Congratulations on classmate's day in prose. Wishes to classmates Congratulations to a dear classmate on his birthday in prose

Wishes to classmates bring us back to school. It is as if we are scrolling through a photo album, remembering the story depicted in the photo. Wishes for classmates are always a hope for a quick meeting of the former mischievous, cheerful boys and girls.

In verse

  • I wish we met more often
  • And they remembered our cheerful class,
  • They always smiled brightly when they met,
  • And they remembered every passing hour!
  • Let the school meet us with flowers,
  • What we planted in the school yard
  • So that sometimes we fly to school with dreams,
  • When we wake up in the morning, at dawn.
  • We studied together
  • So many years!
  • I wish you friends
  • Joyful victories!
  • So that we do not study in vain,
  • For knowledge to be useful
  • To be on the way to your destiny
  • We met only kind people!
  • Dear and dear classmates!
  • I wish everyone to find love
  • So that your soul burns clearly
  • And so that the blood boils with passion.
  • To love and be faithful
  • They gave birth to many children,
  • In the heart to live hope, honesty,
  • And so that you live many days,
  • Longevity to you, joy,
  • And let it be marmalade in life,
  • And so that from this sweetness
  • My heart has always been happy!
  • My classmates!
  • I wish you love!
  • Strong and big families
  • Life is long and cool.
  • Children to you healthy,
  • new impressions,
  • Gentle meetings, dates,
  • Joyful dreams.
  • warm relationship,
  • New, good zeal,
  • Let everything come true
  • Fulfilled quickly!
  • Who was in our class
  • Let your path be clear!
  • Boldly you go to the goal,
  • Keep a good memory
  • Remember our friendship
  • Come if you need
  • Always on the school doorstep
  • And all of you be protected by God!
  • my classmates,
  • We have become family!
  • I wish you in life
  • Don't get tired of yours!
  • Never got sick
  • Got around the troubles
  • And let in your destiny
  • There will only be victories!
  • I wish my classmates well
  • And inspiration, and squeaky pen,
  • paint pictures, write novels,
  • Someone to become a screen star
  • Someone to become an astronaut
  • Someone may be an astronomer,
  • And so that you graduate from all universities
  • Only with honors, with a red diploma.
  • Let everyone have their own star in life,
  • May she always illuminate life
  • So that in the path of life
  • It was easier for you to go!
  • You are my classmates!
  • Friends, girlfriends!
  • I wish you to keep
  • This friendship of ours!
  • And wherever you go
  • Remember the school
  • Always return to her
  • If it hurts!
  • Let school be joy
  • And relieve fatigue
  • And let all your pain
  • Quiet immediately!

In prose

Dear my classmates! Thanks to you, studying at this school was not only a necessity, but also a wonderful entertainment. Our class has always been the most cheerful and noisy. Usually the students are waiting for the holidays to come, but I couldn't wait for them to end, in order to see all of you as soon as possible. I sincerely wish that we never forget about our friendship, and even after graduation, our cheerful company gathered in full strength at least at the reunion of graduates.

When my parents first took me to grade 1 "A" of our school, I was very worried, because I did not know what awaited me here and whether I would be able to make friends with someone. But a month later I found the best girlfriend, with whom I am still friends. My dear friend and classmate! I am very glad that I was enrolled in the "A" class, and not "B" or "C". It helped us get to know each other and get closer. I wish you to always remain as smart, talented and collected in further studies, and cheerful, open and positive in everyday life.

Our school years are coming to an end. Soon we will go to different colleges and universities and may never get together again. But, to be honest, I can’t imagine that completely different people will surround me there, and our class will remain only in memories and photographs in the school album. Classmates! I want to wish each of you the realization of hopes and goals. And may any team that we get into after school be as friendly and united as our class!

In your own words

How you poisoned my first years at school! You always gave me offensive nicknames, pulled up my dress and shamed me in front of other boys from the class! I cried and didn't want to go to school. Why did you do it? We were residents of the same country called "school" and had to help each other, play together and grow up! Classmate! I do not hold evil and with all my heart I wish you a worthy future! Be strong and very brave. And also love and respect women, because one of them will become the mother of your children! Classmates! Girls! I want your life to turn out the way you dreamed! I wish you to become models, actresses, journalists and just wives of oligarchs! Swim on yachts, interview the president and stars, perform on the catwalks! Boys! And you yourself become presidents and oligarchs! Then we will be connected not only by work, but also by the old friendship of classmates. Good luck to you all! In many years, I will leaf through our school album and remember this day. I will look at the photos and guess who has their fate, career and personal life. Dear classmates! Friends! I suggest you never get lost. Let's think of some place where we will come, for example, on Friday, every three months! I will miss many of you!

My ally! Strong, reliable, brave and similar in many ways to the heroes of the most exciting films. You know, when I go on a reconnaissance mission, I will take you with me first of all. And this, you understand, is an important criterion for assessing friendship between people. You are the person whom I always trust, and I know that in a difficult situation you will not leave me, but you will be there. If we are not together, then I can easily find out how you are doing and where you are on the phone. On your birthday today, I hasten to wish you to be truly happy! So that parents do not scold, and you do not upset them, so that in all school subjects everything is successful and even excellent, so that you do not get sick and do not worry about love. Life is long, you will meet your fate, but I will be a witness at the wedding. So know that I am always with you, and you can count on me!

All bonus points and wins today for the birthday boy, my best friend. The coolest congratulations and cool gifts too! Honestly, I really appreciate the friendship with you and my life, without a partner like you, it's just not life. Just when I came to class one day, I made friends with you, and my life was filled with fun - cool moments, became rich and really interesting. Birthday is a joyful date in the life of any of us. Therefore, let, today you will receive many, many gifts, congratulations. Never be discouraged by grades, remember - we will all pass our exams well and finish school soon! And there is freedom! Well, freedom is not in a bad way, but in terms of being an adult and studying at an institute, working is cool.

Congratulations, dear friend, on your newborn! After all, I know you have been looking forward to your birthday all this year. And now, finally, the day has come! They say that we will finish school and will remember it as our best years of life. I know for sure that I will never forget you. If you remember all the fun and funny moments that happened in our class and where you took part, it's hard to resist hysterical laughter. I wish there were many, many more moments like this. I wish you, first of all, good success in studying subjects (let physics, chemistry and mathematics be your strong point), health, love of parents and a lot of gifts on your birthday!

On the Day of their birth, all the inhabitants of the planet are waiting for some kind of miracle. Not as global as, for example, the arrival of a spaceship or the capture of a ship by pirates. In general, people often dream, however, usually their dreams are limited to dreams about vacations, iPhones, computers and stuff like that. But, probably, it's just that in our time everyone has become boring and does not understand what really cool things are. Just imagine what would happen if something magical happened to you, like, for example, the characters in Pirates of the Caribbean? It would be just great! So many interesting things! Travel by yourself, discover new lands, fight evil! Therefore, on my birthday I say: let your life not be gray and boring, but be interesting and colorful. Problems with studies, with parents are not so terrible things as to go into a deep depression. Just enjoy every moment, the fact that you have friends and live beautifully!

Well, the hero of computer games, today is your day! I hasten to send my wishes to you! Become the strongest and most powerful opponent! Defeat everyone and be the king! Well, we, your allies, will support you in this. Just imagine - you download the game, and you were given extra points and bonuses in honor of this good date! Really, would it be cool? Why not dream. But, nevertheless, I want to advise you, do not abandon your studies, let you have only “good” and “excellent” results. Control, independent, dictations, essays - do not fill up. Let there always be an opportunity to cheat (and you will not be caught doing this). Don't skip classes, don't piss off your parents. And today you gifts, joy and positive!

Comrade! The future of world football! I hasten to congratulate the coolest football player on his birthday! You are an example for many. Every time I watch the World Cup or see how the little ones are chasing the ball in the yard, I remember you and your sharp eye. And a strong kick. And how fast and agile you are during the game. It is not always possible to meet a person who succeeds both in studies and in some kind of sport, and you are just such an exclusive person. I want to wish you to have very good health, and it never let you down, especially before all sorts of championships and tournaments. So that you become just the god of football, and no one could compare with you in this. Good and excellent grades to you, and happiness!

Congratulations on the day of birth to the most successful person in the class! Sometimes you just wonder how much you know! It feels like a database has been collected from all the textbooks and implanted in your brain! Do not be offended by my words, because I say this with real and genuine admiration. You're just Einstein or Newton, some! You're really good at trying so hard. I hope that when you grow up, you will create some kind of your own "Mendeleev's Table" or invent a new law of "Free Fall of Bodies". In general, no matter what you think, you will definitely succeed. And always remember that you have true friends who will support you in any situation!

The most vigorous and courageous wishes for our Jackie Chan's birthday! When I watch a film with the participation of this actor, every time I remember you, your trained arms and legs, your strong and courageous look. You are simply a karate star, the pride of our class. This is a very difficult sport, and you are great for choosing it, because karatekas are always very strong and everyone respects them. I hasten to wish you strong, steely health, especially before tournaments and competitions. Also, of course, willpower and strength of mind. Do not hang your nose from failures if the coach scolds, because he wants you to become even better and even stronger. You are an example for many children of our school! Keep developing and improving! Good luck with your studies and mutual understanding with parents and teachers!

Even childhood has turned the page,
And we are no longer children for a long time.
But why do I dream about school so often
In a dream, I am talking with a friend.
That dialogue at the graduation farewell
Where everyone swore not to forget about school
And wait, we pass by, we cast a sad look,
And again classmates forget to call.

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Wishes before taking exams

Away with excitement and anxiety, pass the exam for five,
And also to you, "No fluff!" I can only wish.
Say "To hell!" to make it come true, and pull the ticket as soon as possible,
I'm sure you know the answer to every question.

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Wishes for the last call

The bell will ring today
For many, it is a reminder.
The last lesson ended
It's time for parting.
We wish you one thing
More often, run to school.
Your native teachers
You kindly remember.

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Wish for the First of September

School meets you today
The first school bell rings.
And first-graders in pairs,
They go to their first lesson.
You walked all summer
Who spent their leisure time where.
Now gladly meet
You are school friends and girlfriends.
Let your school year end
Only for round five
So that mom about your success
I could tell everyone!

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Wish for September 1 to first-graders teachers

I wish that first-graders find a new fascinating world beyond the threshold of the school, so that interest in learning does not weaken over time, but only intensifies. For each of the children to acquire friends and like-minded people in the person of their classmates and teachers.
And teachers should wish the ability to evoke creative impulses in their students, the desire to create, dream, look for themselves, and, of course, patience.
Since September 1, you, Teachers and Trainees! New discoveries and let your life be bright and interesting!

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Wish class

Boys and girls
You are a kind, friendly class.
Happy academic new year
We congratulate you.
Let school lessons
They will make you smarter.
Be careful
To the words of the teachers.

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Wish classmate

Dear, dear classmate! How much we study together, and every day when I see you in class, I am glad that I have the share of studying with you! I would like to wish you to remain the same cheerful girl. It's easy to learn, don't be afraid of tests and shine like a queen among your girlfriends!

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birthday wishes for a classmate

You are not only my classmate, but also a great friend. Together we gnawed at the granite of science. They were upset by the deuces and rejoiced at the fives. They flunked the tests and prompted each other when the fate of one of us fell to answer at the blackboard. I want to wish you good health, success in your studies and be the same sociable and great guy.

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Wish students on Valentine's Day

Students, Happy Valentine's Day! Burn in love fire, love while young and hot at heart. Give in to your feelings and don't be afraid to confess your love. It is such happiness at this age to fall in love and love. To know that this can already be a serious relationship that will develop into deep feelings and family relationships. Or maybe just a new love story is another step towards the love of your life.

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Wishes to classmates on the day of the meeting of graduates

Today is our anniversary, __ years have passed since we left these native walls forever. We often called each other in the beginning, but gradually worries and affairs swallowed us up, and we began to dial such familiar phone numbers less and less. But today we are together, and I will say one thing, none of us has changed, we are all the same mischievous and cheerful classmates who have gone through the whole school way together. Today I give each classmate and teacher a pink rose in memory of our past school years. I will remember and love you always.

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Prose is as beautiful as the sky, sweet as fragrant raspberries, fragrant flowers in the field. Birthday people always want to spend their birthday in a pleasant environment of their loved ones, immerse themselves in the world of kindness and attention, enjoy a wonderful pastime.

Guests of the festival try to think in advance about choosing good birthday greetings to a classmate in prose, write them out on a poster, notebook, postcard bought in a store or made on their own.

What to give a classmate for his birthday so that he will come in handy and bring pleasure? It is advisable for a travel lover to give high-quality binoculars, a hiking flask, a comfortable leather backpack with many pockets, a notebook with a beautiful guide to the mysterious countries of his dreams.

The birthday boy can spend this day in a male friendly company, and thank everyone else for their wishes and promise to somehow get together in a cafe or take a walk around the city, talking on various common topics, exchanging new thoughts and ideas.

It is important to think about what you want to see in birthday greetings to a classmate in prose, what literary rhymes are better to use to give poetic melodies to your wishes. Wish you good luck, happy events, the realization of your cherished desires, the kindness of the people around you, a good team, self-realization.

Cool school life with hikes, field trips, summer camp, creative activities and sports competitions give the birthday boy and his friends a lot of positive childhood and youth memories that you can talk about and recharge with positive thoughts. The value of true friendship always brings tremendous moral satisfaction, gratitude for good relations with loved ones.

Happy Birthday! We wish you good grades, easy tests, kind teachers, true friends, more bright, positive moments. We are glad that we study with you in the same class. Be healthy, happy and lucky. May all your dreams come true. It’s good for you to have fun today and tomorrow you are cheerful again at school!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday! Now I would like to wish, perhaps, the main things in our life: health, success, good luck, love. Let these components make your life brighter and more positive!

Today we are all in the class, we want to congratulate our beloved classmate, happy birthday! We want to wish you a happy life. Bright days, loyal friends. Fewer tears and more joy. May all your wishes come true. After all, you are not only a classmate for us, but also a good friend, comrade and just a good person. No congratulations for you. May everything you need for happiness be realized in your life today. Happy Birthday to You

With all my heart, I want to congratulate today not just my classmate, but also my most faithful friend. I want to tell you that you can rely on, because you will never leave in trouble. Never say bad things without knowing the truth. Happy birthday. After all, together we solved the most difficult problems in mathematics, prompted poetry to each other. I want you to be happy. Good luck classmate. And let all that was bad, let everything be left behind. And ahead is the road of happiness ...

I wish you a sea of ​​​​smiles and confessions, fields of flowers, many friends, a string of joyful meetings, and on vacation days - a vacation in the Canary Islands!

Happy Birthday to You! Health, love, good luck, fulfillment of all desires! Always remain the same cheerful, charming, kind and wonderful little man!

Happy Birthday! I wish you good Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends - like me - and remain the same wonderful person!

We have known you for a long time and therefore on your birthday, we have something to say. After all, most of the time we spend together, because we are classmates. Today on your birthday, we wish you that this smile that shines on your face never leaves your lips. So that these eyes of yours, in which kindness sparkles, never know tears. And so that your pure heart does not know disappointments. All congratulations for you today, and may all the good things that you have wished today will certainly come true. Happy birthday classmate!

It so happened that we were born in the same year, and became classmates. I am very pleased to congratulate you today, because I am very happy that I study with you in the same class! After all, when someone is sad, you help, you manage to make even the saddest person laugh. Many write off from you. I don't know what we would do without you! And today, on your birthday, I wish you never be sad. You just don't have time for this. Let the time be only for good and pleasant activities! I wish that all your dreams, regardless of their scale, come true. Just sincerely believe in their implementation! I wish you many smiles every day! Happy birthday! Happiness to you!

Today we congratulate our classmate on his birthday! We wish you a happy life. We spend a lot of time together every day and know each other well. And that's why we know you well. We know that you are kind, you will always help to solve a dispute or a problem. We know that you are responsive, your heart is full of kindness. We know that you are cheerful, because even when you are sad, you do not lose heart. We know that you will achieve a lot, because you never stop there! Happy birthday to you, may this day bring you joy.

I wish you good grades, many, many joyful days and strong, reliable friendship. Let each of our class want to sit at the same desk with you on your birthday, and teachers will not be called to the blackboard.

Hooray, it's your birthday today! I want you to know that it's hard to imagine a better classmate. After all, you will always let me write off, cover up in front of the teacher, share a sandwich at recess and amuse you with a funny story. I'm so glad that I have you! I wish you fives in the diary, not only in subjects, but also in behavior!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate my dear classmate! I wish you success in your studies, always remain purposeful, be able to achieve your goals and go only forward! Let the school teach the most important lessons from which you will draw conclusions for life! I wish you good luck in all your endeavors and, of course, love!

It so happened that we were born in the same year, and became classmates. I am very pleased to congratulate you today, because I am very happy that I study with you in the same class! After all, when someone is sad, you help, you manage to make even the saddest person laugh. Many write off from you. I don't know what we would do without you! And today, on your birthday, I wish you never be sad. You just don't have time for this. Let the time be only for good and pleasant activities! I wish that all your dreams, regardless of their scale, come true. Just sincerely believe in their implementation! I wish you many smiles every day! Happy birthday! Happiness to you!

We have experienced a lot together, sitting at the same desk and standing at the blackboard! Today again I congratulate you girlfriend, happy birthday! I wish you to get all the stars from the sky, touch the distant peaks and reach the horizon! Proudly walk through life, do not retreat and clearly achieve your goal! You are a faithful friend and sincere adviser, you always have an extra handkerchief in your pocket, and a kind word in your soul. Thank you for everything! Happy birthday!

It so happened that we were born in the same year, and became classmates. I am very pleased to congratulate you today, because I am very happy that I study with you in the same class!
After all, when someone is sad, you help, you manage to make even the saddest person laugh.
Many write off from you. I don't know what we would do without you!
And today, on your birthday, I wish you never be sad. You just don't have time for this. Let the time be only for good and pleasant activities!

So the day has come when all classmates have been preparing gifts and congratulations for you since the evening. And no wonder everyone is so nervous. Indeed, today, our classmate, our girlfriend, support, our intellect and our golden hands were born! I am pleased to congratulate you today, because I have listed only the smallest of your qualities. On this day, with all our class, with our entire larger family, we want to wish you to always remain the same as you are now. So positive and funny. We wish you not to stop there, but always go forward, and not even looking back. Happy birthday to you, our beloved classmate!

Our dear, irreplaceable, beloved classmate. Today, only your day and all congratulations, only to you. We wish you, on this day, inspiration. Inspiration for new actions, deeds, and for new victories. After all, we all know how hard you are moving towards your goal. We wish you today that there are no obstacles on your way, no obstacles and troubles. So that in your soul, the sun always shines brightly for you. We love you very much and wish you happiness. May all negative thoughts go away today and never come back. May luck guide you on your path. After all, you deserve better! May all who surround you always make you happy. And let life become the way you painted it in your dreams! Happy birthday!

It's time to congratulate our beloved classmate. Today we want to wish you the most important things. Love, so that in your heart, love always lives! Love for the world, relatives, music, beloved. After all, when love lives in the heart, life becomes much easier! We wish you health, health to you, relatives, friends! May all your dreams, from the smallest to the largest, come true! Never think about the bad, because any problem is an acquired, invaluable experience. Never stand still, always have a goal and move towards it. We want you to be who you want to be. Happy birthday.

I hasten to congratulate my classmate, happy birthday! I want to wish you happiness. Simple happiness! Do not meet grief in your path, and always move forward with your head held high. I wish you success. In all endeavors. After all, you are a wonderful person. A talented girl, a good friend and best classmate. May your birthday bring you a lot of interesting, unforgettable and fun. Always please loved ones with your victories. Start the day with a smile. And you will see that fate, too, will give you a smile. And not one. Happy birthday classmate!

Happy birthday to my classmate. I want to wish you a cheerful, bright, interesting life. So that friends are always there. So that the family is always together. To love, forever. I wish you that all your plans will soon be realized in your life. I am very lucky to have a classmate like you! I wish you always smile. Always thank the Lord for what you have. And then your life will really become even more beautiful and better! May all the hardships that were in your life be removed from it forever!

I am so grateful to fate that I was born in the same year as you, went to the same school, and in the same class! I am very glad that you are my classmate. May all plans come true in your life today. Let everything be as you want. Dream on and may all your dreams come true. I wish you to always be the first in everything. Do not step back, but always look forward. Let you be the master of your own destiny. I wish you to realize in life everything that you yourself wish. Happy birthday to you!

May today be a joyful holiday for all your classmates! After all, on this wonderful day, our girlfriend was born! We have known each other since childhood, we have many common stories: comical, stupid and sad. Our friendship is proven by years of joint training, devotion - by secrets and secrets not given out. We wish you a beautiful future life, bright as a rainbow and stormy as a waterfall! Happy birthday!

A pleasant moment has come when I can congratulate my classmate. Good, bright day of your birth, as bright and pure as you! I wish you to receive a thousand roses today, a sea of ​​​​pleasant compliments, good wishes and a million declarations of love! May no evil, selfish people who can hurt you meet on your way! Let life be like a kind fairy tale, with a happy ending! Happy birthday!

Our dear friend, happy holiday, congratulations! The school has long united us and turned into a friendly team! We, your classmates, want to wish you another hundred of the same cheerful, incendiary birthdays! We confidently promise you to keep our warm friendship for many years, to help and support you in everything! You keep your tenderness, kindness and sincerity, remain as bright and groovy, capable of any adventure! Happy birthday!

Today I want to congratulate my classmate. On your birthday, I want to wish you a wonderful holiday with school friends. With pleasure we will remember all the funny and stupid situations, our childhood and shared secrets! I want to see you as bright, smart, honest and fair, always! May all your expectations come true and all your aspirations come true!

What a beautiful day today. My girlfriend has a birthday. We've been friends since first grade and sit at the same desk. Dear girlfriend, may everything that you want come true, may school life bring you only a good mood, and excellent grades please you and your parents. I wish you good health, success and good luck in everything. Always be a leader, but never be arrogant. May the good angel always protect you. All the best to you and a wonderful future.

My girlfriend and classmate and I simply do not spill water. All the years of study we sit at the same desk, and do not bother each other. It is your birthday today. Let me congratulate you and wish you all the best. May all your wishes come true. Good luck with your studies and good mood. Be always charming and beautiful. May the good angel always protect you. Smile more often and never cry, let all the troubles from your path go into impotence. Fun and joy to you on your holiday.

What wonderful school years. How many friends around, how many classmates. We live like one family. Today is our friend's birthday. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish that all your dreams come true. May the sun shine on you more cheerfully, and may your eyes always smile. We wish you a lot of success, bright and happy days, great success in your studies. Let your every ordinary day turn into a holiday. Good health to you and luck in everything.

My dear friend and classmate, I wish you a happy birthday. May your eyes always shine with happiness, may life bring you only joy and success, may everyone around admire your beauty and tenderness. I wish you a lot - a lot of happiness, let reliable and faithful friends surround you. May your academic success always be excellent. May school life bring you only joy. May fate be favorable to you, and good luck knocks on your door every day. Be smart about everything.

Birthday is a wonderful holiday, and if your girlfriend has this holiday, then this is generally a grandiose event. Dear friend, my good classmate. Often we are called sisters, and rightly so. After all, you and I are constantly together, even our grades are almost the same. I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you the best that is in fate. May you always be lucky in everything, may all problems seem to you the little things of life. Good health to you, happiness and beautiful love.

Birthday is always a special day for fun and excitement. You have a personal holiday today, my dear friend. Like all classmates, I congratulate you. I wish you good health, good luck and luck in everything. May your cherished dream come true on this holiday. May your soul laugh and sing. So I want you to have no reason to be sad at all, smile more and joke. All earthly blessings to you, great success in your studies, and always a good mood. Be happy in everything, my dear.

You are the birthday girl today. And all the congratulations, all the compliments, all the flowers and gifts are only for you. I am so lucky to have such a friend and classmate like you. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and best wishes on such a wonderful day. I wish you good health, and all the most beautiful and most happy. May your school years bring you only joy and good mood, may your classmates be your second family. May the good angel always protect you.