Blessing of the groom by parents. Parting words. blessing of the mother of the bride in front of the registry office. the words of their parents. Seeing the bride in the registry office


Firstly, you can bless your relatives every day, and if necessary, even several times a day. They bless for any undertaking, a new business. And here is the parental blessing on marriage- special.

Parents usually bless their children marriage when they announce their desire. Such an engagement announcement. Parents take the icon and rebaptize their children three times, while wishing them a happy marriage A. There is a sacred secret in this. Even if the children are not believers, still bless them. With a blessing, parents, as it were, attract God's love, God's mercy and God's protection to the action. Even if you do not know the words of the prayer, then say it. After all, God hears us, even when we do not say the words out loud.

Say kind and wise words of parting words. Your life experience is huge, share it with . Believers know that God's blessing coming from a person is an expression of love and devotion to one's neighbor. It gives peace and protection, does not bring sadness and enriches a person. The Bible says that God blessed Adam and Eve. And imagine what would happen to our world if God's blessing did not work, if there was no love for everyone, good and evil.

But parents who refuse to bless their children are unfortunate people. They drive themselves into a dead end. Relationships break down, resentment builds up. One can only feel sorry for them. After all, the longer it all drags on, the more difficult the reconciliation.

Well, sometimes children need to wait a bit to win over the hearts of their parents, and at the same time check their feelings. After all, over time, when your parents recognize your soul mate, they will see in it those good features that you have long seen. And they will accept your choice. And bless for marriage.

Helpful advice

No matter how you spend the blessing, the most important thing is that your words and thoughts be sincere. After all, the power of our word is great, just as great is the power of our thoughts, not even expressed aloud.


  • how to bless your son

Previously, it was considered unacceptable for the bride to marry without parental blessing. Only girls who ran away from their families and went against the will of their parents did this. Today, the blessing of the young does not always happen, and many people do not know how to properly conduct the ceremony.


Bless both her parents and the parents of the groom. The first - as a sign that they are letting go to another family, the second - showing their readiness to accept the girl in a new family. In order to perform the ceremony, buy an icon (unless, of course, you are going to give the young one that your parents once gave you). Most often, the icons of the Kazan Mother of God and Jesus Christ are used, although it does not give specific instructions on this matter. You can choose an image of any saint.

If you are the parents of the bride, then you should have a daughter before she goes to the registry office. Try not to have strangers present during the sacrament. If the blessing occurs on the day, move away from the guests with the young.

Speak parting words and cross the bride, allowing her to kiss the image after that. Repeat the same procedure for the groom. Then baptize both children, wishing them to create a friendly, strong family, as befits the real ones. It is important that the parting words you said be sincere, otherwise they will lose their power, or rather, they will not gain it. It is better to refuse to perform the sacrament if you are not sure of its necessity or if you do not believe in the Lord.

If you are the groom's parents, bless the couple after they register their relationship. Previously, weddings were celebrated in the husband’s house, now more often in the banquet hall, so you can conduct the ceremony not traditionally at the doorstep of your home, but right in the restaurant. The main thing is not the place where God is approached, but how they are addressed.

Bless the young, and then invite them to taste bread and salt, that is, serve a wedding loaf. After this is done, put the loaf on the table, and next to it is the icon. When it's over, the newlyweds will go to their home so that it protects their family from misfortunes. And how their life will turn out depends not only on the icons, but on whether the husband and wife can follow parental instructions.

Happy day not only for the bride and groom, but also for their parents. I want young people to live happily ever after. Parental blessing means a lot in this situation. Having blessed the young, you agree with the choice of a son or daughter, wish them love and kindness. At the same time, it is very important to observe the old rite.

You will need

  • Icons of the Kazan Mother of God and Jesus Christ
  • Towels


If you marry a daughter, you begin the blessing ceremony. Before the bride and groom go to the registry office, go with them to a room where there are no guests.

Take a towel. With it, take the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The image should be aimed at the young.

Say parting words. There is no single form for this, and the words must be sincere. Tell her what you wish her, happiness, well-being in the house, which she will create and maintain together with the chosen one. You let her go to a new home, where she will feel good and calm.

Place the sign of the cross in an image and let your daughter kiss the icon.

Tie the hands of the bride and groom with a towel and count the knots. How many there will be - so many grandchildren and expect.

Upon arrival from the registry office to the groom's house, the young people bless him. They accept their son's wife into their family. The groom's parents bless the young with an icon of Jesus Christ.

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Icons cannot be taken with bare hands.

Before blessing in the bride's house, the groom must pass all the required tests, redeem the bride and give her a bouquet.

The groom's parents first bless their son

Helpful advice

Icons and towels can be bought at any church. Often they are sold in special kits.

After the blessing on the towel, the young people are served bread and salt.

An old Russian tradition is to receive the blessing of parents for marriage. This is a special rite through which the older generation approves the union of the bride and groom.

Both the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride participate in the blessing ceremony. The father and mother of the groom stand close to each other opposite their son. At the same time, the father holds in his hands an icon depicting Christ. According to religious canons, the groom bows his knees when blessing. The father and mother take turns baptizing their son three times with an icon. Then the groom overshadows himself with the sign of the cross and is applied to the face of Christ - he kisses the icon. In the same order, the ceremony is performed by the father and mother of the bride. The difference of the rite in this case lies only in the icon used. This time it should not depict Jesus Christ, but the Mother of God.

The conclusion also provides for other stages in which the parents of the bride and groom must necessarily participate. For example, immediately after the betrothal, the young people get married in the church. At this point, parents should be behind the newlyweds. The groom's mother and father stand closer to their son, and the bride's parents stand closer to their daughter. At the end of the sacrament of the church marriage, the groom's parents must return home and prepare for the meeting of the newlyweds.

According to Orthodox traditions, the groom's parents again bless the new family after the wedding, inviting them to enter the house already as husband and wife. At the same time, the father holds in his hands the icon of the Mother of God, and the mother - a loaf with a check of salt. Young people tear off a piece of loaf, dip it in salt and feed each other. At the same time, the groom's father baptizes the young with an icon, and the mother says: “Welcome! Bread is salt! It is believed that this ritual will help make the house "hospitable", that is, generous with treats, and the young family will have everything in abundance. After the ceremony, the parents take turns hugging and kissing the groom on the cheeks, and also tell them their parting words. In the old days, after this, guests, as well as the bride and groom themselves, were invited to the table. Today, if wedding celebrations are held not in the house, but in a special institution, the whole company can go there.

Marriage is a union of two loving hearts. Traditionally, it so happened that the young are blessed for a happy and long life together. In ancient times, if a couple did not receive blessings from their parents, they refused to marry the young. The rite of blessing is considered sacred and revered in the modern world. Let's talk about how to bless children for marriage, who should do it, and what icons should be used.

The main thing in the article

Who should bless the newlyweds before the wedding?

A wedding is a significant event for both the groom and the bride. After that day, they will forever be bound by marital ties. This day is also quivering and exciting for parents, as they give their “blood” into “foreign” hands and it is not known how relations in the family will develop further. Therefore, parents at every wedding say a parting word for a new life to the young. This advice is called parental blessing.

Parents are the most precious people who gave life. They simply cannot wish bad for their child, and no matter how difficult it is, they select the warmest, deepest and most tender words coming from the heart. Therefore, this rite is considered sacred, and icons with the faces of saints are used during the blessing. From time immemorial, there has been a tradition of blessing the bride and groom before the wedding by the parents of the latter. But the couple receives a blessing from the groom's parents after painting or wedding.

When should you bless the young?

The couple receives the official blessing in How does this happen? The young man comes for the bride and first of all redeems her from girlfriends and relatives. After the completion of the ransom, when the groom "proved" that he is ready to give everything for his beloved, the young woman is released to the groom and preparations begin for the Wedding Palace or the church for the wedding. Before leaving, the future father-in-law and mother-in-law bless the young with an icon, wishing them happy and long years of married life.

Concerning blessings from the groom's parents, then they receive it after painting or wedding, upon arrival home (in a modern interpretation, this is a restaurant where a banquet takes place). They meet the young with icons and give parting words not only to the son, but also to the “acquired” daughter. Since the bride is part of this family, the groom's parents, with their blessing, recognize her as part of their family and make a commitment for her as for their child.

As the ancient belief says: “only after the parental blessing can a strong, real and happy family be obtained.” After all, it is believed that the parental word is endowed with mysterious power and how it is pronounced will affect the future of the new family.

Where are the young people blessed?

It has already been noted above that the bride and groom on the day of marriage (wedding) receive two blessings:

  • the first from the bride's parents before the trip to the registry office (church);
  • the second from the groom's parents after the ceremony.

Accordingly, the answer to the question of where the blessing ceremony should take place is simple. Young people receive the first parting word in the bride's parental home, and the newlyweds who have already taken place receive the second blessing at the home of the groom's parents. Since in the modern world they practically don’t “walk the whole village” in a hut in their parents’ house, a parting word from the father-in-law and mother-in-law is often received in a restaurant where a banquet is ordered for guests.

What icon do the bride's parents bless the young with?

It is accepted that the parents of the young give their parting word, holding in their hands icon of the Kazan Mother of God. In the Orthodox Church, this image is especially revered, since the Mother of God was considered, and is still considered the intercessor of the Slavic people. Such an icon is considered female, because they pray that she will protect the house from evil forces and misfortunes.

An interesting fact: With the "submission" of the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill, the holy image of the Kazan Mother of God was sent into space in 2011.

What icon do the groom's parents bless the young with?

As for the meeting of the newlyweds by the groom's parents, this happens with the icon of the Savior in hand. In Orthodoxy, such an image has the name Savior Almighty, the icon depicts the Son of God, who holds an open Gospel in one hand, and with the other gives a blessing to everyone looking at him. They turn to this icon both in difficult times and in moments of joy, they also pray for the well-being of the family.

Traditionally in Rus', this icon was the first to be brought into the house of the newlyweds.

Today it is allowed to meet the young after the painting or wedding by the parents of both the groom and the bride. At such a meeting, two icons are held in their hands (the bride's parents bring the icon of the Kazan Mother of God to the restaurant), but the blessing ceremony is performed by the groom's parents with the face of the Savior.

How to bless the young parents of the groom?

There can be two scenarios for blessing already married newlyweds.

  • In the first version, only the parents of the young man meet the couple with the icon of the Savior.
  • In the second, the parents of both the groom and the bride meet the newlyweds with two icons.

Images must be in towels, since it is not recommended to take them with bare hands. Traditionally the image of the Savior is held by the father of the groom. He says parting words first, then gives his blessing to the mother. The newlyweds cross themselves with the icon three times, and it is given to kiss the image first to the groom, after the bride.

If both pairs of parents meet, then in the center with the icons you can put the father of the groom and the mother of the bride. And on the sides, for example, the father of the bride with champagne and the mother of the groom with a loaf. In this case, both pairs of parents can give a blessing to the new family in turn and bless with two icons, baptizing the young three times and letting the icons kiss in turn, starting with the groom. After the blessing ceremony, the young people are served a loaf and salt, as well as glasses and champagne.

How should the bride's parents bless the young?

The first blessing, held before going to the registry office or church, is held at the bride's house, after the groom has passed all the tests. It can be carried out in different ways.

  • If you follow all the rules and traditions, then only the bride and groom, parents and godparents are present at the blessing.
  • Modern rules are not so “hard”, therefore, all those who participate in the ransom and guests are invited to the blessing ceremony.

The blessing itself goes like this. The girl's father gives the mother an icon of the Mother of God, the mother takes it with a towel and gives a parting speech to her daughter and son-in-law, after which the father says the word. At the end of the speech, the girl’s mother baptizes her daughter with an icon first three times, then her son-in-law three times. In conclusion, two young people are baptized with the icon three times, thereby the mother-in-law admits that they are a couple. Further, he gives the icon to be kissed first to his daughter, then to his son-in-law. Young people, before leaning against the image, must cross themselves.

What should be said, blessing the young for a happy marriage in front of the registry office?

There are no specific words for blessing. Parents say from the bottom of their hearts everything they want to wish the newlyweds. They also give guidance on further life together, wish them many happy years of married life. With blessing, speech is limited only by the imagination of parents who wish only good for their children. For example, you can look at the texts of the blessings of parents to their children.

Words of blessing from mother to daughter before wedding: text

Words of blessing from mother to son before the wedding: text

Words of the blessing of the mother of the groom to the young at the wedding: text

Words of the blessing of the mother of the bride to the young at the wedding: text

Video: How to bless the young?

Well, summing up, we note that after the wedding, the icons remain in the family of the newlyweds. They become a family heirloom, which is designed to protect and protect this family from adversity, illness and sadness. Believers place images in the corner or above the bed. Those who are not so devout keep the icons in a certain place without displaying them. According to tradition, these icons are inherited by children at their marriage.

Here is such a small digression made on the traditions and rituals of blessing young parents, you may be interested to read about this.

Complete collection and description: prayer how to bless the son before the wedding with an icon what to say for the spiritual life of a believer.

In ancient times, it was believed that if the young did not receive a blessing, then they would have an unhappy life together. Nowadays, young people do not pay attention to this. Gone are the old rituals and beliefs. Many young people live for a long time together, without asking the permission of the parents and notify them of the desire to marry only after they take the application to the registry office.

But now more and more often, many couples after marriage officially decide to hold a wedding ceremony. That is why it becomes so important to bless the children before the wedding.

At all times, a parental blessing was considered special for a son and is now becoming quite important before the wedding, so many parents need to know how to bless their son correctly and at what moment at such a serious moment in life.

It is customary to give a blessing to the son at the moment when the young people announce their desire to marry - at the moment of engagement. To do this, you need to take an icon and cross the children 3 times, pronouncing the words with the wish of a happy family life. Even if your son is not a believer, bless him. With a blessing, you seem to call to action the love of God, his mercy and protection. Whether you know the words of the prayer or not, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that they be filled with love and faith. God hears us even when we don't speak. On the day of the wedding, before your son goes to fetch the bride, he must also be blessed.

What should you say when blessing your son before the wedding?

Why do you need to bless your son before the wedding?

And then the parents do not want to give their blessing in any form, refusing to recognize the son's right to his choice. But it's wrong, whether you approve of your child's choice or not, he is his. In the end, a person cannot know what will be better, especially if you are not closely acquainted with your son's chosen one. In addition to resentment from the son and daughter-in-law, parents will not receive anything in return. If mutual grievances accumulate, it will be more difficult for you to reconcile. Also, the son should not rush into marriage, it is better to try to get to know each other better and give your parents time to get to know their chosen one better, to understand how good she is. This will avoid problems with a future wedding.

The process of blessing the son before the wedding

You should bless your son just before leaving the house for the bride. Parents should stand close to each other just opposite the son. In the hands of the father should be an icon depicting Jesus Christ. According to religious books, during the blessing, the son should kneel. First, the father baptizes his son with an icon, after which he passes it on to his mother. She does the same. The son must cross himself and kiss the face of Christ on the icon. Parents who do not adhere to the observance of religious rites, or atheists, can also bless their son by simply wishing the son happiness and mutual understanding in the future family.

Religious words to bless a son

Examples of son's blessings before marriage

For a long time it was customary to marry only after the son received the blessing of his parents. Otherwise, marriages were considered unhappy and were not recognized by society. If for some reason the marriage was nevertheless concluded without the blessing of the parents, then the young tried to get it at least after the wedding. Now is not the time, but marriage remains an important moment in life for every man. That is why before the wedding for your son, support in the form of a blessing from his parents can support and inspire him.

Blessing of the son before the wedding (the words of the mother)

Publication date: 07/28/2017 00:00:00

The words of parents' blessings have great meaning and power. The words of blessing before the wedding is an ancient rite that our ancestors performed and this tradition has been passed down through generations to the present day. This rite is present in the culture of most races and peoples. Children, bringing their future spouse to the house, ask their parents for permission to get married and, if they approve of the choice, they bless the marriage.

To make the path to a happy family life easy, you need the kind words of the mother at home.

Words of blessing by the mother of the son before the wedding:

- Son! Please accept my blessing on your choice of life partner. May the Lord protect your future family from evil and bad weather. Be faithful to your wife and love her. Hide it behind your back from the complexities of life. Help her in all matters, be a support for her. And may there be harmony, devotion and faith in each other in your house. Peace and joint longevity to you and your future wife!

Examples of the words of the son's parents at the wedding when blessing the newlyweds:

- From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you, our dear children!

And at the beginning of your journey into adulthood, we treat you to a symbol of joy and prosperity - a wedding loaf. We wish you to have as much warmth in your life as in this loaf. May your home always receive kind people and give them treats. Advice to you and love!

Blessings from mother and father of the bride:

- Our own children!

On this festive day, we offer our sincere congratulations from the bottom of our hearts. Guiding you on a joint journey through life, we wish you to save love and make it only stronger. Beloved daughter, take care of the family hearth, may your house give happiness and joy, so that there will always be prosperity and comfort in it. Be for your man support and support! And you, our son, become a good master of your house, protect your wife and future children, keep them from grief and sorrow. Passionate love and family well-being!

“You know how dear it is for my mother and me. We always worry about you, especially at this hour when you enter adulthood. It is not easy for us to accept your departure to a new family, but we trust your choice. May your new relatives welcome you into their home with great joy. We, too, will love our new son as our own. Be a faithful wife and a good housewife. So that your husband has peace and understanding. Have patience and be strong, believe that strong love will carry you past all troubles. Good luck to your new family.

Parental blessing to the newlyweds

With Christian traditions, the concept came to us: parental blessing. One of the commandments in the Bible says: “Honor your father and mother, so that blessings may be upon you. And your life will be long on earth.

How should the blessing of the son before the wedding sound?

Respecting parents, children have a guarantee of a happy and long life. The sacrament of the wedding says that the prayers of the parents confirm the foundations of the houses. Therefore, the blessing of parents is very important for children entering into marriage.

Previously, children knew that without parental blessings, a happy marriage cannot be built. Few young people dared to break this tradition, fearing the consequences. Blessing is an important step, because the son is the future head of the family.

Times have changed and traditions have changed. Young people do not attach the same importance to such formalities. It has become a tradition to live together before marriage, sometimes without informing the parents. After living and looking closely at each other, young people decide to formalize their relationship.

Having entered into a civil marriage, the young spouses decide on a beautiful wedding ceremony. Parental blessing is valid in any kind of marriage. There comes an understanding that it is necessary for young people.

Everyone wants to build a family life, having a guarantee of well-being.

Blessing the newlyweds is a serious and responsible step. With the approach of the wedding, parents should prepare parting words for family life for the celebration.

How to bless correctly in accordance with the laws of God

There are no strict and clear rules for blessing. You can just follow the usual accepted norms.

First, the bride receives a blessing from her parents when she announces her decision to get married.

The bride is blessed with an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Then they bless the young when the bride comes to meet his parents: taking an icon with the image of Jesus Christ, the parents baptize the children three times, saying the words of the blessing prayer, you can use your own words; wish them well-being, strong family ties, healthy and obedient children, etc.

Some during the feast put these icons in front of the newlyweds, which is not necessary. Let the icons be in the red corner. Even if the son is not a believer, he still receives a blessing from God, at the request of his parents. Words spoken with love from the heart will reach the Lord. Blessing will protect and keep this family.

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Words are given great strength and power

Having rich family experience behind them, parents understand what their son should strive for. They can give the son wise instructions, knowing his character, merits and demerits.

Believers know the power of blessing, they know that words spoken from the bottom of their hearts have great power. They can save or harm others.

The Lord is called the God-Word. What he said, then it happened. Therefore, always watch your speech. Wish you always good, peace, love. How many souls you put into words, so they will come true.

Your love will always protect and keep your son, making his life happy.

Walk towards each other for love

It happens that the bride did not like the parents. Or they believe that it is too early for him to start a family; or in mind there is another girl whom they would like to see as a daughter-in-law.

They reject the choice of their son, not giving approval for the marriage. There is no question of any blessing. Is it worth it to treat the decision of the son?

Everyone will suffer from such an attitude. It is difficult to find a young man who will give up his beloved for the sake of obedience to his parents. The son will act in his own way, and the conflict with the parents will turn into painful resentment against each other.

Whoever is wiser will be the first to try to establish peace in the family. Having sacrificed your ambitions, you need to meet each other halfway. It is good if the son listens to the opinion of his parents and does not rush into the wedding. After all, he is still young and does not see many of the nuances of marriage. Often parents foresee what a marriage will be like by withholding the blessing.

Postponing the wedding is not yet a disaster: parents will be able to get to know the future daughter-in-law better, see her positive qualities, change their attitude towards her and give a blessing to the marriage.

Parental advice plays a significant role

When the son sets off for the bride, it is advisable to bless him again, just before leaving.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to ask for blessings (permission, approval) before starting any serious business.

You can cross someone close to you in the back. This, too, is a kind of blessing and protection from troubles. If the family is a believer, then bless your son, as before, with an icon depicting Jesus Christ. Or just say parting words.

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The Lord will bless and protect the family from adversity

Prayer as a blessing to the son before the wedding. Words for parting words can be different. There are no strict rules. Believing parents can pick up an Orthodox prayer from a prayer book.

You can express your wishes in your own words, there will be no mistake. Sometimes parents can't find the words themselves.

You can express parting words like this: “Just as the church of Christ is indestructible, so may your union be steadfast and strong. As the Lord and the Church are one, so you always be together and live in harmony. As the Queen of Heaven, Mother of God is pure, so you take care of each other and remain faithful. May the blessing of the Lord be with you always.”

Blessing from the heart for a beloved dear son

  1. Dear son, (name), on this solemn day, listen to our parting word. Accept wishes for a good and happy life.

Protect your family from all troubles, from an evil tongue, quarrels and contention. Live in peace and harmony. May joy and luck accompany family well-being. May happiness never leave your home.

  • Dear son, we bless you for a strong and happy marriage. Let your house be a full bowl. Let the cheerful laughter of children be heard in it. Be a reliable support and protect your happiness. Live in the name of love and kindness.
  • Beloved son, (name), live happily and happily. Respect and forgive each other, keep peace and warmth in the family. Remember that all troubles recede from those in whom love reigns. Take care of it from the first days to old age. Live in prosperity, may God bless you.
  • Son, (name), may God keep you from storms and sorrows; from sickness and pain; from the wounds of an evil tongue and the slander of enemies. May wisdom help you overcome all hardships and obstacles on the way. Be happy and always live in harmony with your conscience.

    May your home be full of light, happiness and joy. Take care of your chosen one and be her reliable protection. May good luck and prosperity accompany you in all your affairs.

  • My dear dear son, (name), now you have already become an adult and are embarking on an independent path. But I want to always protect you from all troubles and hardships. I want to be a wall around you so that there are no sorrows and bitter disappointments in your life.

    I want to level the road you are walking on so that you never turn off the straight and right path. Until now, this has been my life. Now I entrust you to your Guardian Angel.

    May he become your protection from all evil and keep your family as the apple of an eye. Good luck to you, son.

  • Blessing of the son before the wedding

    In ancient times, it was believed that if the young did not receive a blessing, then they would have an unhappy life together. Nowadays, young people do not pay attention to this. Gone are the old rituals and beliefs. Many young people live together for a long time without asking their parents' permission and notify them of their desire to marry only after they take the application to the registry office.

    But now more and more often, many couples after marriage officially decide to hold a wedding ceremony. That is why it becomes so important to bless the children before the wedding.

    At all times, a parental blessing was considered special for a son and is now becoming quite important before the wedding, so many parents need to know how to bless their son correctly and at what moment at such a serious moment in life.

    How to bless your son before the wedding?

    It is customary to give a blessing to the son at the moment when the young people announce their desire to marry - at the moment of engagement. To do this, you need to take an icon and cross the children 3 times, pronouncing the words with the wish of a happy family life. Even if your son is not a believer, bless him. With a blessing, you seem to call to action the love of God, his mercy and protection. Whether you know the words of the prayer or not, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that they be filled with love and faith. God hears us even when we don't speak. On the day of the wedding, before your son goes to fetch the bride, he must also be blessed.

    What should you say when blessing your son before the wedding?

    Say the wise and kind words that you want to admonish your son and his future family. You have a huge life experience, share it with your son. According to faith, a blessing from God that a person pronounces expresses his love and devotion to his loved ones. It is designed to give protection and peace, protect from sorrows and enrich a person. So you, with your words or prayer, open up a chance for a better life for your son. The most important thing is that all your thoughts and words should be from the heart and sincere. The power of words and thoughts is recognized by everyone, even if you have never thought about it. It is so great that it can harm and bring great good.

    Why do you need to bless your son before the wedding?

    It happens that parents do not approve of the son's choice, but he does not want to part with his beloved for anything. And then the parents do not want to give their blessing in any form, refusing to recognize the son's right to his choice. But this is wrong, whether you approve of your child's choice or not, he is his. In the end, a person cannot know what will be better, especially if you are not closely acquainted with your son's chosen one. In addition to resentment from the son and daughter-in-law, parents will not receive anything in return. If mutual grievances accumulate, it will be more difficult for you to reconcile. Also, the son should not rush into marriage, it is better to try to get to know each other better and give your parents time to get to know their chosen one better, to understand how good she is. This will avoid problems with a future wedding.

    The process of blessing the son before the wedding

    You should bless your son just before leaving the house for the bride. Parents should stand close to each other just opposite the son. In the hands of the father should be an icon depicting Jesus Christ. According to religious books, during the blessing, the son should kneel. First, the father baptizes his son with an icon, after which he passes it on to his mother. She does the same. The son must cross himself and kiss the face of Christ on the icon. Parents who do not adhere to the observance of religious rites, or atheists, can also bless their son by simply wishing the son happiness and mutual understanding in the future family.

    Religious words to bless a son

    You can say: “As the church is indestructible and strong, faith is strong and sweet mead, so (the name of the son) with (the name of the bride) were strong and inseparable. Without each other, so that they would not be, they did not live apart for a minute, not a day from that day from the wedding table, as I read the slander. Amen 3 times.

    Examples of son's blessings before marriage

    1. “Dear son, let us guide you to your future family life. We wish you happiness, love, health, family understanding and prosperity. Live in the name of love and kindness. We bless you for a strong family and a happy marriage!”
    2. “Dear (son’s name)! We bless you for a friendly and strong family. Live for good. Honor and protect your wife. Live in friendship and peace, harmony and love, for people's joy and happiness for yourself! Let there be well-being and peace in your house, and children's laughter will sound in your family!
    3. “Today we wish you happiness, May God keep you from bad weather and storms, illness, pain and human language, from difficult years and unbearable troubles. And God give you a lot of ardor, passion, love and a lot of happiness!
    4. "Dear son! We wish you all the very best that you wish for yourself. Joy, happy days and health and a lot of smart kids! May the sun shine joyfully, prosperity, love, peace and harmony!
    5. “Son (name of the son), all earthly blessings to you, peace and prosperity to your home, strong family and prosperity. We wish you happiness and joy, so that the family prospers, and work is in full swing. So that a beautiful wife gives birth to seven heroes, seven handsome men, and daughters to feast for the eyes, let them run the household! Take care, respect your wife, love you and happiness!

    For a long time it was customary to marry only after the son received the blessing of his parents. Otherwise, marriages were considered unhappy and were not recognized by society. If for some reason the marriage was nevertheless concluded without the blessing of the parents, then the young tried to get it at least after the wedding. Now is not the time, but marriage remains an important moment in life for every man. That is why before the wedding for your son, support in the form of a blessing from his parents can support and inspire him.

    The ceremony of blessing is performed by the parents of the newlyweds. This is one of the important parts of the wedding ceremony, where parents give parting words to their child, supporting the young on such an important day.

    How to bless the newlyweds with an icon

    As the day of the sacrament approaches, the parents of the bride and groom become more and more anxious to properly bless their children. Often, after the groom "ransoms" the bride, the newlyweds are taken to a separate room, where the bride's parents perform a blessing ceremony, thereby giving permission for marriage. They bless not only their daughter, but also her fiancé. Parents, standing in front of the bride and groom, hold the image of the Kazan Mother of God in their hands, and saying parting words, baptize the bride three times with the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, and then the groom. The young, after the sign of the cross, are applied to the icon. Having received a parental blessing, the bride and groom go towards a new life. When leaving the threshold, they are met by guests, and sprinkled with wheat and coins. After the registration of the marriage, before the feast, it is the turn of the groom's parents to bless the young. They bless the children in the image of "Jesus Christ" and then serve them bread and salt.

    Icon for newlyweds

    Tips on how to properly hold a wedding according to church customs

    Having decided to hold a wedding according to church customs, in addition to blessing, the couple must undergo a wedding ceremony. For this procedure, you will need candles, icons, two towels and rings of the young. Towels can be used instead of towels. One of them spreads under the feet of the newlyweds, and the other, the priest ties their hands and holds them around the lectern three times.

    Since the wedding procedure is a rather lengthy process, and candles must burn from the beginning to the end of the ceremony, choose larger candles. In the church shop there are special beautiful large wedding candles. Also take care of comfortable shoes, as it is not easy to stand the whole time of the ceremony in high heels.

    For the wedding, as well as for the registration of marriage, witnesses will be needed. Their role is to hold the crowns over the heads of the bride and groom. If there are no witnesses at the wedding, it does not matter, someone else can perform their role.

    You can not get married in temples at any time. Such rituals are not held on Saturdays, during fasts, on the eve of the Twelfth Feasts, as well as individual holidays of the temple.

    The church will ask you to show your marriage certificate, so be sure to bring it with you. Marriage registration must be carried out before the wedding, the ideal option is to hold both ceremonies on the same day.

    Before the wedding, the newlyweds must be sure to confess and take communion. Without this, the procedure is impossible. It is often recommended on the morning of the wedding day to defend the service and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. But in reality, knowing the turmoil of this happy day, we practically do not carry out this option, so it is better to visit the temple in a day.

    Not every couple holds a wedding according to church customs. Having decided on such a step, remember that a marriage concluded in the church is made in heaven.

    In our time, from the moment when two young people in love decide to start a family and introduce their parents during the matchmaking, very little time passes. Following tradition, on the morning before the official registration of marriage, the groom arrives at the bride's house and pays a ransom for her. Also important is the tradition of asking parents for blessings for the wedding.

    The meaning of tradition

    In all Orthodox families there is a tradition of blessing children by parents for a long and happy family life.. This ritual has come to us since time immemorial and is another way to show parental love and protect a new family from adversity. Carrying out this ceremony is a very important and exciting event for all family members.

    There is an opinion that the mother's parting words to the daughter before the wedding have special power and will protect the newlyweds from damage and the evil eye, and the ancestors will protect the newlyweds. Seeing off to a new family suggests that the girl will become a daughter-in-law, so marriage will be a test of her moral qualities. It is also of fundamental importance which icon the groom's parents bless the young with.

    Of course, today young people do not believe so much in the existence of otherworldly forces, but nevertheless, the rite of parental blessing is strictly performed.

    Icons for the blessing of the newlyweds

    Usually, parents bless their children twice: first, before registering the marriage at the registry office, then at the solemn feast (even if only relatives are invited).

    The blessing of the daughter occurs with the help of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God - the most famous and canonical image of the Virgin Mary. It was she who is considered the protector of the Russian people and protected him during the attacks of enemy troops.

    According to tradition, the father gives the icon covered with a towel to the mother. Next, parents take turns saying parting words. After this, it is necessary to cross the daughter three times and let her kiss the image.

    To bless the son before the wedding at home, the icon “Savior Almighty” is needed, which depicts the Son of God holding the Gospel in one hand and blessing humanity with the other. Parents also take turns saying parting words and wish their son to become the true head of the family.

    Rules for the ritual

    There are several rules that must be strictly observed when blessing the young:

    When, when planning a celebration, parents face the question of the distribution of responsibilities, you can use several options:

    • The mothers of the young hold icons, and the fathers hold champagne and a loaf.
    • The groom's father holds an icon, and the bride's mother holds a loaf.
    • One mother holds icons, the second - a loaf, and the fathers stand nearby and make a solemn speech.

    There is no clear regulation for the distribution of responsibilities, so the issue can be resolved at the family council.

    After registering the marriage in the registry office, the parents meet the newlyweds, and if the wedding ceremony was not held in the church, you can read the mother's prayer-blessing.

    Congratulations and parting words

    During the wedding feast, the newlyweds, according to custom, will accept all kinds of wishes. And, of course, the most important and sincere on this day are the congratulations of the parents. In order to correctly express their thoughts and feelings, to adequately bless the children, it is advisable for parents to prepare the text of congratulations in advance, because overwhelming emotions can prevent them from speaking coherently and not repeating themselves.

    If you take parting words from the mother of the daughter at the wedding in verse, then be sure to learn it. It may be small.

    For example:

    I want to wish my daughter

    Beloved, strong and happy to become.

    May there be joy and success in the house,

    Comfort and happiness, loud laughter.

    Let grief never come

    And your house will always be a full cup!

    For a father's blessing, you can write a small coherent text, for example:

    Dear our children! Today you have become one whole, friendly family. Give each other love and joy, forgive shortcomings and help in difficult times. Do not look around, but look both in the same direction. Your marriage is a huge step towards a brighter future. Live in such a way that on each anniversary of this day you have something to thank each other for. Give us grandchildren, and give yourself the true meaning of life. Be always united and very happy!

    At the end of the celebration, beautiful words are indispensable.

    You can ask everyone present to say one last parting word and see the newlyweds home. Then the whole holiday will become an unforgettable event for the newlyweds.