Game technologies in kindergarten. Summary of open directly educational activities for the development of speech in the middle group on the topic "Description of a toy" using personality-oriented, health-saving, gaming technologies

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 11 in Kirensk

with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction "




Theme: "Funny nesting dolls"


September, 2016

Date: 09/21/2016, educator -.

Theme: "Funny matryoshkas".

Integration educational areas: socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Purpose: to introduce children to the subject folk art, a product of Russian masters - a nesting doll; develop musical and Creative skills children; form grammatically correct speech, develop aesthetic taste.

Contribute to the formation in children of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Russian folk toy (matryoshka). Enrich the vocabulary and activate words in children's speech: matryoshka, wooden doll, chubby, painted, ruddy, Russian folk toy, silk scarf, sundress, mysterious, etc. Support the desire to actively engage in communication, speak out; encourage joyful sensations from active joint actions. To promote the development of creative and cognitive abilities, imagination, speech, attention, fine motor skills hands To promote individual self-expression of children in the process of productive creative activity. Cultivate artistic taste, accuracy with patience with.

Preliminary work:

Poems and riddles about nesting dolls;

Examination of patterns on the clothes of nesting dolls;

Dance "We are nesting dolls";

Didactic game "Determine the size of nesting dolls."

Material and equipment: Silhouettes of nesting dolls, nesting dolls for demonstration, glue, brushes, oilcloths, dry and napkins for each child. Musical accompaniment.

Lesson progress:

Greeting: "I give you a smile" Children stand in a semicircle.

Let's all say the magic words together:

chest, chest,

gilded barrel,

Painted lid, brass latch,

One, two, three, open the chest.

(The teacher opens the box).

What lies here? The teacher makes a riddle.

scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright floral sundress.

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

Blushed a little

This is Russian... Children: Matryoshka.

The teacher takes out a nesting doll and conducts a conversation on behalf of the toy.

Hello! This is me, a matryoshka doll, a Russian folk toy. Take a seat on the chairs. We will get to know you better.

(Children sit on chairs. Mini-message "Introduction to Matryoshka" using a puppet theater)

I came to you in Russia from another country, Japan. Do you guys know what I'm made of? I really liked the Russian masters. They dressed me in a Russian sarafan with an apron, tied a bright scarf around my head, painted eyes, a blush on my cheeks. And they called me by an old Russian name - Matryosha.

Educator: Let's say guys beautiful words(compliments) for nesting dolls. Children stand in a circle. They pass the matryoshka to each other and say compliments: beautiful, elegant, chubby, painted, cheerful, rosy-cheeked, plump, wooden, colorful, bright, interesting, mysterious, ruddy. (If one of the children has difficulty choosing a word, other children come to the rescue).

Something you Matryoshka is heavy, maybe she has something inside? (the teacher shakes the matryoshka). I am not a simple doll, but with a secret. My daughters live in me. Matryoshka is a symbol of the family. And as in any family, we live together, love and take care of each other, and if we get scared, we hide in each other.

Educator: And how many of them can there be? Show on your fingers (3, 5) Sit down on the chairs and see how many there are.

Let's ask her together, "Matryoshka, matryoshka, open up a little!" (the teacher opens a large nesting doll and takes out more nesting dolls - the children admire, the nesting dolls are put in a row). Educator: Guys, how many nesting dolls are there? (a lot of). How much was it at first? (one). Show the number 3 on the easel. - Look, a whole family of nesting dolls, that's how many dolls are hidden in one nesting doll. Let's see what the nesting dolls are wearing.

What do they have on their heads? (handkerchief)

What do they have on their bodies? (sundress)

What is a sundress decorated with? (with flowers)

Look, children, all nesting dolls are of different sizes.

What is this matryoshka?


What is this matryoshka?

Small! Average!

The outdoor game "Big Matryoshka and Little Matryoshka" The teacher shows a large nesting doll - the guys raise their hands up, shows a small one - the children squat. Repeat 3-4 times.

Look, I also found nesting dolls, but for some reason they are sad? Let's dance for them. (We put on headscarves for girls, caps for boys).

Matryoshkas became funny, they liked your dance. I propose to decorate the aprons of nesting dolls. I invite you to the workshop.

Just before we get to work, we need to stretch our fingers" finger game: "Matryoshka"

Children sit down at the table with pre-prepared patterns of nesting dolls silhouettes.

Show yourself (lift up) yellow (orange, blue, etc.) nesting dolls.

The teacher shows on the sample how to perform the application on sundresses of nesting dolls. On early stages learning educator can help children dip the brush in glue, help stick polka dots. Children decorate nesting dolls to the music.

Educator: Guys, look how bright sundresses are and there is not a single one similar. All nesting dolls turned out unique! Look, here they are

And ruddy and lush.

In colorful sundresses
Our Russian nesting dolls.

Educator: Guys, who came to visit us? Did you enjoy playing with dolls? Did you enjoy decorating nesting dolls? Well done, children! Let's clap our hands for a good job.


Practice counting from 1 to 10. To form the ability to correlate quantity with number. Learn to compare objects by size, size, color. develop speech, logical thinking, imagination, attention.



Pin name geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle, rectangle); highlight their properties (shape, color, size).

To consolidate knowledge of quantitative counting up to 10, the ability to recognize numbers up to 10 and correlate them with the number of objects.


Raise interest in the occupation, the desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situation to instill a friendly attitude towards each other.


Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify their judgments.

Methodological techniques:

Game (use of surprise moments).

Visual (use of illustration).

Verbal (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children).

Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.

Lesson progress:

Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Please stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other

Hold hands, give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, give them a smile. Great!

Now show me your fingers. Let's play a little (coordination of movements and development of fine motor skills, development of memory).

Boys and girls are friends in our group.

We will make friends with you little fingers.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Start counting back: 5 4 3 2 1 -

Together we stand in a circle!

1,2,3,4,5 - we will start playing now

5,4,3,2,1 - we will sit on the carpet!

Well done! (Relaxation music plays).

Oh, Guys, what is this envelope? Yes, this letter is correct. The letter is addressed to the children of the kindergarten "Solnyshko". I wonder who it's from? Let's read it and everything will become clear to us.

“Dear guys, there is a problem in our kingdom of mathematics. The evil wizard has bewitched all the inhabitants of the kingdom - all the numbers are mixed up in the numerical series, and the geometric figures have forgotten their names. Only you can remove the spell by completing all the tasks. Queen of Mathematics.

Guys, can we help the inhabitants of the kingdom of mathematics?

Then let's hit the road!

And what are we going to get there? Maybe there's a clue in the envelope?

Yes guys here is a mystery:

He lies quietly on the floor. And the warmth of my feet guards. But it can take flight. Multicolored…. (Magic carpet)

But he is a carpet - an airplane.

(The teacher shows the "carpet - plane")

Educator: Oh, guys, what a misfortune the mice gnawed through it. He's quite old. We urgently need to fix the "carpet - the plane." And how can we fix it? Look, there are some patches here.

Exercise 1: ( Children take turns applying and identifying patches that are suitable for carpet repair..)

Educator: What “patches” did you need to repair the rug?

Children: "Patches" - the shapes of a square, rectangle, triangle, circle.

(Children name large and small shapes).

Educator: Our carpet is ready to fly. And now, friends, I ask everyone to take their seats, it's time to hit the road.

(The teacher and the children become one after another and imitate the movement of the flight).

Our carpet flies and rushes,

We are not afraid of difficulties.

IN fairy world let's get there

We'll defeat the villain

Let's free the kingdom of mathematics!

Children: Traces.

This is probably help for us from the Queen of Mathematics, she shows us the way.

Immediately after the pointer begins the kingdom of Mathematics, we need to be careful not to get into trouble.

Task 2:

Educator: Guys, the traces led us to the river. What is she?

Educator: Guys, how will we cross the river? How do we get to the other side?

Children's answers.

Correctly, in order to cross the river, we need to build a bridge, but what can we build a bridge from?

Children: From boards, logs.

Educator: On the shore lies construction material different sizes to build a bridge. Each choose material right size and build a bridge (Children do the task)

Educator: guys, which board did you choose? Narrow or wide? Why?

Educator: And how do you know which board is long and which is short?

After the construction of the bridge is completed, the children "get over" across the river.

Well done with the task, they crossed the river. We follow the tracks.

Guys look, we made it to the city

Who do you think lives here?

The numbers are right here.

Task 3:

The evil wizard has bewitched all the numbers, they forgot their places and got mixed up. Help each number to fall into place. Arrange them in order - from smallest to largest.

Count the numbers in order, the way you arranged them.

Guys, let's check what number you put between the numbers 3 and 5.

what number did you put between numbers 1 and 3

what number did you put between the numbers 4 and 6;

Name the neighbors of the number 6, 2, 4, 9;

Name a number that is greater than 3 by 1.

Name a number that is greater than 5 by 1.

Look guys, we got a whole town. Where are the inhabitants of this town?

They must have been frightened by the evil wizard and fled. Here they are. But how can we find out in which house each of them lived?

The number means the number of inhabitants. Lost residents must be returned to their houses.

Well done, you did a great job. Now every number took Right place in a number line, and the inhabitants returned to their homes.

Look guys, where are we? This is some kind of ball field. Let's sit down and rest.

Guys, take a ball each, examine them carefully, because these are not just balls, but balls with another test for you.

Task 4:

Each ball has a number. I read the riddle, the children solve and raise the number indicating the answer.

1st riddle.

How many bagels in a bag

Did you put a cock?

Two. We will give one to grandfather

And will remain (Answer: one)

2nd riddle.

Three bear cubs in the apiary

They played hide and seek by the barrel.

One barely fit into the barrel.

How many ran away into the woods? ( Answer: two)

3rd riddle.

Four hares came from school

But suddenly they were attacked by bees.

Two bunnies barely escaped

And how many didn't make it? ( Answer: two)

4th riddle.

Masha plucked two roses,

Brought it as a gift to my mother.

Pick another one and give

You are not two mommy, but ( Answer: three)

5th riddle.

Five puppies playing football

One was called home

He looks out the window, he thinks

How many are playing now? ( Answer: four

6th riddle.

Six funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired:

He lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are ahead? (5)

Look, guys, the footprints led us to the carpet of the plane. What do you think this means?

Yes, you are great, passed all the tests and it's time for us to go back.

We fly back.

Our carpet flies and rushes,

We are not afraid of difficulties.

We'll go to kindergarten

And let's get some rest!

Arrived. Sit down quickly on the carpet, and rest a little.

Guys, you completed all the tasks, put things in order in the mathematical kingdom. Guys, did you like our trip? What was especially easy for you, what did you find difficult?

Look, some kind of chest, but what is there?

There is a note in the chest: I am very grateful to you for your help, I was glad to meet you. Math queen.

There are also little gifts for you.

Is our fabulous journey came to an end and it's time for us to return to our friends in the group. We will go to them. Guess what:

The black house rushes along the rails,

Only steam swirls above him.

That's right, steam locomotive. I will be a locomotive, and you are my wagons.

Children are built in a line, holding on to each other.

Depicting a steam locomotive, we are leaving.





THEME "Autumn"

Prepared and hosted:

Educator GBDOU d / s No. 3 Alikberova R.R.

Date: 10/12/2015

Saint Petersburg


Target: to acquaint with the autumn phenomenon of nature - leaf fall.


  • continue to form children's ideas about autumn;
  • reinforce children's ideas about red and yellow;
  • Exercise children in the selection of leaves according to the named color.

Preliminary work:a conversation about autumn, looking at trees in autumn dress on the site, looking at illustrations on the theme of autumn.

Equipment: drawings with a drawn branch; presentation on the theme "Autumn Forest"; natural material: leaves of red, yellow flowers.

Course progress.

The teacher gathers the children around him (the children are sitting on the carpet, the teacher is on a chair).

Guys, what time of year is it? (Autumn)

Did you go to the forest with your parents in autumn?

What do you like most about the forest?

We have an autumn festival soon, which will be held in the music hall. And our music director asks us to help decorate the music hall autumn leaves. Do you want to help? To do this, we need to go into the forest and collect autumn bouquet from leaves.

Can you make an autumn bouquet?

The teacher turns on the audio recording (the noise of the forest). (Children follow the teacher to another part of the carpet, sit on chairs in a semicircle)

The teacher says:

"Autumn has come. See how beautiful it is autumn forest. The leaves on the trees have changed color. They were green - but what have they become?

What happens to the weather in autumn, what signs of autumn do you know?

There is another natural phenomenon that occurs only in autumn.(The action takes place on the carpet, the teacher takes the leaves in both hands and sprinkles them on the carpet).

What are the leaves doing? The children answer.

You all know that in autumn the leaves fall from the trees, what is the name of this leaf dance?(children find it difficult to answer, the teacher repeats the experiment with leaves).

The teacher asks the question again and gives time to think.

Leaves fall, what is the name of such a natural phenomenon?

Some of the children answer (Listopad).(The teacher praises the children for their attentiveness).

Then the children collect all the scattered leaves in a box.

Leaves love to dance in autumn - this dance is called leaf fall.

Do you want to dance with the leaves?

Physical education:

The teacher turns on the autumn waltz, and the children dance to it along with the leaves.

The teacher allows the children to move completely arbitrarily.

The teacher gathers the children near him, (takes a box of leaves) and says, You collected a lot of leaves while walking through the forest, and danced the autumn dance of the leaves. The teacher asks if you can use these leaves to make an autumn bouquet?

The teacher showspresentation "Autumn forest".And recites a poem:

And everywhere - falling leaves!

Leaves fly underfoot.

The mischievous wind is spinning - Red leaf, golden ...

Makes a round dance, playing with leaves.

This autumn is coming to us - dear guest!

E. Pimenova

The teacher distributes to each child a drawing depicting a branch (yellow and red). Puts a tray of leaves in the middle of the table different color.

And the story begins:we seemed to be walking into the woods. At the entrance to the forest grew a tall tree with yellow leaves. Under the tree they found one branch for an autumn bouquet.

What color are the leaves on the branch we found under the tree?

(attach leaves to your branch).

Children choose a few yellow leaves from a tray and apply them to their branch. The teacher asks several children what color the leaves are on their branch.

The teacher then asks the following question:

What other leaves did you see trees with in autumn?(the teacher gives the children the opportunity to think). Children remember a tree with multi-colored (two colors) leaves.

The teacher ends the story:“All the trees in the forest were beautiful, bright. But I want to know the tree with which foliage you liked the most. Show me on your thread.

Where have you been today?

The teacher praises the children and says that they were able to collect an autumn bouquet for decoration music hall, because they were not too lazy, they went into the forest and got acquainted with the autumn dance of leaves Falling leaves and collected a lot of leaves to decorate the music hall.

Ekaterina Ivanova
Outline plan directly educational activities using gaming technologies on the topic: "Travel"

Subject « Journey»

Age group :4-5 years

Target: Enrich children's sensory experience through gaming activity.

Integration educational areas: « cognitive development» , « Speech development» , "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".


1) Learn to select antonyms for words; activate usage prepositions to indicate the location of objects in space and relative to oneself ( "Speech Development").

2) Exercise in the ability to name and distinguish between familiar geometric shapes; improve counting skills within 5; continue to form an idea of ​​the ordinal value of a number ( "Cognitive Development").

3) Education of emotional responsiveness in children, the desire to help others (Social and communicative development).

4) Strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue, create a holistic image item from separate parts. (Artistic and aesthetic development).

Methods and techniques:

Practical (d / games "Choose the Shape", "Smell", application, mobile game "Airplane", physical minute, word games)

Visual (viewing various illustrations)

verbal (question answer)

Children's activity Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Motor game exercises , physical minutes,

Game Didactic games"Choose the Shape", "Recognize by smell", outdoor games "Airplane".

Cognitive research Solving problem situations.

Communicative Conversations, word games, questions

Fine Application.

preliminary work: didactic games "Pick by color", "Choose the Shape", "Say the opposite", sub. a game "Aircraft".

Materials and equipment:

An envelope with a letter, a map, a ball, five keys of different colors and sizes,

Book, numbers from 1 to 5; cards with image geometric shapes; subject cards;

Christmas tree, blue and white Christmas balls;

Magnetic board,

Chest, chocolate coins.

Figures for application, glue, brushes, sheets of paper.

Logics educational activities


Guys, we have guests today. Say hello. (greet the teachers).

Look what happened to our group? It has turned into magical islands. (We open the envelope, we find a card in it, we examine it.)

Look, there's something else (I take out a letter from the envelope).

The teacher reads the letter. The map shows where the treasure is located. But to get to the treasure you need to go to travel around these islands. On each of them, tasks-tests are waiting for you, they are very difficult, and only very attentive, quick-witted, dexterous, those who know how to listen and think. On each island, for the completed test task, you can get helper keys, only then you can find the treasure.

(Turning to the map)

So, the first island is the island “On the contrary”.

And how are we going to get there?

And let's turn into small planes? (n/a "Aircraft")

Everything on this island vice versa: fish fly, birds live in water, the sun shines at night, it snows in summer. So our task on this island is called “On the contrary” (with a ball):

Low - high, long - short, narrow - wide, soft - hard, light - heavy, hot - cold, clean - dirty, empty - full.

caregiver: Well done, did the job! And we get the key!

Guys, what is the key for the account, for color?)

Island of Geometric Shapes

Books are lying. At the top of one is a square, on the other is a triangle, on the third is a circle, and on the fourth is a rectangle. The pictures are scattered on the table. image geometric objects.


The wind tousled the books, and the pictures, which look like geometric shapes, all fell out of their pages. Maybe we can help and disassemble the pages in their places.

Well done, we did it and we get another key!

What is it in terms of number, and in color?

Fly to the next island "Mathematical riddles"? (a game "Aircraft")

Look, guys, the numbers are already being prepared for the New Year. The Christmas tree was put up, but they forgot to decorate it. Let's help them.

Hang blue balls on the top branches.

How many balloons did you hang? (4) Designate with a number.

And now, under the balls you need to hang white balls.

How many white balloons were hung? (3) Designate with a number.

What is more blue or white balls?

How much blue balloons more than white balls? (For 1 (more)

What needs to be done to be equal. (Add white balls)

How many white balls to add? (Need to add 1 ball)

How many blue and white balls are there? (Equally)

Also, how can you tell how much? (Blue and white balls 4 each)

This key is our helper. (I take off the key, the children call its serial number 3 and color).


We can also rest

Let's put our hands behind our backs

Let's raise our heads higher

And let's breathe easy. (pause)

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend, unbend,

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands.

We continue our journey.

next island "Guess"

Smell Game

Children are offered with eyes closed determine by the smell what is in the jars. (Chocolate, orange, onion, lemon, banana)

How else can you tell what a product is without seeing it? (To taste.)

Does it help us to taste foods? Correct tongue.

And we have earned another key! Well done! (We specify the color and serial number)

And we are waiting for the last island "Masters".

On the table are various geometric shapes, glue, brushes and sheets of paper.

Guys, since this is an island "Masters", so we need to make something from these figures.

What can be done from a square and a triangle? (Houses)

Let's stick our houses with you (children make an application).

Educator. Here we are reached the treasure. What key should be used to open it?

In order for the chest to open, you need to hang the keys in descending order.

(big, smaller, smaller, smallest)

The chest opens. First, the letter is taken out. Read out: “You have found the most precious treasure - this is your knowledge. Everything you did today travel is the treasure”.

In the chest are chocolate coins in a golden wrapper.

And now it's time for us to return to the group (game "Aircraft")

Here we are back home. What have we been doing today? Did you like journey? Although we are no longer small airplanes, we will remain friendly guys.

Well done. I was also very interested travel with you in search of treasure.

Related publications:

"In the autumn forest". Synopsis of directly educational activities for the development of speech (using gaming technologies) Topic: "In the autumn forest." Tasks in educational areas: "Communication": to teach to listen carefully to the teacher, to guess simple riddles; to expand.

Summary of GCD on FEMP using game technologies for children of the preparatory group "Journey to the land of fairy tales" Topic: "Journey to the land of fairy tales" Age group: Preparatory group Form of organization: group Purpose: To form aspiration.

Summary of educational activities using game situations for children of the younger group "Journey to a fairy tale" Summary of educational activities in the form of game situations on cognitive development for children junior group"Journey to a fairy tale".

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Summary of educational activities using game situations "Airplane in the sky" Summary of educational activities in the form game situation artistically - aesthetic development V middle group"Airplane in the sky".

Summary of educational activities with children of the preparatory group "Wintering Birds" using socio-gaming technologies. NOD with children preparatory group on the topic "Wintering Birds" using socio-gaming technologies. Tasks: - Fix submissions.


Outline of directly educational activities using ESM in the middle group "How the guys counted the kittens" Integration of educational areas: - social and communicative, - cognitive, - speech, - artistic and aesthetic, - physical.

Integration of educational areas: ("Cognitive development", ("Social and communicative development", ("Artistic and aesthetic development").

Plan summary of directly educational activities in the group preparatory to school

Synopsis of open direct educational activities for the development of speech in the middle group on the topic "Description of a toy" using personality-oriented, health-saving, gaming technologies.

Program tasks:


    to form the ability to describe a toy;

    call characteristics and actions;

    lead to the compilation short story from personal experience.


    enrich vocabulary correct names surrounding objects;

    agree adjectives with nouns in gender and number;

    develop memory, attention, thinking, imagination.


    cultivate love and careful attitude to animals;

    develop the ability to listen to friends.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, reading poems, stories, fairy tales about animals, guessing riddles.

Equipment: cat toy, pictures of pets, soft modules.

The course of direct educational activities:

Educator: Guys, today we will make an interesting journey to the country of "Pets", where we will learn a lot of new and interesting things, learn how to write stories about animals, but first, let's wish each other good health. Join hands and repeat after me:

Stand up children, stand in a circle

He is your friend and I am your friend

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

And now we begin our journey to the land of Pets.

What pets do you know? (children's answers).

Why are they called that? (children's answers)

What benefits do they bring to people? (children's answers).

Guys, today a guest came to our lesson. Who is she? Will you find out by guessing the riddle?

pointed ears,

Pillows on paws

Mustache like a bristle

Arc back

Sleeps during the day, lies in the sun

He roams at night and goes hunting.

Who is this? Rule guys, it's a cat. But where is she? Oh, listen, what is this:

Who meows at the door

Open soon

Very cold in winter

The cat wants to go home.

Guys, look who is this? (cat).

What is the fur of a cat? (soft, fluffy).

What does a cat have? (ears, eyes, tail, paws).

What are the eyes of a cat? (green, gray, red, black, blue).

Where does the cat live?

What can a cat do? (jump, catch mice, scratch, lap milk).

That's right guys, well done! You have said many words about the cat, but they all sound differently, now listen: koshshshkkaaa, rrryyzhzhaaaya, puuushshisstaayaaya. Let's all repeat these words together.

And let's play the game "Who has who?". I will show you pictures of an adult animal, and you must name its cub.

"Who has the cow?" (calf)

"Who's the pig?" (piggy)

"Who's got the chicken?" (chick)

"Who's the cat?" (kitty)

"Who's the dog?" (puppy)

"Who has the horse?" (foal)

"Who's the duck?" (duckling)

Well done guys, you're right!

Now get your fingers ready and repeat after me.

Finger game "Cats and mice"

One two three four! Cats lived in our house (sliding strikes against each other).

Cats played with a ball (alternately put forward one hand, then the other).

Cats lapped milk (they bring the palms of the “saucers” to their faces and imitate licking with their tongues).

Cats sharpened their claws (they easily scratch their knees).

They caught gray mice (clap hands).

Tell me, what are the names of the cubs of the cat? (kitten, kittens).

What cat? (large).

What about a kitten? (small).

Each of us has names, let's come up with a nickname for our cat (children's answers). Well done, how many nicknames you have come up with, they are all beautiful and diverse, but let's choose one nickname that you like the most.

Motor training:

The cat woke up in the morning

Gracefully pulled up

Bent down nicely

Right, left, twisted

And quietly left!

Guys, how beautiful and kind words we talked about the cat. And let's make a short story about our cat.

Sample story: This is a cat, her name is (Murka), a cat is big, fluffy. The whole body of a cat is covered with hair. It is soft, thick and long. A cat has a torso, head, paws, eyes, whiskers, tail. She loves (milk), knows how to catch (mice). Murka is beautiful, affectionate.

What good fellows we are! Made our guest happy! Guys, you know, they say that life in a house (group) will be happy if there is a cat in the house.

We build a house in the universe

It has a roof and an antenna,

It has doors and windows

Let our cats live in it.

After reading the poem, the teacher invites the children to build a house from soft modules and put a cat there. On the magnetic board, the teacher shows the house, and asks to name what geometric shapes it consists of. Our cat Murka really liked it with us, and she really wants to stay with us, so that in our group it would be warm, light, cozy and happiness always reigned!

Reflection: Did you enjoy our trip? What new did you learn? (children's answers).