Graduation at school: how to make the holiday unforgettable. How to organize a graduation What can you do at a graduation

At the end of spring, a large number of high school students and students are wondering how and where to celebrate graduation. After all, everyone wants this day to be unforgettable. The preparation of this celebration should be started two months before the start of the event. After all, you need not only to decide on the venue of the holiday, but also to figure out what the theme of the graduation will be. Each graduation consists of two parts: official and unofficial. During the official part, graduates are awarded certificates or diplomas, congratulations and wishes are heard in verse and gratitude to teachers for their efforts and patience. Also, this celebration is accompanied by various dance numbers. The official part ends with a general photo of graduates and their teachers.

How to celebrate graduation

Only graduates, or graduates with parents and teachers, are present at the informal part. Most often, the unofficial part of the graduation is celebrated in cafes, restaurants, nightclubs or on a steamboat. You can celebrate graduation outside the city on the river with tents. In nature, it is possible to organize a large number of games, competitions and relay races. You can also take a few kayaks and organize competitions by placing several two-meter gates, using plastic bottles, tying a small load to them. To win, you need to swim the fastest through all the gates. Dawn on the river to meet will be very fun and interesting. At night, you can kindle a fire, jump over it, sing songs with a guitar, start fireworks. To make it more fun, you need to bring music with you. In the evening or in the morning, you can fry kebabs and bake potatoes. You can also play volleyball and football during the day.

How to celebrate graduation

If you decide to celebrate graduation in a cafe or restaurant, then you need to agree on the menu, find out prices, collect money from everyone, decide on a toastmaster, and live music. With a professional toastmaster, there is no need to think through the script and worry that the celebration will be boring. The restaurant hall needs to be decorated in advance. To do this, you can use helium balloons, from which you can make an arch, or other interesting shapes. Chairs can be wrapped in a beautiful golden fabric, napkins can be in the form of diplomas.

How to celebrate graduation video

In addition to the toastmaster, if the budget allows, to make the holiday really unforgettable, you can invite professional dancers, artists, magicians and clowns. To capture all the events and emotions for years to come, you should hire a videographer and photographer who can make a great film and photo album.

The theme of the prom also needs to be thought out in advance so that everyone can prepare the appropriate outfit. Graduation can be in the style of retro or dudes. The leader should be selected creative, so that the young people present would be interested. In the script, it is important to take into account various little things. You can come up with poems, or skits that will display certain character traits of each graduate. Also, each graduate can prepare some number, showing his talent. The more jokes, games, contests and quizzes at the graduation, the more fun it will be for all participants and guests of this celebration.

Any room, be it a gym, a dining room, an assembly hall, or a school hall, can be decorated beyond recognition. Multi-colored ribbons, balloons, a red carpet, a retro car or a bike can completely transform the interior, creating a certain festive atmosphere. In addition to fireworks, you can launch air lanterns into the sky. When 30 or more lights rise into the sky at the same time, it will be a beautiful and unforgettable sight.

If you want to celebrate the informal part of graduation and still save a lot of money, then the best thing to do is to do it at the school. Here you can get the necessary equipment for music for free. In addition, the school, as a rule, is located near the place of residence of graduates. The money saved on rent and transport can be spent on a good presenter or on professional artists. Or the role of toastmaster can be entrusted to one of the parents. To please the teachers, you can give them a small gift.

The only drawback of the restaurant in relation to the school is the cost of rent. But on the other hand, you don’t need to worry about the festive table, music, and other attributes of the holiday.

If parents and graduates agree to fork out in order to celebrate graduation in an original way, then you can rent a boat. As a rule, there is a restaurant and music there. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the festive table either. If you want to celebrate graduation on a ship, then you need to coordinate this with all parents at the beginning of the year so that everyone can collect the necessary amount of money.

The most expensive, but the most memorable, will be the graduation celebration in the form of a Eurotour, traveling through several countries at once. If graduates visit Paris, Rome and Venice, then this trip and graduation will be remembered by them for a lifetime.

Whatever restaurant you choose for your graduation celebration, you need to book it in advance. Therefore, you need to clearly define the number of guests. If you decide to celebrate without a toastmaster, then you need to write a script for the event. To save the overall budget, at the parent meeting you need to ask around what the parents of graduates can do. Thus, among the parents there may be a videographer, toastmaster or musician.

If your class was distinguished by a love of extreme sports, then you can start celebrating the unofficial part of graduation by skydiving. Celebrating graduation is not limited to one day. After all, it took you many years and effort to study. Therefore, you deserve to celebrate graduation to the maximum. If you wish, you can celebrate graduation on the seashore to wash away all school failures and stresses, as a new and even more interesting life awaits you ahead. Celebrate like it's your last holiday.

You will need

  • Creation of an initiative group of parents capable of calculating the financial component of the holiday and competently organizing economic activities for its organization.


Choose a parent meeting at the beginning of the school year preceding the evening, an initiative group that can be entrusted with all the economic and financial activities for organizing graduation. It is very important that personal wishes are used. It is a healthy initiative and an active life position that will help organize the most clearly and harmoniously. All further activities are carried out directly by the initiative group.

Agree on a meeting of the initiative group at the beginning of the school year, at which it will be necessary to resolve the following issues:

Decide on the place and time of the prom

Discuss the number of participants, make a list of them

Briefly discuss the topic of gifts to teachers, students and educational institution, if such a decision is made

Discuss the need for an invitation and a videographer, options for cooperation with them

Specify the amount of the preliminary monetary contribution of each participant, determine the stages and making money

Distribute duties and responsibilities within the group

Specify the information for each of the proposed items. Ideally, each of the participants in the initiative group should provide maximum information in the area of ​​their competence. Having decided to rent an entertainment complex, cafe, etc., you need to find out about the conditions and terms of rent and booking, and decide on the menu option. Find out the cost of the services of the operator and photographer, agree on the scope and timing of their work. Decide on the approximate cost of the planned gifts. It is necessary to lay down a certain amount for purchases for the holiday, made at the last moment - flowers, drinks, sweets. At the end of this stage of preparation, you need to have ready-made orders for such sub-items as the venue for the holiday and photo and video shooting.

Purchase planned gifts. This can be done ahead of time to save money. In addition, if necessary, award certificates and invitation cards are also purchased. Immediately before the holiday, flowers and sweets are purchased. If a decision is made to independently decorate the premises for the holiday, then they also buy the materials necessary for this.

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The main problem in the preparation of the holiday is most often the late payment of funds to the cashier of the holiday. To optimize this process, it is most reasonable to break the total amount into three stages of application. It is better to voice the amount immediately, take it in accordance with the established deadlines. Ways to notify parents can be a phone, the Internet, an estimate printout. This method will allow the organizers to always have cash for prepayments and rentals.

Helpful advice

In rare cases, children do not participate in the process of preparing their own holiday. Usually, under the guidance of one of the teachers, a concert, a skit, or something similar is organized. In the event that this does not happen, the parents or a guest animator can take the initiative to organize the entertainment part of the event.


  • Where to hold graduation in grade 11, so that both graduates and their

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Consider makeup

Without evening make-up, the image of a graduate will be incomplete. But girls should be more careful with makeup - too bright and heavy makeup can greatly age a seventeen-year-old person and destroy all the charm of youth. It is enough to emphasize the natural beauty, and not to make a mask on the face of a thick layer of foundation, blush, lipstick and shadows. At the same time, you can’t do without makeup at all, so as not to look pale in photographs and under artificial lighting. Smokey ice makeup is suitable for photographs - an emphasis on eyes that are summed up in a special way, with a "haze". Preference should be given to waterproof cosmetics - the graduation ceremony can move you to tears.

It is permissible for young people to resort to foundation, concealer or a masking pencil if it is necessary to hide inflamed areas on the face: acne is not the best thing you want to see in memorable photos. Although, of course, it is desirable to take care of the problem in advance, using special products for problem skin.

Pay special attention to hair

The graduate's hairstyle attracts no less attention than the dress, and her choice should be taken with all responsibility. The “richer” the dress, the simpler the hairstyle and jewelry should be. Unusual braids and light curls are suitable for long-haired girls, which do not weigh down their youthful appearance. If hair coloring is required, then it is better to do it in advance, at least a few days in advance. A festive hairstyle must be “tried on” before graduation. You need to understand that it looks great in the picture, it does not necessarily fit the face and along with yesterday's schoolgirl.

Young men, too, should not refuse the services of a hairdresser. If fashionable styling is alien to the character of a graduate, then you should at least refresh your haircut so that your hair lies neatly.

Get a manicure

A prom star needs to look perfect down to the tips of her nails. Classic French manicure, any color that matches the dress, sequins, rhinestones, flowers. Natural and gentle tones are always popular. A manicure can be done not at the last moment, but a few days before the celebration: a modern helium coating lasts quite a long time and allows you to realize almost any fantasy. But you should not do it earlier than 3-4 days - it is unlikely that something will happen with high-quality varnish, but the nails themselves will have time to grow a little and ruin the whole picture.

It is necessary to put the nails in order and the young men. Man's manicure is a sign of good taste. Smooth polished nails without burrs look much better than groomed ones. With such hands it is not a shame to hug a partner and spin in a dance.

Come up with congratulations and wishes for classmates and teachers

Perhaps this is not the last meeting with them, but certainly a very significant stage in life, the transition to a new level. And the words spoken at such a moment should be remembered for many years. It would not be superfluous to write them down on a separate sheet of paper or, even better, on a postcard, so as not to forget from excitement everything important that you wanted to say.

Get a good night's sleep the night before

There is a long day ahead and an even longer night, and drowsiness and bruising under the eyes will not decorate the graduate. If you can’t fall asleep due to worries, a light sedative and relaxing massage or self-massage will come to the rescue.

We hope that our tips will help make the upcoming prom even more magical!

Graduation in the 11th grade is usually celebrated all together: graduates, parents and teachers. There are clearly not enough new ideas for organizing and holding this significant event, and everything goes according to the traditional program that has been tested over the years: a solemn part, a banquet and dances. What are the formats of the celebration, what you need to pay attention to while preparing for the prom, what not to forget, and also where to find inspiration for new ideas, let's try to find out in our article.

school format

If the school administration, in accordance with the order of the district leadership, insists on holding a graduation party entirely within the walls of an educational institution, then the solemn part and a banquet with a disco are organized either in the classroom or in the assembly hall.

For the solemn part, namely presentation of certificates about leaving school, all graduates are usually invited (this can be several classes), their parents, subject teachers who taught students, and the school administration and representatives of the district education department are always present on the stage. During the ceremony, each student is invited to the stage, where, to the applause of the audience, he receives a certificate of secondary education from the hands of the director, words of congratulations and gratitude, parting words from class teachers and parents are heard.

Holding the official part of the event better rehearse and double-check everything, because a hitch can arise at any moment: the class teacher cannot find a medal or a diploma due to excitement, the teacher who was supposed to say important words has not yet arrived, the graduates do not know who is giving flowers to whom, they turned on the musical in the wrong place screensaver. Get ready for the fact that if more than one class is issued, then the process of awarding certificates can be delayed and quite tedious.

Important nuance : do not forget that for the official part of the graduation it is necessary take care of the bouquets flowers that graduates present to teachers, as well as decorate the hall where the event will take place. A new trend of fashion shows, presentations and various parties is to be photographed against the backdrop of press wall , this is a design made of chrome-plated pipes, on which a large banner is attached. On the banner you can write the school number, city, year of graduation, they are photographed for memory with teachers, parents, the whole class and in splendid isolation. The advantages of such a design are its mobility and presentability, the disadvantages are manufacturing costs. Budget option: use the walls of the assembly hall as a press wall, on which you can hang self-made inscriptions and photographs.

After the official part usually begins concert , the development of the scenario of which falls on the shoulders of the deputy director for educational work or the organizing teacher, music teachers, class teachers of the graduating classes and talented graduates who will perform on stage in front of classmates and parents are also involved in the work.

In the teaching staff or among the students there is a talented leading ? This is already half the success, because he will be able to conduct the program in a fun and relaxed way. The second, and no less important part of a good evening is a cool individual scenario , a successful creative "skit": bright numbers from schoolchildren, parents and teachers. Funny jokes, dances and songs, creative performances - on this day, graduates will be able to show all their talents, which, perhaps, no one had ever guessed before.

At the end of the concert, children and teachers are invited to banquet which is traditionally organized by the parents of graduates. The format of treats, their number, as well as the amount to be spent on this, are discussed in advance at parent meetings . Of course, it is unrealistic to imagine that teenagers spend a holiday sitting at a table and eating cutlets with potatoes, so a light buffet and snack format in this case will be the most successful solution.

Parents can buy food, cut and cover everything themselves, and if the budget allows, you can consider offers from off-site restaurants , in this case, there will be much less problems for parents: they will offer you a menu, coordinate dishes and accessories. Depending on the amount that parents are willing to spend, the number of services provided by catering companies also varies: in addition to preparing and serving meals, they can, for example, bring furniture for the holiday, build a pyramid of champagne glasses, and establish the smooth operation of a chocolate fountain.

Important nuance : sweet at the festive table at the prom is a must. Pay attention not only to the appearance of the cakes, although this is also important, but also to their freshness, because in the summer, products with creamy layers can quickly deteriorate. Small cupcakes with sweet layers are a great way for such an event, schoolchildren will not have to suffer with pieces of cakes on plates, and sweet fillings and icing on cupcakes do not spoil indoors.

The most important graduation moment for boys and girls, of course disco . And here, too, there are options for holding: a disco will be run by a school DJ or you can use the services of a guest. As a rule, the more experienced the "musical genius" is, the less problems with equipment, sound and playlist will arise at the holiday. Be sure to tell the invited DJ the area of ​​​​the room in which the disco is held and the number of invited people, as well as specify its technical capabilities not only in terms of equipment, microphones and speakers, but also in terms of lighting solutions. To take into account the musical wishes of graduates, you can conduct a survey in advance in each class and transfer this information to the DJ.

Usually the holiday lasts until the morning, after which the rather tired, but happy (we hope so) graduates gather meet the dawn . Parents also need to prepare this part of the graduation: agree on exactly where this event will take place, how to deliver the children to the place, which of the adults will be there with them, and also how to deliver the graduates home after a sunny morning.

Important nuance : clothes for a festive evening and dawn morning should be different. If possible, prepare things that the child can change into, offer the child comfortable shoes and a warm jacket that can be thrown over the shoulders on a chilly morning.

Away format

Does the school administration mind if graduates spend a holiday in a restaurant or cafe? In this case the official part will be held at the school with the presentation of certificates and a concert, and already for a banquet and a disco, graduates, parents and teachers will go to the chosen institution.

The choice of a cafe or restaurant also falls on the shoulders of the parents, and decide on the institution necessary in advance to reserve the day. This is important, because proms are held throughout the city on the same day, so a good trusted cafe can be occupied by the graduating class of a neighboring school.

Due to the fact that in cafes and restaurants payment is made depending on the number of people, then update guest list , will be necessary. If all the students of the class go to the institution, which is also not always the case, you need to clarify which parent will be present in the restaurant, which teachers you invite, and do not forget to include a representative of the school administration, a DJ and a photographer in the list.

Speaking of photographer - this is an important person at the prom, because the quality of your memories depends on his skill. In addition to the usual school albums, which are necessarily offered in the vast majority of educational institutions, if you wish, you can invite a photographer and videographer that will film your children's prom.

A camera in the hands of worried parents is also a good and budget option, but if finances allow and you want to get high-quality pictures, choose a professional. Choose trusted people, look at portfolios, collect reviews, use the advice of last year's graduates. Remember that shooting in the semi-darkness at a disco rarely turns out to be interesting, so it’s best to demonstrate outfits and hairstyles in the first half of the holiday , which means, calculate in advance the number of working hours of the photographer.

Specify the technical equipment of the invited specialist, because working with various spotlights and reflectors significantly improves the quality of photographs, especially if there is insufficient lighting in the room. The videographer often works in tandem with the photographer and captures the best moments of the holiday, from which you can then make a short film.

In the chosen institution you have to spend almost the whole night, so be sure to check your work schedule , and entertainment program which will be able to support and improve the mood of the guests. It is important that the employees of a cafe or restaurant can organize an entertainment program according to the age of the guests, because if on graduation day you hear a restaurant singer whose repertoire is “Blue Fog” or “Blue Hoarfrost”, this is unlikely to please 16-17-year-old teenagers .

To please young music lovers is quite simple - it is necessary organize a good disco with various special effects. Just a disco ball and a laser may not be enough, now you can rent smoke machines, soap bubble generators, confetti guns, cold table and floor “fountains” look great - columns of silver sparks.

You also need to rest from dancing, and you don’t always want to spend this time at the table. Try to connect with the future, for example, make a video during which each graduate tells how he sees himself in 10 or 20 years. Give the record on a common disk to the class teacher or one of the students in the class, and at the reunion of graduates, when everyone forgets what they said on the air that day, this disk will become an unforgettable highlight of the program. Another entertainment option is a comic lottery with original and funny predictions for the future of each graduate. The pulled out lot can be signed to remember who got what and also leave it as a “highlight” for future alumni meetings.

Not like everyone else : it is absolutely not necessary to hold a graduation party in a traditional format. Celebrate on a boat with a night disco, hold a beach party in an establishment near the water, organize a quest, a themed party in the style of gangsters or vampires - if children and parents agree with such an unusual format, and you also have a trusted person who will organize the holiday, your graduation is sure to be a bright and unforgettable event.

Festive look

Of course, each of us (this applies more to girls) not only remembers his prom dress, but also the agony of choosing it, as well as the difficulties during its creation. It's like a rehearsal for the wedding: for the girl to find your dream prom dress in which she will look like a queen and proudly appear before her classmates for a vital task. Do not forget about buying chic shoes (it's nice if they were comfortable and not rubbing in addition), as well as such an important component of a festive look as hair and makeup. With the latter, we advise you to contact specialists who can choose the style and color scheme, taking into account the individual characteristics of the graduate.

At boys the process of preparing for prom it’s a little easier - the main thing is to buy a decent suit in size and choose good shoes. A white or colored shirt, a tie or a bow tie, and most importantly a good mood, and now your suddenly grown gentleman is ready.

It would seem that just recently you saw them off to the first grade, carried a briefcase for little students and did homework together ... Time runs fast, and most importantly, what it leaves behind - memories . What they will be like this evening, whether the graduate will not be disappointed when he sees what is happening, and whether he will be able to maintain a good mood for a long time, largely depends on the organization of the holiday, and therefore on parental care and attention. Graduation is a magical night in the life of each of us, this is the time when a young dreamer who graduated from school is sure that all roads are open to him, and it is important to choose the right one from them.