Beautiful congratulations to the sister from the sister happy birthday. Interesting and sincere birthday greetings to a sister from a sister

My dear little sister!
Happy Birthday!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
I am lucky in all matters.

Very good health
I also want to wish
For it to be like this
Follow yourself closely.

Fulfillment of dreams
The most iridescent in the world,
After all, another such sister
Not found on the planet...

On this day, I hug my sister tightly
And again I say that there are no relatives of her!
Today I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you the brightest and best days!

Let everything that you undertake be easy for you,
May friendship not leave your warm, peaceful home.
Let the world smile as wide as possible, brighter,
So that you are comfortable and joyful together!

I congratulate you, sister, on your birthday,
I wish you female happiness!
And I send you my congratulations
Let there be only the best in fate!

Know no tears, no grief, no sorrow,
Live with joy and joy
May it come true what you dreamed about
And the heart beats more often from love!

My dear sister
Happy Birthday to You.
Let them guide you through life
Laughter, luck, beauty.

May the lucky star
Shines bright and always
You will be cheerful, healthy,
Happy as ever.

And love, so that for a hundred years.
Let the loved one
Will be ready every day
Put the whole world at your feet.

On your birthday -
On the first day of your life
I wish you bloom
And many happy days!

My dear, gentle
My own sister,
May life be kind to you
May the fate be good!

I wish you to be joyful
And never get sick!
See only beauty
Be with those who love you!

Sister, I love you
And happy birthday, I say!
I wish you life without worries
Beloved to have a job.

I wish you to live like in a fairy tale
To have everything you want:
Smiles, laughter, beauty,
Health, money and love!

I also wish you
So that all goals and dreams
Yours, achieved have become,
May they all be fulfilled.

Sister, dear, my dear.
You are my friend, you are my family!
I want to wish you on your birthday
Fully realize yourself.

In a career - success, comfort in the family,
Let it be comfortable always and everywhere.
Let only eyes sparkle with happiness,
And the world opens its wonders!

My dear sister, my dear,
I sincerely wish you today
Hot fun, rhythmic noisy songs,
May this day be bright and interesting!

All friends will give flowers bouquets,
A bag of smiles, chocolates,
Enjoy and don't be discouraged
I love you and want to hug you!

Sister, dear, dear,
I want to wish you
Go forward without despair
Towards happiness and fate!

Be cheerful, cheerful, beautiful,
Successful to all enemies in spite.
And I want to be so cute
Lucky for everything!

Love, live and enjoy
The whole world is at your feet now.
And know what is open for you
At my house threshold!

Thank you for being born on this day -
Be happy and carefree.
Let the years go by, but young in soul,
breathe full chest free.

Love, and be beloved duty-free,
Dreams come true little by little.
Let the sun warm your life path -
Road without holes and potholes.

Happy birthday sister!
Be happy, take everything from life.
I love you so much, my dear.
Fly, dream, breathe, live, create!
I want fun, positive, laughter
I wish you, my sister!
Distances and years are not a hindrance to us,
We will be together in spirit forever.
And only we will become closer for each other
Day by day, year by year, forever.
You are a sister and a best friend
My beloved and dear person!

Happy Birthday Sister!
How I love your sonorous voice
You are our golden ray
Fun, easy with you!
Stay always nice
The best, sweetest, most important!
The house is empty without you
Not filled with warmth.
I wish you a birthday
Only the happiness of finding!
Be healthy and loved
Fate saved from all troubles!

Happy birthday sister
And from the bottom of my heart I want to wish her
Blooming like an orchid
The hearts of men worthy to conquer.
Let your dream come true
May all good things happen
I want you to fall in love
Let great love come!

Sister to sister, from heart to heart,
No one is closer or closer than you.
Happy birthday to you
And I will give you flowers.
I just wish you happiness
And only harmony in the soul.
You don't need wealth or power
If you have found the world already.
You are smarter and more beautiful,
So stay the best!
Let the problems go away
There will be more good things.

Happy Birthday Sister!
Here you are growing up again.
As a sister I wish you
I am very good!
Smile more for everyone
Always listen to your mom.
Don't try to be older
More years will fly by!

Happy birthday sister
You are my blood
Let it not touch the face
Your sadness

Stay young
sweet, energetic,
Everything will turn out well
In your personal life

I love you since childhood
All my life I love
Old quarrels with you
I don't remember

I'm lucky to be a sister
To be your sister
Save me always
If I get sick

Give me a helping hand
When it gets hard
You won't betray our friendship
There is no dearer fate

Congratulations and love
I often remember
I'm my sister for a day
I wish her happiness

Be healthy, don't be sick
Dear little sister
My energetic stream
Nice little bird!

Happy Birthday Sister!
Let dreams come true.
You leaf through the pages of fate -
All bad behind!
I wish you happiness,
And smiles and flowers.
Let your eyes sparkle
And love lives in the soul!

I treasure my sister
For her health, happiness I ask the Lord.
How happy I am that I am not alone in the world,
I am thankful that I have a sister.
Happy birthday sister, congratulations
Only good, good luck from the bottom of my heart I wish you.
May your cherished dream come true
May everything be great in your life.

Happy birthday sister!
I brought as a gift
Not candy, not perfume
And heartfelt poetry.
Let us quarrel with you
We get angry and bite
We disagree in opinion
And often offended.
I propose to live together,
There is no need to quarrel anymore.
Do not share your things!
Forget about hostility.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Happiness, peace and kindness.
And I also congratulate
Because I am your sister!

Dear, beloved sister!
Happy holiday to you!
Glorious, my dear bird,
How much you mean to me!
I wish you to be healthy
And full of kindness
So that fate does not treat you harshly,
So that all your dreams come true!

Happy Birthday dear,
My best sister!
I do not have a soul in you
All relatives you are for me.
I wish you happiness, laughter,
May all dreams come true
May luck and good luck
They will walk side by side.
In life, let there be different surprises
You will have a lot.
Less sad most days -
More joy, warmth.
I'm always by your side -
You don't forget this.
Sisters, we are not without reason.
I love you, you know!

My beautiful sister
I wish you happy days
Health, happiness with all my heart
Let peace reign in the soul
Let dreams come true
After all, you deserve happiness.
Be happy and smile
And do not give in to sadness!

Happy Birthday Sister,
Don't be bored today
Laugh merrily and loudly
Turn on the music loudly
invite more guests
And cover a chic feast,
Let it walk brighter, longer
Almost the whole wide world
From me, sister, of course,
Accept wishes -
Be happy and successful
Appreciate the best time!

My dear little sister!
Happy Birthday!
May your life be ringing
Sweet, like jam!
May your life be glorious
Leave a good memory
Let kindness be the main
And let love reign in it!
May your life be true
principles of goodness, morality,
Let no one disbelieve
You in what you have chosen!
May your life be bright
To generate gratitude
So that sunsets and sunrises
They brought only joy!
Let life be incomparable
Unique as the worlds
Accept congratulations
Your loving sister!

My sister, dear soul,
Today is your birthday!
I heartily congratulate you
What a joy to be your sister.
I wish you a sweet, serene life,
So that your head is spinning from success,
I wish you happiness, the boundless ocean,
Full of love and joy!
I want to be always blooming
Beautiful, kind and simple.
May your life be wonderful
Magic fairy tale unearthly!

Big sister has a birthday
Please accept my congratulations.
Always loved you so much
It was always fun with you.
I want to wish you good luck
And find your happiness
Always stay cheerful
And more often, please, smile!

My beloved, beautiful sister,
I congratulate you on the holiday today,
After all, your birthday is the best!
I wish you great accomplishments in life.
And never forget your sister
That he loves you, appreciates, simply adores.
And let the whole angelic patrol keep you,
Protects from all problems, misfortunes, grief.
I wish you fabulously big love,
So that she rises forever in your heart.
May joy and success always be with you,
So that you never need anything.

my beloved sister
I wish you happiness
And always be beautiful
And let your friends
These surround
For you to trust
I wish you luck
And more kindness!

You, dear sister,
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to sincerely wish
Live with a smile, do not lose heart.
Let the peaks conquer
And men admire
And all dreams will come true.
May you be the happiest of all!

You and I are not only sisters,
You and I cannot be separated!
I just wish you
Anything you want, get.
On your birthday - a personal holiday -
I want to wish you
Lots of happiness and cash!
Don't forget about me!

Sister, dear, you have become more mature,
More beautiful, more feminine, even wiser.
And it makes me happy to know now
It was great growing up with you.
As in childhood, we shared dolls with you,
They were each other's support and joy.
How mother's lips were painted with lipstick,
As they waited for their parents in the kitchen in ambush.
How often they played and just loved,
We have always been good sisters.
I wish you on a long journey
You still have a lot of joy to find
To be happy, to become impartial
And forever beautiful, good luck dreaming!

My elder sister,
You have always helped me
Saved from parents
But she scolded sometimes.
Be like a rose at dawn
And beautiful and gentle
Diamonds - dew!
Happy birthday sister!

My dear sister,
Here you are big.
I hasten to congratulate you
With your birth.
Sister dear,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
I'm glad we're together
So many years and winters.
I wish you dear
Be healthy, beautiful.
Let troubles and misfortunes
They bypass.
Good luck, happiness
My man is dear!

I want my beloved sister
Wish you happiness on your birthday
Stay good and beautiful
Don't be sad about anything in life.
Let failures pass by,
To make life great,
To become a little richer
To drink and eat only to your heart's content!

Happy birthday sister
Be the queen at the table
At work - a craftswoman,
Married - be loved
Forget your problems!
Happiness, joy, kindness!
Happy holiday! Your sister.

My sister dear
I wish you this day
To remain happy
And keep smiling!
I sincerely love you
And I want to wish you
So that you do not know despondency
And only happiness found!

My little sister
Happy Birthday to you!
Live like a raspberry
Without worries and sadness
Always be beautiful
Smart and kind
You are my happiness!
With love, sister.

My favourite sister,
I congratulate you today!
Today, tomorrow and yesterday
You are the only one for me!
You are not more beautiful in the world
May your birthday be bright!
I wish you many years.
Accept gifts today!

Dear sister, congratulations!
It's your birthday today.
I wish you happiness and good
Joy, good luck and luck!
Let your friends accompany you
And the beloved leads by the hand.
The best is ahead, I know.
Don't let success let you down!

My sister is a wonderful person
Let everything in the world succeed in life,
May yours be happy, long life,
Let luck smile on you.
Know true love
And not to worry
I wish you happiness, do not be discouraged
I'm happy to help you try!

Happy birthday my sister
Congratulations, dear, you.
You always shine with happiness
Troubles, worries, sorrows do not know.
Let the wind blow all the clouds
Be healthy, sister, always.
Let luck float in your hands
May you be lucky in your life.

Happy birthday, dear sister!
For me, you are the best person.
Let nothing stop us
Stay close all the time.
Let your eyes shine like stars
And let the smile never leave your lips.
And there is always enough money for everything.
And the chosen one will be sweet and loving.
Let everything be the way you want
Day and night, summer and winter.
Let your soul laugh to tears
Enjoying your own destiny.

My sister dear
I am glad to wish you
Live a very long time, not knowing troubles
And never be discouraged.
To love and be loved
Shine like a star
Always be fabulously beautiful
How to sincerely dream as a child.
Do not get upset in vain
Learn to appreciate the good.
I wish you on your birthday
To be the happiest person in the world.

Sister is always ready to help
Let him just say the word
I'll be right here right now
Let all sorrows go away.
I want to wish you good luck
And smile on your birthday
Receive a lot of gifts
And never worry!

Sister, happy birthday!
Good luck, luck
Be first everywhere
I wish you!
Health and happiness,
Smiles, love...
Accept congratulations
Hurry from my sister!

Happy birthday sister!
I only wish good
Oceans of congratulations
Lots of delicious treats.

Happy birthday my bird!
My sweet little sister
Mouse, goldfish,
On this day I wish you:
Sky, blue azure,
Field of bagels in glaze,
Sea of ​​tenderness, warmth.
Be nice to all boys.

Sister, you are older.
Trust me sister
What years are like hardships -
They came, they left, they passed.
Do not pay attention
And live happily!
After all, youth, dear,
Lives inside us!

Happy birthday sister!
Isn't it time for some fun?
Break out and splurge
And fool around a bit?
I wish you a lot
Happiness, just unearthly!
Always live without worries
And great love!

My sweet little sister
My good good friend
With the kindness of a child
With the tenderness of beautiful hands,

You are a hero today
Your birthday
You are beautiful like a goddess
I tell you love!

happy birthday congratulations
I am your sister
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Only happiness and kindness!

You and I are similar somewhere
But today you are a star
You are full of goodness and light
Good as ever.

May your world always shine
May the path be pleasant
Life is a pleasant surprise.
Happy, sister, be!

Sister, happy birthday, dear.
You are the best of the best for me.
And I confess to you without hiding
That there is no better friend for me!
I wish you happiness and luck
Success, and love, and kindness.
To be surrounded by all native people
And all your dreams come true!
I love you ... And I do not hide it.
Sister, it's good that we are together.
Once again, dear, congratulations:
Health, and love, and beauty!

My sister, we are so friendly with you!
Our relationship is important to me
I will always cherish you
Love your sister sincerely!
I wish you a lot of happiness on your birthday
Let the bad weather bypass
Let great love come
And let joy not let you down!

Happy Birthday to You,
My dear sister!
On a holiday to you happiness
And I wish you love.
Let it be in the heart
Joyful, light
I wish you,
To be lucky in fate.
So that you go to the goal
Confident and bold
Strived to always
What she wanted.

My little sister
My dear, dear,
Know I love you!
How are you, how is life young?
Accept congratulations
You are from an older sister -
Live honestly, live happily
Enjoy and love!

I wish - my sister,
Glow with happiness and love
Good luck, joy, prosperity,
And let life be only sweet.
To destroy all barriers
The men serenaded
Good friends, only true ones,
And rapid career growth.
Turn dreams into reality
And boldly win in life
Let it be filled with luck
Is yours Holy holiday- birthday!

Happy birthday sister!
I want you well!
If you wash the dishes
And take the apartment
That gift, no doubt
You can find it behind the nightstand.

Sister, dear sister,
You were always with me
Today I wish you
Bloom and smell like lilacs.
You are the only one for me
Beautiful and young.
So be healthy and happy
Always, right to the end of years.
I congratulate you on your birthday
And with joy I wish you
Wealth and good friends,
And so that you do not know troubles!

WITH Good morning, little sister!
Happy birthday, dear!
Let the birds sing loudly
Praise this day!
Be the happiest
So I didn't even dream!
For everything in life to be
Whatever you want happened!
So that the husband is the most faithful,
The kindest in the world!
And love so immeasurable,
And healthy kids!
To want from happiness
Dance, sing, spin!
To not stop
In the eyes of joy sparkle!
So that every day is new
Turned into magic!
So that every word
What is said here has come true.

My faithful friend
And a beloved sister.
We are with you without each other
We won't even last a day.
Happy birsday, my dear,
Bright beam in my destiny.
It's good that you are
There is no closer and dearer to me.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you love
Peace, joy, flowers.
Know I love and respect
I love you without further ado.

My sister, I love you
And congratulations on your birthday.
My wishes will be simple:
Beloved, may you be happy.
Let your dreams never get tired of coming true.
Let the finance flow expand.
Real friends, and female happiness.
Always young, stay naughty.

Happy birthday, dear and beloved sister,
Let me congratulate you before everyone else, in the morning,
Let them give you bouquets of beautiful flowers,
I'll congratulate you modestly, with lines of poetry.
Let the whirlwind swirl you out of fun and miracles,
I wish you, sister, only happiness to heaven.
Be beautiful and happy, be cheerful, groovy.
Be, of course, healthy and always young!

Sister, dear, dear,
Today is your birthday
I sincerely wish you
So that you spend it fun!
Sister, dear, dear,
You enter into the dawn of life,
You are blooming young,
You don't care about age.
Let nature continue to please
You with the flowering of female beauty,
Let there be only good weather in the house,
And cherished dreams come true!

My sister - happy birthday!
Throw away your doubts today.
Let's have some fun today
your holiday to celebrate and frolic.
Always be so happy
Reliable, beloved, dear.
We are sisters with you forever
You are beautiful forever!

Mom's daughter, my sister
Gave once a stork.
Or found it in cabbage?
I find it difficult to answer.

Why? Yes, because
Our girl is like a fairy tale
Cheerful laughter,
Miracle nose, miracle eyes!

Happy Birthday Sister,
My dear man!
I wish you life
Light, light and carefree.

Let the stripes not be black,
And trouble passes by.
You are like a bright ray of sunshine
Be free and happy!

May the heavenly angel keep
From unkind words and looks,
And on magical wings
Elves bring joy to the house!

Don't be sad about getting older.
Life moves forward in a circle.
Happy Valentine's Day, sister!
You are my best friend!

Dear sister, happy birthday
Please accept congratulations!
I wish you to be happy
Be sincere, with a strong will,
To be good-natured and beautiful,
Tender, loving, bright and passionate,
Cheerful, very beloved,
The sweetest and most unique
The best sister in the world!
Be always you, dear, like that!

To you, beloved sister,
On my birthday I wish you happiness
Let luck not pass by
And all the bad weather will fly by.
May the sun give you warmth
Let the nightingale enchant the trill,
May fate generously bestow you
May everything be great in your life.

Sister, happy birthday,
Good luck, the warmth of spring,
And joyful mood
Sky-high happiness, without a doubt.
I wish you only bright colors on weekdays,
Friends reliable, faithful and "without masks",
So that you always achieve your goal
And became the best in every field you chose.

Happy birthday, my closest person,
Happy sunny day, fine
Let all sorrows go away forever
Don't let doubts bother you.
I wish you happiness, health and warmth,
Long years in the circle of loved ones,
So that life does not let you down
So that fate is colorful, beautiful.

Happy Birthday Sister,
I congratulate you!
Let your laughter, the same ringing,
It always makes me happy!
I want to wish good luck
Money and various goods,
Groom, love in addition,
Take a step towards success!

My beloved older sister
You are the embodiment of goodness.
I appreciate from the first childhood
Your soul is a high light.
Letting in the fate of a beautiful, bright,
Your dreams come true.
I wish you on your birthday
Health, happiness and love!

Sister, dear, dear,
Thank God for you
I congratulate you on your birthday -
A special holiday for you.
May the best of everything on the planet
To you, like a bird, will fly,
Let it be in a fabulous carriage
A handsome prince will rush to you.

To you, sister, all kind and gentle words,
May fate generously give you
May all your wishes come true
May fortune always smile.
Let good angel keeps you
Let grief run away from you without looking back,
Always be loved and desired
Victory to you in everything, joy, warmth.

Let me hug you, dear
My beloved little sister.
I understand you perfectly now
It's like I was born today.
With all my heart I want to congratulate you
And to wish everything, not to convey.
In short, to rule this life,
Instead of sitting and waiting for something in life.

My joy, dear sister!
Happy birthday to you!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness
My star is amazing!
Be healthy, loved, beautiful!
And cast away all sorrows, doubts!
Life will give you impressions
Like a good, sweet fairy tale!

My favorite sister,
Catch congratulations today.
I confess my love to you
On your bright holiday -
I wish you lots and lots of happiness
Smiles bright and warm.
And to shine with joy
Your eyes, your soul!
Live happily and richly
Let dreams come true.
And know what is more expensive on earth,
My sister is you!

Your holiday has come - Birthday,
My dear, beloved sister!
I wish you excellent festive mood,
So that you have a good fate.
Good health to you for many years,
Joy of the soul, Love, patience.
So that sadness never touches your eyes.
Firm faith, Hope, inspiration.
Many joyful events for you
A faithful, caring friend is nearby.
non-extinguishing, bright stars in the sky,
Joyful days, spring garden.

We have war and peace with you,
But that's okay!
And on your birthday, your sister,
We hang out optimally!
And the cake will be unreal
Friends will all gather
And I'm still sure
There will be fans!
I want to meet love
To break anyone
Who looks askance at you
And a man of his word!

Dear sweetheart, and on this day!
You are beautiful like a fairy!
This holiday is a new step!
In this life for you as a new alley!

I am your sister and congratulations!
I wish you do not know the troubles!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you
May you live a hundred years!

Smile you always towards the sun!
Don't forget that we are family!
Always believe only sincere heart!
And luck will never let you down!

Congratulations to a thousand wishes!
I will give you and I will not forget roses!
I wish my heart only good luck!
Never know the soul of frost!

Wealth of happiness and love
Let fate open for you
You accept congratulations
My, sister, because with you
I'm very lucky -
Congratulations on your birthday
I wish it gives warmth
Fate is yours, fulfills everything
Dreams, lucky in all matters
May the holiday come to you,
Bathe in luxury, flowers,
Friends don't let you down!

You are the only one for me
There is no other like it in the world!
Always cheerful, simple,
You always give the right advice.

Let you get a little older
But, as before, you are slim.
And there is no more beautiful you in the world -
That's my sister!

Today everyone shines with happiness
After all, it's your birthday.
Everyone is having fun, congratulations
And smile lovingly.

And I want to congratulate you
My dear girl
It's hard for me to imagine my life
If it wasn't for you.

I respect you very much
I listen to you, I appreciate you.
I imitate you a little
And I love you all the more.

So let in your tender heart
There is always a corner
For meetings with me serene.
And Happy Holidays, my friend.

Sister, happy birthday,
Beauty and clever my beloved!
I always wish you good mood,
May your family be happy.

And every day brings joy
Health for many years.
Always in love, let there be sweetness
Do not know you troubles dear never!

So that beauty does not leave you,
You blossomed every day.
You achieved all the goals and peaks,
And you were on the right track.

Happy Birthday Sister,
I will hasten to congratulate.
Only here to wish banality
I don't want to today.

I wish you a fairy tale
The one you read in books.
So that everything always comes true
Everything you can think of.

I wish you love
The one in the novels.
Disappear in the evenings
I wish in restaurants.

So that the dresses are all in fashion,
Expensive limousines.
And so that the best is near
And your beloved man.

Let work be only a joy
Let the salary be a million.
To gold, diamonds,
And the last one is for iPhone.

Dear, beloved, dear,
Live a hundred years without knowing troubles
Swim in a sea of ​​scarlet roses
Walk among the beauties of Mimosa!

Be the standard of beauty
Make your dreams come true
Be the queen of all colors
Goddess of fairy gardens!

Be happy my sister
You are just a miracle for me
I love and adore you
And happy birthday!

Happy birthday, old lady!
You always be happy!
Let me pull my ears
I don't hurt, I just slightly.

Let health not fail
Be loved and love
Let luck come into the house
And back - no, no.

Let your eyes shine
Like dewdrops in the morning
Let the angel guard
My sweet sister!

I have a sister -
Just a feast for the eyes
And today she has
Glorious birthday!

I'm in a hurry with congratulations
I'm here for you, dear
And I want to say soon
That I love you.

I value our friendship
And I appreciate it immensely
My life would be boring
Probably without you.

Always be happy everyone
And swim in love
Success awaits you in life
Believe and don't give up!

Dear sister, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness and love.
Let good people you are surrounded
May all your dreams come true like in a fairy tale!

May goodness and luck always go side by side,
Take only the best from life
And so that everything works out for you as it should,
Believe in yourself, smile and don't be sad!

Happy Birthday Sister!
Laugh joyfully and loudly.
Let every day be bright
Let them give flowers, gifts.

Let everything in life succeed
And fortune will smile.
I want to sincerely love
Be beautiful and happy!

Sister, you know
You are the best!
Bloom, shine
Catch success!

Do not think about the bad things,
Love, breathe
And smile!

Dark is just a shadow
And life is messy.
Well, happy birthday

My sister, you are always with me,
My best friend at any time.
In a difficult moment you will support even with a glance,
Not to mention words and deeds.

Been through a lot with you
Good and sometimes sad.
I wish you to live in harmony
Your kids, just like you and me.

Today I heartily congratulate you
Happy birth.
good health, Great love Wish,
So that we were with you for many years.

There are currently many various holidays, but, nevertheless, the most important of them for many of us was and remains a birthday. We all love this holiday since childhood, because this is the day when we were born. Birthday is one of the most memorable holidays for all of us, because it is on this special day for us that we expect some fabulous miracles, pleasant surprises and events. Each person with trepidation and impatience is waiting for his birthday, including ours. Native sister. Sister is a faithful companion of our whole life. In childhood, we share toys and a nursery with her, in youth - our heartfelt experiences and personal secrets, and in adulthood- all life's adversities and gifts. A sister is our faithful assistant and adviser, given to us by fate for life. That is why your birthday greetings to your sister should be individual, special and very personal. When compiling a poetic text for a birthday greeting to a sister, you can indicate her name, hobbies, and professional qualities.

My dear sweet sister!

Birthday starts with a smile
Ringing songs and in the soul the sound of a violin!

Birthday begins with a verse.
This is a holiday that comes to the house!
And do not break out of happiness, as if from captivity.
Birthday and paths, and changes!

You fulfill all my desires:
Be happy, be loved and love!
Be rich and always be yourself.
Live in joy, be happy with fate!

Birthday is fortunately the key.
This is a holiday, bright sun Ray!
This is the joy of the present moment.
The heart beats, and the soul flies for some reason.

Birthday starts in the morning!
Congratulations, dear sister!

I congratulate you sister
With such a beautiful bright day!
I wish you love and joy
Prosperity in everything!
I wish you immense happiness
Good health forever
And a long and happy life
To you, my dear man!

My wonderful, sweet and gentle sister! I am glad today to congratulate you on your birthday! No one can resist your irresistible charisma! I wish that all the good things that you do come back to you a hundredfold! Let life give you every day minutes of joy, and years - endless and bottomless happiness! I wish your life to flow like full-flowing rivers filled with crystal and azure water. And not only on your birthday, but on all other days, I pure heart I sincerely wish you all the most cheerful and wonderful!!! Bright and unforgettable meetings, festive mood, true friends, creative achievements and love! With all my heart and with all my fiery heart, I want to wish you health, joy, happiness and prosperity! Happy birthday!

I want to look - waste,
To be the best on the planet
So that for one of your gentle glance
They threw a million to the wind !!!
I want to admire the beauty
No creams, masks, gels...
In short, just be
What are YOU really.
Happy birthday sister!!!

You are the best, the closest!
You are like a spring - the purest!
So stay the same dear
Sweet and heart always dear!

My angel, dear sister! -
I congratulate you on your birthday
For all relatives you are the embodiment
Smiles, joy, kindness.
Have become related since childhood with you,
You help me in everything.
So let the holy good
Fate will reward you a hundredfold!
Friend of my days, sister,
You are like a ray of light to me.
And on this day it's time to say:
"Thank you for this!"
I wish you a birthday
Health, eternal beauty.
May this year without delay
Your dreams will come true!

I'm lucky in this life
What a sister I have!
You bring joy and warmth
Warming the soul with a smile.

I wish you health
And forever young beauty.
Let them look at you with love
All those whom you love so much.

You are older and smarter
Grow up, more beautiful, more beautiful!
Got everything I wanted
All this year - a star burned.
Your birthday has come
So gain new strength!

A sister for many of us is perhaps the closest person in the world. She will support difficult situations, like a true friend, you can talk heart to heart with her, like a true friend, you can cry on her shoulder, like a mother ... You probably don’t tell your sister so often about how much you love her. And a birthday is a great occasion for this. In our article you will find the most sincere congratulations happy birthday sister.

Happy birthday to sister in verse

I congratulate you, sister,
I want everyone to be happy.
What to wish you - I do not know
After all, you are a complete success.
Let it be fun, like in childhood,
When they played in the yard.
And only cash
They are falling into your pockets!
May everyone love you immensely
The men fall at their feet.
May your life be like a miracle!
I will give a lot for this!

I want your birthday
Drink a glass of wine with your sister!
For all your dreams and dreams
For the fact that tears do not comprehend
Your beautiful eyes
And if a tear falls
Then let that tear be happiness
And let sorrow and bad weather
Do not darken your life
I love you sister
I only wish you joy
So that, like a flock of wild ducks,
Your soul flew up
Keeping love and youth!

Sister, dear, dear!
Today is your birthday
I sincerely wish you
So that you spend it fun!
Sister, dear, dear,
You enter into the dawn of life,
You are blooming young
You don't care about age.
Let nature continue to please
You with the flowering of female beauty,
Let there be only good weather in the house
And cherished dreams come true!

Hello sister, my dear sister!
Here, happy birthday, I brought you a gift!
Come on, let's pour this song into glasses!
Your lips will be brighter than the presented roses!
Let good luck, love open doors,
Let the rays of the sun wake up in the morning!
Let everything turn out that you sincerely believe in,
May life be even brighter than a candle flame!

My dear, dear sister!

Birthday starts with a smile
Ringing songs and in the soul the sound of a violin!
Birthday begins with a verse.
This is a holiday that comes to the house!
And do not break out of happiness, as if from captivity.
Birthday - and ways, and changes!
You fulfill all my desires:
Be happy, be loved and love!
Be rich and always be yourself.
Live in joy, be happy with fate!
Birthday is fortunately the key.
It's a holiday, a bright ray of sunshine!
This is the joy of the present moment.
The heart beats, and the soul flies for some reason.
Birthday starts in the morning!
Congratulations, dear sister!

You are the only one for me
There is no other like it in the world!
Always cheerful, simple,
You always give the right advice.

Let you get a little older
But, as before, you are slim.
And there is no more beautiful you in the world -
That's my sister!

Today everyone shines with happiness
After all, it's your birthday.
Everyone is having fun, congratulations
And smile lovingly.

And I want to congratulate you
My dear girl
It's hard for me to imagine my life
If it wasn't for you.

I respect you very much
I listen to you, I appreciate you.
I imitate you a little
And I love you all the more.

So let in your tender heart
There is always a corner
For meetings with me serene.
And Happy Holidays, my friend.

The most beautiful girl
Celebrating a birthday today!
I am to you, beloved sister,
I wish you joy and luck.

Let the sun shine in the clear sky
Illuminate your life with love,
The mood will be great
Let there be good luck and health.

Be always young and beautiful
Let the inspiration never leave.
Become the happiest person in the world!
Happy holiday, sister! Happy Birthday!

My dear sister, sister,
It's time to congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you success always and in everything,
So that everything was super, life was in full swing.
Happy, love be you always.
Health, beauty, let the years not spoil.
Like a ray of sunshine, you always shine.
Go without meeting trouble on the way.
More finances, good luck in everything!
Let everything work out, let everything be the way!

My favorite sister,
I hasten to congratulate you.
May it be multifaceted and beautiful,
Like in a fairy tale, your life will be.

I wish you great health -
There is nothing more valuable than him.
Big love, reliable friends
And many, many bright days.

Fate has not cheated you
Neither beauty nor kindness.
Always stay like this:
Cheerful, cute, mischievous!

Being the first is always hard
And the older one is even harder!
But I'm lucky with you -
Who can sisters be dearer?
Childhood is all about you
And our girlish secrets.
I inherit from you
I'm about adult life advice!
And today I congratulate you
And I wish you great happiness!
So that you love happiness, save ...
And shared with others in bad weather!
And, of course, thanks mom,
That you gave birth to me as a friend.
Everything is ahead of us! And always with you
Hands younger sister and the guardian of the hand!

My dear, dear sister,
Happy birthday I want to congratulate
And wish you great love and good,
And leave your gifts.
You and I are forever intertwined by fate,
Our souls walk together.
I congratulate you on your birthday
Without melancholy, without embellishment, without flattery.
I wish in love unearthly sensations,
Conquer these mountains, volcanoes of passion.
Our life is impossible without tears and doubts,
So meet them boldly, wait for good news.

I can't write masterpieces
I can't speak harsh words.
But love and warmth I dare
Give you a birthday present.
You are my sister, you are the ray of dawn.
May your dreams come alive.
I wish that every summer
Flowers bloom in your honor.
I wish happiness, as a visit,
Every day came to you
No room for anger
Not for a moment in your bright destiny.

I congratulate my sister today
With a long-awaited and joyful day.
I wish you love on your birthday
To make the heart burn with fire.
May the years, like beautiful birds,
Leave sweet dreams
I want to love, have fun in life
And in the winter to keep the echoes of spring.
May good luck accompany you everywhere
And sorrows will pass by.
I promise, dear, that I will
I am always and everywhere with you.

I hasten to congratulate you, my beloved,
Beloved little sister, on your birthday I am.
I wish to become a companion in your destiny, love,
So that with faith and hope they walk side by side.
I wish you, my dear, my good,
So that everything is adjusted: work and family.
Friends to be faithful, who would always
They put their shoulder in order to be able to resist!
Good luck and luck to walk next to you,
You wouldn't know a bad mood in your life!

Sister, dear, dear.
Today is your happy day.
I wish you, my love,
Blossom like a lush lilac.
Destiny to always be loved.
Do not grieve, do not despair.
Minutes of a hurried life
Do not spray on stupidity.
May your day be bright.
The road lies flat.
You are my dearest person.
I wish from the bottom of my heart: "Be happy!"
Do not know sadness, do not be sad from boredom.
Let there be a faithful person.
Friends are reliable, devoted friends,
Cloudless and long life age.
May God not offend you with health,
Bestow with angelic heavenly beauty.
Let your star shine brighter and brighter.
Be happy and young at heart.

Funny birthday greetings to sister

My beloved sister has a birthday today. Let her life be literally filled with chocolate, let there always be expensive lipstick on her lips, and only the most elite and delicious food in her stomach. Be still the same sweet candy in a beautiful wrapper. Happy holiday!

I want to say a few words to my beloved, tender, dear and beautiful little sister. Happy holiday to you, dear! Continue to smell the same every day, let only come to your mind original ideas, and in every case, without exception, you are lucky. Let your friends give you even more positive and warm emotions, and there is always money in your wallet (but remember that money is not the main life achievement). I love you very much, happy birthday!

Happy birthday to sister in prose

On this day, with all my heart I want to congratulate my dear sister. I want only good and bright in your life. So that all your life paths lead to the intended goals. May there be more honest and open people. Stay so beautiful and in love every day of your life. And may luck not leave you, and troubles and illnesses will bypass. Happy birthday!

My sister is the sweetest, charming, kind, gentle and beautiful in the world. On this holiday, I wish her that any trouble in life literally shied away from her and bypassed her. Attract only joy, smiles and kindness! And more often please us with your radiant smile. You are distinguished by perseverance and purposefulness, and this is your strength. You will definitely find your happiness. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday wishes to sister in your own words

Sunshine, we've been waiting for this day. I am not without delight watching how you change over the years. Changes are taking place in appearance, in character, in your heart… Today you are even smarter, more beautiful and self-confident. And although I rarely talk about it, you must remember that I love you very much. You are one of the few people in my life who can be 100% trusted. And I want to be more and more charged with your incredible energy. Congratulations!

I never stop giving thanks higher power for giving me such a sister. There is no one closer and dearer to you in my life. You will always prompt, help, come at the right time and find right word. It's priceless. It is priceless when only one of your carefree smile makes your heart feel better. Happy birthday my beauty! Let everything turn out exactly the way you want.

Sister, my beloved, kind, sweet, unique! Millions of adjectives cannot describe all your beauty. On your birthday, I want to wish you not only health, happiness and love, but also the ability to overcome pain and difficulties. Unfortunately, life is not always sweet, and only those who, with their heads held high, are able to overcome obstacles, are happy. Let there be in your life faithful friends and unforgettable trips. Congratulations!

Happy birthday greetings to older sister

My golden older sister! I want to confess to you my boundless love. Be always happy, inspired, lucky. May your heart not know what cold is and will always be warmed by the smiles and warmth of friends and relatives. Happy Birthday to You!

My sweet older sister! You never cease to be an example for me in everything: in appearance, behavior, character. Everything is perfect in you: mind, beauty, habits. You always come to my aid, your care is akin to maternal, and I am very grateful to you for this. And I'm also glad that we never quarrel, but always find mutual language. Be happy, don't get sick and never be sad. And I will still come to you for advice. Congratulations!

My dear sister, on this day all the most nice words addressed only to you. I rarely talk about my feelings, but today is the day when you need to confess a lot. You are the eldest, and since childhood you have been a constant example for me, no matter how trite it may sound. I'm glad I learned a lot from you. I love you endlessly and every day I thank our parents for the fact that we have each other. Just know that I am ready to share all the bitter moments of life with you in half. Happy Birthday dear!

Happy birthday wishes for little sister

Today is my holiday little sister. Dear, today I will not lament and teach you, I will not make comments and in no case will I scold you, no matter what you have done. Although it begins to seem to me that I no longer have any right to this, because you are so grown up! You are the queen of tonight, you have grown into an incredible beauty. Our house is hard to imagine without your effervescent laughter and sonorous voice. I want only good and bright things to meet on your life path in your future. Never know pain and human evil. And I, for my part, will try to protect you from everything bad. Happy birthday, love!

I'm terribly lucky to have you, baby. Even though you are younger, sometimes you seem smarter and wiser than me! May this festive day give you so much strength and positive energy so that they are enough for whole year. I will never forget the day your parents told you that you were born. I literally jumped around the apartment with happiness! And this happiness does not end until now. So be healthy, happy and beautiful, and everything else will surely follow. Happy birthday to you, little one!

Do you know beautiful congratulations happy birthday sister? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google