Party in Spanish style. Organizing a party in Spain Scenario about Spain

All-consuming, hot, sincere passion or a languid, relaxing siesta? Depending on the occasion and your mood, a Spanish-style party can be either noisy and slightly crazy, or homely. Surely guests will like both options, because something new is always interesting!


We offer two options for decorating the hall. Or rooms? It doesn’t matter where you plan to meet friends - at home or in a restaurant. But it is desirable that the room be spacious enough, otherwise guests will feel uncomfortable during the dances that are essential for the Spanish holiday.

Home comfort

Surely you have at least once seen a Spanish courtyard or a family restaurant in a photo (or maybe in reality?). It’s not difficult to recreate a welcoming, light and cozy atmosphere! You will need a lot of greenery and flowers, which need to be placed around the room and hung directly on the walls. Lush greenery falling from somewhere above will hint at traditional balconies, and wooden tubs will add color. Small wine barrels are ideal as tubs and flowerpots.

The furniture is simple, wooden. Chairs with a high back and comfortable stuffed cushions. The textiles are natural, without unnecessary elements, almost rustic. Use white for the background and red and yellow (Spain flag) for accents. For example, you can set the tables with white tablecloths, and place red and yellow napkins, one after another, under the plates. To add a festive touch, make garlands from yellow and red scraps and decorate the ceiling with them. Red and yellow balloons and flowers will fit in. You can put a large aquarium with bright fish and decorate the table with compositions of sand, shells and corals.

For added color, hang up pictures of Spanish views, nature and attractions. Hang a guitar, openwork fans, several castanets on the wall - they can be useful for competitions and dances. Compositions of fruits and vegetables, bouquets of cereals and olive branches are suitable as decorations.

Spanish night

And again, to create an atmosphere, the easiest way is to focus on color schemes. The same red, but now deeper and more saturated. Replace linen and cotton with velvet, brocade or satin. Deep black will complement red shades. Drape the furniture, part or all of the walls, and window openings with red and black fabric - a Spanish party to the sounds of flamenco will remain in the memory of guests as a bright explosion of fun!

Don't forget roses - a symbol of love and passion. Decorate the ceiling with silver stars attached to shiny threads hanging vertically down. Musical instruments and lush greenery, but now in dark wood tubs, will also not be out of place. Rent or make your own matador paraphernalia - hats, cloaks, spears and swords.


Cut off the sharp ends of the wooden Chinese stick. Cut out two trapezoids from corrugated paper, and another from plain paper. You need to write text on it. The upper base of the trapezoid is slightly less than the length of the Chinese stick. One trapezoid should be red, the other yellow or black. These are the two sides of the matador's cape. They need to be fastened (glue, paper clips, or easiest of all - tape) with bases and “thrown” on a stick, not forgetting to insert a sheet of text inside the invitation.

You can simply print out figures of flamenco dancers or sultry handsome matadors. Or make an invitation card that imitates a voucher or ticket.


If you don't want to think for a long time about what to wear for a holiday in the spirit of Spain, invite your guests to come in yellow and red T-shirts. Any bottom, white or black. But, of course, such an outfit is not very suitable for a flamenco night.

But a long dress with wide sleeves and a flying hem, decorated with flounces or frills - just right! It is very similar to a gypsy costume, which, by the way, is not far from the truth: it was from the gypsies that the fiery Spanish women found the idea for the flamenco dress, recognizable all over the world. By the way, red and black are welcome. Or traditional small peas. Don't forget to let your hair down or gather it at the back of your head and insert a bright bud into your hair. And the most important thing, without which the image would not be complete – a luxurious, huge shawl with long fringe. The Manila shawl is worn on the shoulders, and during the dance it is held open in the hands and wrapped around the waist.

Guys can come dressed as a matador or a dancer. A simple version of a colorful Spanish costume - black trousers that are tight at the hips, a wide satin sash tied around the waist, a tucked-in shirt with wide sleeves and a figaro vest. Or a jacket of the same cut, miniature, barely reaching the waist (in this case, there is no need for wide shirt sleeves).


Paella and jamon, fabada and cocido, gazpacho and mojama - a huge selection of available recipes! The cuisine of Spain includes lamb and pork, seafood and fish, a lot of cheese, tomatoes and olive oil, garlic, eggplant, sweet peppers and beans. These are aromatic herbs and all kinds of sauces. Guests will certainly be delighted to try the sweetest turron and the most delicate Catalan cream, sangria with pieces of fruit and malaga with a subtle bitterness.

Many vegetables, fruits and berries are painted in the colors of the Spanish flag - use this moment to decorate the table. For example, straws of yellow and red sweet peppers, flowers of yellow and red tomatoes, slices of Red and Golden Delicious apples.

If a serious feast is not in your plans, tapas, invariable for Spanish gatherings, will help out. There are several hundred recipes for this snack, and some even believe that tapas as a dish cannot be fit into the framework of a recipe. This includes portioned seafood salads, stuffed olives, sliced ​​meat and fish, cheeses with sauce, with herbs, and olive oil. In general, such a table resembles a buffet table - snacks are laid out in beautiful rows or slides, on pieces of bread or on skewers.


When planning your scenario, pay special attention to the theme music. No Spanish holiday is complete without flamenco! It’s not difficult to learn the simplest movements and show them to guests. Organize a competition for the most beautiful and flexible couple. Both national and modern compositions are suitable for dances, games and backgrounds: Enrique and Julio Iglesias, Carlos Marin, Carmen Amaya, David Bisbal, Placido Domingo, etc.

Are you up to date?

Greet your guests with the traditional “Hola, amigos!”, hugs and triple kisses on both cheeks - let your guests transform into chicos and chicas from the moment you enter. Show everyone to the table and, while your friends satisfy their first hunger, conduct a short survey. Questions about everything connected with Spain will finally make guests believe in the reality of the “travel”. In order not to complicate things too much, use generally known information and offer several possible answers, maybe with humor.

Harmless bullfight

Competitions that are somehow related to bullfighting will fit perfectly into the theme. Using foam plastic and a drawing on whatman paper, build a target depicting a bull - throw darts to determine the best matador of the evening. The angry bull broke the side of the arena and charged at the crowd! The guys grabbed the girls in their arms and started running, from start to finish - which beauty will be lucky to be among the first to be rescued? Brave bullfighters must tame the formidable animal! Throw a lasso onto horns made from a pair of bent branches.

Token of attention (couples competition)

A Chico in love languishes with passion, standing under his passion's balcony on one knee. The beauty reciprocates by throwing flowers to her boyfriend. Romance! You will need chairs (one chair for each girl) and roses without thorns (three pieces per hand).

The girls stand on chairs, the guys in front of them on the floor, on their knees. The girls throw flowers down, one at a time. Guys should catch roses... with their teeth! Who is the most macho here?

Second passion after flamenco

Spaniards, from children to old people, love to play football. Every tiny town has its own team, football field and fans madly in love with this game. If you are relaxing in nature, kick a ball. The photos will turn out gorgeous - the girls, lifting up the hem of their fluffy skirts, are trying to hit the ball! If the party is taking place in a hall, improvise. A football field can be made from a coffee table covered with a green cloth and four paper cups (the goals of two teams). Kick the olive with your index and middle finger to earn points! You can organize a competition by bringing a mini-football table into the hall.

End the scenario with fireworks or a slow dance to the legendary song “Besame mucho.” Good Spanish wine with a memorable inscription on the label, photo albums decorated with thematic paraphernalia, a CD with a musical selection of the evening will be suitable as a present for all friends.

Music – 0

8.30. Host: Ola! I’m glad to see you all visiting us, visiting Carmen in the Spanish countryside! Where is Carmen herself? She will definitely come to us, meet her guests and we will all dance the Spanish flomenco dance together!!

Well, I was tasked with entertaining you all evening, my name is Sergio!

Welcome to our holiday in Spain, because no country in Europe celebrates holidays more than Spain.

And we begin the festive Spanish fiesta!

8.32. ballroom dancing - possadoble

8.36. Host: Thanks to the discovery of Columbus, Spanish culture spread throughout the world. Europeans brought new strange plants and animals, which were given Spanish names. Thanks to this, we know many Spanish words, for example: lemon, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, tomato, cigar, tobacco, pineapple, etc.

I told you something about Spain. Now I want to hear answers from you.


1. Tanya of the Spanish gypsies, the most famous, how is our lady? (flamenco)

2. National dish made from rice and other products in a frying pan? (Poleya)

3. National alcoholic drink made from wine, fruits and other goodies? (Sangrinha)

4. A territorial division with its own culture and language, which is renowned as one of the best resorts in the world with its capital in Barcelona? (Catalonia)

5. The world-famous Spanish sculptor, who no longer exists, but according to whose projection a mega huge building has been built for 100 years - the Sagrada Familia?? (Gaudi)

6. What is the daily break from 1 to 4 pm called in Spain? (siesta)

7. World-famous Spanish mustachioed artist who worked in the style of surrealism? His works make me shiver a little... (S. Dali)

8. capital of Spain? (Madrid)

9. in Russia - citizen and citizen, and in Spain...? (senor and senorita)

Prize – 10 mel

8.46. Presenter: The Spanish temperament is known all over the world! The following dance best expresses the passionate, fiery Spanish character!

8.46. show ballet - tango

8.50. Host: Carmen has prepared a treat for you and said that the guests should be already warmed up when she arrives.


Muz - 1.2 rewind beginning

For 5-8 meters, every 1 meter a glass of vodka is placed on the floor. (No more than 20 grams.) The participant’s task is to crawl this distance, holding the ball behind his neck and, of course, drinking the contents of the glasses. If the ball falls - first. The one who gets there first wins.

Prize - 1

2 balls and 20 shots of vodka

Inv – 2 bloomers, 25 balls, 2 caps

9.00. Presenter: Seniors and senoritas, I invite you all to the dance floor! Let's dance and have fun, keeping up with the Spanish people!

9.00. dance block

9.20. Host: Ola! The Spaniards are friendly and friendly people. Now it's time to feast your eyes on the famous passionate flamenco dance!

9.20. show ballet – Spanish fantasy

9.25. Host: Now we will create with you something in the style of the world famous Spanish bullfight!


2 horns, printout: partIdo (from Spanish it means “party”), alegre (“fun”)

The presenter invites 2 pairs, one member of the pair will be a “bull” (horns on his head), the second will be a “bullfighter”. Each bullfighter has a piece of paper with one word attached to his back. (partido, alegre on red paper). During the musical pause, the “bull” must walk around his partner and read the word. Pushing and using force tricks is prohibited. Bullfighting should be dance-like, but the main task of the bullfighter will be to hide his back so that the “bull” does not read the word. The winner is the one who defended it better and the one who read the word first.

Prizes – 2.

10.05. Presenter: Meet the dance of the Spanish gypsies - hot and fiery! Eh, Spain, what a people, what a temperament!

9.35. show ballet - bonita

9.40. Host: And, of course, tell me, fans, football fans, what else is Spain known for? Yes, football of the most famous teams in the world - the Spanish “Barca” and “Madrid”!


Barça vs Madrid - players in teams are divided into pairs (2 pairs against 2 pairs) and tie one leg to the partner’s leg. On command, the game begins. The task is to score the ball (inflated balloon, if it bursts, replace the ball) into the opponent’s goal (beyond the line on the tile). Goalkeepers are not needed, it will be difficult to score the ball anyway. Universal wallowing on the ground is guaranteed!

5 balls (for reserve), whistle, 4 ropes.

Prize – 4

9.50. Presenter: Senors and senoritas! I’ll go call my Carmen, and you can dance! The best part is for dessert!

9.50. dance block

10.10. Host: We return to the beautiful country - mysterious Spain.

Well, now the moment has come for our mass Spanish dance, Carmen will teach everyone, don’t worry...

The presenter addresses the fat woman who is behind the door: Carmen, come out, everyone is already waiting for you?... But where are you? I'll go have a look (and you leave the door, and a fat woman comes out of another door - Carmen with her erotic dance).

12/10/BBW - Carmen

10.17. The presenter returns from behind the door and sees his beloved without a skirt, and speaks with a Spanish temperament, handing her a skirt: Honey, what's wrong with you??? Have you lost your skirt again? Get dressed!! (the fat girl makes a puzzled look and hugs the jealous guy)

Well, let's learn to dance in Spanish!


The presenter gathers people for a dance, puts them in a checkerboard pattern, and comments, Fat Girl shows the movements.

Prize - to the best one according to Carmen or by applause.

10.27. Host: Well, keep rocking in the same spirit! Come visit us again and again for the 2000s dance on October 26 and on Halloween 27, we are waiting for you again and again, and we will go with Carmen and sort out our skirt ! (you slap Carmen on the ass, she winks at you passionately in response)

If someone calls you when they're drunk, appreciate it.
You are very dear to this person.

Winter, slush, cold, snow? Do you want summer, sun, dancing? A corporate party for the New Year in a Spanish style will perfectly warm your guests on a cold winter day!

New Year in the Spanish style is suitable for teams where warm, friendly relations have developed and most of the employees will not feel awkward when participating in competitions with hot Spanish hugs. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to please everyone, because there will always be someone who does not want to participate in competitions, but is it worth it for others to give up on the fun?

Where to celebrate New Year in Spanish style?

Ideally, a Spanish-style corporate event should be celebrated in Spain. But if your holiday budget is much more modest, then you have only two options available to you.

First option. You can hold a corporate event in the office if you have a banquet hall or an office spacious enough to host fiery dances there.

Second option. You can rent a room in a restaurant and order a menu corresponding to the theme of the holiday.

To make the room sunny and bright, the predominant color should be red; besides, the Spaniards love this color.

Red tablecloths, red balloons, red paper garlands, red ribbons tied, for example, on the back of a chair, red Christmas balls, red rain, red streamers, red roses in vases - you can use anything.

You can hang posters (large photographs) on the walls with images of Spanish bullfights, Spanish dancers or colorful scenes from films about the Spaniards. Pictures can be easily found on the Internet and printed in online printing shops.

On a separate table you can place glasses (cups) of wine, such as sangria or sherry, for an aperitif and a plate of light snacks. In Spain it is called tapas.

Don’t forget to hang a poster with the inscription: “Happy New Year!” so that no one forgets what holiday they attended.

Music for corporate events in Spanish

Since the New Year's party is Spanish-style, that means the music should be Spanish!

If one of your employees plays guitar, ask them to perform a couple of Spanish-style songs or invite a musician.

We offer a selection of music in the Spanish style:

Menu for a New Year's corporate party in Spanish style

What to treat guests to a Spanish party? There are plenty of options. For a celebration in the office, you can create a menu and divide the responsibilities in its preparation among employees. You can order dishes in a restaurant with delivery to your office, and if you are already going to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant, then you just have to choose dishes in accordance with the concept of the holiday.

The table must include dishes from Spanish cuisine or those styled after them. For example, gazpacho, paella, hot seasonings and sauces. Unfortunately, winter is not the season for tomatoes, but there are many ketchups and canned vegetables on sale. Even pizza can be found in Spanish style.

What to wear to a corporate party in Spanish style

Invite guests to dress in black and red. Girls can transform into Carmen - a dress with flounces and a rose in her hair. Men can wear leather trousers and a red shirt or even a bullfighter costume. The main thing is that the colors of the costumes are black and red.

As an option, you can complement the outfit chosen for the corporate event with Spanish-style accessories - hairpins with red flowers, men's scarves, etc.

Scenario for a New Year's corporate party in Spanish style

Meeting with guests

The hosts greet each guest with strong, warm hugs in the Spanish style. After which you are invited to a table with an aperitif and tapas.

All corporate party guests must take a Spanish name. The chosen name is written on a card and attached to the suit (you can pin it with a small safety pin).

If a person finds it difficult to choose a name, you need to have cards with ready-made names in reserve. For example, Pedro, Raul, Fernando, Jose, Juanita, Conchita, Catalina, etc.

During the evening, you can only address each other by these names. For a mistake or incorrectly given name, a fine is imposed.

Light buffet

In general, a light buffet lasts until all the guests have arrived. Then the presenters invite everyone to the table.

New Year's feast

The first toasts are heard from the company management. When clinking glasses, you must definitely say “Chin-chin!” - this is how it is done in Spain.

While everyone is eating between toasts, you can propose a competition. Everyone takes turns naming concepts associated with Spain. For example: Don Quixote, bullfighting, Carmen, flamenco, castanets, bull, siesta, Madrid, etc. The one who could not remember anything drinks a penalty.

New Year's games and competitions

Competition The most original hug

Divide the participants into pairs and ask them to come up with the most unusual hug. In this hug, you can use not only your hands, but also other parts of the body.

Pairs are invented and then shown one by one. The winners are chosen by voting.

Competition Close Hugs

Participants are divided into pairs, preferably opposite sexes. Each couple hugs tightly and holds a red ball between their stomachs.

Task: while performing a quick couple dance to Spanish music, hold both the hug and the ball.

Those couples who survive until the music turns off are awarded a prize - a pack of ketchup.

Game Dancing-Huggers

You need to prepare rubber rings in advance. For this, regular underwear elastic bands tied in a ring are suitable. The ring should be of such a size that it tightly wraps around the torsos of two or three people standing close to each other. It is advisable to decorate rings made of elastic bands by tying red ribbons, braid on them, sewing red silk flowers, etc.

Divide group members into groups of 3 and 5. All group participants become a tight circle and hug each other by the shoulders. Each group of hugging people receives a ring, which should connect them into one whole, tightening them at ankle level.

Incendiary music is turned on, and those hugging must make various movements, trying to raise the elastic band higher and higher. You can’t open the hug, so you can’t help with your hands either.

The winner is the group whose elastic band is removed over their head the fastest.

Game Duo Battle

A large circle is drawn on the floor with chalk. In order not to dirty the floor, you can put a small rug on it - these will be the boundaries of the battlefield.

Four people are called and divided into two pairs. The couples hug tightly and stand in the center of the circle.

The task is to push the other pair beyond the boundaries of the circle (rug, blanket, etc.). Hugs cannot be opened, therefore, the use of hands is unacceptable.

The winner is the pair that pushes the other pair out of the circle.

Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Since it is, after all, the New Year, then there is no way to do without it. You can order them from an agency, or you can dress them up yourself, for example, by renting costumes. Add Spanish motifs to the images of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Don’t forget to pause between competitions and invite guests to the table. In general, the holiday ends with general dancing to Spanish music.

Party in Spanish style, script, invitations, costumes, competitions, menu

Spain is a wonderful, colorful country where beautiful and emotional people live. They do not hold back their feelings and express them with all their temperament, with the help of gestures, hugs and kisses. Bright sun and sultry colors, brave matadors and bullfights, hot siesta and fiery dancing, an abundance of colors and spicy dishes and, of course, flamenco - all this is Spain!

Someone is waiting for a vacation to visit this country and plunge into the national flavor and fantastic atmosphere. And someone doesn’t waste time and organizes spanish holiday at home or at the dacha. The reason for a Spanish-style party can be any event: a wedding, corporate event, anniversary or birthday. You can have a fantastic evening, dress up in Spanish style and cook national dishes of Spain.

Organizing a themed party will allow you to learn more about this wonderful country, get acquainted with the national cuisine, customs and traditions.

How to decorate a room?

The Spaniards love red, yellow and orange, so they should predominate in the design of the room. You can combine them with black.

The walls are decorated with multi-colored paper garlands and posters depicting bullfights, a couple dancing flamenco or the most famous landmarks of Spain. You can hang balloons and tie colored ribbons everywhere. Place it in a visible place guitar and big fans. The room is also decorated with voluminous paper flowers and colorful flags.

The table can be covered with a red tablecloth and vases with red roses and other beautiful flowers, as well as candles, lanterns and bright fruits can be placed on it.


The invitation is issued on paper or wood fan, which will subsequently be used for its intended purpose after an incendiary dance. You can also print beautiful views of Spain on thick paper, fold it into a postcard and sign the invitation.

Guest cards and napkins can also be folded into a fan.


Participants in the Spanish Party must dress appropriately for the occasion. Clothes can be red and black or have bright patterns.

Representatives of the fair sex can dress up in style Carmen or Esmeralda. A long dress with numerous flounces or floral prints, gypsy colorful skirts consisting of several tiers. The skirt can be plain with barely noticeable embroidered patterns.

will certainly become the highlight of the Spanish image. If this piece is made of black dense fabric, then it can be worn over a white blouse. The corset, made of shiny fabric, will fit perfectly into an evening outfit. Lacing must be present on this piece of clothing on the side, front or back.

If a girl wears a bright scarlet long dress made of flowing fabric, she will definitely become the queen of the evening. Over the dress you can throw a large rectangular shawl with large tassels or a rich pattern.

Shoes for a party are chosen with low and wide heels with a strap around the ankle.

Hair is decorated with a bud red rose, a hairpin with an artificial flower can be used.

Monisto or large beads on the neck and many bracelets on the wrists would also be appropriate. Earrings should be in the form of rings of large diameter.

A beautiful fan, matching the color of the outfit, will complete a woman's look.

Men dress in red shirts and black trousers, which can be made of leather. For a white shirt, a red neckerchief and a wide belt of the same color are suitable. You can wear a red beret or cocked hat on your head.

The ideal option would be bullfighter costume .


It is music that will help create the right mood and envelop you in an atmosphere of passion. At such a themed party, beautiful Spanish melodies and tunes should sound. These can be both folk and modern compositions. Sarabande rhythms and salsa, bolero and flamenco will not let you sit still.

Musical compositions by such artists as Shakira, Enrique Iglesias, David Bustamante, Joaquin Cortez, Julio Iglesias will also help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Spain. Absolute hits that will touch the hearts of all guests present will be Besame mucho and the composition Toni Braxton Spanish Guitar. The albums of our famous virtuoso guitarist Didyulya will definitely appeal to the guests of the party.

If one of the guests plays the guitar, you can ask him in advance to prepare and perform several Spanish compositions. It will certainly be the highlight of the evening.

A Spanish party is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the music and dancing Spain.

How to entertain guests?

When the guests have already enjoyed the dishes of Spanish cuisine, but have not yet left the table, you can invite them to play the well-known game " Cities" Only populated areas in Spain need to be named. Or you can simply say words that are associated with this country. The person who doesn’t say anything drinks a penalty glass. When three people in a row cannot come up with anything, the game ends.

You can have a fun battle with guitars. To do this, guitars made of cardboard or papier-mâché are distributed to competition participants, who are divided into two teams and fight among themselves. The team that breaks the most guitars wins.

A comic bullfight will be an excellent entertainment.

It is necessary to take care of the site in advance incendiary Spanish dances. After all, they are the peculiarity of the party.


A Spanish party is unthinkable without dishes of national cuisine.

Served as an aperitif Sangria in glasses placed on a separate table. The glasses are topped with saucers containing a light snack called tapas (that is, a lid). This is an ideal option for a buffet. Tapas are served before the main course. You can prepare several types of varied snacks to suit every taste.

Examples of tapas:

  • shrimp, peeled and fried on both sides until golden brown with the addition of garlic, chili pepper and parsley;
  • pintxos (small kebabs) - cut chicken or pork meat into pieces and place them on wooden skewers. The meat alternates with onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes, and is cooked in the oven or on the grill;
  • Patatas bravas - deep-fried potato wedges. The potatoes are served with a fiery sauce made from stewed tomatoes, chili peppers and wine vinegar. Everything is crushed to a homogeneous mass;
  • ensalada rusa (Russian salad) - an analogue of Olivier, the difference is that the meat is replaced with canned tuna, and green peas with chopped green beans;
  • squid rings – fresh squid is cut into rings, rolled in flour, then dipped in beaten egg and fried in oil;
  • banderilla - olives or olives, impaled on skewers;
  • marinated or grilled vegetables, squid or mushrooms;
  • pintxo - tiny sandwiches with various fillings: tuna, pate, grated cheese with mayonnaise.

Olives, shrimp, cheese and cold cuts are also offered as tapas.

The main dish at a Spanish style party can be paella- This is the main dish of Spanish cuisine made from rice. It can be vegetarian or meat. This is a fairly light, but at the same time satisfying dish. The base can be pork or chicken, shrimp or mussels, fish or squid.

What we celebrate:international hug day or national hugging day. No one knows exactly when and for what reason this holiday appeared, but for several years now it has been celebrated all over the world. According to the widespread version, Western European students are to be “blamed” for the emergence of the holiday. It was they who began to organize these kind of positive “flash mobs”, hugging everyone they met on a certain day. IN Hug Day The process of hugging does not have a sexual connotation, but only a brotherly one. All people are brothers, so they should not refuse mutual hugs.

When we celebrate:

Where we celebrate:

In any convenient place. It is important that the atmosphere in the place where it will take place is not just warm, but even hot! Well, it is desirable that there is enough space for fiery dancing. Well, what would it be without dancing?! Yes, yes, this is exactly the kind of party we will celebrate Hug Day.

How we celebrate:

1. Theme of the event: Spanish party

As you know, hot machos and muchachos are very emotional, so they talk loudly and quickly, gesticulate desperately and always hug tightly when meeting every person they know well.

This is something we northerners should learn from them. In our country, women will at most kiss each other on the cheek, and men will shake hands. Spaniards, both men and women, hug each other for a long time, patting each other on the shoulder. As psychologists have proven, such greetings make people happier. Let's pay tribute to the hot Spanish tradition and P Let's consecrate the party in honor of the Day of Hugs of hot Spain .

2. Entourage

Interior: You can make the predominant color in the interior hot red, so beloved by the Spaniards. Red tablecloth, red balloons, red origami paper garlands, red ribbons tied here and there, and, of course, red roses in vases. From the speakers - Spanish flamenco music.

You can hang posters with images of Spanish bullfighting on the walls (you can find beautiful pictures on the Internet and print them at home on a printer or take them to the nearest printing service).

If one of the party participants plays the guitar, then this is just great, because a guitar is a must at a Spanish fiesta!

On a separate table you can place glasses of wine (for example, Sangria) for an aperitif. Cover each glass with saucers of tapas - a light Spanish snack. Tapa, by the way, means “lid” - this is how drinks were served in Spanish bars. Various snacks are placed on lidded plates - cheese or cold cuts, shrimp, olives.

On whatman paper, on a poster or directly on the wall (depending on the venue), you should write in red letters (red lipstick is perfect for this) the slogan of this party: “ Dancing, hugging - the Spaniards are dancing around!!! ».

Dress code: clothes in black and red colors. Girls can embody Carmen in a dress with frills and a rose in her hair. Men can wear leather trousers and a red shirt or an entire bullfighter costume. Football fans can come wearing a Spanish football club uniform. Fantasy is limited only by colors - red and black.

3. Main content of the event

Everyone present is greeted with strong, warm hugs. After which he is invited to separate table for getting an aperitif and tapas. At the same time, you need to ask the person who came to name a Spanish name (girls call female names, young people call male names; you cannot repeat yourself).

The host takes out a previously prepared empty badge, writes the name there and pins it on the guest’s chest. As a result, even before the main celebration begins, everyone receives a badge with their name - now throughout the evening you need to call each other only by these Spanish nicknames- and nothing else. Someone will be Pedro or Raul this evening, and someone will be Fernando or Jose. The girls will be Juanitas, Conchitas, Catalinas, etc. Anyone who makes a mistake and calls someone by their real name receives some kind of fine.

The light buffet will last until all the guests have arrived. After which the hostess (or the host of the party) will invite everyone to the table and announce the theme and occasion of the holiday.

You can briefly talk about this holiday and offer to raise a glass to the Spaniards, who know how to hug everyone they meet so sincerely and emotionally. Clinking glasses You must definitely say “Chin-chin!” in unison, as is customary in Spain.

After this, you can say a toast to the Western European students of the 70s, who, according to legend, became the forefathers of this holiday. It’s also worth raising a glass so that the Spanish tradition of hugging not only your loved ones, but also everyone you know, becomes our Russian tradition.

Right at the table. While party participants satisfy their hunger and thirst and do not want to leave the table, you can keep them busy with something. For example, suggest taking turns naming words denoting concepts that are at least somehow related to Spain.

The presenter begins by saying the word “hugs,” and then the rest of the chain tries to show off their intelligence. The one who could not remember anything takes a free kick (that is, of course, drinks a free kick). You can call it anything, the main thing is that it is at least somehow associated with Spain. For example: Don Quixote, bullfight, Carmen, flamenco, castanets, Sancho Panzo, bull, siesta, fiesta, Real Madrid, etc. The game can be ended when more than three people in a row have drunk a free kick, or when one person has drunk three free kicks.

If one of your friends plays the guitar, it’s time to invite him to play something Spanish, and after that you can move on to other entertainment.

4. Games, entertainment, competitions

1. Competition “The most original hug”

You need to divide the party participants into pairs and invite them to come up with and demonstrate the most unusual hug. In this hug, you can use not only your hands, but also other parts of the body. Pairs are invented and then shown one by one. At the end, the winner can be chosen by voting.

2. Game “Hugging Crocodile”

Everyone knows the youth game in which participants are asked, using pantomime, to show a person, animal or some object so that others can guess what was planned. "Hugging Crocodile"- This is the same game, but in pairs.

You should divide the participants into pairs and invite them to pull out pieces of paper on which types of hugs are written. It is the various hugs that will need to be demonstrated, without saying anything or using any objects. Couples take turns going to the center, pretending to hug, and everyone else must guess what kind of hug they mean. The couple, reacting to the remarks of the others, can only shake their heads, which means “no,” or rub their palms, which means “warmth,” that is, close to the answer.

Task options: erotic hugs, encouraging hugs, parent hugs, cat hugs, self hugs, friendly hugs, Spanish hugs, Eskimo hugs, hot hugs, tight hugs, morpheus hugs, vampire hugs, open hugs, devil hugs.

3. Competition “Close Hugs”

Participants are divided into pairs (preferably opposite sexes). Each couple hugs tightly and squeezes a large tomato between their bellies (hello, Spanish tomatina!). The task is to perform a couple dance (not slow, but rhythmic - you can turn on flamenco), hold the hug and the tomato. The hug should be close, but in moderation, so as not to drop the tomato or crush it. Those couples who last as long as the melody plays can be awarded prizes - a can of ketchup each.

4. Game “Hugging Dancing”

You need to prepare the rubber rings in advance. To do this, you will need regular underwear elastic bands tied in a ring. The ring should be of such a size that it can tightly wrap around the torsos of two or three people standing close to each other. It is advisable to decorate rings made of elastic bands by tying red ribbons, braid on them, sewing red silk flowers, etc.

Divide party participants into groups of 2 or 3 people. Couples, if they are couples, hug tightly. If these are triplets (or even quadruples), then they stand in a tight circle and hug each other’s shoulders. Each group of hugging people (a couple or a threesome) receives a ring, which should connect them into one, pulling them together at the level of the ankles.

Incendiary music is turned on - those hugging must make various movements, trying to make the elastic rise higher and higher. The hug cannot be opened - therefore, helping to lift the elastic band with your hands will not work. The winner is the pair or group whose elastic band is removed over their head the fastest.

5. Game “Pair battle”

A large circle is drawn on the floor. In order not to stain the floors, you can simply put a blanket or circle cut from oilcloth, etc. on the floor. Four people are called and divided into two pairs. The couples hug tightly and stand in the center of the circle. The task is to push the other pair beyond the boundaries of the circle (rug, blanket, etc.). Hugs cannot be opened, therefore, the use of hands is not permissible. The winner is the pair that pushes the other pair out of the circle.

What we serve:

It’s worth preparing some Spanish dishes – gazpacho, paella, etc. The recipe for gazpacho can be found, and for paella.

However, the centerpiece will be the Warm Hugs.

Snack “Warm Hugs”


  • Good quality ham meat (300 g)
  • Bell pepper (3-4 pcs.)
  • Tomatoes (3-4 pcs.)
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Spicy ketchup - a few spoons
  • Red hot pepper

Cut the ham into large but thin slices and coat one side with hot ketchup. Cut the bell pepper into small cubes. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into small cubes. Combine peppers and tomatoes, add chopped garlic, pepper generously, stir, sprinkle with ketchup. Place the pepper and tomato filling on each slice of ham, then roll the slices (encircle the filling) and pin them together with a skewer. The dish should be very spicy, like the hot embrace of Spanish lovers. By the way, the ham slices can be pre-fried if you like fried things.

Have a great Spanish party!