And before the bell rings for the first lesson, we have a few minutes to get ready. Happy owners of tokens No. 3, 71, 39, 94, 45, 10 are invited to the stage.

Competitors are given chewing gum. At the leader's signal, they should unfold it and start chewing. The winner is the one who inflates the balloon the fastest. The winner says the phrase "School! Hello! It's me!" and addresses the audience with a greeting.

Presenter 1: The children are ready for lessons. Now is the time to check how you prepared for the start school year our teachers and parents. We invite the three most courageous teachers of our school and the three most determined parents. Introduce youreself. During the whole academic year you have to talk a lot, explain, convince, ask. Therefore, we suggest you check the strength of your lungs. Your task is to inflate as quickly and as much as possible. balloon. The winner is the one whose ball bursts from the effort first.

The conditions for the winner are the same. The bell rings.

Host 2: And so our first lesson begins. The Russian language lesson is taught by his teacher today ---

Teacher: Hello guys. Do not be surprised that in our lessons-competitions, instead of the words "to the blackboard" you will hear "to the stage." It will mean the same. Participants are invited to the stage, whose numbers are 6, 12, 24, 48, 52. I offer you two tongue twisters:

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch;

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Whoever pronounces them faster and more correctly will win. And your guys applause for each participant will be the marks. (Competition of tongue twisters).

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: And again a cheerful school bell calls us to the lesson. To conduct a lesson in mathematics, we invite a teacher of mathematics to the stage.

Teacher: I invite guys to the stage, whose numbers are 5,20,40,80,35,40. Stand in a semicircle facing the audience. Helpers, contribute the prize of this contest. You need to carefully listen to the condition of the task and complete it along the way.

(Whoever grabs the prize correctly wins.)

The winner gets the prize that he managed to take and is given the right to address those present, say "School! Hello! It's me!".

Host 2: Before the recess bell rings, we'll give you some sort of homework. In the meantime, answer the question: "What is the most common way in the classroom for students to communicate in conditions when it is necessary to maintain silence?

Presenter 1: Of course, notes. They are written by boys and girls. They are business, love and just about anything.

Host 2: Therefore, during our impromptu lessons, we invite all those sitting in the hall to practice the art of giving useless advice by completing this octet... (the octet is written on the poster):

If the teacher called you
Answer to the blackboard lesson
And not knowing you forgot
As Pushkin wrote about this...

Presenter 1: And send your continuation on the notes, indicating the author, to us.

Host 2: But first, for example, let's turn to the work of the author of wonderful books of useless advice for children and adults, the writer Grigory Oster.

Several of Auster's advice are read, for example,

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: The next lesson in our comic schedule is drawing. To spend, we invite him to the stage ...

Teacher: To the lesson of avant-garde painting, I invite numbers 4, 45, 71, 83, 93 to the stage. Your task, guys, is to draw a composition from blots. Take seats at tables that have everything you need.

Presenter 1: While the guys are preparing their works, we invite a physical education teacher to the stage ....

Teacher: One of the important functional qualities of the body is speed, so numbers 7,14,21,28,35 are invited to the stage. Your task is to collect as many autographs as possible in the hall in one minute. On your marks! Attention! March!

The bell rings after 1 minute.

So, please, sprinters, show who, how many signed autographs. The winner was .... he is given the right to address the audience.

Presenter 1: During our impromptu sports break, we hope that the young avant-garde artists have finished their work.

Teacher: Yes, the artists did their job. Show guys your work. And we will ask the hall to determine the winner with our applause. ___ is the winner. Please, you, word!

The bell rings.

Host 2: Before starting the next lesson, we want to remind you about the contest of notes with useless advice. We are waiting for your notes. And now everyone is going to a zoology lesson, which will be held by ...

Teacher: I invite guys to the stage, whose numbers are 9,10,42; 15,26,61; 29,34,73. These are three expeditions whose return from Mars brought the discovery of three new animal species. And after a short symposium, they will need to be shown: carambo aphids on the hunt; sisibolta on the nest; bibizyama on grazing.

Presenter 1: In the meantime, while the zoologists are conferring, we invite the school psychologist to conduct a session of student psycho-sound and laughter therapy.

(Calm meditative music sounds. If the hall has lighting equipment, then the lights go out, and the presenter is illuminated by a spotlight. All text goes against the background of music).

Psychologist: Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing ... After these words, you whistle softly.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But here he blew strong wind. Lightning flashed. After these words, all the girls say di-lin-di-lin-di-lin three times.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. (Whistling). But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. After these words, all the boys say in unison: bim-bom.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. There were cool boys and girls of our school. After these words, some of you will clap, some will scream, some will hoot, some will stamp their feet.

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed. Thunder struck. There were cool boys and girls of our school. They began to choose a captain. (After these words, a captain is chosen very quickly in the hall, for example, Sasha) "And who will be the captain?" (After these words, the whole room shows and says - Sasha). Sasha rises and asks "What am I going to do?"

Imagine that you are sitting on a high hill, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. (Hall whistle). But then a strong wind blew. Lightning flashed (girls). Thunder struck (boys; "bim-bom"). There were cool boys and girls of our school. (The whole hall - who is in what much). They began to choose a captain. (Hall - "Sasha"). Sasha gets up: “What am I going to do?” Sit down, Sasha, and watch the end of our holiday together with everyone.

Teacher: During the session of psycho-sound-laughter therapy, zoologists are ready to answer. Please, carambo aphids in the hunt, ceasbolt in the nest and beebees in the grazing. Please, audience, rate our participants with your applause. The winners are... You have the right to address the audience.

The bell rings.

Presenter 1: Lessons are coming to an end in our cheerful school.

Host 2: It remains only to determine the winner of the contest of useless advice. The winner was .... He has the floor.

Presenter 1: All lessons in our fun school are over. Tomorrow you will meet with your teachers for school desks and together with them you will go further along the roads of knowledge and discoveries. May that good mood always accompany you on the way, which we hope you all received today. All the best!