Congratulatory speech of the teacher for kindergarten graduates. A beautiful parting word to kindergarten graduates from parents. Examples of beautiful parting words for kindergarten graduates from parents

A parting word to graduates is an important tradition, without which it is impossible to imagine any last call and a farewell ball in the schools of our country. Even at the graduation party in kindergarten, it is not complete without beautiful and touching words with parting words from educators, parents, head. What then to say about graduation holidays in grades 4, 9, 11, where with kind speeches and smart advice the first teachers, class teachers, directors and, of course, the parents of schoolchildren, are sure to speak. As a rule, such parting words are filled with pride and joy for the success of children. They also contain wise recommendations from adults who, in their opinion, will definitely help all graduates at a new stage in their lives. The best touching and beautiful parting words for graduates different ages from adults you will find in the following article.

A beautiful parting word to kindergarten graduates from parents in verse

Graduation party in kindergarten is a special event for children and their parents. Toddlers experience the transition for the first time new level education and part with their favorite teachers. For them, this is both a joyful and sad holiday at the same time. And since, by virtue of young age children do not fully realize the importance of this event, adults try to shield them as much as possible from unnecessary worries and unrest. One way to do this is to give a parting word to future first-graders. A simple and beautiful parting word to graduates is best suited for this purpose. kindergarten from parents in verse. It is this format that makes it easy and accessible to convey important thoughts to young graduates.

Beautiful parting words to kindergarten graduates in verses from parents

You will find options for beautiful poems for parting words for graduation in kindergarten for parents in the following selection.

We accompany you from the garden
It's time for you to go to school!
Good luck dear guys
On your life path!

You kindergarten remember
After all, those were great years!
Walk towards your dreams
Always with a happy smile!

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let it burn green light
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Little your world in the garden
Became tight for you.
A big one is waiting for you new world.
Happy graduation guys!

Wish in the new world
joyful discoveries,
bright days, good friends,
Lots of events.

Do not get sick and do not be naughty
Promise us.
And my favorite kindergarten
Visit more often!

Kind parting words to kindergarten graduates from educators and head

For several years, together with their parents, they were engaged in the upbringing and education of kids, who today are practically on the threshold of school. It is not surprising that for educators, nannies and even the manager, this is a very touching and exciting celebration of farewell to beloved children. Traditionally, teachers not only prepare graduation party but actively participate in it. For example, kind parting words to kindergarten graduates are read by educators and the head. They usually choose simple options in verse or prose, the words of which are understandable to kids.

Options for kind parting words to kindergarten graduates from the educator and head

Some great options good parting words Kindergarten graduates from teachers will be found in the following selection.

And although this holiday is sad,
But in the soul with trembling warmth
We will remember your funny babble
And we can easily wipe away a tear.

In life you - the road is bright, smooth
And good friends on the way
Happiness and smiles, of course,
And find a calling for everyone!

Goodbye, kindergarten, -
Say quietly, modestly
Big celebration for guys -
Graduation today!

We wish not to be shy
In front of the school door
From the fives in the diary
Let there be no end.

Let your parents
Praise, but more often
You're already big
You have finished kindergarten.

And it's time to grow up
Let just a little
Grab your briefcase
Get ready for school!

Well, your baby has overcome the first non-formal stage of education, the kindergarten test has been passed. We congratulate you on this bright event! And may your child never cease to please his parents with his discoveries, successes at the further stage of education and creativity. So that your whole family grows cheerful, friendly and healthy!

The most touching parting word to graduates of the 4th grade of elementary school from the first teacher

The first teacher is one of the most important people in the school life of children. In many respects, what attitude to learning will be formed among first-graders depends on his professionalism and humanity. And it’s good that often with this task teachers primary school do an excellent job of maintaining friendly and warm relationship even years after the breakup. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the most touching parting word to 4th grade graduates elementary school says the first teacher.

Variants of the most touching parting words from the first teacher to graduates of the 4th grade of elementary school

You will find the best options for touching parting words to graduates of 4 classes from the first teacher in the following selection.

You, my former first graders,
Congratulations on your graduation today
I look at you, beautiful, young
Remembering your frightened eyes.

I wish in life new happiness to you,
Let the doors be open to you everywhere,
You will reach the heights and goals,
I sincerely believe in your victories.

You were lucky to become the first teacher once,
And now - today is graduation, I wish that in your every day
There were smiles and dreams, success, joy, a lot of fun,
From problems, difficulties, fate to give you salvation,
I give you congratulations, you aspire to the heights of light,
You will treat the difficult moments on the way with understanding,
Let knowledge help you make your life even better,
I wish each of you that life is always lucky!

Lovers leave school.
I'm proud of you, kids.
After all, together we crossed
School yard boundaries.

Generous fate let it be for gifts
And please let you every moment.
Let it only be hot from the warmth of relatives,
Your pure spring will not be scarce.

I always want to be honest
And do not throw words to the wind.
I wish you a big and very important day
Health, happiness and kindness.

A parting word in poetry and prose to elementary school graduates from parents

Some parents mistakenly believe that graduating in 4th grade is a waste of money. Like, what's the point of cooking farewell party if in September the children gather again in the same composition and continue their education. But only they forget that with the help of High school prom in elementary school, children have the opportunity to say goodbye to any first teacher and finally realize their transition to a new level of education. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of this holiday. Moreover, parents have a great chance to make a parting word in poetry or prose to their children - primary school graduates.

Poems and prose for parting words to primary school graduates from parents

We wish you happiness in graduation!
Walking the difficult road
Don't give up on your dreams
And never forget

Your friendly and fun class
And what the peaks are waiting for you.
Take them very boldly.
And surprise everyone with success!

Pretty much you've been told
Of what you've always dreamed of
About what's ahead of you
But graduate, slow down!

I'll just say a few words
They will not have the secrets of the worlds,
There will be no secret in them for you,
But it must be celebrated.

Always look straight ahead
But you take care of your honor,
After all, it will be difficult on the way,
But you can all get through!

Congratulations to the graduates on such a great day! Everyone on this sunny day wishes only the best for himself, sets his own goals. May they come true and bring joy in the future. Make big plans, feel confident and positive. After all, everyone paints a picture of life. We wish you a successful and promising picture, our beloved graduates!

A touching parting word to graduates of grades 9-11 of the school from the class teacher

Graduation in high school is very exciting and an important event for the whole school. Pupils in grades 9 and 11 are already well aware that this is the final parting with childhood and the first step on the threshold of adulthood. They understand that they say goodbye forever not only to their beloved teachers, but also to dear classmates, whose paths will soon diverge. It is not surprising that many graduates at this fateful moment count on the support of adults and wise mentors. And in this case, a touching parting word to graduates of grades 9-11 from class teacher could be exactly that valuable advice which they so desperately need. After all, it is a cool mother, like no other of the teachers, who knows each of her graduates well and understands his fears and experiences. Speaking with touching speech at the graduation party, the leader can not only give good advice, but also express his love for his dear children.

Examples of touching parting words to graduates of grades 9-11 from the class teacher

Dear graduates! From now on, you begin a difficult and unpredictable path full of exciting events. independent life. The school has become a familiar haven for you, where teachers generously shared useful knowledge and experience. Now you are called upon to apply your own knowledge and experience correctly in solving the problems of life. Good luck!

Here it is over school years
And the last call is heard in the hearts.
To you, my chicks, parting words,
I wish you with love in my soul and eyes.

Strive for the heights of the cherished
And don't give up when you're in trouble
Only desire is led by the stubborn
Go ahead, don't go astray.

May knowledge be your reward
All tasks are correct, the right answer.
Let it be for you in life
Just a happy, beautiful sunrise.

Graduation warms my soul
Carries a little sadness in the heart,
After all, I see off the guys,
In this difficult life this way.

I love your whole class immensely,
And everyone became my family here,
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
May happiness be like this.

Luck is near, let it go
Luck is pouring over the edge
The bad wind will carry away
Merry May blooms in the soul.

Clever and touching parting words from parents to graduates on the last call

Variants of touching words with smart parting words to graduates from parents for the last call

You will find the best options for touching words with smart parting words for graduates from their parents in the following selection.

Our dear children, today is the time for you to enter the road of adulthood. And your parents sincerely want to wish you great strength and great patience to achieve your goals. Be successful, kids and happy. We will always help and support you. Love to you and prosperity in life.

Fate has been kind to us
Giving beautiful children
We went through school together
I didn't know anything bad from you.
You grew up, and we were proud,
Peace reigned in your soul,
Working diligently, conscientiously,
Meet the holiday, graduation!
Let your knowledge grow stronger
Bring joy and success
Let the holiday sparkle with joy
And laughter will rise to the sky.
May the path be favorable to you
Success leads into the world by the hand,
Don't forget this school
She will bring you happiness.
When you go to work
Don't forget what's what
Let the skills over the years
Everything will be done for you!

We are now proud of you -
We have taken an important step!
Congratulations on your graduation
And we want to tell you this:

All roads are open to you
The sea of ​​life is already waiting
A whirlwind of ideas, events,
The world of sudden turns.

You are more courageous
What the heart longs for
Difficulties do not scare -
Temper, making stronger.

Don't forget the way home
We are ready to support you
Listen and give strength to you
To reach new heights.

A beautiful parting word to graduates from the headmaster at the last call in verse

For the director of any school, the last call is a kind of feature that sums up the results of the outgoing school year. It is on this day that the students gather for school ruler in such composition last time. A little more and high school students will forever leave the walls of their native educational institution and new kids will take the place of the first-graders. That is why it is so important to pay attention to all schoolchildren on this holiday, but especially to celebrate high school students. As a rule, the principal of the school uses a beautiful parting word in verse for graduates for this purpose. Such poems are full of wisdom, pride and kind words which are so important for future graduates to hear on this day.

Beautiful poems with a parting word for school graduates from the director on the last call

Here are some options for beautiful parting words for graduates in verse from the headmaster at the last call.

You have matured, and it's time for you to go,
We let you go forever today
It is a pity that your childhood cannot be returned,
Let's never forget the episode!

Finally, we want to tell you
So that you all study diligently,
So that you always read books,
To become good people!

You say goodbye to school
Meeting the first graduation!
There are so many events waiting for you,
Each path will find its own.

We want you to search
Only what you like
And not meet failures
You are on the path of life.

New way of life
Don't rush through
Only the heart will give you a hint,
In what path do you lead your life.

The teachers of all our friendly school,
We wish all graduates good health.
Sending them on a path so difficult,
They want to instruct from the heart today.

We wish you happiness in life,
And never be upset about anything
Keep friendship, knowledge, kindness,
We wish you luck in everything.

A touching parting word to graduates is the easiest way for parents, teachers (principal), educators (head) to support children at their new stage in life. And it is not so important that this farewell holiday takes place in the 4th, 9th, 11th grades of the school or in the kindergarten in general - graduates of all ages deserve kind words and smart instructions. We hope that the best parting words in poetry and prose from our article will help make your children's graduation touching and memorable!

Our dear children, it is with sadness, but with pride, that we let you out of such familiar walls of the kindergarten. We wish you to grow up, become even smarter and more independent. Do not be afraid of anything, because ahead of you is waiting for you so much unknown to you, interesting and exciting. The school will meet you soon. And you will definitely make friends with your new teachers. Meet real and true friends among your classmates and find a lot of questions to your constant "Why?", "Why?". Good luck.

Our dear pupils, dear children, today you are leaving the walls of this kindergarten, today is your first graduation. We congratulate you on this event and wish you long and smooth roads to a bright, happy, incredibly interesting and exciting future. Let nothing frighten you, let your joyful, sincere, bright smiles never disappear from your faces.

It's time for us to say goodbye,
We wish you only success in the future,
And happy childhood, of good,
Fun, smiles and loud laughter!

Remember everything we taught you
Kindergarten will not teach bad things!
We hope that we have invested only good in you,
May peace and harmony be in your hearts!

Our lovely kids
Soon to school, first grade.
very colorful books
They are looking forward to you.

Kindergarten remains.
In your life behind
Will echo in the heart
Time of happiness and love.

We wish in the classroom
Don't spin, don't get bored
Don't be lazy and don't groan
Only get fives.

Time flew by quickly
And the kids have grown up!
Kindergarten accompanies you
And educators want:

Studied to be excellent
And to behave decently
About the garden so as not to forget
And sometimes they visited us!

Saying goodbye at graduation
We are with you kids
Happy road to you
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

Send you educators
your parting words,
Let life guide you
Roads of love.

We wish that at school
You studied well
Parents and us
You to be proud of.

We let you go to adult life.
May you always be lucky in it, children.
So that in childhood you still fly,
They were joyful, happier than anyone in the world.

Let books be easy for you to read,
The school will open its doors.
Dear girls and boys,
May you have many happy days!

May everything be fine in your life, may everything always be successful. We wish you to grow up healthy, so that new knowledge is easily given to you. To surround you loving people who are always supportive and helpful.

We remember you kids
When did you come to kindergarten?
How mature are you now?
You will not come back to us!

What a pity, on such a joyful date
It's time for us to say goodbye!
We wish from the bottom of our hearts, guys
You happiness, joy, kindness!

May all desired dreams
Always come true for you!
Children, you are our flowers,
Let the sparkle shine in your eyes!

Kindergarten behind, guys.
Let everything be all right.
We wish you not to be bored
grow up faster
Studying well in school
Don't be too lazy
Do not get sick and do not be sad
Fun, fun to live.

“How quickly our kids have matured,” excited mothers exclaim with one voice. Quite recently, tiny fidgets for the first time crossed the threshold of a warm and hospitable kindergarten, and today they are already real graduates. Ahead of the guys is the most delightful time of exciting discoveries, school friends, fun holidays and the first uncomplicated difficulties. But all this - later! And today we have to say goodbye to what was familiar and expensive in the past few years. On the solemn day of the prom, dressed-up boys and girls will please the teachers for the last time with songs and dances, thank the kindergarten workers, and surprise their parents with almost adult deeds. At the graduation in kindergarten, congratulations in verse and prose will sound to children, parents, the headmaster, and teachers. Each guest and participant in the celebration will feel like an important part of a unique and one-of-a-kind children's holiday.

Solemn congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from the head of the children

The headmaster is the most important "mother" of the kindergarten. She is the first to receive children who come to her "house", the first to attend timid children's matinees, the first to let her native graduates go to a new school life. And, of course, she is the first to read solemn congratulations to the children at graduation in the kindergarten. Her congratulatory words express at the same time the sadness of parting, and festive joy, and parental instruction, and pride in the new generation of talented children released by her preschool. Solemn congratulations at the graduation in kindergarten from the head of the children - this is most often a beautiful verse for several stanzas with the most good wishes, simple meaning and short funny memories from the years spent together.

Examples of congratulations from the head of the graduation in kindergarten

The first graduation in your life.

Kindergarten will say goodbye to you.

Matinees, games, daytime sleep -

It's all memories now.

The school will gladly open its doors to you,

And the teacher will meet you at the doorstep.

Preschool children will not be at this moment -

Children will be called students.

There is a lot of luck ahead of you.

Books are waiting, tasks, equations.

We wish you victories in everything,

Let learning be given with ease.

Say goodbye to kindergarten

The time has come for you.

But do not be upset -

Smile, kids.

You were wondering here

It was fun to play

Run on the playground together

Good food, good sleep.

You grew up here quickly, quickly,

They got older and smarter.

Like the sun, radiant

You glowed with ideas.

It's time for you to go to school, children,

There is no way back.

There will be new meetings there,

But you remember your garden.

You are no longer a child at all.

The school opens the doors of knowledge -

It's time to say goodbye to the garden.

And although this holiday is sad,

But in the soul with trembling warmth

We will remember your funny babble

And we can easily wipe away a tear.

In life you - the road is bright, smooth

And good friends on the way

Happiness and smiles, of course,

And find a calling for everyone!

Beautiful congratulations in prose to children from parents for graduation in kindergarten

If it is difficult for parents to compose beautiful poetic congratulations to children at graduation in kindergarten, they can easily prepare a parting speech in prose. However, each such congratulation must comply with the basic principles:

  • the performance should not be very long and drawn out so that the children do not get tired listening to it to the end;
  • you should not compose a boring or banal congratulatory text - graduates are unlikely to like it;
  • the most beautiful congratulations in prose, children from their parents at graduation in kindergarten do not need to be filled with complex turns and too poetic indents. It is better to make a short funny monologue with a clear meaning and simple children's humor;

Texts of beautiful prosaic congratulations from parents to children at graduation in kindergarten

On this day, together we will say goodbye to the kindergarten: to this house, to our beloved teachers. But you know that there are so many interesting things ahead: school, new friends, adulthood. We wish you only positive moments, and although we are also sad that childhood is leaving, we will congratulate you with a cheerful and sonorous laugh. Happy holiday!

The kids are screaming and clapping merrily, and the parents are sad: it's graduation. We send our guys on the road. Ahead of them is a school, difficult tasks, strict teachers - they will have a hard time! Let's wish our children good luck! So that they are only happy and never meet troubles on their life path.

We, your parents, are very happy for you, our beloved girls and boys! You graduated from kindergarten and are growing up before our eyes - you simply cannot be recognized! We wish you to find new friends, master school curriculum and get to know the world around you better.

Congratulations and words of gratitude in verses to educators from parents at graduation in kindergarten

From year to year, parents make the same annoying mistakes when choosing congratulations in verse for teachers at graduation in kindergarten. Eg:

  • taken from the guys precious time for entertainment, reading too long congratulatory monologues to kindergarten workers;
  • they choose clichéd and boring rhymes for a long time instead of beautiful classical or funny modern poetry;
  • designate one responsible speaker instead of cheerful company from several congratulators;
  • they try to unnecessarily touch teachers, and not cheer them up;

Congratulations in verse for graduation in kindergarten to teachers from the parent committee

The educator has a job -

That's another concern!

Gotta wipe the snot

Songs to sing and dance.

comb, kiss,

Feed and rock.

He laughs, he cries

This stick drives everyone.

Try to follow

Keep everyone safe.

Here with one, oh how difficult,

And you can't count them.

How many eyes do you need?

Yes, and hands, well, exactly six.

We are calm for the children

For your pencils.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

And bow to the ground to you!

A child's smile is like a ray of sunshine

And the eyes are dewdrops, then the morning dawn.

Lives on earth a million "Why",

Give everyone an answer.

Where does the sun sleep? Why is the cloud crying?

An inquisitive childhood looks us in the eye.

Create, surprise, delight and of course,

Then you will win the hearts of a child.

How important it is to understand that in our profession

Loving children is the key to success.

Attention, give them warmth with interest

And they will say that your calling is a teacher!

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us,

And days, And weeks, and even years.

For this, many thanks to you,

We will always love and remember you.

More patience and health to you,

Be content with your work.

We wish you success in your work, so difficult,

And a lot of bright and juicy ideas.

Kind congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from parents to staff

Each employee of the kindergarten makes a significant contribution to the well-functioning work of the institution, to the development and education of children. The nannies take care of the cleanliness and hygiene of preschool children, the cooks observe all nutritional standards, the music director develops talents in the kids and rehearses beautiful matinees, the speech therapist trains and corrects speech. Literally all these professionals have been going hand in hand with the kids for several years, and, of course, deserve to hear at the graduation in kindergarten kind congratulations and words of gratitude from parents. After all, it is not at all easy to take care of the comfort, coziness and safety of dozens of little fidgets every day.

Choose good congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from parents to staff in our selection and supplement them with your personal words of thanks.

Examples of congratulatory words to kindergarten staff from parents

You accepted our children as babies,

Who speak badly.

Diligently eat with spoons themselves,

But they don't want to get dressed...

Teaching children diligently to order,

There is a lot to explain to them.

And how to wash and do exercises,

Go to the potty and go to sleep at night.

And tears and snot they need to wipe,

Distract, reassure, understand, regret.

Learn how to move together to the music,

Sculpt, draw and sing a little!

And mothers calmly go to work,

We know - in in good hands kids.

For your love and for your care,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your hard work!

Our teddy bear is sad

And he was always so funny...

We are our nanny - Irishka

Let's wave goodbye.

Toys and books are in order,

And cleanly washed all the mugs.

Now girls, boys

Leave ... Goodbye toys!

We promise we will

Learn only "FIVE"!

We will not forget the kindergarten

And we ask you not to forget!!!

You have a magical job:

Sounds, notes have obeyed you.

You can command

Melodies sound in the soul.

Thank you for your songs

That danced with us together

That the music of all our days

Sounded better with you!

Touching congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children to educators

Graduation in kindergarten is a real fairy tale in reality, remembered by children for a lifetime. Getting their first “certificates” and accepting wishes for the future, the guys realize how much they have matured and wised up. But graduates feel their importance even more sharply, saying goodbye to their native teachers and expressing their personal congratulations on their own. Preparing in advance short thank-you texts in prose or touching congratulatory verses for educators at graduation, children put their sincere and mirror-clear emotions, feelings, impressions into them. Boys and girls are trying in one wish to collect all the most important and valuable for the very first and main mentor in their lives.

And if it is difficult for the guys to pick up or compose touching congratulations at graduation in kindergarten from children to educators, parents always come to the rescue, prompting best options texts.

Texts of touching children's congratulations to teachers at graduation in kindergarten

Today is a holiday in kindergarten,

The teacher is in sight.

Receives congratulations

Dreaming of his worldly...

Let dreams come true

Educators of the country!

How many eyes and hands do you need

To follow around

For your tomboys -

Golden lollipops.

There - laughing, here - crying,

And the other is jumping on a stick ...

Not everyone here with this case

Get it done quickly, skillfully.

The teacher will do everything:

He will punish, regret

Kiss and feed

Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The garden needs a teacher

Without him, he is not so friendly.

We send you a wagon of joy,

From the graduates - bow!

Thanks to the educators

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And on a gloomy day light.

You took pity on us, loved us,

You raised us like flowers.

I'm sorry we can't have you

Take it with you to first class.

Unusual congratulations to staff from children at graduation in kindergarten

Of course, children's words of gratitude and congratulations to the staff at the kindergarten graduation are always touching and memorable. They touch the hidden strings of an adult soul and make even full-time plumbers cry. But if you are reluctant to watch tears on such a day, you can prepare unusual congratulations to the staff from the children at the graduation in kindergarten. Eg:

  • funny scenes from past kindergarten life or upcoming school life;
  • a funny song-alteration, dedicated not only to kindergarten employees, but also to parents, friends, etc.;
  • a beautiful dance in gratitude to the staff for all the work done;
  • handmade crafts for nannies, cleaners, cooks, nurses, teachers, speech therapists, music director and others;

Interesting options unusual congratulations staff from children to graduation in kindergarten, see our videos.

Video options for unusual congratulations to kindergarten workers from children at graduation

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So you have grown up
And stronger and smarter
The kindergarten has become too small
For these big guys.
The garden escorts you
And we wish you a good hour:
Studying well in school
And do not spin at the desk,
Always be diligent
Remember us sometimes.

Congratulations on your graduation
you today, kids,
And happy road to you
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

We wish good
Kindergarten you remember
And what did we teach you
Never forgot.

We wish you a new school
We are an interesting life for you,
Produces a kindergarten
You today in the world wonderful.

Dear children, congratulations on your first graduation! May your school years be exciting and interesting, may you be surrounded by good people And faithful friends. Get new knowledge, conquer new heights, obey your parents, be their pride and make your dreams come true!

Favorite and beautiful
How did you grow up in the garden?
Children are our relatives,
You have grown up!

Doors open today
In a huge spacious world.
Step into it more fun
May he be happy for you!

School is waiting for you
And there will be new friends.
And in the garden you know
You are the family you want!

Everything that kindergarten gave you
Don't forget, don't lose
My childhood friendship
Never forget.

May future days
Bright thoughts will be full
Knowledge bright lights
They obey meekly.

So you finished kindergarten,
There are so many events ahead of you
Let your eyes shine with happiness
We wish you a sea of ​​wonderful discoveries!

Remember everything we taught you
We want to wish you all the best and good,
So that you get everything from life,
We wish you success, kids!

To our dear children
We give parting words
Kindergarten don't forget
We are always waiting for you to visit.

At school, obey, strive
Get more knowledge
For all that you have learned
Apply in your life.

Stand up for the weak
Believe in the triumph of good.
And in the fight against evil, guys,
Never give up!

Dear our children!
That day and hour has come,
When you go to school
Leaving kindergarten.

good educators
We ask you not to forget
And the friends that we learned here
Never lose in life.

Let learning be easy
Real friends!
All of you creative success,
After all, you can't do without them!

Today you are graduates
School is waiting for you all.
We wish you excellent knowledge,
Do not know empty experiences.
You will know everything, friends,
Let there be a little primer,
Let it be interesting at school
And here they will come to your place
Next preschoolers. And we,
Trust me guys
We will never forget you
And we will set everyone as an example.

Today is your intake, guys!
Golden boys and girls.
You go to school - you have grown up,
You need less toys now.
Listen carefully to the lesson.
You came out of talkers and forty.
You are escorted by the whole composition of the kindergarten,
It will always be a pleasure to see you visiting.
Learn all diligently you try!
Everything will be fine, don't worry!

Dear kids, congratulations,
After all, today is your first graduation in your life!
We wish you great happiness
May your dreams sometimes come true.

The school is ahead of you
You treat learning only with the mind,
Let your efforts flourish
And treat each other kindly.

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

That's the end of kindergarten.
And soon you will be going to school.
So let there be a starfall
Days of interesting and fun.

Today is a significant day, today our children have their first graduation in their lives! Soon they will change their toys for books, notebooks, pens and rulers. It is very sad to say goodbye to a carefree childhood. Here, in kindergarten, everyone loves you, here teachers and nannies have invested their love in you, taught you to sing, dance, recite poems, make friends and show character. Thanks to them for this, and also for devoting so many years to this difficult, but very important business. I want to wish the kids not to forget what they taught you in kindergarten, and I wish you to study excellently and please your parents.

First ever graduation
Very important holiday is yours.
Was a preschooler yesterday
And today - hurrah! -
You are almost at school.
We wish: plenty of happiness,
Getting "five" is easy,
Get smarter and taller
Be healthy, smile
Have fun and laugh.

Congratulations guys
Happy first graduation!
We are happy for you, of course.
But we are a little sad.

Don't come to the kindergarten anymore
New things are waiting for you
But toys and cribs
You will always be remembered.

We wish that at school
You studied all the "five".
And, of course, with warmth
Remember Kindergarten!

Little your world in the garden
Became tight for you.
A big new world awaits you.
Happy graduation guys!

Wish in the new world
joyful discoveries,
Bright days, good friends,
Lots of events.

Do not get sick and do not be naughty
Promise us.
And my favorite kindergarten
Visit more often!

We accompany you from the garden
It's time for you to go to school!
Good luck dear guys
On your life path!

Do you remember kindergarten,
After all, those were great years!
Walk towards your dreams
Always with a happy smile!

The first graduation in your life.
Kindergarten will say goodbye to you.
Matinees, games, daytime sleep -
It's all memories now.

The school will gladly open its doors to you,
And the teacher will meet you at the doorstep.
Preschool children will not be at this moment -
Children will be called students.

There is a lot of luck ahead of you.
Books are waiting, tasks, equations.
We wish you victories in everything,
Let learning be given with ease.

First graduation ever!
Whose is he? He is yours, of course.
We congratulate you together
We hug tightly.

We wish you joy at school
Only "five" to receive,
To be proud of you mom ...
And in the corner so as not to stand.

And friends to you, girlfriends,
More brand new toys
After all, you are a big child.
Kindergarten graduation!

You graduated from kindergarten.
Mom is happy, dad is happy.
Today I became very adult,
Everyone is happy with the result!

School is waiting for you now
Opening the door to knowledge.
It's all quite serious
The main thing is that you believe in yourself!

Kindergarten is already behind -
First graduation ever!
We accompany you to school
We wish you only fives.

So that you learn with joy
To make parents proud.
Happiness, perseverance, patience
And a little more luck.