Solemn congratulations on Teacher's Day. Congratulations on Teacher's Day to former teachers

At least you deserve a break
And retired now
Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We want you today!

You dedicated your life to school
And the students are countless.
Be always healthy
Glory to you, praise and honor!

There are no former teachers.
Once a teacher is forever!
Yes, students, of course, grow up,
But the years don't matter here.

You teach us by your example
To live honestly, with dignity, with soul.
We wish you health without measure,
May you always be well!

On Teacher's Day, I want to congratulate you and say that there are no former teachers. All children will remember and thank you for your knowledge, for your care and patience, for your support and understanding. I wish you all great happiness, respect, joy every day and good health.

Teacher's Day is a worldwide holiday.
How much knowledge, basics passed!
And the teacher cannot be the former,
After all, he is always ready to help us.

Your knowledge, wisdom and experience
They will only serve as an example to others.
All along the paths you laid
They will boldly go as one.

May this day always be significant
For you and for the students
Happiness will be with you, good luck
And bouquets of beautiful flowers!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
You, my wonderful friends!
There are no former teachers
For life you are all teachers.

I want to wish you health
After all, your merits are great!
May you always be with great love
All students remember!

You have devoted many years to school,
Where wonderful children were taught,
Maybe there were lazybones among them,
But you never scolded them!

You found your approach to everyone,
Because you were loved, appreciated,
Remember you all with a kind word!
Happy International Teacher's Day!

The teacher is not the former,
And so I congratulate you!
Let happiness gently warm
Shining in life like a diamond.

Let health be strengthened
And at the same time all dreams come true.
Preserve joy with love
And an ocean of boundless warmth.

May joy not leave you
May happiness only come
Health is getting stronger every day
And the sorrows are quite shallow.

Inspiration for you - wagons,
For work to give you shoulder straps,
After all, you once taught everyone.
You are always loved and loved.

Our teacher cannot be the former,
You will forever remain like this:
Kind, wise, our school savior,
And beloved by us and dear!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts today
And we wish to continue to live without troubles,
We wish you so much health
So that it lasted up to a hundred years!

So that graduates do not forget
Visited often in the evening
And they loved you and respected you
Well, you looked great!

This holiday is rightfully yours,
As the sun cannot be cold,
How will the snow not be hot,
There is no teacher - former.
The school remembers your steps
And the words are sometimes harsh.
You taught us the main thing - to live,
Without giving ready-made recipes,
Forcing to create and dare,
To dream of great things furtively.
We have a lot to learn
And with each of our riddles
We will come to you, our inspirer -
Dear Invaluable Teacher.

Today we congratulate those teachers,
Who doesn't work anymore.
We wish you all good health,
You have not been forgotten in your native school.

We want to thank you for your hard work
For the contribution to the students and for the efforts.
We wish you very much long life years,
Thanks for the love and education!

holiday concert for Teacher's Day

1 leader: October will cover the parks with gold,

Purple colors will add forests.

Maple leaves in a sunny swarm

Generous armfuls will throw to the feet.

2 host: As if to the temple along the wide steps

The teacher will enter the school with dignity.

Faith and wisdom, love and patience...

Our low bow and honor to him!

1 presenter Good afternoon

2 leading Hello!

1 presenter Today we have gathered to congratulate our teachers on their professional holidayHappy Teachers!!!

1 presenter

Strict and affectionate

Wise and sensitive

Those who have gray hair at the temples,

For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,

Teaches in work to achieve victory -

To everyone who has the proud name of "teacher",

We dedicate a concert.

Each of us is ready to give you

A thousand kind and affectionate words

From your yesterdays

From your current

From tomorrow's students.

2 leading If the theater begins with a hanger, then the school begins with the director.

The director enters the stage and addresses with a short congratulatory speech to all teachers.

There is a wonderful holiday in autumn,

It's called Teacher's Day.

In any soul, like a ray of spring,

He will respond with warmth.

We are in this bright, good hour

Congratulations to all teachers

We open our concert with a song,

She sings only for you!


Leading: First-graders came to our concert to congratulate our teachers.

^ Dear teacher.

Yesterday we were fools

Hand in hand with mom went to the kindergarten,

Now we are called first-graders,

And the school is our second home.

A sea of ​​knowledge lies ahead of us,

Ready to dive head first.

So as not to fall to the bottom of the sea

And choose the right course for us,

Our teacher will always help

Let him be the captain.

You learn to write words and syllables,

And we are no longer afraid of offers.

And although we sometimes do not see the lines,

You are ready to help us.

We wish you good health

And a long, joyful, worthy life.

So that work only brings joy

And let the sun shine through the windows!

Host 2: We are grateful to teachers - veterans who gave most of their lives to the school.

Presenter 1: Accept our my sincere congratulations Happy Teacher's Day.

Thank you for your daily work

For kindness, patience, love,

You know how to find the words

To support your students.

Let them surround you with affection and warmth

All those who are dear to you in life,

Luck helps you in everything

And only joy gives every hour!


This home is amazing! Here everything is mixed up: childhood and maturity, youth and romance, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house, joy and tears, meetings and partings. The school lives an interesting life.

And it is especially interesting for school lessons. Attention! Live report from the lesson "Knowledge of the World". ^ Scene "Worm with ears"

Student(turning to the audience): Vera Petrovna put an end to me.

Teacher(to audience): Yes, yes! I put an end to Skvortsovo. My subject does not exist for him.

Student(turning to the audience): I don't argue with Vera Petrovna. But why cross? From me, maybe in time a great scientist will turn out. And she is a cross! Well, let at least a point. The point, everyone knows, is in the magazine when they are going to be called to the board. And so it happened, I was called. And the question was quite simple!

^ Vera Petrovna: Tell me, Skvortsov, why does the worm belong to the type of annelids?

Skvortsov(quickly): Because his body is made of wheels!

Vera Petrovna: What kind of wheels are these?

Skvortsov: Round ones, I saw it myself. And with the help of these wheels the worm walks.

^ Vera Petrovna: Maybe you can tell us more about how the worm breathes?

Skvortsov: Of course, the worm breathes through its nose.

Vera Petrovna: Nose?!

Skvortsov: Yes, nose. And if the nose is blocked, then he breathes with his ears.

^ Vera Petrovna: That's it, Skvortsov, I give you a deuce. Only the class made me laugh with his "answer.

Vera Petrovna leaves.

Skvortsov(turning to the audience): Do you think that I'm the only one being laughed at in the class? No! Yesterday we handed out an essay, and one wrote that he found a kitten and that became his feathered friend! In! .. And then you think, "a worm with ears" (leaves the stage).

^ 1st Lead.

You are like the captains of a ship

You lead us through storms and storms.

2nd Leader.

We can do anything, teachers!

After all, you will never let us down!

^ 1st Lead.

Textbooks, methods, notes?

When you are sleeping? May we know?

How do you have enough days for projects?

^ 2nd Lead.

You probably get up at dawn.

But is it possible to get up so early!

We want to dedicate this song

A teacher who may not sleep.


IN wonderful life, on the road of discovery
A kind and strict teacher prepares us.
The teacher is not only our patron,
Concurrently, he is a tamer.
We are stubborn, impudent, playful,
Lessons are not taught - it happens sometimes.
Thank you for being so patient with us
Thank you for loving us!

Where to find worthy words
Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,
We are grateful to all of you
That we love you very much!

School years... They are really the happiest, funniest and most wonderful. About my school life 7th grade students will now lead the conversation.
^ The curtain opens. There are guys on stage who don't know what to do with them. Someone is spinning a hoop, someone is playing hopscotch, someone is just talking...
6th grade
It was in the evening
The kids have nothing to do.
Someone jumped and jumped
Someone was dozing in the noise.
1. And today I have "5". And you?
2. And in my physical-re “2” is nonsense!
3. And today it was fun in our class again:
Ivanov managed to chew all the crayons during the break.
Mary Ivanovna - for the chalk, Ivanov already turned white.
4. And we have a parrot! And you?
5. And a hippo stomped to us! Here!
6. We wanted to start an aquarium in our class,
So that fish can save us from stress, overload.
7. In order to keep your aquarium longer,
You need to increase the security staff, that's for sure!
8. We played computers, well, probably for an hour!
After that, they forgot the name of Seryoga and me.
9. And our portfolio is gone, that's it!
Lost phone, that's two!
And fourthly, the boy Roma forgot all this at home!
10. And we have darkness! And you?
11. And we have even more. We have no time to be lazy:
There is a subject "learn to learn"!
12. What a subject! Believe it or not
In the classroom I am a strategist.
I will find an approach to the book,
I can understand the whole context.
13. Surprised! Everyone can read for the mind and for the soul.
You try to write down all thoughts in your portfolio.
14. And I do sambo, I go to the iso circle,
I am fond of jazz ensembles and value theater.
15. I have a swimming pool, German, piano and wushu.
I do everything everywhere, I don’t miss anything.
16. And we have a cool teacher,
Tough, smart and funny.
17. Very kind and diligent.
18. Exemplary.
19. The teacher is wonderful.
20. Patient and attentive.
21. There is a very competent director,
22. The head teacher is experienced and talented.
23. We have a school, friends
24. We are all a friendly family.
25. It was in the evening,
There was nothing to argue.
The curtain closes.

1 presenter Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - the teachers are already there, you leave the school - they are still there.

Harder than your work does not happen,
Reform will not make it easier,
Life itself makes us
For children, spare nothing.
In aviation, they strictly consider
How many hours did the pilot fly.
No one knows about education
How long did he stand at the blackboard?
How many notebooks I checked at night
How many plans for life wrote
How many times have you believed a person
And he punished himself for it.
We are familiar with your name from the cradle,
Both an adult and a child know you,
No - you are not a hero, not an artist, not a ruler,
You are our hearts adored resident.
Our humble and beloved teacher.

Leading: And now the next number of our program. Song

Host 1: Yes, a lot of interesting things happen in the lessons. For example, my teacher gave me the task to find the square root. I've been digging up the whole garden for the third day - but only all the round ones come across.
Presenter 2: And I perfectly remembered the geography lesson on the topic "parts of the world." You look at the compass: to the right - east, to the left - west, in front - north, but tell me what is behind you?

Host 1: Damn, I told my mother that everyone would see a hole in my pants!
Host 2: And I love history! Now, what is a monarchy?
Presenter 1: A monarchy is when a king rules a country.
Presenter 2: And if the king dies?
Host 1: Then the queen rules.
Host 2: And if the queen dies?
Presenter 1: Then the jack remains.

Presenter 2: And I am well versed in Russian. Tell me, what is the number of the word "trousers" - singular or plural?
Presenter 1: Above - singular, and below - plural.
Host 2: What do you think is my favorite subject?
Presenter 1: Biology? Computer science? Physics?
Presenter 2: No, a computer.

On this day we want to give you good mood and we are sure that the performance of the next participants of our concert will make even the most strict teachers of our school smile.

^ Scene "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

1st. Bambarbia kirgudu.

2nd. Dear teachers and school staff!

3rd. Markavara Kuze.

2nd. We have come to thank you for your hard work.

(minus "If I were a Sultan")

If I were a sultan, I would go to school

And I became a teacher, I would read books,

But on the other hand, in such cases

So many troubles and worries - ah, save Allah.

We know, sultans, how hard it is for you,

Do everything, take everything into account with our children.

Tears flow like a river, but we want to say

We thank you hundreds, hundreds of times.

Chorus: It's not bad to be a teacher

Much better to live in peace.

We want to wish everyone happiness from the bottom of our hearts

And for new victories to gain strength

A warm hello to all teachers

Let's put it this way: there is no better person in this world than you.

Chorus: It's not bad to be a teacher

And in our school to teach kids.

Lead 1.
Dear teachers!

Please accept our congratulations
WITH wonderful holiday so!
You, without hiding respect,
We sincerely thank

Lead 2.
What remains for you to wish:
Love, care and warmth.
May luck smile upon you

For your good deeds!
We wish you good health
And to teach us everything
We invite you more
Don't retire!

Leading.Yes, you need to have nerves of steel ...
presenter. What do you think!
Leading(throws her hands in disbelief). And why are we so out of control? You know that you don’t need to do this, but you still do it ... some kind of miracles ...
presenter(authoritatively). This is all our transitional age is to blame, I’m telling you for sure!

The reader comes out, reads a monologue about his problematic and difficult age.

It's impossible to live like this anymore!
Threes, twos and cola!
Trouble got
Right above your head!
What is happening to me?
I don't recognize myself.
This is a transitional age
I tell you for sure!

I'm a good guy at heart
Very good.
Just a creepy character
It's hard to deal with me...

And various upbringings
Oh, how hard I give in:
From childhood to independence
I strive furiously.

I don't like long notes
Moral teachings and conversations.
It's better not to -
I can do a hundred troubles.

I need a special approach
To understand my character...
Stock up on patience, affection,
Lectures are strictly avoided!

I myself understand everything
You need to change your life.
But it's hard to force yourself
Respect discipline.

The transition period is difficult.
So many problems with him, hassle ...
Need to wait a little
Everything will pass by itself.

Leading.Our dear, dear teachers! Forgive us for our laziness and disobedience. We will definitely improve, starting with today. Honestly! (Presses hands to heart.)

May this holiday concert
Everything will tell you for us
That so many years
We love you very much
For honesty, wisdom, intelligence, talent,
For the clarity of your eyes
For your kindness
So rare now.


At the end of our concert

We say thank you

And great teachers

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We wish you all happiness

Peace, joy, kindness!

We say goodbye to you

See you very soon!

It's time for our lessons!

This concludes our concert. Thank you for your attention!

Congratulations on the day of the teacher of Russia

On Teacher's Day, it is customary to congratulate all representatives of this noble profession on the holiday. And this is done not only by schoolchildren, but also by adults who have already graduated from school a long time ago. And this is not surprising, because thanks to the teachers, each person has formed as a person. On Teacher's Day, solemn events dedicated to the professional holiday of teachers are held throughout the country. Teachers receive numerous congratulations from officials, their colleagues, parents and students. Concert programs are organized in their honor. In many medium educational institutions October 5 is a self-government day, on which students take on the teaching function, giving their mentors a rare opportunity take a break from endless grades and notebooks.

Let me congratulate you today
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
In our children's heart you were able to leave
A valuable footprint so that we can live with dignity.
Happy Teacher's Day, dear, dear,
We won't stop saying "thank you"!
Be you always, as before, young,
Allow me to sincerely hug you!

Happy Teacher's Day to all those
Who, knowing neither doubt nor hindrance,
He put his soul into us a little bit,
So that one day we can fly.
From this venture, it seems, came out good,
We are deeply grateful for the lesson!
We wish you many, many years
So that they do not know sorrows and troubles!

We were all students.
We have grown with teachers.
And everyone could choose
Among the teachers - to their liking!
And the image carried through the years,
Never forgetting.
Over the years, getting older
I felt a deeper connection.
It is not immediately given to us to understand:
What has been sown in us has risen,
And only thanks to them
We live in the world not in vain.
Master, the years will pass
But the memory will not be completely erased.
You are my forever ideal
I have guided my path for you all my life.
I'm in a hurry on Teacher's Day
One of the first in the morning
Bring you a bouquet of flowers
Who will say more words.

You every day and every hour,
Dedicated to hard work,
One thought of us
You live with one concern.
So that the earth is famous for us,
So that we grow up honest
Thank you teachers
Thanks for all the good stuff!
Thank you for such a heart -
Above the stars and deeper than the seas!

From baby to ruler -
Everyone celebrates Teacher's Day:
Neither quiet nor ambal
The paw did not pass him.
How not to praise the teacher?
He, conjuring on the board,
Learned how to match
The price with the amount in the wallet,
How, taking a ruler to help,
Set the length
How easy is it to read the sticker
What is clinging to wine!

If there were no teacher
That would not have been, probably
Neither a poet nor a thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And still would probably
If there were no teacher
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened.
And we would not be Icarus,
We would never take to the sky
If in us his efforts
Wings were not grown.
Without him, a good heart
The world was not so amazing.
Because we are very expensive
The name of our teacher!

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give everything
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this to see the light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of the cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,
And part of the soul from grateful us!

Dear teachers
From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children
If they didn't give it to you?
We are half an hour that morning.
And three hours into the night
We cry out of ignorance
To teach a son or a daughter.
How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
Graze our offspring?
Understand their quirks
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Every year on October 5, an amazing and exciting day comes, to which even autumn from the heart gives its colors, as if generously smiling at all the heroes of the occasion - mentors, teachers who truly deserve such wonderful holiday -

Teacher's Day

On this day, every schoolchild would certainly want to say to his beloved teachers the kindest, most nice words recognition. After all, over the years of study, they have to share with their teachers victories and defeats, the joy of what they have achieved, the study of the world around them, interesting events in life, knowing and overcoming oneself.

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to sincerely congratulate all the teachers who put their souls into such a not easy, but noble work. We also express gratitude to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the school and to everyone who works in the field of education, upbringing of a new generation.

Let your difficult path be not in vain passed, forces not wasted in vain, creative aspirations to you, health, peace, bright colors in life, and most importantly, that you always have followers.

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold is already breathing
The school celebrates teacher's day -
The holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood
We owe it to teachers!
The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,
The sweetness of the first difficult victories
- Let everything be reflected in a smile,
Radiating wisdom and light.
You are always young at heart
Sharing work and joy with us,
Our strict, our relatives,
Patient teachers!
You give us a lot of strength
And love, no matter what.
How do you believe in us! And perhaps
Nobody can believe like that.
Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow
The candle of that faith will not go out
Without a teacher - there is no astronaut,
Engineer, poet, doctor.
Life tells you to teach, we - to learn.
Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
And it will become a hundred times more significant.
Light, sensitivity, teach the truth
Our souls and our minds
Everything that you ask us in life,
We will try to fulfill.